Marina Levtova is an Honored Actress of Russia, who was awarded the title in 1999. In 1982 - actress at the Gorky Film Studio. Talented, lively and sincere Marina won the love and respect of the audience with each new release of the film. Levtova loved to live, always cheerful, cheerful and friendly - this is how Marina Levtova will forever remain in my memory.

The misfortune that happened to the actress shocked almost everyone. The woman died under tragic circumstances, which Marina’s husband and daughter still remember with pain. According to relatives, Marina Levtova felt danger approaching, and after her death, her husband, Yuri Moroz, recalled mysterious signs sent to his wife.

Height, weight, age. Years of life of Marina Levtova

Despite the fact that eighteen years have passed since the death of the actress, fans remember her as a beautiful and talented woman. And questions such as height, weight, age, years of life of Marina Levtova have always interested her fans.

The actress was born on April 27, 1959, and died on February 27, 2000 at the age of forty. With a height of 165 cm, Marina Levtova weighed 62 kg. Photos in his youth and now, looking at latest photos actress, we can say that she has not changed at all, and has even become more beautiful and feminine.

Biography and personal life of Marina Levtova

The biography and personal life of Marina Levtova began in the Yakut region, where her father, Viktor Aleksandrovich Levtov, and her mother, Isolda Vasilievna Levtova, worked as doctors, but after the birth of their daughter, the family moved to Leningrad. WITH early age Marina's parents were preparing her to become a doctor, but thanks to her classmate, who later became an actress, Levtova entered the world of cinema.

After school, Marina went to Moscow to enroll in VGIK and was enrolled after the first casting. When the girl was a second-year student, she starred in the film “The Youth of Peter,” where she met her first and last love Yuri Moroz. Subsequently, the couple legalized their relationship, and they had a daughter, Daria, an exact copy of her mother.

Throughout her career, Marina Levtova starred in 75 films, she was in a hurry to live and never missed the opportunity to star in a new film. She loved her profession very much, but never dreamed of her daughter following in her footsteps. But despite everything, Daria Moroz became popular Russian actress, which won the love of the public.

Marina Levtova’s last film was “Fortune,” in which her daughter also played. The family decided to celebrate the premiere of the film outside the city, they decided to go snowmobiling, but a tragic incident led to Marina receiving a traumatic brain injury, from which she died on the same day. Her husband, Yuri Moroz, could not admit to his daughter about her mother’s death, and told her that Marina was undergoing surgery. It was a difficult loss of a loved one, after which it was so difficult to continue living without her.

Family and children of Marina Levtova

The family and children of Marina Levtova are a frequently asked question from fans of the actress. Marina has a daughter, Daria Moroz, from her marriage to Yuri Moroz. For Marina, family was the most important aspect in her life; she was always very sensitive to family life, believing that a woman is the keeper of the hearth. She always took a minute to call her husband and find out what they were doing with their daughter, how they were doing and what they had for lunch.

Although Levtova was completely absorbed in her acting work, she always left time for her family. Attentive, caring, economical Marina enjoyed family happiness and loved life very much.

Daughter of Marina Levtova - Daria Moroz

Marina Levtova’s daughter, Daria Moroz, was born on September 1, 1983 in Leningrad. As a child, her parents often took the girl to the set, where Dasha starred in films at the age of three. The girl followed in the footsteps of her parents and became outstanding actress, which the audience fell in love with for its sincere acting and talent.

On given time Daria Moroz has been married for eight years to Konstantin Bogomolov, whom she dated for several years. They have a daughter, Anna, but this does not stop her from combining her favorite job and family chores.

Marina Levtova's husband - Yuri Moroz

Marina Levtova’s husband, Yuri Moroz, met his lover on the set where the couple was filming the film “The Youth of Peter.” The actress was a student who immediately attracted Yuri. However, the girl did not want to become the actor’s wife, believing that this profession was not for a man. family life. But still, the young man won the heart of the young beauty, especially since Yuri was well received in the Levtova family.

