How to cook pumpkin? Pumpkin recipes with photos will tell you. Pumpkin dishes are healthy, tasty, and easy to prepare. First of all, decide what kind of pumpkin you have - winter or summer. Summer squash typically have softer, more tender flesh, while winter squash are firmer both inside and out. Winter varieties can be placed in a cool place, and they will last for several months without losing their taste qualities. For storage, you need to choose healthy, undamaged specimens of medium size: the smaller the pumpkin (3-5 kg), the tastier it is. Any pumpkin must first be cut, the seeds removed, and the skin removed. You can cook further depending on the variety and your recipe.

A huge advantage of lentils is that dishes made from them allow you not to feel hungry for a long time, without loading the body with extra calories. Particularly interesting dishes from lentils are obtained if you combine them with vegetables. In this recipe vegetable stew equal ingra

chapter: Pumpkin Recipes

Easy recipe A salad of baked vegetables with the addition of salty cheese can be served as a side dish for meat or fish. For salad dressing, mix vegetable oil(olive or sunflower) with soy sauce and balsamic vinegar. Such a sauce

chapter: Vegetable salads

The recipe for pumpkin bread for the bread machine is different from others. complete absence in the water recipe. To knead the dough, the moisture remaining in the baked pumpkin is enough. The taste of pumpkin is not felt in the finished bread, but the color of the crumb and crust is the same

chapter: Bread machine recipes

Rabbit meat is considered healthy, but not every housewife knows how best to cook it. We offer a simple recipe for stewed rabbit with pumpkin. Before sending the pumpkin and rabbit meat to the frying pan, the carcass is coarsely chopped and brought to readiness

chapter: Hare and rabbit recipes

Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes Recipe. The dough is at the same time slightly crumbly, airy, and slightly moist. Overall very good recipe cake dough with sour cream added. In addition to baked pumpkin, raw grated carrots are added to the dough, which

chapter: Cupcakes

Baked pumpkin and pumpkin puree are used for different recipes baked goods, soups and main dishes. Therefore, it is important to cook the pumpkin in the oven in such a way as to preserve the taste to the maximum, but at the same time obtain a consistency that would be suitable for food.

chapter: Pumpkin Recipes

The recipe for pilaf with beef and pumpkin differs from most pilaf options in that the rice is pre-cooked until half cooked. When the zirvak is ready, spread the undercooked rice in an even layer over the mixture of fried meat and vegetables and add water.

chapter: Rice dishes

Sweet sausage Cookies are an easy-to-prepare, no-bake dessert. In this recipe, in addition to the main ingredients (cookies and butter), pumpkin and carrots are added. Juicy, sweet and inexpensive vegetables will add sweetness to sausage new taste, reminiscent

chapter: Sweet sausage

Are you wondering how to use the pumpkin that grew in your garden and is now lying in the corner awaiting its fate? A recipe especially for you for delicious pumpkin jam, which is prepared in Portugal. It is laid out in small beautiful

chapter: Jam

African women prepare stewed chicken with pumpkin and peanuts for an evening meal. The dish turns out tasty and very filling. Despite the huge amount of garlic and ginger, they do not sound like in Asian cuisine, but are more muted. As a side dish

chapter: Stew

Pumpkin is the queen of the autumn garden! For sweet baked goods, choose sweet varieties of pumpkin, then the amount of sugar in the baked goods will be minimal. The recipe for pumpkin muffins with walnuts will come in handy for those who want to please themselves and their loved ones.

chapter: Cupcakes

That's why simple recipe The result is a moderately soft, light and airy pie with pieces of juicy pumpkin, which is perfect for winter and autumn tea drinking. Walnuts give the delicacy a pleasant aroma. If desired, some of the sugar in the recipe can be

chapter: Pumpkin pies

Despite the apparent complexity of the recipe, even those who have never encountered preparing dough can prepare a bright, aromatic pie. A minimum of simple and inexpensive ingredients, no yeast in baked goods, a large amount of filling makes

chapter: Apple pies

Galette is a generalized name for baked goods that came from France. Biscuits are also called dry cookies, dry bread, and open pies. The dough for galette pies is kneaded with butter or margarine. Fillings for galettes can be very different. Sweet beginning

chapter: Apple pies

A pumpkin smoothie with banana and sweet potato is incredibly healthy, with a pleasant, slightly sweet taste. Orange sweet potato pairs well with sunny pumpkin for a vibrant smoothie. But to preserve the color, the sweet potato must be peeled. By the way, sweet potatoes contain

chapter: Fruit cocktails (smoothies)

