Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO) Igor Koshin resigned early due to at will in connection with the transition to a new place of work. According to the Kremlin press service, the corresponding decree has already been signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

“In connection with the statement of the Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Koshin I.V. on early termination of powers and in accordance with subparagraph “c” of paragraph 1 and subparagraph “a” of paragraph 9 of Article 19 of the Federal Law of October 6, 1999 No. 184-FZ “On general principles organizations of legislative (representative) and executive bodies state power subjects Russian Federation“I decide: to accept the resignation of the Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug I.V. Koshin. at his own request,” according to the Kremlin’s official website.

By this decree Russian President also appointed Deputy Minister economic development RF Alexander Tsybulsky to the place of acting head of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

43-year-old Koshin was one of the youngest regional leaders in the country; he assumed the post of governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug in September 2014. Before that, for two years he was a representative from the Assembly of Deputies of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug in the Federation Council.

“The time has come to move on,” the ex-governor wrote. “During these three years, there were different things - both good and bad. 2016 turned out to be especially difficult, when we lost a third of our income. I know it hasn't been easy for all of you. Believe me, too, Responsibility is a heavy burden.”

Koshin noted that all the unpopular and painful decisions that he made during his tenure as head of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug were intended to make the district’s economy more resistant to fluctuations in oil prices, and thereby protect the residents of the region.

“I think I succeeded, but time will give the exact answer,” Koshin assessed the results of his work. He thanked the residents of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug for their messages, comments and advice, emphasizing that all this helped him in his work and provided the opportunity to effectively monitor his subordinates.

As governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Koshin will be replaced by 38-year-old Alexander Tsybulsky, who has worked as deputy head of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation since November 2014.

In 2008, Tsybulsky began his career in the Ministry regional development Russian Federation, where he was assistant minister for two years. Since 2011, he served as director of the Department of International Relations and Development of Cross-Border Cooperation.

Tsybulsky moved to the Russian Ministry of Economic Development in March 2013, becoming an assistant minister. In September of the same year, he headed the Department for Supporting the Activities of the Minister of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, and a few months later became the head of the Department for Interaction with Authorities Customs Union And economic cooperation with CIS countries.

Behind Lately Vladimir Putin has already dismissed several governors from their posts.

Last week, information appeared in the media about several resignations of heads of Russian regions. Then the departure was predicted for the governors of the Nizhny Novgorod and Samara regions, Krasnoyarsk Territory. « Total number subjects who are named as candidates for a change of power are approaching ten,” Gazeta.Ru sources said.

The prediction is coming true: on September 27, the head of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Viktor Tolokonsky, was relieved of his post. “Tolokonsky now: “I’m leaving. And I’m even leaving.” He says, worried. This is very noticeable,” wrote Vice Speaker of the regional parliament Alexey Kleshko on Facebook.

A day earlier, Valery Shantsev, who headed the region for 12 years, resigned from the post of governor of the Nizhny Novgorod region. In his place was appointed 40-year-old Gleb Nikitin, who previously held the post of First Deputy Minister of Industry of Russia.

In addition, on September 28, the head of Dagestan, Ramazan Abdulatipov, announced his resignation. The first deputy director of the Russian Guard, Sergei Melikov, is being considered as the main candidate for the post of head of Dagestan.

According to many experts, there is now a trend in the country towards “greening personnel” - the appointment of young people with experience in serving in federal bodies to the positions of heads of regions. In particular, Dmitry Gusev, head of the consulting agency Backster-group, told Gazeta.Ru about this.

“The President (Putin - Gazeta.Ru) continues his policy of updating the country’s political team. Several young technocratic governors were appointed. Now people with experience working in federal bodies are being appointed to similar positions. This is the current policy of the president,” Gusev explained the situation.

Name: Tsybulsky Alexander Vitalievich. Date of birth: September 15, 1979. Place of birth: Moscow, USSR. Position: Acting Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Childhood and early career

Quite little is known about the current acting governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. He was born on July 15, 1979 in the capital of the USSR; there is no information about his parents in open sources.

Initially, Alexander pursued a military career - from 1996 to 2005 he served in the army and studied at the Military University of the Ministry of Defense. This is one of the oldest military educational institutions; in 2014 the university celebrated its centenary. There they train specialists in five areas - military-humanitarian, military-legal, military-philological, military-conducting and military-financial.