The couple got married, playing a cheerful wedding in the hostel and soon they had a daughter, who was named Daria.

Funeral of Marina Levtova. Cause of death of the actress

In 2000, the funeral of Marina Levtova took place. The cause of the actress’s death shocked all the woman’s relatives and fans. The family and their friends went snowmobiling, but it all ended in a terrible tragedy. The car flew into a ravine at high speed and the snowmobile overturned. Why did Marina Levtova die? There were no signs of danger, but the incident changed everything; Marina received injuries incompatible with life.

Died that same evening famous actress, beloved mother and caring wife Marina Levtova. The actress’s grave at the Vagankovskoe cemetery is always strewn with flowers, and this means that Marina Levtova will always remain in the memory of her family, friends, admirers and admirers.

Wikipedia Marina Levtova

Wikipedia Marina Levtova can tell you in more detail about creative path talented woman and personal life. Her rich filmography and years of film releases will interest any fan of her work. Marina Levtova, in addition to acting, was also involved in dubbing films. She even lent her voice to the much-loved Brazilian TV series Wild Rose.


The future actress grew up in a family of doctors. Her parents graduated from the First Medical Institute in St. Petersburg. But after that they were distributed to small village in Yakutia. They were the only doctors there, so dad delivered the baby to Marina’s mom himself. The man was so worried that he could not even immediately determine who was born to him - a son or a daughter.

A little later the family returned to Leningrad. The future actress spent her childhood and youth in the city on the Neva. It is not surprising that the girl dreamed of becoming a doctor. But her plans changed because of Elena Tsyplakova.

Elena Tsyplakova studied with Marina in the same class. A classmate has already managed to take part in the filming of the film “The Woodpecker Doesn’t Have a Headache” by Dinara Asanova. And when Dinara was looking for heroes for her film, Lena showed a photo of her class. The director took a liking to a boy and a girl. Naturally, this girl is Marina Levtova.

At this time, Marina was already at that age when girls want to look impeccable. She came to Lenfilm with an unusual hairstyle - she cut off her long ponytail. And thus she horrified Dinara. Levtova brought her her tail and during filming it was attached to the young actress’s hair.

By the end of filming, Marina no longer wanted to be a doctor, but realized that she wanted to work in cinema. At the same time, it didn’t matter to her who exactly to work with, she just wanted to be in this system.

VGIK. Meet Yuri Moroz

After school, Marina Levtova went to Moscow and entered VGIK. There she studied in the workshop of Tamara Makarova and Sergei Gerasimov. And at the same time I was filming a lot. She got the main role of a painter foreman in the lyrical comedy “My Anfisa”, as well as quite noticeable roles in the films “Last Chance”, “On the Eve of the Premiere”, “Choice”.

In her second year, Marina Levtova was invited to play the role of Antonida in the historical duology “The Youth of Peter” - “At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds” by Sergei Gerasimov. The actress met her love on the set of the film.

Yuri Moroz made his debut in these films. He met Levtova in Babelsberg, Germany. The filming of “The Youth of Peter” took place there.

Yuri Moroz recalls that at the time they met, Marina was a second-year student. Three students of Gerasimov came to the shooting - Levtova, Germanova and Vasilyeva. At this time, Dmitry Zolotukhin, who played Peter, Nikolai Eremenko, in the role of Menshikov, and Yuri Moroz, who played the role of Lesha Brovkin, were already working in Germany. Young people, naturally, went for walks during non-working hours. And we decided to meet the students.

After meeting, Yuri persuaded Marina to go secretly to Berlin. The couple spent the whole day there, shopping and buying gifts. At that time there was only sympathy between them, each lived his own life.

In Moscow, Yuri and Marina's paths diverged. But a little later the actors began dating again. It turned out that conquering the fragile Levtova Moroza is not so easy. The girl’s plans did not include connecting her life with the actor. She believed that the artist was not a person for the family.

