Don't worry too much about which language you should choose to learn. Many novice programmers find it difficult to choose a language when they first start learning to write software codes. The actual language you choose does not matter when it comes to learning the structures and logic of constructing information. These skills are much more important and can be learned with any programming language.

  • When choosing a language, focus on the purpose for which you want to create program codes, and only then choose a starting language. For example, if you want to develop websites, then you should start by learning HTML and then supplement it with CSS, JavaScript and PHP. If you want to create programs for computers, then start learning C++ or any other basic programming language.
  • If you become a professional programmer, you will quickly realize that you will never use the language you originally learned for your work. Instead, you will continue to learn new languages ​​through documentation and experimentation all the time.

Find free online resources specific to your chosen language. The Internet is a treasure chest of free tutorials, courses, and videos dedicated to the language you choose to learn. You can learn the basics of almost any introductory language in a day.

  • Here are just a few popular sites: Bento, CodeAcademy,,, Khan Academy, Udacity, W3Schools and many others.
  • wikiHow also has a wide variety of starter tutorials for different languages.
  • You can find educational videos for almost any language on YouTube.
  • Stack Exchange is one of the most popular forums where professional programmers answer any questions from users.
  • Download a good text editor. Many programming languages ​​allow the use of external text editors to write programs. Find a text editor that will display indentation and code markup.

    • Popular programs include Notepad++ (Windows), TextWrangler (OS X), and JEdit (any system).
  • Download any necessary compilers. Some programming languages ​​require a compiler to display the source code you have written. Compilers translate source code into an equivalent low-level language program, which is then processed by the computer. Many compilers are open source and free software. Languages ​​that require the use of compilers include:

    • BASIC
    • Fortran
    • Pascal
  • Start your first project. Choose a good introductory project that will allow you to try out your new skills. There are many offers and tutorials on this topic on the Internet; for example, you can start by creating simple websites with HTML, simple databases and functions with PHP, or simple programs in any of the languages ​​that require the use of compilers.


    The source code is either used to produce object code or executed by an interpreter. Changes are never made to object code, only to source code, and then converted back to object code.

    Another important purpose of source code is as a description of a program. Based on the text of the program, you can reconstruct the logic of its behavior. Comments are used to make source code easier to understand. There are also tools that allow you to automatically obtain source code documentation - the so-called. documentation generators.

    In addition, the source code has many other uses. It can be used as a teaching tool; Beginning programmers may find it useful to examine existing source code to learn programming techniques and methodology. It is also used as a communication tool between experienced programmers due to its concise and unambiguous nature. Code sharing among developers is often cited as a contributing factor to improving the programmer experience.

    Programmers often move source code (in modules, as is, or with adaptations) from one project to another, which is called code reuse.

    Source code is a critical component for the process of porting software to other platforms. Without the source code of any piece of software, porting is either too difficult or completely impossible.


    The source code of some part of the software (module, component) may consist of one or more files. Program code is not necessarily written in only one programming language. For example, often programs written in C language, for optimization purposes, contain inserts of code in assembly language. It is also possible that some components or parts of a program are written in different languages, and then assembled into a single executable module using a technique known as library linking ( library linking).

    Complex software requires dozens or even hundreds of source code files to be built. In such cases, to simplify the build, project files are usually used that contain a description of the dependencies between the source code files and describe the build process. These files may also contain options for the compiler and design environment. For different design environments, different project files can be used, and in some environments these files can be in a text format, suitable for direct editing by a programmer using universal text editors; in other environments, special formats are supported, and the creation and modification of files is carried out using special tools programs. Project files are usually included in the term "source code". The vast majority of modern language environments require the use of project files, regardless of the complexity of the other source code included in the project. Often, source code also refers to resource files containing various data, for example, graphic images needed to build a program.

    To facilitate work with source code, for collaboration on code by a team of programmers, version control systems are used.


    Unlike humans, there is no “well-written” or “badly written” code for a computer. But how the code is written can greatly influence the software maintenance process. The quality of the source code can be judged by the following parameters:

    • code readability (including the presence of comments to the code);
    • ease of support, testing, debugging and error correction, modification and porting;
    • economical use of resources - memory, processor, disk space;
    • absence of comments output by the compiler;
    • absence of “garbage” - unused variables, unreachable code blocks, unnecessary outdated comments, etc.;
    • adequate error handling;
    • portability - the ability to use a processor (compiler, interpreter, translator) of different versions, or even different operating systems;
    • possibility of interface internationalization.

