The armored vehicles of Russia and the world, photos, videos, watch online, were significantly different from all their predecessors. To provide a large reserve of buoyancy, the height of the hull was noticeably increased, and to improve stability, its cross section was given a trapezoidal shape. The required bullet resistance to the hull was provided by rolled cemented armor with an additionally hardened outer layer of the KO brand (Kulebaki-OGPU). In the manufacture of the hull, armor plates were welded on the inner soft side, and special stocks were used to facilitate assembly. To simplify the installation of units, the upper armor plates of the hull were made removable with a seal on fabric gaskets lubricated with red lead.

Armored vehicles of the Second World War in which the crew of two people was located near the longitudinal axis at the back of each other's heads, but the turret with weapons was shifted 250 mm to the left side. The power unit is shifted to the starboard side in such a way that access for engine repairs was possible from inside the tank's fighting compartment after removing the safety partition. At the rear of the tank, along the sides, there were two gas tanks with a capacity of 100 liters each, and directly behind the engine there was a radiator and a heat exchanger, washed by sea water when moving afloat. At the stern, in a special niche, there was a propeller with navigable rudders. The balance of the tank was chosen in such a way that when afloat it had a slight trim to the stern. The propeller was driven by a cardan shaft from a power take-off mounted on the gearbox housing.

Armored vehicles of the USSR in January 1938, at the request of the head of the ABTU D. Pavlov, the tank’s armament was to be strengthened by installing a 45-mm semi-automatic gun or a 37-mm automatic gun, and in the case of installing a semi-automatic gun, the crew was to be increased to three people. The tank's ammunition was supposed to consist of 61 rounds for the 45 mm cannon and 1,300 rounds for the machine gun. The design bureau of plant No. 185 completed two projects on the “Castle” theme, for which the Swedish Landsverk-30 tank was used as a prototype.

The Wehrmacht armored vehicles did not escape troubles with engine boost. To what has been said, we can only add that this crisis was actually overcome only in 1938, for which the tank received not only a forced engine. To strengthen the suspension, thicker leaf springs were used. Rubber tires made of neoprene, a domestic synthetic rubber, were introduced, the production of tracks from Hartfield steel by hot stamping began, and high-frequency-hardened fingers were introduced. But all these changes to the tank were not introduced simultaneously. The tank hull with inclined armor plates could not be manufactured on time. However, the conical turret of improved protection was delivered on time, and the tank with the same hull, reinforced suspension (due to the installation of thicker leaf springs), a forced engine and new tower entered testing at the NIBT test site.

Modern armored vehicles went under the code T-51. It retained the process of transition from tracks to wheels, like the prototype, by lowering special levers with wheels without a person leaving. However, after adjusting the requirements for the tank, making it a three-seater (it was decided to retain backup control for the loader), and strengthening its armament to the BT level, it was no longer possible to implement the Landsverk-type wheel drive. In addition, the tank's wheel drive transmission was overly complex. Therefore, soon work on the “Castle” theme was carried out on the T-116 tank, in which the “change of shoes” was carried out according to the BT type - by removing the track chains.

This unofficial name was given to the tank support combat vehicle (BMPT).

According to the military, the combat effectiveness of one BMPT is superior to two motorized rifle platoon- 6 infantry fighting vehicles and about 40 personnel. The latest development of the Ural Design Bureau of Transport Engineering and the Nizhny Tagil Engineering Enterprise is completing the stage of military testing this year, said Nikolai Kovalev, deputy head of the Main Armored Directorate (GABTU) of the Ministry of Defense.

The introduction of BMPT into a tank battalion will increase the unit's effectiveness by 30%, says the general. - This vehicle can fire simultaneously at three targets on the battlefield.

