The appearance of problems with speech development is a problem that is most often noticed by the most attentive parents. It is very important to monitor how and when the child begins to talk. If there are signs of a significant lag behind peers, it is necessary to visit a pediatrician, speech therapist and pediatric neurologist. Most often, complex treatment of problems with massage, psychological work, hardware methods and medications is prescribed. The feasibility of using drugs during delay speech development in children is determined by a neurologist.

What is the diagnosis of “speech development delay”?

Doctors who deal with the development of a child in the first years of life (neonatologist and pediatrician) determine the periods in which the ability to speak appears. Cries of joy and discontent are already considered the first attempts to show emotions and desires. As the child grows up, he enriches his vocabulary, adds intonation coloring and learns to construct complex sentences according to all the rules of grammar.

The formation of basic skills occurs until the age of 3 - the moment when the child is sent to a group (kindergarten), where the ability to express his emotions and desires is necessary. Group stay in kindergarten is the first experience of socialization of a child, which is impossible without speech.

The diagnosis of “speech development delay” is most often made at 3 years of age. Before this period, if there is any doubt, children are registered with a pediatrician and speech therapist. Work with the latter begins at the age of 1.5 years.

Delayed speech development in children (DSD) is a pathological condition that is characterized by a slow development of communication skills in a child, a late pre-speech period (humming, babbling and first phrases). Speech development disorder manifests itself in three components: vocabulary (lexical), sound (phonemic) and compliance with rules (grammatical).

The presence of signs of impaired formation of other areas of mental activity (emotions, will, sensations and perceptions, intelligence) indicates a delay in psycho-speech development (DSRD).

Important! Diagnoses related to child development disorders are made only based on the conclusion of a commission of doctors

Treatment methods for speech delay

The most effective treatment for delayed speech development in children is considered to be a combined approach.

One of the reasons for RDD is considered to be an unfavorable situation in the family, the presence of conflicts between parents, and the absence of one of the parents. Therefore, it is important to prescribe in a timely manner psychological work with all family members, to eliminate the mental “block” of speech development.

Another aspect due to which the lag develops is pathologies of the muscular system (lips, tongue, vocal cords), for example, with cerebral palsy (CP). In this case, the speech therapist conducts courses on articulation. In addition, speech therapy massage is often used, which affects active points, triggers the work of nerve centers and promotes the formation of sound pronunciation skills.

Physiotherapeutic procedures and hardware methods are widely used to activate hearing and speech centers (for example, LOGO+, electrical stimulation), the formation of stable connections and speech reactions.

To correct metabolic processes in the brain, improve blood supply and delivery nutrients specialized medications are prescribed.

Important! Only a neurologist has the right to prescribe medications for delayed speech development in children

Drug therapy for speech delay

The processes of assimilation of nutrients in the central nervous system occur through a cascade of reactions with the conversion of glucose (simple carbon, which is part of bread, sweets, fruits and vegetables, cereals) and the release of energy molecules. The latter take part in the conduction of nerve impulses along fibers in tissues, form connections between neurons (cells), and form the baby’s memory and skills. Treatment of RRD is carried out with the help of nootropics (“noos” - brain), - drugs that have a stimulating effect on nervous tissue.

Depending on the active substance, nootropics have a depressing or stimulating effect. If a child has hyperactivity, which is manifested by an accelerated flow of thoughts, speed and a variety of motor movements, it is necessary to prescribe drugs from the Picamilon group. Cerakson is prescribed in the opposite case, when there is a lack of attention paid to the child in the family.

Groups of drugs for the treatment of gastric cancer

Nootropics - drugs to improve a child’s cognitive abilities (photo:

The drugs prescribed by a pediatric neurologist, depending on the point of application of action, are divided into groups:

  • Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) agents: Pantogam, Aminalon, Picamilon, etc. GABA is a mediator (“messenger”) in the nervous tissue, through which the conduction of impulses is inhibited when they “skip” through the necessary centers. In addition, the substance improves the absorption of glucose by the brain and increases the respiratory activity of tissues (oxygen use).

Pantogam for delayed speech development is prescribed in the form of syrup (for children under 3 years old) and tablets. The drug also has an anticonvulsant and slight sedative effect, improves sleep and reduces anxiety.

