Modern color therapy mainly studies the effects of color on humans. Exposure to solar radiation and other light sources, exposure to painted objects, in particular, walls of rooms, paintings, furniture, natural landscape, etc. This issue has been well studied and widely used.

“Holographic therapy” approaches this issue from another side, which has not yet been studied much. modern science. A person is considered as a source of light emission of all seven colors of the visible spectrum.

The study of this aspect of color therapy began in India at least 4000 years ago. The source of light emission is the chakras. I'll try to put my perspective on this issue in simple terms. modern language.

Chakras emit light in the range from red to purple flowers. In the center of each chakra there is a black ball that rotates counterclockwise, and like a black hole absorbs and concentrates chaotic energy scattered in space and in the body. By rotating it, it converts it into light of the desired wavelength. You can see this for yourself by spinning a black ball in the space in front of your body.

Those who were not too lazy to do this saw this process with their own eyes and felt the result.
Now I will briefly describe the meaning of each chakra and its corresponding color.

Red chakra (first).
It is located in the pelvic region in the area of ​​the coccyx.
Red color provides us with – Health, vitality, stability, prosperity.
Can a lack of red color or an admixture of black in it cause such diseases? as – leukemia, varicose veins, depression, immune deficiency, general weakness.

Orange chakra (second).
Located at the level of the articulation of the sacrum and spine.
Orange color provides us with the ability to feel, experience pleasure, be resilient and self-confident. It also ensures the functioning of the reproductive system and sexual desire. People whose orange chakra functions well remain young, slim and active for a long time, despite their age. Orange color can be considered as the elixir of youth.
A lack of orange can cause sciatic neuralgia, diseases of the genital organs, sexual disorders, and obesity.

Yellow chakra (third).

Located in the area solar plexus.
Yellow color provides us with a feeling of confidence, lightness and fun, the ability to overcome problems and manage money.
A lack of yellow, or an admixture of black in it, can cause liver problems, arthritis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, salt deposits on the spine, the formation of plaques on blood vessels and polyps in the intestines.

Green chakra (fourth).
Located in the heart area.
Green color provides us with the ability to love and be loved. It also affects the ability to accept this world in all its manifestations, and to be happy and balanced.
Rejection of this world and grievances are blocked green color, and as a result, heart failure, intercostal neuralgia, asthma, bronchitis, pneumonia, and even breast cancer can develop.

Blue chakra (fifth).
Located in the neck area.
Blue color provides the ability to hear and speak, sing and create, feel time and space.
Flaw blue color, or an admixture of black in it, can lead to scoliosis, inflammation of the tonsils, hyper- or hypofunction of the thyroid gland, migraines, and stroke.

Blue chakra (sixth).
Located in the center of the head.
Blue color provides us with the ability to see, to have good memory, think logically, and find a solution in any situation.
A lack of blue, or an admixture of black in it, can cause brain tumors, nervous disorders, blindness.

Violet chakra (seventh).
Located in the “crown” of the head.
The color violet provides us with the ability to know and learn, and makes it possible to feel a connection with the cosmos and the energy-information field of the Earth and other people. Gives wisdom and intelligence, spirituality and broad perception.
A lack of violet color, or an admixture of black in it, causes energy problems, mystical depression and phobias.

By restoring the functioning of the chakras, we can provide our body with all the necessary vibrations. In this case, the normal functioning of all biochemical processes will be restored. The balance between all organs and systems will be restored. The body will become younger, there will be activity and a desire to act. Memory will improve, intelligence will develop. Love for yourself, for people, for nature, for God will spread its wings. >

Chakra is an energy center responsible for receiving and transmitting the Energy of the Universe. Streams of energy coming from everywhere circulate inside the human body and soul. There are seven main chakras, each with their own individual color and energy strength. These centers are located near certain organs of the body (together with the endocrine glands). The interconnection of the seven chakras occurs thanks to Sushumna, the central channel that coincides with the spine and is in contact with the main nerve plexuses.

"Color" designation of energy centers:

Muladhara chakra color

The lower chakra, characterized by the flow of “rough” energy, is colored crane. The chakra is designed to support a person in demonstrating his physical potential. Strength red - passion, weak - anger.Attitude and accumulation of energy of the “red” chakra: I receive support from others. My mind is at the center of infinity, which contributes to my well-being. I attract the connections I need - people who help me achieve happiness and success.

Swadhisthana chakra color

The next chakra is orange. Svadhisthana is responsible for sexual energy. Thanks to the flow through the described chakra, a person is able to feel love, attraction and passion.

Meditation on color: Imagine an orange disk - the sun. The energy emanating from the object gives you well-being, lightness and freedom. You feel liberated from complexes and fears. You are completely confident in yourself! You are filled with delight and energy of rejuvenation. Repeat: Today is the beginning of a new life! I enjoy every moment! I am success and prosperity!

Manipura chakra color

This chakra (solar plexus) - yellow color. Its function is to “support” the entire organism. The strong side is confidence, the weak side is cowardice. Exactly at Manipura processes negative energy responsible for thoughts and feelings.