A very appetizing, bright and healthy cupcake made from pumpkin dough. The recipes are based on budget products that can be found in every kitchen. Thanks to the combination of two shades of pumpkin and chocolate dough, the baked goods are bright and unusual.

chapter: Cupcakes

In the recipe for a hearty and aromatic stew, pumpkin is successfully combined with white cabbage and tomatoes. Mushrooms complement the dish, making it more nutritious and tasty. To prepare the stew, use ripe pumpkin with a pronounced taste, juicy and fresh. B

chapter: Vegetable stew

Delicious, slightly moist, and incredibly easy to make, this pumpkin muffin is made with raw pumpkin and nuts and is also healthy. Due to the fact that the cake dough recipe includes minimal amount fat, baked goods can be safely eaten by those who hold

chapter: Cupcakes

Pumpkin sauce, with its mild flavor, incredible thyme aroma and bright color, goes well with pasta, and fried walnuts make the dish more piquant and satisfying. For the sauce, pumpkin varieties with a pronounced taste and juicy are suitable. Ready then

chapter: Pasta with sauces

From the available ingredients you will get a bright and aromatic sauce that will surprise and delight your household or guests. Depending on your taste preferences, you can supplement the pumpkin sauce recipe with other herbs and spices. For example, here

You will rarely meet a person who has not heard anything about tender and fragrant pumpkin pancakes. You can easily make them for dinner after work. It's elementary. The dough is prepared from grated pumpkin, milk, eggs, flour, and salt to taste. All ingredients are mixed in a blender, and then the pancakes are baked in a frying pan as usual.

Recently I can’t imagine life without pumpkin soup . My husband and child, who don’t really like soups, also eat it with pleasure. The most important thing is that you can prepare the soup completely without meat. It will be light and rich in vitamins and fiber. There are several favorite recipes. For example, I like autumn pumpkin pulp soup, onions, milk, greens, crackers from white bread, seasonings, butter.

There is another great option soup for every day. It is prepared from pumpkin, potatoes, onions, garlic, carrots, leeks, salt, pepper, seasonings, vegetable oil, fish broth.

For speed, I cook the soup in a slow cooker. It turns out to be very light and dietary - ideal for those who are watching their weight and health.

My child never liked porridge until I dug up a recipe with pumpkin. Everything is prepared simply: from pumpkin, milk, millet, sugar, raisins, water, butter. The porridge turns out tasty, sweet and nutritious - an exemplary children's dish.

Can be prepared quickly and tasty baked pumpkin dishes. And instead of candy, my child and I love pumpkin dessert. It is healthy and no less sweet. Prepared from pumpkin, honey, dates, apples, raisins, walnuts, melted butter.

You can make a variety of pies with pumpkin. The dough will consist of regular flour, eggs, sugar, sour cream, baking powder. Pumpkin pulp is grated or crushed in a blender.

Original pumpkin dishes - simple and tasty recipes with photos

Quite rarely I cook gourmet French velouté soup. This is not a recipe for every day, but rather for a romantic dinner, as it is complex. The soup itself is prepared from pumpkin, zucchini, onions, garlic, dried apricots, green peas, cream, water, flour, butter and olive oil, and salt.

The highlight of the dish is orange oil. It gives the soup a rich color and unexpected flavor overtones. The oil is prepared from orange peel, which, together with olive oil heated in the oven in a fireproof form. The butter is prepared for 2 hours at a temperature of 30 degrees. When it is ready, you need to strain it. The butter can be stored in the refrigerator for a month.

Pumpkin is an absolutely universal product. It is extremely healthy and tasty at the same time. You can prepare many different dishes based on pumpkin, from soup and vegetable stew to desserts.

Pumpkin is one of the most wonderful fall vegetables. From this orange miracle you can prepare a lot of different dishes - soups, porridges, roasts, salads, cakes, jellies, juices, purees... Pumpkin can be either an independent dish - baked, boiled, stewed, fried, stuffed - or a side dish. Pumpkin is easily combined with various foods. The juicy pulp of pumpkin adds amazing flavor and tenderness to dishes when added to meat, poultry or grains.

