The society of most countries is divided not only into classes, but also into ethnic groups. Ethnic groups are large groups of people connected by a common origin (biological component), language, customs, traditions, beliefs, and perception of the world (social component).

The roots of modern ethnic groups go back centuries, to the tribal system. The first ethnic group was the clan, an association of blood relatives who settled together. He performed both the family function and the production function.

Then, along with the clan, another ethnic group appears - a tribe. The tribe unites several clans that are of the same origin (fraternal), but have already separated from each other and settled in the neighborhood. The tribe is still based on consanguinity, but it no longer performs economic functions. His main task is to protect the territory of the tribe and regulate relations with other tribes. Thus, society took the first step towards separating ethnic ties from family and tribal ties. Ethnic ties moved further away from family ties after the emergence of the paired family.

In many countries, ancestral and tribal ties have been preserved to this day. They play a significant role in states Central Asia(Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, etc.) and in Russian republics North Caucasus. Among the tribes and clans there are more “higher”, more influential ones, to which other clans were once subordinate. IN Soviet times The party and Soviet leadership of the Central Asian and North Caucasian republics was formed taking into account the influence of clans. And today in some republics the president represents one of the most revered families. In Chechnya, for example, the authorities' policies are developed taking into account the relations between clans (teips). Civil War in Tajikistan 1992-1997 was largely caused by interethnic contradictions - the struggle between large clans (tribal associations).

Nationality, nationality

Next in history, a more complex type of ethnic group arises - a nationality, or nationality, and in last years It is this group that is called an ethnic group. There are two versions of the origin of nationalities. Some scientists believe that a nationality is simply an overgrown tribe or an association of several related tribes, others - that it is united not so much by consanguinity, but by territorial, neighborly ties. The truth is rather closer to the second point of view: many nationalities are known that were formed not only from unrelated tribes (Bulgarians, Hungarians), but even from tribes of different races (Italians). The Russian people united not only Slavic tribes, but also several non-Slavic tribes of the north and northeast of the European part of Russia.

The formation of nationalities is a long process that ended in the Middle Ages. Signs of a nationality are a common language, territory, culture and economic ties.

In most countries, nationality has absorbed and dissolved clan and tribal ties and differences - although, as I just said, there are still many nationalities that have retained their tribal structure.

Certainly, modern people(nationality, ethnicity) differs significantly from the medieval one. Firstly, it merges into a broader ethnic community - the nation. Nationality acquires a number of characteristics characteristic of the entire nation. Thus, the Breton people in France have two native languages ​​- Breton and French (the latter is also the language of the nation). Catalans also have two native languages ​​- Catalan and Spanish.

Secondly, the nation occupies a larger territory than each of the nationalities that joined it. Therefore, the resettlement of representatives of one or another nationality beyond the boundaries of the indigenous territory inevitably occurs. More Tatars live in Moscow than in Kazan. There are 11 million Russians living in Ukraine, 700 thousand in Latvia, 600 thousand in Estonia, etc. Millions of Chinese live in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia. There is a phenomenon like diaspora, that is, a significant group of representatives of a particular nationality living outside their indigenous territory.


Finally, the highest (for today) form of a socio-ethnic group is a nation. It is being formed in parallel with the formation of a single market (single economic space) countries and with overcoming feudal fragmentation, that is, the formation of centralized states.

A nation has the following characteristics:

1 .Common territory. The nation's territory is cemented state borders. The border fences off the nation and its interests from foreign invasion and creates a single space within the borders, equally accessible to every citizen.

The commonality of the territory developed naturally, that is, as a result of deepening economic ties to such an extent that any barriers to such ties disappeared by themselves. For example, customs on the borders of principalities and counties were eliminated. However, the commonality of the territory was also formed by force - for example, during the formation Russian Empire or Germany.

2.Commonality of language. It has evolved over centuries. And today, even in states where nations emerged relatively late, the difference in dialects remains. In Germany and Italy, serious differences exist between the dialects of northerners and southerners. In China, dialect phonetic differences are so great that half a century ago the southern national leader Mao Zedong traveled to the northern provinces with an interpreter. And yet every nation has a common colloquial, enshrined in its writing and literature. Language binds a nation into a single whole, establishes natural way communication between all representatives of the nation.