The concept of creating a tank support combat vehicle did not appear in Russia because of a good life. The military remembers the tragic assault on Grozny on the night of January 1, 1995, when in cramped city blocks on the approaches to the railway station the 131st Maikop Brigade was shot almost point-blank, and about 50 tanks and combat vehicles were burned. The assault on the city literally choked on the blood of our soldiers and officers. Thrown into battle without proper reconnaissance of the area, without the escort of helicopters or motorized rifles, the formidable combat vehicles on cramped city streets turned out to be easy prey for Chechen grenade launchers.

The military has drawn conclusions: tanks are no longer allowed into cities alone. Self-propelled vehicles were adapted as accompanying vehicles anti-aircraft installations"Shilka". Four barrels, high rate of fire. You can suppress a firing point. However, "Shilka" is poorly protected, since it was never intended for offensive operations, A That's why has no armor. In addition, it does not have the main thing - the ability to independently detect targets and destroy them at maximum range.

The Ural Transport Engineering Design Bureau proposed their own recipe for a tank support combat vehicle. The serial chassis of the most modern Russian T-90 tank is equipped with a twin block of two automatic 30-mm 2A42 cannons - 850 rounds of ammunition, 4 launchers of Shturm-S guided anti-tank missiles with cumulative or thermobaric warheads, the latest Kord machine gun. - 2000 rounds of ammunition and 2 automatic 30-mm grenade launchers AG-17D. The result is "The Terminator". The vehicle is capable of overcoming 3 m long ditches and 1.5 meter walls at a speed of 60 km/h. It can equally easily “reach” a tank or a “super-protected” long-term enemy firing point at a distance of up to 5 thousand meters, and clear a 3-kilometer square of terrain from any enemy personnel. In general, a real combine for the battlefield - it will “pick up” everything that is ahead, clearing the way for tank columns. As the military says, in the field one BMPT will be used with two tanks. There are two BMPTs and one tank in the city.

During the demonstration of the BMPT at an exhibition in Nizhny Tagil, representatives of the Israeli delegation became interested in it. And they even spoke out about the immediate purchase of a batch of BMPTs to support the Israeli Merkava tanks, which are poorly suited for operating in urban conditions, and are participating in the cleansing of Palestinian settlements. True, at the last moment the Israelis changed their minds - they decided that they themselves could develop their own analogue of the BMPT. So far we haven't been able to. But the Russian Ground Forces will be the first to receive vehicles capable of solving problems of any complexity on the battlefield.

You can find a huge variety of various articles on the Internet dedicated to this machine. So I decided to post material about this extraordinary example of armored vehicles for discussion on our website, timed to coincide with the display of this vehicle at an exhibition in Nizhny Tagil.

First, a few words about why such a machine is needed in general?

By the beginning of the 80s, the experience of combat training of troops and research results showed that breaking through the enemy’s prepared defense according to the traditional scheme using tanks and infantry fighting vehicles became problematic due to the massive saturation of the defending side with hand-held anti-tank weapons.

In addition, it is worth recalling the experience of using tanks in Afghanistan and Grozny. When modern MBTs became practically defenseless against individual grenade launchers hiding in the folds of the terrain and houses. It was under the influence of this experience that the concept of the BMPT was developed.

The fact is that to combat such threats, the tank's armament is excessive and ineffective due to its insufficient rate of fire. A weapon to combat enemy tank-dangerous manpower must not necessarily be powerful, but must be rapid-fire and be able to quickly reorient from one target to another. In addition, the combat vehicle itself had to be different from, for example, an infantry fighting vehicle, in general, in terms of armament, meeting the above requirements, and armored to the MBT level. Since it is still not possible to avoid fire contact with the enemy, and the armor of infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers is categorically insufficient to withstand hits, not only from grenade launchers, but even from large-caliber small arms.

This is how the idea of ​​the BMPT was born. Essentially a tank, with small-caliber weapons.

In the case of the BMPT, they decided to take the path of developing a combat module with a whole weapons complex. And by installing such a module instead of a tower on such a base.