Pumpkin is unique in that it is rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, cobalt, silicon, fiber, pectin and carotene. It also has in its arsenal vitamins B, C, E, A and PP. Pumpkin is very low in calories, so it is ideal for those who have metabolic disorders and those on a diet. A large number of Pectin in pumpkin helps remove excess cholesterol from the body, and carotene in pumpkin is 2-3 times more than in carrots. Pumpkin fibers are very delicate, so it is valuable dietary product and provides beneficial influence on the health of the digestive system.

To cook something tasty from pumpkin, you need to choose it correctly. The first thing you need to pay attention to when buying a pumpkin is its color. So, bright orange vegetables are ideal for desserts because they are sweeter and tastier. Before you buy a pumpkin, look carefully at its skin - it should be dense, smooth and without defects. You should not purchase a pumpkin weighing more than 5 kg, following the principle “the bigger the better,” since pumpkins large sizes are usually dry, stringy and tasteless.

If you are using a young pumpkin for cooking, there is no need to remove the skin, but if the pumpkin has been stored for a long time, the skin may harden, making it very difficult to remove. To solve this problem, place the pumpkin in a preheated oven for a while until the skin is soft enough to remove. You can do this with a vegetable peeler or by first cutting the pumpkin into slices to remove the skin from each piece. Unsweetened pumpkin is best added to meat stew or use as a filling for samsa and manti. Sweet pumpkin, in turn, will be an excellent base for desserts, pancakes, pies, cakes and sauces. To preserve the nutrients in pumpkin as much as possible, it is best to cook it in the oven or slow cooker.

Let's start with the simplest thing - baked pumpkin, which does not require any additional ingredients. This recipe does not contain sugar, so it can be considered 100% dietary. Despite the low calorie content, this dish is very filling and nutritious, and its natural sweetness makes it suitable for baby food. Baked pumpkin can be served not only as a dessert, but also as a breakfast or snack.

300 g pumpkin pulp,
2 tablespoons honey,
a pinch of ground cinnamon,
a pinch of nutmeg if desired
a little butter.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Peel the pumpkin and cut into medium-sized cubes. Pour honey over the pumpkin pieces and sprinkle with cinnamon, mix thoroughly. If desired, you can add a pinch of nutmeg.
Bake the pumpkin for 15 minutes until golden brown and serve hot.

Many are accustomed to thinking that pumpkin is only suitable for preparing sweet dishes such as porridge, pies and desserts. In fact, this is a big misconception, and the following recipe will help you convince yourself of this. A dish of pumpkin with meat can be appreciated by those who are tired of the banal combination of potatoes and meat products and who want to expand their gastronomic experience.

1 kg pumpkin,
200 g pork,
200 g beef,
2 tablespoons vegetable oil,
3 tablespoons soy sauce,
1 glass of water,
1 bunch of green onions,
1 bunch of dill,
1 bunch of parsley,
salt and pepper to taste.

Wash the pumpkin well and cut into cubes without peeling. Place the pumpkin on a baking sheet and bake until soft, then remove the skin.
Cut the meat into small pieces. Heat vegetable oil in a deep frying pan and fry the meat until cooked.
Add a glass hot water And soy sauce. Add salt, pepper, mix well and simmer covered for 6-7 minutes. Then add pumpkin and cook over low heat for another 5-7 minutes.
Chop the greens, sprinkle the finished dish with it and serve.

The most delicious thing about pumpkin is, of course, light desserts that reveal the natural sweetness of this vegetable. We invite you to prepare the most delicate pumpkin pancakes, which, accompanied by a cup of milk or freshly brewed coffee, will be an excellent option. healthy breakfast for the whole family. These little orange suns will keep you full for hours after eating them, even if you only eat one serving.

300 g pumpkin,
300 g flour,
350 ml milk,
2 large eggs,
50 g sugar,
3 tablespoons butter,
2 teaspoons baking powder,
1/2 teaspoon salt,
1.5 teaspoons ground cinnamon,
3/4 teaspoon ground ginger,
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg.

In a large bowl, whisk together flour, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg. Make a large well in the center of the mixture.
In another bowl, mix finely grated pumpkin, milk, sugar, melted butter and eggs. Pour the mixture into the well in the dry mixture and stir.
Bake the pancakes in a greased frying pan until golden brown on both sides. Serve the pancakes warm with butter or honey.

