Since ancient times it has been accepted that given to a person the name at birth can have a certain effect on his psyche in the future. Like a vibrational code, a name can influence the unconscious and thereby change the actions, character and decisions of a particular individual.

A person’s destiny acquires an initial vector, which he can subsequently change. However, in childhood and adolescence, we precisely fulfill the tasks set by our name - we receive exactly as much love, achievements and happiness as is possible with this or that name form. Next we will focus on detailed analysis the mysterious name Malvina. What the name means and what its origin is, you will learn all this in the continuation of the article.

Is the name given at birth really important?

Before we begin to analyze the origin and meaning of the name Malvina, it is worth saying that the selection of a particular name by parents should occur on an individual basis.

Thus, people with different characters, but the same names, can be completely different, although they still have similar features. However, it is believed that it is best to give the child a name that will best suit his life path and worldview. Before you name your child Malvina, you must understand that it is quite specific. From here we get the question: “Do you want your child to have a bright or dull life and will he have one or another tendency, taking into account the current circumstances and family climate?”

Do not forget that every name can be both a curse and salvation. Therefore, it is advised to determine the child’s name form in calmness and after thinking about the fate of the newly-made citizen of the Universe. Read further about the origin of the name Malvina, its functions, benefits and harm to a person’s personality.

Meaning and origin

The ancient German name suggests that the girl will have the life of almost an ascetic. Such a nature is capable of sacrificing what is most precious not out of noble motives, but even “just because.” The meaning of the name Malvina suggests that a selfless girl can calmly give up her favorite toy and put her happiness on the altar happy life another man. Her Western origins give her character the definition of "gentle".

A fragile flower with the name form Malvina needs someone for whom she can leave the whole world. The meaning of such a girl’s life lies in the happiness of those around her.

Brief description of the name: talismans, name days

Matching colors Malvinas are: blue, green, turquoise.

Lucky numbers: 6, 3, 24, 21.

The name belongs to the planet Venus.

Suitable metal: copper.

Frequently encountered zodiac signs: Taurus, Libra.

The most favorable day of the week: Friday.

Malvina has a fairly extensive list of talisman stones: red ironstone, apache, cat's eye, carnelian, jasper, glass, labradorite, moldavite, marble, peridot, onyx, star sapphire, green sapphire, green tourmaline.

Yuri, Peter, Gleb, Lev, Oleg - these are the best male names for marriage with a girl named Malvina. The meaning and fate of the name are built around the day of the angel (name day), which falls once a year on July 4th.


The meaning of the name Malvina indicates an artistic nature, which may have some pretentiousness in clothing. Such girls like to decorate themselves, because this is one of the ways to attract worthy people. Her friendly, open character is fully reflected in the various stylistic delights that Malvina resorts to every day. These can be unusual, bright accessories, jewelry that will highlight her nature. Here, however, there is some danger: the girl must watch the boundaries between brightness and vulgarity.

What is beauty like in love?

The characteristic qualities of a girl are the following: romance, charm, and the ability to evoke reciprocal feelings. The reaction of the opposite sex to a smart, intelligent girl with such an amazing name is ambiguous - some are afraid of her, while others are ready to sing serenades under the window all day and night. The meaning of the name Malvina prescribes to the girl a state of continuous euphoria, a feeling of fullness of life. She will easily find and describe to you the wonderful features of her partner, skillfully leveling out his shortcomings. Malvina is a devoted girl, but in relationships she is based on a sense of novelty. If this is absent, she feels out of place, driven into a corner, unnecessary and lonely. Memories of this or that breakup cause Malvina unbearable pain. A lover of “reliving old stories again,” the girl often lives in the past.

Goals and aspirations

A girl with a bright personality directs all her efforts to realize her existing abilities. It is the desire to find her purpose that propels Malvina through life.

The variety of abilities, as the meaning of the name Malvina says, makes it a little difficult to choose - after all, rarely does anyone know for sure what he will be able to succeed in in the future. Making your choice and stopping is what is really difficult for a girl. Quite often, a talented person sacrifices one opportunity in favor of another, but such actions are not always justified.

Rarely does Malvina manage to find enough prudence in herself to focus on one goal and subsequently devote the lion's share of her precious time to it. If a girl is “hunting two birds with one stone,” this arrangement rarely leads to success. Such examples lead to wasting all mental potential in vain. Life, set in the wind, leaves Malvina with nothing.

