Dream Book of AstroMeridian Why do you dream about your ex-husband according to the dream book:

Seeing your ex-husband with someone else in a dream is a dream for people who ended their relationship with their exes badly. Even if it seems to you that everything is in order, remember if you have any unresolved questions?

Why do you dream ex-husband on the other hand, leave all grievances, clear your mind of the ghosts of the past.

Seeing your ex-husband with someone else in your dream could mean that you will never be able to be with your ex again.

Former young man - such a dream clearly indicates that you are thinking about your ex, regardless of whether these thoughts are good or bad.

A young ex-husband dreams of unresolved questions from the past, to which you are now obliged to give answers.

Why does your ex-husband dream of being drunk - most likely, your ex is now in severe emotional turmoil. If you communicate with him, then you can provide him with moral support. It’s worth remembering this dream and turning it over in your head again - if your ex dreams of being drunk, there is a hint in the dream, a key to his emotional state.

A drunk ex-husband, like just a drunk acquaintance, can mean trouble.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband? A woman’s dream about her ex-husband suggests that her feelings for him have not yet cooled down, she regrets the separation or cannot let go of an old love and open up to a new relationship. A frequently recurring dream in which a woman sees her ex-husband is a warning that it is time for her to think seriously about her personal life. If in reality your ex-husband suggests getting back together, you should pay attention to the emotional side of the dream.

If in this dream she experienced only positive emotions, perhaps she still loves this person and subconsciously strives to return the relationship with him.

If negative emotions predominate, for example: anxiety, fear, loneliness, disappointment in something, you should take up your personal life more actively and completely let go of this person.

Vanga's Dream Interpretation What does it mean if you dream about your ex-husband?

Seeing in a dream What does an ex-husband dream about - the desire to return the relationship, the desire for reunion, creating a marriage. If you dream that you are still together, you have let go of this person and, finally, you can breathe easy and go towards fate with your new chosen one.

Dream book of psychologist S. Freud Why does the ex-husband dream:

A woman’s dream about her ex-husband means that in a real relationship she will face discord and some coldness. If in a real relationship she is satisfied with everything, such a dream may well be interpreted as prophetic. Pay attention to your actions and feelings in this dream, as well as the feelings, emotions, words or actions of the dreamer. Perhaps in this you yourself will find the secret encrypted by your subconscious in such a dream.

A dream about an ex-husband can symbolize sexual dissatisfaction with a real partner or a strong desire to meet one. Hidden desires often manifest themselves as a dream, therefore, only you yourself can answer the question as accurately as possible about what your ex-husband dreamed about.

Dream book of Nostradamus Why do you dream about your ex-husband according to the dream book:

Nostradamus strongly recommends avoiding sorcerers, fortune tellers and any other psychics after such a dream. I often dream about my ex-husband experiencing passion or strong love to you - this is special significant dream. Someone may try to deceive you by doing things that benefit him with your hands.

Tsvetkov's Dream Book

Why do you dream about your ex-husband? It’s not good. If a woman meets her ex-husband in a dream, she should beware of troubles caused by her own rash actions. More literally, a woman may dream of an ex-husband about the illness of her children or current lover, an unforeseen difficult trip, complications in business and financial situation.


Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

How to perceive a sudden dream about a former beloved man when everything is long in the past? The human subconscious continues to be awake while a person is sleeping. What does it want to convey to its owner? Psychologists have explanations.

Such a dream may symbolize undiscovered sexuality. A dream is a conversation in a special language of hidden symbols with your own subconscious. Dreams do not need to be literally deciphered. If you suddenly dreamed about your ex-husband or lover, this does not at all mean that the dreamer is “obsessed” with this person or wants to get him back. For example, if the breakup happened about a year ago and a woman appeared in her life new man, then the dream about a former loved one is only an association or symbol.

If such dreams appear, you should try to remember past relationships, the first thing that comes to mind about them. This could be, for example, good sex. There is a possibility that in your current relationship there is a lack of romance, spontaneous sex, or new, positive experiences. Perhaps this is the case when you want to re-experience some moments, but only with a new, beloved man, and not at all with your ex.

In fact, dreams provide guidance on solving pressing issues. They signal to the dreamer that the intimate sphere of her current relationship requires diversity. Such a dream is like a call to reveal a woman’s sexuality, but, oddly enough, her ex has absolutely nothing to do with it. In this case, it acts only as a symbol of dormant sexuality and a sign of the need for change. Real relationships need renewal!