But Yuri Moroz still found Marina’s weak point. The girl really valued her father's opinion. And somehow the actor asked to go to Marina’s parents’ dacha. There he demonstrated that he could do something else besides acting. The young man skillfully nailed three boards, thereby earning the respect of Marina’s father.

Yuri and Marina got married. The wedding was a student wedding, fun, in the VGIK dormitory. The imprisoned parents were Makarova and Gerasimov. The young family settled in the Lenkom dormitory, where Moroz worked at that time. After the birth of their daughter Dasha, the family was given a second room.

Actor career

Marina Levtova graduated from the acting department in 1982, after which she began working at the Gorky Film Studio. The 80s saw Marina's most famous film works. Films with her participation were released every year, even the birth of her daughter did not interfere.

At the 7th month of pregnancy, the actress starred in the role of Olga in the detective-political film “TASS is Authorized to Declare” by Vladimir Fokin, and a little later, together with 4-month-old Dasha, she played in the melodrama “Dear, dear, beloved, the only...” by Dinara Asanova.

The most famous works of Marina Levtova in the 80s: the main role of a kindergarten teacher in the film “Lyubochka”, roles in the film “Thrice About Love” by Viktor Tregubovich, the drama “Traffic Inspector” by Eldor Urazbaev, the film “Vera. Hope. Love" by Vladimir Grammatikov.

I remember and loved the role of Belogurochka in the film “Dungeon of the Witches”. The fantastic picture was directed by Marina Levtova’s husband, Yuri Moroz, based on the story by Kir Bulychev. Here the actress played together with Sergei Zhigunov and Nikolai Karachentsov.

Friends of Marina Levtova say that the actress was cheerful, energetic and charming. Her close friend Dmitry Kharatyan says that Marina was always in a hurry somewhere, could not live slowly: if by car, then she went by maximum speed, if on a snowmobile, then with sharp turns. The actress was the life of any company.

One day, out of boredom, Marina decided to organize an acting club. Later the Kino club appeared. It quickly became quite popular. Everything about him rested only on Marina’s enthusiasm, her energy and charm.

The actress had a very hard time with the lack of work in the 90s. But the situation changed a few years later. In the 2000s, Marina Levtova played in the comedy “Fortune” by Georgy Danelia and the TV series “Kamenskaya” and “Memories of Sherlock Holmes.”

In addition, the actress actively worked at Russian and international festivals, and also created a project for her own radio program.

In addition to filming films, Marina actively participated in Russian and international festivals and created a project for her own radio program. It seemed that the best period was coming in her life.


In the film “Fortune” the main female role went to Marina’s daughter Daria Moroz. She played the young wife of the main character. The film was presented to the public on February 26, 2000. Of course, Daria's parents were in the spotlight and accepted congratulations. Marina was given a bouquet yellow flowers, but they say that this color means separation or misfortune.

The next day, February 27, a company of actors, including Olga Drozdova and Dmitry Pevtsov, went to celebrate their success outside the city in the village of Razdory, Odintsovo district. In the evening, an offer was made to ride a snowmobile. Marina didn’t like this idea, but her daughter wanted to try the entertainment. Levtova did not leave her daughter alone.

Mikhail Rudyak was the first to get on the snowmobile - behind the wheel, then Dasha, and then Marina. Next came Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova. We got ready to go on the road around midnight.

The driver of the first snowmobile did not see the ravine in the dark and flew down at a speed of 70 kilometers per hour. The snowmobile overturned and passengers were thrown out of their seats. Mikhail and Dasha escaped with bruises, but Marina hit her head on a tree. The next snowmobile managed to brake. An ambulance was immediately called.

Marina Levtova was taken to the hospital. However, doctors were unable to save the actress. Doctors found her with multiple fractures and bruises. The cause of death was an open craniocerebral injury.

