Most recently, the world celebrated a significant date - one century since the birth of Vanga. This woman had unique abilities: she knew about the past, predicted the future, treated physical and mental illnesses, could penetrate invisible worlds and share the information she received with people...

Difficult childhood

Vanga, whose biography will be presented in this article, was born in Macedonia (Strumica) in 1911. She was born at the age of seven months and was very weak and sickly. The girl's toes and hands were fused. No one knew whether the baby could survive, so they wrapped her in unwashed wool and an ox’s stomach, laid her near the stove and began to pray for the child’s health. And two months later, Vanga (biography, date of death of the healer is presented below) burst into tears loudly for the first time in her life. Local grandmothers explained to the mother that, in fact, the child was born just now. And if no one was sure whether he would live further, then they did not give him a name. This has been a long-standing custom in Strumica. Now everyone was sure that the girl deserved the name. The next day, her grandmother went out into the street and asked the first girl she met to give the child a name. So the baby was named Vangelia. All members of the Dimitrov family liked the name, since translated from Greek it means “bearer of good news.”

In 1914, Vanga’s biography was marked by a bad event - her mother died after her second birth. A year later, my father was drafted into the army. The girl had to be placed in the care of Asanitsa, a compassionate and kind neighbor. The father returned three years later and immediately married Tank Gergieva - the beautiful girl in the village. After all, the children needed a mother, and he needed a mistress. But family happiness was short-lived. In 1923, the girl’s father went bankrupt and sent Vanga and two children to his brother Krostadin. He was better off and could help.

Development of the gift

Vanga’s real biography suggests that her extraordinary abilities began to manifest themselves from childhood. For example, a girl could name the exact location of an item lost by her stepmother or father.

Soon the adults noticed that Vanga was playing an unusual game: the girl would take some object out into the yard, then return to the house, close her eyes and feel everything around, trying to find the place where it was. It was like she was asking for trouble! And when the girl turned 12 years old, a disaster occurred. Any biography of Vanga describes what happened in detail. We will tell you what happened briefly.


While walking down the street, the girl got caught in a terrible storm. The resulting whirlwind, in which leaves, twigs, lumps of earth and dust were mixed, carried Vanga two kilometers from the house. She was found in a field, littered with branches, earth and stones. She was mad with fear, but even worse was the cutting pain in her dirt-covered eyes. The girl simply could not open them. At home, they washed her eyes with herbal decoctions, made compresses, smeared her with balms, and turned to doctors and healers. But nothing worked. I had to resort to extreme measures. Vanga's official biography contains information about three eye surgeries. But even after them, the girl’s vision did not return. There was only one way out - the House of the Blind.

Everything there was interesting and new. The future seer studied Braille, various items and studied music. She also mastered knitting, cleaning the house and cooking. In the House of the Blind, Vanga met her first love, but the young couple failed to marry. Her stepmother Tanka died after her fourth birth, and the girl had to return to poverty to help with the housework.

New challenges

To feed the family, my father had to go to neighboring villages to work. He hired himself out there either as a shepherd or as a farm laborer. Soon an earthquake occurred in Strumica. The Dimitrovs' adobe house was completely destroyed. My father had to build a new home from reed stalks for several days. The result was a small hut coated with clay (so says official biography Wangi). The children and father all lived together in one room.

The skills acquired at the House of the Blind were useful to the future seer. She knitted to order very beautifully. Sometimes they paid her with food, and sometimes with old clothes that Vanga bandaged for herself and her family. The girl's whole day was scheduled to the minute. She did not like to idle and did not allow others: the sisters weaved, washed, mended clothes, baked bread, etc. On Sunday the whole family went to church, and after lunch neighbors ran into their yard to gossip.

First predictions

Vanga, a biography whose date of birth is known to all fans of the seer, began to predict fate even at girls’ gatherings. For example, in Strumica there was a custom: before St. George’s Day, all the girls put various objects in a jug in order to later find out their future. This jug was placed in the courtyard of the Dimitrovs’ house, and Vanga, taking out these objects, predicted fate. Everything came true very accurately, for which local residents called the girl “the oracle.” The seer also interpreted dreams.


The daily long hours of work soon took their toll. The girl’s health could not stand it, and she fell ill with pleurisy. For the next eight months, Vanga fought the disease, being on the verge of death and life. Neighbors even started collecting money for her funeral. But the seer was healed. And her abilities manifested themselves even more powerfully.

Father's death and war

In 1940, Vanga’s biography was overshadowed by a terrible event - her father died. And hopeless, difficult days began to flow for the Dimitrov family. At that time, the soothsayer often told her neighbors that she planned to make a sacrifice at the Church of the Fifteen Martyrs so that their village would not be destroyed by enemies. She was able to predict the war that began a year later. The seer saw all the upcoming events in a dream. But then few people believed her. At the beginning of 1941, Vanga had a vision. A white warrior in armor entered her room and illuminated the entire space with a bright light. He told her: “Many people will die soon. You will stay here and give predictions. Don’t worry, I’ll be there and tell you what to say.”

Rescue of Strumica

In April the Germans invaded the village. All the residents fled into the forest and hid. Vanga and her sister stayed at home. A few days later the people returned and saw that the village was untouched. Vanga was found in her house. She stood in the corner and prayed. The seer also gave predictions. With amazing accuracy, the girl described upcoming events, named the names of killed and mobilized soldiers. Vanga predicted for a whole year. At the same time, she didn’t even sleep. The fame of her wonderful gift quickly spread throughout the area. The sight of the seer so amazed the people who came that they unconsciously knelt before her.

Personal life

According to Vanga’s biography, the full version of which is available in open sources, since 1942 people have constantly visited her. They all wanted to know about themselves and their future. In 1943, Hitler himself came to the seer. Vanga told him: “Don’t fight against Russia, in the end you will still lose.” And as we see now, she was right.

Once soldiers from the quartermaster regiment came to Vanga’s yard. One of them, named Dimitar Gushterov, wanted to find out who killed his brother. He liked the seer. Not a single girl sank into his soul like Vanga. The girl’s biography and personal life have changed from that moment. Dimitar began to regularly visit the soothsayer in the village. They could talk for hours. And soon Gushterov proposed to her.

