Why do Demons, Spirits, and Demons enter a person?

To study this issue, I paid Special attention. The fact is that many people believe that since the Demon \ Spirit \ Demon and other entities inhabit a person, it means that the person is weak in Spirit and is protected from God. In fact, no essence will enter into a weak person. Why do they need this?
I paid special attention to studying this issue. The fact is that many people believe that since the Demon \ Spirit \ Demon and other entities inhabit a person, it means that the person is weak in Spirit and is protected from God. In fact, no essence will enter into a weak person. Why do they need this? Would you be interested in tinkering with the weak? You can’t take anything from him other than the Soul. Yes, Souls are not the most important thing. They are interested in bringing a person to such a state that the person himself wants to end his life. It is interesting to psychologically crush all the spiritual power of a person. So that a person becomes morally weak. And this is only possible with a strong person, strong Spirit, psychologically strong, energetically strong. They are interested in weakening a person, weakening him energetically.

What is this for.

Firstly, it is interest. The interesting thing is to stroke your own vanity. You can even call it sports interest. How strong is he? How long will I torture him? Can I force him to do something?

Secondly, this is training for the Demon\Spirit\Demon and other creatures of another world. A person has very strong natural defenses from birth. How stronger man, psychologically, spiritually, energetically, etc., the more difficult it is for the Demon\Spirit\Demon and other creatures to gain control of a person. And this, accordingly, is training. The more experience, the stronger the Imp/Spirit/Demon.

Thirdly, this is the Soul that they will receive (Demons do not receive the Soul, they bring it to other, stronger creatures) to serve them. The duration of a Soul's service is from a hundred years or more, but for a soul received by a Demon/Spirit/Demon (enslaved), everything is a little different - it will serve for at least three centuries. And you can do whatever you want with the Soul, even force it to do something that, at the end of its term of service, will not allow the Soul to go to “Paradise” or be reborn. Thus, the Soul will fall into the appropriate place - we call it “HELL”.

From what was described above, it is already clear for what reasons Demons\Spirits\Demons and other creatures come to or into a person: 1. Interest. 2. Training. 3. Enslave the Soul and replenish the legions of “Hell”.

I assure you, it is extremely, or rather, very rare, when an enslaved Soul goes to “Paradise” or is reborn. To do this, the Soul must offer something in return, something that will please the owner - the Demon\Spirit\Demon. But if the Spirit can still be interested in something, then the Demon is impossible. Demons themselves can get everything and it is more interesting for them to do everything themselves, because they care about their development - strength. The more difficulties, the more more development and the powers of the Demon. This is why it is very difficult to summon the Demon: firstly, you can give him little in return; secondly, he has the strength to refuse to come (that is, the Demon has curses on the caller and most often, they do not even pay attention to the caller. Although, when you say the name of the Demon (if you know his name, and this is the main condition for calls ) when called, he wonders - “what kind of cockroach called me" and if you arouse the Demon’s interest in yourself, then he may come. But if the caller disgusts him, you will experience such life torment and suffering that not in to tell a fairy tale, not to describe it with a pen, and most importantly, they will assign a Demon to you so that he takes possession of your Soul), thirdly, the one who asks is weak. And the weak, as I already wrote, are not interesting to them.

But unlike Spirits and Demons, who care primarily about their own benefit and enter a person for their own development and obtaining a slave Soul, Demons are from a slightly different area. The demon does not have the ability to enslave the Soul of a person. All they are capable of is to take over the mind and body of a person, breaking him psychologically, energetically, spiritually, etc. and hold the Soul of a person until his physical death, after which, by force or by forced deeds, escort him to “Hell” or to the Demon who owns this Demon. Demons are also subordinate to the Demon or Spirit.

By the way, an enslaved Soul can become a Demon, which, on the orders of the owner (master), performed sinful deeds and which, in the end, began to enjoy what it does.