Yuri Moroz could not tell Dasha about his mother’s death for a long time. He lied that Marina was in the hospital and they were planning to have surgery on her. Psychologists advised not to rush to talk about sad news. Daria learned about the tragedy only on the day of the funeral. Marina Levtova was buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery in Moscow.

Marina Levtova - Soviet actress cinema, in 1999 she received the title of Honored Artist of Russia.


Marina Viktorovna Levtova was born on April 27, 1959. Marina’s homeland is considered to be the Neryuktyai nasleg of the Yakut USSR, although her parents are from St. Petersburg.

Father Viktor Aleksandrovich was a medical scientist, candidate of medical sciences, at one time he published several monographs on hematology and physiology.

Mom Isolda Vasilievna also worked as a doctor. After graduating from the St. Petersburg First Medical Institute, Marina’s parents were sent to Yakutia.

Viktor Alexandrovich and Isolda Vasilievna were the only doctors in the entire village, so Marina’s father had to deliver his wife’s child himself.

Soon the Levtov family moved back to St. Petersburg, where Marina spent her entire childhood. Enthused by her parents' stories about work, the girl dreamed of becoming a doctor.

Fateful incident

But an incident that happened to Marina at school changed everything. Levtova’s classmate was Elena Tsyplakova. Lena has been acting in films since childhood; her film debut was Dinara Asanova’s film “The Woodpecker Doesn’t Have a Headache.”

Soon Asanova got ready to make a film again and began looking for actors. Then Tsyplakova showed the director a photo of her ninth grade year.

The director immediately took a liking to one girl, who was Marina Levtova. Marina was approved for the role of Yulia Bayushkina in the film “Untransferable Keys,” but from the first day of filming the girl managed to distinguish herself.

Marina wore long hair, but suddenly decided to cut them off. Arriving on the set with new haircut, she horrified the director. Then Levtova had to attach a cut-off ponytail to her hair every day during filming.

Filming fascinated the young girl, and very quickly she forgot about her dream of becoming a doctor. Now she was hooked on the idea of ​​working in cinema.

After graduating from school, Marina decided to try her luck in the capital. In Moscow, the girl first went to the entrance exams at VGIK.

Having brilliantly completed the exams, she was enrolled in the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tatyana Makarova.


Already in student years Levtova began actively acting in films. The film “The Untransferable Key,” released in 1976, played a big role in the career of the future actress.

Film directors appreciated the girl’s performance, and filming offers were not long in coming. In 1977, eighteen-year-old Marina played episodic roles in the films “Trouble,” “Awakening,” and “Old Friends.”

The following year, the actress played Nadya in the film “Last Chance”, Lera in “On the Eve of the Premiere” and Nina in the drama “Grasshopper”.

The girl excelled in the main role of painter-foreman Anfisa in the comedy “My Anfisa.” After this, the filmography was replenished with the films “Windows”, “Choice” and “Native Business”.

In 1980, the films “Rafferty”, “Quiet C-grade Students”, “At the Beginning of Glorious Deeds” were released. The actress also played in the film “The Youth of Peter,” which was filmed in the German city of Babelsberg.

The following year, viewers could see Levtova in the films “At Someone Else’s Holiday” and “Three Times About Love.”

In 1982, Levtova graduated from the university and went to work at the film studio named after. Gorky. After graduation, the actress starred in the films “Vladivostok, 1918” and “Traffic Inspector”.

The year 1983 became incredibly productive for the young actress: then she starred in the films “The Life of Berlioz”, “From the Life of the Chief of the Criminal Investigation Department”, “The Boys”, “The Bribe” and “The Cage for the Canaries”.

Levtova’s career was rapidly growing, the actress starred in films a lot, and even pregnancy did not become an obstacle to filming. In the 7th month of pregnancy, she played the role of Olga Vronskaya in the film “TASS is authorized to declare...”.