Several types of such combat modules have been developed. But on the latest version of the BMPT Terminator, the designers came to the conclusion that the most effective is a combat module with the following armament: 2 automatic 30-mm 2A42 cannons with 850 rounds of ammunition, belt-fed, four launchers of Shturm-S guided anti-tank missiles, with cumulative or thermobaric warheads, the latest Kord machine gun (2000 rounds of ammunition). In addition, 2 automatic 30-mm AGS-17D grenade launchers are installed in the frontal part of the BMPT hull, although they have a rather limited firing sector. But in my opinion this is not big problem, since, after all, the main weapons are 30 mm cannons, and grenade launchers are installed to a greater extent so that, in some cases, it is possible to save ammunition for the cannons.

What capabilities does this combat module provide?

The 30 mm 2A42 cannon is capable of effectively hitting lightly armored targets at a distance of 1500 m, manpower at a distance of 4000 meters, and low-flying air targets up to 2500 m. The Shturm-S ATGM makes it possible to hit enemy tanks or low-flying air targets at a distance of up to 6000 m Well, automatic grenade launchers make it possible to clear the area in front of the BMPT in the amount of three square kilometers.

Also, the undeniable advantage of this combat module is the ability to install it not only on tanks, but also on lightly armored chassis, such as infantry fighting vehicles/armored personnel carriers, and even on ships.

Modern aiming and observation devices installed in the combat module. Distributed among all crew members, which makes it possible to timely identify and identify enemy targets. The weapon complex guarantees simultaneous firing at 3 targets. This means that 3 crew members have every chance to conduct independent fire at detected targets in a 360-degree sector. In other words, the high efficiency of the BMPT is guaranteed by the multi-channel nature of the weapon system.

Other performance characteristics of the BMPT depend on the base on which this combat module is installed. Or rather, they repeat the performance characteristics of the tank that became the donor for the BMPT. In the case of the Terminator BMPT, its base was the T-90S MBT. And it has performance characteristics:

Engine - multi-fuel diesel V-92S2, 740.31-240 with 1000 hp turbocharger. With.

Speed, max - 65 km/h

Power reserve - 550 km

In addition, there are projects for installing the same combat module on the bases of obsolete Soviet tanks, right up to the T-55. In my opinion, this path is the most promising, but for some reason the Russian military did not like it. And they categorically rejected it. After which, specialists from Uralvagonzavod created this BMPT, based on the base of the most modern Russian T-90S tank. But, oddly enough, the Russian military did not need this vehicle either. In their opinion, the vehicle has a number of serious shortcomings, which do not make it possible to adopt the BMPT into service.

What shortcomings do the Russian military see?

First of all, the Russian military believes that four ATGMs are not enough for a vehicle like the BMPT (I don’t understand whether there is really a problem with adding more launch containers). In addition, these same launchers are absolutely not protected from weapons of destruction, which is generally not acceptable - during the battle, the ATGM will be disabled in the very first minutes (also, eliminating this shortcoming, in my opinion, lies with surface. It can be easily eliminated by installing armored screens on the side of the launch containers). Another disadvantage is that this ATGM is used in Ground Forces ah, quite limited, therefore, it will inevitably require the introduction of specialists in its technical maintenance into the staff of the unit and, accordingly, the presence of control and testing equipment. This will entail additional material costs, and due to the large weight and size characteristics of ATGMs, it will be necessary to allocate additional transport for their storage and delivery to units.

Also, the military believes that placing a grenade launcher in the front plate of the hull is ineffective due to large quantity dead zones of a grenade launcher. But, as I wrote above, in my opinion, a grenade launcher is purely an auxiliary weapon. And if the question is so acute, then it may not be asked at all.

There are also a bunch of less significant complaints about the BMPT from the military. But I won’t describe them. Because even from what is written above it is clear that the claims against the machine are simply ridiculous and easily removable, and clearly do not correspond to the advantages that it can provide if adopted.