    Non-executable source code

    Copyleft licenses for free software require distribution of the source code. These licenses are also often used for works that are not software - for example, documentation, images, data files for computer games.

    In such cases, the source code is considered to be the form of the work that is preferred for editing. In licenses other than software, it may also be referred to as the "transparent format" version. This could be, for example:

    • for a file compressed with loss of data - the lossless version;
    • for rendering a vector image or a three-dimensional model - respectively, the vector version and the model;
    • for a text image - the same text in text format;
    • for music - a file in the internal format of the music editor;
    • and finally, the file itself, if it satisfies the specified conditions, or if a more convenient version simply did not exist.

    see also

    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

    See what “Source code” is in other dictionaries:

      Source materials of the film: negative, counterprint, control copy of the film, original magnetic phonograms of music dubbing, noise, video phonogram master, CD, etc. Synonyms: the text is either directly executed by the interpreter, or... ... Financial Dictionary

      A human-written text of a computer program in any programming language. Dictionary of business terms. 2001... Dictionary of business terms

      source- - Telecommunications topics, basic concepts EN source code... Technical Translator's Guide

      source- 3.1.13 source code: A computer program expressed in a human-readable form (programming language) that is translated into machine-readable form (object code) before it can be tested with... ... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation

      source- source text language... Explanatory translation dictionary

      Source code: Source code is the human-written text of a computer program. Source code techno-thriller directed by Duncan Jones ... Wikipedia

      This term has other meanings, see source code. Source Code Source Code ... Wikipedia

      This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and deleted. You can... Wikipedia

      Open Source Initiative (OSI) logo Open source software is open source software. The source code of the created programs is open, that is, available for viewing and modification. This is... ... Wikipedia

      Source program (source code)- 48) source program (source code) a corresponding representation of one or more processes that can be converted by a programming system into a form executable by hardware (object code or object language) (categories 6, 7 and 9); ... Official terminology

    Today, many companies, as well as individuals, feel the need to have their own website, which is why information on the topic of developing and promoting Internet projects is so in demand. Many people are interested in the question - how to create your own website, program code for which it is like a foundation for a house? Let's try to understand this issue by delving into the topic of web development.

    A website is not just a collection of text, links, pictures and colorful banners, it is also a program code that runs on the user’s computer or on the server side. And if today almost anyone can create images of the required format in the required resolution and quality, using ready-made images from the Internet or any popular graphic editor, then create site code for a non-specialist it is fraught with considerable difficulties.

    The quality of applications and the Internet project as a whole strongly depends on the skill of the programmer developing the site, the program code of which may contain errors that greatly affect the loading speed of web pages and many other aspects of the operation of the entire site, including those related to security. Therefore, detecting and eliminating errors in the code is a mandatory component when creating any website. It is best to entrust the development of a complex corporate website to specialists (if you are not one), because some errors are difficult to detect, and many of them can further lead to slow loading and incorrect display of web pages in the browsers of Internet users’ computers. Loading for too long can cause an outflow of visitors from the site and a decrease in the quality of traffic, which reduces the profit and efficiency of using commercial Internet projects.

    HTML and CSS first

    The basis of a web document is code written in HTML markup language. A markup language should not be confused with a programming language, and what the actual difference is is written in detail. In principle, using the set of commands that HTML offers for the site developer, you can set all the necessary parameters of a static web document - the arrangement of elements (block markup), headings, paragraphs, tables, images, etc. And with the help of CSS, a special add-on for HTML, you can position all the listed markup objects, change their style - color, size, format, etc.

    Then JavaScript

    Interactive and animated elements, for example, banners, tickers, feedback forms, on web pages work due to the presence of scripts and code written in server or client programming languages. Scripts developed using the JavaScript programming language are very popular. Such client scripts do not use the server's capabilities in their work and are executed on the side of the user's computer, that is, in the browser. This makes JavaScript applications simple and fast.

    And finally PHP

    When it is necessary to write complex and voluminous codes, for example for forums or guest books, programmers turn to server-side programming languages ​​for help, and in particular to . PHP codes are executed on the server side, so their performance may be slightly slower, depending on the speed of the connection to the remote computer and how busy it is. Using PHP and SQL commands (a special query language for a relational database), you can organize the interaction of a website with databases and create interactive Internet projects - forums, online stores, bulletin boards, various directories, etc.

    The source code is either used to produce object code or executed by an interpreter. Changes are never made to object code, only to source code, and then converted back to object code.