True, the same language can belong to several related nations. So, English language belongs to Americans, Australians, Canadians, New Zealanders. But they all once formed the diaspora of the English nation.

  • 3.Commonality economic life. This feature played a big role in uniting the nation around common economic interests. However, now the community of economic life is increasingly becoming international rather than national.
  • 4. Common features mental make-up, enshrined in the peculiarities of life, customs, folklore, art, symbols, character traits. For Russians, a distance of a thousand kilometers is nothing, for the French it is enormous. Russians are accustomed to the countless riches of their land, so they are not very economical. Western Europeans, on the contrary, are very careful with the land and natural resources. It is not difficult to distinguish a Russian song from a Ukrainian one, and both together from a French chanson. All such features add up to national character.
  • 5. Finally, the last, but today perhaps one of the first most important signs of a nation - national identity. Each person considers himself to be a certain nation, mentally merges with it: its language is his native language, in which he thinks and speaks; he is brought up on the values ​​of the culture of a given nation, perceives the nature of the country as his native one, adheres to national traditions in everyday life (in food, for example). We are aware of our belonging to “our” nation and the border that separates us from another (“alien”) nation. A person has a sense of national dignity, believing that his nation is no worse than others. He is proud of the achievements of his nation in world culture, in technology, in the progress of mankind. However, the feeling national pride often develops into a feeling of national superiority over other ethnic groups, into a feeling of national exclusivity. Such sentiments inevitably give rise to national enmity and discord, leading to interethnic conflicts and bloody wars.


  • 1. Are you proud to belong to your nation? Is it possible to criticize your nation, your country?
  • 2. What features of the Russian national character can be noted in the heroes of A. Pushkin’s works “Eugene Onegin”, “Belkin’s Tale”, “The Captain’s Daughter”?

TRIBE is historically the first step in the formation of an ethnic group. The tribe includes a significant number of clans and clans. They have their own language, or dialect, territory, formal organization (chief, tribal council), and common ceremonies.
Their number reached tens of thousands of people. The tribes were replaced by another, historically higher form of ethnos - nationality. It is characteristic not of primitive society, but of the era of slavery and feudalism.
NATIONALITY - an ethnic community that occupies a place on the ladder of social development between tribes and the nation. It represents a linguistic, territorial, economic and cultural community.
A nation outnumbers a tribe. Decisive role The state played a role in transforming a union of tribes into a nation. It united vast territories, establishing closer connections between people and ethnic groups. Most often, closely related tribes are consolidated into a nationality, and often unrelated ethnic groups are also included here.
Thus, the Old Russian people formed in the second half of the 1st millennium AD. e. from closely related East Slavic tribes. However, already at an early stage, non-Slavic ethnic groups were also involved in it: Finno-Ugric, Baltic, Turkic.
Nationalities are rather unstable ethnic formations. In the era of feudalism, they break up into smaller parts, from which new ethnic groups are gradually formed. A similar fate befell the ancient Russian people, which disintegrated in the 12th century into three independent ethnic groups that were subsequently formed - Russians, Ukrainians and Belarusians. Feudal fragmentation was also inherent in Europe, where medieval states constantly disintegrated, but were united again in modern times.
Nations are formed on the basis of nationalities - the highest historical type of ethnic group.
A NATION is an autonomous political grouping, not limited by territorial boundaries, whose members are committed to common values ​​and institutions.
The nation emerges during the period of overcoming feudal disunity and the emergence of capitalism. During this period, those who have reached a high degree develop political organization internal market and a single economic structure, its own literature, art. Nations are more numerous than nationalities; they number tens and hundreds of millions of people. On the basis of common territories, language and economy, a single national character and mental makeup are formed. There is a very strong feeling solidarity with your nation. National-patriotic and national liberation movements, interethnic strife, wars and conflicts arise as a sign that a nation has formed and is fighting for its sovereignty.
Most nations are united on the basis of nationalities of the same name, while at the same time including closely related nationalities into their orbit. Thus, the French united as a nation in the 17th-18th centuries on the basis of two closely related nationalities that took shape in the early Middle Ages - Northern French and Provençal. Russian state formed in the XV-XVII centuries around Moscow, and this process was called the gathering of lands. In the 17th century, under Peter I, it turned into an empire and declared itself as a European superpower.
In order to give full list characteristic features nation, the following features must be added to the list of characteristics of the ethnic group (they are named at the beginning of the paragraph):
- stable statehood,
- community of economic life,
- developed social structure.

