When a person drinks any alcoholic drink, the alcohol begins to quickly be absorbed into the blood. Moving through blood vessels, it quickly penetrates tissues and human organs. Even after it is removed from the blood, traces of alcohol are found in the urine. also remains in the spinal cord fluid.

Features of the body

The process of weathering alcohol is directly influenced by the individual characteristics of any person:

  • Age.

Very important removal factors also considered:

  • Health status;
  • Liver function;
  • Metabolism;
  • Lung function;
  • Kidneys;
  • Skin covering.

Approximately 70% of alcohol that enters the body is safely removed by the liver. If a person previously freely drank a bottle of vodka or whiskey, he begins to quickly get drunk even after a small portion of alcohol. For complete recovery he needs a lot of time. The reason is his immune system, which is much weaker than that of non-drinkers.

If a woman drinks as much as a man, the concentration of alcohol in her blood is always higher. It will take her much longer to fully recover. The rapid process of alcohol elimination is hindered by:

  1. Taking medications.
  2. Chronic diseases.
  3. Failure of the hormonal process.

From quality alcoholic drink The time it takes to remove alcohol from the body also depends. This process is also influenced by the presence of a good snack. A glass of whiskey drunk on an empty stomach is much worse, since much more alcohol accumulates in the blood.

A bottle of vodka, drunk in small portions, with a good snack, will not cause rapid intoxication. The amount of alcohol in the blood will be minimal. Alcohol will begin to be eliminated from the body much faster. The process of sobering up greatly depends on the mental state of the person. Sometimes nervous system, being in an excited state, can cause rapid intoxication. It will slow down the sobering up process.

It also happens the other way around. When a person is under the influence severe stress, he looks completely sober, even after drinking a lot. However, the amount of ethanol in the blood still does not decrease.

Alcohol weathering time

Of course, the age of the person who drinks and his build play an important role in the weathering of alcohol. If we talk about the average person weighing 70-90 kg, whose age does not exceed 30-50 years, the period of weathering of vodka may be as follows:

  • 50 grams - 1−1.5 hours;
  • 100g. - 3−4 hours;
  • 250 grams - from 7 to 10 hours;
  • 0.5 liters - from 16 to 20 hours.

It will take approximately the same time to neutralize other strong drinks:

  • Cognac;
  • Whiskey.

If you drink 100 grams of cognac, traces will be removed from the body in about three hours. A glass of champagne will disappear in about one hour. The mixture of these drinks will begin to manifest itself in approximately 5-6 hours. One hundred grams of four-degree beer will disappear from the body in 30 minutes; if the dose is equal to one bottle (0.5 l), traces of beer will disappear after 1.5 hours. In other words, the weathering time for 100 grams of vodka and a bottle of beer is the same.

Lovers of various wines should remember that the weathering of such alcohol occurs as follows:

  • 200 grams - 3−3.5 hours.
  • 300 grams - 4−5 hours.
  • 500 grams - 5−7 hours.

Many people believe that drinking champagne instantly disappears from the body. This opinion is greatly exaggerated. For about an hour, traces of the glass of champagne you drank will remain in your blood. Typically, such a sparkling drink is not drunk in small doses. Therefore, only after one day will it be possible to hit the road again by car.

It also leaves its traces in the blood. It will take 1.5 hours to completely remove it. If you drink 300 grams of any table wine, after entering the stomach, traces of alcohol will be detected in the blood for about 5 hours. For example, the device will detect 100 ml of gin and tonic within 60 minutes after drinking it.

Ways to speed up the process

To speed up the removal of alcohol from the blood, a contrast shower will be very useful. Taking a walk outside will also help. Weathering of toxic fumes is carried out thanks to the work of the lungs. For complete removal, epidermal tissue is involved. However, such procedures do not always help to completely cleanse the body. Requires large amounts of fluid. It could be:

  • Sweetened tea.
  • Mineral water.

