Pearl is the only precious stone in the world that is not mined from the earth.

Then how are pearls formed? It occurs in mollusk shells. This occurs when foreign particles enter the sink. This could be sand, small fauna, and so on. All this can injure the body of the mollusk. To prevent this from happening, it begins to secrete a special substance. It is called and translated as mother of pearls. This substance envelops the foreign body, smoothing out all sharp corners. This is how pearls are formed.

The longer it stays inside the shell, the larger its size will be, since the substance of the mollusk envelops it in layers, and it is released until the pearl leaves its home. This may happen when the diver retrieves it.

After this, the gemstone is delivered to the jewelers. They create jewelry from pearls, and even from photographs you can appreciate their beauty. Such products quickly sell out, not only due to their magnificence, but also due to the fact that pearls have healing and magical properties.

Pearls can be grown in natural environment- these are natural pearls, in an artificial environment - these are cultured pearls or created artificially - this is a synthetic stone.

In the traditional understanding of users, pearls are white, round-shaped gemstones. This is just one of the varieties of this gemstone. There are several other types of this stone. These include cultured, artificial, and natural pearls.

Types of pearls:

  • South Sea.
  • This type of pearl is the most expensive of all cultured stones. It has several color options - white, gold and silver. These pearls have the thickest layer of nacre compared to their counterparts. Due to this, the stone has a large size. It influences high cost gem.

  • Ocean pearls.
  • These pearls grow in large mollusks that live in warm bays of the oceans. This species comes in white, silver, cream, pink and greenish-black tones.

  • Baroque pearls.
  • The name of this gem is translated from French means irregular or bizarre. Its baroque stones were obtained thanks to their unusual oblong shape. Baroque pearls can be cultured or natural. It is grown in both fresh and sea ​​water. Baroque pearls always have an affordable price. Therefore, it is always in demand among buyers. Jewelers pay great attention to Baroque pearls. Thanks to him, craftsmen can create jewelry that can be compared to works of art.

  • Mabe pearls.
  • This is a natural blister pearl. It has a hemispherical shape, which is formed due to the fact that the pearl appears and grows not inside the mollusk, but on the inner surface of the shell itself. Such pearls have the most big size compared to natural analogues. The color palette of this stone ranges from gray-silver to shiny black.

  • Tahitian pearls.
  • These are cultured black pearls that have round shape. It is mined near the Polynesian islands in the southern part Pacific Ocean. These pearls are large and medium in size.

  • Mallorcan pearls.
  • Not all users know what Mallorca pearls are. These are pearls that are produced artificially in Spain at a factory located on the island of Mallorca. This is where the stone got its name from. Mallorcan pearls have almost the same properties and appearance as natural stones. Only a professional can distinguish it from real pearls.

  • Freshwater pearls.
  • Such pearls grow and develop in bodies of fresh water. It is small in size and round in shape. Pearl tones range from light silver to light yellowish. It can be natural or cultivated. These pearls are mined in China. It has an affordable price, because from 5 to 25 pearls can form in the shell of a river and lake mollusk.

  • Akoya pearls.
  • These are natural pearls that are formed in the shells of mollusks that live in sea water. It has a round shape and medium size. Typically these pearls are cultured. It can be cream, pink, white, silver and greenish-black.

How to distinguish artificial pearls from real ones

How to distinguish natural pearls from artificial ones? It’s no wonder that consumers often have this question. Nowadays, when many fakes have appeared on the market, anyone can encounter a counterfeit. Therefore, you need to know how to identify real pearls so as not to make a mistake with your choice. There are several ways to do this:

  1. You can run pearls over your teeth. Natural stone will creak, but artificial stone will not. This is one way to distinguish pearls from fakes, but not the most reliable, because in a jewelry store sellers will not allow you to determine the authenticity of a stone using this method.
  2. The next way to identify natural pearls is to rub the stones against each other. Natural pearls will cling to each other, artificial pearls will not.
  3. You can tell a fake from a real stone by its weight. Natural pearls have significant weight, artificial light stone.
  4. You need to look at the surface of the stone. This is the most reliable way to distinguish real pearls from synthetic ones. Natural stone has an uneven surface, while fakes have a smooth surface.
  5. You need to drop the stone on a flat surface. The difference between real and artificial stone is that the former will bounce, the latter will not.
  6. The differences between artificial and natural stones also lie in the shade. It is necessary to hold the stone up to light. If it is real, then the shade will be a delicate blue. Artificial pearls have a pink or green glow.
  7. Cost is the most easy way, how to check whether pearls are real or not. Natural and cultured stone cannot be cheap. If the jewelry is inexpensive, then the pearls are artificial.