To support my thesis, I can say that during the demonstration of the BMPT at an exhibition in Nizhny Tagil, representatives of the Israeli delegation immediately became interested in it. And they even spoke out about the immediate purchase of a batch of BMPTs to support the Israeli Merkava tanks, which are poorly suited for operating in urban conditions, and are participating in the cleansing of Palestinian settlements. True, at the last moment the Israelis changed their minds - they decided that they themselves could develop their own analogue of the BMPT. In addition to the Israelis, the military from Malaysia also showed interest in purchasing BMPTs. So, it is possible that the first to receive BMPTs will not be the Russian military.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, in my opinion, the adoption of BMPTs for service is not Russian army lies far from the performance characteristics plane of this system. The origins of why the BMPT is not accepted into service should be sought in the corruption that permeates everything. Apparently, if the BMPT were adopted, those responsible for this matter would not receive a sufficient kickback for them. So they are mucking about this project, quite clearly hinting to representatives of Uralvagonzavod about what they need to do in order for their brainchild to receive funding from the Russian defense department.

By the way, the situation with BMPTs very much reminds me of the situation with armored personnel carriers on the eve of the war. Then, too, the military did not find a use for the new technology. For which, then, our soldiers paid with millions of their lives.

PS. Just before the publication of the material, I came across, so to speak, an alternative view of the BMPT online. Or more precisely, on what the combat module should be, taking into account the elimination of the claims of the Russian military. First of all, instead of a pair of two 30 mm guns, it is proposed to install a 30 mm six-barreled automatic rifle AO-18, used in the navy, adapted for installation in the fighting compartment of a tank and provided with two-belt power.

Next, in the combat module, to the left and right of the 30-mm machine gun, it is proposed to install two PKT machine guns and two AG-17 grenade launchers, assembled into two PKT + grenade launcher blocks. Nine ATGMs should be placed in the stern of the fighting compartment, and the launcher for them should be placed in the center of the fighting compartment, slightly shifted towards the stern of the combat module. Ammunition for all weapons of the combat module must be placed on the bottom of the fighting compartment, in place of the rotating tank automatic loader.

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Fighting machine fire support (BMPT), made on the basis of the T-72 tank chassis, has high level security, firepower and controllability.

It is capable of effectively fighting tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other armored enemy targets, destroying enemy fire installations, and also hitting infantry using grenade launchers and anti-tank systems.

As a UVZ representative explained, when developing the BMPT-72, the experience of creating and using the basic version of the Terminator BMPT was taken into account. Like the base model, Terminator-2 has a high level of firepower, security, command control, and is capable of effectively solving fire support tasks for tanks and infantry in all types of combat operations, in various climatic zones, any time of the day.

At the same time, the BMPT-72 has a number of differences from the previous model, including: the fire control system and orientation system have been improved; for the first time on machines of this type, protection has been implemented launchers guided missiles from fragments and small arms fire; it is possible to install a more powerful propulsion system; Depending on the customer’s wishes, an engine with a power of 840-1000 hp can be installed on the machine. and communication means of Russian and imported production; The crew of the vehicle was reduced to 3 people.

The main advantage of the BMPT-72 is that, created on the platform of the T-72 tank, it ensures an extension of the life cycle of vehicles, can quickly and at minimal cost raise new level the combat effectiveness of the ground forces, the source explained.

The combat weight of the BMPT-72 is 44 tons. The vehicle is equipped with a powerful automatic weapon system, including two 30-mm 2A42 automatic cannons and a coaxial 7.62-mm PKTM machine gun, which ensures the destruction of lightly armored targets and manpower. Two twin launchers house supersonic missiles, ensuring the destruction of highly protected targets over the entire range of firing distances, with a probability close to 100 percent.

Automatic weapons have a large ammunition load - 850 rounds of cannon ammunition and 2,100 rounds of coaxial machine gun ammunition. All remote-controlled weapons (automatic cannons, machine guns and guided missiles) are located in a superstructure located outside the habitable compartment. The fire control system is automated, 24/7 with a multi-channel sighting system that ensures effective detection, recognition and engagement of targets.