Drinking liquid will cause vomiting. Thus, digestive system will begin the fight against poisoning. The most in an effective way Drinking cucumber pickle is considered. The acids contained in it break down toxic substances. To ensure that during the celebration, try not to drink alcohol with tonic drinks, such as coffee. Orange juice would be ideal for such purposes. It can be replaced with grapefruit.

Before drinking alcohol, you need to drink activated carbon (4-5 tablets) in advance. Then take two of them every hour . Total tablets should not exceed 20 pieces. Charcoal will help slow down the absorption of ethyl alcohol into the blood. In case of severe intoxication, a Limontara tablet will help.

Numerous tests carried out medical workers, showed that alcohol is completely eliminated from the body after 30 days. All this time it has a negative effect on human organs. Of course, all the figures shown above are relative. They can vary greatly, since each human body has its own individual characteristics. Don’t think that your immune system can easily cope with drinking alcohol. There is only one piece of advice: if you have to travel by car, stop drinking alcohol.

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If you need to find out how much wine is eliminated from the body, it is important to take into account many factors: from body weight to the type and quality of the drink.


How does wine leave the body?

Since ethanol is a toxic substance to the body, its elimination begins after taking the first portion of alcohol. The main organ responsible for the process of “weathering” alcohol from the body is the liver. As a result of the active work of the liver, enzymes are produced that are responsible for the processing of toxic substances. The organ produces alcohol dehydrogenase entering the blood, which breaks down ethanol into carbon dioxide and water. The end products of decomposition are eliminated naturally.

If the enzyme concentration is insufficient to break down the toxin, part of the ethanol breaks down into intermediate forms and represents an organic aldehyde and formic acid. These substances are as toxic as ethanol. For this reason, many drinkers experience morning hangovers and general poor health.

Factors influencing the rate of elimination of wine from the blood

The following factors are identified that can change the rate of ethanol elimination from the body after drinking wine:

  1. Volume of drinks.
  2. Strength and quality of the drink.
  3. Human body weight. At heavy weight ethanol breakdown products are eliminated from the body faster.
  4. Gender factor. It has been proven that the female body is able to cope with the process of eliminating alcohol a quarter of the time than the male body.
  5. General health. If a person has chronic diseases of the liver, kidneys, or stomach, then the process of breaking down and removing alcohol from the body slows down.
  6. Taking medications. Drugs that negatively affect the liver and kidneys slow down metabolism. The result is that the process of weathering of alcohol slows down.
  7. External environment. It has been established that a person begins to sober up faster in the fresh air when low temperatures environment. On the contrary, in stuffy and humid rooms, ethanol weathering occurs more slowly.

How long does it take for wine to evaporate?

To average the indicators, a table is used for the period of wine weathering from the body, which allows you to calculate the approximate time.

Comparative table of the weathering period of alcohol of different drinks

Depending on gender and body weight

A person’s gender and weight are the main factors that influence the period of alcohol elimination. For women and men, these indicators differ (measurements are based on 200 grams of a semi-dry drink with a total strength of up to 12%).

Table for calculating the weathering time of wine for women.

The table shows how much wine evaporates in men.

Depending on the drink category

White and red wine

Dry white wine has an identical nutritional value. However, there are still differences. White wine has less calories (121 kcal), therefore the period of weathering from the body, albeit slightly, differs from red wine (124 kcal).

Over time, the concentration of ethanol in the blood decreases.

A table showing the results of the weathering of wine from the body (drink strength 12.5% ​​with a volume of 200 ml drunk):

TimeEthanol in the blood (red wine)Ethanol in the blood (white wine)
At first1,19 1,07
In 15 minutes0,37 0,39
In 30 minutes0,39 0,38
After 1 hour0,34 0,38
After 1 hour 30 minutes0,29 0,30
After 2 hours 30 minutes0,19 0,00
In 3 hours0,00 0,00

Fortified wine

Fortified wine contains 16-19% ethanol. Therefore, the period of complete elimination is somewhat different from white or red wines and depends on the strength of the main drink. When compared with vodka, 100 ml of vodka is equivalent to 200 ml of fortified wine. That's why average duration weathering of the drink is 5.49 minutes - 3.29 minutes.