  • Pyritinol-containing products (Cerebol, Enerbol, Encephabol). Pyritinol has the properties of a membrane stabilizer of nerve cells, reduces the concentration of free radicals (substances that irritate nervous tissue and cause pathological impulses into peripheral centers). Medicines in this group improve the utilization of glucose in the brain and increase the resistance of neurons to oxygen starvation.
  • Nootropics with a psychostimulating effect: Ceraxon. The active substance of the drug is citicoline, which increases the regenerative abilities of the nerve cell membrane, increases energy reserves, eliminates swelling and congestion in the brain.

Cerakson is prescribed to increase the level of attention, memory function, and improves the child’s cognitive abilities.

  • Vitamin preparations (neuromultivitis, milgamma). Multivitamin complexes have a general stimulating effect on the functional state of the nervous system, improve the synthesis of necessary mediators and promote impulse conduction.
  • Preparations based on extracts of animal nerve tissue (Cortexin, Cerebrolysin). Medicines from this group contain active amino acids, which are used for the synthesis of new cells and repair of damaged areas of nervous tissue. In addition, Cortexin is used to improve cognitive abilities after various psychological and traumatic brain injuries.

Treatment of delayed development of speech skills in a child is accompanied by the supervision of the attending physician. Courses of drug therapy are carried out in parallel with visits to and.

Features of the use of certain drugs

Picamilon is prescribed to children over 3 years of age in tablet form. One tablet contains 20 mg of active substance. According to the instructions for use, children from 3 to 10 years old are recommended to take 1 tablet 3 times a day, older people 2 tablets 3 times a day. Treatment lasts 3 months.

Ceraxon is available in the form of tablets, sachets with powder and syrup for oral use. The drug is prescribed to children over 3 years of age. It is recommended to use 1 sachet or tablet per day, divided into 2 doses, or a teaspoon of syrup per day. The duration of treatment is one month, after which there is a follow-up visit to a neurologist. Clinical studies on the use of Ceraxon in children advise prescribing the drug only to older children and if there is serious problems with development.

Encephabol for the treatment of speech delay is available in the form of an oral suspension. The recommended dose for a child is a teaspoon 3 times a day for 6-8 weeks. After this period, the effectiveness of the drug is assessed and it is decided which medicine to treat RRR in the future.

Important! The method of administration, dose of the drug and duration of treatment are selected by the attending physician, taking into account the individual characteristics of the child and the severity of the delay.

Undesirable consequences of using medications

Increased drowsiness is a side effect of some nootropics (photo:

The use of medications to treat cognitive impairment is accompanied by a risk of side effects. Depending on the active substance, group, dose and duration of taking the drug, the following consequences may develop:

  • Stimulants: increased excitability, sleep disturbance, insomnia, increased appetite, rash accompanied by itching.
  • Inhibitory drugs (Aminalon): drowsiness, slow reaction, tinnitus, headache. All side effects characterized by short duration.

In addition, after using a drug of any group, it is possible to develop allergic reactions in the form of rhinitis, rash, swelling.

Doctor's advice. If allergy symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Shamshuro Elena
magazine "Nanny", 2001 No. 4

According to the latest data, almost every fourth child suffers from delayed speech development. It was hard to believe! Suspecting before that the baby was “not like everyone else,” I assured myself that her temperament, her “ individual characteristics" Having sounded the alarm at 2 years and 8 months, I began to nervously turn the phone dial in an attempt to find out what I could do, how and who could help my daughter, whom doctors diagnosed with Delayed Speech Development (DSD).

