The meaning of the name Victoria: This name for a girl means "victory".

Origin of the name Victoria: Latin.

Diminutive form of name: Vika, Viktusya, Vikusha, Veta, Vitulya, Vitusya, Vitusha, Vityanya, Vira, Tora, Tosha, Tusya.

What does the name Victoria mean: She doesn't focus on beauty. The meaning of the name Victoria is the desire to earn respect with intelligence and professional qualities. A girl with this name takes her work responsibly; she can work as an accountant, mathematician, store director, or researcher. The passionate and temperamental owner of the name will choose a strong, energetic partner, and will spoil the children beyond measure.

Angel Day and patron saints named: the name Victoria does not mark her name day, since she is not included in the list of Catholic and Orthodox calendars.


  • Zodiac – Aquarius
  • Planet – Uranus
  • Color - purple
  • Auspicious tree – cedar
  • Treasured plant - mimosa
  • Patron – bumblebee
  • Talisman stone – lapis lazuli

Characteristics of the name Victoria

Positive traits: Vika is characterized by sufficient hardness and mobility. The name gives the ability to achieve a set goal. If she is confident that she is right, nothing can stop her. At the same time, her sense of justice often runs counter to Vika’s wishes, and then indecision and doubt force her to retreat.

Negative features: Sometimes traits such as self-will, often bordering on stubbornness, begin to appear in character. In this case, having a name, contrary to all good advice and common sense, can rush towards death.

Personality of the name Victoria: What character traits determine the meaning of the name Victoria? In Vicky's life decisive role plays confrontation with men. A woman bearing this name challenges them both at work - everyone, even bosses, and at home - father, husband, grandfather, relatives and male relatives. He constantly speaks about the humiliation of the fair sex by rude louts, about the equality of women, the need to participate more widely in political life etc. And here’s what’s surprising: everyone agrees with Victoria, everyone sympathizes with her - but nothing more. Only after reaching adulthood does Vika realize how much she has lost in best years from his past social predilections - and finally turns a favorable gaze to his own family. If only by that time the family was still preserved!

Date of birth: 01/24/1991
Place of birth: Moscow

Biography of Victoria Portfolio

Victoria was born on January 24, 1991 in Moscow. Vika was the only child in the family. She was used to the fact that all her parents' attention was paid to her. Since childhood, the girl was very active and purposeful. More from school age Victoria was creative. The girl loved to be the center of attention.

At school Victoria Portfolio always got good grades, the girl graduated from school with a gold medal. After graduation, Vika entered Moscow University. There the girl made great progress, she was the best student on the course. It was while studying at the university that Victoria Portfolio met her future husband.

Personal life of Victoria Portfolio

After graduating from university, Vika married Maxim. After two years of marriage, the young family had their first daughter. The second child was born to Victoria and Maxim three years later, it was also a girl. Victoria Portfolio is a shining example of a modern woman; the beauty manages to do all her chores and at the same time be an excellent mother for girls.

Victoria Portfolio's husband supports his wife in everything. It is he who always helps and believes in the girl; at the very beginning of Victoria’s YouTube career, he helped her shoot videos. The most common question from Victoria Portfolio fans is “What does your husband do?” On her YouTube channel, Vika has repeatedly said that her husband is a successful Moscow businessman.

YouTube career

Victoria started her YouTube channel in the summer of 2012. Almost all the girl’s videos are beauty themed. Vika films her shopping, makeup, walks with friends, cosmetics reviews and much more interesting videos for girls. Victoria herself admits that she always wanted to share various self-care tips with girls. Her main audience is young girls, they inspire her to make even more videos.
Now more than 150 thousand people follow the girl’s work on YouTube, and Victoria Portfolio’s Instagram has 300 thousand fans. Victoria is a very well-groomed girl who is interesting to watch. Vika made herself, she talks about this in her videos, perhaps this is the secret of her popularity.