But if a girl adapts and learns to trust her heart, she can find a way out and correct solution in any situation. The main thing here is to be able to let go of everything feigned and turn to the real, living, without masks and the tinsel of artistic life. All that remains is to learn to hear your deepest “I”.

The meaning of the name Malvina: character and purpose

As mentioned earlier, innate kindness and the ability to sympathize are the main qualities of an unusual girl. But, despite such talents, Malvina can over time turn into a ruthless, stubborn and domineering lady. It is believed that the name also gives her leadership qualities(well, or that’s how she feels, but the situation doesn’t change much). The head of the family, represented by Malvina, is a strict, reasonable mentor who does not tolerate contradictions and unauthorized decisions. She can be very strict in raising children. The last point of discipline is especially relevant - any offense will be punished. If Malvina falls under any religious beliefs, life principles or has an excessive sense of justice, the people around her will have a hard time. Being around such a special person will become unpleasant, and everyone, even the closest relatives, may refuse the grumpy woman. This is the very case when Malvina’s sacrifice is not justified - she thinks that she is bringing good with her actions, but in fact she plunges herself into the abyss of loneliness, that is, the lack of meaning in life.

The artistry of your nature implies a certain pretentiousness in clothing. You like to decorate yourself. To do this, you use jewelry, unusual, eye-catching accessories, and all kinds of stylistic delights. Well, this is quite consistent with your friendly, open character. It is only important to observe moderation and not go to extremes, since the border between brightness and vulgarity is quite ephemeral.

Compatibility of the name Malvina, manifestation of love

Malvina, your characteristic qualities are charm, romanticism and the ability to put your feelings into forms that can’t help but cause a response. The state of being in love gives you a feeling of fullness of life, continuous euphoria. Your gift for finding beauty in every prospective partner is amazing and delightful. However, as soon as the relationship loses the charm of novelty, becomes ordinary and obligatory, your interest in us quickly fades away. But although you often tolerate the breakup easily, the memories of it remain quite painful for you for a long time, since you like to go through and analyze the smallest details and circumstances, comparing the past with the present.


You are gifted with a bright personality, and all your spiritual aspirations are aimed at realizing your existing abilities in one way or another. This desire often determines your choice.

But there are many abilities, and they are very diverse. Accordingly, there may be several ways to implement them. Therefore, quite often you find yourself having to give up one opportunity in favor of another.

It’s good if you have the prudence to focus on a specific goal and direct all your efforts towards achieving it. It’s bad if you are trying to “chase two birds with one stone”, not wanting to sacrifice even small chances of success. In this case, you risk wasting all your spiritual potential, “spraying” it, letting it go to waste. And - to be left with nothing.

You should trust your heart more. He doesn’t care about external shine, all the tinsel that usually decorates the life of artistic people. Therefore, it is precisely this that will tell you the only right decision at the right moment. Try to “hear” him.

The female name Malvina is rarely found in modern world. The name is not very popular. The unusual name became known to everyone thanks to the famous cartoon - the fairy tale about Pinocchio. This name is not considered a church name, therefore, it does not have a name day, and it is not suitable for baptized people and Russians. Malvina is mainly born in the constellation Virgo, under the fourth or sixth number

Origin of the name

The name Malvina has several variants of origin. Some claim that it came from ancient people Gauls and male name Melvin. Others claim that the name comes from the ancient Germanic (now German) people. Scientists believe that it is based on two German words “Mahl” and “Win”. And there is also a third judgment that the name acquired its origin from a flower with unusual name"Malma". The true origin is anyone's guess.


Unusual and rare name means: weak, tender, vulnerable, and on the other hand - a friend of justice, which confirms the ancient German theory about the words “Mal” and “Vin”. All softness will be contained in the soul, but on the outside there will be rigor and effort.

Health and character traits

Malvina is in good health, but, unfortunately, with age, metabolic disease and pain in blood vessels may occur. In relationships, girls are soft and friendly, so your girlfriend or wife will always be sweet. Regarding family life, Malvina will be the keeper of the hearth, have an ideal clean home, and also take good care of the children, although at times she can be strict with them.

Strictness will concern and future professional activity girls named Malvina. She gets along well in the role of a boss, a prosecutor, a lawyer, public figure, a politician or even individual entrepreneur, because she combines severity and justice and at the same time tenderness and weakness. And she can also become research fellow in the chemical, physical field or even as a designer, you just need to send it all in the right direction.

Thanks to her character and patience, life will definitely not be boring for her. She will be active in all planes of life.