There are a great many recipes for pumpkin porridge - porridge made from rice, millet, semolina, oatmeal, with nuts, fruits, honey... The type of pumpkin has a huge impact on the taste of the prepared porridge, and nutmeg pumpkin is best suited in this case . Healthy pumpkin porridge is an excellent source of energy and vitamins for adults and children, helping to fight the autumn blues. We suggest you prepare your favorite millet porridge with pumpkin. If you don't have enough sweetness, add a couple of spoons of honey to the porridge instead of sugar - it will be much healthier. If desired, you can replace millet with semolina, corn, buckwheat or barley, as well as rice.

500 g pumpkin,
700 ml milk,
2 apples,
1 cup millet,
vanilla sugar.

Peel apples and pumpkin and cut into cubes. Rinse the millet until the water runs clear.
In a saucepan, bring the milk to a boil, add the millet and cook for 15 minutes over low heat. Add apple and pumpkin pieces and cook until soft. If the porridge thickens too much during cooking, add additional milk.
Remove the finished porridge from the heat, add butter, sprinkle with cinnamon and vanilla sugar and serve.

Even the most ardent haters of this vegetable will not be able to resist tender baked goods with pumpkin. Fragrant pumpkin baked goods are a great way to brighten up gray autumn days by filling them with bright colors and spicy flavors. Moist, silky textured pumpkin pie is rich in flavor and goes great with whipped cream or a scoop of ice cream.

Pumpkin Pie

500 g pumpkin,
500 g sugar,
250 ml vegetable oil,
4 eggs,
500 g flour,
2 teaspoons of soda,
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon,
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg,
1/2 teaspoon salt.

Place the pumpkin in a large saucepan, add water and bring to a boil. Cover and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes until soft. Rub the finished pumpkin through a sieve to make a puree.
In a large bowl, stir together pumpkin puree, sugar and butter. Add eggs and mix well.
In another bowl, whisk together flour, baking soda, cinnamon, nutmeg and salt. Add dry ingredients to pumpkin mixture and mix thoroughly. Pour the dough into a greased baking pan.
Bake the pie at 175 degrees for 25-30 minutes. Cool the pie, cut into pieces and serve.

From delicate soups to sweet desserts, pumpkin allows you to prepare a wide variety of dishes.
It can serve as a side dish or addition, or as a main dish. Pumpkin is good in salads, soups, porridges, casseroles, stews, pilaf, curries and pies - in this case, the question of what to cook tasty from pumpkin does not even arise. Arm yourself with our recipes and head to the kitchen!

The people of Rus' have always loved pumpkin. This is an unpretentious vegetable that could grow to incredible sizes in the garden until late autumn without

Special care. After this, the pumpkin could be picked and transferred to permanent storage. winter storage. The orange pulp, as a rule, remained tasty, fresh and nutritious until spring, when the first greens and vegetables appeared.

Unfortunately, today many delicious and simple pumpkin recipes have been forgotten and are not used by modern housewives. Only a few years ago, world-famous chefs paid attention to the humble, tasty and nutritious pumpkin, and began to bring it back into culinary fashion. Today, more and more owners are introducing this healthy vegetable into your diet and do it very correctly.

Pumpkin dishes: quick and tasty recipes are collected under one section of our culinary portal, so that every visitor can immediately understand and appreciate how many dishes can be prepared with the sweet orange pulp. Of course, these are not only desserts, but full-fledged side dishes and even main courses. For example, you can safely cook lasagna with pumpkin, use the orange pulp to make pilaf or stew with cabbage.

Choose any pumpkin dishes, recipes with photos step-by-step preparation are given in almost every material. This makes working with the product much easier. Depending on what kind of dish will be prepared, the pumpkin can be processed completely different ways. It is boiled, baked in the oven, simply scalded with boiling water, caramelized, and this is only the top of those culinary processes that turn the pulp into a tasty ingredient.

Despite the fact that most recipes with pumpkin are dietary, special attention should be paid to such a cooking method as a slow cooker. Pumpkin dishes: quick and tasty recipes in a slow cooker are also included in this separate section, which is dedicated to the healthy orange vegetable. Pumpkin is especially indispensable in winter - it is a seasonal vegetable that was grown on the site without the use of chemical fertilizers.