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According to Mendelev

A gentle, light and feminine name, especially in the diminutive form Vita, is modest and charming.

Of the four main types of temperament, Victorias are most often characterized by melancholic. They are very sensitive, but also very secretive. Victoria's actions everyday life there is no reason to say that she has a strong will, but she can be stubborn and adamant if she considers herself right or if she wants to protect another. Victoria holds back her emotions and rarely openly reveals her feelings. If possible, she does only what she likes and is really interested in, and does it conscientiously and very professionally. Often chooses the profession of a teacher or educator; children love her. Possesses deep, but very selective intuition, unmistakably feels emotional state interlocutor and guesses his attitude towards himself.

She is easily vulnerable, especially in her youth, since she is always distinguished by exceptional sensitivity and aversion to any show off. Victoria's mindset is most often synthetic, that is, she can combine disparate facts into a big picture. He is highly cultured, well-read and has a good memory. Victoria is sociable only among close friends. She is unable to fight for warm place in life, push others with your elbows. Victoria gets married either very early or very late, especially if she experienced unrequited love in her youth. With age comes calmness, perhaps even indifference. and then indifference.

The colors of the name are white and blue.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

She likes to love and fall in love; without a feeling of love, she cannot imagine life for herself. Love for her is a kind of drama, a unique situation, sexual attraction shrouded in romance. She can be a difficult partner for a man because she does not have the ability to quickly sexually adapt and is reluctant to compromise. At times, Victoria brilliantly plays, sometimes not without benefit for herself, a weak creature, a “little girl” in need of the protection of a strong and experienced man. In fact, she knows how to protect herself perfectly and knows what she wants from life. Victoria does not like mundane sex, sex that brings only sensual pleasures. She strives to make it romantically colored and poetic.

Her life could be stress-free if it were not for her excessive love attraction, which creates some difficulties for her. Victoria needs sex as a form of self-affirmation in the erotic sphere. Among these women there are many frigid ones who simply brilliantly portray passion and indomitable sexual desire, doing it with the talent of a professional actress. Victoria is subject to sudden mood swings; she can move from increased arousal to depression and complete refusal of sex. She is jealous, although she tries to suppress this feeling, and does not forgive a man’s infidelity. “Winter” Victoria is often a woman with an unsettled personal destiny, striving to dominate men. Her sexual behavior is somewhat aggressive, she likes to dominate in the sexual process, is prone to irony, ridicule, and does not tolerate rough caresses. Expects submission and admiration from a man.

According to Higir

Translated from Latin - victory.

Victoria often looks like her father. Lazy and somewhat slow. In games with children he is rarely the ringleader - he is usually content with a passive role. She doesn’t want to learn to read for a long time; she asks her parents to read to her. At the same time, she is calm, balanced, more silent than talkative, and can sometimes withdraw into herself for no reason visible to others. In her youth, Victoria perks up and begins to take care of herself, but internal uncertainty and shyness remain alive in her, and often attempts to assert herself manifest themselves in a bizarre form. Either young Victoria will amaze those around her with the strong smell of perfume ten meters away, or she will wear it indecently. short skirt, he will behave excessively provocatively at the party. This demonstrativeness and assertiveness, expressed more than the situation requires, will characterize Victoria in the future. At work, she shows efficiency, in front of her superiors she even tries to force events, to teach those around her, but when she receives rebuff, she instantly loses her combativeness and becomes what she always is.

Of all the professions, Victoria will choose the one that does not require communication with people and where the final result depends solely on Victoria herself. She takes on the role of a housewife with pleasure, although with the appropriate external characteristics she can become a fashion model or fashion model. Victoria takes a long time to choose her husband. The reason for this is not Victoria’s bad character, as they might think, and not her high demands on her future husband, but indecision. She, Victoria, is always like this when we're talking about about some significant step in her life. After her marriage, still not believing what had happened, Victoria continues to have doubts about the correctness of her step. A sensitive, attentive husband will help her gain self-confidence, after which she will literally be transformed. She will become trusting, frank, will love recklessly and strongly, and sacrifice a lot for her beloved. However, one treacherous act of her husband - and peace of mind violated again, What a pity! Victoria deserves true love and happiness in marriage. She is caring and loyal.