Mood: Every time I go out, I get rid of all illnesses and false ideas. For me there are no restrictions or prohibitions in achieving joy.

Anahata chakra color

The green color of the chakra indicates a person’s creative potential. Musicians, artists and writers often work with her. The strong side is love, the weak side is resentment/envy.

Mood: My heart is busy directing joy into every part of the body, nourishing its cells. I feel the joy of life.

The remaining three chakras, more high level, no longer relate to the physical world, but to the astral one.

Vishuddha chakra color

The blue chakra contributes to our understanding of the sympathy/antipathy shown towards the interlocutor. The energy emanating from this chakra is “colored” by fear, love and goodwill. The strength is the ability to express feelings and thoughts, the weakness is holding back anger or laughter.

Ajna chakra color

Blue is a sensual coloring of emerging images. The energy is intended for sculptors and architects. The strong side is intuition, the weak side is reluctance/ignorance.

Attitude: I am able to choose thoughts that fill my life with positivity. I am completely safe and choose sweets...!

Sahasrara chakra color

The highest chakra is violet. She's filled with energy abstract thinking. The chakra helps people involved in philosophy quite well. The strong side is spirituality, the weak side is “disagreements” with the Source.

Chakras- these are energy centers that look like funnels in front and behind a person. In front - energy enters (future), from behind - energy comes out (past). When these funnels are connected, that is, the future is connected to the past (this is what a person does unconsciously when he constantly thinks about the past) and his entire future is connected to the past and the person gets loaded and loaded, depression and even death can reach. You can’t do this, you need to leave the past in the past. As you can see, the beginning of knowledge of the chakras already answers many human problems.

Another example: when talking with someone you feel mistrust - you have covered your chakras from dirt and bad things, but if you are talking with a pleasant person, then they are open. Hence also the manipulation with a person, some try to win over people, forcing people to open their chakras and shit there, so it is better to always communicate with good people... this way you will always be full of energy.

There are only 7 of them in the body.

Locations and colors 1 to 7

It varies in different literature, but here is the basics:

2 chakra(orange) is responsible for the genital area and nearby organs. But in general, when everything is normal here, a person’s mood is the same, so sad people are precisely those with a dissatisfied center.

3 chakra(yellow) - these are internal organs (you can see them in the pictures below) - also symbolizes wealth - this center is well developed among the rich.

4 chak ra (green, but in fact there are two of them, and the other is pink). Green is responsible for the heart, and pink is for.

5 chakra(blue) - located in the throat area - for which it is responsible in the pictures below.

6 chakra(blue) - located in the head area, with a center approximately in the third eye area.

7 chakra(purple) - on the top of the head.

How to clean them

Each energy center is constantly cluttered, its color becomes dirty (from dirty people and their words), so they need to be cleansed. Cleaning the color of the chakra is done with the help of meditation and special sounds.

For example, one of the simplest meditations in brief: close your eyes, you imagine that you enter your head and begin to see these colors and chakras, in your head it is Blue colour, but, if you have not done meditative practices before, then this color will be very darkened, since it has not been cleaned, it’s like such a serious layer of dust, the color is almost dark blue... it’s time to sound the alarm, okay... we we go down lower, like on a spiral staircase, we need to start cleaning the chakras from the bottom, look for now... we went down to the very bottom, there is red (like a triangle between the legs) - but most likely it is also already dark in color, so we take a fire hose and there is a bright white light in it ( he can clean any color, since he combines them all in himself, from a physics course) and we begin to illuminate everything around with this light and the color turns into bright red, as it should be... the darkness is gone, like the dust has flown away... that's it now it’s bright and even pleasant... then we go up the spiral staircase and so on each level we highlight orange, yellow, green (we don’t do anything special, it’s a matter of the heart, we need to be careful here), pink, blue and dark blue... not purple either we touch... at the end we rise, as if through a hole, to the top of the head, we look above, as if at the starry sky... and it became so good and easy... and through this hole, a bright light begins to seep through all these chakras, water each center with grace can open your eyes.

This is how you can cleanse the chakras yourself.

It is very interesting that the chakras are connected to the organs, and often problems with a lack of energy in the chakra or its clogging lead to diseases of the organs in these centers.

Names in Yoga

There is even a pyramid of needs:


The sixth chakra is Ajna. Color - blue.

Blue color provides us with the ability to see, have a good memory, think logically, and find a solution in any situation. A lack of blue, or an admixture of black in it, can cause a brain tumor, neurological disorders, and blindness.

To cleanse the chakra, spin a black ball in its center, which rotates counterclockwise, and, like a black hole, absorbs and concentrates the chaotic energy scattered in space and in the body. By rotating it, it converts it into light of the desired wavelength, filling the body with pure blue energy.

Author of the flash program: Alexander Borovsky.

Third Eye Chakra

Chakra location: center of the forehead.

Colors: blue, indigo, purple.

