In Leningrad, at 17:25, nine shells exploded at the Kozitsky plant. Five wounded, two dead. There were also casualties from other shells that exploded that day in various parts of the city, in particular in the Commercial Port. The enemy continues to shell, and the ranks of those who must deal with their consequences have thinned significantly. By September 1, 1941, there were 275,891 people in all formations of the Leningrad MPVO, including home self-defense groups. On February 1, 1942, only 168,160 people remained in their composition. Bombing, shelling, hunger, and evacuation had their effect. It’s not easy for those who remain in the thinned ranks, but they are experienced, seasoned fighters.

Trucks with food on Lake Ladoga.

On Lake Ladoga, 327 cars have sunk since the ice route began operating. Despite this, the vehicle fleet of the Road of Life looks impressive. As of February 1, there were 3,624 vehicles. In addition, cargo is transported by 147 tractors and 960 horses. The Ladoga military highway is served by 17,281 people.

Admiral Gordey Ivanovich Levchenko(1897–1981), participant in World War 1, the storming of the Winter Palace, the Civil and Great Patriotic Wars, Deputy People's Commissar of the Navy, who later became Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Navy.

The 20th anniversary was celebrated by the medical instructor of the 2nd battalion of the 514th rifle regiment of the 172nd rifle division of the Primorsky Army of the North Caucasus Front, senior sergeant Maria Karpovna Baida(1922–2002). In the Red Army since 1941. In one of the battles for Sevastopol in May 1942, she freed a Soviet commander and several soldiers from captivity, destroying 15 fascists. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 20, 1942, she was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. On July 12, 1942, being seriously wounded, she was captured, went through concentration camps, but held on courageously and steadfastly. After the war, she lived in the hero city of Sevastopol and was elected as a deputy of the city council.

February 2, 1942

1st Guards Cavalry Corps under the command of P.A. Belova reached the approaches to Vyazma.

A platoon of skiers under the command of Gaiduk set up an ambush near the village of Ivkovo. Having allowed the retreating German convoy to come within 70 meters, the skiers opened fire from an easel machine gun and machine guns and killed more than 100 enemy soldiers.

A group of reconnaissance units from commander Terentyev’s unit attacked a retreating German company. The enemy fled, leaving 30 killed and two seriously wounded soldiers on the battlefield.

Signalman Bazhanov corrected the communication line under enemy machine-gun and mortar fire. At the decisive moment of the battle, he and the infantry went on the attack and destroyed 4 fascists in hand-to-hand combat.

February 4, 1942

A future private of the railway battalion celebrated his 15th birthday Mikhail Konstantinovich Makartsev, who later became a Soviet military leader, colonel general, Hero of Socialist Labor, head of the Railway Troops of the USSR Armed Forces.

February 5, 1942

On the territory of the USSR in the city of Buzuluk, the formation of a Czechoslovak infantry battalion began under the command of Ludwig Svoboda, the future president of Czechoslovakia.

Red Army soldier Sukailovich, armed with an anti-tank rifle, entered into single combat with fascist tanks. He knocked out one German tank and forced another to retreat.

Political instructor Nastechko together with four Red Army soldiers, he burst into the enemy trenches and bayoneted 3 German soldiers and one officer. In total, the brave five destroyed 14 Nazis, captured two light machine guns and several rifles.

February 6, 1942

Even the devout Nazi, Minister of the Occupied Eastern Territories Rosenberg, who was not noted for his humane attitude towards subhumans, especially Russians, wrote a long letter to Chief of Staff Keitel protesting the treatment of Russian prisoners of war: “The fate of Russian prisoners of war in Germany is a tragedy of the greatest magnitude. Of the 3 million 600 thousand prisoners, only a few hundred thousand are still able to work. Most of them were exhausted to the limit or died due to the terrible weather... In most cases, the camp authorities (still on Soviet territory - Ed.) prohibited the transfer of food to prisoners... In many cases, when prisoners of war could not move further from hunger and exhaustion, they they were shot in front of shocked local residents, and the corpses were left on the road. In many camps, prisoners were kept in the open air. They were not provided with shelter either in rain or snow... And finally, mention should be made of the executions of prisoners of war. At the same time, any political considerations were completely ignored. So, in many camps, for example, all “Asians” were shot..."

Once again about the tragic fate of the Siberian divisions. Some of them were sent to Leningrad, to one of the weakest areas, and were immediately thrown into the offensive. A participant in those battles, P.S. Bryzgalov, recalled:

“This was not an offensive, but the extermination of soldiers and commanders exhausted by a long march. By 12 noon, about 500 people remained from the division. I remember well how the division commander, after they called him from above and said that if he did not take Staraya Russa, he would be shot, said goodbye to me (I was then temporarily in command of the regiment) and went into battle. The commissar was soon taken past the command post, seriously wounded, and I could not find out anything about the fate of the commander. The artillery approached the battlefield when the division ceased to exist. They brought it into battle in regiments, one at a time, in one direction. It could hardly have been more stupid and worse than this. Mountains of corpses are the result of this offensive. And they sent the soldiers into battle without artillery, aircraft or tanks, without thorough preparation - on the orders of Stalin, who blamed all the defeats on others.”

The Pravda newspaper publishes “Red Army soldier Kuzivanov destroyed 140 Germans”:

The Red Army soldiers of junior lieutenant Boyko's unit stubbornly and courageously fight the German invaders. On one of the sectors of the front, the enemy, having a numerical superiority, pressed hard on our unit. The machine gunners of Boyko’s unit opened heavy fire on the advancing fascists, vol. Kravtsov and Kuzivanov. An enemy bullet hit Kravtsov, Red Army soldier Kuzivanov remained alone at the heavy machine gun and continued to fire. For an hour, he shot the Germans with a machine gun and destroyed 140 fascists during this time.

February 7, 1942

An astronomer died near Kharkov Vladimir Grigorievich Shaposhnikov(1905–1942), head of the time service of the Tashkent Observatory and researcher at the Simeiz Observatory, who went to the front in July 1941. He was an outstanding specialist in measuring time and absolute determination of the coordinates of celestial bodies. Based on his observations and recommendations, a series of domestic zenith telescopes were manufactured and installed in all major observatories of the country.

A future war veteran celebrated his 15th birthday Vladimir Petrovich Kuts(1927–1975), who later became an Olympic champion and record holder in the 5 and 10 thousand meters, ten-time champion of the USSR and world record holder. The best athlete of the world 1956, 1957.

February 8, 1942

In a battle in the Smolensk region, a political instructor of a machine gun company, a wonderful 22-year-old Russian poet, died Nikolai Petrovich Mayorov(1919–1942), who volunteered for the army in October 1941. P.G. Antokolsky wrote: “Nikolai Mayorov did not have to search for himself and his topic. His poetic world was sharply delineated from the very beginning, and in self-restraint he felt his strength. His lyrics, telling about sincere male love, are organic in this poetic world.”
There is a metallic sound in my voice.
I entered life hard and straight.
Not everyone will die. Not everything will be included in the catalogue.
But only let it be under my name
A descendant will discern in the archival trash
A piece of hot, faithful land to us,
Where we went with charred mouths
And courage was carried like a banner... The Soviet military leader celebrated his 50th birthday Fedor Alekseevich Astakhov

(1892–1966), participant in the 1st World War (pilot), civil war (chief of the Siberian Air Force) and the Patriotic War. Commanded the Air Force of the Southwestern Front, served as deputy commander of long-range aviation, and air marshal.

A front-line cameraman celebrated his 25th birthday Anatoly Alexandrovich Koloshin, who later became a cameraman, director and screenwriter of documentary films, People's Artist of Russia.

February 9, 1942

On the approaches to Sevastopol, artillery, interacting with aviation, suppressed 9 artillery batteries, destroyed 2 bunkers, 5 fortified points, and 4 enemy mortar batteries in just four days of February.

We, the undersigned, the military prosecutor of the rifle division, military lawyer 3rd rank Krovyakov, military investigator technical quartermaster 2nd rank Lotsmanenko, senior political instructor Kuchminsky, representative of the NKVD Malev, military doctor 3rd rank Vinokurova, military doctor 3rd rank Nastaskina and Red Army soldiers Plachenov and Lareshnev, have compiled this act on the following:

During an inspection of the dugout, which is located near the collective farm “Rekintsy”, Solnechnogorsk district, Moscow region, 16 corpses of Soviet soldiers were found, brutally tortured by the Germans.

Upon examination of the corpses it was established:

1 corpse. In a pilot's uniform. Last name unknown. There is a through bullet wound to the chest. There is a chopped wound on the face in the area of ​​the brow ridge. The nose is cut off with a bladed weapon. Open fracture in the area of ​​the right ankle joint. The leg is twisted. There are traces of kicking on the skull, the skull is compressed.

2 corpse. Last name not established. A through bullet (explosive) wound to the right shin was discovered. Bullet wound to the abdominal cavity (explosive), wound to the chest at point-blank range.

