Sea crucian carp, belonging to the genus Sparus, has many names: golden spar, sea bream, aurata. Almost all names mention one of the main features of this fish - the presence of a golden stripe, which is located between the eyes. The habitat of the golden spar includes the entire Mediterranean Sea, the eastern part of the Atlantic, and in some cases it is found in the Black Sea, but such cases cannot be called frequent. Adults prefer deep waters, while young animals prefer shallow coastal waters.

Appearance of Dorado fish

Sea bass is a fairly large fish. The length of its body can reach seventy centimeters and its weight seventeen kilograms.
The body of the sea bream has an oval shape and a steep head profile. Above the eyes you can see a sharp protrusion of jagged scales. There are no spines on the gill cover; its edge is smooth. This fish has a lower mouth, which indicates that it feeds on bottom-dwelling organisms. The jaws move forward slightly, with the upper one slightly longer than the lower one.

The dorsal fin is long and undivided. The caudal fin has a dark border and light ends. The general body color of the spar is silver, and the fins have a pinkish tint.

Features of life

Dorada feeds on fish, mollusks and crustaceans, and seaweed. In captivity, she is fed with special granulated food.
Golden spars breed from October to November, when they spawn. Sexual distribution is typical for species with protandric hermaphroditism. Juveniles are males in the first two years of life, then become females as they mature.

Sea breams are objects of farm breeding. This fish was familiar to people already in Ancient world. The ancient Romans valued the meat of sea bream and fattened it in special pools. Breeding and husbandry techniques developed in the Middle Ages and later. The method of growing in captivity is still actively used today.

Properties of Dorada meat and its preparation

Particularly clean water is used to maintain sea bream. They feed her special food. All tricks allow you to get meat white, dense and with a subtle aroma. All these aspects do not make the cost lower, but the popularity of sea bream meat is increasing.
Sea bream meat is low-calorie - the calorie content of one hundred grams of the product is only ninety-six kilocalories. The same amount of meat contains less than two grams of fat.

This fish is prepared in the most different ways. The most commonly used methods are baking or grilling. If you cook this fish on the stove, you should use sauce to make the meat juicier. Low fat content leads to excessive drying. Classic sauce consists of dry white wine, olive oil and garlic.

Sea bream meat goes well with vegetables. It can be baked in a potato crust or served separately as baked, fried, or stewed vegetables.

Cutting Dorado fish - Video

Golden Dorado

Despite the name, it has nothing to do with the sea fish of the same name. It belongs to the characins and is rather a relative of the African tiger fish. And it got its name from the legendary El Dorado, by association with its gold.

Dorado (golden spar, aurata) – sea ​​fish, a family of spaporidae that lives in the waters Mediterranean Sea, as well as in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. This is a relatively large fish, reaching seventy centimeters in length and seventeen kilograms in weight. But small specimens, weighing from 300 grams to a kilogram, go on sale; it is believed that the most delicious fish does not reach half a kilogram. This article is about the benefits and harms of dorado fish.

Besides natural environment habitat from which golden spar is caught, it is actively grown in artificial conditions. The main countries of production of this valuable variety of sea fish are: Turkey, Italy, Greece and Spain. This geography is explained by the fact that breeding dorado requires certain climatic conditions. In captivity, this fish eats special food, which allows it to grow to required sizes and be less susceptible to disease. The full growing cycle of one individual is approximately one and a half years. Since the conditions of its maintenance are quite complex, this cannot but affect its cost.

Currently, the most popular types of dorado are: “gray” and “royal”. The second type, whose name speaks for itself, is the most refined and tasty. The head profile of this fish is steep, and there are noticeable sharp projections above the eyes. Dorado, translated from Spanish means golden, this name went to the sea crucian due to the presence of a golden stripe between the eyes.

Although this type of fish is not a curiosity, it remains a delicacy. Dorado meat is white, with a pleasant and delicate aroma that distinguishes it from other representatives of waterfowl. The body of the “sea crucian” is covered with silvery scales, regular oval in shape. The mouth of the aura is lowered, top part noticeably larger than the bottom. On both jaws of this fish there are 4 or 6 sharp teeth, behind which there are two rows of chewing teeth.

Description of dorado fins

  • The tail fin of the dorado has a dark frame with white tips.
  • The back is quite long and has an indistinct number of spines and rays. Red-brown spot at the base of the last ray - distinguishing feature this type of fish.
  • The rear fin has three spines and 11 rays.
  • The pectoral fin has one spiny ray and 5 soft ones; this fin has a pinkish tint.

Vitamins and microelements contained in dorado

Sea crucian carp is famous not only for its exquisite taste qualities, but also an impressive range of vitamins, microelements and nutrients. The main substance for which dorado is famous is polyunsaturated acid (Omega-3). This fish is also rich in B vitamins, vitamin A and PP. The iodine content is one of the highest among sea fish.