The most favorable marriage is with Mikhail, Vladimir, Sergei, Leo, Semyon, Savely. Least - with Dmitry, Albert, Vitaly, Grigory.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name:"Victorious" (lat.)

Energy and character of the name: It is interesting that in the case of Victoria, her close connection with the masculine form of the name - Victor - is practically not noticeable. At least this doesn’t affect her character in any way. But here such qualities of the name as sufficient firmness, mobility and the ability to show assertiveness come to the fore. Of course, all this would not hurt a man either, it’s just that for Vika this has nothing to do with the male version of the name, but is due to its very sound.

Usually, from childhood, Vika’s character begins to show such traits as self-will, often bordering on stubbornness, and great emotional and motor activity. It often comes to the point that parents, tired of Vika’s “kicks,” are forced to resort to extreme measures, including assault and other punitive methods of influence, such as standing in the corner, depriving them of sweets and other educational delights. Of course, such work does not go without a trace, which makes some researchers suspect Vika’s indecisiveness. In fact, the explanation here is simple - the miracle of education. It happens that this mark remains with Victoria for the rest of her life, and forces her to often retreat, meeting resistance from those around her on her way, but most often such a conflict between fathers and children in adolescence provokes a heated protest from Vicky, and she becomes even more extravagant to spite the impatient teachers. In this way, she simply asserts herself, satisfying her wounded pride.

It was most favorable when Victoria’s parents did not resort to extreme measures. In this case, the strength of her character can find excellent use without any excesses. She can become the ringleader and initiator of all kinds of events, be it organizing holidays or any commercial projects. She can even make a good leader, but at the same time it can be difficult for her husband to come to terms with her dominant role in the family. It is most favorable when all of Vika’s qualities are balanced, and her activity finds its application in a sense of humor. At the very least, this will save her from many emotional breakdowns and conflicts.

Secrets of communication: Usually Vika is not particularly prone to romanticism and excessive poetry; rather, she is a purely down-to-earth person and will be able to understand you much better if you build your communication with her from precisely these positions. She is unlikely to be able to share and approve your ambitious plans if they are devoid of material reasons or if the latter is pushed into too distant a future.

WITH ice name in history:

Queen Victoria

The reign of Queen Victoria - Alexandrina (1819–1901) is called the “Golden Age in the history of England”. And this is absolutely fair, since the queen’s character and her policies most successfully combined all those qualities that any people would like to see in their ruler. As Winston Churchill aptly noted, “she sought to reign, not to rule,” and it must be said that she successfully succeeded.

It is not difficult to answer the question of what Victoria did for the country - it is much more difficult to say what she did not have a hand in. So, it was under her that England turned into one of the most powerful states; the economy was booming, in full swing Construction was underway, and much attention was paid to the education and upbringing of the younger generation. Being a very educated, fair and not at all domineering woman, the queen eagerly trusted professionals to guide them within the limits of their competence, so that everyone felt like a master in their place.

At the age of twenty-one, Victoria got married - it’s easy to guess that it was not a marriage of convenience, but a very great love, - and subsequently gave birth to her husband no less than nine children, organically combining government with the role loving wife and mother. The queen was only forty years old when her husband suddenly died, and her grief was so great that for several years she lived as a recluse, and subsequently, until the end of her days, she never stopped mourning.

She was adored by the people and respected by the rulers of other states. It was under Victoria that Britain became the only country in the world that established widespread production of very inexpensive and high-quality goods. This wise reign lasted for sixty-four years, going down in history as the “Victorian era.”