On September 26, 2013, at the Russia Arms Expo-2013 exhibition in Nizhny Tagil, NPK Uralvagonzavod and Kazakhstan Engineering signed an agreement to create joint venture. This agreement was signed as a development of previous agreements on the Terminator tank support combat vehicle, which are being supplied to this country. The agreement provides for the creation of a special technical center in Kazakhstan, which will begin operating next year. It will be created as a joint venture on a parity basis. However, when talking about the assembly of BMPT in Kazakhstan, they mean a completely different vehicle - the BMPT-72 “Terminator-2”. The appearance of the “second series” of the “Terminator” is associated with the implementation of the wishes of the Kazakh side and with the elimination of comments received during the trial operation of the vehicle in the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan.

Meeting the customer's wishes, the design and manufacturing technology of the BMPT-72 were optimized for the conditions of conversion of T-72 tanks being decommissioned at the customer's repair facilities using modernization kits supplied by Uralvagonzavod. The Kazakhs put forward a completely sensible and logical demand to reduce the cost of BMPT by abandoning course grenade launchers and, accordingly, two “extra” crew members. Thus, the crew of the BMPT-72 will be brought into line with the standard personnel of tank units. As you can see, the UKBTM ideas reflected in the BKM-2 project were taken as a basis, more precisely, only in that part of it that concerned the modification of the chassis. The Kazakhs did not want to simplify the control system; on the contrary, a requirement was put forward to introduce a thermal imaging channel into the commander’s panoramic sight. Now, instead of the B07K1 panoramic sight with a low-level television channel and a laser rangefinder, a panoramic sight is installed, similar to the sight of the modernized T-90MS tank, which has seriously expanded the search, observation and targeting capabilities of the control system.

Another drawback eliminated in the “sequel” of the BMPT concerned the protection of missile launchers from bullets and shrapnel. Now transport and launch containers with missiles are equipped with armored casings. Here it is appropriate to say a few words about overall design cars: BMPT-72 looks very unusual, indeed, like some kind of “terminator” materialized from the future or, at least, straight out of a science fiction film. And this is no coincidence! On the one hand, Ural designers Lately began to pay more attention to technical aesthetics, making their combat vehicles more attractive. On the other hand, behind the design of the BMPT-72 lies a simple engineering calculation. Having abandoned course grenade launchers when using the body of a converted tank with minimal alterations, it was necessary to abandon the armored boxes that were located on the fenders and shielded the turret body. To maintain the level of protection of the tower from the side projections, screens with dynamic protection elements and additional spare parts boxes were used. It was also possible to ensure protection for ATGMs only if the design of the launchers was changed. At the same time, the shape and installation angles of screens, casings (including guns) and boxes are designed not so much for the external effect as for reducing the EPR from front angles.

Thus, the design of the BMPT-72 partially implements stealth technology. Unfortunately, lattice screens work the other way around in terms of reflecting the radar beam, but without them it is impossible to protect the stern projections from RPGs. Therefore, the BMPT-2 becomes a full “self-propelled vehicle” only when using radio-absorbing material placed over the grilles. Unlike the BMPT, when purchasing a BMPT-72, the customer is offered several options to choose from:
- choice of power plant: 12-cylinder V-shaped four-stroke multi-fuel diesel engine with liquid cooling and supercharging from a V-84MS centrifugal supercharger with a power of 840 hp. (cheaper basic version) or a similar turbodiesel V-92S2 with a power of 1000 hp. In the first case, the mobility level of the base tank is maintained, in the second, the specific power increases by 19% and reaches a value of 22.73 hp, exceeding that of the T-90S tank;
- choice of motion control system: levers and manual transmission (cheap basic option) or steering wheel control and automatic gear shift;
- choice of communication means: in the basic version, the BMPT-72 is equipped with the R-168-25UE-2 radio station with the AVSKU-E hardware and software complex, however, at the customer’s request, any other communication means can be installed;
- selection of an auxiliary diesel generator set: in the armored compartment on the left fender, generators DGU5-P27.5-VM1 with an electrical power of 5 kW (as on the basic version of the BMPT) or DGU8-P27.5-VM1 with a power of 8 kW can be installed;
- additional equipment with a KMT-8 mine trawl with an EMT electromagnetic attachment or a TBS-86 bulldozer;
- additional equipment for suppressing radio land mines.