100 grams of golden spar contain about 450 milligrams of potassium, 750 milligrams of vitamin B5 and, slightly less, vitamin B5. Dorado also contains a large number of phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and calcium. The composition of this fish is not lacking in microelements such as zinc, selenium, manganese, copper, sulfur, iron and potassium. Combined with its low calorie content and low levels of cholesterol and fat, this fish is an excellent, easily digestible product.

Advantages of dorado fish

  • A large amount of meat, with minimal bones. Unlike river crucian carp, with which it is often compared, dorado has a greater actual weight of a ready-to-eat product. His “sworn brother” cannot boast of this.
  • Low calorie content. A serving of fish contains very little fat, and even this small amount does not affect the figure, but benefits its consumer.
  • Dorado consists of almost 20% pure and healthy protein, which is easily digestible.
  • Despite its “royal origin”, this fish gets along easily and goes well with any food. It can be prepared just like with anything.

Disadvantages of dorado fish

  • High price, which means inaccessibility to a wide range of consumers.
  • The presence of small seeds does not allow its inclusion in children's diets.

Compared to the huge number of advantages that are inherent in sea crucian carp, the disadvantages are not such a significant factor.

Useful properties of dorado

  • Polyunsaturated fatty acids have beneficial influence on the cardiovascular system. They have the ability to reduce blood cholesterol levels and prevent the development of atherosclerosis. A deficiency of this component in the body can affect the immune and nervous system, the condition of the liver and joints, and can also lead to depression.
  • Monounsaturated fatty acids are responsible for lowering cholesterol levels in the blood, forming an insoluble complex with the latter, preventing it from settling on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Potassium is essential for human body, microelement. Its main task is to normalize the functioning of nerve impulses, as well as supply brain cells with oxygen and stimulate thought processes. Also, potassium helps normalize blood pressure and strengthening the heart muscle.
  • Calcium is responsible for increasing skeletal mass and preventing bone fragility.
  • Iodine is a necessary element for the synthesis of thyroid hormones.
  • Iron, which is contained in dorado, is necessary to supply the cells of the human body with oxygen, and is also involved in the formation of lymphocytes and red blood cells. Iron is responsible for the transmission of nerve impulses, physical development and growth.
  • Zinc is involved in most processes occurring in the human body. This microelement is indispensable for the formation of strong immune system, growth and development. Zinc also directly affects the production of insulin, and is also responsible for the full functioning of the male reproductive system.
  • Manganese helps all vitamins and microelements to be better absorbed in the body. Besides this, thiscomponent is necessary for normal operation nervous system, as well as to regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract intestinal tract. Manganese helps prevent diabetes.
  • Phosphorus and vitamin PP have a positive effect on mental abilities.

Contraindications to the use of dorado

There are no special and categorical contraindications, with the exception of individual intolerance to any component. You should also remember that this fish is of exotic origin and may be unusual for the body of a Russian resident. You need to introduce it into your diet with extreme caution, as risks cannot be ruled out. allergic reaction. This is especially true for people prone to food allergies.

Small children and elderly people should not eat this fish or do so with extreme caution due to the presence of small bones. It is better to grind the dorado in a meat grinder and prepare cutlets.

Despite all the undeniable advantages of this fish, you should not abuse its quantity. An excess of vitamins or microelements can cause no less harm than their deficiency.

Dorado, Aurata, Sea crucian - all these are different names for one species of individuals from the Sparov family. The benefits and harms of dorado fish have been carefully studied by experts. Studies have confirmed the presence of sea ​​creatures vitamins, microelements and other substances necessary to maintain human health.

To get the maximum therapeutic effect from introducing fish into the diet, it is necessary to give preference to chilled products. In respect of culinary processing Dorado is not very demanding; even when frying, its fibers retain useful elements.

Brief description of dorado fish

The fish received its main name for the presence of a golden stripe between the eyes (from Spanish “dorado” is translated as “golden”). It lives in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean, is found in the Mediterranean and, very rarely, in the Black Sea. Representatives of the family are easy to distinguish from other species due to the special shape of the head, powerful upper jaw and special arrangement of fins.

Tip: There are two types of dorado fish - gray and royal. The latter costs a little more, but has a more delicate taste. In order not to make a mistake in your choice, you need to remember that the royal dorado has a gray color, but with a pinkish tint.

IN natural conditions fish can live up to 11 years, growing up to 70 cm during this time and gaining weight of 17 kg. Today, most specimens that appear on store shelves are those grown under artificial conditions. They are raised for only 12-16 months, until the weight reaches 300-600 g. There is no need to worry about the quality of such products, it is at a very high level.

Composition and benefits of dorado

Dorado fish has a low calorie content, only 97 calories per 100 g of product. It is often used as a component of dietary nutrition. The meat of individuals is rich in protein, fatty acids, and healthy cholesterol. In addition, it contains PP, group B, macro- and microelements.