After giving birth to her daughter, Marina did not stay at home for long. When the girl was 4 months old, Marina went to film the melodrama “Darling, Darling, Beloved, The Only One.”

Levtova’s popularity increased every year, and viewers eagerly awaited new films with their favorite actress. In 1985, Marina appeared in the films “About a Cat...” and “Picture”.

The following year, a series of successful films followed again: “A Second to Feat,” “The Secrets of Madame Wong,” “Award (Posthumously)” and “ State border. Film 5: Year forty-one."

The second half of the 80s was marked by the release of the films “Somersault Over the Head”, “Visit to the Minotaur”, “Let Me Die, Lord...” and “Linden Ball”.

The role of Belogurochka in the film “Dungeon of the Witches” by Yuri Moroz was especially warmly received by the audience. Then Marina’s colleagues on the set became Sergei Zhigunov and.

In the movie "Dungeon of the Witches"

The 90s were not so productive; only 8 films with the actress were released during this decade. Among them, the audience remembered the films “Prisonment”, “Tear of the Prince of Darkness”, “Lube Zone”, “The Time of Sorrow has not yet come” and “Charming Rascals”.

An ambitious and cheerful actress, whose life took place at a fast pace, she was very worried about the lack of work. In 1999, the actress was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation.

Already in 2000, the actress tried herself in television series. Then she starred in the TV series “Memories of Sherlock Holmes” and “Kamenskaya. Someone else's mask." Also this year there was a role in the comedy “Fortune”.

In addition to filming and dubbing, Levtova took an active part in organizing Russian film festivals, and even created a project for her own television show. But the dreams were not destined to come true.

Personal life

Levtova met her boyfriend, director and actor Yuri Moroz, back in her student years. In 1980, Marina and Yuri took part in the filming of the film “The Youth of Peter” in Germany.

Once during filming, the actors secretly went to Berlin, where they spent the whole day together, having fun and buying souvenirs for their relatives.

Upon arrival in Russia, the relationship between Yuri and Marina faded away; Marina did not want to get married so early, especially to an actor.

With daughter

However, Yuri, in love, did not want to lose Marina. He found tricky way win Levtova’s heart: Yuri knew that her father’s opinion was important to Marina.

Therefore, one day Moroz asked to go to Marina’s parents’ dacha, and there he began to demonstrate his thriftiness.

The parents liked their daughter’s boyfriend, and Marina herself soon began to reciprocate Yuri’s feelings. Soon Yuri and Marina got married; the actors held the celebration in the VGIK student dormitory.

After this, the newlyweds moved to the Lenkoma dormitory, where Yuri worked at that time. In 1983, the couple had a daughter, the baby was named Dasha.

With husband and daughter

After the birth of their daughter, the family was given a two-room apartment in St. Petersburg. Dasha followed in her parents' footsteps and became an actress.


On February 27, after the premiere of the film “Fortune,” Marina, together with her family and friends, among whom were Dmitry Pevtsov and Olga Drozdova, went on vacation outside the city.

There was a lot of snow in the village of Razdory, Odintsovo district, so in the evening the idea arose to go snowmobiling. Marina didn’t like the idea, but her daughter was excited about the idea.

Geologist Mikhail Rudyak got behind the wheel of a snowmobile. It was evening, and in the darkness Mikhail did not notice the ravine. At a speed of 70 km/h, the snowmobile flew into a ravine and overturned.

My daughter escaped with fractures, Mikhail Rudyak lay in a coma. But Marina could not be saved - when she fell, the actress hit her head on a tree. The resulting open head injury was incompatible with life.

April 27 to the famous theater and film actress Marina Levtova could have turned 58 years old, but 17 years ago a tragic and absurd incident caused her sudden death. This happened the day after the premiere of the film, which became the acting debut of her daughter - Daria Moroz. Having inherited beauty, talent, and charisma from her mother, Daria still regrets only that she did not have time to talk about many things with her dearest person.