A sparkling wine

Champagne and other sparkling wines are saturated with carbon dioxide, which makes them similar to soda. Due to the fact that the drink contains bubbles, alcohol molecules are absorbed much faster in the stomach. As a result of this process, a person becomes drunk literally after the first glass of drink.

However, despite the peculiarity of the composition, the weathering period of sparkling wine is equal to the weathering time of white wine.

In general, the table for the weathering of alcohol in women when drinking champagne is as follows:

Table of the weathering time of sparkling wine for men.

The norm of drinking without harm to health. Filmed by the Auto ru channel.

Depending on the amount drunk

Each specific type of alcoholic drink has its own elimination period from the body. Typically, when the amount of wine drunk doubles, the weathering period also doubles.

100 grams

Most people believe that a dose of 100 grams of wine is not critical for driving a car. But each body copes with alcohol processing differently, so you should not rely on your own beliefs in this matter.

Weathering table for 100 grams of wine.

FloorWhite wineRed wineFortified wineSparkling wine
Men (weight 80 kg)1.05 hour1.10 hour2.05 hours1.05 hour
Women (weight 55 kg)1.55 hour2.05 hours4.10 hours2.05 hours

1 glass

Almost everyone can afford to drink one glass of red wine at dinner. Tangible intoxication may not occur, but the time of weathering from the body increases significantly.

A table showing how long it takes 1 glass of wine (200 ml) to leave the body.

FloorWhite wineRed wineFortified wineSparkling wine
Men (weight 80 kg)2.05 hours2.10 hours4.15 hours2.05 hours
Women (weight 55 kg)4.05 hours4.10 hours8.15 hours5.05 hours

2 glasses

Two glasses of wine can already significantly affect a person’s behavior. After consumption, the first symptoms of intoxication occur.

Weathering table for 2 glasses of wine (400 ml).

FloorWhite wineRed wineFortified wineSparkling wine
Men (weight 80 kg)3.05 hours3.10 hours5.15 hours3.05 hours
Women (weight 55 kg)6.05 hours6.10 hours12.15 hours7.05 hours

1 bottle

One bottle of wine can already cause severe alcohol intoxication. The result is often hangover symptoms after sobering up.

How long does it take for 1 bottle of wine with a capacity of 750 ml to dissipate?

FloorWhite wineRed wineFortified wineSparkling wine
Men (weight 80 kg)4.05 hours4.10 hours9.15 hours5.05 hours
Women (weight 55 kg)10.05 hours10.10 hours20.15 hours11.05 hours

1 liter

Table of elimination of 1 liter of wine from the body.

FloorWhite wineRed wineFortified wineSparkling wine
Men (weight 80 kg)8.05 hours8.10 hours16.15 hours10.05 hours
Women (weight 55 kg)18.05 hours18.10 hours35.15 hours22.05 hours

How to increase the rate at which wine leaves the body?

If you can’t wait a long time, you can do the following:

  1. Prepare in advance. If a celebration is planned, but after it you need to quickly get into shape, you need to take adsorbents. Drugs such as Alkozeltzer, Alcoprim, and Activated Carbon will help neutralize the unpleasant effects of intoxication. The use of drugs should be agreed with a doctor to avoid unwanted reactions.
  2. Concurrent fluid intake. Even in cases with wine, parallel consumption of citrus juice or water will reduce the intensity of intoxication.
  3. Do not stir drinks. You should not forget about the rule of lowering the degree when drinking wine. It is also not recommended to drink coffee, tea or hot chocolate along with alcohol. These drinks slow down the recovery processes, which consequently affects the rate of weathering.
  4. Spending time outdoors. Nothing sobers a person up like cool, fresh air. Therefore, if you feel intoxicated, you should go outside and walk a little.

Helps to quickly remove alcohol from the body. Filmed by the Lifehacks channel. Useful tips».

Alcohol calculator

To quickly determine, use a calculator. Just enter the parameters and the service will help you display an approximate result. This application allows you to independently determine the percentage of alcohol in your blood.