It is not necessary to tell your current loved one about the dreams that prompted you to suddenly take up changes in your sexual life. Why the details? You can simply gradually bring him to this issue and involve him in joint “work on mistakes.”

Another possible interpretation is some kind of incompleteness, rooted in the past. In a dream, a quarrel occurs, with raised voices, with many questions hanging in the air, with bickering and negative emotions. But at the same time, the dreamer hears only her own remarks, and no matter how hard she tries, she cannot hear the other side and then wakes up with a feeling of anxiety. Why sort out a long-ended relationship with your ex-husband in a dream?

You need to remember the circumstances under which the separation occurred in reality and try to analyze them. Maybe not all the i's have been crossed and the resentment is still alive? The subconscious in a dream offers to end the unfinished last conversation. Trying to find and hear her ex in a dream, the dreamer is actually looking for answers to the unclear questions of her past relationship.

Negative emotions trailing from past relationships can be hidden from yourself as much as you like, but then you shouldn’t be surprised when they remind you of themselves from time to time. Perhaps the ex-husband himself, especially if he turned out to be the abandoned party, sees the same dreams. He also needs closure to let go of the past. And in general, in such cases, everyone must decide for himself what is more necessary and valuable to him - a new free life or a trail of unpleasant memories and dreams.

It also happens that dreams represent obvious or not so clear signals for action. The separation that happened in reality could have happened due to an absurd coincidence or stupidity. For example, the reason was unfounded jealousy, but the separated couple is still connected true love. And then the subconscious sends signals through dreams that everything can still be corrected.

If you don’t want to wake up every time because cloudless happiness with your former beloved husband returns in your dreams, doesn’t this mean that you finally need to do something to correct the situation in reality? At least try and take the first step towards reconciliation. It is important to remember that when people really love each other, no quarrels or distances will prevent them from being together.

And finally, dreams can be prophetic. If everything happened a long time ago, of course, but suddenly from time to time you start dreaming ex-man. At the same time, he is not at all the same as he remembered, he looks somehow unusual or is in a strange environment, he seems sick or sad to the dreamer - perhaps these are prophetic dreams. There is a possibility that news about him will soon arrive, for example, about his planned marriage or some kind of trouble. This may also mean that an unexpected meeting with him will soon take place.

When trying to figure out what your ex-husband dreams about, it is important not to forget about your current husband, if you have one. Maybe dreams about the past are a hint that it would not hurt to pay more attention to the present? Otherwise, then it will also become the past and will come in dreams.

Dreams are a reflection of existing reality, and you need to think about what they want to say? Possibly dreams about an ex a loved one- this is an attempt by the subconscious to return everything as it was, or maybe vice versa - to let go of the past and move on lightly.


Husband according to the dream book

The dream book claims that your ex-husband comes into your dream for a reason: either you cling too much to the past, or in the present everything is not very cloudless. The dream reminds you that the past may turn out to be ballast, which not only prevents you from moving on, but is also not conducive to existing relationships; quarrels and alienation in the family are possible.

The dream book warns that a husband’s betrayal in a waking dream will most likely not affect matters of the heart, however, the dream foreshadows disappointments, dashed hopes and minor losses of material values.

When you dream that your husband has died, it’s time to think about whether you are too dependent on him. At the same time, the dream book assures that long summers await your spouse in reality, since dreams usually take over all the nightmares that happened in them.

If you had a dream that your husband is cheating on you, the dream book advises you to interpret it exactly the opposite: you can rest assured of your spouse’s fidelity. The dream book of Simon Kananita is much more optimistic, promising a quick solution to the issue that is haunting you at the moment.

If you dreamed about your deceased husband, there is nothing wrong with that: the dead often visit loved ones in their dreams. The only plot that has a bad meaning is when the deceased calls you with him or tries to lead you somewhere. However, if you have seen such a dream, do not rush to panic; on the contrary, keep your cool and be vigilant.

If this is not the first time your husband’s mistress has burst into your dream, the dream book rightly assumes that there is a lot unsaid between you. It often seems to you that your spouse avoids sensitive topics, and the result is excessive suspicion.

In most cases, the dream that your husband is leaving you is triggered by your fear of loneliness and loss. The dream book urges not to give too much of great importance like dreams.

