Childhood, youth and family of Alexey Miller

Now a successful top manager, chairman of the board of the largest Russian energy company, he was born in Leningrad into a family of employees of a closed military enterprise. Miller studied at gymnasium No. 330, with early years demonstrating excellent academic performance. After school, he easily entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. N.A. Voznesensky, who successfully graduated in 1984 with a degree in economics and engineering.

For several years after receiving his diploma, Miller worked in his specialty at LenNIIproekt, however, being a capable student, in 1986 the future Gazprom employee decided to continue his studies in graduate school. In 1989 Miller became a candidate of economic sciences.

In 1990, he continued his work at LenNIIproekt, where he now holds the position of junior research fellow. Part of 1990 and early 1991 - Miller serves on the Committee on economic reform Executive Committee of the Leningrad City Council.

Alexey Miller’s career rise: from St. Petersburg mayor’s office to Gazprom

In 1991, a fateful acquaintance took place for Alexei Borisovich. This year he began his work in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall, where the current President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin held the position of his head. Miller worked on the Committee for five years. During this time, the organization managed to establish contacts with the largest Western banks.

Alexey Miller (OJSC Gazprom) in the oncoming lane. A593MR 97

The change of power forced Alexei Miller to leave his home. Having risen high through the ranks of the Committee on External Relations, Miller became a desirable candidate for leadership positions in the largest Russian companies. His new place of work was the company OJSC Sea Port of St. Petersburg, where Alexey Miller worked for three years.

Since 1999, the successful top manager took the place of general director at OJSC Baltic Pipeline System.

According to the results of the Russian elections in 2000, Vladimir Putin occupied the presidency. Following his former boss, his former subordinate Alexey Miller also moved to the capital. He was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, but remained in office for only a year.

In 2001, Miller became chairman of the board of Gazprom. The dismissal of Rem Vyakhirev, who served as chairman for almost ten years, promises the largest energy organization rapid reforms, which were not long in coming. From this moment, Gazprom becomes completely controlled by the state, and work begins to return assets lost during Vyakhirev’s rule.

Alexey Miller: crests are messing with Russian gas

In 2002, Alexey Miller became Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom. By this time, the organization had undergone major personnel changes. Being far from the energy sector, Miller needed people for whom this field was not alien. A number of leadership positions went to people with whom the new chairman of the board had already worked; other appointments came from the Kremlin; some members of Vyakhirev’s team managed to retain their posts.

However, despite the reforms carried out, evil tongues foreshadowed Miller's imminent resignation. The beginning of his work was not active enough, and, according to some experts, the personnel changes that began should have ended with the resignation of the new leader. No matter what rumors circulate, and no matter what is whispered about on the sidelines, Alexey Miller has firmly strengthened his position. By 2004, the formation of a renewed management apparatus came to an end. In 2006, Miller's work contract was extended for another five years.

No matter how controversial and dubious the start may seem, Alexey Miller achieved good results as chairman of the board. In 2010, the American magazine Harvard Business Review ranked Miller third in the ranking of the world's most effective top managers. In 2013, the chairman of the board of OJSC Gazprom took third place in the Forbes list, and was named one of the most expensive Russian managers.

Personal life of Alexey Miller

Alexey Miller is a busy man, which is why he doesn’t have time to communicate with journalists, so the few interviews with the head of Gazprom are devoted mainly to the work of the company, its prospects and development. Miller prefers not to talk about his personal life, but it is known that he has been married for many years.

He and his wife Irina are raising a son. Free time The top manager prefers to spend time with his family. He is no stranger to sports hobbies, such as cycling and skiing. Miller is also passionate about equestrian sports.

He owns several thoroughbred stallions. However, like any business person, Miller’s hobby turned into an active labor activity. In 2012, he assumed the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Russian Hippodromes. According to the presidential decree, Alexey Miller faces the responsible and difficult task of breathing life into domestic equestrian sport and contributing to the revival of the industry.

In 2016, the entrepreneur admitted that as a child he passionately wanted to go to the concert of his beloved Deep Purple. It was impossible then, so now he attends every performance of his youth idols whenever possible.