PROFILE - 11th grade

1 - option.

1. Ethnic communities include

1) communities 2) elites 3) marginalized 4) nationalities

2. Which feature primarily distinguishes ethnic groups?

1) community of professional interests

2) similar level of income and quality of life

3) commonality of historical experience, historical memory

4) belonging to a single age group

3. One of the main trends in the development of modern interethnic relations, associated with the gradual rapprochement of various peoples and nations in the economic, political, and spiritual spheres of society, is called

1) interethnic differentiation 2) international integration

3) cultural pluralism 4) interethnic conflict

4 . One of the ways to prevent the rotation of inter-national conflicts in a democratic society:

1) consistent na-ra-schi-va-nie military-en-no-go in ten-tsi-a-la state

2) a compact distribution of people of one nationality within a multi-national state

3) ensuring the rights and freedoms of all citizens not outside their national affiliation

4) creation of na-tsi-o-nal-but one-family states

5 . Are the following judgments about interethnic relations correct?

A. Interethnic relations intertwined with other social relations (political, economic, environmental, spiritual, linguistic).

B. Interethnic relations exist in their pure form, in isolation from other social relations.

6 . Are the following judgments about national identity true?

A. National identity is an obligatory feature of an ethnic community.

B. National identity is formed from unconscious or semi-conscious stereotypes of behavior that distinguish one people from another;

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

7. One of the constitutional principles of national policy in Russian Federation is:

1) exaggeration of the place and role of national-cultural autonomy within a single federal state

2) creation of conditions for the isolated residence of small peoples in the national environment

3) equality of all subjects of the Russian Federation in relations with federal bodies state power

4) priority of human rights, establishment of privileges for the “indigenous” nation

8. Are the following judgments about trends in the development of nations at the present stage correct?

A . The process of rapprochement and unification of nations based on economic integration.

B . The process of differentiation of nations, expressed in their desire for self-determination.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

9. In a democratic state national policy implemented through:

1) guaranteeing the rights of small peoples

2) constitutional consolidation of the national electoral qualification

3) granting rights to citizens based on nationality

4) restriction of the use of the national language

10. Find the forms of interethnic integration in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.- 2 points.

1) religious fanaticism

2) interpenetration of religions and cultures

3) protectionism in the economy

4) transnational corporations

5) globalization

Criteria for evaluation: 11 b. - “5” 10- 8 b. - “4” 7- 5 b.- “3” less than 5 b.- “2”

Test on the topic: “Ethnicity and nation. Interethnic relations."

PROFILE - 11th grade

Option 2.

For correctly completed tasks 1-9 - 1 point.

1. Which community is characterized by the following features: peculiarities of language, culture, common historical memory?

1) professional 2) territorial

3) demographic 4) ethnic

2. One of the characteristics of a people as an ethnocultural community is:

1) common citizenship 2) unity of beliefs

3) community social status 4) community of religion

3. The historical varieties of ethnic communities include:

1) states 2) tribes 3) estates 4) confessions

4 . Are the following conclusions about national policy correct?

A. In the Russian Fe-de-ra-tion on-tsi-o-nal-naya on-li-ti-ka on-right-le-na on for-mi-ro-va-nie de-mo- Kra-ti-che-skih mechanisms for resolving na-ci-o-nal and inter-na-ci-o-nal problems.

B. Ha-rak-ter na-tsi-o-nal-noy po-li-ti-ki for-vi-sit from specific is-to-ri-che-sky conditions.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

5 . Toward a culture of interethnic relationsnot applicable:

1) realization of the rights and freedoms of persons of any nationality

2) respect for national identity

3) recognition of the right of every people to access the achievements of world civilization

4) manifestation of national mistrust

6 . Are the following judgments about ethnicity correct?

A. As an ethnic group develops, its biological traits decrease and its socio-political ones increase.

B. Ethnic groups include tribes, nationalities and nations.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

7 . One of the ways to resolve interethnic conflicts is:

1) the presence of a democratic rule of law state

2) use in conflicts armed forces

3) national isolation

4) absolutization of national sovereignty

8 . Are the following judgments about the ethnic self-awareness of the people correct?