    Another important purpose of source code is as a description of a program. Based on the text of the program, you can reconstruct the logic of its behavior. Comments are used to make source code easier to understand. There are also tools that allow you to automatically obtain source code documentation - the so-called. documentation generators.

    In addition, the source code has many other uses. It can be used as a teaching tool; Beginning programmers may find it useful to examine existing source code to learn programming techniques and methodology. It is also used as a communication tool between experienced programmers, due to its (ideally) concise and unambiguous nature. Code sharing among developers is often cited as a contributing factor to improving the programmer experience.

    Programmers often move source code from one project to another, which is called code reuse ( Software reusability).

    Source code is a critical component for the process of porting software to other platforms. Without the source code of any piece of software, porting is either too difficult or completely impossible.


    The source code of some part of the software (module, component) may consist of one or more files. Program code is not necessarily written in only one programming language. For example, often programs written in C language, for optimization purposes, contain inserts of code in assembly language. It is also possible that some components or parts of a program are written in different languages, and then assembled into a single executable module using a technology known as library linking ( library linking).

    Complex software requires dozens or even hundreds of source code files to be built. In such cases, to simplify the build, project files are usually used that contain a description of the dependencies between the source code files and describe the build process. These files may also contain other compiler and design environment parameters. Different project files can be used for different design environments, and in some environments these files can be in text format, suitable for direct editing by a programmer using universal text editors; in other environments, special formats are supported, and files are created and modified using special tools programs. Project files are usually included in the term "source code". The vast majority of modern language environments require the use of project files, regardless of the complexity of the other source code included in the project. Often, source code also refers to resource files containing various data, for example, graphic images needed to build a program.

    To facilitate work with source code, for collaboration on code by a team of programmers, version control systems are used.


    Unlike humans, there is no “well-written” or “badly written” code for a computer. But how the code is written can greatly influence the software maintenance process. The quality of the source code can be discussed in the context of the following parameters:

    • code readability (including the presence or absence of code comments - blocks of arbitrary text omitted by the compiler program);
    • ease of support, testing, debugging and error correction, modification and porting;
    • low complexity;
    • low resource usage - memory, processor, disk space;
    • absence of comments output by the compiler;
    • absence of “garbage” - so-called “dead variables” (that is, variables that are not used), operators that are never executed, comments from previous versions of this code that have lost their meaning, etc.

    Non-executable source code

    Copyleft licenses for free software require distribution of the source code. These licenses are also often used for works that are not software - for example, documentation, images, data files for computer games.

    In such cases, the source code is considered to be the form of the work that is preferred for editing. In licenses other than software, it may also be referred to as the "transparent format" version. This could be, for example:

    • for a file compressed with loss of data - the lossless version;
    • for a raster image - vector version;
    • for a two-dimensional image of a three-dimensional model - three-dimensional model
    • for a text image - the same text in text format;

    and finally, the file itself, if it satisfies the specified conditions, or if a more convenient version simply did not exist.

    Home » What is program code, applications, errors

    Any software or online service, such as Word, for Windows, WhatsApp or a browser that hundreds of millions of people use every day, one way or another, includes special instructions. Or special program code that the machine understands tells it what to do or not do. Or how to properly respond to user actions. What program code will be discussed in this article. Description

    Program code is text executed in a special language that is understandable by a machine. It can be performed directly in the translator's text or transferred to a special form by the compiler.

    The source code may consist of several files. They all must be the same format. The program text contained in them must be written in the same language. However, there may be some exceptions. For example, in web development, a page file may contain several different programming languages ​​and standards. Depending on the complexity of the project, you can imagine such languages ​​and technologies as PHP, HTML and javascript, Java and others.

    Complex software systems may require a large number of files, which can be as many as hundreds. To collaborate on such large projects, programmers very often use version control systems. They allow you to simultaneously work with several copies of source code, which at a certain stage of development can be combined into one common one.

    Code quality

    The computer is not able to understand how your code is written for it, good or bad. If it is healthy and error-free, the machine will run it anyway. Bad code can complicate software maintenance tasks. This is especially true for large projects. As a rule, high-quality code is characterized by several parameters: Code readability. One glance at it should be enough to generally understand that a piece of code is being implemented. The presence of clear and succinct comments. This setting significantly affects the readability, ease of debugging, testing, maintaining, and troubleshooting of the program code. Low complexity. Code optimization. Organize this in such a way that the program uses less system resources, such as memory, processor time and disk space. No garbage. That is, unused variables or blocks of code that never reach the control program. Malicious code

    In addition to useful programs that can harm the system or even the hardware. Typically, such code is written by people who are interested in some benefit from the current process. For example, programs that can steal personal information from computer users. They can be a card number, passport data or any other confidential information. Others may simply affect the system, thereby causing crashes and preventing full functionality. Tips for Writing Good Code

    Jeff Vogel, a longtime programmer, shared some tips for teaching good code to beginners.