Symbol: A circle of sky blue color, bordered on each side by two large lotus petals (or a lotus with 96 petals - each large lotus petal corresponds to 48 petals), and inside it is a design of two feet. A chakra stem extends from this circle.

Key words: inspiration, spirituality, awareness, possession, improvement.

Basic principles: awareness of the essence of life.

Internal aspect: extrasensory communication.

Energy: intuition.

Element: radium.

Feeling: intuition (sixth sense), as well as the entire range of subtle sensations.

Sound: ham-ksham.

Body: higher mental body.

Nervous plexus: central nervous system.

Hormonal glands associated with the chakra: pituitary gland and pineal gland.

Organs of the body associated with the chakra: the brain and all its components, the central nervous system, face, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses.

Problems and diseases that arise due to an imbalance in the chakra: eye diseases, ear diseases, respiratory tract diseases, diseases of the nose and sinuses, diseases of the facial nerve, headaches, nightmares.

Aromatic oils: geranium oils, peppermint, rosemary and lavender.

Crystals and stones: amethyst, lapis lazuli, fluorite, lapidolite, sugilite.

The third eye chakra is located at the point between the eyes, just above the eye line. Its stem descends along the back of the head. Translated from Sanskrit, the name of the Ajna chakra is translated as control center.

The sixth chakra is responsible for conscious perception. It governs various mental faculties, memory, willpower and knowledge. It is this chakra that allows a person to connect to the subconscious, intuition, and gives the ability to understand the universe and receive non-verbal messages. It is responsible for the balance between the two hemispheres of the brain, right and left, that is, for the balance of intuition, emotions and mysticism, reason and logic. She is responsible for a person’s physical harmony, his ability to concentrate, peace of mind and wisdom.

The third chakra evokes the desire to find wholeness, inspired by the perfect harmony of the universe. When the third eye chakra is closed, people do not realize that this is possible. They live in constant struggle, make compromises, abandon their interests - and view the existing reality as the only one that is obvious and cannot be changed except by applying physical strength and force to it practical action. When the chakra is opened, a person discovers that he wants to feel harmony with the universe, and above all, with himself.

Opening the chakra raises many questions. The desire to improve oneself, the desire to believe in what a person is doing, and the feeling that he lives not only for himself. Higher forces work in the universe, thanks to the soul, man is a particle of these forces. The awakening of soul awareness encourages a person to seek his purpose in life, and he often feels that the so-called ordinary life of accumulating material possessions, secure financial security, work, position, and so on, ceases to satisfy him.

Sometimes, as a result of such an awakening, a certain crisis arises, similar to what a person experiences when his throat chakra opens and balances, when he realizes that he is not really expressing himself and his entire individuality. However, this crisis is one of the signs of recovery, it leads to new understanding, to an openness that allows more attention to what is happening, and to a significant development of awareness at all levels. The search for harmony, which begins when the third eye chakra is open and in a balanced state, indicates a desire to achieve harmony of body, thought, feelings, soul and spirit.

The third eye chakra helps us to receive inspiration. Opening the root chakra helps us see our basic and material needs at the physical levels of the universe, creating our own material world, which provides us with security and vitality. Opening the sexual chakra allows us to express our creativity through self-discovery, adventure, curiosity, and an appreciation for change. Opening the solar plexus chakra gives us the opportunity to recognize our inner personal power and arouses in us the desire to create. And the heart and throat chakras require self-expression from us and switch it to a creative plane. Same creative ways, along which a person seeks to direct his physical, emotional and spiritual energy, exist in the universe in various forms. Movement, color, sound, form and everything associated with them are part of the physical, as well as the energetic and spiritual world.

The third eye chakra stimulates inspiration. The result is creation from nothing - the creation of new worlds, ingenuity, the expression of higher ideas and their presentation in forms that are to some extent accessible to other people, as well as the ability to receive messages from other worlds and other times - future or past - from distant places , which were never accessible to the physical vision of the creator. The more open and balanced the third eye chakra is, the easier it is to enter the state of inspiration that many people know creative individuals as a state in which time stops, ideas come to mind by themselves.

As mentioned earlier, translated from Sanskrit, the name of the third eye chakra means control center. At the physical level, this chakra is the control center for the central nervous system. It is responsible for the proper functioning of this system, which activates all our abilities to perceive both the work of the brain and the senses. In addition, opening and balancing this chakra allows us to control our lives, this becomes possible after we understand the laws of the universe.

As a result of the opening of the chakra, we clearly see how we create our reality, how we physically experience the perception of our so-called brain world. Many people feel that they are in control of their lives, but this is often not the case. The real commanders are the emotions or thoughts that have arisen during this life as a result of various life experiences and circumstances. When the chakra is open, a person is able to recognize when he is being controlled by his emotions or harmful thoughts, as well as social norms, various acquired habits, and so on.

As a result of the ability to recognize, a person can filter out that which is alien in the full sense of the word - that which does not belong completely and unconditionally to his soul. In the same way, he can begin to recognize what is his: his true purpose, what he truly believes in, the laws of the universe, according to which the world exists (like our life in its essence, whether we like it or not ). This ability to understand is very important, since it allows a person not only to build life as he wants, but also to live it in accordance with the will of the universe, which becomes his own will.