3 corpse. Trubin Pyotr Vasilyevich, orderly, native of the Kuibyshev region, Kuzovatovsky district, Nikolsky village council. An external examination of the corpse revealed a chopped wound in the area of ​​the left cheek with bone damage, a wooden wedge driven into the wound. Penetrating bullet wound to the skull.

4 corpse. Reznik Alexander Romanovich, Red Army soldier, native of the Ukrainian SSR, Chernigov region, Baturinsky district, Krasnyansky village council, Krasnoe village. A fracture of the skull across the entire parietal and occipital region was discovered. Injuries from cold weapons.

5 corpse. Undressed. The corpse was in a position that suggests that the Red Army soldier tried to crawl off the bunk on his chest, bracing himself with his hands, but was shot in the forehead, point-blank.

6 corpse. Last name unknown. An external examination revealed a chopped wound inflicted by a cold weapon in the parietal region with bone damage. Bullet wound to the chest.

7 corpse. Last name unknown. There is a through bullet wound from an explosive bullet under the left collarbone. There was a bayonet wound in the chest area.

8 corpse. Last name unknown. In the area of ​​the cheekbone on the right there is a laceration caused by a bladed weapon. Injury to the right shin.

9 corpse. Last name unknown. The genitals were torn out without the use of firearms or bladed weapons. There is a crushed wound to the skull with damage to the bones.

10 corpse. By insignia - artillery sergeant. There are two superficial wounds in the lumbar region. There are bruises on the corpse caused by heavy kicking. Death apparently resulted from internal bleeding.

11 corpse. Last name unknown. A bullet wound was found in the area of ​​the left buttock, on the face, in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, and a chopped wound.

12 corpse. Last name unknown. A bullet wound was found in the left temple area. Shot at point-blank range, burn marks.

13 corpse. Last name unknown. A wound was found in the right thigh. The second gunshot wound, in the chest, at point-blank range. Burn marks on the overcoat.

14 corpse. Last name unknown. A bullet through wound to the thigh and a chopped wound to the penis were discovered.

15 corpse. Last name unknown. A continuous bullet wound was found in the upper third of the right thigh and a blind wound - a bullet wound in the liver area. There are traces of heavy beatings with boots on his face.

16 corpse. Last name unknown. According to his clothes, he is a pilot. Some of the clothes were burned. The right leg was twisted and torn out, judging by the torn edges of the wound, without the use of firearms or bladed weapons. The abdomen was opened with a bladed weapon. The skull is compressed.


Based on the data obtained and medical examination of the corpses, it was established:

1. In the dugout there was a group of Red Army soldiers, among whom there were 12 wounded and 4 healthy.

2. All Red Army soldiers who were in the dugout - a fascist dungeon - were subjected to brutal torture by the Nazis and then killed.

3. It is firmly established that the interrogation of captured soldiers was carried out in the dugout using monstrous abuse and torture. There is also complete confidence that 16 heroes, despite the unheard-of bullying of man-eating fascists, remained faithful sons of our great homeland until their last breath and died a brave death.”

February 10, 1942

The Pravda newspaper publishes from the North-Western Front:

“Early in the morning, a flight of fighters consisting of pilots Kuznetsov, Bondarenko and Solomov flew out to reconnaissance of area S. At an altitude of 1700 meters they encountered a fascist Messerschmidt-109 fighter. Lieutenant Kuznetsov rushed at the enemy. The damaged Messerschmitt, trying to escape, turned over its wing, but it was attacked by Major Bondarenko and the fascist plane, catching fire, fell down.

While the air battle was going on, Lieutenant Comrade. Solomov noticed two more Me-109 fighters. The lieutenant boldly went towards the enemy vehicles. He shot down one Messerschmitt with well-aimed fire, and his companion hurried to turn back.”

Junior lieutenant awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union Vladimir Polikarpovich Simonok(1912–1942), commander of the mortar company of the 31st rifle regiment of the 25th Chapaevskaya rifle division of the Separate Primorsky Army. He fought bravely against the invaders from the beginning of the war - in fierce battles on the border Prut River, near the city of Dubossary, during the defense of Odessa. Simonka's company especially distinguished itself in repelling the December assault on Sevastopol. On March 26, 1942, in one of the offensive battles near the village of Mekenzia, Lieutenant V.P. Simonok died. A street in Sevastopol was named in honor of the Hero.

It became known about the heroic feat that a 62-year-old collective farmer performed Ivanov Ivan Petrovich in the days when German bandits captured the village of Lishnyagi, Serebryano-Prudsky district, Tula region. The Nazis proposed to Comrade. Ivanov to escort them to the neighboring village of Podkhozheye. Collective farmer Ivanov refused to carry out the order. After beating the old man, the Germans forced him to show the way. Then Ivanov led the Germans into a deep forest. 30 German vehicles loaded with weapons got stuck in a deep ravine. Enraged Nazis shot the glorious patriot. However, the Germans themselves could not leave the forest. Most of the German soldiers and officers got lost in the forest and froze.

A Red Army soldier performed a heroic feat Kuchkar Akhmet Durdiev.

During an attack on German positions, he was the first to break into the enemy bunker and found himself alone among a group of enemy soldiers. The fearless fighter, having knocked down one Nazi with a blow from the butt, rushed towards the German machine gunners who were firing at our troops. In a fierce battle, Durdiev lost his rifle. Then he snatched the rifle from the hands of the Nazi and killed the German machine gunners. The soldier killed the German officer who attacked him with a shovel. Durdiev captured one non-commissioned officer and two German soldiers and delivered them, along with trophies, to his unit.

February 11, 1942

Red Army sappers Zotov, Egorov, Kozlov And Epifanov in battles for one village, three German tanks were destroyed by skillfully placed mines.

A group of guards under the command Senior Lieutenant Savchenko blocked 7 enemy bunkers and blew them up with bunches of grenades. All the Nazis who were in the bunkers died. The brave actions of the guards ensured the successful advancement of our rifle unit.

Gun crew Sergeant Yakov Zemzyulin at night he rolled out his gun to an open firing position and destroyed several enemy bunkers with direct fire, suppressed 16 firing points and blew up an ammunition depot.

February 12, 1942

Many Soviet military leaders had already fully realized that the offensive launched on Stalin's orders in early January on all fronts had actually failed. The command of the Western Front once again reported to Stalin: “As battle experience has shown, the lack of shells does not make it possible to carry out an artillery offensive. As a result, the enemy’s fire system is not destroyed, and our units, attacking the weakly suppressed enemy defenses, suffer very heavy losses without achieving adequate success.”

Three female medical instructors stand ready for duty.

However, “the organizer of all our victories,” Stalin stood his ground. Only at the end of February - beginning of March, the Headquarters decided to reinforce the fronts operating in the western direction with forces and means, but this was a belated decision. Our troops lost about half a million more people in the last 2 months of the battle (until mid-April).

A reconnaissance group of three soldiers led by Lieutenant Nosov met with enemy reconnaissance. Soviet intelligence officers killed 17 White Finns and captured trophies.

Red Army skiers of the unit Lieutenant Pogonin They went behind the retreating enemy unit and cut off its escape route. All attempts by the Germans to leave the encirclement were repulsed. Brave skiers destroyed more than 100 enemy soldiers and officers. A large group of Germans surrendered.

The Pravda newspaper publishes: “Red Army soldier Fomin was awarded the rank of senior lieutenant”: A month and a half ago, when the company commander, Lieutenant Kravtsov, was wounded, Red Army soldier Mikhail Germanovich Fomin took command of the company. The company under his command has distinguished itself more than once in battles with the Nazis. The young commander led his soldiers in an attack on an unnamed farm. He was wounded in the leg by a mine fragment. Comrade Fomin was bandaged and asked to go to the hospital, but, overcoming the pain, he caught up with his unit and led the soldiers into the attack. In this battle, Fomin was once again wounded in the chest, but still continued to lead the battle. The day before yesterday company comrade. Fomina was advancing on the village of Z... A bullet pierced Fomina's lip and knocked out two teeth, but he raised his company and was the first to rush into the attack... The Military Council highly appreciated the courage of the Red Army soldier Fomin, who grew in battle into a strong-willed and fearless commander, awarding him the rank of senior lieutenant. Yesterday Comrade Fomin received a welcoming telegram from the front command.”

A war veteran celebrated his 20th birthday Grigory Ivanovich Salmanov(1922–1993), who then became deputy commander-in-chief of the Ground Forces and head of the Academy of the General Staff.

February 13, 1942

Detachment Red Army soldier Khromchenko, opening fire on a retreating enemy convoy, destroyed 6 trucks with ammunition and food and a headquarters vehicle.

Platoon commander Aliev with a group of scouts made a night attack on a village occupied by the enemy. As a result of the battle, our scouts killed 20 German soldiers, captured two machine guns, important operational documents and various equipment.