People gossiped about how a blind woman could be a good housewife and wife. But soon the offended Vanga showed that she could. Her strong character helped her in overcoming difficulties, as well as in the fight against poverty and gossip. She moved in with her husband’s family and began “building” her happiness. However, it did not last long. The mobilization of reserve soldiers began in Greece, and Gushterov had to leave. Finally, Dimitar promised Vanga that if he returned, he would build it for the seer new house and will make sure that she does not need anything. In 1947, he returned from service and fulfilled his own promise.


After 12 years, Dimitar died, and the soothsayer completely devoted her life to serving people. From early morning she began to receive the suffering. Thousands of people met with her in hopes of getting answers. Among them were not only ordinary citizens. Scientists, writers came to Vanga, public figures, artists and heads of state. And she gave correct predictions to everyone.

Vanga, a biography whose years of life are known to any Bulgarian, was also involved in treatment. She diagnosed the disease in some, and advised others on how to avoid it. For more than fifty years, people from all over the planet came to the seer. She accepted until her death.


This was Vanga's entire biography. Full version, unfortunately, will not fit into one article. If you wish, you can find her in films and books about the life of a fortuneteller.

Vanga (biography, photos of the clairvoyant are presented above) knew about exact date his departure to another world. A month before her death, she named it. No one knows whether she has any heirs. Once the seer mentioned that there was a girl living in France to whom she wanted to pass on her abilities. And at the time of her death, a ten-year-old child will go blind... However, before her death, Vanga, whose biography is known to the whole world, said: “The Lord gave me abilities, and only he will decide whether they can be passed on. Nothing depends on me.”

The fortuneteller accepted her death with a smile. On August 10, 1996, at exactly midnight, her condition improved (she suffered from cancer, which she did not allow anyone to treat). According to the niece, the grandmother asked for bread and water, and then wanted to be bathed. At 9 am she said that she saw the spirits of deceased relatives. The seer spoke to them. An hour later, Vanga’s life ended, whose biography was a vivid example of service to other people.

Selected sayings

  • “If we cannot understand a simple truth with reason, then the laws of the cosmos will force us to understand it. But insight will cost too much."
  • “You don’t have to fight for peace with weapons in your hands. If we can inspire good thoughts in people, then this will be a serious step towards achieving peace.”
  • “The Anointed One in white robes will return to Earth again. All the chosen ones will feel this moment in their hearts. First he will come to Russia, and then he will reveal himself to the rest of the world.”
  • “We are witnesses to fateful events. The two biggest leaders shook hands to show the importance of the first step in achieving peace on Earth. But final peace on the planet will come only when the Eighth comes.”

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“Vanga and I are blood sisters - children of one father and two mothers. Vanga was left an orphan like me when she was two years old. Her mother Paraskeva died in terrible agony at the birth of her second child and was buried with him. My mother also died during the birth of her second child, who was supposed to be born after me. However, we both survived and, thank God, lived to old age. We were together in joy and in trouble.

From an early age, I remember how I secretly watched my sister Vanga. When she cried, large tears flowed from her forever extinct eyes. She didn’t say anything, she just cried, but, in spite of everything, we believed that the end of our miserable life would come.

I will not forget one unfortunate moment. Vanga was walking around the yard and accidentally came across a large cauldron. The severe bruise left a deep wound on his leg. More than a week passed, and the wound did not heal. Vanga did nothing - no medicine, no bandages. The neighbors looked and felt sorry for her, but no one offered any treatment. One morning she woke me up very early - apparently she had not slept a wink all night from pain. She said: “Go to your neighbor Maria, ask her for some copper sulfate.” I went. Having heard what I needed, the neighbor decided that Vanga wanted to poison herself, so she personally came to us. Vanga said: “Go out onto the stairs, grind the copper sulfate into powder, collect it in a piece of paper and bring it!” Then sprinkle on the wound.” Aunt Maria was scared and said that it was dangerous, that copper sulfate was poisonous, but Vanga insisted on her own. After I sprinkled the wound, she took the knitting needles and began to knit. She knitted very quickly, apparently, she wanted to drown out the pain. She must have been in a lot of pain, but she didn’t say a word. Only the knitting needles were tapping faster and faster. At some point the wound boiled. It boiled for a while, then liquid flowed out of it, and then everything stopped. Vanga asked what I saw, I replied that nothing was flowing anymore, but the wound had turned white. Vanga seemed to calm down. The next morning, the neighbor came running at the crack of dawn to find out how Vanga was doing. She was afraid that something bad would happen, but her sister said that she slept like the dead that night. Within a few days, the wound healed and Vanga quickly recovered. We were very happy because we had lived inseparably for many years and could not imagine how we would exist without each other.

She treated her father in a similar strange way. The Turks beat him terribly in Yedikule prison, and his whole body was covered with scars. Even with a slight bruise, the skin became inflamed and infection began. One day he hurt himself, and the wound did not heal for a long time. Then Vanga made him an ointment from ground hemp and rendered lard. None of the neighbors had heard of such an ointment, but it helped - after twenty days the father completely recovered.

We were very poor and we had almost nothing - no clothes, no shoes, so Vanga was given the clothes of dead women. I remember my neighbor Veselina - she died of tuberculosis, and the clothes were given to my sister. People were afraid to come to us, knowing that the disease was contagious. But we didn’t even think about it - as they say, infection doesn’t stick to infection.

When we arrived in Bulgaria, things didn’t get any easier. My son-in-law, my husband Vanga, was again taken to military training in Belomorie. The official authorities in Petrich looked at Vanga as a witch and a charlatan.

The authorities of the Council forced her to serve her labor service - to work 15 days a month. If you can’t, you know, pay a fine. The money that people gave Vanga was small change. Every day I took them to tax office. There, the officials swore that I didn’t exchange them for paper bills, and they couldn’t count this little thing all day.

They took heavy taxes from Vanga. They kept track of how many people visited it and how much they paid, so the taxes were different every day.

Upon returning from training camp, the son-in-law slowly began to build a new house in Petrich, but he died very young - he was only 42 years old. Vanga completed the house and brought it to its current state. But then she left him and moved to the swamps in Rulite. Why she did this, I still don’t understand.