It is unknown what exactly the future politician preferred. And his military service turned out to be short-lived - in 2006, the military specialist graduated from the Moscow Institute of International Business and began working in the Department of Foreign Economic Relations of the Ministry of Economic Development. However, his studies did not end there - in 2014, Alexander Vitalievich completed the Master of Business Administration program at Russian Academy National economy And civil service under the President of Russia.

For the development of territories

Alexander Tsybulsky’s career in the Russian government was quite successful. From the Ministry of Economic Development he moved to the department of international cooperation of the government apparatus, and held various positions in the Ministry of Regional Development. In 2013, he moved to the Ministry of Economic Development, where he started as an assistant minister and in just two years advanced to the post of deputy head of the department. First - Ulyukaev, after his arrest - Oreshkin.

Throughout his entire career, his main area of ​​interest remained virtually unchanged - international relations, the development of economic cooperation with other countries, and territorial development.

As deputy minister, among other things, Tsybulsky oversaw the development of all kinds of territories with a special status - SEZs, territories of rapid socio-economic development, single-industry towns. He was also responsible for the socio-economic development of the Arctic territories. Perhaps this was precisely what played a role when Alexander Vitalievich’s career took a decisive turn.

Crimean trace

As Kommersant wrote, one of the most striking pages in the biography of Alexander Tsybulsky is connected with the Ukrainian events, as a result of which Crimea became part of the Russian Federation. Tsybulsky participated in negotiations with Brussels and Kiev, which resulted in the entry into force of the economic part of the association agreement between Ukraine and European Union was postponed.

This is what caused mass protests in Kyiv. As a result, the country's president, Viktor Yanukovych, fled, Ukraine was headed by Petro Poroshenko, and Alexey Tsybulsky received a new direction - he headed the working group on the integration of Crimea and Sevastopol and oversaw the socio-economic development of new Russian regions.

After the arrest of Ulyukaev, some predicted Tsybulsky to become a minister, but it did not work out. He is also called a student of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak - Alexander Vitalievich was a member of the commissions under his leadership and participated in the development of a regional development strategy.

Two decrees a year apart

On October 19, 2016, the President of the Russian Federation signed a decree on the appointment of Deputy Minister of Economic Development Alexander Tsybulsky " official representative The President of the Russian Federation when considered by the chambers Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on the ratification of Protocol No. 3 to the European Framework Convention on Transfrontier Cooperation between Territorial Communities and Authorities, concerning European Regional Cooperation Associations (EUROC), dated November 16, 2009, signed on behalf of the Russian Federation in Strasbourg on June 8, 2012" .

A year later, on September 28, 2017, Vladimir Putin appointed Alexander Tsybulsky as acting governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. A native Muscovite went to the Far North.

Surprise for northerners

The “governor's fall,” as a result of which the deputy minister actually took charge of the rural area, as one political scientist put it, occurred last fall. According to Kommersant's information from a source close to the presidential administration, the selection of candidates went through the Kremlin's personnel department with the participation of specialists from the Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration.

Political scientists were surprised by Tsybulsky’s appointment. The head of the Political Expert Group, Konstantin Kalachev, noted that Tsybulsky’s predecessor, Igor Koshin, was extremely unpopular in the region due to his policy of optimizing social spending, but specifically noted that he did not think that the previous governor was somehow dissatisfied with the management of the Rosneft company " (It is with this oil giant that Tsybulsky’s appointment to the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is sometimes associated. In telegram channels, discussing the event, it was suggested that the acting head of the region would represent the interests of Rosneft - the Pechora LNG project and other shelf initiatives). And he added that in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug “everyone knows everyone.” As it turned out, not everyone - at least Tsybulsky turned out to be a surprise for the local elite.

Another political scientist, Alexander Kynev, admitted that what he saw in the public field does not stand up to criticism, and called Tsybulsky’s appointment an exile. However, he could not name the reasons.

Another version - Nenets district can be merged with the Arkhangelsk region. However, many experts consider this unlikely. The prospect of a possible unification in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug has always been perceived extremely negatively, and it is unlikely that a native Muscovite will be able to convince the northerners. He simply will not find arguments that would be accepted by the other side. The difference is in mentality.

About personal

You can safely put a dash in the “personal life” column of the current head of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. That is, he undoubtedly has it, but so far there is no verified information about it in the public space. Looks like he's married. It seems like two children. But in official biography this information is missing. Just as there are no traces of Mrs. Tsybulskaya in the income statement, which, being a deputy minister, Alexander Vitalievich regularly submitted. The official owns an apartment and a Toyota, and another apartment is in use. In 2016, he earned almost 6.8 million rubles.