The 25th anniversary was celebrated by a war veteran (company political instructor, tank brigade commander) Semyon Konstantinovich Kurkotkin(1917–1990), who then became the Chief of Logistics of the Armed Forces of the USSR - Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR.

February 14, 1942

The partisans of the Dyatkovo district of the Oryol region formed the “Dyatkovo Soviet Republic” in most of their region.

Collective farm watchman Matvey Kuzmich Kuzmin from the village of Kurakino, Pskov region, repeated Susanin’s feat.

The day before, the commander of the German battalion occupying Kurakino demanded that 83-year-old Kuzmin act as a guide and lead the unit to the village of Pershino (6 kilometers from Kurakino) occupied by Soviet troops, promising for this money, flour, kerosene, as well as a “Three Rings” hunting rifle " Kuzmin agreed. However, having learned the intended route from the map, he sent his son Vasily to the village of Pershino to warn the Soviet troops and assign them a place for an ambush near the village of Malkino. Matvey Kuzmin led the Germans along a roundabout road for a long time and, finally, at dawn, led them to the village of Malkino, where the 2nd battalion of the 31st separate cadet rifle brigade of the Kalinin Front, which was then occupying defense on the Malkin Heights in the area of ​​the villages of Makaedovo, Malkino and Pershino, had already taken a position. . The German battalion came under machine-gun fire and suffered heavy losses (50 killed, 20 captured). Kuzmin himself was killed by the German commander. On May 8, 1965, by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, Matvey Kuzmich Kuzmin was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously). The monument to Matvey Kuzmich Kuzmin was installed at the Partizanskaya metro station in Moscow.

Artillery battery Lieutenant Shumilkin was attacked by a German unit reinforced with tanks. Courageous artillerymen repelled German tank and bayonet attacks for three hours. Several destroyed German tanks, guns and many corpses of Nazi soldiers remained on the battlefield.

A group of Red Army skiers under the command Sergeant Sakharov attacked the enemy in one of the villages at night. Throwing grenades at the houses in which the Nazis were located, the Red Army soldiers drove them out of the village. On all escape routes from the village, the Germans were met by skillfully placed comrades. Sakharov automatic skiers. As a result of the successful operation, about 100 German soldiers were killed and an enemy convoy and food warehouse were captured.

February 15, 1942

By mid-February, an extremely difficult situation had developed in the Vyazma region. Units of the Red Army failed to encircle the German troops, and the fighting became protracted. The Soviet command decided to land the main forces of the 4th Airborne Corps west of Yukhnov with the task of cutting the Warsaw Highway and subsequently connecting with units of the 50th Army. The landing of the 9th and 214th airborne brigades took place at night from February 16 to 24. During this period, 7,373 people and 1,525 bales of ammunition, weapons, food and other property were thrown into the Zhelanya area. The landing took place under active opposition from the Germans. On February 23, the plane carrying the corps commander was fired upon, as a result of which Major General A.F. Levashev was killed. Chief of Staff Colonel A.F. Kazankin took command of the corps. On the ground, the corps encountered strong resistance from German troops. Despite this, the paratroopers marched 20–22 km behind German lines and on February 28 reached the line indicated for the meeting with the 50th Army. However, the army troops were unable to break through the German defenses, and the 4th Airborne Corps went on the defensive.

Brave Scouts Sergeant Agapitov And Red Army soldier Berdnikov, moving behind enemy lines, we noticed a German headquarters vehicle. The scouts destroyed two staff officers and the driver with grenades and captured valuable documents.

Junior Lieutenant Rusenovsky Together with four soldiers, he captured 22 German soldiers.

Died, volunteered for the front in 1941, an outstanding inventor in the field of color cinematography Pavel Mikhailovich Mershin(1897–1942). During World War I, he was an aerial photographer, after graduating from aviation school, he served as an observer pilot, then worked at the Mosfilm film studio. He developed an original method for printing color films on chrome-plated gelatin, which was used to produce several cartoons in 1936-37 (“The Fox and the Wolf”, “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”). In 1938 he received a patent for a hydrotype method for producing color films, which has retained its significance to this day.

February 16, 1942

Stalin demanded that the command of the Western Front destroy the Bolkhov-Zhizdra-Bryansk grouping of the enemy and by March 5 reach the line that Soviet troops occupied at the end of September. However, the transfer of reserve formations promised by the Headquarters was greatly delayed, and as a result of fierce battles, Soviet troops only managed to take Yukhnov on March 5.

11 Red Army soldiers under command Lieutenant Golovanov successfully repelled a counterattack by an enemy company. Comrade Golovanov shot 7 Nazis. Leaving 28 corpses in the snow, the Germans retreated.

During the battle for the village horse guide Cherkasov was near the hitching post. Noticing that a German tank had burst into the village and was firing at the Red Army soldiers fighting in the street, Comrade. Cherkasov tied several grenades and crawled forward. Having approached the tank along the ditch, the fighter threw a bundle at it from close range. There was an explosion and the tank was disabled.

February 17, 1942

The troops of the 29th Army of the Kalinin Front broke through the encirclement into which they found themselves on February 6 near Rzhev and reached the location of the 39th Army. Only 5 thousand people managed to break through to their own people, of which 800 were wounded.

Seventeen scouts led by junior lieutenant Gabisov encountered more than a company of fascist soldiers at night. The scouts boldly went against the enemy. The battle lasted over two hours. The Nazis left 21 killed soldiers and officers on the battlefield and hastily retreated.

Three Red Army soldier-machine gunner Miskov, Vladimirsky And Zhurin, having brought the enemy infantrymen who had launched a counterattack to close range, they opened fire on them. Having lost 50 soldiers killed and wounded, the Germans retreated.

Soviet pilot celebrated his 25th birthday Kirill Alekseevich Evstigneev(1917–1996), who then became twice Hero of the Soviet Union, Major General of Aviation.

The day after being mortally wounded in battle, the outstanding Russian film director, actor and screenwriter died at the age of 42. Evgeniy Veniaminovich Chervyakov(1899–1942), graduate of the State Film Technical School (1927), former actor and director of the Ufa Theater. He began acting in films while still a student (“Golden Reserve”, 1925, “Cross and Mauser”, 1925). In 1927, he played the role of Alexander Pushkin in the film “The Poet and the Tsar,” which he directed according to his own script together with Vladimir Gardin. His work was distinguished by subtle lyricism, poetry, originality of editing, and a deep disclosure of psychological characteristics. His films have become classics of world cinema: “The Golden Beak” (1929), “The Girl from a Distant River” (1928), “My Son” (1928), “Cities and Years” (1930, according to Fedin), “Prisoners” (1936 ), “Honor” (1938), “Dalnyaya Stanitsa” (1940). Stalin really did not like his paintings, and they were released in limited editions. In 1941, Evgeny Chervyakov voluntarily joined the partisan detachment.

February 18, 1942

Three enemy tanks tried to attack our positions. Gun crew senior sergeant Vasily Andrushev with several shots he knocked out two enemy tanks one after another, the third tank turned back.

Red Army soldier-submachine gunner A. Kudinov in battles for one village, he destroyed 8 enemy soldiers and captured 4 German soldiers. In the same battle, Comrade. Kudinov captured two German machine guns and four machine guns.

Soviet military leader celebrated his 45th birthday Pavel Alekseevich Belov(1897–1962), participant in the Civil and Patriotic Wars. Commanding the 61st Army (Central Front), he particularly distinguished himself in the Battle of the Dnieper (September 1943). General Belov's troops crossed the Dnieper, captured a bridgehead on the right bank and expanded it, liberating 21 settlements. After the war, he commanded a number of military districts. Hero of the Soviet Union, Colonel General.

February 19, 1942

At night, the 9th and 214th airborne brigades and a battalion of the 8th airborne brigade landed northwest of Yukhnov. Their task was to break through the enemy’s defenses from the rear, but they failed to do this.

20 year old captain Vasily Iosifovich Stalin awarded the rank of colonel. He ended the war as a regiment commander, having shot down two (or three) German planes. In 1947 he became a lieutenant general.

The Pravda newspaper publishes:

“During the battle for the village, a group of radio operators led by squad commander Vorobyov climbed into the attic of the house. Noticing this, the enemy opened machine-gun and mortar fire. However, the radio operators did not leave their post and continued to report to the command post to monitor the progress of the battle. The Nazis began to surround the house. It was necessary to choose another place. Red Army soldier Zavyalov volunteered to cover the retreat of his comrades. Well disguised, Zavyalov killed 10 fascists with a rifle. Meanwhile, the radio operators got out of the encirclement. Zavyalov returned unharmed.”

February 20, 1942

Troops of the Northwestern Front surrounded the enemy group in the Demyansk area. Despite fierce fighting, most of the German troops managed to escape from the encirclement.

Six machine gunners under command Sergeant Polyakov, having cut the road along which the German convoy was retreating, they killed 12 enemy soldiers and captured 6 carts, 11 machine guns, 4 mortars and 6 boxes of mines.