Girls named Malvina are most often born under the constellation Virgo, that is, from August 24 to September 23. The zodiac sign Virgo is similar to Malvina in its hard work and demandingness towards all people, as well as in its punctuality and pedantry in its affairs and plans.

The girl's character is far from like in the cartoon - the fairy tale about Pinocchio. In life, Malvina is strong in character, strict, and early years She is already becoming an independent girl. With age, she will not rush to change. Malvina is purposeful and punctual.

She does not like lazy people, and the poet will urge them on in every possible way. Malvina will love to command everyone and try to lead in all positions. She also follows fashion, always looks elegant, is smart in her studies and shows a pleasant and positive opinion of herself. Malvina will be in the spotlight not only because of her name, but also because of her skills. A girl with such leadership qualities is respected and loved. Even if sometimes she can overdo it with command. Because of her character, she may have few friends.

The girl leaves all her tenderness to the family hearth; this is one of the main positions in life. She will be sweet, tender and passionate in family relationships. She will always have sterile cleanliness, improvement of the house, comfort in a family environment and warmth. As a hostess, she will conquer all the guests, and with all this she will be able to conquer any man.

With men or guys, she will secretly and secretly lead, so that the man will not even notice it. In these matters she will be cunning and insidious. She will make all her decisions very carefully and will not enter into a relationship with anyone. She will try to avoid conflicts, but with her character they can arise very often. Not every man can handle a strong woman. Malvinas, according to statistics, most often marry once and out of sincere love.

She will definitely become a faithful and modest wife who will not seek conflicts and will always find a compromise in various matters. Her few friends will always be able to rely on her, because she will definitely not let them down.

Pros and cons of the name

Pros of the name:

  • doll, unusual name;
  • cute declinations of the name;
  • steely and at the same time gentle character.

Cons of the name:

  • the name is not suitable for every person;
  • sounds ridiculous to an adult;
  • It's hard to find a good sound with your last and middle names.

Affectionate declinations of the name:

People born under the number six strive for selflessness and altruism, helping family and friends. They are good parents, and also do well in the educational, political and health spheres. The main part will depend on the girl’s parents. Those born under the sixth number are caring and sometimes vulnerable to their wrong actions. At number four born people, stable and suitable for creative professions, and will also work in one place for a long time. Girls do not like improvisations and surprises, as their plans are scheduled minute by minute. They are always focused.

Most often, Malvinas are born under the constellation Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces, according to astrologers; Jupiter is considered their planet. The most successful day for them is Thursday, and their favorite colors are crimson and sometimes blue. The animal symbol of the name is the swallow. The stone symbolizing the name is beryl, hyacinth, and the tree (plant) is oak, lavender.

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The name is Malvina, of Latin origin meaning “mallow”. According to another version, from the ancient German - “weak”, “tender”. As a rule, women with this name are very cunning, evasive and always know how to get around sharp corners in relations with their superiors. It is worth noting that these are very confident women who jealously ensure that their advantages do not go unnoticed by others. Also, Malvinas are endowed with high intelligence and the ability to grasp a problem - completely.

You must always remember that you should never enter into a discussion with the bearers of this name, because they are always able to crush you with their arguments. These women are highly valued by their superiors for their diligence, precision, creativity, ability to clearly, even rigidly organize not only their own work, but also the work of their subordinates. But their colleagues, on the contrary, don’t like them very much.

Malvina loves to argue

Malvina is always a good housewife who not only cooks deliciously, but also special skill and taste, arranges his home. Therefore, she is always better than others. This woman treats money quite lightly, therefore, she can rather be called a spender than a zealous and economical housewife. In the family, he always takes the position of leader, but not at all despotic. She would rather convince than force. It is worth noting that Malvina is very devoted to her loved ones, therefore, she often suffers from their dishonest actions.

Malvina's name day

  • Name Malvina according to zodiac sign: Suitable for Sagittarius.
  • Malvina talisman: beryl.
  • Patron Saints of Malvina: St. Malvina.
  • Compatibility of the name Malvina: favorable relationships with names: Anton, Bronislav, Valentin, Ignat, Martin.

The meaning of the name Malvina (Old German) is from mal - justice and wine - friend. Let's look at the influence of the name Malvina on the character and fate of the child.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that a name has a certain effect on the human psyche. The name, as a vibrational information code, influencing the unconscious changes the state, character, and then the choices and actions performed by the person change. Which leads to a change in the line of fate: what a person achieves, how much happiness, love, freedom he experiences and what he leaves behind.