Alexey Miller today

In 2016, Alexey Miller for the first time topped the ranking of the highest paid top managers, presented by Forbes. His annual remuneration was estimated at $17.7 million.

Alexey Miller is the chairman of the board and manager of Gazprom, head of the board of directors of three organizations: NPF Gazfond, Gazprombank and SOGAZ. Member of the state commission on TC issues and the board of trustees of Global Energy.

Childhood and student years

Alexey Borisovich Miller was born on January 31, 1962 in the now defunct Leningrad. His parents were employees of the research and production association "Leninets" - military production closed type. The father performed the duties of a fitter, while the boy's mother was an engineer. There was no one in the family of Boris and Lyudmila except little Lesha, so there was enough attention and love.

Due to their nationality and place of residence, his parents were often called “Russian Germans.” This is why various kinds of information about Miller’s origins often pop up on the Internet.

His second home was Leningrad Gymnasium 330, distinguished by its intensive study of the exact sciences. Throughout his school time he was an exemplary student: did not conflict with other students or teachers. He was shy and diligent. Miller's teachers and classmates recall that he was an inconspicuous person, but at the same time he always strived to achieve various goals.

Having received a school certificate with good grades, he entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute without any problems. After graduating in 1984, he received a specialty and a diploma as an engineer-economist. For some teachers, Alexey became a favorite student, while others say that he was a responsible student.

After his studies, Miller took up the post of engineer-economist at LenNIIproekt. While working there, he decided to continue his studies and became a graduate student, and three years later in 1989 he successfully defended his dissertation.

Fast-paced career

In the early 90s, perhaps the most important acquaintance in his life happened in the life of Alexei Miller. At that time, the young specialist was just starting to work at the mayor’s office of St. Petersburg. His responsibilities included working with external relations, and Miller’s boss at the time was Vladimir Putin himself. He carried out his activities for five years, as a result of which the Committee on External Relations acquired contacts with serious Western banks.

After a rapid career in the Committee and good results, Alexey became a desired employee in many large companies in the Russian Federation, and they wanted him for leadership positions. From 1996 to 1999, he worked at the Sea Port of St. Petersburg company, and then assumed the position of General Director of the Baltic Pipeline System OJSC.

In the early 2000s, Vladimir Putin occupied the main place in the Kremlin, and Miller decided to follow his friend to Moscow. There he receives the post of Deputy Minister of Russian Energy, but remains in office for only a year and becomes chairman of Gazprom. The new leadership, replacing Rem Vyakhirev, promises significant reforms, which happened almost immediately. The previously partially free Gazprom was completely transferred to the authorities and the process of returning assets that Vyakhirev lost during his leadership began.

A year after starting work at Gazprom, instead of his previous position, Alexey is appointed to the post of deputy chairman of the Board of Directors. During this period, the organization underwent significant personnel changes. Many people from Vyakhirev’s circle were fired. The vacant positions were filled by people with whom Miller had previously worked and people from the Kremlin.

Due to numerous reshuffles, it became popular that they would end with Alexei’s resignation, but he only just secured his position as manager, and in 2006 his contract was extended until 2011. A year earlier, the authoritative Harvard Business Review magazine assessed Miller’s abilities and awarded him third place in the list of the most professional top managers in the whole world. In 2013, he was noted by Forbes magazine, according to the editors of which Alexey again took bronze in the ranking of the world's most successful managers, whose annual income is about $25 million. IN Russian list Forbes, despite all the problems of Gazprom, Miller still ranks 1st.

Personal life

In terms of openness to journalists, Alexey Miller is one of those people who does not have enough time for numerous interviews and meetings with the press. The small number of interviews that he does give are devoted to the work, development of Gazprom and the company’s cooperation with foreign organizations.

Despite the lack of desire to talk about his personal life, it is known that he has been married for a long time, and in the family, in addition to his wife, there is a son. In his free time, Miller prefers to play sports: cycling or skiing. From time to time he engages in horse riding, and not always as a recreational activity. One of his responsibilities, in accordance with the presidential decree, is the development of Russian equestrian sports.