Soviet military leader celebrated his 35th birthday Sergey Matveevich Shtemenko(1907–1970), who then became an army general, head of the Main Intelligence Directorate, and headed the General Staff. In July 1953, he was removed from his job, demoted to lieutenant general and sent to the post of commander of the Volga Military District, and then retired. In 1956, Georgy Zhukov returned him to Moscow and put him at the head of the GRU, but after Zhukov’s disgrace (October 1957), Shtemenko was demoted again and removed from his job. In June 1962, he became chief of the General Staff of the Ground Forces, then became chief of staff of the United Armed Forces of the Warsaw Pact states.

February 21, 1942

The 31st separate special Gorky division of armored trains was formed in the city of Gorky. The division included the Gorky and Murom armored trains: “Kozma Minin” and “Ilya Muromets”, a black steam locomotive S-179, an armored tire BD-39, special cars: headquarters, first-aid post, workshop, kitchen-bath, residential. The division's vehicle fleet included two BA-20 armored vehicles, three M-72 and Izh-9 motorcycles, six GAZ-AA trucks, two M-1 vehicles, and two GAZ-64. The division's personnel, together with the attached airborne mortar company, amounted to 335 people. A special feature of the division's armored trains was the use of rocket artillery and guns located in tank turrets.

The division went through the battle route from the Volga to the Oder, ending it near Berlin. For participation in the battles for the liberation of Warsaw, he was awarded the title of Warsaw. On October 31, 1944, he was awarded the Order of Alexander Nevsky, receiving the name 31st separate special Gorky-Warsaw Order of Alexander Nevsky division of armored trains. The division accounted for the destroyed German armored train "Adolf Hitler", 42 artillery and mortar batteries, 24 individual guns, 14 bunkers, 94 machine gun emplacements, 15 German aircraft.

Under cover of fire from scouts Red Army soldier Ponomarev crawled to the enemy dugout and blew it up with mines. 15 German soldiers and an officer died under the ruins of the dugout.

Squad commander Izotyev During two days of fighting in one of the sectors of the Southwestern Front, he destroyed several dozen enemy soldiers and officers with well-aimed machine gun fire. Captain Orlov in one hand-to-hand fight with the enemy he destroyed 8 Nazis.

A war veteran (front-line newspaper artist) celebrated his 30th birthday Vladimir Nikolaevich Minaev, who later became an excellent illustrator who developed an original painting and graphic technique.

February 22, 1942

Fighter Alexander Vinogradov wrote a suicide note, put it in a rifle cartridge and hammered it into the trunk of a birch tree (it was found after the war): “Twelve of us were sent to the Minsk highway to block the path of the enemy, especially tanks. We held firm. And now there are three of us left: Kolya, Volodya and me - Alexander. But the enemies attack without mercy, and now one more has fallen, Volodya from Moscow. But the tanks are still climbing, 19 cars are already burning on the road, but there are two of us, but we will stand as long as we have the courage, but we will not let us through until our own approach. And so I was left alone, wounded in the head and arm. And the tanks added to the count. Already 23 cars. Perhaps I will die. But maybe someone will find my note someday and remember. I'm from Frunze, Russian. There are no parents. Goodbye, dear friends. Yours, Alexander Vinogradov.” These events took place on the 152nd kilometer of the Moscow-Minsk highway. The 612th Infantry Regiment of the 144th Infantry Division of the 5th Army of the Western Front, which went on the offensive on Gzhatsk, broke through the enemy’s defenses, went to the rear of the Germans and cut the Minsk Highway 25 kilometers east of Gzhatsk. The Germans abandoned their tanks; The bloody battles did not subside for three days. The entire battalion in which Vinogradov served died here.

Corpses of German soldiers after the retreat

In the battle on Krivoy Kos, not far from Taganrog, a luxurious briefcase was captured as a military trophy, containing, among other things, a notebook with calculations, formulas, graphs and considerations on the uranium problem. The notebook was transferred to the Scientific and Technical Directorate of the State Defense Committee and played a certain role in the decision to begin Soviet work on creating atomic weapons.

Unit artillerymen commander Reutov(Western Front), repelling a counterattack of an enemy regiment, cut off enemy infantry from tanks, destroyed and scattered up to 400 enemy soldiers.

Soviet military leader celebrated his 45th birthday Leonid Aleksandrovich Govorov(1907–1955), during the war he commanded the artillery of the Western direction, the Reserve and Western fronts, the 5th Army, a group of troops of the Leningrad Front and the Leningrad Front, led the breakthrough of the siege of Leningrad. After the war, he was awarded the highest military award - the Order of Victory, and was Deputy Minister of Defense of the USSR.

Hero of the Soviet Union, Marshal of the Soviet Union.

In the village of Dubovik, a poet and playwright died during a German raid. Vsevolod Eduardovich Bagritsky

(1922–1942), son of Eduard Bagritsky (Dzyubin). He was exempt from military service due to his eyesight, but in January 1942 he achieved assignment to the Volkhov Front in the newspaper of the 2nd Shock Army “Courage” as a writer-poet (there was such a position in front-line newspapers).

I spent 1 month and 2 days at the front. He died while in a hut interviewing the political instructor of the 100th Cavalry Regiment, Onufrienko, who had distinguished himself in battle. The shrapnel pierced the logs and riddled both of them. Exactly 10 days before his death, on February 16 he wrote in his diary: “Today is 8 years since the death of my father. Today is 4 years and 7 months since my mother (Lidiya Gustavovna Bagritskaya-Suok) was arrested. Today is 4 years and 6 months of eternal separation from my brother. Here is my short biography. Here is a list of my happy days... Strangers surround me. I dream of finding a friend, but I can’t... And I’m waiting for the bullet that will kill me.” Vsevolod Bagritsky studied at the same school with Elena Bonner and, it seems, was in love with her. Musa Jalil arrived in his place at the newspaper.

Shortly before his death, the poet wrote:
It disgusts me to live without undressing,
Sleep on rotten straw.
And, giving to the frozen beggars,
Tired of hunger, forgetting. Stiffness, hiding from the wind,
Remember the names of the dead,
No answer from home,
Exchange junk for black bread. Consider yourself dead twice a day,
Confuse plans, numbers and paths,
Rejoice that you have lived less in the world
Twenty. An outstanding Russian cameraman died on the Leningrad Front Svyatoslav Aleksandrovich Belyaev(1903–1942), former assistant to the famous cinematographer Friedrich Werigo-Darowski. Under his leadership, he made his debut in 1925 with the film “Minaret of Death”. In 1927, his creative collaboration began with film director Evgeny Chervyakov, who liked Belyaev’s subtle and soulful art, the operator’s desire for expressiveness in the portrait characteristics of the characters, and the emotionality of the landscape. Belyaev shot Chervyakov’s best films: “The Poet and the Tsar” (1927, location shooting), “The Girl from a Distant River” (1928), “The Golden Beak” (1929), “Cities and Years” (1930).

February 23, 1942

In connection with Red Army Day, an order was issued by the People's Commissar of Defense of the USSR Joseph Stalin, where it was said that the day was not far off when the Red Army would defeat the enemy, and red banners would again fly throughout Soviet land. “Now the Germans no longer have the military advantage that they had in the first months of the war as a result of a treacherous and sudden attack,” the order said. “It only took the moment of surprise to disappear into the German arsenal for the Nazi army to face disaster.” Here the words first appeared: “It would be ridiculous to identify the Hitler clique with the German people, with the German state... Hitlers come and go, but the German people, and the German state remain.” Stalin, apparently, after the defeat of the Germans near Moscow, believed in his military genius and quite seriously believed that the war was about to end. The phrase about the German people is clearly addressed to the Germans - the defeated Germans. After this order, headlines appeared in the newspapers: “Under the banner of Lenin, under the leadership of Stalin - forward to the defeat of the Nazi invaders!”, “Forward to victory!” But it will take more than 3 years before victory.

A group of scouts under command senior sergeant Volkov went behind the Germans' rear. Brave soldiers bombarded enemy dugouts with grenades and killed 20 German soldiers and officers. The reconnaissance group returned without losses and delivered a captured German soldier, one heavy machine gun and several rifles.

Anti-aircraft gunners units Comrade Batrakova They shot down a fascist transport plane that was trying to drop bread to the German garrison, which was blocked by our units. 8 crew members of the plane were taken prisoner.

To Commander Alyabyev with a detachment of 10 tanks and a landing party of skiers, it was ordered to make a deep raid behind enemy lines. Near one village, the detachment was met by fierce fire from German anti-tank guns, mortars and machine guns. With a bold attack, the detachment destroyed four guns and killed 80 German soldiers and officers. Moving forward, a detachment of tankers met a German battery coming to the aid of the garrison. The battery was completely destroyed.

