Kastoria is not a resort area of ​​Greece. There is no point in going here to relax. If you still want to visit this area, then you have planned to buy a Greek fur coat. After all, this city is considered a fur coat paradise. You can get to it from the Halkidiki peninsula; this is the most popular resort in continental Greece. It takes about 5 hours to drive from Chalkidiki to Kastoria.

The town is small and notable not only for its huge number of fur factories and shops, but also for its amazing lake.

Roads in Greece are tolled, so don't be surprised. The fee is 1-2 euros. On the way you can enjoy the beauty of the northern part of Greece and the mountain landscape.

You can go fur coat shopping with a guide, or on your own. If you go with a guide and a tourist group, you will only be taken to those stores with which you have a prior agreement. The guide also takes a percentage of each purchase, so don't expect to get a good discount. To buy a high-quality Greek fur coat at a discount of 400-600 euros, go there yourself. You don’t have to pay anyone for services; choose any store you like and bargain. Bargaining is accepted, this is the norm. You will be offered tea or coffee, during a dialogue with the manager or seller, they will show you all the advantages of the model you like, but don’t give up. Bargain down to the last euro. Insist on your price, a compromise will definitely be found.

This is how I described the options for buying a fur coat when you are on vacation. You can combine a holiday in Halkidiki with an excellent... read more

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Transfer and taxi services in Kastoria:

Direction Distance Travel time Price Information
Kastoria National Airport → Kastoria 20 km. 25 min. 2522 rub. / 33 € Order a taxi >
Thessaloniki Airport → Kastoria 220 km. 140 min. 19564 rub. / 256 € Order a taxi >
Kastoria → Kastoria National Airport 20 km. 25 min. 2522 rub. / 33 € Order a taxi >
Kastoria → Thessaloniki Airport 220 km. 140 min. 19564 rub. / 256 € Order a taxi >
Kastoria → Nikiti 286 km. 205 min. 23538 rub. / 308 € Order a taxi >
Psakoudia → Kastoria 290 km. 200 min. 25984 rub. / 340 € Order a taxi >
Nea Kallikratia → Kastoria 250 km. 170 min. 22468 rub. / 294 € Order a taxi >
Kastoria → Psakoudia 290 km. 200 min. 25984 rub. / 340 € Order a taxi >
Limani Karra → Kastoria 310 km. 240 min. 25678 rub. / 336 € Order a taxi >
Kastoria → Nea Kallikratia 250 km. 170 min. 22468 rub. / 294 € Order a taxi >

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Weather in Kastoria by months:

Month Temperature Cloudiness Rainy days /
Number of solar
hours per day
During the day At night
January 3.7°C -2.7°C 37.8% 3 days (46.6 mm.) 9 o'clock 37m.
February 6.8°C -0.5°C 45.6% 4 days (49.4 mm.) 10 o'clock 40m.
March 11.2°C 1.5°C 37.2% 4 days (46.4 mm.) 11 o'clock 57m.
April 16.9°C 4.5°C 28.6% 2 days (36.1 mm.) 13:00 18m.
May 20.9°C 7.2°C 25.2% 7 days (88.9 mm.) 14h. 27m.
June 25.8°C 10.6°C 17.7% 3 days (47.8 mm.) 15h. 1m.
July 29.6°C 13.4°C 13.0% 1 day (21.0 mm.) 14h. 44m.
August 29.4°C 13.8°C 13.6% 2 days (17.7 mm.) 13:00 44m.
September 24.1°C 11.3°C 18.5% 3 days (39.3 mm.) 12h. 27m.
October 17.4°C 7.4°C 24.0% 2 days (22.5 mm.) 11 o'clock 7m.
November 11.3°C 3.5°C 33.6% 3 days (47.2 mm.) 9 o'clock 57m.
December 5.7°C -1.0°C 29.6% 2 days (29.7 mm.) 9 o'clock 20m.

*This table displays weather averages collected over more than three years


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Most often, families travel to Kastoria for shopping purposes. We all know how famous Kastoria is for its range of fur coats.

Holidays for the elderly

Definitely suitable for older people. Kastoria is one of the calm, quiet places, with beautiful nature and fresh air.

Where is the best place to stay?

There are a small number of hotels in Kastoria. The most luxurious of them have 3-4 stars. In order to take with you as many impressions as possible, I would advise you not to skimp and spend money on a hotel that is located on the shore of the lake, because the views are stunning.

What to do at the resort?