Vanga was visited by many prominent personalities. She was obliged to accept them at any time. No one took into account her - whether she was tired, sleeping or having lunch, it did not matter. The “big shot” should not and could not wait. They need everything at once. And one more detail: many of the local “majesties” had direct benefits from Vanga’s services. If someone had problems - getting a scarce product or building materials, or getting someone's child into college - they found out who could help and took this person to Vanga, and she would guess and predict his future out of turn. Then, of course, the man appropriately thanked the one who arranged for him to meet Vanga. However, the same thing is happening now, despite my sister’s poor health. Some of those in power, even if they showed interest in her health and problems, their interest was only sufficient for the time they were with her. Then the promises were forgotten.

The only one who felt sorry for her and stood up for her was Dr. Georgiy Lozanov, and then Venko Markovsky and Ivan Argentinsky (may they rest in peace). Until Vanga became a “civil servant,” local authorities constantly harassed and harassed her with a variety of denunciations. She became the target of bullying. One day a policeman was sent to arrest her and take her to the station. Vanga was alone in the house and asked to wait until her husband returned from the market to see her off. But the policeman replied: “I can’t wait! Listen to my steps and you won’t get lost.” Vanga cried for a long time after this incident.

Vanga is a magnet for many people. They visit it for various reasons. And despite countless acquaintances, my sister has been repeating for a long time: “I am lonely, lonely, and one day I will remain alone on the planet.” She understands very well that almost everyone who calls themselves her friend or loved one comes to her based on their own interest, and not out of love for her.

Now she lies sick in a small house in Rupite, hardly speaks and, probably, constantly leafs through the pages of her tragic life. Sometimes, sitting next to her by the bed, I remember aloud various incidents from our distant childhood. Sometimes we feel funny, and most often we feel sad. But I try to remember or tell her more fun moments, to distract her attention. She perks up from the memories and keeps asking me to tell her something else that we experienced together. However, our memories are more bitter.

I remember the time when Serbian power came to Strumica. The old people did not understand their language. My teacher was from somewhere in old Serbia. Every day, after finishing classes, he repeated: “First learn the language!” One day my father crumbled dried tobacco and went outside; he was a heavy smoker, but he did not have money to buy cigarettes. Financial officials met him on the street and asked him in Serbian what kind of cigarettes he smoked. The father did not understand anything, he stood still, not saying a word. Then they searched his pockets and found crumbled tobacco and rolling papers cut from newspaper. My father did not read newspapers because he did not know the language; they served him only as paper for cigarettes. While they stood there, the officials found something else, wrapped in a handkerchief, and explained to him that he had to go to the mayor's office and pay a fine, since smoking unprocessed tobacco was prohibited. My father, of course, had no money, and then for this “terrible” crime he was arrested and spent 15 days crushing stones on the highway to the village of Dobilya. In the morning they weren’t given a single crumb; I don’t know how he stood it. Perhaps the workers at the construction site fed it.

Our brothers also walked around in tatters, in patched clothes, so that it was difficult to tell where the patch was and where the base was. But they were very handsome boys, rosy-cheeked, as if they had a life like people.

Saturday was market day in Strumica. Our neighbors regularly went to the market, we rarely did. From time to time my sister sent me to buy some salt that had already been used to salt the meat. When the meat was salted, the housewives shook off the excess salt, collected it and sold it mainly to poor people like us, but for double the price, since the salt absorbed the smell of the meat. And when they cooked the beans, they sprinkled this salt so that the water would at least smell like meat.

A man was walking along our street with an earthenware jug on his shoulder and a ladle. He sold milk half diluted with water. For two dinars one ladle poured. At home, we also diluted the milk with water, crumbled dry corn bread into bowls and poured milk over it, the food smelled very tasty.

We had one hen and one rooster. The chicken laid eggs every day, and for a few eggs we sometimes bought pepper, and if we had more eggs, we also bought a little sugar, but this happened very rarely.

When Vanga started telling fortunes with sugar, I was very happy, because I loved sweets very much. Although Vanga did not approve of my ideas, I still managed to prepare something similar to dessert. But in 1942 Vanga got married in Petrich and that was the end of our “culinary idyll”.

Brother Vasil went as a soldier to Dupnitsa, he was enlisted in the 7th Quartermaster Brigade. Tom's younger brother went to Germany, or rather he was forcibly taken away along with many other guys. He was only 17 years old. When he returned two years later, he became unrecognizable. He lost so much weight that his clothes could barely stay on him. But we were glad that he returned alive. Then he went as a soldier to Sukhodol, not far from Sofia. Returning from the army to Strumica, he married and lived with his family in Serbia. He died in 1981.

I also got married in 1947. All three of my children were very attached to their Aunt Vanga, because they grew up next to her. And this affection continues to this day. But for last years Strangers, morally not very clean people, who are trying to create a rift between Vanga and me, have begun to infiltrate our family. We can say that we have become a victim of intrigue and slander. My children are very worried about this abnormal situation. Is it possible to cross out so many years lived together with Vanga? And for what? I sometimes feel very sad, but the children reproach me and do not allow the slightest criticism of Vanga. And this is natural: after all, their best memories - childhood ones - are associated with Vanga.

“You will soon see what will happen,” says Vanga. “The time is coming!” It will probably be that everything will fall into place and it will become clear what role each person around her plays in her life.

Books are written about it, but few people strive to get to its essence. Most often, the author tries to show how intelligent he is, how well he understands everything and how close he is to Vanga. But in reality no one knows her - not about her mental world, nor about her real life. How long she will live, only God knows, but her mystery will remain.

Some try to find the path to her talent, leaf through the books of her life, but find only blank pages. Scientists and pseudo-scientists, psychics, predictors have come and come, but they don’t understand a thing about what Vanga is talking about. She gets angry: “If you knew what you were trampling with your feet and what you couldn’t hear with your ears, you wouldn’t have stood here for a minute.” One scientist came to her and brought a tape recorder with him. I asked Vanga questions and took notes. He wanted her to open the sky for him, and he would look there and describe everything in his book. Well, the book came out, but there’s nothing significant there.

One woman often came, who believed that everything was clear to her with Vanga and that she would be able to explain what was what. But Vanga told her that not everyone is given the right to know heavenly secrets, and whoever is not given it from above, no matter what he does, no matter what he listens to or writes down, will remain there, below, where he was.

However, such sensation hunters and pseudo-scientists still come now, but Vanga can no longer, cannot and does not want to accept them. The deteriorating state of her health forces her to lie, deepening into herself, she is silent and is carried away in her thoughts far from us.