1. Personality: women with secrets

2.Color: yellow

3. Main features: intelligence - activity

4. Totem plant: gentian

5. Totem animal: toad

6. Sign: Virgo

7. Type. They are phlegmatic, they have inhibited excitability and a somewhat slow reaction. They don’t do anything hastily and don’t panic. They stand firmly on the ground and do not waste time on illusory dreams.

8. Psyche. It is not always possible to understand what these women are thinking. When they are silent, they appear to be angry about something, when they are simply watching and listening. They look timid, timid, although they have huge internal reserves, it is possible that they lack self-confidence.

9. Will. Strong, but often not enough to achieve the goal.

10. Excitability. Below average. They need time to understand the problem and make a decision. Very impressionable and reserved.

11. Reaction speed. Weak, as well as excitability. They don’t count on any extraordinary luck. They achieve success through perseverance and diligence, although it comes a little late.

12. Field of activity. They are attracted to scientific activity. They can become scientists, electronics engineers, or exemplary teachers. They should not be disturbed in their choice of profession.

13. Intuition. Not relying on inspiration alone, they carefully plan their affairs and actions.

14. Intelligence. They have a more masculine mentality. They get along well with the team, giving preference to men. An analytical mindset gives them the ability to patiently delve into details.

15. Receptivity. These are not the girls who pester their parents with the question: “Do you love me?” They need tenderness and love without any special external manifestations.

It is better to avoid collisions with such women, as they are vindictive and do not know how to forgive.

16. Morality. They adhere to principles that many consider philistine.

17. Health. Average, and it is necessary to monitor it from childhood. They require prolonged exposure to the fresh air, walks, and sports. Prone to osteochondrosis and susceptible to viral diseases.

18. Sexuality. This is a secret area of ​​their nature; they cannot stand it when someone intrudes into it. However, behind the impenetrability lies a violent temperament...

19. Activity. Such women need time to demonstrate their capabilities.

20. Sociability. Prefer a few selected friends. They like their friendships to look beautiful and cannot stand the shameless intrusions of their friends. They value family and make strict but fair mothers.

21. Conclusion. They need someone they can rely on, a person who would help them create a reliable and cozy family home.

Short form of the name Victoria. Vika, Vikusha, Vicky, Torka, Vikta, Toria, Victorka, Viktosha, Vita, Vitya, Vitulya, Vitusya, Vitusha, Vityusha, Vityanya, Viktusya, Vira, Tora, Torya, Tosha, Tusya.
Synonyms for the name Victoria. Vitoria, Viktoir, Vittoria, Victoria, Vihtoria.
Origin of the name Victoria. The name Victoria is Russian, Orthodox, Catholic, Greek.

The name Victoria comes from the Latin word "Victoria", meaning "victory". The same interpretation is given to this name. In Roman mythology, Victoria is the goddess of victory, corresponds to greek goddess Nika's victory, therefore the name Nika is an analogue of the name Victoria.

A related name is considered to be the name Victorina. The diminutive forms Tora, Vita are also independent names.

Victoria's baptism Orthodox Church produced under the name Nika. IN Orthodox calendar the name Victoria is not mentioned, Victoria's Catholic name days are indicated.

A woman named Victoria has character traits such as assertiveness, stubbornness, cunning, physical activity and mobility. At the same time, Victoria is a kind, amorous, extremely indecisive and shy person. To compensate for her indecision and assert herself, Vika uses demonstrativeness and pretentiousness: she will either start wearing harsh perfume, or buy an ultra-short skirt, or simply behave hyperactively.

Vika is lazy, can suddenly withdraw into herself, outwardly due to her insecurity she looks timid, but in fact this woman has great internal reserves. She may lie if there is a benefit. Vika is a headstrong and stubborn woman, standing firmly on the ground, with strong will and a masculine mentality.