A . The ethnic self-awareness of a people captures inherited cultural traditions and an understanding of their place among other peoples.

B . The ethnic self-awareness of the people has not yet been formed at such a stage of development of the ethnos as a tribe.

1) only A is true 2) only B is true

3) both judgments are correct 4) both judgments are incorrect

9. The trend towards interethnic integration in society is reflected

1) separatism 2) rapprochement of peoples

3) national isolation 4) national differentiation

10. Find the forms of interethnic differentiation in the list below and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.- 2 points.

1) protectionism in the economy

2) transnational corporations

3) nationalism in various forms in politics and culture

4) globalization

5) self-isolation

Criteria for evaluation:

11 b. - "5"

10- 8 b - “4”

7- 5 points - “3”

less than 5 points - “2”


Nationality- an ethnic and social community of people that historically follows the tribe and precedes the nation. It is formed on the basis of the mixing of tribes and tribal unions during the period of decomposition of the primitive communal system, and is characterized by the increasing importance of territorial ties, the formation of a common language based on tribal languages. Nationalities are also characterized by the presence of economic ties, elements of a common culture, and a common collective name. With the development of capitalist relations, nationalities are transformed into nations.

The emergence of nations is historically associated with the development of production relations, overcoming national isolation and fragmentation, with the education common system economy, in particular the common market, the creation and dissemination of a common literary language, common elements of culture, etc.

In the modern world, more than 90% of the population are nations. In scientific and political literature, the concept of “nation” is used in several meanings. The prevailing view in Western sociology is that nation- this is the totality of citizens of the state, and therefore, this is a people who have reached a high level of culture and a high degree of political organization, constituting a community with a single language and culture and united on the basis of a system of state organizations. Thus, in the understanding of Western sociologists, a nation is co-citizenship, i.e., a territorial-political community.

In this case, the nation coincides with the state. It is these states-nations that form the world community of states, including the United Nations.

No less common is the understanding nation as a historically established stable community of people, which is characterized by a common economic life, language, territory and certain psychological features (national character, self-awareness, interests, etc.), manifested in the peculiarities of its culture and way of life. The state plays an important role in the consolidation of nations, although the presence of statehood is not a mandatory feature of a nation.

Most nations of the modern world are multi-ethnic in their internal structure, including various subethnic groups, that is, communities that are part of ethnic groups, where special ethnic properties are expressed with less intensity than in the main ethnic units. In other words, ethnically nations are not homogeneous (not homogeneous).

Ethnic group is a group of people characterized by similar languages ​​and some other cultural features that are related in origin and have survived to this day. Many ethnic groups live, for example, in Dagestan, the Pamirs and other regions of Russia. An ethnic group includes local, territorial communities of people who, although they speak the same language and are aware of their belonging to a single ethnic group, often differ from each other in secondary cultural, everyday, and sometimes linguistic characteristics.

The nature of national relations is determined by two interrelated trends: towards differentiation and towards integration.

Every nation strives for self-development, to preserve its national identity, language, and culture. These aspirations are realized in the process of their differentiation, which can take the form of a struggle for national self-determination and the creation of an independent national state.

On the other hand, the self-development of nations in the modern world is impossible without their close interaction, cooperation, exchange of cultural values, overcoming alienation, and maintaining mutually beneficial contacts. The trend towards integration is intensifying due to the need to solve global problems facing humanity, with the successes of the scientific and technological revolution. It must be borne in mind that these trends are interconnected: the diversity of national cultures does not lead to their isolation, and the rapprochement of nations does not mean the disappearance of differences between them.

United Nations, UN - international organization, created to maintain and strengthen international peace and security and develop cooperation between states.

The foundations of its activities and structure were developed during the Second World War by the leading participants in the anti-Hitler coalition. The name "United Nations" was first used in the Declaration of the United Nations, signed on January 1, 1942.


    Peacekeeping missions

    Protection of human rights

    Humanitarian assistance

    Gun control and disarmament

    Social and economic development

Option No. 14717

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If the option is specified by the teacher, you can enter or upload answers to tasks with a detailed answer into the system. The teacher will see the results of completing tasks with a short answer and will be able to evaluate the downloaded answers to tasks with a long answer. The scores assigned by the teacher will appear in your statistics.