But there is a second reason why Demons\Spirits\Demons and other creatures inhabit a person. These are the people who stand out human masses- Maniacs; people who have committed all sins; people who ritually renounced all holy protections (from God, from Paganism, from Hinduism, from Buddhism, etc.) and accepted, swore allegiance to dark beliefs or completely renounced any beliefs; Atheists. Although Atheists are much more interesting to Spirits, not Demons, than other human Souls, because the process of destroying human power is long and interesting. It is difficult to convince an atheist of something he does not believe. And although disbelief is a belief in nothing, even if in front of him, in his bedroom, furniture will fly, footprints will appear on the floor, he will hear someone’s voices, etc. - he will still be there for a long time deny what is visible and consider it a prank on his friends. The Atheist denies for a long time, but when the Atheist admits what he sees and accepts the existence of other beings, this gives pleasure to the Demon and the Spirit. And in modern world are happening more and more often paranormal activity than with people who believe in these phenomena. There are more such people, and victory over such a person is more pleasant.
Thus, from what was written above, it is already clear for what reason they enter into a person: Interest, Development of forces, enslavement of the Soul, temptation of the Soul with sins to send them to “Hell”, such forces that he can calmly endure everything to recharge with energies (using a person as a battery).

There is another reason for the infusion of the Demon \ Spirit \ Demon and other creatures of the paranormal worlds - in our physical world, there are pleasures that are impossible in other worlds, the seduction and temptation of other Souls, the study of our world and our lives (new experience and new knowledge) . Although most often, of the listed reasons, this is the seduction and temptation of other Souls. It's more interesting, it's more practical and effective. In the place of one Soul, into whose body a Demon\Spirit\Demon or other creature has taken up residence, many more Souls come after the physical death of experienced Souls. This is why, now, there are more and more sects.

But of course, there are also good arrivals of Demons \ Spirits \ Demons and other creatures to a person or into a person. In order to convey some information or help solve a certain situation. But you have to pay for everything, and in the case of help, the payment is double - Demon\Spirit\Demon and other creatures, in return for help, take energy from a person, sometimes? True, they take the Soul after death, but this is sometimes. The amount and duration of vital energy taken depends on the strength, rank, complexity of the situation in which the Demon\Spirit\Demon and other creatures helped parallel worlds. You may not notice the outflow of energy, or you may lie exhausted for a week. Very often, after such help, a person gets very sick for a long time. This comes from a large loss of energy. It takes quite a long time for such people to recover. But this happens if a Demon \ Spirit \ Demon or other creature comes to a person on a short time. If the Demon \ Spirit \ Demon and other creatures come for a long time, then they do not take so much energy from a person. But the payment for such a symbiont is forcing a person to do some kind of “magical” work. Fortunately, there are FEW real sorcerers and witches and such people do not advertise themselves in newspapers, magazines, etc., they come to them on the advice of those whom they helped or by rumors. But it is more difficult for such people to live; it is difficult for them to live without working “magically”. But this also has a minus. If such a “magician” tells you: “oh well, I’ll help you for free,” be afraid of it. This means that after help, the Demon \ Spirit \ Demon or other creature will attach a Demon or an enslaved Soul to you, who will tempt you, gradually enslaving you and after death - your Soul will come to the owner of the Demon or the enslaved Soul that has been implanted. So it will work out - the Demon will pay for you with your Soul, for the free work of the Demon or the inhabited Soul.

But neither the Demon, nor the Spirit, nor the Demon, nor any other creature of another world, will make you commit suicide. If this happens, then the Soul will not belong to them. Why? Read my article about suicides. Demons \ Spirits \ Demons and other entities of other worlds will make sure that your death is due to some other reason: getting hit by a car, a brick falling on your head, having an accident, someone will shoot him or bring his victim to the killer . Demon\Spirit\Demon will lead to such a situation that a person’s life will end through no fault of this person\victim. If the Demon \ Spirit \ Demon or other creature paranormal world, studies our world or uses physical body a person for the purpose of seduction and temptation - will create such situations so that the person controlled by them will not suffer under any circumstances. They need him.