IN professional activities Vika shows the same assertiveness and demonstrativeness. However, if obstacles or resistance arise, Victoria will retreat from her plan. This woman is suitable for professions where the result will depend on her. She has a talent for pedagogical activity, so she will make an excellent teacher, educator, electronics engineer, scientist, pediatrician, nurse. If she has external characteristics, she can try herself as a fashion model or fashion model. She has excellent organizational skills, so Victoria will make a talented leader. However, Victoria will cope with the role of a housewife no less successfully. Victoria's parents should not prevent her from choosing a profession. Success comes a little late for these women, but Vika will definitely achieve it thanks to her perseverance and diligence.

In choosing a partner, Victoria proves to be a picky woman due to her indecisiveness. Even after getting married, Vika will doubt the correctness of this step for a long time. Her partner should be a sensitive and attentive man who will give Vika confidence in her abilities. In return, Victoria will give her partner trust and frankness, sincere love and the willingness to give everything for your loved one. Victoria will be caring wife and a good housewife. She will never forgive her husband for deception or infidelity. Vika is a temperamental woman; as a rule, she has a pleasant appearance and natural charm, so she can turn any man’s head.

Vika is a sociable woman, but she has few friends. She prefers to have several reliable friends rather than many clueless ones. Victoria does not strive for leadership; a passive role is also suitable for her. In friendly relationships, she appreciates beauty and cannot tolerate shamelessness on the part of her friends. This is a sincere and sincere woman who treats with love not only her relatives and friends, but generally all the people around her.

Sound. Victoria is a rather long name, consisting of four syllables. Beauty is its most noticeable characteristic. Many also note the majesty (93%), strength (89%) and mystery (86%) of the sound of the name. Sometimes they also hear a certain femininity in it (73%). The names most similar in phonosemantic profile are Valeria, Zarina and Ekaterina.

Victoria's name day

Victoria celebrates her name day on March 12, March 23, April 29, May 8, September 12, October 24, November 17, December 23.

Famous people named Victoria

  • Victoria Yagling (cellist, composer and teacher, laureate of international cello competitions, Honored Artist of the RSFSR)
  • Victoria Postnikova (Russian pianist)
  • Victoria Abril (real name - Victoria Rojas; Spanish actress. Played in more than 80 films. Known for playing roles in films by Vicente Aranda and Pedro Almodóvar)
  • Victoria Daineko (Russian singer and actress)
  • Victoria Platova (real name - Victoria Solomatina; Russian writer, author of action novels)
  • Victoria Daujotite-Pakarenė (Lithuanian literary critic)
  • Victoria Perez (Argentine human rights activist)
  • Victoria Kovalchuk (graphic artist, illustrator, designer, writer)
  • Victoria Dawn Justice (American actress and singer)
  • Victoria Nikiforova (Russian playwright and journalist)
  • Victoria Volchkova (married to Butsaeva; Russian figure skater who competed in singles, currently a figure skating coach)
  • Victoria Chekovaya (Russian jazz, blues and ethno singer)
  • Victoria Ocampo ((1890 - 1979) Argentine writer, public figure and literary organizer, publisher, and influential intellectual. Igor Stravinsky dedicated the ballet “Persephone” to her, and Jorge Luis Borges dedicated the story “The Garden of Forking Paths.”)
  • Victoria Feodorovna ((1876 - 1936) née Victoria Melita; Princess of Great Britain, Ireland and Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duchess of Saxony, from 1907 Grand Duchess with the title of Imperial Highness)
  • Victoria Cmilyte (Lithuanian chess player)
  • Victoria Yartseva ((1906 - 1999) Soviet and Russian linguist, professor (1943), corresponding member of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1968) and the Saxon Academy of Sciences (1976); known for her works on history and stylistics English language, Celtic languages, theory of grammar, contrastive linguistics)
  • Victoria Pratt (Canadian actress and model)
  • Victoria Bonya (TV presenter)
  • Victoria Azarenka (Belarusian tennis player)
  • Victoria Gerasimova ( Russian actress cinema and commercials, former MTV Russia VJ)
  • Victoria Belomlinskaya ((1937 - 2008) pseudonym - Victoria Platova; Russian writer)
  • Victoria Begalskaya (Ukrainian-Russian artist)
  • Victoria Motrichko (Ukrainian checkers player, specializing in the game on a small board (draughts-64); international grandmaster, world champion 2007, world champion mind games 2008)
  • Victoria Nikishina (Russian foil athlete, 2008 Olympic champion, 2002 world champion)
  • Victoria Hernandez (Spanish biathlete, member of the Spanish Olympic biathlon team at the winter Olympic Games 2010)
  • Victoria Sanchez (Canadian actress)
  • Karen Victoria Silvstedt (Swedish fashion model, actress, singer and TV presenter)
  • Victoria Alasheyeva (Russian theater and film actress)
  • Victoria Lepko (Russian theater and film actress)