This is a subtle and complex disease, the causes of which are sometimes difficult for doctors to understand.
Therefore, the first thing parents who suspect their child has speech problems should know is that it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the child with a pediatric speech therapist, neurologist (ECG, ECHO-EG), psychoneurologist, otolaryngologist, defectologist and psychologist.
Experts tend to see the cause of speech underdevelopment in the presence of MMD (minimal cerebral dysfunction), since half of these children exhibit clinical symptoms and electroencephalographic phenomena indicating a disruption in the functioning of the subcortical structures of the brain. However, there is no need to be afraid of the diagnosis of MMD. That is why they are “minimal” violations, so as not to interfere with the normal development of the child.
Studying the anamnesis of children with delayed speech development, experts have found that disruption of the normal development of speech in children can be caused by various adverse effects during intrauterine development, premature, prolonged or rapid labor, a long anhydrous period, birth injuries, fetal asphyxia during childbirth, and even early transferring the child to artificial feeding.
Severe childhood illnesses, especially in the first three years of life, traumatic brain injuries or frequent falls simply left unattended, hearing loss of varying degrees - all this can cause delays in speech development. When exposed to unfavorable biological (or social) factors, it is those areas of the brain that are most significantly damaged that this moment develop most intensively. Studies have shown that delayed speech development often affects children whose mother or father has any mental disorders, often quarrels or abuses alcohol. And further. Babies with RDD are, as a rule, children not from the first, but from repeated pregnancies, late children or children from single-parent families, brought up in a poor language environment, in bilingual families. And although negative social factors do not have a direct pathological influence on the child, they always, in one way or another, refracted in his biological nature, affect mental development, inhibiting it to a greater or lesser extent.
Of course, an important role also plays hereditary factor. If one of the parents or one of the close relatives suffers from tongue-tiedness, then it is likely that the baby will also have problems with speech.
Often, delayed speech development is associated with delayed psychomotor or mental development. The baby begins to hold his head up, sit, and walk later than other children. These are exactly the symptoms that should first of all alert adults.
Such “problem” children may experience daytime and nighttime enuresis up to primary school age.
It is very important that parents, having noticed signs of delayed speech development in their child, not only rely on the help of specialists, but also actively work with the child themselves.

Why is it important for a child to work his fingers?
In the cerebral cortex, the sections responsible for the development of articulatory and fine manual motor skills are located close to each other and are closely interconnected. However, the hand develops earlier in the process of ontogenesis, and its development, as it were, “pulls” with it the development of speech. Consequently, by developing fine manual motor skills in a child, we stimulate the development of his speech. Therefore, if a child has a leading hand - the right one, he has more developed left hemisphere- among left-handers there are much more children with mental retardation, because they have the most developed right hemisphere rather than the left hemisphere, in which the speech and motor centers are located.
The use of various massage techniques and motor stimulation is of great importance for the development of perception and sensations from a very early age.
It is very important to use this massage early, already in the second or third month of the baby’s life. It should be done 2-3 times a day with a 1-2 day break. Clearly define the place and time of massage in the child’s daily routine, for example, before feeding.
This training is good to conduct not only with children who have health problems, but also with “non-problematic” children. At the same time, by the age of six months, infants begin to actively babble and speak their first words. Most children who have completed this course can construct a basic phrase at the age of one year and two to three months. Subsequently, the speech development of children proceeds intensively and without deviations.
In cases where a child has deviations in psychophysical development, the use of massage (in the system of correctional and developmental education) should be continued in preschool and primary school age.
To develop gross (gross) and fine motor skills, a child also needs: mosaics, construction sets, cubes, puzzles. Teach kids to fasten buttons and tie shoelaces (at 2-3 years old). After all, a significant part of children with speech underdevelopment are “motorally” awkward and have difficulty switching from one movement to another. They draw and sculpt poorly. You need to work with such kids using interesting visual material.
It is recommended to use outdoor games that develop the ability to navigate in space, move rhythmically and deftly, change the pace of movements (“Fox and Geese”, “Cat and Mice”, “Geese-geese”, etc.), as well as games in which movements are accompanied by speech.
If the child is already about 4 years old, you can enroll him in some kind of artistic club, for example, modeling or drawing. Or take up music and teach your baby to listen to it. Games such as “Guess what sounded?”, “Recognize by voice”, “What instrument is playing?”, “Catch the whisper” and others have great importance for the development of auditory attention. After all, almost all children with developmental disabilities have insufficiently developed attention (less volume of memorization and reproduction of material), they cannot concentrate, and are often distracted.
Work on developing visual attention can be carried out by selecting paired objects and pictures (use any type of lotto). The ability to differentiate pictures by their color needs to be developed with the help of multi-colored stripes, sticks, circles, etc. It is advisable to use desktop didactic games such as “Colored backgrounds”, “Colored dominoes”, “Little artist”.
At later stages, you can offer children tasks like: “Which pencil should you take to draw the sun, grass, tomato?”
For development visual perception The following classes are recommended:
selection of geometric shapes by analogy (find a shape of the same shape and color);
selection of geometric figures by incomplete analogy (find a figure of the same shape, but a different color, find a figure of the same shape, but a different size);
recognition of geometric shapes by shape, size and color;
the relationship of geometric figures with the shape of objects.
In addition, you need to teach the baby to find the missing part of an object, to guess which toy or object is missing from the table. Games like “What’s missing?”, “What’s added?”, “Do it as it was” will help you with this.
It is important to remember that all games should be short in time; they should not tire the child. It is necessary to clearly explain the rules of the game, give the same permissive signal - “now you”, “you can”, “start”.