If you introduce the product into your diet on an ongoing basis, at least 2 times a week, you can count on an improvement in your general condition and narrowly targeted manifestations:

  • Weight is normalized. Nutrients in dorado there is enough to satisfy the needs of the body, but they are not capable of causing a set of extra pounds.
  • The immune system will be strengthened and the body’s resistance to negative external factors will increase.
  • Hormonal levels will stabilize, metabolism will accelerate, and sexual function will improve.
  • The digestion process will improve due to the production of important enzymes and cleansing of the intestines.
  • Substances in dorado stimulate brain function, which prevents the development of diseases characteristic of old age.
  • High blood sugar levels will decrease. Fish is especially useful for people with diabetes mellitus or predisposition to the condition.
  • The composition of the blood will improve, the likelihood of the formation of blood clots and cholesterol plaques on the walls of blood vessels will decrease.
  • Your concentration and even your level of intelligence will increase.

Of course, all these results are only possible if you eat fresh fish. To check the quality of the product you just need to put it on your palm. Fresh dorado is very elastic, so its tail, head or other parts will not hang from your hand. You can also press on the meat with the pad of your finger. The resulting dent should quickly straighten out without leaving any traces.

Possible harm to dorado fish

Fresh and properly prepared fish is absolutely safe for adults, children, the elderly and pregnant women. Allergies to the product are extremely rare. A negative reaction of the body is possible only if low-quality dorado is consumed or the technology for its processing is violated.

When preparing fish, be aware of the sharp spines on its fins; they can seriously injure you. It is better to immediately trim them using kitchen scissors or even cut them with a knife. There are not very many bones in the dorado, but very small elements are still sometimes found. You need to eat it with caution. For children, it is recommended to clean it thoroughly.

Dorado is actively used in the kitchen different countries the world, and not only those where it is caught or grown artificially. The product responds well to all kinds of cooking options. Regardless of the approach, it turns out very tasty and retains its benefits.

Here are just a few options for preparing dorado fish:

  • Stuffed and baked in foil with vegetables, herbs and olives.
  • Fried or baked on a grill or open fire.
  • Baked in the oven. This can be done in a bag, foil, without additional equipment.

When working with dorado, you need to remember a number of rules that can improve the quality of the finished dish:

  1. The fish should be cooked with the head and tail, then it will be as juicy as possible and will not lose nutrients.
  2. The optimal size of fish is 25-40 cm. Larger fish are only suitable for stewing or frying over an open fire.
  3. If you have to cook dorado on the stove, you need to use some kind of sauce, otherwise the meat will dry out. The optimal base would be fish or vegetable broth with olive oil and grated vegetables.
  4. Dorado is served only with dry white wine, regardless of the method of preparation. Grated garlic with olive oil should be used as a flavor enhancer. Suitable garnishes include tomatoes, capers and seedless ones.
  5. If you plan to use potatoes as a side dish, then it is better to cook them at the same time as the fish. Only in this case will the two ingredients be successfully combined.

Fish soup can be prepared from sea crucian fish; fish can be fried in small quantities vegetable oil or steam. But in these cases, its taste will not be fully revealed. It is better to stick to classic approaches to processing the product and simply experiment with different sauces, herbs and spices as an addition.

1. What kind of fish is this

Dorada- a sea fish of the steam family, the meat of which was known and highly valued in ancient Rome. It lives in the eastern part of the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea; a few individuals also enter the Black Sea. Length: up to 50 cm; weight: up to 1.5 kg. In Israel it is called “Denis” and is considered the most delicious of the Mediterranean fish.

2. Culinary properties

Sea bream has long been prepared by all coastal peoples in almost all parts of the globe. The white meat of sea bream (the fish received this name for its resemblance to bream) is very tasty and fatty, and therefore it is classified as a table fish species. From it you can prepare a lot of delicious and at the same time healthy dishes. This fish is loved not only for its tender amazing taste, but also for its versatility. Dorado can even be eaten raw; it can be prepared in any way. This is truly a royal fish: it has dense, tender and aromatic meat - slightly pinkish, with a pleasant sweetish taste, and there are very few bones in it. Dorada is considered a ceremonial dish in almost all Mediterranean countries (it was highly valued by the ancient Romans).

3. Short story

Dorada has been known to the world for quite a long time and has always been the most popular fish in the Mediterranean. In ancient times, sea bream was dedicated to the goddess of love, Aphrodite, not only as the most beautiful fish, but also as a very tasty fish. IN Ancient Rome The meat of this fish was highly valued, so it was specially kept and fattened in salted ponds and pools. In Venice, this method of fattening existed back in late XIX century. In Malta, jewelers set the fang-shaped teeth of sea bream into rings and sold them under the guise of snake teeth, which, according to legend, have magical properties. And on the Caribbean islands, sea bream is called the “Goddess of Love,” and it is believed that it is a must-try with your loved one.