The dream book warns that a drunk husband dreams of troubles, which, unfortunately, will not bypass the family, or the spouse may soon fall ill.

Kissing your husband in a dream means the beginning of an unfavorable period in one of the main areas of life. The dream is a harbinger of family troubles, internal discomfort, and external troubles.

A dream that your husband is with another woman does not at all confirm the fact of cheating in reality. This is nothing more than a manifestation of your anxieties and fear of loneliness. To dispel doubts, have pleasant conversations more often, but do not torment your other half with suspicions, as it will soon become clear that they are unfounded.

The dream book displays clean water your internal family conflict. If a dream brings you to the point of assault, you begin to beat your husband, which means that a “cold war” has been going on in your house for a long time.

If you had to get married in a dream, the dream book does not at all promise that something similar will happen in reality. The dream foretells troubles and new obligations that may become a burden to you.

Dream books unanimously consider dreams in which sex with a husband took place not to be the most favorable: they promise losses and difficulties related to money.

If you saw in a dream that your husband is naked, this means that he may indeed be embarrassed and find himself in a ridiculous or awkward situation in the near future.

The dream in which you saw the death of your husband promises that big changes will soon occur in your life. But whether they turn out to be positive or not, judge by the dominant mood in the dream. And don’t be tormented by a false sense of guilt because the dream didn’t seem very mournful to you: the subconscious has a slightly different value system. The dream may also indicate your serious disappointment in your married life.

If in a dream the husband left for another, the dream book claims that nothing like this will happen in reality - the dream took upon itself the possibility of such an incident. However, it indicates that you are afraid of upcoming changes. Maybe you should reconsider your views, maybe these changes are for the better?

As paradoxical as it sounds, the dream book does not recommend kissing your husband in a dream. Such a romantic dream foreshadows disappointment in your spouse or forced long-term separation.

If you dreamed ex-wife husband, the dream suggests that the past does not let you go, not him. Such a dream may indicate hidden grievances and dissatisfaction with family life, which you do not want to admit even to yourself.

According to the dream book, those who lack romance in a dream like to marry a husband in a dream. Everyday life. The dream can be inspired by both memories and dreams of new love.

Whether you like it or not, you are now able active search– this is what the dream book decided for you. A friend’s husband is an object of the opposite sex who deserves attention. The dream just suggests options, and it’s up to you to decide how to use them.

Why else do you dream of a husband in a dream?

If your husband returns in a dream, the dream book seriously advises you to prepare for a new romance. In rare cases, the ex may actually return, but under one condition: if during his absence he managed to actually become a different person.

If in a dream you had to quarrel with your husband, it means that in reality you will soon have a harmonious relationship. A dream in which you heard unfair accusations indicates that in life he has the warmest feelings for you, values ​​and respects you very much.

If you dreamed about your husband’s sister, dream books advise you to consider this dream a reminder to ask how she is doing, she remembers you and will be glad if you pay attention to her.

Why do you dream about someone else's husband? If you are really married, the dream book directly indicates that your relationship has reached a dead end, and you feel lonely in the family. The dream book warns an unmarried lady that the fulfillment of her desire is postponed for now.

Since you dreamed of a pregnant husband, expect a new addition to the family. But in a dream, as always, everything is mixed up: in reality you will give birth to a child, after all, and not your spouse. Pay attention to the mood that remains after sleep: the more positive it is, the better.

If you dreamed that you killed your husband, who is alive in reality, the dream book promises a quick solution to his main problem: recovery, repayment of debt, peaceful end to the conflict. And if your spouse is really no longer alive, the dream should be regarded as a sign that the time of grief has passed and life goes on, despite all the hardships.

Why are you so surprised by a dream in which your husband hugs you? As the dream book says, this dream is nothing more than a projection real events. Well, unless you are a little lacking in hugs and other manifestations of care and tenderness in reality.

Dreaming about a new husband unmarried girl to a hasty and therefore not very successful marriage. If we are talking about married woman, the dream suggests that not everything is going smoothly for her either. family relationships, and she is secretly thinking about an affair on the side.

Why do you dream that your husband is crying? The dream book is encouraging; such dreams indicate that black line, which haunts your family, is nearing a successful conclusion.

The dream book believes that a dream in which a divorce from your husband occurred makes a molehill out of a molehill: in reality, no more than a minor, easily resolved conflict will occur. At the same time, the dream reminds that the husband lacks vivid impressions, which you probably know.

