Have you ever experienced an anxiety attack at work? This happened to me recently.

Last week I had to finish several things quickly, one after another. Trying to decide what to do first, I felt thoughts swarming and colliding in my head. When I managed to cope with this hell, my head was a complete mess.

So what did I do? Take a deep breath - from the very center of the body. I imagined the top of the head and arrows growing from the shoulders in different directions. She stood there for a while, then walked around the room and returned to work.

This simple anti-anxiety remedy isn't always easy to implement, especially if you're multitasking and have a lot of distractions around you. I only mastered it after I signed a book deal and became so nervous that I had back and stomach pain. The sedative could not be taken constantly (it is addictive), so I had to look for more natural methods.

Like most people, I breathed “vertically”: my shoulders rose up as I inhaled.

First of all, I turned to clinical psychologist Belisa Vranich, who teaches—or rather, retrains—people to breathe. I felt that I was breathing incorrectly, she confirmed this.

Like most people, I breathed “vertically”: my shoulders rose up as I inhaled. Also, I was breathing from the top of my chest rather than the main part of my lungs.

Vranich taught me to breathe correctly - horizontally, from the center of the body, where the diaphragm is located. She explained: you need to expand your belly as you inhale through your nose and retract as you exhale.

At first it seemed awkward. Yet this is the natural way of breathing. When society begins to put pressure on us, we switch to the wrong way. Due to work stress, we try to gather ourselves and shrink, which means we begin to breathe quickly and shallowly. The brain needs oxygen to function, and such breathing does not provide enough of it, interfering with normal thinking. Additionally, the digestive system does not receive the massage it needs from the diaphragm, which can lead to a variety of problems.

Stress turns on fight-or-flight mode, and we tighten our abdominal muscles to appear stronger.

Stress turns on fight-or-flight mode, and we tighten our abdominal muscles to appear stronger. This posture interferes with calm, clear thinking.

Our early ancestors developed the fight-or-flight response as a defense against predators. It was so important for survival that it still occurs today in response to stress.

At a reasonable level of stress (for example, a realistic deadline for completing a task), adrenaline begins to be produced, which helps to get to the finish line. But if the level is too high (say, a few deadlines that you can't meet), a fight-or-flight mode kicks in, causing you to clench and tense up.

As I began writing the book, I felt pain and tension in my shoulders and back, as if my body was trying to hide from a dangerous predator. Something had to be done, and I started going to posture correction classes.

When I said that I was working on my posture, my interlocutors usually became embarrassed, realizing their own “crookedness,” and immediately tried to bring their shoulder blades together and raise their chin. As a result, the shoulders and neck were pinched. And this is precisely what should not be allowed: on the contrary, you need to carefully relax the cramped muscles.

Here are some basic principles to help you get through the workday.

To begin, imagine the top of your head. You can even touch it to understand exactly where it is located in space (you might be surprised at how wrong you were). Then imagine horizontal arrows moving outward from your shoulders. This expands the chest and allows you to breathe more freely.

Try to notice when you are straining a part of your body more than necessary.

Try to notice when you are straining some part of your body more than necessary. For example, most of the mouse control must be done with the fingers, rather than with the palm, wrist, or entire arm. The same applies to typing on the keyboard.

You can master the “Alexander method”. This technique was invented in the 19th century by the Australian actor Frederick Mathias Alexander: he used the method to cure hoarseness and possible loss of voice. He came up with the concept of "striving for the ultimate goal." Its essence is that when you strive to be somewhere, at that moment it is as if you are not present in your body.

Another important component of stress management is movement. Many people mistakenly believe that being in one position for a long time helps them concentrate better. In fact, to improve concentration, you need to move and take regular breaks, explains Alan Hedge, a professor of ergonomics at Cornell University.

Hedge claims that during work the following alternation is optimal: sit for about 20 minutes, stand for 8, walk for 2 minutes.

Of course, if you feel inspired and are completely immersed in work, you don’t have to adhere to this rule. But if you get stuck on a task, just moving from one room to another can reboot your brain.

Research has shown that we need to constantly feel the effects of gravity to work effectively.

According to Professor Hedge, the chair is an "anti-gravity device" and gravitational stimulation is very important for our body. NASA research has shown that we need to constantly feel the effects of gravity to work effectively. When we sit down, stand up or walk, we receive a corresponding signal (and there should be at least 16 such signals a day).