Vanga had been seriously ill before. Some time later, after moving to Petrich, Vanga became seriously ill (a complication on her legs). I couldn't take a step. We went to the mineral baths in Marikostinovo. But the procedures did not help. Vanga felt even worse. Then she asked me to take her to the apiary closer to the bees. She sat down next to the hive, and the bees clung to her legs. They started to sting. I guess she felt severe pain, but didn’t even gasp. Either from this therapy, or the time had come, but after a week the legs recovered.

In Strumica she had another illness. People call it rubella, but the doctor said it was herpes. About once every fifteen days, her face would swell and burn, and Vanga would become unrecognizable. There was a healer in Strumica, and Vanga turned to him for help. He began to treat her, cutting her face with a straight razor, then sprinkled it with something and sealed it with thin tissue paper. This procedure was repeated twice a month. When we left for Petrich, the herpes disappeared and did not recur.

Vanga really has very close contacts with nature. In early spring, when the hooting pigeons (wild pigeons) start hooting, we are already in the yard. Vanga listens to them and says: “The cold weather will come again.” I ask how she knows this, she replies that she just told her. And indeed, just a few hours later the weather changes.

There were three dogs in Rulita. Each of them played their own role. From afar, the dog met the car in which Vanga was driving from Petrich. Every day he waited in a certain place, far from her house, and when he saw a car, he ran in front of her until the car stopped in the yard. There he waited for the owner to get out of the car and, as soon as she entered the house, he again ran into the clearing. In the evening, when we were leaving back to Petrich, the dog again ran in front of the car and accompanied us to the place where it met us in the morning.

One day the dog accompanied us to the highway, but did not return back to Rulite as always, but continued to bark and run after us. I told the driver to stop because the dog clearly wanted something. They opened the door to see what happened, and at that time the dog jumped into Vanga’s arms. He barks again and doesn't come out. Vanga said: “Well, okay, okay!” The dog jumped out of the car, but did not return to the house, but remained lying on the side of the road. It turned out that Vanga forgot the keys to the house in Petrich in Rulita. We got out of the car, and the driver drove back alone to pick up the keys. Seeing the car, the dog returned to Rulite and stayed there to guard the house.

Now all sorts of impostors are hanging around my sister, calling themselves her “sons” and “daughters.” This is very dishonest. Her real children are my children because she raised them. My brothers and I were real children, because when we were sick, she stood by the bed, was on duty at night, easing our pain and suffering with her great love, which only a mother can show. Then she helped me when my children were sick. My son was seriously ill with bronchitis as a child. He was constantly wrapped up, he took medicines and syrups, but the disease did not go away. One day, my children and I went to visit my sister in Petrich (at that time we lived in Sandanski). I remember some theater troupe came to the city on tour. They played "The Iron Lamp". My brother-in-law bought tickets for my sister and me. But the child had a seizure, and I did not dare leave him alone, unattended. The sister said: “Lyubka, let him eat a spoonful of mustard mixed with honey.” I gave the child what Vanga ordered, put the children to bed and we went to the theater. And when they returned, opening the door, Vanga began to listen to something. She has exceptionally acute hearing. She asked. “Do you hear something knocking?” I said that I didn’t hear anything, but when they entered the room where the children were sleeping, I was scared. The boy was sleeping, and his heart was beating so hard that it could be heard from a distance. I almost lost my mind. And my sister says. “Don't be afraid, it's okay. Dissolve a spoonful of sugar in a glass of water and give it to the child to drink.” Behind a short time The heartbeat returned to normal and the child fell asleep peacefully. Thank God, bronchitis has not recurred since then.

The eldest daughter was two years old when she grabbed a burning frying pan with her little hand. My hand is swollen. I was terribly scared and immediately ran to the post office to tell Vanga. Near her house in Petrich there lived a postal worker who had a telephone. If necessary, I called him, and he called his sister to the phone. When I confusedly explained to Vanga what was going on, she ordered me to immediately take fresh yolk, a tablespoon butter and beat well something like a cream, then smear clean gauze with this cream and bandage your hand. When I applied the bandage, the child stopped crying, calmed down and fell asleep. In the morning I untied the bandage and was surprised: there were no blisters or burns, and the hand was white and healthy.

There is no mother who could not tell a hundred stories about her children’s illnesses, and I am no exception, but now I am telling them because it is connected with Vanga’s healing activities. My daughter was only 20 days old when an abscess the size of a plum appeared on the left side of her chest. At this time we were visiting our sister in Petrich - there was no water in Sandanski due to a major accident in the water supply. We wake up in the morning and the child is crying. My sister says I need to go to the clinic. When we showed the baby pediatrician, she said that an urgent operation was needed and asked to bring the girl the next day, when the surgeon would be there. Vanga was indignant: “Well, just a surgeon? Isn’t it possible to cure it with some ointment!” The doctor said it was the only one effective method Eliminating an abscess is an operation. Vanga signaled to leave, and at home she said: “Take a deep bowl and rub a little rye flour. Add fresh milk, butter and cook the porridge. Apply it to a piece of clean linen or gauze and make a bandage for the child so as to cover the entire abscess.” I did everything very carefully, we had dinner and went to bed. Around midnight, the child began to cry loudly. We both jumped up, unwrapped the girl, and I was amazed. From the chest to the tummy, everything was stained with blood and pus. I dried the baby, and Vanga ordered me to swaddle him again. I was upset - there was a gaping hole at the site of the abscess, but Vanga insisted on her own. After repeating the procedure, we lay down again. In the morning the girl slept for a long time. By lunchtime they had unswaddled her and saw that there was no trace left of the hole.

Vanga’s recipes are infallible, but nevertheless, one day Professor Atanas Maleev came to us and forbade Vanga to engage in healing under threat of trial. In Bulgaria, they say, there are enough doctors and specialists who study so much that they can cure any disease.

Yes, but not so. A year ago, my five-year-old son had smallpox, and suddenly something like a stye appeared in the corner of his left eye. The doctor could not make a diagnosis and advised to take the child to the Blagoevgrad district hospital, where more experienced specialists work. I called Vanga in Petrich, she said: “Okay, we’ll go tomorrow, but pick me up today. I’ll spend the night with you, and in the morning we’ll go to Blagoevgrad.” In the evening she told me: “Melt some wax, make a cake out of it and when it cools down, apply it to the sore spot. Secure the top with an adhesive plaster.” In the morning we got up very early; the train to Blagoevgrad left at 6 o’clock. Having woken up the child, I took off the adhesive plaster and saw. the barley stuck to the wax along with a root the length of half a match. And in the sore spot there is a tiny hole. Vanga said that there was no need to go to the doctor, since the child was healthy, we were very happy, I prepared an impromptu meal - what God sent, and we celebrated the child’s recovery. The father-in-law said: “This treatment is immediate and sure help.”