In this article, I told the reasons why Demons\Spirits\Demons and other creatures of parallel worlds enter a person or come to a person. Now you know the causes and consequences. I hope this won't happen to you. What I sincerely wish for you.

Question: “Is it true that demons do not like the smell of incense, and if true, then why?”

Priest Igor Silchenkov answers:
- I think that it is not true that demons do not like the smell of incense, because the fallen spirits of evil in high heaven do not have organs of perception of the physical world. That is, they do not have a human sense of smell.
Demons do not like those spiritual gifts and spiritual works that we perform. And the main thing that demons do not like is humility. Because demons are proud, Satan is proud, he fell through pride. And so, when there is humility in the human soul, demons run away from a person. It is difficult for them to settle down with a person and force them to do their will. When a person humbles himself before God, before people, it is difficult for him to sow any kind of pride. Because demons enter mainly through the sin of pride into the human heart.
Demons also do not like prayer, communion, confession, repentance for their sins.
The Holy Fathers say that demons do not like reproof. Satan in the human soul operates secretly, in the dark. If a person reveals his sinful thoughts to his confessor and often confesses, then these satanic intrigues that he brings into the soul are exposed and Satan leaves. AND human soul feels relieved. All this together: frequent confession, frequent communion, revelation of thoughts, and all good deeds, alms and prayers and other spiritual works, must be done with humility. Because if we do all this and often receive communion and confession, give alms, pray often, but at the same time we are proud of all this, we consider ourselves spiritual or saints, righteous, then this is exactly what Satan loves very much. And this will be ruinous for us, because the more often we receive communion and confession, do good deeds, fast and pray, the more proud we will be of this and become like Satan. Exactly, these people who prayed a lot, fasted a lot, helped the temple a lot, but at the same time were very proud of all this, considering themselves saints, better than other people - they crucified the Lord Jesus Christ, the proud Pharisees. Therefore, we must not be like the Pharisees, not like the proud Satan, who saw that he was beautiful and could sit in the place of God. We must humble ourselves before God and see our many sins. Considering yourself more sinful than all people, not being proud of anyone, not considering others worse than yourself - this is what demons really don’t like. They move away from such a person. Well, of course, demons do not like the fact that we perform divine services with love and reverence and honor shrines. When we commit incense in the Church, we thus show our love and reverence for church shrines. Demons just love disdain for shrines, when we do not behave reverently in the temple, do not observe prayerful silence. Let's try not to do this, but to do good deeds, while always humble ourselves before God, remember that pride is the very first and terrible sin. Let us humble ourselves and acquire humility from God. And let the demons leave us, and the holy angels come and help us acquire the love and grace of the Holy Spirit, salvation here and in eternity.


I was immensely upset when, having missed my father’s service due to duty, I learned the next day that frogs were jumping out of one of the sick patients during the lecture. Having walked one after another a little across the floor, they - DISAPPEARED...

A good friend of mine turned out to be an eyewitness to an even more impressive exorcism. At first, during the scolding, the patient rolled on the floor, and the demon shouted that nothing would work out, that everyone served him, the demon of drunkenness. Then the woman wheezed, began to beat convulsively, and three demons CAME OUT of her: one large, more than two meters tall, and two smaller ones. They were black, like blacks, for some reason with ropes around their necks. All those present clearly saw them LEAVE through the open window of the temple...

Alas, it happened again without me. Of course, they explained to me that healing can occur gradually, that the enemy comes even later... But... I so wanted to witness the visible, final deliverance of a person from the violence of the spirit of darkness! How naive I was. I was present and did not see, heard and did not understand. Only years later I was able to appreciate the enormity of the work that a priest does in the fight for the soul of the sick.

After all, before healing - delivering a person from demons, it is necessary to TEACH the person to live like a Christian, otherwise the worst may happen in the future. There are cases when those healed fell ill again due to their spiritual inattention, and often more severely than before. The healing of a patient must necessarily include, relatively speaking, two periods. The first is learning the basics of spiritual life, getting used to the rhythm of worship and mastering the rules of behavior in and outside the church. And the second is the actual work of exorcising the demon. The latter is greatly facilitated by frequent confession and communion, contact with shrines, and pilgrimages.