Signs associated with pearls

There are many signs associated with pearls. IN Ancient Rus' pearls were a good wedding gift. Grooms gave jewelry with this stone to their brides. Then there was a version that if you give pearls for a wedding, then everything will turn out well for the couple. Pearls are a symbol of pure and eternal love. If the groom gave it to the bride, then they were supposed to live a long and happy life.

In European countries they use this stone wedding ceremony. Pearls for a wedding are a symbol of strong and happy family. During the wedding, it was customary to tie the newlyweds with a pearl thread. They should stay with her for a while. If the string of pearls broke, it meant that the marriage would be short-lived and during family life there will be a lot of tears.

Nowadays it is believed that pearls should not be worn to a wedding. This is bad omen. Wearing pearls to a wedding brings tears, but what would a wedding be without tears? But not all tears are bitter. Brides often cry with happiness.

Therefore, many of them do not believe in omens and are happy to wear pearls to a wedding, but now it is not customary for the bride to wear pearl jewelry. At a wedding they usually flaunt jewelry with rhinestones or. They decorate their outfits, veils, and so on with pearls.

There is no consensus on whether pearls can be given as a gift. According to one version, the recipient will experience tears and disappointment because of such a gift. If you accept it as a gift, it will mean that you are dooming yourself to misfortune.

Another version says that there is no better symbol of purity and sincerity than pearls. IN old times it was given to the innocent unmarried girls. In China, if a guy gives a girl pearls and she accepts them, then she thereby gives her consent to marry him.

Astrologers advise only strong-willed people to wear pearls. The stone will always protect such a person. He will make weak people absent-minded. Because of the stone they will also become angry and envious.

Astrologers are unanimous in one opinion - pearls should only be given close person and only in pairs. For example, a necklace should go with a bracelet. Jewelry with this stone should not be accepted from strangers, because it can bring troubles and misfortunes.

Healing and magical properties

Pearls have magical and healing properties. Its benefits have been known for a long time. It warns a person about an approaching illness. If it fades, this is a signal that it is time to see a doctor.

The benefit of stones is that it improves memory. Lithotherapists assure that it helps even with sclerosis. Pearls contain such power that can restore memory.

Pearls normalize the central nervous system when it is disturbed. It has a positive effect on a person’s psycho-emotional state.

Pearls benefit internal organs - kidneys and liver. It restores their functions. The stone will help not only with certain illnesses, but also generally regulate their work.

Lithotherapists advise wearing pearls if you have problems with blood pressure. At the same time, the stone helps with both hypertension and hypotension.

Tinctures and powder are made from natural stone. They are used to treat eye diseases. These compounds also stop bleeding. People learned about the hemostatic properties of the stone decades ago. Even modern lithotherapists do not deny them.

Esotericists attribute magical properties to real pearls. The naturalness of the stone is a guarantee that it has magic.

IN different countries the stone has its own meaning. In India, it is a symbol of material wealth. People in this country wore and still wear pearls to attract money.

Here are the meanings of the stone in Europe - long life, eternal youth and perfection.

In China, the magical properties of the stone develop kindness and mercy in a person. In this country they also think that pearls in a person himself can awaken magic and strengthen it.

The fact that pearls have magical properties is also known in Greece. There people think that the stone protects the family.

Magical powers The stone is enough to protect your home from thieves. Pearls also relieve suffering due to unhappy love. It also protects from bad thoughts. Business people trust pearl jewelry. They protect them from unscrupulous partners and unprofitable contracts.

How to wear pearls - people ask this question for a reason. Jewelry with this stone is worn only in pairs. This applies to both married and single people. A single piece of jewelry can bring misfortune to a person. For example, if married woman She wore only beads without earrings and soon she got divorced, it was probably because of the pearls. Therefore, you should only wear jewelry with this stone in pairs.

Who suits pearls according to their zodiac sign?

Many years ago, an astrologer was able to determine which stone was suitable according to their zodiac sign. Based on this, many people choose talismans for themselves according to their horoscope. They also managed to find out which zodiac sign suits pearls.

Compatibility of pearls with zodiac sign. Table 1.

Pearls suit Cancers. The stone improves the mood of this zodiac sign. Pearls will make Cancer women more emotional and sensitive.

The stone is suitable for Taurus. It calms them down and helps normalize relationships with loved ones.

Pearls can suit such zodiac signs as Aquarius and Capricorn. Thanks to the stone, these zodiac signs will become calmer and more balanced.

For a single woman of the Libra sign, pearls will help her find a spouse.

Pearls are not suitable for Leos.

Pearls require special care. When you hit him chemicals and even sweat leads to peeling and loss of shine. Therefore, after use, it should be wiped dry with a soft cloth and stored separately from other jewelry. Under these conditions, the stone can last more than 150 years.

