Filtering military gas masks

Filtering military gas mask RSH - 4 (helmet - mask ShMS)

Gas mask RSH-4. The EO-16 filter-absorbing box has the shape of a cylinder with a height of 17.5 cm and a diameter of 10.7 cm. There is an internal screw-on neck at the bottom of the body.

The marking on the FGSH is applied with waterproof mastic on the cylindrical part of the body: the first line is the index FPK-EO-16; the second line is the designation of the manufacturer, month, last two digits of the year of manufacture, batch number; third line - series and number of FPK. The ShM-41Mu helmet-mask consists of a body, a goggle unit, fairings and a valve box. The ShMS helmet-mask consists of a body, a spectacle unit, fairings, a valve box and a collapsible intercom. The frontal arrangement and dimensions of the glasses of the spectacle assembly provide the ability to work with optical instruments.

The markings on the front parts of ShM-41Mu and ShMS are applied in the form of a convex imprint from the mold: in the chin part in a circle, a number indicates the height of the helmet - mask, the last two digits of the year of manufacture, the quarter (dots), the symbol of the manufacturer (letter) , mold number.

The bag has a shape rectangular parallelepiped. It is made of single-layer fabric. The flap with a strap at the end is fastened with a buckle. Two compartments of the bag are designed for a helmet mask, respirator and FLC. The FPC compartment has a neck that is tightened with tape. For free access of air to the opening of the FPC, loops are sewn at the bottom of the bag into which wooden inserts are inserted. The partition has a button-fastened pocket for boxes with anti-fog films and membranes, and there may also be an outer pocket for an individual anti-chemical package (IPP).


History of origin. Varieties and their differences.


"Mask-1" (bulletproof protective helmet)

The bulletproof helmet “Mask-1” was born in 1991, when scientists from the Research Institute of Special Equipment of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs took part in the development of helmets that allowed the installation of an armored visor. On already existing protective helmets of this protection class, for example on the STS-81 "SPHERE", with all their advantages, such a possibility was not structurally provided for.

The “Mask-1” helmet, consisting of a steel shell, an under-tool device and a removable visor, provides class 2 protection according to GOST from pistol bullets and shrapnel. The helmet is made of seamless armor steel, without joints or seams, that is, it is solid. This is its obvious advantage over the “Sphere” helmets, the structure of which consists of three armor elements. The helmet visors were made in two versions: a one-piece visor made of transparent polycarbonate material and a version of enhanced protection - a steel visor with a hexagonal glass visor made of polycarbonate.

This is what the Mask-1 protective helmet looks like with a steel visor and a polycarbonate visor (visor raised). The first photo in this article shows the same helmet, but with the visor lowered.

The one-piece polycarbonate visor of the “Mask-1” helmet protects in class 1, that is, from PM pistol bullets fired from a distance of 5 m; the steel helmet itself protects in class 2, that is, from any common pistol bullets and fragments.

The weight of the helmet with a steel visor and glass visor is 4.1 kg, the protection area is 13 square meters. decimeters.

Weight of a helmet with a visor made of solid polycarbonate glass - 3.6 kg

The weight of the helmet without visor is 2.6 kg.

Despite the fact that the Mask-1 helmet has now been discontinued, it is still actively used by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The disadvantages of the Mask-1 helmet include the fact that, despite the 2nd class of protection stated in the product passport, when using the version with a visor made of solid polycarbonate glass, it can actually only provide protection of the 1st class, protecting mainly from impacts and low energy bullets and fragments.

The advantages of the helmet are its weight ratio, protective properties and ease of wearing, compared to bulletproof helmets developed in the 80s, as well as the presence of an internal device in the form of dampers that reduce the impact of the striking element on the head. Also, the retention system, belts and tension regulators help to reduce the force of the dynamic impact on a person’s head when bullets and shrapnel hit the helmet, which was not implemented in early models of bulletproof helmets.

Over time, the “Mask-1” helmet was modernized several times, as a result of which the profile of the under-body device, replaced by a more ergonomic one, and the under-body damper cover underwent significant changes. The color of the helmet's backing has been changed from blue to black. The material and fittings of the chin strap have also been changed. By the end of the 90s, the rubber band covering the edges of the helmet was replaced with fabric.

In addition to the above changes affecting individual elements designs of the Mask-1 helmet, there were also others, which later gave rise to a whole series of Mask helmets.

“Mask-1Shch” (bulletproof protective helmet)

There is a mistake in the title in the picture; it is not “Mask-1”, but a protective helmet “Mask-1Shch”.