If you dreamed of your husband in bed, the dream suggests that now is the time for him to rest, and for you to act. The dream book gives some hints: do not try to follow the beaten path or repeat past success; this time only fresh solutions will help you.

A quarrel with your husband in a dream foreshadows the imminent harmonization of marital relations. You feel deep down in your soul that your relationship is gradually losing its former brightness; it is necessary to introduce the effect of novelty into it. The dream promises that you will succeed.

A dream in which a husband cheats on his wife Vedic dream book interpreted as a danger for both. A woman who sees her husband cheating in a dream should beware of everything related to fire: fire, burns, short circuit. A dream can portend any troubles, except the betrayal itself.

A dream about a husband with another woman promises all kinds of failures. Which is quite natural: such dreams are often dreamed by disappointed or anxious women. Being in such a state, in fact, it is not difficult to get into an unpleasant situation.

Although this is nothing more than a dream, nevertheless, the dream of a husband’s friend means that the woman is so fed up with the existing state of affairs that for the sake of change and new impressions she is ready to go very far - to encroach on the holy of holies - her husband’s friend.

When you dream that your husband left you for no reason, look for consolation in the dream book: your dream only means an upcoming small disagreement that will end in a stormy reconciliation and your family life will sparkle with new colors.

If you dreamed of a sick husband, according to the dream book, anyone around you could get sick in the near future, but not him. At the same time, such a dream may be a harbinger of family troubles; try to prevent them.

Cheating on your husband in a dream speaks of nothing more than a hidden readiness to actually do something similar. If in reality prudence and moral principles stop you, then in a dream - why not, it’s just a dream.

If you saw that husband is dead, this indicates too much psychological dependence on your other half. The dream book thus tries to remind you that there are other aspects of life and encourages you not to be afraid of change. Just don’t go to the other extreme, don’t force things and don’t try to swim against the flow.


Dream Interpretation sex with ex-husband

Why do you dream about sex with your ex-husband in a dream according to the dream book?

If intimacy happened with someone with whom you have already broken off a relationship in reality, this means that deep down in your soul you still have feelings for him, moreover, now you will have to pay for the wrongdoings that you committed a long time ago.


My ex-husband is back - a dream?



Seeing people or objects in a dream that qualify as “former” means that not everything has passed without a trace. If in a dream you see your ex-lover, then there is still a place in your heart for him. If in your dream you are together, as if nothing had happened, then real life The pain of separation has finally passed. If you dreamed that you were meeting your former classmates, fellow students, colleagues and so on, then in the near future you will receive news from your friend who is now far away

Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

Freud's Dream Book

Why does a woman dream about her ex-husband? In a real relationship, discord and some coldness await her. If in a real relationship she is satisfied with everything, such a dream may well be interpreted as prophetic. Pay attention to your actions and feelings in this dream, as well as the feelings, emotions, words or actions of the dreamer. Perhaps in this you yourself will find the secret encrypted by your subconscious in such a dream.

A dream about a former close man can symbolize sexual dissatisfaction with a real partner or a strong desire to meet one. Hidden desires often manifest themselves as dreams, therefore, only you yourself can accurately answer the question of why you dreamed about your ex-husband.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

Vanga's Dream Book

Interpretation of the dream: ex-husband - desire to return the relationship, desire for reunion, marriage. If you see in a dream that you are still together, you have let go of this person and, finally, you can breathe easy and go towards fate with your new chosen one.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov

The one you broke up with is not good. If a woman meets her ex-husband in a dream, she should beware of troubles caused by her own rash actions. More literally, a woman may dream of an ex-husband about the illness of her children or current lover, an unforeseen difficult trip, complications in business and financial situation.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

Dream Interpretation of Nancy Wagaiman

A dream about your ex-husband indicates that you should think about it, apparently you still haven’t let him go and haven’t forgotten. You keep him in your thoughts. The dream promises you that your heart will be occupied by your former chosen one. In this case, you should not hope for the development of new relationships. Let go of the old and it will come new line in your life. A dream in which you kiss your ex means that your feelings together have not yet faded away. Also, such dreams can symbolize a lack of romance and attention with your current lover. Something needs to change in your relationship immediately. Take a fresh look at your personal life.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

Stuart Robinson's Dream Book

Seeing your ex-husband in a dream means emotional and sensual experiences about this in real life. Any parting with a person dear to the heart leaves a mark on the soul. Which can be clearly seen in such dreams. In real life, you may have calmed down, but at the subconscious level you are still hurt and lonely.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband?