You can safely buy a pumpkin for the winter at the beginning of autumn; it will be perfectly stored on a glassed-in balcony or in a cold cellar. It is important to buy a whole pumpkin that has not yet been cut. Once the vegetable is already cut into pieces, it will only last for a few months. It is better to store in the refrigerator and dispose of the seeds immediately.


Delicious pumpkin pancakes

Ingredients: flour, sugar, pumpkin, milk, egg, salt, vanillin, butter

I suggest you prepare these for breakfast or lunch delicious pancakes from pumpkin. Preparing them is not difficult at all and quite quick.


- 200 grams of flour,
- 3 tbsp. Sahara,
- 200 grams of pumpkin,
- half a liter of milk,
- 2 eggs,
- 1 tsp. salt,
- 2 tsp. vanilla sugar,
- 3 tbsp. vegetable oil.


Pumpkin muffins

Ingredients: pumpkin, egg, butter, sugar, flour, cinnamon, baking powder, salt, nut

Pumpkin muffins look very bright, appetizing, and their taste is worthy only of praise. We got their recipe from Jamie Oliver, and this is already the key to the success of the dish, right?

- 270 grams of nutmeg pumpkin;
- 2 eggs;
- 110 ml olive oil;
- 185 grams of cane sugar;
- 285 grams of wheat flour;
- 5 grams of ground cinnamon;
- 7 grams of baking powder for dough;
- 3 grams of table salt;
- 60 grams of walnuts.


Pumpkin baked in pieces in the oven

Ingredients: pumpkin, herb, garlic, rosemary, salt, pepper, oil

I really like pumpkin dishes. Today I will tell you how to bake pumpkin in the oven in pieces with spices. The recipe is very simple and quite quick.


- 300 grams of pumpkin,
- 1 tsp. Italian herbs,
- 1 tsp. dry garlic,
- a pinch of rosemary,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- 50 ml. vegetable oil.


Lush pancakes with pumpkin on kefir

Ingredients: kefir, egg, soda, pumpkin, sugar, flour

I suggest you prepare very tasty and easy-to-prepare kefir pancakes with pumpkin. I have described the cooking recipe in detail for you.


- kefir - half a glass,
- egg - 1 pc.,
- soda - half a tsp,
- pumpkin - 50 grams,
- sugar - 1-2 tbsp,
- flour - a little more than half a glass.


Charlotte with pumpkin and apples

Ingredients: egg, flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, pumpkin, apple, butter, nut

Charlotte with pumpkin and apples is a pastry that everyone always likes. It will go perfectly with a cozy family tea party! We will be happy to share with you how to prepare this aromatic charlotte.

- 3 eggs;
- 1 glass of flour;
- 1 cup of sugar;
- 0.5 tsp. baking powder;
- 0.5 tsp. cinnamon;
- 100 grams of pumpkin;
- 2 apples;
- 1 tsp. vegetable oil;
- 0.3 tsp. ground nutmeg.


Pumpkin pancakes

Ingredients: pumpkin, kefir, flour, soda, sugar, eggs, cinnamon, vegetable oil

For breakfast or dinner, I suggest you prepare these unusual and very delicious pancakes from raw pumpkin. The taste of the dish is spicy, which I think you will like.


- pumpkin - 350 grams,
- kefir - 150 grams,
- flour - 150 grams,
- soda - 1 tsp,
- sugar - half a glass,
- eggs - 2 pcs.,
- vegetable oil,
- cinnamon - half a tsp.


Homemade candied pumpkin and lemon

Ingredients: pumpkin, lemon, sugar

These homemade candied lemon squash are very interesting taste. You can use them in any baking.


- 1 kg. pumpkins,
- 1 lemon,
- 300 grams of sugar.


Pumpkin juice with pulp and cinnamon for the winter

Ingredients: pumpkin, sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice, water


- pumpkin - 1 kg.,
- sugar - 500 grams,
- cinnamon - 1 tsp,
- lemon juice - 3 tbsp.,
- water - 700 ml.


Homemade pumpkin marmalade

Ingredients: pumpkin, sugar, gelatin, vanillin, lemon juice

You can prepare many different delicious dishes from pumpkin. Today I have prepared a simple pumpkin marmalade recipe for you. The recipe is very simple.