Permissible dose of wine while driving

According to current legislation, the alcohol content in the exhaled air of drivers should be no more than 0.16 ‰, and in a blood test - no more than 0.35 ‰.

There is no permissible dose of wine that allows a driver to drive a vehicle. But you can determine the approximate dose for a healthy man weighing 85 kg. When drinking 200 grams of wine, weathering occurs within 3 hours. About 1.5 hours after this, you can already get behind the wheel when the ethanol concentration reaches 0.3 ppm.

For many years, beer has been one of the most popular drinks among people. Young people value it for its pleasant, refreshing taste, while adults prefer beer for its low-alcohol effect. Many people believe that no matter how much you drink this drink, there will be no harm, because there are very few degrees in it, and they are quickly eliminated from the body. But everything is not as rosy as it seems at first glance. Before you get behind the wheel, you should ask, for example, how long it will take 1 liter of beer to dissipate. The consequences of drinking even light alcohol can be unpredictable.

To drink or not to drink?

Beer has its drawback - it is a peculiar smell that immediately betrays a person, even if he has only drunk a mug of the drink. Drivers urgently need to know how long it takes for 1 liter of beer to dissipate. The problem is not only the smell; it can also be muffled. It is important to calculate when the alcohol has completely left the blood, the breathalyzer readings will be normal and you can hit the road.

According to the new legislation, alcohol standards should not exceed 0.16 mg of alcohol per liter of air exhaled from the lungs. This indicator is insignificant, but it is recorded by anyone, even a household breathalyzer. For this reason, every responsible person will not drive a car, even if he has drunk a little alcohol. By getting rid of the smell of alcohol, in some cases you can deceive the inspector, but if he uses the device, the picture will immediately become clear, it will show the state of intoxication. Therefore, be sure to familiarize yourself with how long it takes for certain doses of alcohol to leave the body.

Alcohol release conditions

Those who are interested in the question of how long it will take 1 liter of beer or more to dissipate should take into account additional factors that influence the speed of the process:

  • The strength of the alcoholic drink. Naturally, the higher the degree of beer, the longer it will take to remove alcohol from the blood. Typically the drink contains 4-5 degrees.
  • Gender of a person. This factor is significant, since women and men have different body structures. Men consist of 70% water, the fairer sex - only 60%, which means the concentration of alcohol will be higher and it will take longer to dissipate.
  • If beer is drunk without a snack, it will remain in the body much longer.
  • Season. Many have noticed that in the summer you practically don’t get drunk from beer, but in the winter small doses lead to this state. This is explained simply: in the heat, blood vessels dilate, blood circulation accelerates and alcohol enters the bloodstream faster, and then disappears.
  • State of health, in particular the liver. Everyone knows that this organ is the body’s filter. And if the functions are impaired, then alcohol will be eliminated from the body much longer.
  • Body build and weight of a person. U big people The blood volume in the body is larger, so the concentration of alcohol from drinking will be significantly lower.

By time

If a person drank a half-liter bottle of beer, then at least 3-4 hours should pass before getting behind the wheel. Accordingly, it becomes clear how long it takes 1 liter of beer to disappear from the blood - twice as long. But there is no need to take risks when you get behind the wheel; you can get punished by the inspector. The fact is that even after a person stops feeling intoxicated, breathalyzers still detect ethanol residues in the blood.

If more than one liter of beer (no more than two) is drunk, concentration and attention are disrupted for at least 10 hours. Only during this period all traces of intoxication, psychological and physical, disappear. It is important to remember that no matter how long it takes for 1 liter of beer or a smaller dose to dissipate, the smell of fumes can give away the driver. It is excreted only after the blood is completely cleared of ethanol.

If more than three liters of beer are drunk, full recovery of the body occurs only after 18 hours.

All data is given for an average person with a build of 60-65 kg.

How is beer removed from the body?

From the body of any person it is carried out in two ways: by oxidation or in its pure form.

In other words, a third or fourth of ethanol leaves our body through the kidneys, through sweat, and through the air. The express test, which is carried out by traffic police officers using a breathalyzer, is based on the latter indicator. In these cases, knowing how long it takes for 1 liter of beer to dissipate will come in handy.