Tsybulsky cannot be called an active user of social networks. Recently, however, it happened funny case. At the meeting, the head of the region asked one of the officials whether he had complied with the order given to ... Vkontakte. And he urged us to pay more attention to his pages on social networks and create the same ones for ourselves - to communicate with residents of the district. Modern means of communication should be used to more quickly respond to emerging issues, and not hold meetings on any occasion.

Everything that is published in the accounts of the head of the region is of an official nature, Tsybulsky emphasized.

According to the official portal government agencies authorities of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the acting governor has two accounts - on VKontakte and Instagram. However, it is apparently useless to look for photographs of his wife, children, and friends there. Tsybulsky’s character is not the same.

Or maybe it’s not a matter of character, but of professional characteristics. In a telegram channel about regional politics with an emphasis on the “16 Little Indians” gubernatorial elections, they briefly responded to Tsybulsky’s appointment in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug: “Tsybulsky is in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Scout. Then in Putin’s government.”

True, under New Year The acting governor changed his usual secrecy and told everyone interested that he had a family pet. The name is Khalif.

Varyag in the outback

Nenets autonomous region, of course, a very unique region. Geographically, it is autonomous in the most literal sense of the word - you can only get there by plane. The climate is harsh, the infrastructure is not developed. Actually, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug now lives off oil. When the price of “black gold” began to fall, problems began.

And they really don’t like “Varangians” - outsiders. Just people like Tsybulsky, who is unlikely to have ever been to the Far North before his appointment as acting governor and certainly did not live there permanently.

Now the former deputy minister is actively mastering the science of governorship in that part that is unlikely to be familiar to him from previous activities. He announced the Year of Reindeer Husbandry in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, presents awards, meets with veterans, even dances around the Christmas tree. Perhaps he will be able to settle down in a new place. If, of course, he wants it himself. Still, the Far North is a harsh and peculiar place. Not everyone can handle it.

04.10.2017 14:04

About this the acting governor NAO said in an interview with Rossiya24 TV channel. In addition, Alexander Tsybulsky spoke about the prospects for the development of the region, personnel policy and much more.

Alexander Vitalievich, what items were you the first to bring into your new office? What should you always have on hand while working?

– The first thing I brought was a computer and a phone. And the documents that I prepared in advance on current issues of economic development and life in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. I put them [nearby] as a reference so that I could actively study them between meetings with my new team.

After your appointment, you already said that there would be no hasty and emotional personnel decisions. Are you planning to recruit the team mostly from local personnel or will you invite someone from Moscow?

– I believe that you should not make sharp decisions when you come to such a responsible position. It really works here professional team, which has done a lot recently to diversify the region’s economy and, in general, to establish a systematic process of economic management. I am not a supporter of making personnel decisions that are not related to assessing the professionalism of people. Therefore, I would proceed from the fact that it is necessary to retain as much of the backbone as possible from those people who work in their places today, if they are ready to continue working, if our vision of the goals for which we are doing this coincides. But if there is a need to strengthen our team from other regions or from Moscow with people who have experience working in the federal government or in some other areas, we will definitely do this. But we will always make decisions as a team carefully and after consultation.

You and many of your colleagues graduated High school Department of the Academy of National Economy. What is it like to study there? Are there special items and tasks?

– I took several courses at the Academy of National Economy. I defended my master's degree in business administration there and then regularly took advanced training courses there. Studying there is the same as, probably, at any other university. We didn't have any specific items. There were only those subjects that were necessary to improve one’s own educational level

The vice-rector of the academy came to us for an interview. He said that they study there from 8 am to 11 pm. A very busy schedule and a comprehensive “diagnosis”, ranging from personal qualities to professional ones.

– I am very pleased that there is now such a professional approach to personnel selection. The course there is really quite intensive. But if you want to study, then you do it anywhere with complete dedication and it takes all your time. As for psychological or, as you said, personal study, it is very nice that this is happening. This is an extremely important factor. I am a person who came from a military environment. And when we went through admission to study or work, we also went through big number psychological tests and aptitude tests, because it is extremely important who is able to work comfortably under what conditions. Because sometimes we don’t fully understand what we are capable of, and where we will be extremely uncomfortable and will not be able to realize ourselves

When you arrived in the region, you said that you were used to working a lot. Can you say this is a parting message to colleagues?

- Absolutely. I have a high work pace and I hope all my colleagues can share it

You have an MBA degree and are proficient in three foreign languages. And they supervised international relations, first at the Ministry of Regional Development, and then at the Ministry of Economic Development. Is your international experience applicable in this region? For example, to attract foreign investors, to solve some other problems?