When my father-in-law, already old, fell ill and lay down, Vanga came to visit him. I told him some funny story, and he cheered up. When we left the room, Vanga turned to my mother-in-law: “Aunt Mara, get ready! All his deceased loved ones are next to him and are waiting for him. You do not have time". Although the mother-in-law was religious, she got scared and cried, and the father-in-law actually died three days later.

Vanga was indeed given the right to contemplate and look into the future. She never tired of repeating: “If people knew what was coming, they would not want to stay on earth for a moment.” I wonder what these words mean, but she says that it’s not time to decipher them yet, and when it comes, everyone will understand everything themselves.

I don’t know why, but some are trying to change Vanga’s birthday from January 31 to October 3. I was not present at her birth because she is 15 years older, but who knows better than me when Vanga was born? October 3, 1967 is the day when she was declared a civil servant and enrolled on the staff of the Institute of Suggestology. If we mean another date of birth, then we can only talk about “birth” on figuratively, Vanga's birthday is January 31, 1911.

I remember 1967 very well. Vanga was already an officially recognized phenomenon. People began to flock to her from everywhere. The hotels are overcrowded, and some of the visitors spend the night in the market. Then the (now deceased) Professor Yankov visited her. He spoke alone with Vanga. The crowd grew outside, time passed, and they kept talking and talking. The professor came out and, to my surprise, addressed the people. He said that Vanga is truly a miracle and that her gift is grace sent by nature to this house. It is here, in this modest house, ordinary people, and not to the palace of the kings. And the most amazing thing is that a blind woman gives advice and insight to people, although she never learned this anywhere. The professor noted that such a gift could only be given from above, and raised his finger to the sky. Even though he is a scientist, he was not shy about such a gesture.

I remember another incident from those years. Our relatives from May Day, Petrichsky region, for whom Vanga was godmother, invited us to visit and sent a car for us. We arrived, there were a lot of people there. On the same day, there was a concert by Stefka Berova and Jordan Marinkov in the Petrich library. We were kindly invited and gladly responded to the offer. After the concert, Stefka and Dancho gave us a record with their songs, and Vanga invited them to come with us to May Day. Everyone had a great time. Vanga loves songs. Before, when we were younger, we often sang both individually and in duets. Vanga’s favorite song is “Darker, grove, darker, sister.” Among the singers was Zhulieta Shishmanova’s sister, Veska. She was an actress. As we sat at the table, the music started playing. People got up and started dancing. Meanwhile, the sister asked: “Who is sitting next to me?” I said: “Veska.” Vanga says to her: “Come on, Veska, and you”... And she, poor thing, (may the world rest in peace) sits drooping and with a trembling voice asks: “Aunt Vanga, just tell me “yes” or “no” ? I really trust you and will understand everything.” Vanga said very loudly: “Yes.” We all heard this word, but no one understood what was being said. Vanga didn’t explain anything and did the right thing. Veska asked about the secret, but her sister does not reveal other people’s secrets. Only many years later did I learn from Vanga herself that Veska wanted to find out if her sister was alive. It's about about Zhulieta Shishmanova. Everyone knew about the plane crash that occurred in 1978, when the national rhythmic gymnastics team, led by its coach, died on the way to Poland. Veska did not believe that her sister was dead, because there were rumors about some major crime, about some kind of fraud and that the gymnasts allegedly remained alive and were being hidden somewhere. These rumors haunted her for the rest of her life; she constantly tried to find out the truth. In essence, the truth is still unknown. What really happened, only the Lord knows. I never found out what the “yes” that Vanga said meant. Veska took the answer with her, and Vanga did not speak further on this topic.

When we were younger and stronger, we went for a walk to the White Maple restaurant in Petrich. Our old friends were already waiting on the bench there: Yorda, Vera, Marika. We saw each other often until my sister moved to Rulite. Whatever we talked about. Vanga truly rested, since no one pestered her with requests.

Ever since childhood, I have had the habit of getting up early in the morning. My sister did not allow me to see the sun in bed. She always said: “As soon as the sun rises, get to work. The day is for work, the night is for sleep and rest.” She also said that you shouldn’t go to bed without shaking out the covers. “There’s no point in leaving nightmares in unbroken bedspreads,” she said.

Returning from Rupite in the evening, Vanga immediately went to the bathroom, bathed, and then washed everything until it shined. And only then did she go up to the bedroom. No matter how late we returned, she never changed the routine. She had exemplary order in both food preparation and nutrition. No matter what she was doing, at exactly 12 o'clock the food was ready and on the table - different dishes every day. She felt sorry for modern men because their wives don’t cook, for fear of getting fat, and their stronger halves have cold buns for breakfast in the morning, lunch with sandwiches and coffee, and in the evening - all the same.

And how did we prepare for the holidays... Before Easter, in Maundy Thursday they got up before sunrise, painted eggs, baked bread from ground chickpea flour for the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, and baklava for Christmas. Veneta, whom Vanga raised as her daughter, came up with different toys to decorate the house and it was very fun and festive.

The townspeople of Petrich celebrate St. George's Day as a patronal holiday. On the eve of the holiday, they kneaded dough and baked delicious bagels and other delicacies, and prepared various foods. The next day we climbed high up Mount Belasitsa, laid out clean tablecloths and laid out food. Vanga told the children countless stories, never missing an opportunity to teach them a lesson, giving examples of how retribution is given for both good and bad deeds.

During our walks in the mountains, we were joined by a famous journalist from Belgrade. She asked about the problems of her country and the possibility of solving them. And Vanga told her that the godlessness of the Serbs had already led and would lead to even more serious problems. The meeting took place before the war in the former Yugoslavia. “You don’t realize why this will happen? - Vanga asked the journalist. - But because instead of “good morning” or “good afternoon” you swear at every word and even came up with obscene language for God. What kind of mercy, what kind of good can you expect from Him? A person makes his own choice, and then he himself is responsible for everything.”