Version for printing and copying in MS Word

The government of country Z has decided to support the Singing World choir competition. This example demonstrates the interaction of spheres of society

1) political and economic

2) economic and social

3) political and spiritual

4) spiritual and social


Inna found out that Zoya invited all her work colleagues to the picnic except her. She did not find out the reason for this act, she simply stopped talking to Zoya. What kind of behavior interpersonal conflict illustrates this example?

1) avoiding a conflict situation

2) mediation

3) compromise

4) cooperation


Schoolchildren, on instructions from a biology teacher, conducted observations and identified the main sources of pollution in school classrooms. What activity does this example illustrate?

1) economic

2) research

3) political

4) production


Are the following statements about personality true?

A. Personality is manifested in the physical qualities and characteristics of a person.

B. Personality formation occurs throughout a person’s life.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Pavel is a second year university student. He plays in the student theater and often plays as part of his department's basketball team. What level of education is Paul at?

1) secondary vocational

2) higher professional

3) basic general

4) average overall


Are the following judgments about the role of science in the modern world true?

A. Science helps a person systematize knowledge about the world around him.

B. Science strives for the reliability of the results obtained.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Can help overcome the state budget deficit

1) reduction in income tax

2) increase in the amount of state duty

3) expansion of education funding

4) increasing salaries for medical workers


Mandatory payments levied by the government on individuals and legal entities, This

3) dividends

4) insurance payments


In which of the following examples we're talking about about preserving your savings from depreciation?

1) Tatyana purchased an apartment in a prestigious area

2) Sergey keeps the savings at home

3) Ivan bought a new car

4) Marina insured her jewelry against theft


Are the following statements about private property true?

A. The transfer of state property into private hands is called nationalization.

B. Private property is the basis of a command economy.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Socially significant features that determine a person’s position in society include

1) level of education

2) worldview

3) physical data

4) characteristics of temperament


Masha and Olya's parents died in a car accident. The girls live and are raised by their grandmother. Their family is

1) patriarchal

2) large family

3) incomplete

4) small (nuclear)


Are the following judgments about ethnicity correct?

A. Unlike a nationality, a nation is a more stable community of people, and its stability is given by the community of economic life.

B. The state forms nationalities and nations, unites territories and establishes connections with ethnic groups.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


Distinctive feature political party is

1) bringing together people with common interests

2) creation of a branched organization

3) the right of legislative initiative

4) the desire to participate in the exercise of political power


In many countries, members of parliament are prohibited from working in government offices. This shows

1) supremacy of parliament

2) republican uniform board

3) unitary government system

4) separation of powers


Are the following statements about politics correct?

A. Any power relationship is political in nature.

B. Politics as a sphere of public life developed in an industrial society.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


That is hallmark rule of law?

1) the presence of a legislative system

2) equality and equality of citizens before the law

3) functioning of law enforcement agencies

4) presence of sovereignty


Choose the correct statement:

President of Russian Federation

2) appointed for a period of 5 years

3) elected by the State Duma

4) approved by the Federal Assembly


In which of the following cases does the Russian Federation Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” come into force?

1) The warehouse accepted for storage a batch of products that did not have a certificate of conformity.

2) A citizen purchased a car for personal use in which a defective part was found.

3) A citizen purchased a shipment of goods that turned out to be of poor quality for resale in another city.

4) The company delivered a batch of expired drugs to city pharmacies


Are the following statements about family law true?

A. All property acquired during marriage is the common property of the spouses.

B. The issue of divorce in the event of disagreement of one of the spouses or the presence of children in the family is resolved only in court.

1) only A is correct

2) only B is correct

3) both judgments are correct

4) both judgments are incorrect


The list below shows the similarities between science and art and the differences between science and art. Select and write down the ordinal numbers of similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of differences in the second column:

1) is an area of ​​spiritual culture

2) uses artistic images

3) requires accuracy and validity of statements

4) creates spiritual values


Establish a correspondence between facts and spheres of public life: for each element given in the first column, select an element from the second column.

Write down the numbers in your answer, arranging them in the order corresponding to the letters:



Read the given text, each position of which is marked with a letter.

(A) Globalization of the world economy is a contradictory process that has both positive and negative consequences. (B) Disappearance biological species is a negative consequence of globalization. (B) The transition to the information society itself is not a global problem.