On a spiritual level, this chakra is responsible for our ability of extrasensory perception, as well as the ability to use extrasensory senses. Similar to how physical body there are energy counterparts, physical feelings have parallel, more subtle feelings.

All knowledge is embedded in the universe. The ability to perceive knowledge depends on the capabilities of the person himself, on his ability to connect to these sources of knowledge through the third eye.

The vast knowledge that exists in the universe - whether visible, audible or tactile - is manifested through sound, touch and smell. We perceive these sensations through our physical senses. However, each of these sensations exists in a more subtle form, which is not limited by space and time. The highest spiritual function of the third eye chakra is the ability to connect to and activate these sensations, and as a result receive extensive, important knowledge, regardless of where we are, what time we live in, what the physical state of our senses is.

The ability of extrasensory vision (clairvoyance) manifests itself in different ways. It can manifest itself in dreams and meditations and helps us see what is happening in another place or time, including in past lives or the future. Sometimes this ability manifests itself when one of our loved ones needs help or is in danger. In cases where this ability is more developed, a person can use it in a state of wakefulness or meditation, or it manifests itself in the form of flashes during which he sees something. Additional levels of this ability include the ability to see various entities and auras, and look inside objects or bodies.

Extrasensory hearing (clairaudience) allows us to separate certain frequencies among infinite number sound frequencies existing in the universe. This may manifest itself in the ability to hear those near and dear to us, with whom we are connected by a direct, strong and consciously established energetic connection - or even the ability to hear Divine sounds and receive messages from other worlds or from spiritual entities. When physical hearing abilities continually improve, this results in the ability to hear and perceive more words than were spoken.

Sometimes this understanding becomes so acute that the listener is able to determine the physical, emotional or spiritual state only from the voice of the speaker. In addition, a clairaudient person is able to perceive what is not spoken physically, but exists in thoughts, spoken to oneself, because it actually represents the energy of speech before it manifests itself in a concrete form.

Our tactile faculty - touch - is a sense that can be developed to high degrees. If the third eye chakra performs a spiritual function on its thin layer, this allows a person to sense different energies. This ability is used by many healers who heal with touch. Thanks to the sense of touch, when we touch another person's body, we can determine where physical obstacles are, where muscles are tense, feel cold and hot areas, and so on. When the sense of touch is heightened, it allows us to sense the energy that comes from various organs. Using this ability, you can feel thin bodies and determine their condition, as well as see and diagnose the aura fields of people and objects.

The sense of smell allows us to perceive various odors, which are signs or symbols. The sense of smell, associated with the limbic system of the brain, the system for focusing our emotions, is far from being limited to just distinguishing smells. We can catch a smell and immediately memories or feelings come flooding back to us. This is because smell stimulates the limbic system and brings up memories of events associated with a particular smell. In a subtle, spiritual sense, the sense of smell allows us to perceive the smell of things that do not physically exist. These smells are sometimes messages or symbols from higher worlds.

The more open and better balanced the third eye chakra is, the more freely and widely our senses are able to perceive events that are not visible to our physical vision. The ability to perceive telepathic messages at different levels is one of the functions of the third eye chakra. Telepathy allows us to connect to a specific frequency, absorb it and process it in consciousness. The greater the awareness of the frequency, the clearer the nature of the sometimes faint feeling that a person experiences when another being (person or other entity) tries to make contact with him. As the ability develops, it becomes possible to transmit a response to received messages.

The ability to perceive exists through all the physical senses, as well as a person's ability to interpret what is happening through information received from the senses. On a spiritual level, this ability allows us to consciously perceive what we have not perceived. Thanks to this ability, all spiritual senses are combined to create an ideal picture of events. This can be illustrated with the example of a dream. In some dreams, a person feels that he is experiencing events in reality. He sees a certain sight, hears the voices (or thoughts) of speakers, sometimes experiences tactile sensations and, to a certain extent, feels emotional involvement in what is happening.

Spiritual perception allows us to perceive the state of another person by holding an object belonging to him in our hand, by observing or talking to him, or through a state of meditation. It allows us to relive events from other lives, events that happened before we were born, as well as events that happened to us in the past. The last type of perception is familiar to almost everyone. We can re-experience a past event almost as powerfully simply by remembering it.

Thus, psychic abilities- such as telepathy, astral travel, psychokinesis, prophecies, predictions of the future, and so on - depend on the state of the third eye chakra. The clearer a person’s channel for perceiving and transmitting messages, the more clearly these abilities manifest themselves. Although some of these talents are actually given to people at different levels, everyone can develop their spiritual senses to a certain extent, as well as the spiritual gifts that they have been given.