Pearls have been endowed with magical characteristics. Pearls are considered the patron saint of travelers and traders, an amulet against infidelity and lies, a talisman of beauty, tranquility and longevity. But the stone is not suitable for everyone - it will not help stubborn and stupid people. The benefits of pearls for the owner also depend on the zodiac sign under which he was born.

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“Girl with a Pearl Earring” painting by the Dutch artist Jan Vermeer

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      Stone or mineral?

      Pearls are traditionally classified as stones, but they are not stones. The mineral is formed in the shells of mollusks. When small grains of sand get inside, the mollusk secretes nacre and envelops the speck so that it does not irritate the mantle.

      The resulting “gem” is not durable, most often its life is limited to a couple of hundred years.

      • Myths about the appearance of pearls

        Pearls are considered a symbol of purity, femininity, nobility and motherhood. Different nations All over the world they keep their fairy tales, myths and legends about the magical gem. In China, the birthplace of the name of the mineral, it is believed that pearls - This is moonlight passing through the water and getting stuck in the shells. In India they believe that the god Krishna found a pearl at the bottom of the sea and gave it to his daughter. Needless to say, pearl jewelry is a traditional gift for brides in India.

        The ancient Slavs believed that pearls were frozen drops of water that fell from water lilies. The mineral has been known in Russia since ancient times. Freshwater pearls were mined in huge quantities for icon frames, clothing, kokoshniks, jewelry. The pearls were called “pearls”, “Kafim stone” (Kafa, present-day Feodosia), and the Persian “orient” was nicknamed “pitch grains”.

        Properties of pearls and their purpose

        IN different times Pearls were credited with various magical and healing properties:

        • the mineral protected against deception and lies;
        • the stone could prolong youth and life;
        • the pearl was a symbol of the fidelity of the spouses;
        • jewelry darkened and lost its shine if the owner of the gem fell ill;
        • The stone calmed me down and helped me relax.

        It was believed that vain, stupid, self-satisfied and stubborn people could not wear items made of pearls; the stone would not help such owners. A weak-willed person will only increase his sadness and sadness by wearing pearl jewelry. The stone is suitable only for a brave, strong-willed and honest owner, with whom it will share strength and protect his health and peace.

        The mineral comes in a variety of colors depending on where it is formed. The highest quality and famous Orient pearls, cream or Pink colour, in Australia - silver-beige, red - in Mexico, white - in Japan, gold - in Panama, dark gray or black - in Tahiti. It was the rare black pearls that had the greatest value. It was believed that they brought unprecedented luck to women, and, on the contrary, misfortune to men.

        Nowadays, natural pearls are practically not mined. More than 90% of the jewelry on the market is made from cultured pearls. Its cost is significantly lower than the cost of natural.

        Which zodiac signs suit pearls?

        The mystical properties of stones and minerals have been known since ancient times. Gems bring benefits to some, troubles and failures to others, and still others do not notice the influence of stones on their lives at all.

        Over time, this strange behavior of precious stones and metals was compared with the horoscope, and their effect on people was classified according to the signs of the zodiac. Which signs should wear pearls, and which ones should not?


        Aries are bright and charismatic people, their element is fire. The sign opens the zodiac cycle, so Aries is courageous and does not give in to difficulties. Aries women love to wear expensive and eye-catching jewelry.

        The mineral can give peace of mind, dull jealousy, help in finding love and soften temperament. Pearls do not like fuss and bright emotions; there is no need to wear them to work. Representatives of the Aries sign should not get carried away with pearl stones, as Everyday life it can cause feelings of anxiety and excessive irritability.


        The element of the sign is earth. Taurus are patient, stubborn and purposeful people, their gift is turning fantasies into reality. The energy of pearls has a negative effect on Taurus. Balanced and collected representatives of the sign do not need reassurance.

        For Taurus women, pearls can bring disappointment, family quarrels and even health problems. To avoid possible depression, you should give up pearl jewelry.


        Gemini is an air sign. Its representatives are energetic, overly curious, sociable and independent. It is very important for Geminis to be able to establish connections with many people and direct the flow of information between them.

        Pearls will protect fussy and temperamental Gemini from rash actions, envy and revenge. Mother-of-pearl jewelry will help women calm down and make informed decisions when choosing a profession and a spouse. The mineral will pacify the ardor of Gemini, who is obsessive in communication.


        Representatives water element Cancers are very vulnerable and touchy people, capable of strong empathy and sympathy. If Cancers were treated unfairly in childhood, they grow up to be treacherous and cruel. Cancer men make insightful leaders who cannot be deceived.