The name Victoria gained popularity in the pre-revolutionary years, after which it became firmly rooted in the Russian name book.

The mystery of the name Victoria is closely connected with its origin, according to legends Ancient Rome, they called the goddess of victory. Therefore, the etymological translation of this name is winner. It came from male name Victor.

The secret of the name is this: Victoria’s talisman stone can be amber or lapis lazuli, and you need to wear jewelry with them as a talisman. Lapis lazuli will bring a girl good luck in all her endeavors and get rid of the blues and depression. Amber will protect a woman while traveling; it is a symbol of love, fidelity, and happiness.

The name corresponds to the zodiac signs Libra, Taurus and Virgo. It is under the protection of Uranus. The most good time the year for Vikuli is winter, and all important decisions can be made on Saturday. White and purple colors, favorable colors include yellow, brown, steel and blue.

Totem animals are the bumblebee and the toad. The bumblebee is associated with hard work and health, it brings good luck in business. Financial well-being the toad gives, it is a symbol of the birth of a new life, long years and prosperity in material terms. The mimosa flower talisman means sensuality, modesty, even timidity, and the cedar tree gives the name dignity and grandeur.

Victoria celebrates her name day on October 24, September 12, March 12, November 17 and December 23. This girl's name is affectionate Vika, Vikulya, Vikusik, Vikusya, Vikochka, Vikusha, Vikonka, Viki, Vik, Vikulechka, Tori, Toria. The Orthodox form of the name is Victorina.

Name meaning

Each name carries a certain charge, which determines the appearance of certain character traits in a person. Victoria has her positive and negative characteristics. It also influences fate.


The characteristics of the name appear regardless of whether the girl is given her full name or an abbreviated one. As a child, Vika is always modest and shy; she is not confident in herself and is constantly embarrassed. Has the ability to create problems out of nowhere, and parents should be imbued with it, even if at first glance it seems to them that this is a trifle.

Vikula is characterized by neatness, cleanliness and commitment; peer recognition is of great importance. A little girl is easily hurt or offended. With age, Vika becomes bolder, strives to assert herself and gain firmness and self-confidence. Which means she tries to achieve her goal through desperate actions, sometimes she goes too far. For example, in his youth he may wear excessive makeup or dress provocatively.

She is non-conflict, tries to avoid scandals, does not participate in showdowns. Communicates respectfully with spouse's relatives, great value devotes time to communication with parents and relatives. Despite his strength of character and ability to achieve his goals, he often doubts decisions taken. If you are not sure that you are right, you may retreat. But if Victoria is firmly convinced that she needs something, she will achieve her goal.

A strong will is combined with little determination, so Vika often does not finish what she starts. He is phlegmatic by nature, which means some laziness and a slow reaction. Little emotional, rarely panics and does everything thoroughly. Everything is carefully planned; this woman does not rely on inspiration and luck.

Victoria has few friends, but they are loyal, just as she is always devoted to her friends. Many note her observation, ability to listen and hear, and draw the right conclusions. But she rarely shares her thoughts, which is explained by her secrecy. Feels the mood of others. Low actions, gossip, rudeness - this is not about Vikula.