The state of balance of the third eye chakra, even if it is not fully open, is expressed in good intellectual, thinking and philosophical abilities, in the ability to engage in research and inventive activities, in clarity of thoughts, in high morality, in good social connections, as well as in the ability to easily establish connections with people. One of the most objective characteristics of chakra balance is intuitive abilities in all their manifestations. A balanced and open chakra (even partially) gives a person:

Good imagination and mental representation abilities;

The ability to understand not only what is rational, logical and mental, but also intuitive;

The ability to understand the embodiment of matter in the universe as the physical embodiment of the spiritual world;

Idealistic way of thinking;

Free creative imagination;

Flexibility of thought;

Ability to look at things from different points of view;

The ability to understand how our thoughts, perceptions and imaginations exist and come to life through understanding the power of thought and imagination.

As the third eye chakra gradually opens, a person has endless possibilities of perception. Things are perceived in a completely different way than normal "rational" perception, as a result of the ability to see more, deeper and beyond what is happening.

Various intuitive abilities, along with the revelation of subtle feelings, increase, and the person is able to receive intuitive messages at will, which allow him to connect to different levels awareness. The physical world is perceived as one of many existing worlds. The understanding that there are many different forms of life becomes clear and natural, to the point that at different levels of awareness one is given the opportunity to establish contacts with these life forms and entities. The ability to sense, see, contact and direct energies becomes more pronounced and natural. A person can clearly see the physical manifestation of his actions, emotions and thoughts, and as a result of deep understanding can bring these levels into alignment with the actions of the universe.

The ability to understand and even see past lives increases, the person opens up to receive information from the universe, from the superego, from his soul and from his spirit. This can happen while he is sleeping, dreaming or meditating, and even while he is awake. Life experiences are perceived as lessons, as visions, as “ tutorial” and does not cause a feeling of rejection, but rather is accompanied by the joy of knowledge and the ability to learn the lessons of the universe, which leads to continued spiritual development.

When the third eye chakra is unbalanced, a person may perceive life through intellect, rationalism and logic. He feels a need for order and logic in everything he does, and anything that does not meet these criteria may seem completely impossible to him. He requires clear, logical evidence. He must look at them with his own eyes or touch them with his own hands in order to “digest” them, understand and grasp them. In cases of serious imbalance, feelings, not just intuition, may seem “illogical” to a person. Sometimes such a state leads to an extremely limited, precise and clear perception of the world - everything that does not correspond to such a worldview is declared simply devoid of meaning. Anything related to spirituality can be dismissed as “illogical” or “unscientific.”

A state of imbalance in the third eye chakra can also manifest itself in the ability to understand spiritual truths in general, but only superficially. This state may be accompanied by a desire to use the power of thought to influence events or people, to satisfy own desires, causing awe or admiration, or satisfying any other selfish interests.

Disharmony of the third eye chakra is accompanied by disharmony in the solar plexus chakra, which prompts a person to strive to control and manipulate people and situations, and serious insufficiency of the heart chakra. Among people suffering from such imbalance of the third eye chakra, there are charlatans who use their abilities to satisfy their own selfish desires. A person whose third eye chakra is properly opened never uses his intellectual and spiritual capabilities for any manipulation. This happens because a balanced state of the third eye chakra leads to a deep awareness of the laws of the universe, which does not tolerate this type of manipulation under any circumstances. It also leads to a clear understanding of the danger (both to oneself and to the universe) rooted in the misuse of the power of thought or intuitive abilities.

Sometimes a situation may arise in which the third eye chakra is partially open, but unbalanced, while the remaining chakras, especially the lower ones, are in a state of imbalance. This can lead to a general imbalance, having your head in the clouds, a disconnect from reality, and an inability to understand messages received by your intuition. A situation may also develop in which the person cannot distinguish between genuine messages and visions that are a figment of his imagination. He is able to create all kinds of pictures in his imagination, perceive them as reality and lose touch with reality.

More often, there are cases where an imbalance in the third eye chakra causes a lack of confidence in the universe and a lack of understanding of the meaning of what is happening. This lack of confidence can manifest itself in a variety of worries, worries, fear of the future, indecisiveness, worry, constant tension and cynicism.

The third eye chakra is associated with the activity of the central nervous system and all brain activity. It affects the face, eyes, ears and sinuses.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul. When the chakra is open and balanced, we can use our eyes to observe the person sitting in front of us and receive detailed information about him. The greater the spiritual awareness and openness to receiving non-verbal messages, the more profound the feeling that arises when looking into a person's eyes. We can look into his thoughts and even into his soul.

The eyes reflect how we see the world. Our "worldview" can be determined by our current life- our childhood, life experiences, our personality and external instructions, existing standards in the environment where we live, and so on. To the same extent, and often as a result of a direct connection, a person is influenced by our past lives, because our soul gave preference to these lives in order to explain our previous worldviews, which were sometimes untenable and interfering.

As we strengthen and develop spiritual awareness, we learn to pay attention to the fact that our view of the world, the way we choose to look at things, is actually our personal interpretation of them, which is rarely objective and rarely “true” with cosmic point of view. As a result of subjective perception, we attribute different meanings to the pictures that appear before our eyes, which sometimes leads to a critical attitude and the desire to make an assessment. We can view the world favorably or biasedly. How we choose to view it is a matter of choice and ultimately reflects how we perceive ourselves.