February 24, 1942

Unit fighters Lieutenant Kryuchkov Fire from anti-tank rifles shot down two German transport planes transporting gasoline and flour for a German garrison blocked in one of the settlements. The crews of both aircraft - 9 soldiers and officers - were taken prisoner.

Tank crew under command Senior Lieutenant Raidofir in a two-day battle he attacked the enemy five times. Brave tank crews destroyed 4 German anti-tank guns, 5 heavy machine guns, 3 mortars, destroyed two bunkers and killed over 50 enemy soldiers and officers.

The military leader celebrated his 35th birthday Pavel Mikhailovich Fitin(1907–1971), future lieutenant general, chief of foreign intelligence.

February 25, 1942

The Red Army numbered 11 million by the end of February.

Tank crew with accurate fire Lieutenant Kreshchanovsky destroyed 2 German anti-aircraft and 2 anti-tank guns in one battle and blew up an ammunition depot.

Machine Sergeant Lev Antipin, having brought a platoon of German cavalrymen to close range, he disabled 13 enemy soldiers with well-aimed fire. In another battle, the brave sergeant destroyed an enemy tank and 2 vehicles with infantry with bunches of grenades.

Our sappers under command Comrade Kuznetsova penetrated the German airfield, blew up 110 tons of bombs, 103,000 shells and brought 60 barrels of fuel and 1,500 shells to the location of our units.

The crews of two tanks under the command Comrade Tsysa attacked the enemy twice. Fire and tracks destroyed 7 enemy anti-tank guns, 19 machine guns, knocked out two German tanks and disabled several dozen German soldiers and officers.

Soldiers from the air defense brigade monitor enemy aircraft.

Died (according to the “Book of Memory of the Dead and Missing in the Great Patriotic War. Volume 7”), as stated in the book, “assistant platoon commander of the 1291st Infantry Regiment of the 110th Infantry Division of the 33rd Army”, one of the pioneers of the development basics of astronautics Yuri Vasilievich Kondratyuk (Alexander Ignatievich Shargei, 1897–1942), a self-taught scientist, independently of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who derived the basic equation of rocket motion and gave a diagram and description of a 4-stage oxygen-hydrogen fuel rocket (1919). A participant in the Civil War, according to some sources, on the side of the whites, and he himself left them; according to others, he fought against the Denikinites. During the civil war, friends, fearing reprisals from the Reds / or Whites /, got him a certificate in the name of a deceased person - Kondratyuk. In 1930 he was arrested and kept under investigation for two years. They released me, but prohibited me from doing research. In 1933, Korolev invited him to his place, but Kontratyuk refused, fearing exposure and further repression. In 1941, he volunteered for the front and died. Back in 1929, Kondratyuk’s book “The Conquest of Interplanetary Spaces” was published in Novosibirsk, which was translated into many world languages. Neil Armstrong, who studied it and was the first to visit the surface of the Moon, said after returning: “This would not have been possible if not for Yuri Kondratyuk.” The USSR KGB sounded an alarm: they were looking for an American spy. Kondratyuk’s book was published in several dozen copies. It indicated the stages of space exploration for 2 thousand years in advance, and all points of his plan are still being fulfilled in the sequence given by Shargei-Kondratyuk.

According to German information, in February, 8-10 thousand “civilian Russians” were driven to work in Germany every week. In the Baltics, the first recruitment of labor for Germany began in February in the form of voluntary enrollment. Men born between 1920 and 1922 were recruited, were in good health and had no criminal record. The following conditions were offered: a year of work in Germany, after which the provision of the same job in the homeland was guaranteed, free round-trip travel, free meals along the way, provision of uniforms, provision of vacation after 6 months of work, during which travel was allowed to visit relatives. However, even in the Baltic states, where the Germans acted cautiously, this first, voluntary recruitment of workers was already accompanied by a certain pressure: the Germans fired men from enterprises, replacing them with women, and the men who were left without work were offered to go to Germany. In the spring of 1942, the recruitment of Baltic peasants to work in Germany was carried out by force. The police drove around villages at night, picked up men and women aged 16 to 35 years old and sent them to Germany in groups of 600 people under escort.

February 26, 1942

Soldiers of a platoon of heavy machine guns Senior Lieutenant A. G. Kukhtin(Western Front) in one battle they disabled 6 German tanks and destroyed over 100 enemy soldiers and officers.

Red Army Soldier Black, delivering newspapers and letters to the line of fire, noticed a group of German soldiers near the outskirts of the village. The brave fighter made his way into the attic of one of the houses and destroyed 12 Nazis with fire from his rifle.

A group of Red Army reconnaissance soldiers under the command Comrade Plugina, having discovered a warehouse of ammunition and weapons behind enemy lines, returned to her unit and reported to the command about the results of the reconnaissance. The command gave the order to one of the units to take possession of the warehouse. Our fighters quietly made their way to the enemy's location and, silently removing the German sentries, captured the warehouse. Shells, heavy machine guns, mortars, anti-tank flies, telephone cable, which were in the warehouse, were delivered to our unit.

Soviet writer celebrated his 35th birthday Evgeny Efimovich Popovkin(1907–1968), edited the army newspaper during the war. After the war, he was editor-in-chief of the Moscow magazine. He dared to be the first to publish Mikhail Bulgakov's slightly abridged novel The Master and Margarita.

February 28, 1942

The Vyazma airborne operation ended. Over 10 thousand people with weapons were sent to the Vyazma area to join the 50th Army. But the 50th Army did not make it to the intended line, and the paratroopers went on the defensive behind enemy lines.

Tank crew Lieutenant Shmatko during an attack on enemy fortifications, he destroyed 80 enemy soldiers and destroyed 3 bunkers, under the rubble of which several dozen German machine gunners died.

Red Army soldier Kozlov in the battle for the village, he broke into a house where 10 Germans were holed up. He blew up six Nazis with a grenade and destroyed the rest in hand-to-hand combat.

Late at night in the front-line area in the hut of a 70-year-old collective farmer Alexander Petrovich Savchenko 7 Nazis burst in, trying to escape the pursuit of Soviet soldiers. Threatening with weapons, the Germans demanded food and then went to bed. When the “guests” fell asleep, Savchenko took the weapon out of the hut and hid it in the yard. And then he took a grenade and, standing at the threshold, did not let the Germans leave the house until the Soviet soldiers arrived.

As the newspaper “Soviet Ukraine” reported, the Nazi invaders prohibited Ukrainians living in the occupied territory from use your native language. The other day, the Nazis informed the population on the radio that from now on all addresses on letters should be written in German or in Latin letters.

Soviet pilot celebrated his 20th birthday Vasily Nikolaevich Kharitonov.

Flight commander of the 123rd Fighter Aviation Regiment (Air Defense Forces of the country), by August 1942 he had flown 281 combat missions, in 58 air battles he personally shot down 9 and in a group 11 enemy aircraft. He received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on February 10, 1943. After the war he served in aviation, colonel. Knight of ten military orders.

Interpretation - calendar day 02/12/42.

  • People's horoscope sign happy birthday 02/12/42 #› Aquarius (from January 21 to February 19).
  • 1942 according to the eastern animal calendar › Black Water Horse.
  • Element of the zodiac sign Aquarius, with date of birth 02/12/42. >>> Air.
  • The planet that rules people who were born on this day of the week is Uranus.
  • The day falls on the 7th week.
  • According to the calendar, this month of February has 28\29 days.
  • Day length on February 12 – 9 hours 23 minutes(the length of daylight hours is indicated according to the Central European latitude of Moscow, Minsk, Kyiv.).
  • Great holiday, Orthodox Easter ››› April 05.
  • According to the calendar it is now winter.
  • According to the current calendar:::›› it is not a leap year.
  • The most suitable colors according to the zodiac, for people with a date of birth February 12, 1942~› Pale Green, Yellow, Pale Pink and Dark Chart.
  • Trees suitable for the combination of the zodiac sign Aquarius and the eastern calendar for 1942:::›› Elderberry and Oak.
  • Stones are good luck amulets for people born today > Serpentine, Variscite, Coral, Jadeite.
  • The most suitable numbers for people with a birthday on February 12, 42:::›› Six.
  • Very suitable days of the week for people who were born on the day February 12, 1942- Sunday.
  • The true qualities of the essence, the zodiac sign of Aquarius, who were born on this number are ~› optimistic and sociable.

Information, according to the horoscope, about those men who were born on February 12th.