Alexey Miller now

IN at the moment Alexey is involved in two major projects that are designed to improve Gazprom’s situation. He controls the construction of two branches for gas transportation: Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream. Miller regularly appears on television and meets with heads of cooperating states.

Russian economist, statesman. Chairman of the Board and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom. Candidate of Economic Sciences.


Alexey was born and raised in a family of “Russian Germans”. Mother - Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Miller (1936-2009), father - Boris Vasilyevich Miller (1933-1986). Parents worked at the Radio Electronics Research Institute of the USSR Ministry of Aviation Industry, which was later transformed into the Leninets Research and Production Association. His mother worked as an engineer, his father as a fitter.

Married. He and his wife Irina are raising a son, Mikhail.


He studied at school-gymnasium No. 330 in the Nevsky district of Leningrad. Graduated in 1984 Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute them. N. A. Voznesensky.

In the 1980s, he was part of the circle of Leningrad economists-reformers, whose informal leader was Anatoly Chubais; was a member of the "Synthesis" club at the Leningrad Youth Palace, which included young Leningrad economists and social scientists, including: Dmitry Vasiliev, Mikhail Dmitriev, Andrei Illarionov, Boris Lvin, Mikhail Manevich, Andrei Lankov, Andrei Prokofiev, Dmitry Travin and others.

In 1984-1986 - engineer-economist at LenNIIproekt.

In 1987-1990 he studied at the graduate school of the LFEI named after. N.A. Voznesensky.

In 1990 - junior researcher at LenNIIproekt.

In 1991, a fateful acquaintance took place for Alexei Borisovich. This year he began his work in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall, where the position of his head was held by the current President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin. Miller worked under Putin's leadership for five years. During this time, we managed to establish contacts with the largest Western banks.

The change of power in St. Petersburg forced Alexey Miller to change his place of work. Having extensive connections, Miller became a desirable candidate for senior positions in major Russian companies. He was invited to work for the company OJSC "Sea Port of St. Petersburg", and there he worked for three years.

Since 1999, Miller has taken the place of CEO at JSC "Baltic Pipeline System".

According to the results of the elections in Russia in 2000, Vladimir Putin became president. Following him, his former subordinate Alexey Miller moved to the capital. He was appointed to the post of Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, but remained in office for only a year (2000-2001).

Since 2001 he becomes Chairman of the Board OJSC "Gazprom", and since 2002 - Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom. Removal from office Rema Vyakhireva, who worked as chairman of OAO Gazprom for almost ten years, meant rapid changes in the company.

With the arrival of Miller, Gazprom becomes completely controlled by the state, and work begins to return assets lost during Vyakhirev’s rule.

There were also major personnel changes. Being far from the energy sector, Miller needed people for whom this field was not alien. A number of leadership positions went to people with whom the new chairman of the board had already worked; other appointments came from Kremlin, some members of Vyakhirev’s team managed to retain their posts.

Despite the fact that experts predicted Miller's imminent resignation, he strengthened his position. By 2004, the formation of a renewed management apparatus was completed. In 2006, Miller's work contract was extended for another five years.

At the beginning of 2010, the head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, took third place in the ranking of the most effective top managers in the world according to the magazine Harvard Business Review.

Experts studied the work of two thousand general directors of companies; the effectiveness of the general directors was measured by the income of shareholders during their tenure. At the same time, income was adjusted taking into account inflation and average indicators for the country and sector of the economy.

On May 18, 2010, Miller was elected vice president. Russian Football Union. In the second quarter of 2012, Miller took over as chairman of the board of directors. JSC "Russian Hippodromes".

In December 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the closure of the project "South Stream". Later, the head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, explained that instead of " South Stream“A pipeline will be built through Turkey to the border with Greece, where a gas hub can be created.

In January, Alexey Miller advised European buyers to speed up preparations for changing the gas supply route due to the cessation of supplies through Ukraine.

Alexey Miller has numerous government awards.

The top manager prefers to spend his free time with his family. He is interested in horse racing. Alexey Miller owns purebred stallions - Funny And Fragrant.