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Nostradamus strongly recommends avoiding sorcerers, fortune tellers and any other psychics after such a dream. Why do you dream ex-husband feeling passion or intense love for you is a particularly significant dream. Someone may try to deceive you by doing things that benefit him with your hands.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with the dreamer’s state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, a frightening one promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

I dreamed about it ex-boyfriend and in your dream did you feel absolutely happy? Or did he cause severe irritation? Whether you're single or married, a long-broken relationship may periodically return to your dreams.

To prevent this from happening again, it is worth understanding what it means to see your ex in a dream, and how dream books, psychologists and doctors interpret such events.

What do different dream books say about such dreams?

Dream books explain in different ways the reasons why our old lovers appear in our dreams. Much depends on the specific circumstances of the dream: did you see a happy walk? A dramatic fight? Someone's tears or betrayal? You need to take into account all the signs.

Vanga's Dream Book

The appearance of your ex in a dream may mean that you really miss him and want to return your old love. But Vanga warns against such a step. According to the seer, he will interfere with the new happy life with a loved man.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing your ex in a dream is a sign that you are greatly burdened by the past, and thoughts about old relationships are preventing you from seeing new perspectives. If your ex dies in night pictures, you should prepare for a bad period in life. If he appears naked or extremely unkempt, but this fact does not surprise you, you have fallen out of love.

Freud's Dream Book

A dream with an ex-boyfriend is a harbinger of scandals that will be difficult for you to avoid. If you had sex with your ex in a dream, you are probably lacking sexual satisfaction.

Wanderer's Dream Book

The appearance of a sad, drunk or naked ex-boyfriend in your dreams can mean that you are now on the right track. New relationships await you.

Loff's Dream Book

Dreaming about your ex means trouble, and possibly great misfortune. If a dream foretells you a wedding with your ex-lover, big problems await you in life.

If your ex confesses his love to you, someone will give you an unpleasant gift. If your ex-boyfriend gets married, something new and good will appear in your life, and if he dies, marriage will shine on you.

Interpretation of a dream with an ex by day of the week

For correct interpretation In dreams, it is important to take into account the day of the week when you saw it:

  • From Monday to Tuesday: If you dream of an old lover, it means that he treats you with respect and does not hold a grudge. If you are now in a new relationship, such a dream promises a happy continuation.
  • Tuesday to Wednesday: Your ex is thinking about you and may want to get back. The dream should be a reason for you to think about changes in life and relationships. Perhaps right now you have a fear of feelings that needs to be overcome.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday: probably the ex-boyfriend/husband is thinking about you, but trying to forget himself in the arms of another. It will be better if you clear up any remaining unanswered questions.
  • From Thursday to Friday: this is a sign that the man is constantly suffering from separation. If you have feelings for him, you can get back together.
  • From Friday to Saturday: if you had a dream this night, you will soon start a new relationship or someone will come into your life. important person. If you love your ex, the relationship may rekindle.
  • From Saturday to Sunday: if in a dream he cheats on you, in real life someone wants to betray you. But maybe your ex just wants to talk to you and is constantly thinking about it.
  • From Sunday to Monday: events that happen in a dream can be repeated in real life. A quarrel with an ex seen in a dream can predict a quarrel with your current love. But some dream books claim that all the events of this night should be interpreted the other way around: a quarrel in a dream means a truce in life.

How do psychologists explain dreams in which an ex is present?

When it comes to a dream ex-lover, psychologists interpret such an event as an attempt by your subconscious to communicate something important. Such an event can have one of 9 explanations:

  1. A dream involving an ex may signal that you have feelings for him. This doesn't mean that you need to be together. Perhaps you haven't forgiven your ex for something young man, and therefore you cannot “let go” of it.
  2. It is quite normal to dream about your ex if your relationship was never consummated. For example, you stopped communicating due to a move or a quarrel, and now you are consumed by thoughts: “What if then...?” If such questions exist in the conscious mind, they will arise in the subconscious.
  3. You have problems with your current partner, and in your mind you often compare your relationship with your old experience.
  4. Sometimes you go to your ex-boyfriend's profile on in social networks. And if you see there that a man has changed, become better, or found someone else, you may be bothered by involuntary feelings of resentment and pity.
  5. You may be feeling dissatisfied with your life or your current relationship right now. Therefore, the answer to the question of why your ex-boyfriend dreams will be as follows: your consciousness is trying to fill the feeling of emptiness with memories of a period when everything was good.
  6. You miss the happy times you had with your ex. It's not necessarily boredom to a specific person, perhaps you lack the freedom and irresponsibility that you felt a few years ago.
  7. You miss the qualities that are inherent in your ex-lover. For example, he has always made important decisions in your couple, and left without him, you yourself cannot cope with the task of choice.