When our father was still alive and we lived in Strumica, he brought us both to the village of Pogolevo. There was a church there Holy Mother of God, built in an open field, quite far from the house of Velika’s grandmother, the woman who was the caretaker of the temple. She received this privilege after she found a small white pebble in the shape of the Blessed Mother and Child at a great depth in the ground in that very place. This pebble lay in a prominent place in the church in a silver bowl. Father brought us here: - The Mother of God stone was considered miraculous. My father’s biggest dream was for Vanga to see again. So we decided to stay in the church overnight and pray together for her recovery. When it got dark, Grandma Velika locked us outside and went home. Vanga and I lay down on the matting, huddled close to each other. We probably fell asleep quickly, but at midnight we both woke up from an unclear noise. I looked around - I felt scared from the unusual surroundings. I didn’t see anyone, but a bright point like a small ember circled above our heads for about twenty minutes. The light moved along the walls and then disappeared. Vanga and I didn’t sleep a wink until the morning. When Grandma Velika came and opened the door, we were on our feet. Vanga whispered to me that this light was none other than the Holy Mother of God. Grandma Velika surprised me no less. Opening the door, she said: “You saw mother of god visited you at night. You should be very happy." Of course, we were very excited and waited for Vanga’s vision to return. And it returned, but not to look at our sinful world, but to see the vast villages of God.

While we lived in Petrich, letters from all over the world were sent to Vanga. However, we rarely responded. I experienced what was written in the letters, the suffering of those people, as if it were my own, I read the letters out loud, but Vanga rarely answered. Why dont know. Perhaps personal contact was more important to her.

Early one morning, two people knocked on the door - a family from the Czech Republic. Their eight-year-old boy suddenly stopped talking. They wrote to Vanga several times, but there was no answer, and they decided to come. The mother told Vanga that at school some boy slapped their son in the face, and, probably, he stopped talking out of fear. If he wants something, he writes it on a piece of paper. Vanga told them that the child would speak unexpectedly. While we were talking with our parents, the boy stood in the yard. About 200 people gathered near the reception area. Everyone wanted to go first. Making their way forward, people pushed each other. Someone, trying to hold back the pressure of the crowd and restore at least some order, inadvertently pinched the boy’s hand with the gate. Hearing the scream, we, together with the Czechs, ran out into the street. Incredibly, it was their son who screamed. I ran, grabbed his hand and stuck his pinched finger under the stream of water flowing from the tap in the garden. The parents came running, and the boy easily, forgetting about his muteness, began to tell how it happened. A miracle happened, and here, in this very place. That's why the Czechs needed to come here and not wait for letters. It is difficult to describe the joy of these people when they heard the voice of their child again.

Every holiday in Petrich, Vanga and I went to church, and on Fridays, regardless of the weather, we visited the small monastery of Sveta Petka outside the city. My sister was very strong and physically strong. She walked so fast along the highway that I, leading her by the hand, could hardly keep up with her. In 1967, the Council appointed Vange a guard and he accompanied us everywhere. His name was Atanas, he was a pensioner, a former police officer. He seemed to be a trained person, but it was difficult for him to keep up with her. Vanga did not do this on purpose. She was just very energetic and always walked quickly. This monastery was nice, where, after praying, we had a wonderful rest in peace and quiet. But then the church ministers quarreled, lightning struck the monastery, and we stopped going there.

When we decided to move to Rulite, we began to think about where we could get cold water. The fact is that there are hot mineral springs in these places. Not everyone benefits from drinking this water, and it is not suitable for cooking.

The food acquired a completely different, not very pleasant taste. One day Vanga said: “Take me by the hand, I will show you a place where there is cold drinking water.” We walked a little, Vanga stopped and, stamping her foot, said: “Here, below us there is cold water" And indeed. We drilled a well and found water at a depth of 6 meters.

In recent years, a lot of material has been published about Nostradamus. One day I went to Vanga and read her an article from a newspaper about his prophecies. Vanga listened very carefully, and then said very briefly: “This is really interesting, but not everything written by Nostradamus is true.” Perhaps she is right. About five hundred years have passed since he wrote his Centurians.

Two years ago, my youngest daughter and her husband were vacationing on greek island Samothraces. When she returned, she came to Sandanski to see me and that same evening she went to visit Vanga. With great excitement, my daughter talked about amazing beauty islands and that special atmosphere that captivates every visitor. She constantly felt someone's presence nearby, and at night she had extraordinary fantastic dreams. Her husband and friends experienced the same thing. Vanga said: “Indeed, this is a fantastic island, inhabited by souls who lived in this beautiful place thousands of years ago, they create a special atmosphere. But modern people there is still a lot they don’t know about him. Near the shores of the island, at great depths, there are surprises for archaeologists. I see the remains of marble columns, made with great skill. This is part former temples and palaces. They have not yet been discovered, but the day will come when they are pulled out of the sea and they will cause a great sensation. After many years, the island will move away from Greece to Italy. Unfortunately, this island has not escaped the negative effects of modern passions and vices. Sometimes I see such a picture - it will not bypass Bulgaria either - people will become so depraved that they will start making love on the street. Eh, if they knew what price they would have to pay for their base feelings, they would never commit adultery. But remember, no one will escape retribution.”

One day my sister told me: “People don’t understand the meaning of words, so they declare me in the newspapers as a “living saint,” a prophetess, and God knows what else. Are there really dead saints? I think that I am a martyr, but in this world it is not easy for everyone, I am just following the destiny given to me by God. Only He can determine who is who.”

A month before her death, Vanga announced the exact date of her death. Of course, this could not help but attract journalists. Almost all the time, filmmakers were next to Vanga, filming documentary about her last days. But since August 3, when the soothsayer was transferred to the former government hospital, journalists have not had access to her. Although reports on the state of her health were regularly published in newspapers and on television...

Vanga could have died four years ago, but doctors nursed her back to health. She had stomach cancer and she knew it. In the spring of 1996, she suffered from severe poisoning. In August, she was poisoned again and was taken to a government hospital. She immediately said that she would not return to her city again... But then she added: “I’ll lie down for a while and go home.”

Vanga refused the operation. She didn't want to be touched. It's very personal. Vanga had a vision. Fabulous White House. She has family around her. She felt good. Then Vanga said: “I will not return to Rupiti. I will die tomorrow at 10.10.”