        Pearls love and protect water signs. Cancer mineral will warn of deteriorating health and help normalize arterial pressure, will calm you down at the right time. For Cancer women, black and blue pearls will bring good luck in love.

        a lion

        Leo is the sun sign of the zodiac. Leo's active nature is susceptible strong emotions and experiences. Pearls are capable of both balancing the ebullient energy of the sign and introducing even greater imbalance.

        Leos should not wear black pearls, as they are considered a moonstone. The black mineral will become a source of quarrels and troubles for the sign. Leo leaders should avoid the stone so as not to share energy with it. Pearls of a different color will help calm nerves, improve health, relieve stress, dull Leo's aggression, and impart prudence.


        The Virgo sign strives for order and harmony in everything. Those born Virgo are doomed to look for and notice flaws everywhere throughout their lives, and then strive to correct them. Light tones of stone will suit them: white, cream or pink.

        The mineral softens the harsh traits of Virgos, attracts good luck in financial matters, promotes career growth, helps in communicating with others and averts troubles.

        It is better not to give pearls to Virgos with a weakly expressed character; they will not be of any use; the gem is also undesirable for Virgo travelers.


        The pathological desire for harmony and balance manifests itself throughout the life of representatives of the zodiac sign. Steadfast and unbending in spirit, Libras often choose a career as a judge and lawyer at all levels.

        Libra women should wear pearls to find family happiness or heal heartbreaks. The mineral has a positive effect on representatives of the zodiac sign, curing heart disease, endearing the owner to others, dulling pride and vanity.


        The strong character of Scorpios gives them unprecedented magnetism for the opposite sex. Loyal and able to keep secrets, Scorpios personify victory over their own weaknesses, endurance and moderation in emotions.

The magical power of pearls is visible to the naked eye - the magical radiance of mother-of-pearl stone attracts and bewitches. There are no women in the world who would not like pearls. Isn't this magic?

Luxurious pearls have a strong energy, but at the same time very sensitive. He does not favor people who are vain and self-righteous. It is not recommended to wear pearls for people in such professions as actors, sports coaches, travelers - the energy of the stone can unbalance physical and mental strength. Also, people who are weak in spirit and insecure about themselves should not wear such jewelry, because the mineral can suppress their will.

But a modern business lady simply cannot do without the magical support of pearls. A modest necklace or a luxurious necklace, chic strands of pearls and elegant brooches - a magical assistant will help you conclude a profitable deal and sign an important agreement. Pearls help you make the right decisions. Today the choice of modern jewelry is huge. Shades of color allow you to choose a product to suit any color type of appearance.

Wearing pearl jewelry is recommended for such representatives of the Zodiac circle as Cancer and Pisces. Other signs are advised to use pearls with great caution. It is believed that the stone manifests itself most when wearing strings of beads and bracelets. For people who are convinced and honest, the stone gives objectivity and the ability to understand others.

Magic power The stone was appreciated by our ancestors. The legendary Egyptian queen Cleopatra literally idolized pearls. It was this stone that helped her maintain her divine beauty and freshness for many years. She generously decorated herself with pearls, and also took a healing pomegranate drink, which was infused with pearls.

In the Middle Ages, it was customary for the groom to give pearls to his bride during the wedding ceremony. This ritual was believed to protect the young wife from infidelity. Magical jewelry with pearls was worn only on major events and was passed down from generation to generation. Moreover, the heirs were not recommended to wear these jewelry - only to carefully preserve it as a memory.

Chinese sages endowed pearls with great magical power– infusions-elixirs of youth were prepared from the mineral. European nobility wore pearls to prolong their lives, Indians revered them as a stone of prosperity, and the Mongols considered them a symbol of power.
Read more about: History of pearls

The healing properties of pearls

Pearls, as you know, are obtained from mollusks. This is an invaluable element of nature, which has been formed over centuries in an ecologically clean water environment. A biologically active mineral emits energy that has a healing effect on human body.

Pearls have the most beneficial influence on human internal organs. Alternative medicine specialists use pearl water to normalize the functioning of the liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. It is believed that pendants with stones help soothe a sick heart. In this case, only one medium-sized pearl can be used in the form of a pendant.

Pearl jewelry is not only stunningly beautiful, but also good for health! Pearls stabilize the nervous system, calm the nerves, and relax after an intense day of work. Strings of pearls help hot-tempered and impressionable ladies not to worry unnecessarily and not to get irritated over trifles. Jewelry with black pearls adds physical strength and increases the vitality of the body.

Pearls, like turquoise, are an excellent indicator of health: if the stone loses its shine or darkens, then it’s time to see a doctor. Pearl is a natural mineral, the components of which interact with our body and normalize its functioning.