During the operation of the "Mask-1" helmet, as well as as a result of analyzing the use of similar helmets developed by other enterprises, it turned out that the attitude towards the use of a visor with a visor made of polycarbonate glass, as well as a visor made of solid polycarbonate glass, among the personnel of the units that used helmets of this type, there is some ambiguity. Despite the fact that a helmet with a glass visor was ideal for operations in confined spaces, open area, where the distance to the enemy increases many times over, the armored glass visor, although not much, distorts the view, which interferes with targeted shooting. There are many photographic images in which special forces personnel are wearing Mask-1 helmets, which do not have a visor, that is, the soldiers preferred to use the helmet like an army helmet, reducing the level of facial protection to zero.

As a result, another version of this helmet, “Mask-1Shch”, was developed, differing from its predecessor in a steel armored visor, on which, instead of a visor made of armored glass, a steel plate with a slot-like hole was attached, which made the protection more reliable, increasing its useful area protecting in 2nd grade. At the same time, with the visor lowered, the viewing radius was significantly reduced, but there was no distortion or glare, which, albeit slightly, was still created by the glass of the first model.

Thanks to the replacement of the visor with an all-metal one, the Mask-1Shch helmet, this modification became cheaper to produce than the original.

The helmet is currently out of production, but continues to be used by various special forces.

The disadvantages of the Mask-1Sh helmet include the fact that when the visor is lowered, the viewing angle is greatly limited.

The undoubted advantage of the helmet is the fact that when the visor is lowered, the entire head and face are protected in the second class from almost all pistol bullets (except special ones) and from fragments.

Weight of the Mask-1Shch helmet - 4.3 kg

Protection area according to class 2 - 13 sq. decimeters

“Mask - 1P” (bulletproof protective helmet with radio intercom)

Another model of a bulletproof helmet in this series is “Mask - 1P”, equipped with a removable transparent visor and a radio intercom. The design of this helmet and its characteristics are similar to the “Mask-1” helmet, differing in the ability to install a single-frequency simplex radio communication device consisting of an antenna, transmitter module, receiver module, power source, providing up to 12 hours of operation in receiving mode and up to 4 hours in transmission mode, as well as microphone and speaker.

The weight of the helmet with visor and radio intercom is 4.1 kg.

The disadvantages of the helmet include the fragility of the shock-absorbing liner, made of foam materials, and the limited service life of the visor, since over time, scratches inevitably appear on the glass, which impairs visibility. The helmet inherited these shortcomings from the basic model “Mask-1” with a glass visor.

The main advantage is the ability to coordinate the actions of fighters during special operations, with the ability to conduct radio communications at a distance of up to 1 km.

This helmet has found application in internal troops and special forces of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

"Mask-2" (shockproof protective helmet)

Unlike its predecessors, who, due to heavy weight and the resulting increased load on cervical vertebrae, were not intended for constant wear, the Mask-2 helmet was designed specifically so that it could be worn for a long time without taking it off. At the same time, instead of a bulletproof one, the goal was to create the most lightweight helmet that would provide complete protection of the head from stones, blows from sticks and other objects in a special class that protects against impact weapons. This helmet was not designed to withstand bullets and shrapnel, but it was lightweight.

The creation of this helmet was facilitated, beginning in the mid-20th century, by the development of high-modulus synthetic materials with a high degree of resistance to impact loads, which include materials based on high-strength organic fibers such as nylon, aramids (Kevlar, SVM fabric, TSVM-Zh) and ultra-strong high-modulus polyethylene.

Repeating the appearance of the previous helmets in the series, the Mask-2 helmet, made of high-strength plastics (fiberglass), weighs only 1.3 kg, is equipped with a removable damping sublayer and a lifting visor made of polycarbonate glass, as well as an aventail made of leatherette with a damping sublayer blows attached to the back of his head.

This helmet is actively used by internal affairs bodies when suppressing riots on city streets and riots in places of deprivation of liberty, where there is a likelihood of enemy use firearms or explosive devices is kept to a minimum.

An undoubted advantage is light weight helmet and the possibility of wearing it for a long time.

"Mask-3" (bulletproof protective helmet)

As a result of the development of high-molecular polyethylene, which surpasses all produced aramid fibers in specific strength, the “Mask-3-1” and “Mask-3-2” ​​helmets were created, which, repeating the design of their predecessors, weighed significantly less, providing protection against pistol bullets and fragments. The design of these helmets provides for the use of respiratory protection, communication equipment, as well as the fastening of an insulating balaclava.