Wang accepted his death with a smile. At exactly midnight on August 10, doctors noted a sharp improvement. The pulse leveled out, breathing became free. According to her niece Anya, the grandmother asked for a glass of water and bread. Then Vanga asked to be bathed. When the process was completed, the seer's body was pomaded and perfumed. Vanga said something like: “Now I’m fine.”

At about 9 o'clock in the morning Vanga reported that the spirits of her deceased relatives had arrived for her. The soothsayer talked to them, made movements as if she was stroking someone on the head. At 10.10 am on August 11th she died...

No one knows whether the prophetess has any heirs. Some time ago Vanga said that there was a girl living in France to whom she was passing on her abilities. When the grandmother dies, the girl, who would be 10 years old at that time, will go blind. However, before her death, Vanga said, “God gave me these abilities, and God will decide who to give them to. Nothing dedends on me".

We were once taught that man is the architect of his own happiness. This is true. There is no greater gift on earth for a person than his will, and there is no greater force than it that can force him to go against himself. Freedom of choice and awareness of one's own responsibility is the path through which each of us joins the flow eternal life striving for global perfection. A person has difficulty comprehending this greatest secret, but understands that he cannot help but participate in this process. He understands instinctively while he walks along his earthly path, while he becomes involved in the creation of good or evil, while he wanders in different directions and overcomes thousands of obstacles encountered in his limited material world, so that one day he would “see the light” and understand that he had belittled his own role as the creator of eternity. Not everyone reaches this insight: a dense veil of human vices and passions, major crimes obscures their eyes. This is where I see the enormous role of the phenomenal gift. Vanga, who says: “I am a representative! I help people find the right direction!”

Years will pass. Much of Vanga’s everyday biography will be forgotten as insignificant. Disputes and passions will die down, new “segments of time” will come, new people with new demands, but Vanga’s messages will continue to excite human consciousness, for she serves life, which is indestructible.

Fortune teller Vanga ( full name- Vangeliya Pandeva Gushterova) has become widely known in the world. And although she has been dead for almost 18 years, she is still popular. Vanga is even called a modern Nostradamus.

Vanga: life story

The life of the prophetess was not easy. She had to go through many trials of fate. These were poverty and poverty, overwork and illness, imprisonment and persecution.

However, she did not harden her soul; on the contrary, she sincerely believed that a person should do good, that is what he was born for. Evil people will certainly be met with punishment, which may also affect descendants. Therefore, Vanga did not predict for everyone and did not heal everyone; she showed some to the door if she saw evil in a person’s soul.

Despite all the difficulties, Vanga lived a long life. Her date of birth and death are separated by 85 years. She was born at the beginning of the century, and ended her earthly existence at its end. Before answering the question about what year Vanga died, we will learn about how her life unfolded.

They named the girl Vangelia

In a peasant family that lived in the settlement of Strumica, which was then part of the vast Ottoman Empire, a girl was born at midnight on October 3, 1911. However, she was so weak that the parents did not know whether their child would survive. They were in no hurry even to choose a name for him.

The girl survived, and her parents decided to name her Vangelia. This name means “good news” in Greek. It’s not for nothing that they say that a name influences a person’s destiny. Vanga's story is evidence of this. After all, she became a fortuneteller.

Unlike the girl, who survived and grew stronger, she collapsed. She fell apart. Türkiye, Serbia, Montenegro, and Bulgaria arose from its ruins. It was on the territory of the latter that Strumica was located, where Pande Surchev’s family lived. His wife died when his daughter was only three years old. Panda himself had to go to the front, because the First World War had begun. World War. And he left Vangelia alone, asking the neighbors to look after the girl.

Scary and strange incident

Pande Surchev returned safely from the front, got married again and began farming. However, soon the family had to move from Strumitsa to another village, Pande’s homeland. And although the Surchevs still lived poorly, Vanga did not have any special problems until she was 12 years old, because new wife her father turned out to be a good stepmother.

But one day a misfortune happened. The girl was playing with other children outside the village. Suddenly a dark cloud appeared in the sky, rose hurricane wind, he swirled dust, curled it into funnels and suddenly picked up Vanga and carried her into the field. What remains in the girl’s memory is as if someone’s hand touched her head. She lost consciousness. After some time, I woke up on the ground with a headache, my eyes were covered with dust and were very red.

They looked for Vangelia for a long time, because she was blown into a field by the wind, they found her and took her home, but the girl’s condition was serious, her eyes were especially damaged. Doctors said surgery was necessary. However, the father could not find money to pay for his daughter’s treatment.

My vision was getting worse every day. However, for several years she still saw, albeit faintly. However, Vanga soon became completely blind.

Shelter for the Blind

In Serbia, in the city of Zemun, there was a shelter for the blind. The girl’s parents sent her there. Surprisingly, Vanga’s years in the orphanage were her happiest. Here, in three years, she learned to play the piano, do various household chores on her own: washing, cooking, cleaning the house, and even knitting.

Here, in the shelter, her first love came to her. Young man name was Dimitar. He was also blind. But, unlike the girl, he came from a wealthy family. They fell in love with each other, and after some time Dimitar proposed to Vanga. Of course, she agreed and was happy.

Unfortunately, fate did not allow Vanga’s biography, which, on the contrary, was full of difficult events, to write a happy page. Another test was prepared for her.


The father, not taking into account the wishes of his eldest daughter, soon demanded her return home from the orphanage. His wife died while giving birth to their fourth child. Someone should help him with housework and raising small children. Only he could do it for free eldest daughter Vanga, despite the fact that she was blind.

The next years of Vanga's life were spent in poverty, which she encountered upon returning to her father's house. For three children aged from two to six years old, the girl became a mother. She shouldered all the worries around the house. This is where the skills she learned at the shelter came in handy.

Soon the villagers learned how quickly and beautifully Vanga could knit, and began ordering things from her. In payment for the work, they gave her old, unnecessary ones, which she remade for the kids. Then she learned to weave. It was necessary to somehow make ends meet. The money that my father earned as a shepherd was sorely lacking.

But Vanga never sat still, she did not let her children idle, teaching them to work.

The gift of prophecy has been revealed

Of course, this did not happen right away. Fortune telling on St. George's Day, the girls threw their things into the jug and left it overnight with one of the girls, who was supposed to predict the fate of all of them in the morning. Surprisingly, if the jug remained with Vanga, the next day everyone received predictions, which then came true.