The rest of the alcohol is eliminated due to the intensive work of the liver. In people who are excessively addicted to alcohol, the liver begins to function more slowly over time, fails to cope with its tasks, and the effect becomes less pronounced. Regular consumption of ethanol leads to liver destruction (cirrhosis). In such cases, any alcohol, including beer, takes much longer to dissipate.

Safe doses for health

Beer is a relatively safe product and contains a minimum of ethyl alcohol. For men, a dose of up to 0.5 liters per day will be harmless to health, while for women - up to 0.3 liters. Moreover, men are allowed to drink this drink up to 5 times a week, women - no more than three times. There must be a break between doses - 1-2 days without alcohol.

If you are a driver and often drive, knowing how long it takes for 1 liter of beer to wear off, you should not abuse this drink. The numbers for those driving should be pretty tough. Drinking even a liter of beer can lead to distortion of peripheral vision, loss of the sense of perception of changing traffic lights, and the driver does not clearly distinguish how many cars are in the stream or in a row. The sense of perspective and the ability to adequately assess the situation on the road are lost.

Specific examples. Men

For clarity, let's consider specific examples how alcohol affects the body.

A 37-year-old man with a body weight of 75 kg, height 180 cm.

I consumed 1.5 liters of beer, the strength of which was 5.4 percent.

  • After drinking the first 0.5 liter bottle, the breathalyzer reading was 0.63 ppm.
  • After the second dose of 0.5 l - 0.73 ppm.
  • After the third dose - again 0.63 ppm.

Sharp changes in indicators are explained by the fact that beer is quickly eliminated from the body when compared with vodka or wine. Within an hour, the breathalyzer showed 0.49 ppm. Such data is acceptable for drivers in some countries, for example, India, but not for Russia. The breathalyzer showed zero only seven hours later. Thus, you can approximately calculate how much beer (1 liter) is eliminated from the body.

More details on the hours from our example when drinking 1.5 liters of drink:

  • an hour later, in the blood - 0.49 ppm;
  • after three - 0.30 ppm;
  • after five hours - 0.2 ppm;
  • after seven hours - 0 ppm.


From the examples given, it is now clear how many hours it takes for 1 liter of beer to dissipate. Consider the option if dry red wine was consumed. Woman 35 years old, weighing 65 kg, height 175 cm.

  • After one glass of wine - 0.49 ppm.
  • After the second - 0.67 ppm.
  • After one bottle of wine - 1.16 ppm.

Only after 12 hours the breathalyzer showed that there was no alcohol in the blood, zero ppm. In details:

  • Immediately after drinking - 1.16 ppm.
  • After one hour - 1.36 ppm.
  • After three hours - 0.76 ppm.
  • Six hours later - 0.7 ppm.
  • Eight hours later - 0.25 ppm.
  • After twelve hours - 0 ppm.

The example shows that alcohol takes longer to disappear from the female body and the concentration increases faster.

We figured out how many hours it takes for 1 liter of beer to dissipate and when you can get behind the wheel. Let’s draw general conclusions and formulate them in the form of useful recommendations:

  • If you feel completely sober after drinking beer, don't flatter yourself. Alcohol is not immediately eliminated from the body; a breathalyzer will quickly determine this.
  • Even a small amount of beer drunk will immediately give the driver away with its specific smell. You shouldn’t rely on chance; the traffic inspector will quickly expose you.
  • Eating some hot dish, such as hot soup or borscht, helps speed up the dissipation of alcohol. It will help dilute the blood and dilate blood vessels. Contribute to this and physical exercise, ordinary walking outdoors.

Even if you feel great after drinking, do not drive! In any case, the reaction speed decreases, and this can lead to dire consequences. Don't take risks, and think about the people around you.

Alcohol intoxication is an intoxication of human organs. Entering the stomach, alcohol quickly enters the bloodstream, which carries it throughout the body. Symptoms of intoxication are impaired coordination of movements, thinking processes and the functioning of the vestibular apparatus, changes in the emotional and mental state of a person.