  1. The ex himself contacted you. Because of this, your brain may be terrorized by thoughts about why he did it and how not to react to the situation.
  2. Do you have a desire to “find out” the relationship? It is not surprising that your ex-lover comes to you even at night.

What does such a dream actually mean?

In the psychophysiological understanding, our dreams are a set of information that is stored in memory and reproduced in a dream in random order. When a guy with whom you broke up a long time ago appears in a dream, it means that during the day you indirectly remembered him.

What does "indirectly" mean? You may not have even thought about your ex, but your brain thought of him when you heard his name (or recognized the scent of his cologne). At that moment, you might have been too busy trying to connect the name you heard with your ex-boyfriend's name, but your brain was able to analyze the connection and continued replaying the memory during the night.

But the longer your separation from your once loved one lasts, the less often he will come into your consciousness. This is explained by the fact that over time, the neural connections responsible for old memories weaken and new ones are superimposed on top of them. Therefore, the more active and rich your new life, the easier you will be able to forget past relationships, and they will not appear in dreams as often.

But if the relationship was long or difficult, random dreams may become disturbing after long periods of time. For example, your ex-husband may unexpectedly dream about you even 5 years after the divorce, and this will happen on the day when the divorce was officially filed (or on the day you met).

What to do if you dreamed about your ex? How to get rid of such dreams?

If you dream of your ex-husband or boyfriend with whom you broke up a long time ago, and such an event greatly irritates or unsettles you, you can get rid of unwanted dreams.

To do this, we recommend resorting to several tricks:

  1. Unfriend your ex on social media. Also, delete his number from your phone and correspondence. And don't forget about the photographs. If you want to get rid of thoughts about this man, try to erase all memories and get rid of the things that unite you.
  2. Accept the fact that you won't be together. The worst thing is to live and believe that everything can still form. Because of this, you are depriving yourself of the chance for a new and happy relationship.
  3. Give yourself time. If the breakup happened a few weeks ago, your brain may be projecting dreams about your ex out of habit (after all, you used to think about him all the time, right?).
  4. Don't focus on what you see in your dreams. It is normal if people from the past often come to you at night - you were once close, and the memories of this will forever remain in the folds of memory. Treat sleep as an opportunity to once again re-evaluate the experience you have collected and begin to move forward. A guy you don't think about is unlikely to be in your dreams.

A dream is a piece of a “deformed” memory from the past that your ex-boyfriend could have found himself in. It signals what is happening in your subconscious: what you are afraid of, what you want, and what you are thinking about.

And dreams are also an imprint of impressions from the day. Therefore, when you dream of an old love, first of all you should understand what could have caused memories of it, and then trust the dream books.

Video: why do you have dreams involving your ex-husband or lover?

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When an ex is seen in night dreams, every woman experiences her own feelings: some experience joy and happiness, some experience anger and disappointment, and some experience passion. But can you always trust your feelings from a dream, or does this image hide something else? What are the dangers of such a sudden meeting? The best dream interpreters will help you figure out why your ex-husband is dreaming.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller very clearly and logically interprets the appearance of a departed partner in a dream:

  • Kissing your ex-husband in a dream is not the most beneficial sign. If the ex-spouse hugs in night dreams, wants to return, or otherwise demonstrates rebirth former feelings, just in case, get ready for some unpleasant consequences from your past relationship.
  • In the dream book, Miller claims that if a past partner comes with flowers, gives a gift (gold, ring, chain), wants to return or has already returned, your troubles will return, but in real life. The dream book says the same thing, and if you dreamed of marrying an ex, no matter what emotions you experienced in the dream.
  • If you dreamed of sex with your ex-husband, this is an unpleasant sign, and the naked spouse himself does not bode well either. Such a vision warns of a new flare-up of an old quarrel. Sleeping with him in dreams means preparing for problems in reality.
  • On the other hand, if the ex-partner has arrived, looks well-groomed, smart, and smiles, there is a reason for joy. This image promises you fame.
  • But Miller interprets what the former drunk, sad and unhappy means as follows: this may turn into disappointment for you. If you dream that your betrothed is crying, get ready for the fact that in the near future your plans may be ruined and your hopes may not come true.
  • To see in a dream how you left your ex, or to kick him out according to Miller’s dream book, means that in reality, problems most likely await you. Arguing with your ex-spouse in a dream is not good, and you should be mentally prepared to resolve the troubles. On the other hand, if he just talked, even in a slightly raised tone, but did not swear, then this may signal that he himself is feeling bad in life.

If such dreams appear too often, maybe you shouldn’t think about why your ex-husband is dreaming and look for it hidden meanings? You're probably just bored and thinking about it a lot.

Seeing your ex-husband in a dream - interpretation according to Vanga’s Dream Book

But Vanga interprets the dream where he sees his ex-husband much more optimistically. It turns out that it is not at all necessary to expect a bad omen in such a phenomenon - perhaps what your ex-husband dreams about promises you good news:

  • Kissing your ex-partner in a dream, marrying him, seeing him smile, want to come back and show his love in some other way - this means that the breakup was unnecessary for you, and you are ready to return your family.
  • Feeding your ex-husband in a dream when he arrived, talking to him as if there was no separation - this is a signal that the difficulties in the relationship are almost behind you, you have realized their inadequacy before the power of love. The same can be said about dreams where your husband appears naked or where you are expected to sleep with him.
  • The worst thing, according to Vanga, is why the last man dreams of being drunk. Most likely, he misses you, he is disoriented in life.
  • Seeing an ex's death is also a sign of trouble, destructive force your breakup.
  • Vanga’s dream book interprets swearing and fighting with a spouse in a dream, driving him out of the door as an unwillingness to come to terms with the reasons for separation, an unwillingness to let go of one’s pain.
  • But the vision where the first husband is crying can be interpreted in different ways, depending on your feelings. If you feel sorry for your spouse, then there is a possibility that he is looking for a meeting with you, and if tears cause pleasant sensations, then the interpretation is the same as that of a dream with a scandal.

It is important to understand that the meaning of sleep according to Vanga’s interpretation may vary somewhat depending on personal perception of events.

Dream about ex-wife - Dream Book of Nostradamus

But the medieval predictor and interpreter of dreams Nostradamus is not going to console a woman who happened to talk to a past man in a dream or see him in different situations. In his opinion, if an ex-partner arrived in a daydream, it doesn’t matter whether he smiles or cries - this is not good:

  • To see in a dream your ex-husband who wants to return or has returned, gives flowers and gifts, and you have to marry him, etc. - almost certainly you have somehow interested sorcerers, witches and magicians in a bad way. Moreover, than stronger feelings experiences your ex-spouse in a dream, the more dangerous your enemies are in the real world.
  • It’s even worse if you dreamed of sex with a man who is no longer in your destiny. Sleeping with him threatens to call you to account for your past sins, so even if you just dream of a naked ex, be mentally prepared that in life your skeletons from the closet will become public knowledge.
  • It’s not much more pleasant to find out what the ex-husband, now deceased, dreamed about. Even if you just dreamed of death, most likely in reality you should expect problems and dangers.

If you dream about your previous relationship every day, you kick your partner out or leave on your own, perhaps you just need to distract yourself from the breakup, find another topic for thought, and not think about why your ex-husband is dreaming. Then life will turn into a more pleasant direction, where dreams will foreshadow only good news.

If you dreamed about your ex-husband - Tsvetkov’s interpretation

Tsvetkov does not delve too deeply into the interpretation of various specific images that often haunt divorced girls in their dreams. It doesn’t matter if you dreamed of having sex with a departed man, kissing, just talking, seeing him trying to come back or cheating - all this warns you to be more careful about doing frivolous things and try not to make spontaneous decisions. I dreamed about my ex-husband - a signal that the consequences of your actions will not be the most pleasant.
It is much worse if you dream of a deceased (deceased) or departed spouse, and at the same time in real life you already have another man. Perhaps gifts, flowers and smiles threaten you with trouble no less than the same husband who cries or dies in his sleep, and the interpretation of the images comes down to the possible illness of the new partner.