I think that anyone will not remain indifferent from walking around Kastoria, wander along the shore of the lake, walk along the narrow but beautiful streets, do not forget to record everything with your cameras.

Despite the fact that Kastoria is a very small town, you will undoubtedly have a choice of where to go. Be sure to take a tour of the Dragon Cave. The tour lasts about half an hour and costs just a penny. The tour is led by a young man English language. He tells everything very interestingly, easily maintains a conversation and happily answers any questions. It’s okay if you don’t speak English; before entering the cave, you will be given a tablet and headphones, where you can choose your native language and listen to the tour in it. Be sure to take a long-sleeved blouse with you, the cave is quite damp and cool. It’s also dark there and photography is prohibited.

There is a lake in Kastoria where swimming is not accepted. Local residents practice relaxation on the seashore outside the city. The beaches there are clean and comfortable, although small, but they are calm and completely free. The beaches are mostly sandy and narrow. The water in the sea is clean and by the end of August it is still warm, although it is still cool to take a dip in the morning.

Kastoria is famous throughout the world for its fur coats. The quality of which is top level, but prices naturally correspond to this level. In Kastoria you can find the fur coat you dreamed of. At the factory it is possible not only to select a fur coat, but even to change it. If you liked the fur coat, but didn’t like its length, then the craftsmen will be happy to remove the excess and make a fur coat that fully suits your desires.

Where can I eat?

There is no establishment in Kastoria that I would recommend passing by. It all depends on your desires - if you just want to have a snack, then go to any cafe on the shore of the lake; the friendly atmosphere and beautiful views will not leave you indifferent. Prices in the cafe are generally not high.

About the quality of food and service

The service in cafes and restaurants is always inviting. Everywhere the staff speaks English, they communicate politely and friendly, you can discuss anything with them, not just their establishment and dishes.


Very popular in Kastoria leisure. There is a tourism school in Kastoria that periodically organizes various trips, sporting events. Also in this city, one of the popular activities is fishing. Special attention devoted to water sports, such as rowing. There is an opportunity to go water skiing.

Pros of holidays in Kastoria

The main advantage, in my opinion, is the price of a holiday in Kastoria; it seems to me that it is even a little lower than Kastoria itself deserves. The possibility of both active and passive recreation is a definite plus. Friendly staff in hotels, restaurants and nice, helpful locals have a positive influence and leave a lot of positive impressions.

The mirror surface of the mountain lake Orestiada, the picturesque streets of the old town, charming churches, clean air and amazing pictures of nature - all this is the Greek city of Kastoria.

If you have never been to Kastoria before, imagine a stunningly beautiful and calm town with intoxicating mountain air, quiet streets and a huge number of ancient churches, located at an altitude of 650 m above sea level.

The famous Lake Orestiada, into which the peninsula where Kastoria is located juts out like a cape, is located in Western Macedonia, in the middle of a plain surrounded by the Vitsi and Grammo mountains. The Grammo mountain range occupies a third of the total area of ​​the prefecture of Kastoria and is located in its southwestern part. Altitude above sea level – from 1000 to 2520 meters. The Aliakmon River flows from the slopes of the mountain.

The average summer temperature here is +25° C, winter +5° C. Sometimes the temperature in winter drops below 0 degrees, and the water in the lake freezes. Previously, Kastoria was considered the “Siberia” of Greece due to the cold winter by Greek standards. There are no beaches in the city, since swimming in the lake is not accepted. But there are all the opportunities for excellent fishing, which many residents enjoy doing.

City `s history

The history of Kastoria is lost in time immemorial. Thus, according to some data, the first settlements in the region appeared as early as 5500 BC. e. The city is spoken of by myths associated with the first semi-mythical king-god Kekropos (whose appearance was terrifying: a human torso and snake-like legs). The city itself was founded in 840 BC. e. and it can rightfully be considered one of ancient cities Western Macedonia.

By order of Kekrop, a “Cecropian wall” was erected, blocking the only passage to the Kastorian Peninsula, washed by the legendary Lake Orestiada, named after the Hellenic leader Orestes of Argos (Southern Greece), persecuted by the Dorians back in the 11th - 10th centuries BC. e. On the basis of the later destroyed “Kekrop wall” in 525 AD. e. By order of the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I, a fortress wall and tower structures were erected, since the city of Kastoria during the period Byzantine Empire(III - IV centuries AD) was the western bastion of Byzantium.