How alcohol is eliminated from the body

Alcohol is removed from the body as it accumulates in the intestines and stomach and is absorbed into the bloodstream, which occurs within 45–120 minutes. Up to 90% of alcohol decomposition processes occur in the liver. The remaining amount is excreted through breathing, as well as through urine and sweat. Neutralization of the main part of alcohol in the liver consists of three sequential reactions:

  • processing alcohol into acetic aldehyde;
  • converting aldehyde to acetic acid;
  • decomposition of acetic acid into its constituent components, including water, energy and carbon dioxide.

Another mechanism by which pure alcohol leaves the body is through the elimination of alcohol from the body through evaporation through the epidermal tissue, weathering through respiration, and excretion through the urinary system.

You can speed up the removal of alcohol from the human body with the help of certain medications. These include absorbent agents, medications aimed at restoring cellular metabolism, etc. But it should be borne in mind that such drugs that reduce the time it takes to eliminate alcohol should be taken only with the permission of a doctor and in the absence of contraindications.

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What factors influence the rate of alcohol elimination?

Narcologists identify a number of factors that influence how much alcohol is eliminated from the body and how long it will take to completely clear it of intoxication products. Among the most significant factors that determine the rate at which alcohol is eliminated from the body are the following.

  1. Amount of alcohol taken . This is one of the main factors that determines how long it takes for alcohol to disappear from the body. The liver, as the main organ responsible for cleansing the body of toxins that enter the body, when large quantities the ingested alcohol does not have time to process it and sends the alcohol back into the bloodstream. This increases the time it takes for toxic components to damage the body’s organs and the time it takes for alcohol to be eliminated from the body.
  2. Human body weight . It affects the rate of elimination of intoxication products, since in narcology it is customary to assess the degree of intoxication by the percentage of pure alcohol in the blood, and this indicator is directly tied to a person’s weight.
  3. Floor. It is known that women remove alcohol from the body 15–20% slower than men. If the rate of ethanol decomposition in a man’s body is about 0.10–0.15‰/h, then in a woman it ranges from 0.085–0.1‰/h.
  4. Liver health status . It directly affects the time during which alcohol withdrawal occurs. With prolonged consumption of large quantities of alcohol, processes of fatty degeneration of its tissues occur with the risk of subsequent development of cirrhosis and even death. An unhealthy liver copes worse with its main function and takes longer to remove alcohol from the body.
  5. The strength of the alcoholic drink. Since the amount of pure alcohol per 100 ml of liquid varies in different alcoholic drinks, the amount of alcohol removed from the body also differs.

The indicated factors have a decisive influence on the time of alcohol elimination. However, it should be recalled that this process is purely individual and the speed of its progress depends on a much larger number of reasons.

How long does it take for alcohol to wear off?

The period required for the complete removal of alcohol from the body is determined based on the recalculation of the amount of pure alcohol dissolved in 100 ml of drink. The standard deoxidation rate is considered to be the excretion of 0.1 g of pure alcohol per 1 kg of human weight per hour.

To convert the number of milliliters of alcoholic beverage consumed into grams of pure alcohol, you should multiply the percentage of alcohol in the liquid by 0.79 g (the weight of one ml). The further calculation algorithm includes the following steps.

  • Determination of the amount of pure alcohol per unit volume of alcohol. For example, vodka has a percentage of alcohol that is 40%, which means that the pure alcohol content per 100 ml of vodka will correspond to 40 * 0.79 = 31.6 g.
  • Determining the amount of pure alcohol in the alcohol consumed is done by multiplying or dividing the amount of alcohol contained per unit volume known from the previous formula. For example, if a person consumed only a 50 ml glass of vodka, half the dose of pure alcohol defined above, that is, 15.8 g, entered his body.
  • Determining the time it takes for alcohol to disappear from the body. To do this, you need to divide a certain amount of pure alcohol consumed by the product of body weight and the rate of elimination of toxins. For example, if a man weighing 70 kg drank 50 ml of vodka, its elimination time will be 15.8/70*0.1=2.26 hours (2 hours 40 minutes).