Photo of the helmet “Mask-3-1”

Photo of the helmet “Mask-3-2”

The only difference between these two Series 3 helmets is the weight and degree of protection. Thus, the “Mask-3-1” helmet, with a weight of 1.15 kg, provides protection according to GOST class 1, protecting against bullets from a PM pistol and a Nagan revolver, as well as from small or low-velocity fragments. And the “Mask-3-2” ​​helmet, with a weight of 2.2 kg, belongs to the 2nd class of protection product and protects the head over an area of ​​12 square meters. decimeters.

Helmets “Mask-3-1” and “Mask-3-2” ​​are mass-produced and used by members of the special services and internal troops.

The advantage of these helmets is their low weight, which, coupled with high ergonomic characteristics, allows them to be used for a long time in solving a wide variety of problems. The material from which they are made practically eliminates the possibility of ricochet, and also has high energy-absorbing properties that reduce the impact of damaging elements on the fighter’s head.

"Mask-4" (bulletproof protective helmet)

Thanks to the advent of composite materials, the specific strength of which is approximately five times greater than that of armored steel, composite helmets based on aramid fibers have appeared in Russia, which, like the Mask-2 helmet, perform the direct task of providing shockproof protection, and also provide anti-fragmentation and bulletproof protection.

One of these helmets was the bullet-resistant helmet “Mask-4”, which, repeating the design of the “Mask-2” helmet, weighs only 1.4 kg and provides protection according to GOST class 1, protecting against bullets with steel cores fired from a Makarov pistol and Nagan revolver from a distance of 5 meters, as well as from light fragments. The Mask-4 helmet is widely used in the Armed Forces and special services, when solving many different tasks.

It must be admitted that of the entire “Mask” series of helmets, the bulletproof “Mask-4” helmet is the most versatile; due to its low weight, it can be worn for a long time, does not have any restrictions in areas of application, but it is useless in close contact with the enemy , armed with a fairly powerful small arms, including powerful pistols (for example, such as TT). If there is a risk of using such weapons, preference should be given to helmets of the “Mask-1”, “Mask-1Shch” and “Mask-3-2” ​​types. But here it should be noted that “Mask-3-2” ​​weighs 2.2 kg and has the second class of protection according to GOST, while “Mask-4” weighs only 800 g less, but has the first class of protection.

Also, many experts are of the opinion that the most the best option There will still be a “Mask-3-2”, because it provides class 2 protection and has a relatively light weight - 2.2 kg. In comparison with “Mask-4”, the extra 800 grams are fully justified when the protection class is one level higher and when there is a risk of getting a 7.62x25 mm caliber bullet from a TT pistol or a bullet from the 9x19 mm Parabellum cartridge, for which there are a lot of firearms, including including domestic production.

Designed to provide protection to the human head from possible injuries from bullets during shelling.


The protective helmet ZSh-1-2 is designed to protect the human head from possible injuries from bullets when fired from the following types of weapons: PM pistols of 9.0 mm caliber, mm, pistols of 6.35 and 5.6 mm caliber, TT pistol of 7 caliber, 62 mm from a distance of 5 meters, as well as exposure to fragments (for a ball weighing 1 g V 50% not less than 700 m/s). The helmet reduces the dynamic loads that occur when exposed to the above mentioned weapons.

Design. The helmet is manufactured in two sizes. The design of the helmet provides for the installation of internal equipment for human head sizes from 54 to 58 (the first standard size) and from 57 to 62 (the second standard size). The product consists of a protective shell that provides protection to the frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal parts of the human head, a bulletproof visor (PM pistol) that provides face protection, and internal equipment. The internal equipment of the helmet (retaining system, straps, tension regulator) is designed to hold it on the head and absorb the dynamic impact of a bullet and fragments on a person’s head during shelling. The helmet can be equipped with a built-in radio headset. The product includes a carrying bag.

Basic technical data and characteristics

Protection class according to GOST R 50744-95 - 2

Protection class of a bulletproof visor according to GOST R 50744-95 - 1

Product protection area, size 1/2 sq. dm, not less - 13.6/14.0

Geometric dimensions of the helmet, size 1/2 mm: 210x260x235/210x266x255

Operating temperature range, °C - from -40 to +50

Helmet weight without packing bag, size 1/2 kg - 2.2±0.1/2.4 ±0.1

Helmet size - 54-58 (size 1) 57-62 (size 2).