The most popular version of the origin of the city’s name is associated with the numerous beavers that live in the waters of the lake (translated from ancient Greek, “kastor” means beaver). But there is another hypothesis that comes from myths. According to her, Castor was the name of the son of the almighty god Zeus. As the legend says, the young man settled on Mount Seli, which rises nearby, and every morning he looked into the mirror surface of Lake Orestiada before appearing before the bright eyes of his majestic and hot-tempered father.

Entertainment in Kastoria

The Kastoria Theater is known throughout the country, where festivals and concerts are regularly held. On the eve of New Year's holidays The famous Ragoutsaria carnival takes place here, one of the largest in Greece, which gathers thousands of locals and tourists on the streets of the city.

In winter, fans of alpine skiing flock to the vicinity of Kastoria: a modern ski complex awaits them on Mount Vitsa.
Just 16 km from the city is the village of Ammoudara, famous for its hydrotherapy clinic with mineral springs.

In the city itself there are bars, taverns, shops and discos. IN summer time The open theater on the mountain hosts concerts and performances. The lake offers water skiing, fishing, sailing and water rowing.

Fur fashion tours in Kastoria

Over the past decades, the city of Kastoria has become widely known far beyond the borders of Greece due to its developed fur production. The city has more than 3 thousand factories engaged in the production and production of fur coats, as well as any other fur products. You can learn more about Kastoria as a European center of fur production.

More details

Modern Kastoria is a real find for those who are looking for traces of time on the streets of ancient settlements. More than 72 churches of the Byzantine and post-Byzantine periods with rare frescoes of the Cretan art school, to which Theophanes the Greek belongs, have been preserved in Kastoria. Among the most famous places pilgrimage - holy temple Mother of God Mavriotis (XI century), the church of Agia Anargyri (the holy silverless people of the 10th century), St. Stephen (XIV century), St. Nicholas Kosindzhi (XIIV century), St. George, as well as one of the most ancient churches in Kastoria - the Church of Panagia Kumbelidiki or Kastriotis (IX century). The panorama of the city is complemented by ancient mansions - buildings from the time of Turkish rule.

Those who want to learn more about the history of the region and the city will be happy to visit the local museums: Byzantine and Ethnographic.

Byzantine Museum is located on top of a hill where the Acropolis used to be. A unique collection of Byzantine icons from the 12th to 17th centuries is kept here. It consists of approximately 450 icons, 38 of which are exhibited in the halls of the museum (the rest are kept in its hiding places). Of greatest interest are the icons of the Prophet Elijah, St. Nicholas, Our Lady Hodegetria, Christ Pantocrator, Our Lady Vrefokratis (holding the baby) and Our Lady Dexiocratus (holding the baby on the right side).

In the village of Doltso in the Old Town there is the Nerandzi Aivazi estate, which today houses ethnographical museum cities. Its exhibition includes household items, clothing, tools and other items that were used in old estates.

You should start exploring the city with a sightseeing cruise tour on Lake Kastoria. The excursion allows you to see an amazing panorama of the city, feel the measured life of the wonderful resort and enjoy the coolness in the summer. Another excursion, also incredibly popular among tourists, is an excursion to the old center of Kastoria “Dolcho” - Kastoria Estates.

You can start your day with a walk through the picturesque Dolcho quarter, along narrow streets past majestic estates. The central cobbled square is home to many cozy cafes and restaurants. Attention is drawn to the ancient and well-preserved estates of Tsatsapa, Neraidzis Aivadzis, the Emmanuel brothers, etc. Many of them have been restored in order to preserve their unique architectural elements. Many of the estates are located in the Dolcho quarter, which most characteristically represents the ancient appearance of the city of Kastoria. In the Dolcho area, in the estate of Basaras and Emmanuel, with an excursion in Kastoria you can visit the Clothing Museum, in the estate of Neraidzis Aivasis - the Museum of Local Lore. The Museum of the Struggle for Macedonia is also located here.

In the Mavrochori region there is the Museum of Wax Figures, Local History and Prehistory. Your attention will be revealed to scenes of everyday life, the main characters of which are wax figures. They seem to live the life of bygone eras, demonstrating their morals and ancient customs. Wool processing, bread making, harvesting - all seasons are collected in one museum. Along the perimeter of the huge courtyard of the museum there are wax figures and scenes from the life of artisans and shopkeepers of antiquity: a shoemaker making carts, a barber, a carpenter and a fisherman with nets.