Since childhood, Marina Levtova dreamed of being a doctor, like her mother and father. An incident brought her into the acting profession: one day her classmate Lena Tsyplakova, who had already managed to act in films by that time, showed director Dinara Asanova a photograph of Marina Levtova. And after the audition, the high school student was immediately approved for the main role in the film “The Non-Transferable Key.”

After her acting debut, Levtova moved from Leningrad to Moscow and entered VGIK in the workshop of Sergei Gerasimov and Tamara Makarova. Her creative rise was very rapid: already in her second year she starred in several films. On the set of one of them, Marina met the aspiring actor and future director Yuri Moroz, with whom they soon got married.

Their daughter Dasha began acting in films before she was even born: Marina Levtova, in the 7th month of pregnancy, according to her husband, “ran around the set, covering her stomach with her handbag.” At the age of 9 days, Dasha made her film debut: her mother then had to play Madonna with a baby in her arms. And three months later, Dasha became the child who was kidnapped by Olga Mashnoy’s heroine in the film “Darling, Dear, Beloved, The Only...”.

Both personally and professional life Marina Levtova was accompanied by incredible luck. In the 1980s she was a very sought after actress. Her most famous works were roles in the films “State Border”, “TASS is Authorized to Declare”, “Visit to the Minotaur”, “Dungeon of the Witches”. Nevertheless, family always came first for Levtova. Their union with Yuri Moroz was very strong and harmonious, which was very rare in the acting environment.

Some of her last works were roles in the TV series “Kamenskaya”, “He and Margarita” and “Memories of Sherlock Holmes”. Later, director Yuri Moroz said that his wife seemed to have a presentiment of trouble, she was very worried about him and her daughter and was very nervous, even when they had to part for a short time.

On February 26, 2000, Georgy Danelia presented his new film “Fortune” at the House of Cinema, in which for the first time leading role Daria Moroz starred. The parents were with their daughter at the premiere, and the next day they decided to celebrate this event with friends outside the city. The owner of the dacha suggested we go snowmobiling. Marina Levtova was against this idea, but her daughter wanted it so much that the actress decided to go with her so as not to let her go alone.

In the dark, the driver did not notice a deep ravine under a layer of snow, the snowmobile overturned, and the passengers flew out of their seats. The driver and Dasha escaped with broken bones, but Marina hit her head hard on a tree and received a serious head injury. She was immediately taken to the hospital, but the doctors, alas, were powerless. On February 27, 2000, Marina Levtova’s life suddenly ended. At that time, she was only 40 years old, and her daughter was 16.

In acting families, children often become successors to the dynasty. Like, for example, in a family

Daria Moroz is a popular Russian theater and film actress who has impressive acting experience. The two-time winner of the Nika film award has enjoyed constant love among the public for many years. Her development was largely influenced by the creative environment in which the actress grew up, but the last and decisive word remained with her brilliant talent and fantastic ability to work.

Childhood and youth

Dasha was born in Leningrad in acting family. Her mother is an Honored Artist of Russia, whose filmography includes more than 50 films, and her father is an actor and film director who directed the popular TV series “” and “Apostle”.

A television

In addition to cinema, the actress tries herself in other areas of art. In 2009, she participated in the “Two Stars” competition, where she became her partner. Despite the fact that the duet in the project was considered one of the best, the singer did not plan to participate in the television show for more than the four episodes she promised. She left the program, and Daria had to leave after her.

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Roman Kostomarov and Daria Moroz on the ice

In 2016, the actress became a participant in the Channel One Saturday show “Ice Age”. The Honored Artist of Russia admitted in an interview that sport was not for her, although she had dreamed of figure skating since childhood.

At first, the artist went on the ice together with the honored coach of Russia, but the latter’s workload did not allow him to stay in the project for a long time. Daria's next partner was the world, Russian and European champion