In general, both kicking out and welcoming your ex-husband, according to Tsvetkov, means hassle, difficulties and useless trips.

Why did the ex-husband dream (interpretation of AstroMeridian’s dream book)

Ex-husbands are the personification of a negative experience, a mistake, a woman’s possible rejection of herself, unfinished business or fear of a new beginning. It takes time for the image of an ex-husband, even an unloved one, as well as the fear of acting independently, to fade in the mind.

A marital relationship with a husband is similar to a family relationship. It will not be possible to dispel the power of a relationship right away. Working on increasing your own self-esteem and reconsidering your positions on some things will require energy expenditure, but it is worth it to regain freedom and independence. The dream of an ex-husband is interpreted in different ways. Remember the sensations of sleep, emotions upon awakening, details of the conversation and the man’s appearance.

  • A woman dreams of her ex-husband with someone else - remember if there are any unresolved issues in the relationship. Leave grudges against your husband, clear your mind of the ghosts of the past.
  • What does a young ex-husband dream of, according to the dream book - unresolved questions from the past that will have to be answered.
  • Seeing your ex-husband drunk is a strong emotional shock.

Why did you dream about Ex-husbands (Psychiatric dream book)

Why does the ex-husband dream - the dreamer solves a dilemma in reality, whether it was not in vain that she broke up. Ex-husbands also dream at night if a woman felt something during the day associated with her departed spouse: smell, melody and actions. Even the subconscious can record this and appear in a dream.

Why did you dream about meeting your ex-husband - the relationship did not end, the emotional end was not set for the woman. Talk to your spouse. When this is not possible, write a letter and express your feelings. This will give a feeling of finality.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband (Romantic dream book)

  • A quarrel with an ex-husband means a quick resumption of communication.
  • Communication with your ex-spouse in a dream - you are looking for support and advice from a loved one.
  • If you dreamed that you were flirting with your ex-husband, expect a breakdown in your current relationship or change your communication style with a new person.
  • Why do you dream about your ex-husband coming back to you - the dream means that new connections will be fragile.
  • I dreamed of meeting my ex-husband with fear in my heart, I wanted to sneak away - illness, watch your well-being.
  • Why did you dream that your husband showed up naked - the dreamer is in for trouble.
  • If the ex-spouse is dressed in military uniform and says goodbye - unpleasant events.

Analysis of a dream in which the ex-husband dreamed (interpretation by psychologist S. Freud)

Why does a woman dream about her ex-husband - discord, some coldness in relations with a new partner. If everything suits you in a relationship, it’s a prophetic dream. Pay attention to the actions and feelings in this dream, as well as the feelings, emotions, words or actions of the dreaming husband. Perhaps you yourself will find a secret encrypted by the subconscious in a dream. In a dream, seeing your ex-husband symbolizes sexual dissatisfaction or a strong desire to meet a new partner.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband (dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkov)

  • Dreaming of sex with my ex-husband - Unknown person will try to deceive.
  • To see your ex-husband eating in a dream means beware of rash actions.
  • If you dreamed about your ex-husband's mistress, it means that your children or your current lover are ill.

How to understand a dream in which you saw your loved one (interpretation by Nancy Wagaiman)

  • Why do you dream about your ex-husband at night - you haven’t let go of your past relationship. You shouldn’t hope for the development of new relationships; let go of the old and a new line will come.
  • Kissing your ex-husband means that your joint feelings have not faded away.
  • Meeting your ex-husband in a dream is a lack of romance and attention with your current lover. Take a fresh look at your personal life.

Why do you dream about your ex-husband (dream book of psychologist G. Miller)

  • If you dream that you and your ex-husband broke up, there are still unresolved issues in the relationship.
  • Divorce from your ex-husband in a dream - doubts about the fidelity of your current partner.
  • I dreamed about my ex-dead husband - unplanned expenses, for example, repairs.
  • Kissing your ex-husband in a dream means joyful events, unexpected profits.
  • I dreamed about my ex-husband's house - problems in the sexual sphere.

The meaning of a dream about an ex-husband (Vanga’s Dream Book)

  • A dreamed ex-spouse is a desire to return the relationship, a desire for reunion, a marriage.
  • If you see that you and your ex-husband are still together, you have let go of this person and are moving towards fate with a new chosen one.