– At least, that’s the task I set for myself. It seems to me that the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is not sufficiently represented on international markets. There is no doubt that the county has something to show for it. And not only foreign investors who came to the oil or gas production industry. The Nenets Autonomous Okrug is unique in many respects, including because people live here a large number of indigenous population. The Nenets are 7 thousand people, or 20% of the population. In no case should we forget that these are people with special competencies, that they traditionally led a nomadic lifestyle and economic activity. Therefore, they have a large number of craft items that could be promoted in foreign markets. What are the traditional types of economic activity of the indigenous peoples of the North today? This is mainly reindeer husbandry and fishing - these are the types of activities that produce high-quality environmentally friendly products. As a person who lived in Moscow for many years, I last years I saw that the demand for such products was growing greatly. And people are willing to pay money for it. Moreover, they are not only willing to pay money, but also to look for these quality products. And, given this niche, it would be quite possible to promote products produced by the “indigenous” part of the district’s population. The same products may be in demand in foreign markets. Of course, 7 thousand people cannot produce volumes sufficient to cover the needs of, for example, China. But it is possible to enter these markets in a narrowly segmented manner. And, of course, we need to attract foreign investors. I think they have a lot to offer here in the area.

Are there problems and challenges in the district that require immediate attention?

– The first is the problem of long-term construction. There are about 15 projects in which significant government money has been invested, but they are still not completed. We need to make a decision - either complete them or revise their functional purpose. These are mainly social infrastructure facilities. There is an obvious shortage of such facilities in the district, so now, it seems to me, we need to analyze what is happening to them and make a decision either on their completion or on repurposing them. There is also a question related to the development of transport infrastructure. This is the only region in the European part of Russia that has no connection with the “mainland” part [of the country]. We must focus on building the road to Usinsk. This project is currently underway. The first stage has already been built. And we need to concentrate as much as possible to build and put into operation the other three lines. I also see this as my main task. Then we will essentially solve the problem of transport isolation of the region. And there is a project for reconstructing the runway of the Naryan-Mar airport. We need to do this too. There are issues related to the development of air ambulance, the airport complex as a whole and the [Naryan-Mar United] air squad that operates there. After all, the distances in the district, despite its small population, are very large. And, of course, the main and often the only type of [transport] communication is a helicopter. And our task, on the one hand, is to “replenish” the air squad with new aviation equipment, and, on the other, not to make this a burden for the regional budget. This is a so-called win-win task (double win – approx. If we solve it, then, on the one hand, we ensure the fulfillment of social obligations to citizens, on the other hand, we give the air squad the opportunity to participate in competitions oil companies for the delivery of their workers to the fields. Through such contracts, we can make the airline profitable, including for the regional budget. What caught my eye during my 24-hour stay in the city? Of course, the urban environment of Naryan-Mar leaves much to be desired. Roads - not the most good quality. The lawns, frankly, are in a deplorable state. It's not [anyone's] fault, we just have to deal with it now. And I also see this very much for myself important task

Are you considering the prospect of a merger? Nenets District And Arkhangelsk region?

– This issue in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug is of great concern to all residents. I can honestly say officially: when the president appointed me as acting [governor], such a task was not set. And none of my [other] leaders in Moscow set such a task for me

I would like to touch upon the topic of development of the Arctic shelf. You have dealt with this topic before. Here it is important for the entire region. What do you think about this, what could be the key projects?