Her mood is changeable, her memory is good, she has great patience. She reads a lot, her thinking is developed, Vika knows how to compare facts and delve into all the details. She can find like-minded people in any team; her colleagues love her. She has an active nature.

Victoria prefers a male environment; her life is clearly marked by constant confrontation with the opposite sex. Victoria constantly challenges men, at work and at home, in personal relationships. This allows her to assert herself, so she fights her insecurities. This is evidenced by the slightly sloppy appearance, and noticeable eccentricity in behavior.


Since childhood, Victoria has gravitated toward male society, makes friends with boys, and plays boyish games. Active and sociable, she sometimes withdraws into herself, thinks and becomes silent. Parents need to praise this girl as much as possible, even for minor achievements, so that she gains self-confidence.

Older Vika will believe in herself. He will begin to monitor himself, wanting to attract attention. But often attempts at self-affirmation will not be crowned with success. Throughout her life, this woman will struggle with herself and look for her place in the sun.

Her hobbies include theater, art, and attending various parties and exhibitions. She is often thrown into extremes, and informal culture is just for her. Vikusha's preferences change constantly. But the main hobby of a mature girl is indulging her whims. She does not strive to get married, start a family, she simply spends all her money on entertainment, clothes, and adventures.

Growing up, Victoria will change, calmness and prudence will appear in her. She will lose the desire to stand out by any means. Like a flower, she will open up over time, becoming a passionate businesswoman. The fate of the owner of this name will not be simple, but this will not make her life less interesting and eventful.


Victoria opens up in love, but her constraint, modesty and tendency to doubt prevent her from doing so early. She chooses her life partner very carefully; an easy, fleeting marriage is not for her. Despite such a serious approach to finding a candidate for her heart, even after marriage she may doubt her choice.

Women are attracted to strong and decisive men who are self-confident. They can give her attention and care, increasing her self-esteem. But last word should always be behind the husband. Often dissatisfied with her husband, she openly and directly points out his shortcomings. But as soon as Vikulya realizes that next to her is the very person she can trust, with whom she will be completely safe and comfortable, the attitude will change and Vikulya will become white and fluffy.

This woman will respect and honor her husband; for her, family is, first of all, coziness and comfort. She feels quite naturally in the role of a housewife, and does her best to demonstrate her talents to friends and acquaintances. He loves children very much, while raising them, he tries to instill in them that in the family the most main man- father.

Supports husband's relatives good relationship, her desire to gather with her family as often as possible plays a big role. There is a tendency to sacrifice career for the sake of family. As a wife, Victoria is simply an ideal man, despite the complexity of her character. She will always be faithful and devoted to him. This expresses her maximalist views.

Name compatibility will help Vikula with choosing a partner. The best husband for her could be Vladimir, Arkady, Valery, Valentin, Mikhail, Semyon, Lev, Sergey, Savely. In order not to be disappointed in family life, she should avoid relationships with Vladislav, Victor, Dmitry, Yuri, German, Gregory, Alexander.


Building a career for Victoria is somewhat different, since she is endowed with boundless hard work, and any leader will appreciate this potential. It is important to choose the right direction so that work is a joy. Vika gives her best, she easily copes with any assigned tasks, which allows her to become an excellent subordinate and an excellent responsible leader.

Thanks to her developed sense of beauty, Vikushu will be successful in such fields as design and modeling, she can try herself in modeling business, entertainment, management. As a rule, a woman with this name searches for herself for a long time, trying this or that activity until she finds a job in which she feels comfortable.

Victoria will make a good hairdresser, educator or teacher, she gets along easily with people, and is infinitely kind to children. This woman can also choose non-creative professions, thanks to the masculine mentality, she will enjoy the work research fellow, designer, engineer or service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Despite her ease of communication and ability to work in a team, Vika prefers work that does not require constant contact with others. It is important that the result of the work depends on it. Financial issues Victoria always makes good decisions, she loves money.