Contrary to the BKM concept, the BMPT-72 refused not only to simplify the control system and replace the ATGM with a NURS, but also to reduce the fuel supply, resulting in a maximum range of 700 km. This is especially important in conditions of long-term autonomous operation in mountains, steppes and deserts, isolated from supply bases. And even in urban battles, the supply of fuel is often difficult or simply impossible. The BMPT-72 also retains standard weapons protection equipment. mass destruction: here it is worth recalling a very recent case of chemical attacks against government troops and civilians by Syrian insurgents. But the fire-fighting equipment has been modernized and replaced with faster-acting ones. The survivability of the crew is also increased due to the use of anti-fragmentation screens inside the fighting compartment made of Armotex aramid fabric of the Kevlar type, which protect against the flow of secondary fragments and splashes of a cumulative jet.

BPMT-72 provides effective destruction of lightly armored vehicles and manpower. The weapon system, controlled remotely, is located in an armored superstructure located outside the habitable compartment on a low-profile turret. It is possible to hit targets with guided missiles with cumulative and high-explosive concrete-piercing warheads at a range of up to 6000 m, with automatic cannons - up to 4000 m, with a machine gun - up to 1500 m. Large vertical guidance angles - up to 45", the ability to quickly maneuver fire in narrow urban conditions streets (since when the turret rotates, the weapons do not protrude beyond the hull), 30-mm automatic cannons are constantly ready to fire to kill (providing minimal reaction time in a changing combat situation - readiness to open fire up to 8 s), high-precision guidance of guns (as consequence of reducing collateral damage to urban areas), large ammunition capacity (the ability to hit several dozen small targets) - all this guarantees the effective use of the BMPT-72 in dense urban areas, in mountainous and wooded areas. firepower By analogy with its predecessor, which received the nickname “Terminator”, the BMPT-72 was called “Terminator-2”.

Rosoboronexport believes that the new modification of the BMPT-72 Terminator-2 tank support combat vehicle has good export prospects. Indeed, the BMPT-72 “Terminator-2” is a very interesting and promising combat vehicle from the point of view of market promotion. The range of its applications is very wide and diverse. According to experts and specialists, as well as according to a number of UKBTM employees, Terminator-2 is not just a fire support vehicle. This is exactly what, in their opinion, a tank should look like, corresponding to the modern realities of combat. It is not for nothing that the BMPT-72 is considered by many not as a “conversion” of the T-72 tank, i.e. literally in the language of divine Latin, “change”, the transformation of one thing into another, which is what the BMPT-72 de facto is, and as “modernization” - “updating”, “modernizing” the tank itself.

The big advantage of the BMPT-72 is that, created on the platform of the T-72 tank, it provides a unique opportunity to extend life cycle vehicles, quickly and at minimal cost raise the combat effectiveness of the Ground Forces to a new level. At the same time, the modularity of the design and placement of weapons allows, if necessary, to change its composition depending on the needs of each specific customer. Analyzing the development of design ideas based on the developments demonstrated by various enterprises included in the special equipment division of the Uralvagonzavod corporation, the development of the situation in the world, the nature of modern armed struggle, as well as some criticism and complaints about the design of the BMPT combat module, it is not at all difficult to determine the direction of further improvement and development of a machine of this class.