Vesely, imported from the USA, took 3rd place on August 12, 2012 at one of the races at the Central Moscow Hippodrome, receiving a prize of 3,000 rubles. Born at the Don Stud Farm, Fragrant came first to the finish line seven times during his career and remained in the prizes 12 times.


In 2013, he entered the top 3 Forbes list (3rd place) of the most expensive managers in Russia with an income of $25 million.

Rumors, scandals

Classmates said that Miller was an “inconspicuous guy,” although he was an excellent student. After graduating from FINEK in 1984 with honors, Alexey Miller got a job as an economist at LenNIIproekt, but the relationship with the team did not work out.

Miller kept his head down and "Club of Young Economists". According to the recollections of the “young reformers,” Miller listened there more than spoke and was considered perhaps the weakest link in Chubais’ team. But when Chubais needed personnel, Miller was not forgotten.

He was offered a vacancy in the city committee for external relations, which in those years was headed by Vladimir Putin. At first, Miller was the deputy head of the department, then his boss, then Putin’s deputy. Then he was a dim young man, containing a certain mystery and secrecy.

Miller was also invisible at meetings of the North-West Center for Strategic Research Foundation. Yakunina or Kovalchuk, did not rant or speak, although it was clear that he was close to this circle.

For Putin, he was, first of all, a working person, reliable, someone you can rely on. Indeed, former colleagues confirm that Miller could work 16 hours a day if necessary.

People who worked with Alexey Miller at Smolny recall: " He always said hello and smiled." "Not a bad official, it is noticeable that he is a careerist, although he behaved modestly, always in the shadows. You know, the kind who "sounds bigger than it seems"". (Izvestia, 2001).

One of former colleagues Miller on KVS said: " Alexey is very efficient and obedient. He does what he is told to do. There is nothing bad to say about him, but nothing good either. He does not have his own opinion and is very convenient to deal with some other “Media Bridge”. But Miller won’t dare steal from him. Unless it's for yourself". ("Vedomosti", 2001.)

In 2005, a criminal case was opened regarding the theft of money from "Mezhregiongaz", 100% subsidiary of Gazprom. The essence of the fraud is that smaller companies also produce gas, but it can only be sold to Gazprom, since it has a pipe, the essence of the criminal case was explained to Sobesednik Alexey Navalny.

"However, Gazprom people say, for example, to Novatek: “We can only buy half.” The next day, an unknown company, Trustinvestgaz (TIG), comes to Novatek and offers to buy the remaining half at the same price that Gazprom itself charges - 500 rubles per thousand cubic meters. And a day later, Gazprom buys all this gas from TIG for 915 rubles, although two days ago it refused to take 500. After which the gas is given to the end consumer for 1000 rubles, but Gazprom no longer makes 100% of it, but just a little bit".

Navalny does not rule out that in this way “effective managers” from Gazprom, simply moving pieces of paper around the table, earned 1.5 billion rubles. Only on this episode!

"According to the documents, the money was transferred to the Baltic states and cashed there,” Navalny explained. - Only through one of dozens of companies 293 million rubles were pumped. But there are other episodes of the case. I think there are at least a thousand similar companies involved in this fraud, including different countries. Imagine how much money!".

However, the head of Gazprom himself has avoided charges of fraud, at least for now.

Alexey Borisovich Miller (January 31, 1962, Leningrad) - Russian economist, chairman of the board of Gazprom.


He received his secondary education at school-gymnasium No. 330 (Leningrad), from which he graduated with honors.

1984 – graduated from the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. He was one of the Leningrad economists-reformers, whose leader was A. Chubais.

Alexey Miller is a Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Professional activities

1984-1986 - was an engineer-economist at LenNIIproekt. Soon he became a graduate student here.

1990 - becomes a junior researcher at LenNIIproekt;

1990-1991 - works in the Committee responsible for economic reform of the Lensovet Executive Committee.