Learning to speak
The vocabulary of children with speech underdevelopment is poorer than that of their peers developing “according to plan.”
Phonetics is characterized by shortcomings associated with incorrect pronunciation of individual sounds.
In the field of word formation, it is difficult to distinguish between shades of word meaning.
The predominant errors in grammar are errors in control, mainly verbal. Children incorrectly use prepositions with nouns and replace forms of one case with forms of another. Violation of gender agreement forms for neuter nouns (“clean window”), violation of voice forms, simplification of complex conjunctions, etc. are also typical.
Such children sometimes do not understand the meaning of many words and do not know how to compose sentences or a story based on a series of pictures.
The appearance of coherent speech is often delayed for up to 3 years or more.
In this regard, constant work is necessary to enrich the active vocabulary, to grammatical structure and the development of the child’s coherent speech.
If you are lucky and meet a good speech therapist on your way, he will recommend interesting speech therapy manuals for classes with your baby. Please note: up to the age of three with a baby, it is better for parents to do this. A child is unlikely to want to practice with someone else's aunt. And for a child with mental retardation, every day is important. There is no time to waste. You should not boast that your child at 2.5 years old can already count to 10 or has memorized a long poem by Agnia Barto. For young children this is not the main thing. The most important thing for them is to learn to navigate the nearest objective world. The baby should know that this gray animal that meows and purrs is a pussy, and this one grazing in the meadow is a cow; that you need to drink tea, eat and chew a bun, the car is moving, and the plane is flying high, etc. The child must understand that the word “table” refers not only to your three-legged table, which he likes to climb under, but also to a desk, coffee table, and kitchen table.
IN early age it is important to expand children’s vocabulary primarily through nouns, followed by verbs and adjectives: “Who is this?” - “It’s a boy”, “What is he doing?” - “The boy is playing”; "What is this?" - “This is a stream”, “The stream is ringing, flowing, babbling.”
Next, you need to work on these models, including new words with the most frequently used prepositions: “in”, “on”, “behind”, “about”, “above”, “under”. For example, “Where is the toy?” (Answer: “Near the book”).
When you begin to see the first results of your work, help your baby master the mechanism of combining words in a sentence. The main questions with the help of which grammatical forms are fixed in the models of phrases and sentences are questions of indirect cases (for example - “What does Tanya take out of the magic chest?” - “A doll, cubes, beads.” - “What will Tanya use to transport her toys? " - "By helicopters - by helicopter; by cars - by car." - "What doesn't Tanya have?" - "Bus, boats", etc.)
After about six months, you will see that the baby is already able to include various phrases in a sentence: they can be expanded due to the possible combination of words such as coordination, control and adjacency (for example, “This is a small spring stream. The spring stream flows (murmurs) cheerfully (ringingly) )".
In addition, it is necessary to teach children to differentiate words that are similar in sound (duck - fishing rod, barrel - kidney, butterfly - daddy), to isolate a given sound from a number of other sounds and from words, to determine the place of the sound in a word (at the beginning, in the middle, in end), come up with words starting with a given letter.
The most difficult thing for children with speech underdevelopment is the syllable structure and sound content of words. Therefore, they should be taught to pay attention to changes in the meaning of words when syllables are omitted and rearranged (“horns - mountain”).
It is also necessary to teach children to perceive and reproduce a given number of claps and a given rhythm.
ATTENTION, parents! The sooner work begins to overcome speech underdevelopment, the more effective the results will be!
Children with delayed speech development should attend specialized psychoneurological or neurological nurseries, then a speech therapy kindergarten. If this is not possible, then it is necessary for the child to be treated by a speech therapist from

Each child is individual in his growth and development, this also applies to the process of speech development. Despite the differences between one child and another, there are certain age-related norms for the formation of vocabulary, a clear discrepancy with which should alert parents. Delayed speech development in 3-year-old children can also appear for many reasons, and it is very important to start working on this problem in time.