A completely logical step would be to design an BMPT based on a convertible tank of the T-72 type with the installation of one of the variants of the AU-220M combat module developed by the Burevestnik Central Research Institute with a 57-mm BM-57 automatic cannon. At the RAE-2013 exhibition, this module was demonstrated on the basis of the ATOM heavy wheeled infantry fighting vehicle, a joint Russian-French development. Of course, when installed on a BMPT, the AU-220M combat module must undergo appropriate modifications in terms of improving the control system (installation of a commander’s panoramic sight), weapons (additional equipment with at least four Kornet-M ATGMs, a remote-controlled 12.7 mm machine gun) and 30-40 mm automatic grenade launcher) and protection (armor ceramic panels, dynamic protection). One way or another the BMPT will develop - time will tell. In the meantime, we can hope that Terminator 2 will find its consumer not only in Asia or Africa, but will also be adopted by the Russian Armed Forces.

Technical characteristics of BMPT-72 “Terminator-2”
Combat weight, 44
Crew, persons 3
Overall dimensions, mm:
- body length along mud flaps and lattice screens 7200
- width 3600
- height 3330
Automatic gun: quantity, caliber, brand 2x30mm, 2A42
Types of ammunition - Fragmentation-tracer, high-explosive fragmentation, Incendiary, Armor-piercing tracer, armor-piercing sub-caliber
Ammunition, cartridges 860
Guided weapon system: B07S1, provides firing of a guided missile from a stationary position and on the move, day at night at a range of up to 6000 m
Types of missiles/ammunition used, pcs. - Supersonic ATGM "Ataka-T" / 9M120-1 (with a tandem cumulative warhead), 9M120-1F (with a high-explosive concrete-piercing warhead of a volumetric detonating composition) / 4
Defense guided missile launchers, pcs. 2
Auxiliary weapons:
- Machine gun 7.62mm/PKTM (6P7K) with UDP (T05BV-1)/ 2100 rounds
Fire control system:
- Gunner's sight - Multi-channel with sighting and thermal imaging channels, laser rangefinder, built-in laser missile control channel and independent 2-plane vision stabilization
Tank target recognition range, m:
- During the day through the sighting channel - 5000
- At night through the thermal insulation channel - Not less than 3500
- Max, range measured by rangefinder, m. 7500
- Commander's sight - Combined panoramic with television and TV channels, laser rangefinder and independent 2-plane field of view stabilization
Ballistic computer - Electronic digital with a set of sensors for meteorological and topographic conditions
Weapon stabilizer - 2-plane with electromechanical drives in horizontal and vertical planes
Radio equipment - Digital, with secure (cryptographic) and noise-resistant radio communication modes
Hull - Welded, with modular dynamic protection, with DZ side screens and lattice screens to protect the side and stern projections
Tower - Welded, with combined frontal projection protection, built-in dynamic protection and anti-fragmentation screens on the internal surfaces
Armor protection, type - Multilayer combined
Dynamic protection, type, brand. - Universal in modular design, “Relic”
Lattice screens - On the stern and side projections
Curtain deployment system - Automatic, optical-electronic, provides indication and deployment of an aerosol curtain in the event of a threat of use of anti-tank weapons
WMD protection system - Collective
Fire protection equipment - Automatic, fast-acting, double action
Protection of the crew, equipment and ammunition from the secondary flow of fragments - Anti-fragmentation screens made of aramid fabric in the turret

Mobility and permeability
Average speed on a dirt road, km/h. 35-45
Maximum speed on the highway, km/h. 60
Maximum range on highway, km. 700
Maximum elevation angle, degrees. thirty
Maximum roll angle, degrees. 25
Overcoming ditch, m. 2.6-2.8
Climbable wall, m. 0.85
Fording depth (with preliminary preparation), m. 1.2 (1.8)
Depth of surmountable water obstacle with OPVT, m. 5
Engine, typ. V-84MS or V-92S2, four-stroke multi-fuel diesel with monitoring station or turbocharged
Maximum power, kW (hp). 618 (840) or 736 (1000)