- 250 grams of pumpkin,
- 60 grams of sugar,
- 1 tbsp. gelatin,
- a packet of vanilla sugar,
- 1 tbsp. lemon juice.


Manti with pumpkin and potatoes

Ingredients: flour, egg, water, oil, salt, pumpkin, potatoes, onion, salt, seasoning


- 500 grams of flour,
- 1 egg,
- 200 ml. water,
- 1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
- salt,
- 300 grams of pumpkin,
- 3 potatoes,
- 4 onions,
- a pinch of salt,
- seasonings.


Pumpkin baked in slices in the oven

Ingredients: pumpkin, sugar, cinnamon, ginger

All pumpkin lovers will love our recipe today, in which we suggest baking the red beauty in slices in the oven - with sugar, cinnamon and ginger. It will be tasty, beautiful, and healthy!

- nutmeg pumpkin - 1 kg;
- sugar - 3-4 tbsp;
- ground cinnamon - 1-2 tsp;
- ground ginger - 0.5 tsp.


Curd pie with pumpkin

Ingredients: butter, egg, sugar, sour cream, baking powder, flour, pumpkin, starch, vanillin, cinnamon, cottage cheese

Be sure to prepare this cottage cheese pie with pumpkin for your household for lunch with a cup of tea. My simple recipe will help you prepare it.


- 80 grams of butter,
- 4 eggs,
- 11 tbsp. Sahara,
- 5 tbsp. sour cream,
- 2 tsp. baking powder,
- 350-380 grams of flour,
- 350 grams of pumpkin,
- 4 tbsp. starch,
- vanilla extract,
- cinnamon,
- 400 grams of cottage cheese.


Stuffed pumpkin baked in the oven

Ingredients: pumpkin, pork, rice, onion, vegetable, oil, salt, pepper

If you haven’t surprised your family with an unusual lunch or dinner for a long time, prepare them this stuffed pumpkin baked in the oven.


- 600-700 grams of nutmeg pumpkin,
- 300 grams of pork,
- half a glass of rice,
- half an onion,
- 300 grams of mixed vegetables,

- salt,
- ground black pepper.


Manti with pumpkin in Uzbek style

Ingredients: water, salt, flour, pumpkin, onion, oil, pepper, cumin

Today we will cook manti. It will not be used as a filling chopped meat, and pumpkin. I have described the recipe for making delicious Uzbek manti in detail for you.


- water - 1 glass,
- salt - half a tsp,
- flour - 3 cups,
- pumpkin - 500 grams,
- onion - 2 pcs.,
- butter - 125 grams,
- ground black pepper - 1 tsp,
- salt,
- zira - 2 tsp.


Pumpkin pie without butter

Ingredients: lemon, pumpkin, kefir, sugar, semolina, baking powder, water

This pumpkin pie is super easy to make. I also like it because the list of ingredients is very minimal, even flour and eggs are not used. Despite all this, the pie turns out very tasty.


- 1 lemon,
- 300 grams of pumpkin,
- 250 ml. kefir,
- 300 grams of sugar,
- 270 grams of semolina,
- 2 tsp. baking powder,
- 120 ml. water.


Stuffed butternut squash with pork and potatoes

Ingredients: pumpkin, pork, potatoes, champignon, onion, carrots, butter, salt, pepper, parsley

I offer you an amazing recipe for stuffed butternut squash. We will use pork and potatoes as the filling.


- 1 nutmeg pumpkin,
- 300 grams of pork,
- 3-4 potatoes,
- 4-5 champignons,
- 1 onion,
- 1 carrot,
- 2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
- salt,
- pepper, h.m.,
- a couple of sprigs of parsley.

You can prepare a huge variety of dishes from pumpkin: soups, porridges, pilafs, casseroles, salads. But they all have one thing in common - the enormous benefits they bring to the human body.

Healthy pumpkin dishes - general cooking principles

Before use, the pumpkin is washed, skinned, cut and seeds removed. The pulp is cut into pieces, then stewed, boiled, steamed, baked. The riper and brighter the vegetable, the tastier the dish will be. In many recipes, fresh product can be replaced with frozen.