1991-1996 - works in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall, where he holds the post of deputy chairman. It is worth mentioning that the chairman of this Committee was V. Putin. Under the leadership of the future president, Miller was involved in the development of investment zones in St. Petersburg, namely Pulkovo (the Gillette and Coca-Cola factories were built here) and Parnas (the buildings of the Baltika brewing company were built). In addition, he brought the first foreign banks to St. Petersburg (Lyon Credit, Dresden Bank).

1996-1999 - holds the post of director for investment and development of the seaport of St. Petersburg.

1999-2000 - is the general director of the Baltic Pipeline System company.

2000-2001 - holds the position of Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia.

2001 - becomes chairman of the board of Gazprom. The press characterized this appointment as Putin’s desire to completely control the gas empire. Miller, in turn, stated that he intends to strengthen the role of the state in Gazprom.

2002 - became deputy chairman of the board of directors of Gazprom. In addition, he heads the boards of directors of Gazfond, Gazprombank, Gazpromneft and SOGAZ.

2012 - becomes chairman of the board of directors of the Russian Hippodromes company.

In 2012, Forbes compiled a list of the highest paid Russian top managers, in which Miller took second position. The publication estimates that he earned about $25 million in one year.

Marital status

Alexey Miller and his wife Irina are raising their son Mikhail. Personal life is not discussed. Tries to spend his free time in quiet family circle.

According to Alexey Miller, business is something between war and art. Some of Miller’s colleagues are confident that he achieved success thanks to his diligence and hard work. According to Alexey Borisovich himself, he always tries to achieve his goal, to believe in himself and his partners.

As soon as A. Miller took up an important post at Gazprom, they began to speak about him as follows:

  • “His main advantage is his ability to bow”;
  • “Walks along the wall”;
  • “Arrogant, complex, touchy, unpleasant to talk to”;
  • "Zero Manager";
  • "Prepared figure";
  • “He lives like a shadow and serves like a shadow.”

However, in 2010 A. Miller took 3rd position in the list of the best top managers in the world. This list was published by the Harvard Business Review. CEO performance was measured by shareholder returns.

Miller is annoyed by buffets, banquets and noisy companies. His hobbies include playing the guitar and riding alpine skiing. In addition, he owns 2 stallions – Fragrant and Vesely. The latter took a prize in one of the races at the Moscow Hippodrome in 2012. In turn, Fragrant came to the finish line first 7 times, and was a prize-winner 12 times.

Alexey Miller is vice-president of the Russian Football Union. He is a fan of Zenit.

Advice from Alexey Miller: “Dreaming is useful! After all, what is planned can become reality.”

Miller Alexey Borisovich– Chairman of the Board and Deputy Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSC Gazprom. Candidate of Economic Sciences


Alexey Miller, biography

Alexey Miller was born on January 31, 1962 in Leningrad, his parents were “Russian Germans”. Miller studied at school-gymnasium No. 330 in the Nevsky district of Leningrad, after school he entered the Leningrad Financial and Economic Institute. N.A. Voznesensky, who graduated in 1984 with a degree in economics and got a job at LenNIIproekt. In 1986, Miller entered graduate school at LenNIIproekt, from which he graduated in 1989, defending his Ph.D. thesis

Alexey Borisovich Miller in the eighties of the last century was part of the circle of Leningrad economists-reformers, in which Anatoly Chubais was the informal leader. Also, since 1987, Alexey Miller was a member of the Sintez club, which in addition to him included Dmitry Vasiliev, Mikhail Dmitriev, Andrei Illarionov, Boris Lvin, Mikhail Manevich, Andrei Lankov, Andrei Prokofiev, Dmitry Travin and others. The club met at the Leningrad Youth Palace.

Career of Alexey Miller

Alexey Miller worked at LenNIIproekt in 1990 as a junior researcher. In the same year, Miller was invited to work on the Economic Reform Committee of the Lensovet Executive Committee. From 1991 to 1996, he worked in the Committee for External Relations of the St. Petersburg City Hall under the direct supervision of Vladimir Putin (who at that time served as head of the Committee for External Relations of the City Hall), Alexey Miller was Putin’s deputy and head of the department of foreign economic relations. Alexey Borisovich Miller was involved in the development of the first investment zones in the city, in particular Pulkovo (construction of the Coca-Cola and Gillette factories) and Parnas (construction of a complex of buildings for the Baltika brewing company).