There are plenty of great excursions in Kastoria that allow you to see and visit the many Byzantine churches in the region. Byzantine culture has firmly entered into the urban appearance of the city of Kastoria and its environs. There are about 70 Byzantine and post-Byzantine churches here. Since not everyone can visit all these churches, travel agencies offer excursions to the most interesting of them. The most famous temple of the city is dedicated to the Virgin Mary "Kumbelidiki" (XI century), named after its dome, the shape of which is called "kumbi" in Turkish. Inside this temple, the walls are painted with rare images, for example, the face of the Holy Trinity. Then you can visit the Church of the Saints Without Silver ("Agii Anargyri"), which is located on Venizelou Street in the Dolcho quarter. The temple is famous for its luxurious wall paintings, commissioned by one of the families from the island of Lemnos. It is worth visiting the Church of St. Stephen in Kastoria, located on the street. Palaiologa. It is a very interesting building of the 9th century and is distinguished by its female part with a unique episcopal throne and decorated with amazing wall frescoes. Also with an excursion to Kastoria you should visit the Byzantine Museum, which presents complete collection Byzantine icons, church utensils and sculptures.

The city of Kastoria is located in the region of Western Macedonia in northwestern Greece. The city is built at an altitude of 640–695 meters above sea level, on a small peninsula washed by Lake Orestiada. The city's area is approximately 57 km2 and is home to about 15,000 people.

Kastoria is a completely modern city, which, however, has managed to preserve its Greek flavor. The city is famous, first of all, for hundreds of fur factories where very high-quality fur products are produced. Actually, this industry is the main one in Kastoria. There are also a lot of Byzantine churches and ancient mansions in Kastoria, built during Turkish rule. All this gives the city mystery and uniqueness.

Hotels in Kastoria

Kastoria is a very popular holiday destination in Greece, so we have prepared short review, where they included only best hotels, according to tourists vacationing there. These hotels have many positive reviews and the highest ratings.

The Kyknos De Luxe hotel was built not far from the city center, offering rooms of different categories. The excellent quality of the breakfast buffet provided is reflected in the reviews for this hotel.

In the Doltso area, Orologopoulos Mansion offers elegant rooms individually decorated in local style. Breakfast is served every morning, and light snacks are available at the hotel's snack bar. A shop, a bus stop and taverns are located in the immediate vicinity of the complex. Thanks to its convenient location and excellent service, the hotel has earned high ratings from tourists.

The Calma Spa Hotel was built three kilometers from the center of Kastoria. This hotel's spa includes a swimming pool, Turkish bath and sauna. Gym and on different types massage. Children can swim in the children's pool or on the playground.

Another Kastoria hotel with excellent reviews, Chloe, is located 1.5 km from the city center. The hotel's rooms offer mountain and lake views. This hotel successfully combines classic design with modern amenities. The abundant American buffet breakfast deservedly receives high ratings from tourists. Food delivery to your room can be ordered around the clock.

In the estate building in the Doltso area there is another hotel, which is called Doltso. Smoking is not allowed on the hotel premises. The hotel has received many positive reviews for its unique design, location and excellent service.

Transport in Kastoria

Public transport in the city of Kastoria is represented by buses: there are quite a few routes around the city, so you can get from almost any point to another. You can take intercity buses to major Greek cities such as Athens and Thessaloniki.

From Athens airport you can fly to Argos Orestiko Airport, which is only 15 km from Kastoria. You can’t get there from Russia; you’ll have to fly to Athens or Thessaloniki, and from there take a bus.

If you travel with a rented car, you can get to Kastoria from Grevena, Florina, Ptolemais and Kozani.

Kastoria on the map of Greece

As you can see on the map, Kastoria is located in Northern Greece, on the shores of Lake Orestiada. For your convenience, the map is scaled, and you can enlarge or reduce it until you achieve the desired proportions.

To find out about the weather in Kastoria, go to the special section Weather in Greece - for example, you can see what the weather is now in Thessaloniki, which is located 200 km from Kastoria.

Sights of Kastoria: what to see

The main natural attraction of Kastoria is the picturesque Lake Orestiada (Kastoria). To begin with, you can book a tour of this lake and from the water enjoy the views of the city and experience its measured life.

Also very popular is the excursion to the estates of Kastoria – “Dolchts”. But in principle, you can take a walk in this quarter on your own; there are also many cafes and restaurants there. Some ancient estates today house museums. These estates are very similar to fortresses or defensive structures: three-story (the first and second are made of stone, the third is made of wood), U-shaped, surrounded by large courtyards. On the upper floors there were summer rooms where various events were held, and the northern part of the houses, as a rule, was open so that one could relax there in the fresh air.