What does pumpkin go with:

Vegetables, mushrooms;

Meat, poultry;

Fresh and dried fruits;

You can add various spices, pickles, candied fruits, and zest to your dishes. Pumpkin is baked, fried, stewed, steamed and with the addition of liquid.

Porridge - a hearty and healthy pumpkin dish

Millet is used to prepare a healthy pumpkin dish. In a similar way, you can prepare porridge with the addition of rice or semolina.


600 ml milk;

200 g millet;

500 g pumpkin;

1 pinch of salt;

0.5 glasses of water;

100 g sugar;

50 g butter.


1. The peeled pumpkin pulp should be cut into small pieces and placed in a saucepan.

2. Add half a glass of water, put on fire, and simmer for ten minutes.

3. Separately, heat the milk until hot, pour into the pumpkin.

4. Add salt and bring to a boil.

5. While the mixture is boiling, rinse the millet several times, remove damaged and spoiled grains.

6. Add millet to the pumpkin, you can immediately add half the butter, cover and cook the porridge for a quarter of an hour after boiling.

7. At the end, in about five minutes you need to add sugar and the remaining butter.

8. Stir the finished porridge well and let it brew. You can add cream and raisins to taste.

Baked Cinnamon Wedges – A Healthy Pumpkin Dish

A version of a very simple but delicious pumpkin dessert. Choose ripe and sweet fruit. Immediately turn on the oven at 190, the oven should warm up well.


0.5 kg pumpkin;

1 tsp. cinnamon;

30 g butter;

1-2 spoons of sugar.


1. Cut the pumpkin into neat slices. The size of the pieces can be made to any size; the smaller, the more beautiful and rosy the slices will be.

2. Place the pumpkin slices in a mold or on a baking sheet. Lay out in one layer.

3. Pour enough liquid into the bottom of the pan so that it reaches the middle of the pieces.

4. Sprinkle sugar on top of the slices. It will give not only taste, but also wonderful color.

5. Place in the oven and cook for about half an hour until the pumpkin wedges are well browned.

6. Sprinkle with cinnamon at the end.

7. Serve the dish along with the liquid that forms at the bottom of the pan.

Diet puree with apples - a healthy pumpkin dish

A variation of pumpkin and apple puree, which can be used as a main dish, dessert, or filling for baked goods.


3-4 apples;

500 g pumpkin;

Cinnamon, a little sugar.


1. Peeled, washed pumpkin should be cut into small pieces, put in a pan, add half a glass of water.

2. Place on the stove, steam over low heat until soft.

3. Apples need to be peeled, cored, and pulp cut into pieces.

4. Add the fruit to the pumpkin, cover, and cook until soft.

5. Remove the dish from the heat, puree with a blender or simply mash with a pestle.

6. Add cinnamon and sugar to the puree to taste. IN dietary dish You can add a sugar substitute or some steamed raisins.

Sunny casserole - a healthy pumpkin dish

A recipe for a very bright, satisfying and healthy pumpkin casserole, which is prepared with the addition of semolina and fresh apples. You can serve the dish with sour cream, jam, and grated berries.


0.5 kg pumpkin;

50 g butter;

0.5 cups semolina;

25 g sugar;

150 g apples;

Vanilla, salt.


1. Cut the pumpkin into arbitrary pieces, add a couple of glasses of water, cook until soft, but do not overcook.

2. Drain the water and mash the pieces. The resulting puree needs to be cooled.

3. Grate the apples coarsely and add to the puree.

4. Next add the butter, but you can also put it in the hot mass so that the piece melts.

5. Add semolina, eggs, a pinch of salt, a little sugar, stir and let the future casserole brew for at least half an hour.

6. Take a mold, grease it with oil, you can sprinkle it with flour or semolina, and lay out the casserole. Level the top so that the layer is uniform over the entire area.

7. Bake the sunny dish at 200 °C for approximately 25-30 minutes.

Pumpkin with prunes - a healthy dish

An option that is not only healthy, tasty, but also medicinal. Pumpkin with prunes will help get rid of constipation and cleanse the intestines. The dish can be simmered on the stove or used in a slow cooker.


0.15 kg prunes;

0.5 kg pumpkin;

1 tsp. lemon zest;

1 spoon of lemon juice;

120 ml water;

3 spoons of sugar;

2 tablespoons of oil.