    In particular, he suggests always commenting your code. What is a review? This is a clear and concise description of what is happening in that line of code or function. The fact that the development of a particular program may be delayed for a month or even suspended for some time. Returning to work on a project for a couple of months, even an experienced programmer will find it difficult to understand the program. But detailed comments can restore the chain of events and behavior.

    He further recommends using global variables as often as possible. This happens because when you change the program code, you need to adjust the value of the variable in only one place. By using the value of a function or procedure, they will immediately know about it and will work with new data. Variable names and error detection

    The correct name of variables will also help to significantly reduce the time spent studying the source code of the program, even if the code is written by yourself. That is, good code is text where variables and functions have names, you can understand what they do or store. In this case, you should try not to use long variable names.

    It is very important to pay great attention to timely correction of errors. What is the program code that executed perfectly? This code has no error. That is, any loop branch or change in a variable, or even any unexpected user action, will always lead to the expected result. This is achieved by testing the software product on several cases.

    Detection of code errors, or rather, their prediction is possible at the program design stage. Having the code check for various conditions and possible exceptions will help manage the course program.

    Optimization is necessary to write a workable program that will efficiently use computer resources and to avoid errors in the execution of the program code. What is the optimal program? This is a product that can perform all the stated functions, is quiet and economical.

    Almost always, optimization for stable program operation can only be achieved by conducting several tests on different platforms and under different conditions. If a program begins to behave unpredictably, you need to determine what is causing it and eliminate or hijack the process. Conclusion

    What is a code? In simple words, it is a set of instructions and concepts for a computer. It contains text that a compiler or interpreter can turn into machine-readable language. That is, in essence, the code is an intermediary between a person and a computer, which simplifies their relationship.

    Source codes for programs and games

    Sources The best book for a programmer is working source code. The section includes source codes of a wide variety of directions: source codes for games, network programs and small source codes for review. The site's source code is written in the C++ and C# programming languages. To take a small but algorithmically important step in developing an application, it is necessary to review a lot of specialized literature and test many variants of program codes. In such cases, a working source with a ready-made solution is very helpful. Most often, there is no need to completely parse program codes; it is enough to select only the necessary lines. The sources of this site complement the collection of source codes posted on programming-related sites. Every important line of code is accompanied by detailed comments.

    Programs This section includes application programs that help with calculations, tools for webmasters, and useful utilities for computer users. Here you can also find computer mini games, puzzles, card games and others. Most of the site's programs and games have their sources in the source code section. After minor modifications, the source code can be used in various own projects. Sources are commented in detail on the site pages or in the source files themselves.

    Articles A selection of articles about programming - discussions by professional and novice programmers about programming, programming languages ​​and the choice of programming tools. It tells about the emergence of the science of programming, the creation of programming languages, and their differences. In the articles you can find interesting discussions from students of technical universities and novice programmers.

    Licensed software When developing programs or getting into programming, it is impossible to do without specialized software. At a certain level of programming experience, one’s own specialized direction, one’s own gentleman’s set of software is determined. Using hacked or pirated programs for your development, sooner or later you will realize that it is impossible to do without licensed software that guarantees trouble-free full functionality and comfortable programming. Currently, a lot of professional software is offered at reasonable prices for private developers and small programming organizations. This section offers many useful programs. The range of licensed software offers includes a huge amount of software for application developers, network programs, web programmers, graphic programs for artist-designers and many others. The section also contains programs created to ensure the security of your work on personal computers: antiviruses, firewalls, firewalls, firewalls.

    Books Theoretical preparation must necessarily be combined with practical work and even precede it. Doing only one programming practice, sooner or later you realize how low the ceiling of your knowledge is. This is where books from authors with extensive programming experience help, from authors who have moved from the category of ordinary programmers to the category of real masters, who simply and clearly explain complex programming algorithms. Moreover, a book on paper cannot be fully replaced by an electronic book.

    Concept of program code

    The quality of assimilation of information read on paper is much higher than if the same book is read on a computer display. The section includes a large number of books useful in computer science. We offer the latest publications with interesting and relevant content. Here you can find literature on programming, Internet programming, creating and maintaining computer networks, books on creating and processing computer sound and music, digitizing video and creating home movies. Books will help you learn computer graphics.