Alexey Miller left Smolny after Anatoly Sobchak lost the election for mayor of St. Petersburg to Vladimir Yakovlev in 1996. Miller moved to work at OJSC Sea Port of St. Petersburg as Director for Development and Investments. In 1999, Miller was appointed general director JSC "Baltic Pipeline System". A year later, in 2000, Alexey Borisovich Miller became Deputy Minister of Energy of Russia, overseeing issues of foreign economic activity. Miller is credited with the fact that thanks to the cooperation of the Ministry of Energy with OPEC, he managed to maintain a fairly high price for oil on world markets.

In January 2001, information appeared in the media that Alexey Miller could become the successor to Energy Minister Alexander Gavrin, but on May 30, 2001, Miller was elected chairman of the board of Gazprom.

Alexey Miller, Gazprom

Alexey Miller came to Gazprom in 2001, replacing Rem Vyakhirev as chairman of the board. In the same year, Miller first took the post of Chairman of the Board of Directors of CJSC CB Gazprombank (later CJSC Joint Stock Bank Gazprombank; OJSC Gazprombank). There were reports in the media that the company's management learned about Miller's appointment an hour before the start of the board meeting - during a conversation with the president in the Kremlin. On May 6, 2002, the government appointed Alexey Miller as a representative of the state as a shareholder to participate in the annual meeting of shareholders of the company.

At the end of 2004 - beginning of 2005, Gazprom, under the leadership of Alexey Miller, advocated increasing the price of gas supplied abroad. At the end of October 2005, a group of minority shareholders oil company Yukos filed a class action lawsuit in the Washington District Court against Russian Federation and a number of Russian energy companies, as well as their executives (including Alexey Miller) and ministers, were accused of conspiring to “effectively nationalize” the company.

On May 7, 2008, Dmitry Medvedev took office as President of Russia, after which Alexey Miller became acting chairman of the board of directors of Gazprom for the period until the annual meeting elected a new board. On June 27, 2008, First Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Viktor Zubkov was elected as the new head of the board of directors of the gas monopoly, and Alexey Miller took the position of his deputy. In March 2011, Alexey Borisovich Miller was re-elected chairman of the board for a five-year term. In November 2012, Russian Forbes compiled a ranking of the highest paid top managers in Russia, and Miller took second place in it. The publication estimates that Miller's income is about $25 million a year.

Alexey Miller, awards

  • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (2006);
  • Order of Alexander Nevsky (2014);
  • Medal of the Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, II degree;
  • Order of the Cross of the Hungarian Republic, II degree (Hungary) - for services in energy cooperation;
  • Order of St. Mesrop Mashtots (Republic of Armenia);
  • Order of Dostyk II degree (Kazakhstan) - awarded on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated October 2, 2006 for contribution to the strengthening and development of cooperation between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation;
  • Order of Honor ( South Ossetia, August 24, 2009) - for services to strengthening friendship and cooperation between peoples, great personal contribution to the construction of the Dzuarikau - Tskhinvali gas pipeline;
  • Great officer Order of Merit of the Italian Republic (Italy, February 12, 2010);
  • Order St. Sergius Radonezh II degree (ROC);
  • Order of the Saint St. Seraphim Sarovsky I degree (ROC, 2009);
  • Order of Glory and Honor, II degree (ROC, 2013) - in recognition of work for the benefit of the Russian Orthodox Church and in connection with the 300th anniversary of the founding of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra;
  • Honorary citizen of the city of Astrakhan (2008);
  • Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of science and technology (2010);
  • Order of the Nizhny Novgorod Region “For Civil Valor and Honor”, ​​1st degree (2010);
  • Order of Labor, 1st class (Vietnam, 2011);
  • Certificate of Honor from the President of the Russian Federation (February 6, 2012) - for services to the development of the gas complex and many years of conscientious work.

Personal life of Alexey Miller

Alexey Miller is married and has a son. Alexey Borisovich Miller is fond of horse riding, he owns two thoroughbred stallions.