Married man 02/12/1942 born, gets along well with children as he is a good listener and is really interested in their lives. They are not as amorous as Geminis, but they cannot be called monogamous. Even if he is wrong, he will still remain in his opinion. He will not hide his feelings deep inside and pretend that everything is fine; he will prefer to withdraw into himself and temporarily limit communication. He may look white and fluffy, but remember, inside he is far from that. He believes that a woman and a man should not interfere in each other's lives.
Man by Eastern calendar birth (Black Water Horse), will not squander money on himself, but will help with it to the first person he meets who needs it. He doesn't like everything standard and official. The wife must unquestioningly share all beliefs and constantly prove her love and devotion to her husband according to the horoscope born on February 12. These are gentlemen everywhere: at work, in the family, and with friends. An Aquarius husband’s freedom cannot be limited; your family life should be structured in such a way that you are always on hand, ready to help at any moment. If you connect your life with him, you will not be bored. An Aquarius husband is ideal for idealistic wives who do not value their independence and who want to diversify their own lives emotionally. A woman can keep a man of this horoscope sign for a long time only if she retains a certain mystery and intrigue, because Aquarians are attracted by everything new and unknown.
Getting or attracting the attention of a man on February 12, 1942 according to his birth horoscope is difficult, but realistic, because in every person you can see something for which you can love. Being a housewife and the mother of his children is unlikely to suit him. This guy takes a very long time to make physical contact, so be patient. While in a relationship with you, this person will constantly flirt with representatives of the opposite sex, but things will not go further. If you put pressure on this person, limiting the freedom of a man born on February 12, 1942, and independence, he can easily lose his temper and at such moments commit unthinkable, shocking acts. A person doesn’t like it when someone gets into his insides, so to become his friend, you need to learn not to ask unnecessary questions. Do not forget that the Aquarius man will never be an exemplary family man.
Neither his family members, nor relatives, nor friends will be able to predict what he will do in a minute. The more will a man born on February 12, 1942 gives to his feelings, the more he will be tormented by doubts. Openness to the world is reflected in their appearance. He is a lone wolf. He puts his goals and interests first.

Description of women born today, 02/12/1942, according to the eastern horoscope of animals.

According to the eastern calendar, women born on February 12, 1942 are the Black Water Horse, they should give up the desire to demand something from their loved ones, give them more freedom. Her judgments often shock and amaze other people; she looks at everything completely differently. Always punctual and always deliver as promised. This seems strange, know that she experiences an irresistible craving for freedom.
He monitors his health, is positive, and does not forget to undergo mandatory preventive examinations with a doctor. The characteristics of her horoscope sign are one of the most interesting. So, if you need help, she will help unselfishly, and even if you didn’t ask her for it, she needs to feel important to the people around her. These are modern and brave women 02/12/42. birth, while they are usually responsive and generous, which also attracts people to them. Excessive emotionality can harm them, so it is worth practicing self-control.
Sometimes they are greatly led by their love for honesty and justice, women February 12, 1942 birth, will not mince words and will tell the whole truth to your face, no matter how bitter it may be, this frankness scares off many. If they choose a good husband, they can be happy, as they gravitate toward creating trusting and good relationships in the family. Those who are multi-talented spend their entire lives searching for applications for their diverse talents. These individuals are very graceful and gentle. If you work in the field of research and innovation, you and she will easily find a common interest. The maternal instinct of women born on February 12, 1942 is usually suppressed by common sense and logical thinking. They part with their freedom with obvious reluctance. In family life, freedom is first and foremost for them, so a husband or potential groom is strongly advised to give up hopes of tying his spouse in the kitchen near the stove.

When I had a financial crisis, the Money Amulet helped me attract good luck. The Talisman of Good Luck activates the energy of prosperity in a person, the MAIN MAIN thing is that it is tuned only to you. The amulet that helped, I ordered from official website.

Famous people were born under the zodiac sign Aquarius:

politician Abraham Lincoln, politician Franklin Roosevelt, writer George Byron, Wu Thant, Henri Stendhal, musician Wolfgang Mozart, Arthur Rubinstein, politician Ronald Reagan, writer Jules Verne, writer Bertolt Brecht, scientist Thomas Edison, scientist Charles Darwin, singer Fyodor Chaliapin, scientist Galileo Galilei, Mendelssohn, artist Edouard Manet, King Louis XV, actor Clark Gable, director Federico Fellini, writer Charles Dickens, writer Lewis Carroll

Calendar for the month February 1942 by days of the week

Mon W Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
16 17 18 19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28
Did Zhukov send them to their deaths? Death of the army of General Efremov Melnikov Vladimir Mikhailovich

February 5, 1942

Early in the morning, units of the western group made an attempt to restore the position lost the day before. A particularly fierce battle broke out in the Yastreby and Yurino areas. Despite the dedication of the soldiers and commanders, it was not possible to recapture the settlements of Dashkovka, Yurino and Yastreby from the enemy. Having again suffered heavy losses, our units were forced to retreat to their original position.

The extremely low staffing of formations and units, the lack of food and ammunition, especially in artillery, put the troops of the strike group in an extremely difficult situation. To talk about a further attack on Vyazma in this situation was simply stupid.

All day, the army commander, General M.G. Efremov negotiated with the front headquarters, trying to strengthen the composition of the western group of the army. It seemed to him that if he sent 3-4 more divisions to Vyazma, the city could be taken: why then is it here? But the command of the Western Front was waiting for something: either it had already realized that a fatal mistake had occurred, or it was hoping for something. But the miracle did not happen.


1. As soon as possible, send the required reinforcements to the divisions.

2. Do you receive my reports?

3. Strengthen, it is necessary to strengthen the army’s strike force.


“Comrade ZHUKOV

...I ask you to help with aviation and three divisions of replenishment in order to quickly take possession of VYAZMA.


After some time, the commander of the Western Front sent a telegram of very interesting content to the commander of Army 33:

“Comrade EFREMOV.

…4. I set a task for aviation, but we don’t have enough of it. We give what we can...

5. We clear the rear and move 10 rifle divisions.


But literally an hour later, General Zhukov suggested to M.G. Efremov should think about a joint strike to clear his communications.

“Comrade EFREMOV

Consider the possibility of striking towards GOLUBEV and ONUPRIENKO in order to quickly unite and restore your rear.


This telegram from General Zhukov most clearly demonstrates that the front command not only did not believe the reports of the headquarters of the 33rd Army about the extremely difficult situation that had developed in the area of ​​​​combat operations of the western group of the army near Vyazma, but also absolutely did not know the actual state of affairs in the bloodless one and a half month battles of army formations.

If the command and headquarters of the Western Front had been in control of the situation, they would not have suggested to General Efremov, who had reached Vyazma and moved more than 50 (!) km from the main forces of the front, to “consider the possibility of a strike towards Golubev and Onuprienko,” that is, towards the troops 43rd Army and the eastern group of the 33rd Army.

At this time, the 110th and 220th SD continued to pin down the enemy in their defensive zones. The battalion of the 1293rd joint venture occupied defense along the edge of the forest south of Bukanovo.

General Revyakin’s group (two battalions of the 1293rd SP, a reconnaissance company of the 160th SD, two battalions of the 266th SP of the 93rd SD and a battalion of the 131st SP of the 9th Guards SD) in cooperation with the 9th Guards. At 20:00 the SD launched an offensive with the aim of capturing Pinashin. Despite the rather impressive forces and means deployed in this area, the enemy managed to repel the attacks of our troops, organized from different directions. The tank company of the 5th Tank Brigade, which supported their battle, did not help our infantry either. True, the company consisted of only three T-34 tanks.

From the book They were sent to death by Zhukov? The death of the army of General Efremov author Melnikov Vladimir Mikhailovich

On February 12, 1942, formations of the western group of the army occupied the previous lines of defense. The staffing level of units and units, especially combat ones, was very low, and therefore some of the soldiers from the rear units were sent to replenish the rifle units

From the book Great Heroes of the Great War [Chronicle of a People's Feat, 1941–1942] author Suldin Andrey Vasilievich

February 13, 1942 In all divisions of the western group of the army, work was actively carried out to staff their units at the expense of the local population and soldiers and commanders who were surrounded in this area back in October 1941. As a result of the work carried out in

From the author's book

February 15, 1942 During the night and all day there was restlessness in both the western and eastern parts of the area occupied by formations of the western group of the army. The 338th SD failed to capture the settlements of Bezymyanoye and Ostrovki and cut the Vyazma-Yukhnov road to

From the author's book

On February 16, 1942, the 113th and 160th SDs conducted a firefight with the enemy throughout the day on almost the entire line of defense from the village of Malaya Gusevka to the village of Krasnaya Tatarka, without taking active actions with their units. 1136th and 1138th The joint venture of the 338th SD, having undertaken in the first half of the day in the area

From the author's book

On February 17, 1942, units of the Western group continued to conduct combat operations with the enemy. A joint attack by one of the battalions of the 1138th SP of the 338th SD and a detachment of the 329th SD on Blokhino on the night of February 17 again ended in failure. At the same time, the main forces of the 338th SD managed

From the author's book

On February 18, 1942, the Western group continued to conduct combat operations with the enemy, being in complete isolation. Taking advantage of the carelessness of individual commanders, the enemy managed to push back some units of the 113th and 160th SD in some areas of the defense.