This basic knowledge about the body - so simple and clear - can be difficult to apply in a stressful situation. I still sometimes find myself frozen in my chair when I'm stuck at work. But now I know how to act: straighten up, straighten my shoulders and drive the imaginary lion out of the room.

Emotional stress is one of the reasons for the development of various diseases

Of course, it is difficult for a person to “turn off” emotions and not react to stressful situations. It is impossible to completely avoid stress, and it is not necessary. By and large, stress is one of the most important factors of survival, with the direct participation of which humanity was formed and preserved. But in the process of evolution, stress has undergone changes, because the active release of hormones under life-threatening circumstances has lost its relevance. In modern life, such a reaction of the body causes more harm. Stress usually occurs at the information level, first settling in a person’s thoughts. If intellectual processing of information does not produce results, an emotional level is activated, at which it is no longer possible to solve the problem, as well as to stop the destructive process, which is clearly expressed and perceived as a state of stress.

There are two directions of movement - return to the level of work of the intellect or move to the physical level: convert emotional stress into physical and extinguish it. The cause of stress can be any external significant event or a complex task that requires immediate solution. By themselves, they do not carry potential without our attitude towards them. The cause of stress is precisely the internal state that causes our reaction to what is happening outside. It is useless to avoid sources that provoke stress, because you cannot foresee everything in advance. You should focus on personal psychological aspects, strengthening confidence and self-esteem, getting rid of fears and phobias, resentments and doubts, jealousy and anxiety.

There are simple rules that will help

You should avoid stressful situations:

  • Always give yourself a break. Adequate sleep will help calm your brain, relax tense muscles and organize your thoughts. In the morning, with a fresh mind, the whole situation may appear from the other side, turn out to be more advantageous and positive. A warm bath and hot shower will also help you relax and clear your head. Rest should be not only physical, but also emotional. If on vacation or on weekends a person is haunted by thoughts about work, then there is no point in such a vacation.
  • Pay careful attention to your diet. Attempts to drown out the problem with alcohol or eat cake usually lead to even more serious violations. In itself, poor nutrition, snacking on the go, drinking alcohol or junk foods, as well as overeating and obsession with food are stressful for the human body.
  • To prevent stress, as well as conditions associated with it, it is very important maintain harmony in relationships with loved ones, avoid quarrels, and also try to resolve disagreements peacefully, without consequences. It is very dangerous to hold resentment or anger towards a loved one, it simply eats up a person over time, and a nervous breakdown will happen one day anyway.
  • To avoid emotional stress, you must first learn to adapt and not “savor” your problems. During the day, you need to try to smile, not think about bad things, and not get upset over trifles. Of course, it will not be easy when there are a lot of problems, but because a person constantly scrolls through these problems in his head and cannot solve them, they do not deal with themselves be decided, and the person is already in a bad mood.
  • Play sports. As a result of physical activity, happiness hormones are released - endorphins. Sport strengthens you morally; it’s not for nothing that they say: a healthy mind in a healthy body.
  • Find something to do that brings you pleasure- hobby. A favorite activity relieves stress, calms you down and makes it possible to organize your thoughts and put your feelings in order.
  • Look at life positively, with optimism, and also learn to say “no” and distribute tasks and responsibilities at work and at home.
  • Listen to music, energetic, positive, which can charge you with energy and joy of life, avoid pessimistic texts that put pressure on the psyche. The pleasure you get from listening is directly related to the chemical processes in the brain. They cause a feeling of euphoria and happiness.
  • Learn to switch your attention. Go to the movies, concerts, watch humorous programs and comedies.
  • Learn to relax. Take time to walk through a quiet and peaceful park. Avoid large crowds and noise. While walking, try to free yourself from thoughts and relax.
  • Don't run away from problems, it’s better to solve them as they come. And don't be afraid to make mistakes. Life is built on mistakes, and it is impossible to avoid it.

The consequences of stress depend on you and your attitude to life. Stress cannot be avoided. But it is possible and necessary to avoid the consequences of psychological overload.

Stress is the cause of various somatic diseases, so its prevention is the key to human health and normal performance.

The article was prepared based on materials from open Internet sources.

Department of Interdepartmental Relations and Comprehensive Prevention Programs of the State Budgetary Institution of Health "Center for Medical Prevention of the City of Stary Oskol" psychologist Bezlepkina O.A.