Once a girl helped her father find a sheep that had disappeared from the herd. He didn’t even immediately believe her words, because then he would have to go to the neighboring village. But when Vanga said that she saw this in a dream, he went there and really brought the sheep home. Her father had already noticed that many of her dreams were coming true.

Hard, almost backbreaking work for a blind girl, constant malnutrition led to tragedy: Vanga became seriously ill. The date of birth and the day of her death could be significantly closer to each other due to pleurisy, because for some time the girl was on the verge of death. However, a miracle happened again and she recovered.

Vivid Vision

However, Vanga’s gift of clairvoyance finally manifested itself during the Second World War. Before this, according to her own words, she had a vision. A rider on a white horse stopped in front of her house, then entered and illuminated everything with divine light. Vanga heard his words that soon many people would die because the world would turn upside down. The horseman also said: “You will stand in this place and speak about the dead and the living.” He also urged her not to be afraid, since he would tell her what to predict.

In January 1941, Vanga’s biography, full of amazing events, was supplemented with this fact. Since then she has become a soothsayer.

During the war, people came to her to find out about the fate of their loved ones. She calmed many despairing people, gave advice, and encouraged them. People were grateful to her even for the news of where their loved one laid his head.

Unfortunately, she could not help her relatives, although she knew their fate in advance. For example, when her brother Vasil was about to leave for partisan detachment, Vanga begged him to be careful, predicted painful death at 23 years old. He didn't believe it. However, he was soon captured, suffered hellish torment and was shot. How hard it was on the fortuneteller’s soul! But she couldn't do anything. The date of Vanga’s death was also known to the clairvoyant, but she was not afraid of it.

Vanga becomes Gushtereva

The fortuneteller refused the young soldier Mitko Gushterov's request to name the names of those who killed his brother. She didn't want him to be like other killers. After all, widows and children become victims as a result. Vanga tried to explain this to the soldier. It is difficult to say whether he understood her. However, after that, no, no, he even went to talk to her, and soon asked her to marry him.

In May 1942 they got married, and Vangelia Gushterova appeared. However, the woman only had this last name in her passport. For the people, she still remained Vanga, who could predict.

Perhaps by that time many believed that the predictions made Vanga rich. However, at the wedding, her entire dowry was one samovar, with which she moved to her husband in Petrich.

The couple lived in harmony for twenty years, but in recent years Mitko began to drink heavily and became an alcoholic. They said that he was very worried about the fact that he and Vanga did not have children. Be that as it may, he died in 1962. The clairvoyant, of course, knew the date of her husband’s death (she herself also knew the upcoming date of Vanga’s death), but she could not do anything.

She knelt by Mitko's bed and cried with her blind eyes. Taking his last breath, Vanga fell asleep. She later explained that she escorted him to the place prepared for him.

She was visited by the souls of the dead

After the death of her husband, Vanga devoted herself entirely to helping people. People came to her from all over the world, and she never refused anyone. She prescribed treatment for the sick, warned those who were in danger from taking wrong steps, and helped some find their missing relatives.

Soon the fortuneteller realized that it was very difficult for her to cope with such a flow of people alone, and asked the authorities for help. And she was accepted to... public service. Yes, such an interesting biography of a fortuneteller named Vanga! The years of her life contain a lot of different events.

So, city services identified people who helped maintain order in the yard and provide her with at least minimal rest and tranquility. They kept records of those who wanted to visit the clairvoyant. By the way, the money also went to the state treasury, Vanga received only a small salary.

All these actions of the authorities can be regarded as official recognition unusual abilities Wangi. And these abilities of hers even began to be studied by specialists from the Institute of Suggestology and Parapsychology. But it was not easy to study them, because the ability to “communicate” with the souls of the dead cannot be recorded with any instruments.

Vanga talked about how the souls of deceased relatives or close acquaintances of the person who comes to her for help appear before her. By communicating with them, she can find out everything about him and give some advice for the future.

The clairvoyant had her own idea of ​​what happens to a person after his death. Vanga believed in immortality human soul, into reincarnation. It was on these issues that her views differed from those of the church. Vanga considered herself a believer; she observed fasts and celebrated holidays. With the savings she collected, she built the Church of St. Petka.

It would seem that the time has come to find out in what year Vanga died. But what then of her great predictions?

Predictions of Blind Vanga

Many people visited the Bulgarian clairvoyant famous people. She even predicted it for Adolf Hitler. By the way, I warned him about defeat. Only he didn’t want to listen to her and not go to war Soviet Union. And in 1942, III visited her.

They touched on the death of Joseph Stalin, the assassination attempt on John Kennedy, the events in Czechoslovakia, and the assassination of Indira Gandhi.

In the early 80s, she predicted that soon “important leaders would leave their posts...” and big changes would follow. These words of hers were then associated with the death of a succession of Soviet leaders: Brezhnev, Chernenko, Andropov, and the beginning of perestroika.

They say that Vanga foresaw the death of the Kursk submarine, a terrorist attack in America, and even that the president of the United States would be a “black man.” She also predicted the glory of Russia and its leader Vladimir.

There are memoirs of actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov and writer Leonid Leonov, who also visited blind Vanga. She surprised the first one with a question about why he did not fulfill Gagarin’s last request (it turns out that he promised to buy him an alarm clock), and she predicted the death of the second one after the publication of his novel “Pyramid”. By the way, Leonov wrote this novel for 12 years, but after its publication he died three months later.

Some of Vanga's predictions also concerned the world's future. She said that as a result of space expeditions, the secret of the appearance of life on Earth would finally be revealed, there would be a meeting with extraterrestrial civilizations, and humanity would get rid of cancer.

Unfortunately, the clairvoyant herself could not overcome this disease. Just as she could not delay the approach of her death. Although she knew about her date for sure. Now it would be appropriate to ask the question in what year Vanga died. This happened on August 11, 1996.

The clairvoyant suffered from an oncological disease such as breast cancer. However, she did not want to have the operation, leaving everything “to the will of the Lord.” Last days She spent her life in a hospital ward. At midnight, before the day of death, she asked for a piece of bread and a sip of water, then asked to be bathed. In the morning she reported that the spirits of her dead relatives had already arrived for her. After these words, she passed away into another world.


For fifty-five years, the Bulgarian blind Vanga helped people. There are statistics that during this time at least a million people visited her, and about 80% of her predictions came true. And although now we already know in what year Vanga died, more surprising fact that her fame in the world is still great.