The way we look at things and perceive them appearance, And inner essence, has a direct impact on the reality in which we live. Because people tend to attach meaning to everything they see or try to explain it, we create our own ideas. These ideas are formed into stereotypes, which are projected onto the universe and subsequently embodied in our world. For this reason, our worldview is what makes our lives real in this world.

In the present, we are only able to create our future through observation and interpretation. The more we learn how to see things as they truly are - without the need for personal interpretation, without creating stereotypes, without creating definitions - the more we open ourselves up to accepting the world as it really is. By accepting the world as it is, we come to accept ourselves and create a situation in which the world accepts us as we are.

When a person looks at the world unkindly, with envy, sees everything in a gloomy light, or divides everything only into black and white, then he may have problems with physical vision. By looking into a person's eyes, you can find out how he looks at the world - critically, cautiously, angrily or with interest, love, surprise and curiosity.

The better balanced and more open the third eye chakra is (the same applies to the other chakras), the more balanced and open the view of the world will be, which will give a person the opportunity to fill life with happiness, harmony and love. The state of the “third eye” chakra affects the ability to see what is hidden from the ordinary eye. This can manifest itself in a variety of ways, from seeing little things in vivid visions and hallucinations (dreams, meditations, or dreams), to seeing auras and energy channels, and infinite number other aspects of extrasensory vision.

Our ears reflect how we listen to the world. When it comes to the activity of the third eye chakra, it is important to perceive hearing not only as the simple ability to perceive sounds produced or spoken, but also as the ability to receive messages from the cosmos, on the one hand, and messages that are sent by the self, on the other. Often in cases where for some reason such hearing is absent, this can manifest itself in various hearing impairments and ear diseases - often of a psychosomatic nature.

Our face - " business card”, which we present to the world. When we look at a person's face, we can get a lot of information about his temperament, because it is reflected on the face: wrinkles in the corners of the eyes are formed from laughter, drooping corners of the lips are the result of anxiety or melancholy, raised eyebrows are a sign of determination, and so on.

Our characteristic facial expressions, which we adopt constantly, “radiate” from the surface inward and are imprinted in the memory of skin cells. This is how a kind of “business card” is created. Our face invites people to approach us or drives them away, it attracts or repels, it is welcoming and open or impenetrable. Since the face is our “repository” of expressions, it is written on how we perceive the world and ourselves.

Facial problems can arise for a variety of reasons and can range from acne to facial paralysis. However, there is always a thread connecting various problems, it points to the need to present to the world that which is not in agreement with the inner self, on one level or another. The expression “put on a smile” actually means “show the world something that you really are.” this moment you are not”, that is we're talking about about putting on a mask. Using the face to demonstrate what is not the real self causes many problems on all levels - physical, mental and spiritual. One of the first feelings that appears after the opening of the third eye chakra is the feeling that there is no danger or shame in being yourself, in presenting yourself as you really are.

The third eye chakra is responsible for the brain and the central nervous system. Our brain is our personal command post, the remote control through which all messages pass. But it is we who bring our brain to work and control it, and not vice versa. All our thought patterns are in the brain and obey us, regardless of whether we are aware of it or not. The brain contains a vast memory bank, a colossal bank of data and information that helps us in any task. The more open and balanced the third eye chakra is, the better we can utilize the wonderful functions of the brain. We turn on and compose programs for a wonderful supercomputer.

Today's thought becomes tomorrow's future. At any given moment, we create and shape many things through the power of thought alone. Understanding this means arming yourself with a wonderful tool for development at all our levels.

One of the results of working on opening and balancing the third eye chakra is the recognition of this power, an understanding of the limitless possibilities of its use. Since this chakra is the control center of the spirit, its functions are similar to the human brain. The enormous potential created by its development represents the same colossal and endless possibilities that make our brain so unique.

When a chakra is unopened (and perhaps even blocked), one of the first obvious signs of this is a narrowing of horizons: difficulty in accepting truths, assimilating experiences, recognizing opportunities that obviously contradict the acquired ideas, which acts as obstacles to the development of personal capabilities. The more open our mental abilities are, the more the mind is prepared to perceive the world as it is, not limited to the “known” and “familiar” in accordance with various normative or stereotypes of thinking, the greater the ability to perceive the best of the world and be open to an endless abundance of wonderful experiences and impressions, and this ability is translated into reality.

An imbalance in the third eye chakra often results in headaches, which reflects a lack of balance in receiving messages, both internal and external. Sometimes it reflects a lack of self-confidence, fear, or self-criticism. When the chakra forces us to admit that we are all endowed with a soul, and the body and clothing are just its shell in this incarnation, and our life here is just a point on the endless axis of time, the critical attitude towards ourselves gradually disappears, and fear gives way to love and confidence in the world.