“The service has begun. People huddled together to better hear about. Joseph. It was quiet and good... Suddenly a wild, almost animal howl was heard. It lasted so long and on such a high note that it seemed so incapable of screaming Living being. “Maybe it’s a siren?” - I thought and looked around. A woman in a black headscarf stood behind me. Her face was meaningless, her eyes stopped... And then it began! I found myself in the very epicenter of the madness. Screams came from all sides. Nearby, a woman was furiously beating her head on the ledge. “Men, help!” - there was a cry. An elderly, overweight woman had a seizure: her arms and legs were twisted and thrown around by some terrible force - the woman could not be restrained. She grunted and fought off someone invisible, her face was drenched in sweat.

I never wanted to believe that all this was really happening and in earnest, but there could be no doubt - I saw people’s genuine suffering. The demons clearly didn’t like it in this temple. “Dragged here again,” a hoarse male voice burst out from the woman. I already began to understand that she had nothing to do with it - it was the demon sitting inside her who was scolding her. By the end of the service, the demons were completely “furious”: “Don’t cast a spell, Oska, don’t cast a spell!” - they shouted. From all corners of the church, hoarse, slurred voices spewed obscenities. Father Joseph began to sprinkle the parishioners and the sick with holy water. When it hit the demoniac's face, she passed out and began to fall on her back...

One girl could not come to her senses, and the assistants asked Fr. Joseph to read over it additionally. The priest began to read. We stood one and a half meters from the demoniac. Suddenly everyone smelled a strong smell of burnt sulfur. “Look, there’s smoke coming out of her nostrils!” - someone screamed. We really saw a thin black stream of “The demon is coming out!” - someone whispered...”

I learned that demons have their own preferences, inclinations, and whims, just like people. Your own “tastes”. Of course, there is commonality, but there is also a lot of individuality, according to passions. I couldn’t help but remember the ordeals described in patristic literature: indeed, demons are gathered into legions of sins.

Absolutely all demons HATE Confession. In the same way, they do not tolerate preaching that teaches correct Orthodox spiritual life. This can even be seen from them, or rather, from the sick: if the sermon is lengthy - general, built on external beauties and has a lot of water in it, it does not touch demons. Moreover, they begin to show interest in her, thinking about how they can lead the preacher into conceit through praise. Some sick people's eyes then begin to shine in a specific way: the demon is interested and pondering.

But short, simple, intelligible sermons that teach from the Holy Fathers spiritualities that call for repentance and explain what sin is and how to avoid it infuriate demons. In the temple, “their” noise begins: sneezing, coughing, screaming, moaning... - STOP IT, I’m tired of it, it’s heard from all sides. But the teachings about humility and patience are especially disgusting to demons. Even simple, ingenuous descriptions of suffering for faith, for Christ are unbearable for them.

I remember there was a very good elder in our church - a simple, modest, quiet old woman. She had an unfeigned love for the temple, for the servants of the altar of Christ, for her neighbors, and was surprisingly modest and inconspicuous. She died quietly in a Christian manner, having been a little ill... I wrote notes with her name and, handing them out to those who were sick, asked them to pray for the repose of her soul.

The demons showed enviable solidarity: they did not allow her to be pronounced, they called the old woman “a nasty, harmful old woman,” and one demon declared: “I will not pray for her—she was humble.” The patients did not know whom they were commemorating, but the demons sitting within them knew for sure.

The demons don’t like the simplicity and modesty of the home, the cozy prayer corner, the lamps near the icons, the shrines... And vice versa, soulless modern furniture, secular libraries in the house, especially collections of detective stories and science fiction, empty unnecessary pictures on the walls, collections of stamps, coins, matchboxes, cigarettes, beer cans and the like - all this pleases them.