In Tibet, the healing properties of pearls are still used for healing in the form of cleansing tinctures. Pearl water is a valuable healing drink that has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and hemostatic effects. It's very simple to prepare - dip a few pearls in purified water and leave for several hours in a closed, cool place. The healing solution helps get rid of gum disease and promotes normalization menstrual cycle, treats cholelithiasis. It is especially effective to use pearl water to treat eye diseases - it helps with conjunctivitis, cataracts, etc. According to astrologers, pearl water should be prepared on the 1st, 2nd, 28th, 30th days lunar month.

Jewelers recommend protecting pearl products from high temperatures, active sun and drying out. To preserve the shine and mother-of-pearl layer of pearls longer, you need to wear them often. This significantly slows down the process of dehydration of pearls and preserves their shine due to the positive effect of sweat glands on the surface of the stone.

Nature's generous gift is the pearl gemstone. It belongs to the classification of minerals of organic origin and is highly valued in jewelry.

According to the place of origin, the stone is divided into:

  • on the sea;
  • and river;

and according to the method of origin:

  • natural;
  • cultured;
  • artificial.

The properties of the play of light on its surface and its characteristic shine are especially valued in stone. The stone acquires these advantages through the numerous superposition of light rays on the wavy layers of mother-of-pearl.

The colors of the gemstone can be very diverse: white, pink, cream, green, yellow, blue and even black.

Blue pearls are considered the most expensive - their shade is the rarest variety.

Pearls - magical properties of the stone

The stone is endowed with magical properties from the Moon. It is firmly connected with rhythms and contains within itself the mysterious power of this heavenly body. But it was not only the yellow-faced night beauty that influenced the meaning of pearls. Neptune gave him the ability to attract the attention of others, and Venus endowed him with love properties.

More residents have begun to become interested in pearls Ancient Greece. They made up legends about it and believed that these were the petrified tears of the nymphs of the sea depths. The women of this state wore pearl beads, which were supposed to protect them from love deceptions and failures, and gave their eyes an attractive and perky shine. People of the Middle Ages believed that all the tears shed by children and pure souls do not disappear without a trace, but are collected by angels and locked in sea shells, where they become pearls. It was then that this precious stone began to be used in decoration wedding dress. People believed that pearls would help strengthen the love of a young family, and if one of the newlyweds made the wrong choice, then the scattering of stones on the wedding dress would lose color.

With its magical properties, pearls favor people who have a clear goal in life and achieve it. He helps such individuals find true friends and associates in the cause. Also, the natural mineral relieves fanaticism, strengthens faith and promotes an objective assessment of the situation.

For people who are absolutely devoid of personal organization and aspirations, magical properties will become a real hindrance. They will only aggravate the negative qualities of the individual without bringing any benefit.

Sea pearls love impetuous people who act at the first call of their hearts. It cools down their excessive ardor and helps them achieve positive results in any endeavor. River - will bring longevity to its owner, and unfading beauty to women.

Medicinal properties

Pearls have strong healing properties. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the lymphatic, autonomic, cardiovascular and nervous systems. The stone activates metabolism in the body and promotes intensive renewal of skin cells.

Medicinal properties effectively influence the restoration of red blood cells. For periodontal disease, hematemesis and hemorrhoids, pearl powders and infusions are prescribed as a hemostatic agent.

Pearl infusion is easy to make at home. It requires five small stones, which are placed in a glass of water and left overnight. The liquid is charged with alkali from pearls and has properties similar to living water. This infusion helps not only with blood loss, but also stops inflammatory processes in the body.

Women with cardiovascular diseases are recommended to wear rings or rings. The healing properties will be most effective if you put the ring on the left and ring fingers of the right hand.

Sea and river pearls

It is very important to distinguish between sea and river stones. Indeed, depending on its origin, not only its cost differs, but also many of its healing and magical qualities.

The first criterion by which saltwater pearls can be distinguished from freshwater ones is shine. Stone grown in salt water has glossy, radiant shades. Freshwater pearls lean more toward matte tones.

The second difference is the shape. Freshwater stones most often have an oblong, oval shape. The sea mineral is distinguished by its perfectly round outline.

The very last factor by which you can recognize the origin of the stone is how much natural pearls cost. The mineral is much easier to grow in fresh water than in salt water. Marine mollusks rarely have more than one pearl in their shell, while river mollusks have one dozen or more. Therefore, freshwater pearls will cost several times less than sea pearls.

Pearl mining

Man has been mining for hundreds of years. Thanks to this, many sea pearl mussels are completely depleted, and the authorities of the states that extract this precious stone have introduced reasonable restrictions on catching the mollusk. On this moment, natural pearl deposits have been almost completely replaced by artificial farms.

Sea pearls natural origin, in large volumes, is mined in the Persian and Manara Gulfs, the Red Sea, and in the seas of Japan and Sri Lanka. Freshwater pearls are mined in Russia, Germany, China, and the USA.

