1C:Link is a simple way to organize a remote connection via the Internet to 1C applications installed on the user’s computer or server.

The service does not require special knowledge or the presence of a system administrator. You can set up access via 1C:Link yourself in a few minutes. You don't have to make any changes to your computer settings or buy additional equipment.

Main scenarios for using the service:

  • The 1C program is installed on an office computer, but you need to work from home or another place.
  • Your company has a remote warehouse or office whose employees need to connect to the 1C database.
  • The company's specialists work in different offices, but everyone needs access to the 1C program.
  • An executive or manager is often not in the office and they need reports on revenue, remaining goods in the warehouse, prices from the 1C accounting system...

When creating 1C:Link, we paid special attention to security issues. Information bases are located only on your computers. All data is transmitted over a secure channel, and additional authorization is provided for access to your 1C databases.

As in a local network, several people can work with several databases at the same time. The service works with non-standard configurations; all settings and modifications to 1C programs are saved.

Terms of Use

The service works in programs:

  • 1C:Accounting 8 (edition 3)
  • 1C: Managing our company 8
  • 1C: Trade Management 8 (revision 11)
  • 1C: Document flow 8
  • 1C:CRM 2.0
  • other 1C programs developed in “managed application” mode.

Internet access is required for the service to work.
The service is not supported in basic versions of 1C:Enterprise solutions.


Agent "1C:Link 2"

RUB 7,560/year

  • Connect up to two bases;

1C:Link. Expansion by 1 base

RUB 5,250/year

  • Connecting one additional database (with a valid "1C:Link 2 Agent" license)

1C:Link. Expansion by 5 bases

RUB 15,750/year

  • Connection of up to 5 additional databases (with a valid license "Agent 1C:Link 2")

1C:Link test for 1 month

  • Connect up to two bases;
  • Any number of users (according to the number of purchased 1C:Enterprise client licenses)
Price (RUB)
Agent "1C:Link 2" 1C:Link. Expansion by 1
1C:Link. Expansion by 5
1 760 530 1 580
2 1 490 1 040 3 100
3 2 200 1 530 4 580
4 2 890 2 010 6 010
5 3 550 2 470 7 390
6 4 190 2 910 8 730
7 4 810 3 340 10 020
8 5 410 3 760 11 260
9 5 980 4 150 12 450
10 6 530 4 540 13 600
11 7 060 4 900 14 700
12 7 560 5 250 15 750

Special offers

"Agent 1C:Link 2" is included in information technology support packages

Using the 1C:Link service, you can configure access to 1C applications yourself via the Internet, whether at home or at work. Information bases (IS) are located on your computer. This is a convenient and safe way to work! In this case, you must be a 1C:ITS user.

The cost of the service is from 760 rubles. per month.
If you have any questions, please orderfree callfor consultation.

Where is access provided?

To applications that exist on the web server.

Here are some of them:1C: Accounting, Management of a small company; State accounting institutions (2.0), Document flow 8 and most others.

Plus those that are their “daughters” - created using their basics.

How can you ensure that your configuration supports the service?

Here is the algorithm of actions:

1. Load the 1C:Link Agent (without registering!)

2. It will be possible to publish information security on your computer. Let's publish.

3. Test the database locally on your computer.

Advantages of 1C Link

The service will be useful for small and medium-sized businesses that want to have remote access to their databases located in the office. At the same time, the company does not need to have system administrators on staff

Here are the main advantages:

1. There is access to information security around the clock, regardless of geographic location. The main thing is having access to the Internet.

2. Everything is familiar, modifications and settings are saved.

3. All information security data remains on your computer.

4. The computer is “invisible”. Nobody sees you, all information is protected.

5. No one needs to be involved to set up the program. You can do everything yourself.

6. It is possible to configure access to several information security systems at once.

7. Consultations on technical support.

How does the 1C: Link service work?

Based on the principle of tunneling network traffic.

1. A communication channel is configured between the “working” computer and the link servers. A unique name is assigned. It looks like a website.

2. Having a single connection, we set up remote access to several information security systems. It all depends on the options of your "1C:ITS".

3. Client connections can be made no more than the number of 1C:Enterprise 8 licenses.

Terms of use 1C Link

There must be an information support agreement.You can connect 1C Link through the ITS portal yourself, or we can help you with this.

There are two sets:

- “Agent 1C:Link 2” - connecting a work or personal computer with 1C to the “1C:Link” servers. The program allows several users to work with two databases remotely, simultaneously;

- “Agent 1C:Link. Having one connection, you can make requests to five information security systems.

Under the 1C:ITS agreement PROF "Agent 1C:Link 2" is included in the price.

With 1C:ITS TECHNO, the installation of 1C Link is already paid - you need to buy "1C:Link Agent 2".

Our specialists will tell you in more detail about the conditions for working with the service! Please refer to the “Order a call” or “Ask a question” form.

If you have implemented the 1C Enterprise solution in your company, and now want to work with it via the Internet and, with the click of one button, connect the database to the global network directly from 1C, and also want to work from anywhere in the world, then you 1C link service is required. 1C Link is an application that allows you to very simply and easily obtain confidential and reliable access via the Internet to a program located on a server or on the user’s computer.

First of all, this service is suitable for small and medium-sized companies that want to organize remote access to their 1C databases, but they do not have the appropriate specialists.

The application is especially suitable for accountants who work simultaneously in several organizations, each of which has a separate local accounting database.