A Christian who doubts his faith risks becoming a haven for evil spirits. While some work on themselves and successfully resist the wiles of demons, people who are weaker in spirit follow the lead of their base desires. For some, it is enough just to get bogged down in the everyday hustle and bustle to take one step closer to spiritual corruption. Obsessed with passions, such a person will slowly but surely destroy himself and his life. Therefore, it is important that every believer realizes his weakness in the face of worldly temptations and fights temptations, says Konstantin Varsegov, rector-archpriest of the parish of the Church of John the Baptist.

How to fight demons?

Dark forces fear the sign of the cross as if they were on fire. Cross yourself more often, confess and take communion, since all this is aimed at strengthening your faith. And before those who unconditionally trust in God and are devoted to him with all their being, even the most powerful dark entities are powerless.

Also seek salvation in asceticism. All life's trials must be overcome with dignity, without giving yourself concessions. Anyone who treats himself condescendingly is vulnerable and leads himself in the wrong direction. We must always remember that patience and humility are virtues that arm a person against the forces of evil.

Finally, prayer has great power. One of the most powerful canonical texts is the prayer to the Holy Cross. For example, the priest Dorotheos calls her “lightning that burns out the demonic regiments.” If you are attacked by unreasonable fear, overcome by a feeling of panic or anxiety, quickly read sacred words and your health will immediately improve. You can also turn to Jesus Christ when you feel that evil thoughts have taken possession of you, and you are ready to cross the forbidden line.

Prayer to the Honest Cross

May God rise again, and may His enemies be scattered, and may those who hate Him flee from His presence. As smoke disappears, let them disappear; As wax melts in the presence of fire, so let demons perish in the presence of those who love God and are signified sign of the cross, and in joy saying: Rejoice, Most Honest and Life-giving Cross Lord, drive away the demons by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ, who descended into hell and trampled upon the power of the devil, and who gave us His Honest Cross to drive away every adversary. O Most Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord! Help me with the Holy Virgin Mary and with all the saints forever. Amen.

If you have already sinned and intend to get rid of the influence of the evil one, who time after time pushes you to commit evil, be sure to confess and take communion. Overcoming someone who has already taken over the mind is only possible with an integrated approach. In addition to regular church attendance, you need to read more often Holy Bible and daily recite Psalm 90, considered one of the strong Orthodox prayers, driving away every demon.

Psalm 90 (Living Help Prayer)

Living in the help of the Most High, he will settle in the shelter of the Heavenly God.
Says the Lord: Thou art my intercessor and my refuge, my God, and I trust in Him.
For Toy will deliver you from the snare of the trap, and from rebellious words,
His blanket will cover you, and under His wing you will hope: His truth will surround you with weapons.
Do not be afraid from the fear of the night, from the arrow flying in the days,
from things moving in the darkness, from the cloak, and the midday demon.
Thousands will fall from your country, and darkness will fall at your right hand, but it will not come near you:
Look before your eyes, and you will see the reward of sinners.
For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge.
No evil will come to you, and no wound will come near your body:
as His Angel commanded you, keep you in all your ways.
They will lift you up in their arms, and one day they will dash your foot against a stone:
tread on the asp and the basilisk, and cross the lion and the serpent.
For I have trusted, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name. He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow,
I will destroy him and glorify him, I will fill him with long days,
and I will show him My salvation.

Konstantin Varsegov,
rector-archpriest of the parish of the Church of John the Baptist

How God chooses parents for children: 2 points of view

We have long gotten used to the idea that relatives are not chosen. People to whom a child is born become his family, and the future of the new person depends only on them. Unfortunately, not everyone who dreams of children has the happiness of becoming parents. And those who do not plan to take responsibility have the opportunity to have offspring. Why is this happening? Who or what determines the birth of a child for a particular couple? Theologian Platon Severov examined these issues especially for allWomens.ru from the point of view of religious and philosophical doctrines.