Cultured pearls are obtained by artificially implanting a foreign body into a mollusk. The process of stone formation is the same as natural, but over time man has learned to master it masterfully. The size, color and even shape of the stone are completely controlled during the pearl culture process.

Recently, cultured pearls have often been confused with artificial pearls. But that's not true. Cultured stones have the same properties as those grown in nature, unlike their imitating counterparts.

How to distinguish natural pearls

When choosing a gemstone, you need to know the differences between natural and artificial. A modern synthetic analogue has been acquired beautiful view, pleasing to the eye, but still it remains a fake, which is important to recognize in time.

Criteria for distinction:

  • To check for authenticity, rub the mineral over your teeth. Do you hear the creak? Then here are natural pearls!
  • When pearls rub against each other, synthetic stones slip easily, while natural ones cling and make movement difficult.
  • Pay attention to the weight of the decoration. Natural stones always have a decent mass.
  • Natural pearls have a porous structure. A perfectly smooth surface is a sign of a fake.
  • Examine the hole in the stone. In an artificial one, it is in this place that it is easy to recognize the applied layer of mother-of-pearl.
  • Throw a stone on the floor. If it easily pushes off the surface, the pearl is natural.
  • Hold the stone up to the light. Natural specimens emit a gentle blue glow in this position, while artificial specimens emit a green or pink glow.

To distinguish natural pearls from synthetic ones, you will need an endoscope and a specialist. It is impossible to recognize them yourself, since the stones have practically no differences.

Zodiac signs

The meaning of pearls is directly related to its element - the sea. Accordingly, his patronage significantly affects the water signs of the horoscope. This gemstone especially favors people born under the constellation Pisces. The magical properties of the stone help them overcome their impulsiveness and protect them from love disappointments and deceptions. Pisces women should opt for sea pearls, which will have a beneficial effect on their personal life.

For open and sociable Aquarius, magical properties will help protect themselves from envious people and ill-wishers. They will be spared gossip, revenge and betrayal. The gemstone will guide Aquarius to the right decisions of important life problems, while helping to avoid emotional breakdowns and storms. Since natural pearls are protected by the forces of the Moon, wearing them during times of apathy and depression is contraindicated for Aquarians. His negative energy they are capable of activating the dark sides of the Moon, and in this case, not only the owners of the stone, but also people close to them may suffer.

The special zodiac sign of the pearl is Gemini. Interaction with a precious stone gives women of this sign the fulfillment of all desires, and men - intense career and foresight. Like any zodiac sign, Geminis have their own special affliction - duality and inconstancy. Freshwater pearls will bring clarity to their lives and help them stick to their chosen course in life.

Scorpios, under the dark influence of the planets Mars and Pluto, will find the best harmony with black pearls. For women of this sign, the gemstone will serve as an excellent guide in love affairs and will help them acquire an active life position.

The healing properties most effectively affect cancer women. The stone normalizes blood pressure, relieves fatigue and its negative consequences, and also heals cardiovascular diseases.

Who the stone is suitable for in everyday life is Taurus. It helps them cope with their fiery character, gives them peace of mind and self-confidence. Taurus women, with daily interaction with the stone, begin to better understand people and are sensitive to the mood of others.

For Libras who are intolerant of injustice, natural pearls help them perceive current events more easily. It also helps to establish relationships between representatives of this air sign and the people around them. For unmarried Libra women, pearls will be an excellent assistant in finding a spouse.

In terms of its meaning, pearls are perfect for virgins whose activities involve risk to their lives. However, it is better for representatives of this sign who suffer from arachno and agoraphobia to avoid the precious stone. Interaction with pearls can aggravate these fears of virgins to the extent of neurosis.

For Sagittarius, wearing a natural mineral is not only not recommended, but is also strictly contraindicated. It can negatively affect the health of the nervous and autonomic systems. These negative characteristics do not apply to wearing artificial stone.

Capricorns, under the auspices of sea pearls, will gain self-confidence and the ability to objectively assess what is happening. Women of this sign will receive a state of peace and happiness from friendship with a gemstone.

Aries and Leo are zodiac signs under the heavenly protection of the sun. Therefore, pearls, representing the failure of the Moon, are a negative talisman for these signs.

There is no consensus on the origin of the modern name pearls. Perhaps it was transformed from the Chinese “zhen-ju” or the Arabic “zenchug”. Some peoples had other names: the Indians called manyara (bud), the Greeks called margaron (after the name of one of the varieties), the Slavs, Germans and French called it pearl (translated from Latin as “small pear”).

Speaking of pearls, I would like to recall the famous recipe for youth and beauty from Cleopatra. Mark Antony, who was in love with her, once asked why the queen was so beautiful. She replied that once a day she drinks wine with a pearl dissolved in it. Cleopatra took a large bead from her earring and threw it into the wine.