Mask-1sch, bulletproof helmet

The “MASKA-1Shch” helmet is designed to protect the human head from possible injuries from bullets from the following types of weapons:

    TT pistol caliber 7.62 mm;

    PM pistol caliber 9.0 mm;

    PSM pistol 5.45 mm caliber;

    pistols of 6.35 and 5.6 mm calibers,

    as well as from exposure to fragmentation, ball and arrow-shaped destructive elements.

Design. The design of the armored helmet consists of a protective shell and a slotted visor, providing protection to the frontal, frontal, parietal, occipital and temporal parts of the human head. The internal equipment of the helmet (polyurethane foam dampers, retention system, belts, tension regulator) is designed to absorb the dynamic impact of bullets and shrapnel on a person’s head during shelling. The design of the helmet provides for installation of the fabric part on human head sizes from 56 to 60. The product kit includes a bag for storage and carrying.


Geometric dimensions of the helmet, mm:

Height - 260±5

Depth - 280±5

Width - 245±5

Operating temperature range, °C - from -50 to +50

Helmet weight without packing bag, kg - 3.4 ±0.1

Helmet size - from 56 to 62.

KIVER - 4, armored helmet.

An armored helmet is designed to protect a person’s head from firearms, cold piercing and cutting weapons and from impacts. The armored helmet provides protection for a person's head from 9 mm bullets with a steel core from Stechkin (APS) and Makarov (PM) pistols, as well as from fragments with speeds 570 m/s. helmet protection area 12.5

Peculiarities. The armored helmet is manufactured in two types - model R and model PASGT, which differ in the shape of the armored helmet. Adjustment to the size of the head is carried out using a belt suspension system, ensuring a tight fit of the helmet on the user’s head and a comfortable ventilation mode. Deformable plastic elements of a special shape as part of the suspension system help minimize the traumatic impact when hit by a bullet.

The armored helmet can be equipped with a removable polycarbonate visor, radio connection and an external cover in a plain or camouflage color. Armored helmet weight 1.2 kg

Protective shields They are also widely used as a means of personal armor protection. Shields serve to protect personnel both from firearms and bladed weapons, and from blows from various objects. Armored shields are used for additional protection of the head and torso during shelling from above, assault operations, mine clearance; the presence of an armored window expands the possibilities of safe observation. Sometimes the design allows you to assemble protective screens from several shields. Often the armored shield is also equipped with a camouflage-colored fabric cover. Shields weight: 4-27 kg, protection area: 20-60 dm2 (2-5 protection class).

Shield " Storm" provide the following characteristics:

Possibility of simultaneous protection of the head and torso during shelling from above, assault operations, mine clearance;

Simplicity of design and operation;

The shape of the shield eliminates damage from lateral ricochets;

The weight of the shield allows it to be held with one hand and is sufficient to absorb the energy of damaging elements;

The shield can be easily reset if necessary to free your hand;

Camouflage cover provides camouflage.

Main technical characteristics of "Sturm" shields


Protection class


Protection area, dm. sq.


The shield is shockproof. Provides protection against stones, bottles, iron bars and other objects. The shield consists of a shock-absorbing screen, a retention system and a shock-absorbing substrate.



The protective element of the shield is made of armor steel with an anti-corrosion coating, painted with polymer powder paint. The shield is equipped with a handle for wrapping with a hand and a belt loop for attaching to the forearm, both left and right hand without changing the design.


(5.45mm AK-74, 7.62mm AKM)

Sturm-3 with a window of protection class 3ХЛ

(5.45mm AK-74, 7.62mm AKM) according to GOST R 50744 with window (650x120 mm) 3 protection classes according to GOST R 51136


The shield is made of a combined armored block with an anti-corrosion coating in a case, equipped with a handle for gripping with a hand and a belt loop for attaching to the forearm, both right and left hand.

(AKM 7.62mm TUS)

* Shockproof metal shield. At the top of the shield there are inspection holes in 6 rows (in the central part). Dimensions 1000 mm. x 600 mm. Protection area 60 sq. dm. Weight no more than 3.5 kg.

**Shockproof shield made of polycarbonate. The transparent screen is made of fire-resistant material. Dimensions 1000 mm. x 600 mm. Protection area 60 sq. dm. Weight no more than 3 kg.

***Shockproof metal shield with a polycarbonate window. The window is made of fire-resistant material. Dimensions 1000 mm. x 600 mm. Protection area 60 sq. dm. Weight no more than 3.1 kg.

Additional equipment

Bulletproof apron from 1 to 3 protection classes for bulletproof shields "Sturm-2, -3, -5". Protection area 13 sq. dm.