In Europe, sea bream was caught mainly in the Mediterranean Sea. These fish were caught mainly in Spain, France, Italy and Türkiye. In addition, recently, sea bream has been successfully bred on fish farms.

4. How it is prepared

Dorada has many recipes and cooking methods. In the post-Soviet space, it is boiled, steamed, and added to soup and fish soup.

Sea bream is boiled in salted water with spices. The finished fish is laid out on a dish, poured with melted butter or sauce.

Dorado is cut into carcasses before steaming. The fish is salted and peppered, then marinated or stuffed and steamed.

To prepare soups and fish soup based on dorado, the fish is cleaned and separated from the bones. Cleaned fish is boiled in salted water. Separately, boil the bones and head of the fish with spices. The broth is strained, fried onions and garlic and potatoes are added to it, then pieces of fish are added. Next, other ingredients can be added to the soup or fish soup: vegetables, seafood or even fruits.

This fish is fried, stewed and baked, including on the grill. You can fry dorado on the grill, on the grill, or in a frying pan. The fish is first gutted and coated inside with pepper, salt and lemon juice. It is then either breaded and fried in oil or cooked over charcoal.

Whole, gutted fish carcasses are stewed in a mixture of vegetables and spices with the addition of sauce.

Bake this fish in the oven, wrapping it in dough, foil or parchment. Gutted dorado is treated with salt and spices, often stuffed with various variations of fillings, and baked in the oven

Recipes for marinating dorado, as well as adding fillings based on it to the pie, are also in demand.

Recipes for marinated dorado agree that the fish is cleaned and then kept in a marinade based on lemon juice. After marinating, the prepared fish is fried.

Preparing for the pie yeast dough. The fillet is separated from the bones. IN ready dough add herbs, roll out 2 fish-shaped cakes. A dorado fillet is placed on one flatbread and covered with a second flatbread. Dorado fish pie is served hot.


Adults reach up to 1 m in length and can weigh up to 5-7 kg. The body is oval, the body is flattened laterally with a steep profile of the head, there is a distinct sharp protrusion above the eyes. Large serrated scales, the head is also covered with scales. The operculum is without spines, the edge of the operculum is smooth. Small lower mouth. The jaws move forward only slightly, the upper jaw is somewhat longer. Both jaws have 4-6 strong teeth in front for catching, followed by sharp, gnarled teeth, followed by two rows of chewing teeth. Vomer and palatine bones without teeth. Long, undivided dorsal fin, with 12 spiny rays and 9-11 soft rays. Anal fin with 3 spiny rays and 8-9 soft rays. Pectoral fin with 1 spiny ray and 5 soft rays. Color, silver-gray. Fins with a pink tint. The caudal fin has a dark border in the middle and white tips. At the base of the last ray of the dorsal fin there is a small, red-brown spot that disappears after death.


The dorada is proteandry, that is, it is capable of producing, through special sections of the ovary, first sperm, and then eggs fertilized by these sperm. All sea breams are born males and live this way for the first three years. In the fourth year they turn into females.

Spawning time for sea bream is the summer months. The eggs and larvae are in the tampon. With a length of 5-9 mm, the larvae have a characteristic bony edge above the eyes and a spiny gill cover; Only when they are about 1.5 cm long do they take on an adult form and move closer to the coast.

The ancient Romans were engaged in farm cultivation of sea bream, who built special pools and ponds with sea ​​water. Currently, sea bream breeding has become widespread in France, Italy, Turkey, Greece and other countries. In order for the fish to be truly healthy, with tender meat and excellent taste, it is bred in exceptional conditions: indoors with special light that simulates a certain time of year. Dorada is contained in cleanest water and fed with special food. As a result of these efforts, dorado receives dense white meat that has a delicate aroma. Due to such exceptional benefits, this fish is by no means cheap. The popularity of sea bream is growing rapidly, which annually increases the number of fish farms growing this delicious fish. Typically, sea bream comes in sizes from 300 to 600 grams, but French manufacturers can offer quite big fish- more than 1 kg. The most popular are 2 types of sea bream: royal and gray. Royal dorada has a more delicate taste of meat, with a pinkish tint.


It feeds mainly on fish, crustaceans, and mollusks. It can also eat seaweed.


From time immemorial, it has been regularly eaten by all coastal peoples in all parts of the world. You can cook it in absolutely any way or even eat it raw, with any side dishes and almost any sauces. The taste of sea bream is similar to the taste of sea bass, otherwise called sea bass. Therefore, in all recipes these fish are interchangeable.

Dorada will be appreciated by fans healthy image life and adherents of low-carbohydrate diets, since sea bream on average contains 1.8 grams of fat per 100 grams of fillet.


  • Scientific Specification

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