The fashion for pearls arose long before Cleopatra. The oldest pearl jewelry found in Susa is approximately 4,500 years old. It is also mentioned in ancient Indian documents dating back to the 23rd century BC. Pearls also participated in interstate relations. The rulers gave it to each other to show their affection and at the same time demonstrate wealth. In the modern Japanese hotel Otani, in memory of Cleopatra's drink, visitors are offered the Pearl cocktail (the drink is served with a pearl on a rose petal).

Most popular in ancient world he acquired it during the campaigns of Alexander the Great, in the 4th century BC. Jewels from Persia and India poured into Alexandria, where the center of the jewelry trade was located. This period, called the pearl fever, lasted more than two centuries. The nobility was so obsessed with the desire to adorn themselves with pearls that they even had to pass a law prohibiting excessive luxury.

In ancient China, pearls were used to pay tribute to the ruler. Each nobleman sewed a pearl onto his cap to show his status. Chinese jewelers cutting gems, gave them the shape of a pearl, considering it perfect.

From China it came to Russia. The first mentions of it date back to the 10th century. They richly embroidered clothes, decorated icon frames, utensils, and household items. For example, according to chroniclers, Prince Svyatoslav had a pearl earring in one ear. Ivan the Terrible wore a robe embroidered with pearls, impressing foreigners with his wealth. They noted that in some provinces even peasant women wore pearl beads and embroidered headdresses.

In Rus' they used not only imported pearls, but also their own, mined in rivers. This was done by the Phoenicians in the 7th century BC. However, such stones had no value, since they were gray and almost did not shine. In Russia, they were popular even in noble circles. It was believed that the best stones can be found in rivers where salmon are found in abundance, since it is she who places the jewel in the shells.

Since then, interest has faded and then reappeared; prices have fallen and risen. At different times, white, pink, and black pearls were valued.

Pearl mussels live in colonies in warm, clean seas at a depth of 6–40 meters near coral shallows. There are more than 32 varieties. Some grow up to 40 centimeters in length and weigh almost 4 kilograms.

The composition of mother-of-pearl and pearls is the same:

  • calcium carbonate () – 86%;
  • conchiolin (fastening organic glue from chitin, lustrine and silk) – 12%;
  • water – 2%.

The structure of the stone is layered. Thin and transparent mineral plates are interspersed with organic ones so that they do not touch anywhere. Due to this, the effect of light interference occurs, so beautiful rainbow stains are visible on the stone. The more layers, the brighter the play of light. Depending on the mollusk and mineral composition water, the color of natural pearls can be black, pink, blue, although the most common is white.

The properties of the stone are described in the table:

Pearls are used in jewelry. All types of jewelry are made from it: rings, brooches, beads, necklaces, tiaras, earrings, and less often they decorate clothes.

Pearls are mentioned in the Bible. In the Christian world, it is considered a symbol of purity and infallibility, therefore, since the Middle Ages, it has been used to decorate the robes of clergy, crosses, and icons.

Mining and production

Theoretically, every single or double shell that has nacre can grow a pearl. However, they are most often found in Pinctada clams and pearl mussels. Thanks to them, industrial production became possible.

Initially, pearls were mined near the coast of the Arabian Peninsula and in Ceylon, as well as off the coast of Australia, Burma, and on the island of Tahiti. IN natural conditions One shell out of forty grows a pearl in an average of 5 years. From ancient times until the 20th century, the extraction method did not change. Divers followed him, opening up to hundreds of shells to find at least a few stones.

In the middle of the 20th century, it became clear that such mining was unproductive and harmful. environment, because shellfish are a natural filtrate of water. In this regard, in 1952, a ban on fishing was established throughout the planet. Approximately 95% of pearls are cultured on special farms. The remaining share comes from stones mined before the ban and counterfeiting. If during your vacation on the coasts of the Red Sea or Persian Gulf local residents will sell pearls of natural origin, it is worth thinking about its legality and naturalness.

The artificial method of cultivation was invented in Japan after the First World War. For a long time it was classified as a fake until jewelers recognized it as a precious stone in 1926.

On farms, pearls are formed faster than in the natural environment due to greenhouse living conditions. Coloring the seed in different colors, you can get the product in a variety of shades. A pressed mother-of-pearl bead is used as a base. The thickness of the layer built up by the shell varies from half a millimeter to five. The thicker the layer, the more beautiful the iridescence. Externally, pearls caught at sea or grown on a farm are no different.


The division into types depends on the science that undertook to study it. Biologists divide by species, and gemologists by place of formation, and jewelers also add a division by color and variety.