Determine which provisions of the text:

1) reflect the facts

2) express opinions

Write down in the table the numbers indicating the nature of the relevant provisions.



In country Z, a survey was conducted among adult residents on the topic: “Who should be primarily involved in raising children?” The survey results as a percentage of the number of respondents are presented in the table.

Find in the list the conclusions that can be drawn based on the table and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Almost equal numbers of respondents among both men and women believe that the father should be primarily involved in raising children.

2) The smallest proportion of women surveyed believe that education should primarily be done in schools and kindergartens.

3) A fifth of the women surveyed believe that the mother should be primarily involved in raising children.

4) The smallest part of the men surveyed believes that, first of all, older family members should be involved in raising children.

5) More than half of both the men and women surveyed believe that one of the parents should be primarily involved in raising children.


In country X century different years Sociological surveys of citizens were conducted. They were asked the question: “How do you currently assess financial situation your family? The survey results are shown in the table.

Which of the following conclusions directly follows from the information obtained during the survey? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

1) Country X is experiencing slow but steady economic growth.

2) On average, the standard of living in the state can be described as low.

3) The economy of country X is characterized by rapid price growth.

4) It can be stated that there is an increase social stratification in country X.

5) Increased social stratification is associated with increased unemployment in state X.


Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

(According to E. Benes)

Based on the text, name three factors that are the reasons for the decentralization of public administration.

The problem of centralization and decentralization of public administration and legislative branch in different states and societies it manifests itself differently, depending on the circumstances, the needs of the people and the state. Depending on the circumstances, this problem appears in some states as federalization, in others as autonomization, in others as simple local decentralization and the expedient division of competencies between central and local executive and legislative bodies. In some places, decentralization is forced by the issue of heterogeneous composition of the population, in other cases - too much large territory, thirdly, the cultural or economic maturity or immaturity of certain areas. On the European continent, a very common argument in favor of decentralization is the historical traditions and vestiges of the past in government, due to the way states were formed or expanded into different provinces and new territories.

Democracy in its theory and political practice proceeds not from collectivist consciousness, but from the consciousness of the individuality of the individual, and considers the human being as primary and fundamental, and the state, made up of individual people, as secondary. Strict centralization is the first and fundamental condition of every dictatorship; democracy, on the contrary, derives its greatest strength from the free conviction of citizens that they belong to the state and national whole.

However, no state, including a democratic one, will begin to implement broad decentralization if it is under the threat of separatist movements and aspirations. If it is under threat of losing part of its territory as a result of voluntary decentralization in favor of the separatists, then no one in the world will force it to voluntary decentralization. If decentralization movements arise only because of rivalry and personal ambitions, from the desire for power or the establishment of party rule, then a great sin and crime is committed against one’s own state and people.

(According to E. Benes)

Solutions to long-answer tasks are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to check them yourself.

Using the content of the text, name three characteristic features of democracy that the author identifies.

The problem of centralization and decentralization of public administration and legislative power in different states and societies manifests itself differently, depending on the circumstances, the needs of the people and the state. Depending on the circumstances, this problem appears in some states as federalization, in others as autonomization, in others as simple local decentralization and the expedient division of competencies between central and local executive and legislative bodies. In some places, decentralization is forced by the question of the heterogeneous composition of the population, in other cases by too large a territory, in others by the cultural or economic maturity or immaturity of certain areas. On the European continent, a very common argument in favor of decentralization is the historical traditions and vestiges of the past in government, due to the way states were formed or expanded into different provinces and new territories.

Democracy in its theory and political practice proceeds not from collectivist consciousness, but from the consciousness of the individuality of the individual, and considers the human being as primary and fundamental, and the state, made up of individual people, as secondary. Strict centralization is the first and fundamental condition of every dictatorship; democracy, on the contrary, derives its greatest strength from the free conviction of citizens that they belong to the state and national whole.

However, no state, including a democratic one, will begin to implement broad decentralization if it is under the threat of separatist movements and aspirations. If it is under threat of losing part of its territory as a result of voluntary decentralization in favor of the separatists, then no one in the world will force it to voluntary decentralization. If decentralization movements arise only because of rivalry and personal ambitions, from the desire for power or the establishment of party rule, then a great sin and crime is committed against one’s own state and people.

(According to E. Benes)

Solutions to long-answer tasks are not automatically checked.
The next page will ask you to check them yourself.