Correct oral expression of thoughts in young children indicates normal intellectual level, which is why many parents are proud of their children when they begin to speak early. It is important to know that disorders in the development of oral speech can be completely curable only at an early age from 2 to 7 years.

Characterized by slow development of methods for constructing sentences and phrases in their native language, when children under 3 years old are poorly able to construct individual phrases due to lack vocabulary, and older children cannot form complete sentences. The lag in the speed of mastering the rules of the language consists of several factors: richness of the vocabulary;

  1. grammar;
  2. state of connectedness of speech;
  3. ability to construct phrases.

Delayed speech development at 3 years of age is more common in percentage terms in boys than in girls. A lag in the formation of language processes leads to mental disorders, therefore the diagnoses: speech development delay (SSD) and mental development delay (MDD), in most cases, follow each other.

The most important stages in the development of speech in a child from birth:

  • 2 months – reaction to the parents’ address to the baby in the form of a smile or the first manifestations of sounds;
  • 4-6 months - the baby shows delight with laughter or squealing, begins to copy the movements of the lips of adults;
  • 6-9 months – still no speech semantic load, but the manifestation of individual syllables, clear combinations of familiar sounds is already observed;
  • 10 months – the age of the appearance of the first words, melodic intonations in sounds;
  • 1.5 years – meaningful understanding of what others say;
  • 3 years – understanding the grammar of the native language, forming clear sentences with meaning.

The formation of speech, the appearance of the first words, occurs between the ages of 10 months and 3 years; most often, boys begin to speak much later than girls.

Attention! A developmentally normal three-year-old child should produce intelligible speech. That is, the meaning of what he said should be understood not only by his parents and relatives, but also by complete strangers who hear him for the first time. The vocabulary of children of this age should be about 1000 words.

Signs and manifestations

The main signs of deviations in speech development:

  1. abnormal development of the pre-speech stage: an infant under the age of one year makes few sounds and they are of the same type;
  2. a baby over 1 year of age does not respond to speech addressed to him;
  3. over the age of 1.5 years, the baby does not repeat phrases and sounds after an adult or does so inactively;
  4. the child does not pronounce individual words independently;
  5. a child of 3 years old does not reproduce the simplest phrases, there is no independent understandable speech;
  6. excessive facial expressions and gestures to help explain thoughts.

Parents should be attentive to their child and give him enough attention. Only in constant contact with children can you see early signs of retardation and correct it without consequences.


Factors in the appearance of such a pathology may be a complex of reasons that have their own symptoms and manifestations in children at an early age, which cannot be ignored.

The causes of delayed speech development in children 3 years old are divided into two groups:

  • Social, conditioned by the educational environment:
    • lack of attention from parents, long conversations with the baby;
    • parents, when talking with their baby, do not control the pace of speech, speak unintelligibly and too quickly;
    • relationships between adults are clarified in raised voices, with the help of scandals, in front of children;
    • too intrusive care of the baby, predicting his desires, in such an environment the baby is lazy to learn to speak, since he is already understood without words;
    • in a family of multilingual parents, where they are trying to teach the baby from the cradle to speak two or more languages. This point cannot be called negative, but sometimes this approach deprives the child of full knowledge about the construction of speech in one of the languages;
    • lack of contact with peers.
  • Biological:
    • infectious diseases suffered by the mother during pregnancy;
    • head injuries when passing through the birth canal;
    • pathological childbirth;
    • prematurity;
    • fetal asphyxia during childbirth;
    • woman smoking during pregnancy;
    • heredity;
    • with hearing loss or visual impairment, it is more difficult for a child to perceive someone else’s speech, and, accordingly, learn to speak on his own;
    • frequent colds in infancy;
    • Down syndrome;
    • poor development of articulation;
    • otolaryngological diseases.

Very often, specialists find it difficult to name the cause of the deviation; every third diagnosis remains without an established etymology. Delayed speech development in 3-year-old children, the causes of which are problems with upbringing, are corrected much more easily than pathology caused by physiological disruptions.


First of all, for proper treatment, you need to find out the cause of the disease. After this, it is decided which specialists will take part in the correction.