Unfortunately, many in the church today are deceived and are afraid of everything, as if they have no power. They are afraid to lay on hands, afraid to pray, afraid to cast out, etc. In this article, Dimitri Leo encourages Christians not to fear demons, but rather to cast them out. He who is in us is greater than he who is in this world.

The choice is yours

I know that some will criticize this article, but well... it has always been so with those who taught about the authority of the believer. Unfortunately, some believers today believe more in different stories based on personal experiences people instead of believing the Bible. I discovered this pattern. The more a Christian relies on human stories regarding demons, their exorcism, attacks, etc., the weaker his faith and the less often he engages in exorcism. Conversely, the more a Christian believes what God's Word says about demons and our power over them, the stronger his faith and the more often he casts them out. You yourself noticed this in the church. Then the question is, which of these two Christians do YOU ​​PERSONALLY want to be like? Do you want to live in fear and not be successful in exorcising demons, or do you want to be successful in this area? The choice is yours.

What torments demons?

The devil can be recognized by his fingerprints - he is a liar, a thief and a murderer. This means that illness, destruction and torment are the result of the action of the devil and demons in a person’s life. If the enemy begins to show himself, it means the time has come to deal with him. Demons do not listen to our requests, demons are expelled when they are expelled.

Luke 8:27 When Jesus came ashore, a man from the city came out to meet him, possessed by demons. He had no clothes on for a long time, and he lived not in a house, but in grave caves. Luke 8:28 When he saw Jesus, he threw himself at His feet and shouted with all his might: “What do you want from me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God?” I beg you, don’t torture me! - Luke 8:29 because Jesus commanded the unclean spirit to come out of this man...

It is interesting that when a demon is commanded to come out of a person, it is torment for him. That is why the demon does not want to leave the person and resists.

Luke 8:30 Jesus asked him, “What is your name?” “Legion,” he answered, because many demons entered it. Luke 8:31 And they began to beg Jesus not to send them into the abyss. Luke 8:32 At that time, a large herd of pigs was grazing nearby on the mountainside, and the demons asked Jesus to let them enter into them. He allowed it. Luke 8:33 When the demons came out of the man and entered the pigs, the whole herd jumped off the cliff into the lake and drowned.

The demons begged Jesus not to drive them into the abyss. Mark 5:10 says “he urged Jesus not to throw them out.” The demons were ready to enter even pigs, just so that they would not be expelled into the abyss. Perhaps the abyss is the waterless place that Jesus spoke of in another example.

Luke 11:24 When an unclean spirit comes out of a person, he wanders through dry places, looking for a place to rest, and does not find...

Demons do not want to leave a person, since they then wander and do not find a place to rest. Expulsion is real torment for demons. While demons are in a person, this is torment for a person, but when demons are in exile, this is torment for demons.

Who's whose prey?

We are no longer prey to the demons, but they are now our prey. We have nothing to fear, Jesus gave us the power and authority to cast out demons and this is the very first sign for those who believe. This may occur before speaking in tongues. I think it is no coincidence that the first of the signs Jesus described was the casting out of demons.

Mark 16:17 Signs will follow those who believe: they will cast out demons in My Name, speaking in new tongues;

But why are so many Christians today afraid and literally running away from demons? A Christian must stop being afraid of demons. Greater is he who is in us than he who is in this world. You have to believe it or there will be problems. Demons see who is in faith and who is in fear. They fear those who are in faith and mock those who live in fear.

The enemy can operate in the life of a Christian to the extent that the Christian allows him to operate. We should not allow fear and disbelief towards demons; let them fear us. Don't be afraid of demons because demons are afraid of you.

In conclusion, I want to draw your attention to the people of God who cast out, and are casting out demons today. They have a different “theology”. They do not live by a "theology" of fear regarding demons, but they are based on the Word of God, which gives complete confidence in the Christian's authority. Study the lives of the generals of the faith, they all believed in complete power over demons and were not afraid of them. That's why the demons obeyed them.

Remember that God would not send us to destroy the works of the devil without equipping us. If the God who is inside me is really BIG, then how insignificant the demon who is in front of me will be for me.