The problem of centralization and decentralization of public administration and legislative power in different states and societies manifests itself differently, depending on the circumstances, the needs of the people and the state. Depending on the circumstances, this problem appears in some states as federalization, in others as autonomization, in others as simple local decentralization and the expedient division of competencies between central and local executive and legislative bodies. In some places, decentralization is forced by the question of the heterogeneous composition of the population, in other cases by too large a territory, in others by the cultural or economic maturity or immaturity of certain areas. On the European continent, a very common argument in favor of decentralization is the historical traditions and vestiges of the past in government, due to the way states were formed or expanded into different provinces and new territories.

Democracy in its theory and political practice proceeds not from collectivist consciousness, but from the consciousness of the individuality of the individual, and considers the human being as primary and fundamental, and the state, made up of individual people, as secondary. Strict centralization is the first and fundamental condition of every dictatorship; democracy, on the contrary, derives its greatest strength from the free conviction of citizens that they belong to the state and national whole.

However, no state, including a democratic one, will begin to implement broad decentralization if it is under the threat of separatist movements and aspirations. If it is under threat of losing part of its territory as a result of voluntary decentralization in favor of the separatists, then no one in the world will force it to voluntary decentralization. If decentralization movements arise only because of rivalry and personal ambitions, from the desire for power or the establishment of party rule, then a great sin and crime is committed against one’s own state and people.

The problem of centralization and decentralization of public administration and legislative power in different states and societies manifests itself differently, depending on the circumstances, the needs of the people and the state. Depending on the circumstances, this problem appears in some states as federalization, in others as autonomization, in others as simple local decentralization and the expedient division of competencies between central and local executive and legislative bodies. In some places, decentralization is forced by the question of the heterogeneous composition of the population, in other cases by too large a territory, in others by the cultural or economic maturity or immaturity of certain areas. On the European continent, a very common argument in favor of decentralization is the historical traditions and vestiges of the past in government, due to the way states were formed or expanded into different provinces and new territories.

Democracy in its theory and political practice proceeds not from collectivist consciousness, but from the consciousness of the individuality of the individual, and considers the human being as primary and fundamental, and the state, made up of individual people, as secondary. Strict centralization is the first and fundamental condition of every dictatorship; democracy, on the contrary, derives its greatest strength from the free conviction of citizens that they belong to the state and national whole.

However, no state, including a democratic one, will begin to implement broad decentralization if it is under the threat of separatist movements and aspirations. If it is under threat of losing part of its territory as a result of voluntary decentralization in favor of the separatists, then no one in the world will force it to voluntary decentralization. If decentralization movements arise only because of rivalry and personal ambitions, from the desire for power or the establishment of party rule, then a great sin and crime is committed against one’s own state and people.

(According to E. Benes)

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The author writes that decentralization movements can lead to the commission of great sins and crimes against one’s own state and people. Based on the text and social science knowledge, give two arguments to support the author’s position.

The problem of centralization and decentralization of public administration and legislative power in different states and societies manifests itself differently, depending on the circumstances, the needs of the people and the state. Depending on the circumstances, this problem appears in some states as federalization, in others as autonomization, in others as simple local decentralization and the expedient division of competencies between central and local executive and legislative bodies. In some places, decentralization is forced by the question of the heterogeneous composition of the population, in other cases by too large a territory, in others by the cultural or economic maturity or immaturity of certain areas. On the European continent, a very common argument in favor of decentralization is the historical traditions and vestiges of the past in government, due to the way states were formed or expanded into different provinces and new territories.

Democracy in its theory and political practice proceeds not from collectivist consciousness, but from the consciousness of the individuality of the individual, and considers the human being as primary and fundamental, and the state, made up of individual people, as secondary. Strict centralization is the first and fundamental condition of every dictatorship; democracy, on the contrary, derives its greatest strength from the free conviction of citizens that they belong to the state and national whole.

However, no state, including a democratic one, will begin to implement broad decentralization if it is under the threat of separatist movements and aspirations. If it is under threat of losing part of its territory as a result of voluntary decentralization in favor of the separatists, then no one in the world will force it to voluntary decentralization. If decentralization movements arise only because of rivalry and personal ambitions, from the desire for power or the establishment of party rule, then a great sin and crime is committed against one’s own state and people.