After completing the calculations, to obtain the exact time required to completely remove consumed alcohol from the body, you need to multiply the resulting value by the number of glasses drunk.

Alcohol removal table*

Type of alcoholic beverages/weight of person

Up to 60 kg

61–70 kg

71–80 kg

81–90 kg

100 kg or more

Beer 4%

36 min.

30 min.

25 min.

20 minutes.

15 minutes.

Beer 6%

50 min.

40 min.

25 min.

25 min.

21 min.


1 hour 35 minutes

1 hour 20 minutes

1 hour 10 minutes

1 hour 5 minutes

1 hour

Table wine

1 hour 35 minutes

1 hour 21 minutes

1 hour 10 minutes

1 hour 5 minutes

1 hour

Vermouth 16%

2 hours 21 minutes

2 hours

1 hour 45 minutes

1 hour 35 minutes

1 hour 25 minutes

Tincture 23%

3.5 h

3 hours

2 hours 35 minutes

2 hours 21 minutes

2 hours 5 minutes


6 hours 50 minutes

5 hours 50 minutes

5 hours 10 minutes

4.5 h

4 hours 5 minutes


4.5 h

3 hours 45 minutes

3 hours 16 minutes

Drinking a little alcohol in the evening is the norm for many. Some people indulge in several bottles of beer or grams of vodka, even during a workday or weekend. To be honest, some allow themselves much more strong and not so strong drinks. But often, some time after drinking alcohol, you have to start a responsible activity or drive a car, so for many, the question of how long it takes for vodka, beer or low-alcohol to wear off is also relevant to the topic of the day.

How vodka is eliminated from the body - the physiology of the process

Drinking alcohol begins to enter the bloodstream already in the mouth, being absorbed through the mucous membrane. But the main amount of alcohol, no matter what drink is consumed - beer, vodka or wine, is absorbed in the stomach and in the upper intestines. Here, approximately 85% of all alcohol contained in consumed drinks enters the bloodstream. A small portion of alcohol does not enter the bloodstream and is excreted unchanged along with feces. But this happens if alcohol, be it cognac or beer, is consumed. Another certain percentage of ethanol interacts with animal fats contained in food. This is especially true for strong drinks, including vodka. Alcohol emulsifies (breaks down) fat molecules into triglycerides, thereby becoming inactive. This is why a fatty snack is recommended when drinking strong alcohol.

Once alcohol enters the bloodstream, it is distributed to the organs and tissues of the body. Ethyl alcohol enters the brain, breaking the blood-brain barrier. Ethanol molecules interact with neurons of the cortical structures and subcortex, resulting in signs of intoxication - a slow reaction, impaired balance and euphoria. Even a glass of vodka or a liter bottle of light beer causes intoxication, which can lead to loss of proper reaction and dull attention and vigilance, which can cause an accident on the road. Many people know this, so they try to avoid driving even with a small dose of alcohol. To objectively determine whether you can drive or not, you need to know the weathering time of vodka or beer.

Ethyl alcohol entering the body begins to disappear almost immediately. While the liver is “tuned” to neutralize ethanol, a small amount of the latter is already eliminated from the body by the lungs with exhaled air, the skin through the sweat glands and the kidneys, excreted in the urine. This way, 10 percent of the alcohol will disappear unchanged, but the bulk of the alcohol will pass through the liver. It is this organ that takes on the main anti-alcohol load.

The liver produces an enzyme that breaks down ethyl alcohol molecules into water and carbon dioxide - substances that are safe for the body. This happens if this enzyme is enough to completely metabolize the alcohol entering the bloodstream. If the dose is exceeded, especially significantly, the liver does not have time to completely process all the alcohol, which leads to the formation of under-oxidized molecules - organic acids, as well as aldehydes. The most toxic of them is acetaldehyde, which is the culprit of hangover suffering. Toxins are eliminated primarily by the kidneys, partially by the sweat glands and lungs (fumes).