– Shelf development is a very promising direction. At the Ministry of Economic Development, we have developed a roadmap for removing administrative and other barriers in order to make the work of companies both on the shelf and in the Arctic zone as a whole more comfortable. Now I have the opportunity to try to implement the initiatives that we, together with companies and regions, then “immersed” in this roadmap. Of course, projects here are in varying degrees of readiness. These are the Varandey and Prirazlomnaya platforms. This is also the promising Pechora LNG project. There is no final decision on it yet, but it could also be implemented. This is also a project for the construction of a deep-water ice-free port of Indiga, which could become part of the Northern sea ​​route and take on the function of sending the mined [to NAO] hydrocarbons and other minerals to both the countries of the Asia-Pacific region and the European part of the country. There are many offshore projects, and they are extremely important. In general, the region has a very specific economic structure. And not only the economy, but also employment. If we take the economy, more than 90% is income related directly to oil production. And it is simply vital to diversify the economy. When I was Deputy Minister of Economic Development, I was involved in a project for the development of single-industry towns. So here, to a certain extent, there is a monoregion. And “monodependence” is always very dangerous. Because in good times it's yours competitive advantage[…] And if external macroeconomic conditions suddenly change, it becomes a disaster, because you have nothing to replace the [lost] income with. Any fluctuations in oil prices are extremely sensitive for the region. […] And also the dollar exchange rate... Because part of the income is calculated according to the [Kharyagin] production sharing agreement in dollars. Therefore, it is extremely important to diversify [the economy] and bring new industries and sectors into the economy. But there is a very specific structure and employment too. Two-thirds of the region consists of public sector workers, and in fact the state is the main employer here. Therefore, we must be very careful in addressing issues related, among other things, to layoffs. If we make a decision to optimize one direction or another, we must immediately think about what other industries will be able to “absorb” those people who will end up on the street. And the remaining third are essentially employees of oil companies and, quite a bit, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses. Therefore, we need to focus on the development of small and medium-sized businesses, which will also not be very easy here, since there is not a sufficient domestic market [for sales]. Nevertheless, we will look and try to find those directions that could be optimal for the development of such a complex and specific region

How will your workday tomorrow, for example, be structured while you get up to speed?

– I have a plan to fly, if not tomorrow, then the day after tomorrow to one of the remote areas. A farm is being built there. At all Agriculture is also developing quite actively in the area, so I would like to see a large farm cattle, which is expected to be built and opened. But that's probably the day after tomorrow. But tomorrow I would still like to spend the whole day talking with my team. In order to understand in more detail and depth for each area what has been done, at what point we are now and what prospects they see in the areas for which they are responsible

Apparently, this will take place in a rather ascetic office with a computer, telephone and papers for meetings?

– In general, I am a supporter of the fact that there is nothing superfluous in the office. The same as on the table. It is very uncomfortable to work when the table is cluttered unnecessary things. Therefore, as a rule, only those documents with which I work are on my desk. This also disciplines you, because it shows how much work you still have to do before you can go home. And I try to go home when the table is clean

Acting head of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug Alexander Tsybulsky, appointed today to this post, in his new place will have to work on improving the image of authorities at all levels, stabilizing the economy of the oil region, which suffered the most in the North-West of Russia due to the fall in hydrocarbon prices, and building relations with local elites. The young man from the Ministry of Economic Development, who oversaw the development of the Arctic there, among other things, has every chance of fulfilling his goals if he manages to attract serious investments into the region’s economy, experts interviewed by FederalPress believe.

Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday signed the Decree “On the early termination of the powers of the Governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug” Igor Koshin, appointing Alexander Tsybulsky, who previously served as deputy head of the Ministry of Economic Development, in his place.

Tasks for the young deputy minister

“His appointment is part of a trend in the distribution of young deputy ministers. In the region, he is a very “in” person, but still, a specialist close to the topic,” says the director of the Institute of Contemporary State Development Dmitry Solonnikov.

The range of tasks that experts see facing the new head of the region ranges from simple to almost unsolvable. CEO Institute of Regional Problems Dmitry Anatolyevich Zhuravlev believes that Tsybulsky first of all needs to understand what transformations are needed and whether there will be enough money for them from both the federal and local budgets.

If the task is to radically transform the economy of the district, which today is almost entirely dependent on oil production on its territory, then bringing it to life will be very, very difficult. The main obstacles are a small population, vast expanses with completely undeveloped infrastructure and harsh climatic conditions. “However, there is a chance that new governor will still be able to attract new investors and financial flows to the region thanks to its Moscow connections. Don’t forget that Alexander Tsybulsky once worked as Elvira Nabiullina’s deputy and represents the financial and economic bloc of the government,” emphasized Dmitry Zhuravlev.

Dmitry Solonnikov believes that the main task of Alexander Tsybulsky will be to restore trust in the authorities among the residents of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, which was largely undermined under Igor Koshin due to the economic difficulties of the region and ill-conceived social policy. “Representatives of the embassy in the Northwestern Federal District visited the Nenets District in August. Even then, a number of serious shortcomings in the work were identified regional authorities: a serious delay in the delivery of social facilities, problems with the implementation of May decrees, salaries for public sector employees,” he recalled.

The day before it became known about the decision to replace the federal inspector for the NAO. According to a source in the government structures, a possible reason for the dismissal of the current inspector Stepan Bobretsov could be serious shortcomings in the performance of official duties assigned to the State Fiscal Inspectorate and improper execution of instructions from the authorized representative. Thus, to date, the average comprehensive school in the village of Krasnoye, Zapolyarny district, the completion of which was planned for December 2014.