Advantages of 1C link

Setting up 1C Link allows you to:

Get 267 video lessons on 1C for free:

  • it is very easy to connect remote access to the database by pressing just 1 button from the 1C solution;
  • your database remains in the office, and you work from anywhere in the world;
  • use existing licenses for 1C program workstations - there is no need for additional material costs to purchase any licenses;
  • ensure security, and no additional costs are required for any hardware or software to protect the personal computers of users or the system administrator.

Security level 1C link

When developing this service, special attention was paid to the issue of security. No user information is stored on the servers of this service.

All data transmitted over the Internet is encrypted with the user’s individual key, which is stored exclusively by the user. In order to work through this service you do not need an external IP address, i.e. the user's computer is “invisible” through the global network, this eliminates hacker attacks.

Ease of working with 1C link

The service allows you to:

  • automatically download reports prepared in the 1C Enterprise program;
  • visualize document flow;
  • protect documents from unauthorized viewing;
  • protect documents from unauthorized distortions and changes;
  • store the history of the company’s document flow;
  • comply with electronic document management regulations, which ensure the correct resolution of any conflict situations arising in the process of data exchange via telecommunication channels;
  • enable “multi-brand” mode;
  • automatically update the software product via the Internet.

1C link makes it possible to organize access to any 1C applications that support operation via an Internet browser or in “thin client” mode. Such 1C applications include:

  • All other applications that were created on their basis or independently in the “managed applications” mode.

Dear users of the 1C:Link service!

We are pleased to present you a new version of Agent 1C:Link 2.4. We hope that it will be easy to use and free of the shortcomings inherent in previous versions.

To migrate from version 2.3, simply uninstall the old Agent and install the new one according to the instructions.

To install and configure the 1C: Link service, you can contact your 1C partner company or take the following steps yourself:

  1. Click on the "Registration" button in the upper right corner of the 1C: Link service website, and read the brief information about the new version below.

Good luck!

1C:Link service team

Terms of Use

The 1C: Link service is provided only under a 1C: ITS support agreement.

1C:Publisher (simplified version of Agent 1C:Link)

"1C:Publisher" is a free software product that allows users to easily set up information base publications on a web server located on a local computer. After publication, the information base becomes available for work on the local office network or home network

To install and configure 1C:Publisher, you can contact your 1C partner company or take the following steps yourself:

  • Download the program distribution from the ITS Portal or the ITS disk.
  • Study " ".
  • Unpack the archive into a separate directory without Cyrillic characters, for example, "C:\Publisher". Running from network folders is not supported.
  • Follow the instructions in the manual. Please note that "1C:Publisher" must be installed only on one computer in the organization - where the information bases are located (accessible) and the software is installed. "1C:Enterprise 8" with web extension modules.

The Publisher also has the ability to expand to Agent 1C:Link
To extend the Publisher to the 1C:Link agent, you need to do the following:

  • Launch Publisher
  • Go to the "Product Catalog" section
  • Select the "1C:Link" product and wait for the installation to complete.




Work via local network


Work via the Internet


1C:Link– remote access service to 1C. Using 1C:Link allows you to organize a connection to 1C information databases located on a computer in the office from anywhere in the world where there is Internet. Access is possible from a computer, laptop, tablet and other similar devices. There is no need to install 1C on devices from which access is provided.

Advantages of using the 1C:Link service:

    setting remote access does not require special knowledge;

    setting completed in a few minutes;

    when using 1C:Link, you are given the opportunity to only work with 1C, all other programs and data are not available;

    to one computer, which hosts the 1C information base at the same time multiple users can connect(requires the required number of 1C licenses);

    can be connected to the service both standard and modified 1C databases, the functionality of all additional improvements to 1C is maintained;

    connection is in progress via secure protocol, which guarantees protection against unauthorized connection.

Unlike the so-called “1C cloud services”, 1C information databases remain on computers in the office companies. No data is copied to “other people’s” servers, unauthorized access is not possible.

Unlike setting up terminal connections, using the 1C Link service does not require specialized operating systems or knowledge of a system administrator. Remote access can be organized by the accountant himself in a few minutes, while the security of 1C data will be higher than if the terminal connection was set up by a qualified system administrator.

So, to connect remotely to 1C using the 1C:Link service, you need to take a few simple steps:

    Install a special program on the office computer Agent "1C: Link";

    Select bases for which remote access is allowed (to carry out web publication of information bases);

    Make sure that the computer on which 1C is installed has Internet access;

    Don't forget leave the computer on, leaving home.

If necessary, our company employees can advise on how to configure 1C:Link.

Please note the following:

    The service only works with 1C information bases running in “managed application” mode. These are usually the latest editions of programs (for example, 1C: Accounting 8 edition 3.0, 1C: Salaries and Personnel Management edition 3.0, 1C: Trade Management edition 11, etc.).

    The service is not a way to increase the number of users who work with 1C. Only as many users as there are available licenses for 1C:Enterprise will be able to work with 1C locally or remotely.

    Using the service is not possible without a valid 1C:ITS agreement.

    The number of 1C information bases that can be published depends on the level of the 1C:ITS agreement. If necessary, the number of information databases connected to 1C:Link can be increased for an additional fee.

    As part of the 1C:ITS agreement, you can configure access to 1C information databases located on one computer. Increasing the number of computers is possible for an additional fee; for this you need to purchase additional licenses for the 1C:Link Agent product.

    Remote access to the 1C infobase will be blocked if the computer on which the 1C infobase is located is turned off or disconnected from the Internet.