Too much stress can have a negative impact on your well-being. Not only can stress cause anxiety and depression, but it can also negatively impact your health. Most people are busy all day long and have no opportunity to rest. Unforeseen troubles happen all the time. All this is layered on top of each other. As a result, it seems that life has turned into some kind of long tunnel. And there is virtually no hope of seeing the light at the end of this tunnel. Knowing how to cope with all this will make it easier for you to endure stressful situations.

Whether it's your boss who's annoying you, or you're just too overwhelmed with work and household chores, the first thing that will help you cope with all these problems is the ability to look at things positively. Below are 10 simple actions that will help you create a positive mood and avoid stress. You'll be a more effective worker and a happier person at home.

1. Good rest

Are you getting enough sleep? Many people watch TV until late at night and then wonder why they feel tired in the morning? When you watch TV, it seems that you are relaxing. But actually it is not. Your brain is actively working at this time. And while you are physically resting, emotionally you continue to get tired. Why don't you listen to calm music or drink tea? Here are two alternatives to sitting in front of the TV and eating sandwiches. If all this does not help you fall asleep and get enough sleep, pay attention to what you eat and at what time. Whatever you eat, it is advisable to eat it 4 hours before bedtime. If you eat before bed, a full belly will prevent your body from switching to sleep, and you will feel tired again.

2. Time reserve

Start the day with positive emotions! Don't leave a minimum amount of time to get ready for work. Believe me, jumping off the pastel with the thought that in five minutes you have to leave will leave an unpleasant impression for the whole day. Instead, get up with plenty of time to spare. Take a calm shower, or just wash your face, get dressed and have some breakfast. All this can be done to your favorite music.

3. Breakfast

A balanced breakfast will fill you not only with nutrients, but also with the necessary energy. Avoid eating while running. Instead, take a few minutes to sit down and eat your meal in peace. A couple of slices of wheat bread, a slice of ham and a scrambled egg are a great way to start your day.

4. Clothes

Make sure there is at least some order in your closet. The faster you find your work clothes, the easier and faster you will get ready in the morning. Sometimes it is useful to prepare your work clothes the night before.

Pay attention to the colors you wear. If a suit and tie are part of your business attire, then use “positive colors” such as blue and green. The color blue is believed to have a calming effect on people, including you. A blue suit and/or shirt looks great. If you like to wear bright clothes, then let it be pieces of clothing like your tie. A light green tie will give you a fresh look and a positive mood.

5. Traffic jams

Calculate in advance what time to leave and which route is best to take. Wasting time at a stop or in a traffic jam will cause unnecessary stress. Also, consider alternate options for getting to work.

6. Workspace

When you leave work, make sure that your desk is clean and not cluttered with papers, and that all documents are in their place. Believe me, you will appreciate it the next day! Starting your workday with a clean and well-organized desk is an important part of reducing stress in the office. In addition, a clean desk evokes positive evaluation and respect among employees and superiors. A tidy desk shows that you are a well-organized person who pays attention to detail.

7. Plants

Plants will liven up your workspace. Whether you prefer bamboo on your table or lots of leafy plants in the corner is up to you. Research has shown that plants help in creating a positive and friendly environment, which has a more calming effect on people.

8. Paintings or photographs

They give your work space a cozy feel. A few photographs of people or things that are important to you will help overcome feelings of loneliness and reduce stress.

9. Work list

Make a list like this at the beginning of each day. Prioritize each item based on importance and timeliness. Also estimate how long it will take you to complete each task. This will help you reach your goal faster during the day. Plus, this list will help you see where you can save time for an extra minute of rest.

10. Communication

Is your boss the main cause of your stress? Good conversation will help! If your boss doesn't make an effort on his part, take the initiative and start the conversation yourself. Communication will help you know what is expected of you. And your boss will know what he or she can expect from you.

By using the tips outlined above, you will take a huge step in your ability to manage stress. No matter what you do, try to have a positive attitude and be confident in your abilities.

How to avoid stress: 7 simple but brilliant tips © depositphotos.com

The modern world is not only about technology that makes our lives easier, but also about a lot of stress that we are exposed to every day. A quarrel in the family is stress, a child’s misdeed is stress, the dollar exchange rate has jumped - stress, being late for a meeting is stress. Stress can accumulate, and its consequences can be extremely aggravating. You stop experiencing joy from work, from communicating with loved ones, you are constantly tired and nervous. It would seem that such trivial situations, but they cause such a storm of emotions.