Proper measures to monitor the progress of school construction were not taken for a number of years, and the chief federal inspector did not work sufficiently with executive authorities and supervisory agencies, the source noted. In addition, work to complete construction and commissioning was ignored. kindergarten for 220 places in Naryan-Mar on the deadline set by the Administration of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug on September 20 of this year. The work is still not completed.

Therefore, one of the tasks of the new governor will be to “calm the people down.” “They change governors before the elections. If there are problems in the region between the governor and the population, then this is projected upward – to all levels of government,” the political scientist explained.

In addition, the former governor was unlucky, the expert believes: his image among the population of the region, who lost the most income in the Northwestern Federal District as a result of the crisis, is associated precisely with the deterioration of the situation. “The new head comes against the backdrop of an upswing, with federal money,” Solonnikov added.

Tsybulsky will have to find an approach to state employees, who have been affected by serious cuts under Koshin.

At the same time, Tsybulsky will have to re-build power relations not only with the population, but also with local elites. For almost the entire three-year term of his reign, Igor Koshin waged a continuous struggle for power with the leadership of the city of Naryan-Mar. It came to the point of appealing to the president and legal proceedings. According to experts, this has affected vital projects in the city.

Also, the new leader will have to conduct careful monitoring and analysis of regional social legislation in order to compensate for the losses that district residents have suffered in recent years due to the financial crisis and changes in district laws.

Another difficult task is to complete the protracted construction in Naryan-Mar and the countryside, which began several years ago at the expense of the district budget. Now in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug there are 28 such long-term construction projects, in which more than three billion rubles have been invested. These are schools, kindergartens, cultural centers, and healthcare facilities.

What is known about the new chapter

Director of the consulting center "Gekon" Mikhail Grigoriev said that, in his opinion, Alexander Tsybulsky is capable of such tasks.

“I have known Alexander Vitalievich for a long time, he is a reasonable person and good specialist. Seems to be a little stagnant in bureaucratic work. Live action is exactly what will take it to the next level.”

Myself Alexander Tsybulsky, commenting on his appointment, was laconic: “The first task is to get to know the region, the people, and understand what to do in the near future. I’ll go soon,” he told reporters.

Experts classify Tsybulsky as a member of the group of “young technocrats.” In the North-West it includes the already elected Anton Alikhanov (Kaliningrad region) and Andrey Nikitin (Veliky Novgorod).

Quite young, born in 1979, served 9 years in the RF Armed Forces. Since 2006 - in civil service in various ministries. In his last position in the Ministry of Economic Development, his responsibilities included the Department of Territorial Development Planning and the Department of Regional Development.

Rotation in the gubernatorial corps of the Russian Federation continues. Following this, Igor Koshin, the head of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, resigned. The corresponding decree was signed today by Russian President V.V. Putin. By the way, in addition to the three official resignations that have already taken place, yesterday the governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the head of Dagestan Ramazan Abdulatipov also announced their intention to leave their post. However, regarding the last two, there have been no official orders from the Kremlin yet. Simultaneously with the removal of Igor Koshin from his post, it became known who would replace him - Alexander Tsybulsky became the acting governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

Born in Autonomous Republic Komi 43-year-old Igor Koshin, who was replaced today by Alexander Tsybulsky, served as governor of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug for three years. It is with this region that all political career now already former head districts. It began in 2001, when Igor Koshin was elected as a deputy. Later, in 2005, he took the post of chairman of the Assembly of Deputies, and in 2012, he was appointed senator from the region in the Federation Council. The resignation of Igor Koshin is associated with the weak pace of construction of social facilities in the region and problems with the implementation of salary increases for public sector employees.

Alexander Tsybulsky, who replaced Igor Koshin, served as deputy head until his new appointment. Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. By the way, Acting Governor of the Nizhny Novgorod Region Gleb Nikitin was also Deputy Minister, only of a different department - Ministry of Industry and Trade. Alexander Tsybulsky (born 1979) began his career in a somewhat unusual way - for nine years he served in the RF Armed Forces and even completed his studies at Military University of the Ministry of Defense. But in 2006 future head Nenets Autonomous Okrug graduated from the Moscow Institute of International Business and moved to the civil service. Throughout his career, Alexander Tsybulsky worked in two ministries - regional and economic development. In them, he held various leadership positions in departments, and almost three years ago, in November 2014, he was appointed deputy head Ministry of Economic Development, who was then still Alexey Ulyukaev.

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