Problems associated with the imbalance of this chakra can sometimes be the cause of nightmares and various nervous diseases. Problems with the pituitary gland, the gland associated with the third eye chakra, often arise from a feeling of being unable to control your thoughts, body, brain or life. The ideal situation corresponding to the openness of this chakra is manifested in the absence of the need for such “control” of life, since we understand that we are the masters of our life, thoughts and body. When we understand this, the need to control disappears and is replaced by a pleasant flow through the life we ​​create.

The third eye chakra is associated with two glands: the pineal gland and the pituitary gland.

Very little is known about the pineal gland. It is located at the intersection of imaginary lines: horizontal, drawn above the ears, and vertical, going to the top of the head. This is a small gland, shaped like pine cone. It has not yet been established whether it is part of the endocrine system or not. It produces a hormone-like substance called melatonin, which activates the nesting, migration and reproductive instincts of animals. In humans, the pineal gland is responsible for our internal sense of the rhythm of day and night, which influences our hormonal status and our mood. She is also responsible for many other functions. When there is a failure in observing such cyclicality, a feeling of extreme fatigue, depression, and so on may appear.

The second gland associated with the third eye chakra is the pituitary gland. It is located in front of the pineal gland and acts as a control center that regulates many various functions. The pituitary gland weighs about half a gram and is located in a notch in one of the bones of the lower base of the skull. The gland consists of a body and a process. This process connects the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus. The gland consists of two parts: the front, which contains cells that produce various hormones, and the back, which serves as a reservoir and the place from where hormones produced by the hypothalamus and moved to the back of the pituitary gland enter the blood. The pituitary gland is indirectly connected to the limbic system (the emotional center of the brain) through the production of hormones that affect behavior and the balance of emotional status.

Hormones produced by the pituitary gland are responsible for various actions, as well as for the flow of additional hormones. The pituitary gland produces two types of hormones.

Tropical hormones are produced in one endocrine gland and activate the work of another endocrine gland.

Somatic hormones are produced by endocrine glands and have a direct effect on the cells of the body.

The pituitary gland can be called a factory for the production of hormones, both tropical and somatic. Together, these hormones activate the body’s endocrine system.

The hormones produced by the pituitary gland determine all levels of physical and emotional existence. The posterior part of the pituitary gland releases two hormones into the blood that are produced in the hypothalamus: the first hormone affects the kidneys and regulates the amount of water excreted in the urine. A small amount of this hormone is produced after drinking a lot of water, so the amount of water excreted in urine increases and the body gets rid of excess liquid. A large number of The hormone is produced in cases of dehydration, and therefore the amount of water excreted in the urine is reduced to prevent fluid loss. This is extremely important for proper operation body.

The second hormone is produced in two cases: before and after childbirth. Before childbirth, it is produced in large quantities and causes powerful contractions of the muscles of the uterus, as well as the opening of the cervix - in other words, labor attempts. After childbirth, it is produced to stimulate milk production during breastfeeding(the role of the hormone in the male body has not been established).

The anterior pituitary gland contains cells that produce various hormones. The secretion of all these hormones from this part is regulated by hormones coming from the hypothalamus.

Thyroid stimulating hormone (tropical) regulates the secretion of thyroid hormone.

Follicle-stimulating hormone (tropical) is sent to the ovaries and regulates egg development, the process of follicle formation, and also stimulates the secretion of estrogen in women. In men, it initiates sperm production in the testicles.

Luteinizing hormone (tropical) stimulates the production of sex hormones in both men and women.

In men, it regulates the production of sex hormones in the testicles, and in women, it reaches the ovary and causes it to: produce progesterone, causes ovulation and maintains pregnancy during the first three weeks.

Growth hormone is produced throughout life, but its level increases sharply during the period of intensive growth (11-17 years), and it also plays an important role in the process of bone growth in children. A deficiency of this hormone during growth causes dwarfism. Excess growth hormone caused by the growth of the pituitary gland, which produces it during a period of intense growth, leads to gigantism (a very rare disease that ends in death at a relatively young age due to heart failure). It was found that the pituitary gland produces this hormone mainly at night, during sleep.

As we see, there is no area of ​​life that is not influenced by the pituitary gland, and in the same way there is no area of ​​life that is not influenced by the third eye chakra. If it is not revealed, spiritual life (and, accordingly, physical life, which requires hormonal commands from the pituitary gland) will be incomplete. Just as the pituitary gland controls all other hormonal glands, the third eye chakra has the strongest influence on all other chakras. When the third eye chakra is open (even if only partially, even if it is not completely balanced) and the other chakras are unbalanced or closed, there is an overwhelming desire to balance the other chakras. Moreover, a person gets the opportunity to recognize the state of imbalance of his chakras, as well as use tools to harmonize them.

Each person has his own aura and chakras. These energy channels and their intersections determine the mental and physical health person. Each chakra has proper name, color and even shape that can be depicted on paper. Their colors are determined not only by their location along the spine, but also due to their direct connection with Cosmic energy.