Many parents want to know about the meaning of the name in the fate of the child. And for this they use only the external, superficial part of the “layer” of all influences - the generally accepted meaning or generalized observations of some people. At the same time, completely forgetting that all people are individual. And what is good for some people is coffee, but bad for others. Under one shoe, one has a small foot, another has a large one, and the third one is too hot in it. One car runs on 95 gasoline, another runs on diesel fuel and breaks down on 95, etc. One girl looks good in a green dress, another in pink, and another in blue. And that one general supposed meaning of the name gives absolutely different consequences For different people.

After all, the meaning of a name is determined by its usefulness. What function does it perform - destroys (weakens) or develops (strengthens).

But how does the name Malvina “work” for the happiness of a particular person?

The influence of the name is not limited only to the soft or rough sound quality, ratings about general meaning name, recreating the abilities and achievements of a saint with that name.

A name is a powerful set of vibrations, meanings, waves, collective programs that influence a person’s unconscious since childhood. By superimposing a child's unique character in a certain way, the name creates an equally unique effect. As a result, changes in the character and condition of the child either help her destiny (positive effect) or, on the contrary, interfere, create additional obstacles, or destroy her (negative effect). Moreover, the same name gives a negative, neutral and positive effect. The same name destroys, burdens and greatly facilitates the fate of different people. It all depends on the individuality and life task of the children, and not a “super” name that is equally useful for everyone.

To find out real value name Malvina in the fate of the girl, we need to analyze the girl herself.

1. Find out her character, characteristics, weaknesses and strengths, tasks in life.

2. Figure out what the girl needs to develop, what health and life problems to solve, what needs to be strengthened.

3. Then, with the help of professionals (sages, saints, elders, clairvoyant psychologists), find out which qualities in a person’s character the name develops, and which, on the contrary, it extinguishes and destroys.

4. And as a result of complex and high-precision work, a name will be found that develops what a particular girl really needs in life.

This will be the right, best, ideal name for a person. A name that will become a powerful personal mantra, self-therapy, and protective amulet. Supporting the girl whenever her name is called.

Qualities of the name Malvina

From a practical point of view, it is more important to know the qualities that the name gives to a specific person, and not “generally for everyone.” Also, the question is turned upside down - not the qualities of the name, but the qualities of the person. But a person has a character structure from the moment of birth. The child is influenced by the characters of mom and dad (). The name can destroy, strengthen or develop some qualities. Each person is individual. Accordingly, even if there are certain average tendencies of influence, the name Malvina will have a strictly individual influence on each person. What the name Malvina means for a girl must be looked at in each specific case.

Malvina and health

It will improve the health of some, spoil it for others, or have no effect on the health of the body.

Malvina in relationships with men

It will open the heart of some, close it for others, or will not in any way affect the ability to receive and give love.

Sexuality of the name Malvina

For some it will add sexuality, for others it will subtract it, or it will have no effect on sexuality at all.

Malvina and self-esteem, self-confidence

It will help some to recover and be resistant to external negativity, while for others it will not help or, on the contrary, will make them weaker and more defenseless.

Career named after Malvina

Career is general concept. A career collects many human qualities in a single work process of self-realization. The influence of a name on a person’s qualities, and therefore on a career, is also strictly individual.

The name Malvina can give confidence, discipline, strength of mind, stability, or it can take away, weaken, damaging important qualities of character and energy.

Purpose and profession of the name Malvina

The person has a life task, not the name. Therefore, the task of a person’s life must first be identified, and only then a name must be selected that will help in realizing the purpose. By removing weak qualities and helping to develop positive aspects. This will be called a profession when the essence of the child is expressed in social processes, and not vice versa, when first the desires of the parents, and then the torment of the child, correspond to this until the end of his days.

How to choose the right name for a girl

If you have a specific request, for example, to improve health, protect against generic problems that you know about, then a specialist (the one who is responsible, has the qualities, knowledge and experience necessary for choosing a name) chooses a name, which is pronounced in relation to its owner enhances selected qualities.

If you rely on professionalism and purity, then the specialist independently looks at the aura of the child and parents, or the aura of an adult, to identify his weak and strong sides and select a name that really “covers” weak sides and protecting from external negative impacts and potential problems.

It is important that when choosing a name, the person’s purpose and place of residence are taken into account.
The main goal that should be set when choosing a name is how to make a person’s life the most harmonious, protect him from perceived problems and help him really reach his potential.