From the author's book

February 20, 1942 There was some calm in the combat zone of the 113th, 160th and 338th SD. The enemy, without taking active actions, conducted rare artillery and mortar fire. The reconnaissance group of the 1136th joint venture of the 338th SD, which was tasked with breaking through to the detachment blocking

From the author's book

February 21, 1942 While fierce battles were taking place in the combat areas of both groups of the 33rd Army, the command of the Western Front continued to search for those responsible for what had happened. Instead of taking effective measures to help those surrounded, the front command

From the author's book

February 22, 1942 Over the past 24 hours, there have been no significant changes in the position of the Western group formations. The enemy did not take active action, but it became increasingly difficult for the troops to solve logistical problems related to organizing food for personal

From the author's book

February 23, 1942 In the morning, the enemy resumed the offensive in the area of ​​Lieutenant Colonel Stashevsky’s combat area. Up to 200 enemy infantry launched an offensive in the direction of Prokshino and up to an infantry company with three tanks - towards Kolodezki. Defenders here

From the author's book

On February 24, 1942, at night, unnoticed by the enemy, the 1295th and 1297th joint ventures of the 160th division left their line of defense and concentrated in the area of ​​​​the village of Gorby, from where they set out along the route Stukolovo, Dmitrovka, Semeshkovo, Belyaevo, Buslava, planning to on the morning of February 25, go to the river. Ugra

From the author's book

On February 25, 1942, the 113th and 338th SD continued to defend together with the detachment of Lieutenant Colonel Kirillov at the same line. The enemy constantly fired at the positions of our units, without taking any active actions. By 9 o’clock in the morning, the 160th SD entered the indicated area and

From the author's book

February 26, 1942 Early in the morning, an order came to army headquarters that plunged brigade commander Onuprienko into despondency: the decision of the commander of the Western Front, Army General G.K. Zhukov, the 93rd SD and 5th Tank Brigade were withdrawn from the 33rd Army and were ordered to be transferred immediately

From the author's book

February 27, 1942 An ordinary day for the encircled group was not quite ordinary for the army commander, Lieutenant General Efremov: on this day Mikhail Grigorievich turned 45 years old. Taking advantage of some calm, Lieutenant Colonel Rusetsky clarified the commanders

From the author's book

On February 24, 1942, soldiers from Lieutenant Kryuchkov’s unit shot down two German transport planes carrying gasoline and flour for a German garrison blocked in one of the populated areas with fire from anti-tank rifles. The crews of both aircraft are 9 soldiers and

From the author's book

February 25, 1942 By the end of February there were 11 million people in the Red Army. With well-aimed fire, the tank crew of Lieutenant Kreshchanovsky destroyed 2 German anti-aircraft and 2 anti-tank guns in one battle and blew up an ammunition depot. Machine Sergeant Lev

During the night of February 12, our troops continued to conduct active military operations against the Nazi troops.

Our unit is under the command of Comrade. Kucheneva (Western Front) captured an enemy convoy consisting of 400 carts loaded with various military equipment. Several dozen soldiers and officers accompanying the convoy were captured. On another section of the front, soldiers of the unit commanded by Comrade. Isakov, drove the Germans out of the village of L. and captured 5 anti-tank guns, 8 machine guns and 4 mortars.

The sapper unit under the command of Lieutenant A. Chernyavsky, supporting the offensive operations of our rifle unit, discovered and neutralized about 1,000 German mines and 56 land mines in a few days.

Deputy political instructor Kryuchkov was the first to burst into the village of Voinovo and destroyed 17 enemy soldiers with light machine gun fire and grenades.

Our reconnaissance group, consisting of three fighters, led by Lieutenant Nosov, met with enemy reconnaissance. Soviet intelligence officers killed 17 White Finns and captured trophies.

Partisan detachment Comrade. G., operating in one of the areas of the Smolensk region occupied by the Germans, attacking an enemy column advancing to the front line, destroyed 40 soldiers, 3 officers and 8 gendarmes. The partisans captured 20 trucks with rifles and ammunition, an anti-aircraft gun and a German food warehouse located in a neighboring village.

An unsent letter to his parents was found in the possession of German soldier Helmut Merscher. This is what he wrote: “The partisans hiding in the forests are inflicting heavy losses on us. Many soldiers standing at the post died at the hands of the partisans. Some are injured. Our squad commander is among them... It’s been like this lately: as soon as we manage to finish the construction of fortifications and dugouts, we already have to retreat.”

A captured soldier of the 371st Regiment of the 161st German Infantry Division, Ulrich Werner, said: “There are only 16 people left in our company. Of the entire 2nd battalion, 43 people survived. Our regiment lost over 90 percent of its personnel."

Collective farmers of the village of Bogorodskoye, Mozhaisk district, now liberated from the Germans, M.I. Ushakova, V.E. Egorova and I.I. Ushakov said: “In our village, Hitler’s bandits captured 7 wounded Red Army soldiers, beat them with ramrods for many hours, and then shot them "

In Belgian enterprises working for the German occupiers, as a result of hunger, as well as slave-like working conditions, the number of accidents increases every day. There were 157 accidents at the Brussels engineering plant in January, including 25 deaths. Labor productivity at this plant, which produces weapons for the German army, in January of this year decreased by 12 percent compared to December 1941.

Drivers of the Baku railway junction vol. Abbasov and Agayev saved 21,000 kilograms of fuel in one month.

During February 12, our troops fought stubborn battles with the enemy, moved forward and occupied several settlements. German troops are suffering heavy losses in equipment and especially in manpower.

On February 11, 13 German aircraft were shot down in air battles and 4 were destroyed at airfields. In total, 17 enemy aircraft were destroyed on this day. Our losses are 8 aircraft.

On February 11, units of our aviation destroyed and damaged 6 German tanks, 3 field guns, 260 vehicles with troops and cargo, 225 wagons with ammunition, 2 anti-aircraft machine gun points, one railway train was set on fire, 13 railway cars and two tanks were destroyed, scattered and Three enemy infantry battalions were partially destroyed.

Cavalry guards of the unit commanded by Comrade. Pliev (Western Front), having broken into a heavily fortified enemy area, captured a number of enemy dugouts and captured a German gun and 4 machine guns. On another section of the front, fighters from the unit of Comrade. Stepanov drove the Germans out of two settlements. The enemy lost 130 soldiers and officers killed.

Our units operating on one of the sectors of the Southern Front occupied two settlements. In a battle for one settlement, the enemy, with a force of up to two infantry battalions, with the support of 20 tanks, tried to counterattack our units, but was driven back with heavy losses. Our troops captured 12 guns, 12 mortars, 59 vehicles, 43 wagons with ammunition and destroyed 3 tanks. About 1,000 corpses of German soldiers and officers remained on the battlefield.

The Red Army skiers of Lieutenant Pogonin's unit went behind the rear of the retreating enemy unit and cut off its escape route. All attempts by the Germans to leave the encirclement were repulsed. Brave skiers destroyed more than 100 enemy soldiers and officers. A large group of Germans surrendered.

A partisan detachment under the command of Comrade. M., operating in one of the districts of the Stalin region, fired at an Italian infantry unit from an ambush. Leaving 20 dead on the battlefield, the occupiers fled. The partisans picked up 15 rifles, a machine gun and more than 1,000 rounds of ammunition. A few days later, fighters from the same detachment threw grenades at an Italian convoy and destroyed 6 carts of ammunition. Italian losses - 12 killed soldiers.

A captured soldier of the 5th company of the 506th regiment of the 291st German infantry division, Alfred Fortanz, said: “In connection with the retreat of the German troops, confusion is felt everywhere, confusion reigns. The orders coming in are very contradictory, the commanders don’t know what to do. Our regiment is in battle all the time. We're bleeding. Since October, our company, which received repeated reinforcements, has lost 250 people. Soldiers dream of receiving the so-called “Heimatshuss” - “shot home,” that is, a slight wound. The soldiers convey to each other the following statement from the commander of the 6th company, Lieutenant Kau, made to the major: “It makes no sense to continue the war with such losses.”

Captured on the Southern Front, sergeant major of the 4th company of the 369th regiment of the 100th German infantry division, Johann Malenica, testified: “The 369th regiment consists of young Croats forcibly mobilized by German and Croatian Nazis. The regiment's strength was greatly reduced even before it was brought into battle. Many soldiers suffered frostbite on their hands and feet. In the 4th company, out of 202 people, only 110 remained. The Croats do not want to shed blood for the Germans. 20 people from our company have already deserted.”

Collective farmers of the village of Borisov, Mozhaisk district, now liberated from the Germans, drew up an act on the monstrous crimes of the fascist occupiers. The Nazis shot 23 collective farmers and 58-year-old village doctor S.A. Pripuskov. Among those executed were: 60-year-old collective farm chairman N.P. Perfilyev and his 15-year-old son Victor, 62-year-old postman I.D. Shurupov, 70-year-old collective farmer S.K. Potkov, 60-year-old disabled person N.I. Novoselov and other elderly citizens.