What is chakra color

The colors of the chakras are determined by their relationship with certain internal organs, as well as depending on their connection with the divine principle. Each of them has its own shade. It is very convenient to conduct meditations to open each specific chakra, associating them with a specific color scheme.

Using color codes for energy channels, you can work through each of them as deeply as possible, regulating the work internal organs and clearing the mind of negativity.

Depending on the problem at hand, it is easy to fill your body with energy using objects of a color that matches the shade of the chakra.

Muladhara or the lowest chakra is indicated by the color red. Shades of red carry a positive charge of energy for low energy flows. Shades of this color can be associated with masculinity, warmth and light, and survival.

The first thing a person thinks about is the need for survival and self-defense. The first things we must satisfy in order to live are food, shelter and sleep. All these needs are under the protection of the red chakra.

There is a meditative technique, even more than one, that is aimed at opening and balancing this channel. If a person feels insecure, constantly needs protection, food and sleep, he has disturbances in the functioning of this chakra, so it will be important for him to perform meditation on the color red.

To do this you need:

  • wear comfortable clothes and sit in a comfortable place where no one will distract you from the process;
  • calm breathing, or you can use one of the breathing techniques;
  • visualize how the soles of your feet are filled with a red glow, become warmer and the warmth gradually begins to spread throughout the body, starting from the lower extremities higher and higher;
  • The most important attention must be paid to the area where the muladhara is located in order to reveal and improve its work as deeply as possible.

Each exercise, this or that, must be performed for at least 5 minutes. It is advisable to first prepare for yourself a drawing and designation of this chakra so that you can more effectively visualize the shade.

Meditation on the color orange

Svadhisthana belongs to the color orange. It allows a person to experience the entire spectrum of pleasures, starting with the most base. At the same time, it is very difficult for people to stop, so you should be extremely careful with this chakra.

This color is also associated with sexual activity and energy. Using it in your wardrobe, you can increase the attention of the opposite sex to yourself and intensify sexual desire.

The power of this shade lies not only in pleasure, it also lies in life, joy, and fulfillment. People who have a rich imagination and fantasy often have orange in their wardrobe.

Visualizing yourself as the body is filled with beautiful bright orange, starting from the feet and rising higher, to the very back of the head, you can cleanse svadhisthana and fill your body with health, as well as get rid of clamps in this channel.

Meditation on the color yellow

Yellow color belongs to the manipura chakra. She is responsible for a person’s success in social sphere, the sphere of communication and interaction with other members of society. A person who loves this shade usually has strong self-esteem and often holds a high position.

This shade is also considered the color of an optimist. It brings positivity just as solar energy fills everything around with its warmth and light. By using as much yellow as possible around you, you can attract self-confidence, strengthen your strength, and also attract success and luck into your life. Typically, people suffering from depressive disorders exclude this color from their lives and surround themselves with other, darker and sadder shades. This is fundamentally wrong; on the contrary, you need to please yourself as much as possible with this shade in order to give yourself the opportunity to become stronger and better.

For meditation, you can prepare pumpkin seeds or yellow autumn leaves in advance. You should put them next to you and take a comfortable position. Visually, you need to imagine how the sun places its rays in the center of a seed or leaf and gives it its positive energy. At the same time, you should mentally imagine that this leaf or seed is the yellow chakra. She is also filled with energy and all negativity leaves her.

Meditation on the middle and upper chakras

In order to surround yourself with harmony, you should be attentive to your peace of mind. In case of any failures, you can easily correct the situation by meditating on a specific center.

Meditation on the color green

The best meditation for this shade is the following technique.

  • You need to sit comfortably on the floor with your back straight.
  • Imagine how anahata opens up like a flower bud opens.
  • Gradually visualize how the bud blooms with a delicate peach and pink hue, and its leaves acquire a bright green color.
  • The richness, peace and serenity of the leaves should give peace to a person’s soul.
  • You can imagine how tender green leaves and buds bloom on trees in the spring.

During meditation, you can use pleasant relaxing music or chant the Om mantra.

Meditation on blue color

It is best to meditate on the color blue outdoors. Whether it’s winter, summer or autumn outside is not so important, the main thing is that the sky is clear and there are as few clouds as possible. In such weather the practice will be as successful as possible.

You can keep your eyes open or close and visualize a blue tint. You should imagine how clean air penetrates the lungs, filling the entire body with strength and purity and taking all the negativity with it. After this, together with negative energy, the air flow also leaves the body through the lungs, leaving behind silence and tranquility.

You can also imagine a ray of sun that penetrates the top of your head and leaves, taking everything bad with it.

Meditation on the color blue

Ajna belongs to the color blue. It symbolizes intelligence, thinking, concentration and memory. All human abilities to perceive and remember the surrounding reality are directly related to this chakra.

In addition, blue color is responsible for brain function and functioning. If you meditate on the color blue, you can improve your perception of information, improve your thinking abilities and the power of your brain.

It is best to practice violet meditation when the previous chakras are working harmoniously. In this case, the practice will be as successful as possible.