Armor shield "BZT -75S" Designed for complex use with the Sfera armored helmet. The armor shield is used to protect a person’s head, neck and chest from bullets from pistols, revolvers, and smooth-bore hunting rifles. The armor shield is a trapezoidal sheet of titanium alloy sewn into fabric. To hold the shield with one hand inside two handles, an elbow bend and a palm are installed.

The protective area of ​​the armored shield is 25 dm2, weight is 4.5 kg, continuous wearing time is up to 4 hours. Personal armor protection for personnel of internal affairs bodies.

Transparent shockproof shield “Stained glass – M” Designed to protect against impacts from sticks, metal rods, metal objects, etc. The shield is a polycarbonate sheet 3 mm thick with rounded corners and edges bent parallel to the vertical axis, forming stiffening ribs. The shield provides a protection area of ​​60 dm2. In order to weaken the dynamic load that occurs during an impact, a shock-absorbing polyurethane plate is installed on the inside of the shield. The rigid handle and loop with textile clasp ensure a secure and comfortable hold. Shield weight -3.2 kg. Continuous wearing time - up to 8 hours.

Shockproof shield “Stained Glass – AT” has the same purpose as Vitrazh-M. The shield is made of aluminum alloy, measuring 900x500 mm and weighing 3.9 kg. Compared to polycarbonate shields, it has a longer service life, but is heavier and provides poorer visibility.

Armor shield BShch-82 protects against bullets from pistols, revolvers, shotguns, AKM, AK-74 assault rifles. Armor shield weight - 18 kg. Continuous wearing time up to 2 hours.

Armor shield "Fence" is the most effective existing means of protection. It can be used to protect against bullets from pistols, revolvers, hunting rifles, AKM and AK-74 assault rifles, M-16 automatic rifles (USA), sniper rifle SVD.

Structurally, it consists of 2 elements: a folding shield and a breastplate. The breastplate is a supporting structure for holding the shield and evenly distributing its weight on the human torso. The shield is fastened to the breastplate using three brackets, which are fixedly mounted on the shield and inserted into special locks on the breastplate. The bib is secured with adjustable straps on the torso and a shoulder rest on the left shoulder.

The breastplate provides protection from bullets of all types of pistols and makes it possible to drop the shield if necessary and carry out further actions without a shield.

The shield is flat in shape, with small curved edges. At the top of the shield there is a viewing window covered with transparent armor. The protection area of ​​the “Fence” armored shield is 30 dm 2, weight is 35 kg.

Vant-VM, armored shield. Designed for protection during assault operations in buildings, air and rail transport


Manufactured using specially developed technology taking into account the latest advances in the reliability of armored structures.

Thanks to the special design and unique armored structure, the shield provides sufficient mobility and highly effective protection against bullets with a heat-strengthened core from AKM and AK-74 assault rifles, LPS bullets from the SVD rifle and bullets from the M16A1 and A2 rifles at a distance of 5 meters with a low probability of ricochet. The inspection hole of the armor shield is protected by armored glass of protection class 5.

Armor shield area – 42 Armor shield weight – 24 kg.

The armored shield is equipped with an apron attached to the bottom of the shield, which provides protection from bullets from TT, PSM and APS pistols. The special design and arrangement of the armor shield's handles and straps ensure comfortable holding by both right and left hands. High ergonomic parameters are achieved through the use of a special unloading system, which allows reducing the load on the hands by distributing it throughout the user’s body.

The Vant-VM armored shield can be equipped with a special built-in wide-angle color video surveillance system (Vant-VM-T Armored Shield), which makes it possible to avoid the use of inspection holes in the armored shield design.

"Tablet", shield. Designed for assault operations.

Available in two versions:

Type I - 2nd class of protection according to GOST R 50744-95 (from TT and PSM pistols);

Type II - 3rd class of protection according to GOST R 50744-95 (against bullets from AKM and AK-74 assault rifles).

The viewing window is made of transparent armor.

Specifications: Protection area: 56; weight: 9 kg (type I), 18 kg (type II).

ShchPEU,shockproof shield with electric shock device

Designed for passive and active protection law enforcement personnel.

Specifications: dimensions 900 x 560 mm; weight – 4.3 kg (basic shield 3.4 kg); voltage on the electrodes – up to 60 kV; discharge current with a resistance of 1 kOhm – 25 mA; power supply – rechargeable battery; the total operating time of one battery charge is at least 40 minutes; number of charge-discharge cycles – at least 400.