However, different people The liver's ability to process ethyl alcohol varies. It depends on the following features:

  • genetically determined activity of the anti-alcohol enzyme;
  • racial differences (among representatives of southern peoples and those living in South-East Asia alcohol dehydrogenase activity is markedly reduced);
  • stage of alcoholism (the liver is most efficient in the second stage, which is called the “high-dose stage”);
  • general health of the organ (if you have had hepatitis, especially the chronic form of this disease, the functional activity of the liver is reduced).

The state of the liver enzymatic system is one of the reasons that one organism will eliminate half a liter faster than another will leave the body of 200 grams of vodka. But this is not the only reason why vodka or beer will disappear in different situations. different quantities hours.

How long does it take for alcohol to disappear – what does this depend on?

When the question arises of how much vodka evaporates, no one can answer definitely and accurately. Despite the existence of data on how quickly ethyl alcohol consumed in various drinks is eliminated from the body, they cannot be taken as truth. The reason is due to many factors due to which the process of cleansing the body takes a long time, but can also speed up. The main reasons that affect the rate of alcohol elimination are listed in the following list.

  1. Strength of the drink. It is clear that half a liter of vodka will take longer to dissipate than even a liter of wine or beer.
  2. Floor. Males sober up with one dose of alcohol about a quarter faster than women.
  3. Body mass. As weight increases, the elimination of ethyl alcohol from the body accelerates.
  4. Drink quality. Vodka, if you take a pure, high-quality product, will dissipate faster than surrogate or moonshine of the same strength.
  5. Snack quality. In order for what you drink (especially strong drinks) to disappear faster, you need a full, hearty snack (but without overeating).
  6. Age. In a young body, metabolic processes, including the breakdown of ethanol, occur faster.
  7. General health. The body, weakened by disease, will take longer to cope with the elimination of alcohol.
  8. Taking medications. Drugs that are toxic to the kidneys and especially the liver, taken simultaneously with drinks containing alcohol, will inhibit the weathering of ethanol.
  9. Situation. Being in the fresh air can speed up the elimination of alcohol by several hours (with a large dose of drinks). To make the vodka disappear even faster, physical exercise can help.

These are only the main factors that influence how long it would take for a certain dose of vodka or other drink to dissipate. But there are still average data for representatives of both sexes, using which you can approximately calculate how many hours it will take to completely rid the body of drunk alcohol.

Important! Data on the rate of elimination of vodka and other alcohol are valid only if one drink is consumed. Mixing vodka with beer or wine makes the tabular data biased. In such cases, it is possible to determine the cleansing of the body from ethyl alcohol to the permitted ppm only with the help of a breathalyzer.

How long does it take for vodka to leave the body?

Due to the influence of ethanol on the brain of a drunk person, one cannot rely on one’s own sensations, since they are to a certain extent illusory. Many people often get behind the wheel feeling completely sober. However, the police breathalyzer does not always share the opinion of a hasty driver. The reason for this is the discrepancy between sensations and the actual ethanol content in the blood. Some strong men can feel quite adequate just six to seven hours after drinking a bottle of a forty-proof drink, be it vodka, whiskey or cognac. The actual period during which ppm returns to normal is much longer. This is confirmed by the data presented in this table for different weight categories of healthy men.

Volume of vodka drunk, ml 50-60 60-70 70-80 80-90 90-100
100 5 hours 37 minutes 4 hours 45 minutes 4 hours 18 minutes 3 hours 49 minutes 3 hours 31 minutes
300 17 h 22 min 14 h 35 min 13 h 10 min 11 hours 28 minutes 10 hours 23 minutes
500 29 h 53 min 24 h 49 min 21 h 39 min 19 h 19 min 17 h 20 min

Note how long it actually takes to complete cleaning blood from alcohol and toxic products of its metabolism. Of course, these are approximate figures and adjustments need to be made for each organism, but for 500 grams of vodka the adjustment will be within 2-3 hours, no more. To make sure that the ethanol content in the blood complies with the legally permitted norm, it is better to use household breathalyzers rather than tabular data. Modern instruments give a very slight deviation from real numbers, so they can be considered reliable.