    Source(usually just program text, English source code) is any set of instructions or declarations written in a computer programming language and in a form that can be read by a person. Source code allows the programmer to communicate with the computer using a limited set of instructions.

    Source code written in HTML using JavaScript

    The source code that represents a program is typically contained in one or more text files, sometimes stored in databases as stored procedures, and may also appear as code snippets printed in books or other printing media. A large collection of source code files may be organized into a directory tree, in which case it may also be known as source code tree(English) source tree) or code tree source code tree, etc.

    Program source code is a set of files needed to convert from human-readable form to some form of computer executable code.

    12.3.2. Sample code

    There are two possible directions for code execution: translated into machine code using a compiler designed for a specific computer architecture, or performed directly on the text using an interpreter.


    Source code is primarily used as input to a process that produces executable programs (that is, it is compiled or interpreted). It is also used as a means of transferring algorithms between people (for example, code fragments in books). Porting a program to other computer platforms without raw code is usually quite difficult. Although porting options without source codes are possible, for example, binary translation or emulation of the original platform.


    Software tools, and the source code that accompanies them, typically fall under one of two licensing paradigms: open source software and nonfree (or proprietary) software. Overall, the software is open, if the source code can be freely used, distributed, modified and analyzed, and proprietary, if the source code is kept secret, or is privately owned and access to it is limited. To ensure secrecy, the provisions of various copyright laws are primarily used, but trade secrets and patents are also often used. In addition, the program distribution usually comes with a license agreement (EULA), which primarily prohibits decompilation, reverse engineering, analysis, editing, or circumvention of copy protection. Types of source code protection (in addition to traditional compilation into object code include code encryption, code obfuscation). code obfuscation) or code morphing.


    The way a program is written can have very important consequences for its maintenance. Many programming style textbooks insist on the importance of readability, and many guidelines focus on maintaining a program's source code, which includes debugging and updates. Other priorities, such as program execution speed and the ability to compile a program for multiple architectures, often make code readability a less important consideration because quality The code depends entirely on its purpose.

    Since programming has existed on an industrial scale for decades, appropriate code formatting standards have been developed. Some standards are formalized, while others are unspoken rules. For example, the Hungarian notation regulates the naming of identifiers in a program (often this is decided by issuing an enterprise-wide naming convention), other standards define the rules for arranging syntax elements.

    Source(Also original text, or just source, code, English Code) - a computer program in text form in any programming language. The source code is either translated to executable code using a compiler designed for a specific computer architecture, or performed directly from the text using an interpreter.


    The source code is either used to produce object code or executed by an interpreter. Changes are never made to object code, only to source code, and then converted back to object code.

    Another important purpose of source code is as a description of a program. Based on the text of the program, you can reconstruct the logic of its behavior. Comments are used to make source code easier to understand. There are also tools that allow you to automatically obtain source code documentation - the so-called. documentation generators.

    In addition, the source code has many other uses.

    HTML Program Code

    It can be used as a teaching tool; Beginning programmers may find it useful to examine existing source code to learn programming techniques and methodology. It is also used as a communication tool between experienced programmers, due to its (ideally) concise and unambiguous nature. Code sharing among developers is often cited as a contributing factor to improving the programmer experience.

    Programmers often move source code from one project to another, which is called code reuse ( Software reusability).

    Source code is a critical component for the process of porting software to other platforms. Without the source code of any piece of software, porting is either too difficult or completely impossible...


    The source code of some part of the software (module, component) may consist of one or more files. Program code is not necessarily written in only one programming language. For example, often programs written in C, for optimization purposes, contain inserts of code in assembly language. Situations are also possible when some components or parts of the program are written in different languages, with subsequent assembly into a single executable module using a technology known as library linking ( library linking).

    Complex software requires dozens or even hundreds of source code files to be built.

    In such cases, files are usually used to simplify assembly Makefile, containing a description of the dependencies between source code files and describing the build process.

    To facilitate work with source code, for collaboration on code by a team of programmers, version control systems are used.


    Unlike humans, there is no “well-written” or “badly written” code for a computer. But how the code is written can greatly influence the software maintenance process. The quality of the source code can be discussed in the context of the following parameters:

    • code readability
    • ease of support, testing, debugging and troubleshooting, modification and porting
    • low difficulty
    • low resource usage - memory, processor, disk space
    • no comments when compiling the program