Let us divide pearls into two main types: river and sea, as gemologists and jewelers do. River clams are produced by freshwater mollusks that live in clean rivers and lakes with a slow flow. Unlike the sea one, it is formed infrequently - in a single shell out of 1000. But they have learned to grow it artificially. Freshwater pearls are small, have an uneven surface, are grayish, and have little shine. Because of this, its price is low. But up to 7 stones can grow in one shell.

Sea pearls are smooth, ideally shaped, with bright tints of color. The most common color is white and pink, but there are yellow, green, blue and black varieties. Other shades, especially bright ones, are obtained artificially.

Black or gray pearls are in great demand; their cost is higher than that of white ones. It is grown only sea ​​shellfish. The best examples come from Tahiti.

There are a number of stones that are similar in origin to pearls. They are rare and are not cultivated on farms, which is why they are more expensive.

  • Koh Hong – . It is grown by the soft-bodied Venus mercenaria, which lives in the Atlantic Ocean;
  • Conk – . The soft-bodied animals that grow it are found in the Caribbean;
  • Chalk is a yellow, red or orange stone grown by the sea snail of the same name. It is notable for the fact that it can reach a weight of more than 70 grams.


Growing pearls is a long and expensive process, which is why prices are high. They depend on several factors:

  • chandelier - shine. Ideally, the pearl layers are transparent, and light penetrates deep into the bead, where interference occurs on the surface of the scales. If the mother-of-pearl layer is thin or the scales are opaque, the stone will not shimmer;
  • chroma. Uniformly colored stones are valued;
  • the surface must be without flaws;
  • shape is the main indicator along with the chandelier. Ideally, the stone should be spherical. However, it is gaining increasing popularity irregular shape, called baroque.

The average price for pearls is $10 – $15. High-quality beads of ideal color and shape, with layers of mother-of-pearl more than a millimeter thick, can reach prices of $3,000. When a seller offers a product cheaper, it is most likely a fake.

The healing properties of pearls

Pearl is a stone of organic origin; it contains biologically active substances and amino acids that have a beneficial effect on the human body. People have used the healing properties of the stone since ancient times. For example, in the Middle Ages they used pearls ground with sugar as a means to strengthen the body. In India, the medicine was made differently, but the purpose is the same - to maintain body tone. Now lithotherapists advise using pearls to relieve tension and stress, and increase vitality.

It is believed that if you swallow a river pearl three times a day, it will get rid of unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. However, in the modern world there are more reliable methods of protection.

An elixir made from pearls is widespread in Tibet, which is used to treat inflammation and infectious diseases. Anyone can make it with their own hands. To do this, place a pearl in a glass of water and leave for 3-4 hours. You can wash your face with this water to cleanse your skin, rinse your mouth to cure gum disease, or drink it to heal your internal organs.

Modern specialists in the field of alternative medicine use pearls to treat diseases of the liver, kidneys, intestines, and heart. To do this, you must wear any jewelry with pearls. It will also become an indicator of health. A darkened and tarnished bead indicates a disruption in the functioning of the body.

Cosmetic companies add pearl powder to creams and shampoos to add shine to hair and skin.

Magic properties

Pearls were used in ancient times to show off their good attitude to the guest. They threw it into a glass of his wine. If it becomes dull, it means the wine has gone sour, which means you can’t trust the person who served it.

Pearls have the magical property of cleansing the owner from bad thoughts and excessive spending. There are rumors that the stone multiplied in order to protect its owner from buying a similar bead. He generally does not like vain, self-righteous and deceitful people. The talisman will protect the owner from communicating with such individuals.

If the talisman falls into the hands of a bad person, it will not stay with him: it will either be lost or lose its shine. This can serve as an indicator of the moral qualities of the interlocutor. If the pearls do not shimmer, then there is a deception lurking somewhere.

Jewelry with pearls is not recommended for people of creative professions and politicians, but they are suitable for a business woman, since they have the magical property of pushing the owner in the right direction. The influence of pearls will protect you from concluding unprofitable deals and get rid of dishonest partners.

Pearl is a stone that gets used to its owner. Jewelry with it that has been in use for a long time should not be re-gifted. The talisman may never accept a new owner and may eventually become cracked or lost.

There is an opinion that pearls are controlled by the moon, so they are suitable for any woman, regardless of her zodiac sign. However, astrologers do not agree with this and warn that it can be dangerous. For the zodiac sign it will bring problems in the home, for Libra at work, for Capricorns in friendship and love. This is due to the fact that the moon will be ruled by the angular house, which will cause it to lose its beneficial energy and bring tension.

For the zodiac sign Aquarius, Taurus, Virgo, increasing the influence of the moon will also not bring good luck. These signs will reach their goal in any case, but the path will be difficult.

Experts advise only Pisces and Cancer zodiac signs to wear pearls.