It is not possible to visit all 70 Byzantine churches in Kastoria, so you can take a tour of the most interesting of them. The most famous temple in Kastoria was built in the 9th century, dedicated to the Virgin Mary and called “Kumbelidiki”. In the Church of the Saints Without Silver (Aghi Anargyri) you can appreciate the luxurious wall paintings and marble decorations that are not found anywhere else in the city. The architecture of the Church of St. Stephen is very interesting. The Church of Panagia Mavriotis, the main religious attraction of Kastoria, is decorated with unique stone ornaments.

Active recreation and water sports are very developed in Kastoria: on the lake you can go sailing, rowing, and water skiing. There is also a School of Tourism organized in the city, which organizes various events, hikes, and competitions. There is an opportunity to do fishing, hunting, and agritourism here. And even in winter, there is a ski resort just 22 km from Kastoria.

Not far from Kastoria is the Dragon Cave with ten halls and seven underground lakes, where you can see large illuminated stalactites and stalagmites.

People come to Kastoria mainly for fur coats and fur products, since the city is famous for its huge number of fur factories. The traditions of furriers are carefully preserved and passed on from generation to generation. It is in Kastoria that every May the largest European exhibition and sale of fur products “Edika” is held, where tens of thousands of models from all the fur factories of the city and the surrounding area are exhibited.

Beaches of Kastoria

Despite the fact that the city is located on the shore of the lake, swimming there is not customary. You can go fishing or rowing and sailing.

Kastoria (Greece) is a famous city located in the northwestern part of the country. The resort location is located on a peninsula. Not far from it is located famous lake Orestia. This is one of the most ancient cities, which was founded in 840 BC. The name comes from the fact that the city was named so because there used to be a lot of beavers on the lake. On this moment there is a large fur factory here, and the Greek town is famous for its fur production. The skill has been passed down from generation to generation, and today Kastoria (Greece) is one of the most popular places where tourists come for fur coats.

Weather in Kastoria

The climate in the town is quite cool for a southern country; locals even call it “Siberia”, as it is the coldest of all places in Greece. In summer, the thermometer rises to approximately +25 °C, and in winter the air temperature warms up to only +5 °C. It is not uncommon to encounter winter days when the thermometer shows 0 °C.

Kastoria Greece

Resort attractions

Kastoria on the map of Greece is located on a peninsula. Here vacationers can find beautiful historical places that the whole family can visit. This place is rich in ancient Byzantine churches, there are more than seventy of them. The oldest church is considered to be the Church of Our Lady of Mavriotis; it was built back in the tenth century.

Travelers are offered excursions, during which vacationers will see not only architectural monuments and buildings, but also visit the surrounding area of ​​the resort. You can go on a sightseeing tour of the city, choose a tour of the monasteries, or go outside the city to the “Dragon Cave”, where there are seven small lakes. Guests can also visit the prehistoric stone forest, see the Byzantine and Macedonian museums, stroll through the village on stilts built in the Neolithic era, and also see Lake Orestiada.

Advice! To view the sights and learn their history, it is worth contacting a guide who knows Russian.

Dragon Cave


How to get to this town can be found on the map. There are many city routes in Kastoria that are served by buses, so getting to one of the attractions is not difficult. If you need to get to the resort from Russia, you should first fly to Athens, and then take buses from there.

Beaches of Kastoria

There are no beaches in this city, so there will be nowhere to swim. Swimming is strictly prohibited in the nearby lake, but tourists can go fishing.

Kastoria beach


Travelers have the opportunity to ride along the beautiful Lake Orestiada, which is considered one of the famous places in Greece. Back in 1974, the lake was recognized as a natural monument. Today it is home to about two hundred species of birds, and you can also find very rare species birds There is also a lot of fish here, and fishing is not prohibited.

Interesting! River Parties take place in August. This celebration is held every year near Kastoria. Musicians from all over the world come to the town for the festival.


The city hosts the largest exhibition of fur products in Europe, called “Edika”. Fur shops offer catalogs with goods; tourists can pay in cash or by card. You can also buy souvenirs and quality clothing here. Feta cheese is highly prized olive oil locally produced.

Kastoria is not difficult to find on a map of Greece. This small town will appeal to vacationers for its historical sites and landscapes. Every tourist will find entertainment to his liking. This could be fishing, excursions or shopping.