1. You can use any oil for the dish. Place it in a saucepan and melt it.

2. Chop the prunes, add and lightly fry over low heat. This will give the dish an unusual aroma.

3. Cut the pumpkin into small cubes, add to the prunes, and also lightly fry, two minutes is enough.

4. Add water, add chopped lemon zest. It will mask the vegetable flavor of the pumpkin and turn the dish into an amazing dessert.

5. Cover and simmer until the pumpkin is soft, but do not boil the pieces.

6. At the end, season with sugar, lemon juice, you can add cinnamon or other spices.

7. The dish can be served in any form; it can be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator for two days.

Stew - a healthy dish of pumpkin and chicken

Diet option savory, hearty and healthy pumpkin dish. The recipe uses chicken fillet. You can take turkey in the same way. If there are no tomatoes in own juice, then use fresh tomatoes or juice.


0.4 kg chicken;

0.4 kg pumpkin;

2 tablespoons of oil;

1 onion;

300 g of tomatoes in their juice;

Greens, salt;

200 ml water.


1. Chop the peeled onion into rings. Place the vegetable in a saucepan or cauldron with a heated spoon of oil and fry.

2. Chicken fillet rinse, cut into cubes, add to the onion.

3. Fry for a minute until the pieces lighten on all sides.

4. Now add the pumpkin. Cut the vegetable in the same way as the chicken or into small cubes.

5. Pour in water and simmer covered for about 15 minutes.

6. During this time, you need to grind the tomatoes in their juice to a pulp. You can simply grate fresh tomatoes; in this case, remove the skin as you go.

7. Once the squash starts to pierce, add the tomatoes. Stir.

8. Simmer the dish for about ten minutes, pepper, add other spices.

9. When serving, garnish the pumpkin stew with herbs.

Cream soup - a healthy pumpkin dish

An option for a satisfying, but at the same time light, low-calorie and very healthy pumpkin dish. Chicken is used for the soup. You can cook the first course without flour.


300 g chicken;

400 g pumpkin;

200 g carrots;

1.5 liters of water;

150 g onion;

10 g flour;

Greens for decoration.


1. Take any part of the chicken, rinse, add water and boil until done. If you use breast meat, then half an hour is enough. Other parts will take a little longer to cook.

2. While the broth is preparing, you need to peel and chop all the vegetables. The carrots and onions are small, the pumpkin can be a little larger.

3. Remove the chicken from the broth and set aside one ladle to cool. Leave the rest of the broth on the stove.

4. Add all the vegetables to the pan at once and cook until soft.

5. Once all the ingredients are cooked, remove the pan from the heat and puree the soup.

6. Return the dish to the stove, season with spices, and bring to a boil again.

7. Dissolve the flour in the previously poured and cooled broth, pour into the soup, stir. Let it boil well and turn it off immediately.

8. When serving, add chopped chicken pieces and fresh herbs.

Sweet salad - a healthy pumpkin dish

The recipe is easy, quick and very delicious salad. It will require ripe and sweet pumpkin. This is very important, since the vegetable is not heat treated.


200 g pumpkin;

1 carrot;

1 apple;

1 spoon of nuts;

50 g raisins;

1 spoon of honey.

You can add zest or cinnamon to the sweet salad for flavor.


1. Pour raisins hot water.

2. Peel the carrots, grate into strips, remembering slightly so that the vegetable releases its juice.

3. Now you also need to chop fresh pumpkin and apple. The fruit can be peeled or left as is.

4. Squeeze the raisins and add to the salad.

5. Season with a spoonful of honey, cinnamon, and zest. Stir. If the honey is thick, you can melt it a little first.

6. Chop the nuts, fry for a minute in a dry frying pan, sprinkle the salad on top. Must be served immediately.

Any pumpkin dish will be healthier if you replace regular sugar with honey. In this case, you need to add the product to an already prepared dish, since heat treatment will destroy most of the beneficial substances.

If you need to fry pumpkin pieces, then add the product only to well-heated oil. Otherwise, a lot of juice will be released and nothing will work.

Frozen pumpkin cooks much faster than fresh pumpkin. But pieces from the freezer are not suitable for frying and baking, since a lot of juice will be released when thawed.

If the pumpkin dish turns out to be grassy and does not have a pronounced taste, then spices will improve the situation. You can add lemon juice, extra sugar, and honey to sweet dishes.