So scientists say the main cause of stress is a lack of positive emotions, unmet needs and unfulfilled plans, as well as an overabundance of information, due to which emotional exhaustion sets in, after which we begin to exaggerate the problems that arise many times in our minds.

How to avoid stress: 7 simple but brilliant tips © depositphotos.com

How to avoid stress: advice from a psychotherapist

  1. Divide the flow of information that your brain does not have time to differentiate by importance, urgency and value.
  2. Find a way to implement the values ​​that matter most to you in your everyday life. If you need to spend more time with your child, do everything for it. If the most important thing for you is your parents, put everything aside and visit them. Your emotional stability will help you avoid stress.
  3. Replenish your energy regularly. Take time to listen to your favorite music, take a walk in the park, get a massage, or just sleep.
  4. Find a source of pleasure. Periodically switch from what deprives you of strength to what makes you happy and relaxes. To do this, it is important to understand where your source of replenishing wasted energy is. To do this, separate the “shoulds” and “shoulds” and do what brings immediate pleasure. Everyone has their own, individual source of pleasure. Perhaps you just haven’t found it yet, and a new hobby will become a source of positive emotions.
  5. Find out the external and internal reasons for the decrease in energy. In what situations do you feel the most acute lack of energy? Then answer the question for yourself: “What do I want?” And consider your internal resources to achieve what you want. And based on this, build your priorities.
  6. A daydream walk is one of the best ways to get rid of stress when you don't have enough time for anything. An imaginary walk to a resource place is a person’s mental trip to a place where in the past he felt truly good, calm, where he felt confident and full of strength. As a result of such a trip, a person feels rested and can work more efficiently and make adequate decisions.
  7. Meditation techniques are suitable even in the most advanced cases. During meditation, a specialist will teach you how to stop the flow of anxious thoughts and relax. According to neurologists, it takes 20 minutes to switch the body’s energy “mode” at the neural level. 20 minutes of meditation daily will “feed” you energy during everyday stress.

Spinning like a squirrel in a wheel, improving his well-being, a person is bound to encounter some difficulties.

Even the very pace of our active actions can ultimately provoke, since any external pressure can cause a state and tension in a person.

Our life forces us to do something all the time, to run somewhere, sometimes not even giving us time for normal rest.

And lack of sleep, quick snacks on the go, or even on the run, conflicts in the team, troubles with superiors, problems with business constantly leave their consequences in the form of wasted vital energy.

If you don’t give your body a normal rest, and work constantly to exhaustion, then in the end this can be achieved: our body physically and mentally wears out quickly and any kind of stress completely unsettles us.

Of course, you are unlikely to be able to completely avoid such situations, because in life not everything depends on ourselves, and you cannot force others to live by your own rules.

But we can minimize the possibility of their occurrence by leading a more correct “anti-stress” lifestyle.

The first rule of stress prevention is proper rest, both for the tired physical shell and for our exhausted soul. It is necessary to rest fully.

You should definitely get enough sleep at night, and during the day, if you feel very tired, you need to take at least five-minute fasting breaks. And of course, there must be at least one day off per week, and there must be a vacation per year.

If you want to avoid stress, there are a few simple things you can remember:

- you should always and everywhere be prepared for any possible difficulties, but at the same time remember that there is always a way out, and there can be several of them at once, you just need to look for it correctly;

- be able to find a compromise in case of a conflict of interests; it is not always correct to strive to go to the end: you need to be able to stop in time;

- pays close attention to everything that happens to you: analyze and draw certain conclusions;

- do not demand too much from others, do not take on an unbearable burden and do not constantly rely on someone;

- When thinking about others, never forget about yourself.

If stressful situation has already arisen, then there is no need to panic, vainly looking for a way out of it and cursing everything in the world, this will not help the matter.

Stress is caused by nervous fatigue and the body’s inability to react normally to external conditions, so the first thing you should do is calm down, come to your senses, stop feverishly thinking about the situation, and try, on the contrary, to separate yourself from it.

In some cases, it doesn’t hurt to drink soothing tinctures and decoctions, because an overstrained nervous system cannot stabilize on its own and in these cases outside help is required.

And only after you can calmly look at the situation, you can begin to think about it and make some decisions. The main thing is to remember that much in this life can be understood logically, and where logic is powerless, you can rely on.

In order to respond normally, you must have self-control, which, in turn, will help you overcome any problem.

If the problem causes you severe psychological discomfort, do not neglect outside help. Perhaps you simply do not notice the obvious solution, and an outside opinion will help you find your way faster.