In textile factories in the city and region of Chemnitz (Germany), due to a shortage of labor, child labor began to be widely used. Entrepreneurs force 11-13 year old teenagers to work 12 hours a day.


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From the Soviet Information Bureau

During the night of February 5, our troops continued to conduct active military operations against the Nazi troops.

Our ships in the Barents Sea sank three enemy transports with a total displacement not of 8,800 tons, as indicated in the Information Bureau report on February 2, but of 14,800 tons.

Our soldiers under the command of Comrade Seleznev (Western Front), having overcome the enemy’s defensive lines, occupied 6 settlements. In the battle for the village of D. alone, the enemy lost 70 soldiers and officers and abandoned 4 guns. In another sector, the Germans tried to counterattack one of our rifle units. The commander of the artillery unit, Alexander Vasilyevich Chapaev, the son of the famous commander, opened hurricane artillery fire on the enemy. The enemy lost about 100 soldiers and officers and fled.

Our units operating in certain sectors of the Kalinin Front liberated 5 settlements and destroyed 27 German tanks, 5 guns and 8 machine guns within one day. The Germans lost 5,200 soldiers and officers killed and wounded during these operations.

Our unit, operating on one of the sectors of the Leningrad Front, in one day destroyed 27 wood-earth firing points, destroyed 6 enemy machine guns and 3 mortars. Over 400 killed German soldiers and officers remained on the battlefield.

Pilot Lieutenant Bocharov showed courage and courage in the battle with the German occupiers. Comrade's plane Bocharov was attacked by three German fighters. In an air battle, the brave pilot shot down two German planes and damaged a third aircraft. Comrade's plane Bocharova returned safely to his base.

A detachment of Oryol partisans under the command of Comrade is acting bravely in the rear of the German occupiers. M. Here are brief notes about the military operations of this detachment:

“A group of demolitions led by comrade. Ch. blew up bridges on the road along which the Germans brought ammunition to the front, and destroyed communications between large settlements occupied by the Nazis.

A group of partisans under the command of Comrade. V. attacked a fascist convoy, killed the guards and captured 13 carts with various things looted from the local population.

In a two-day battle, the detachment captured two settlements from the Germans. The Nazis' attempts to recapture the villages from the partisans were unsuccessful. The Nazis lost many of their soldiers killed and wounded.”

In a short time of hostilities, the detachment of Comrade. M. killed 149 German soldiers and officers, destroyed 5 cars and 3 gasoline tanks, and blew up 19 bridges. 31 rifles, 2 machine guns, 16,000 rounds of ammunition, one mortar, 4 machine guns, 2 radios, 13 carts and other military equipment were captured from the enemy.

A soldier of the 2nd company of the 6th motorcycle battalion of the 6th German tank division, Wilhelm Maasen, was sent to the Soviet-German front on December 19. He was captured in one locality, where he arrived along with his unit to reinforce the German garrison. Maasen reported: “The 6th Panzer Division has lost all its tanks and is now operating as an infantry formation. The soldiers are very tired, they condemn the war and have already lost confidence in the favorable outcome of the war for Germany. In Germany no one dares to openly oppose Hitler. But, for now, secretly, people express their indignation at his predatory policies.”

In an unsent letter to his brother Lieutenant Walter Troy, German Corporal Troy wrote: “The frosts here reach 30 degrees. More than half of the soldiers had frostbite on their feet. Lice drive us crazy."

Hitler's bandits burned the village of Kshen, Sovetsky district, Kursk region. A total of 114 houses burned down. German soldiers did not allow residents to put out the fire, shooting everyone who caught their eye. The bandits seriously wounded the 2-year-old child of Atanova A. Z. when she rescued him from a burning house.

Yugoslav partisans surrounded the Italian garrison of 4,000 people in the city of Voynich. All attempts by the invaders to break through the encirclement were unsuccessful and ended with the Italians losing several hundred soldiers killed. 120 soldiers, mobilized by the Germans in Luxembourg and sent to suppress the partisan movement in Yugoslavia, went over to the side of the partisans with weapons.

During February 5, our troops, overcoming enemy resistance and counterattacks, continued to advance forward.

On February 4, 22 German aircraft were shot down in air battles and 16 were destroyed at airfields. In total, 38 enemy aircraft were destroyed on this day. Our losses were 10 aircraft.

During February 4, units of our aviation destroyed 7 German tanks, 250 vehicles with troops and cargo, 150 wagons with ammunition, 3 tank trucks with fuel, 33 guns with servants, 7 anti-aircraft machine gun points, blew up two ammunition depots and a fuel depot, Three enemy infantry battalions were scattered and partially destroyed.

On one of the sections of the Western Front, our troops liberated 6 settlements from the Germans during a day of fierce battles with the enemy. At one railway station, our unit captured 150 wagons with ammunition and 8 tanks. On another section of the front, our fighters knocked out the Nazis from three settlements. The Germans left 200 corpses of soldiers and officers, 5 guns and a lot of ammunition on the battlefield.

During the last days of fighting, the guards unit of commander Bezverkhov, operating in one of the sectors of the Western Front, defeated 3 regiments of enemy infantry and captured 15 German tanks, 460 vehicles, 5 armored cars, 15 transporters, 20 guns, 50 machine guns, 30 mortars, 200 machine guns, 500 rifles, 7 radio stations, 350,000 rifle cartridges and a convoy with a large amount of medicine.

Our cavalry unit, operating on one of the sectors of the Kalinin Front, destroyed 2 German aircraft, 8 guns and 150 vehicles with various military cargo in seven days of fighting with the enemy. The cavalrymen captured 52 enemy motorcycles, 10 machine guns, 153 rifles, and 60 horses. The enemy lost over 800 soldiers and officers.

Horse scouts Tsitsarov, Vasin, Grachev, Gavrilov and Fedotov, led by Sergeant Ivanin, being behind enemy lines near the village of Kuznitsa, noticed a German convoy moving along the road. The scouts brought the enemy to close range and opened fire from a light machine gun and machine guns. Stunned by the sudden attack, the Germans fled in panic, leaving 30 dead soldiers on the road. Brave scouts captured and delivered to the headquarters of their unit two prisoners, a light machine gun, 2 machine guns, 11 rifles and two horses.

The partisans of the Leningrad region continue to wear down the enemy, destroying their weapons and manpower. A detachment of partisans under the command of Comrade. K. recently mined the road between points K. and Z. Two trucks with infantry exploded on the mines. Over 30 German soldiers were killed and wounded. On the same road, partisans fired at an enemy convoy with food and killed 46 German soldiers.

Captured corporal of the 6th battery of the 35th artillery regiment of the 35th German infantry division, Helmut Hoffmann, said: “All units received the strictest order to defend every village to the last soldier. The officers are warned that anyone who retreats without orders will be court-martialed. Despite this, the combined battalion of the 35th division, formed from scouts and artillerymen, hastily retreated, although they had orders to hold their positions at all costs. The battalion commander, Major Mandelschloss, was killed. Cases of unauthorized retreat have been occurring more and more frequently lately. There are not enough machine gunners in infantry units. Recently, all soldiers who owned a machine gun were recalled from the artillery regiment. Not only the infantry units, but also the artillery units suffered heavy losses. There were 192 people in the 2nd division of the artillery regiment. Now only 90 remain. Of the twelve, they are 105 mm. There are only two guns left. The condition of the German army is extremely difficult. Now frostbitten soldiers are not admitted to hospitals. There are so many frostbite cases that the medical staff cannot cope. He is busy attending to numerous wounded people and cannot provide assistance to frostbite victims.”

Among the documents captured from the enemy, a report from the commander of the 2nd company of the 4th motorized rifle regiment, Lieutenant Kleinsorgen, “On the losses of December 24,” was found. The lieutenant reports that on this day one officer and one soldier were killed from the company; one officer and one soldier were wounded; one officer and one soldier were missing. In the final column “Total losses of the company over the past time,” the lieutenant reports the following figures: “Non-commissioned officers and privates killed - 60, wounded - 118, missing - 7.”

The fascist monsters, leaving the village of Kolodezi, Arsenyevsky district, Tula region, under the onslaught of our units, set it on fire from all sides. The fire destroyed 38 houses, farmyards, and agricultural vehicles. Hitler's bandits took away felt boots, livestock, poultry and all household items from all collective farmers. The Nazis beat many collective farmers with whips.

The typhus epidemic is intensifying in Germany. To accommodate the sick, the German authorities requisitioned hotels and large houses. Due to insufficient medical care and lack of medicines, as well as the extreme exhaustion of the body of patients due to hunger, the mortality rate reaches enormous proportions. In Hamburg alone, 960 people died from typhus in January this year. The mortality rate is especially high among typhoid soldiers, for whom hospitals are organized in Poland. Due to the threatening size of the epidemic, the fascist newspaper “Hamburger Fremdenblatt” on February 2 published an appeal from the director of the Hamburg Institute, Professor Mühlens, calling on the German population to assist health authorities in the fight against rash.