Pathology of speech development in children requires an integrated approach to eliminating:

  1. therapy with medications and prescribed by a neurologist - such methods are often used to solve problems caused by dysfunction of brain activity;
  2. for children whose development is delayed for social reasons, it is necessary to organize a favorable environment for the acquisition of speech;
  3. session with a speech therapist - experts recommend involving a speech therapist over the age of 3 years. A speech therapist does not treat pathologies of the speech apparatus, he just teaches the child the correct pronunciation of sounds and takes on children from 4 years of age;
  4. consultations with a child psychologist.

Important! Speech delay can be easily corrected until the child has had time to develop an articulatory apparatus, that is, at 3-4 years of age. Therefore, in order to help your child cope with this problem without consequences, you need to be more attentive to the process of speech development and, at the slightest suspicion of the appearance of deviations, immediately contact specialists.

The adjustment method is always selected in accordance with the individual development factors of children. A neurologist can prescribe it to improve blood circulation in the brain, if necessary, or refer the baby for magnetic therapy. Massage can be used as an additional means to complex treatment, but in no case should you rely on it as an independent therapy for pathology.

The specialist working with the child must provide the parents with a treatment protocol, where the plan for further action will be clearly monitored. The disease can be defeated only with the coordinated action of teachers, doctors and parents.


You should not waste precious time visiting specialists if you have a speech delay. Children older than 7 years of age who suffer from this disease may never return to a normal, fulfilling life and communication with peers. The earlier classes with your baby begin, the more positive the treatment prognosis can be made by specialists.

Measures to prevent speech delay in young children:

  • prevention of infection of mother and fetus during pregnancy;
  • creating conditions favorable for learning: communication and full attention of parents, contact with peers;
  • full development of the baby through games and developmental techniques.

For a preventive examination, children aged 2 years must be seen by a speech therapist.

22 05.2016

Hello, dear adults! Our meeting today is dedicated to 3-year-old children. What do they say? What they're saying? Why don't some people at this age still speak? How can we help them speak correctly? We will talk about why a speech delay in a 3-year-old child should cause you concern and how parents should behave in this case.

N. B. Do you remember the heroine of Irina Muravyova in the film “Carnival”? How she developed diction. This is very useful exercises– put nuts in your mouth and read tongue twisters. Try to suggest similar game your little one, and you will see how interested he will be. Instead of walnuts, you can take something smaller, such as hazelnuts or peanuts.

Let's pay attention to how our children speak. There are some normative boundaries that we, adults, can focus on when assessing the level of development of one or another area of ​​the child’s psyche. Let's look at the main ones.

First of all, the speech of a three-year-old child must be understood by those around him who do not communicate with you every day, i.e. speech must be sufficiently intelligible for everyone. Secondly, your baby must clearly understand what you want from him through verbal messages. His vocabulary should be approximately 1000 words.

It is good if the child knows all the surrounding objects in the house, the names of all family members and his home address. In addition, the child must understand questions that require an expanded answer, such as “Why?” and for what?".

At 3-4 years old, the baby speaks quite fluently on various topics. Not a long story, of course, but quite a coherent speech from short sentences. Constructing a short phrase from a few words should not be difficult.

But if difficulties do arise, how should you behave? Where to contact? Parents are always interested in the question of what to do and how to avoid such a situation.

It is important to pay attention to it in time so that by the period schooling your child was no different from his classmates. To help you figure it out, let's find out the causes of such an unpleasant phenomenon as speech delay.

Causes of delayed speech development in children

Experts note 2 types of causes of speech delay in children:

  1. Social
  2. Physiological

From the names it is clear that social reasons are determined by the environment of the child’s upbringing and development, while physiological reasons arise from issues related to the child’s health. It is difficult to say which of them are more significant. Taken together, each of the reasons and all of them together influence the level of formation (immaturity) of speech skills, and, as a result, can cause

Social reasons include a number of external factors that we can and should influence:

  1. The parents in this family do not monitor the purity of their own speech, they speak quickly and unintelligibly, not paying attention to the fact that the baby is growing up in the family and, like a sponge, absorbs the same speech.
  2. Adults are too concerned about the fate of the baby and predict his every desire. Why, in this case, should a child learn to speak if he is understood without words?
  3. The opposite situation is when the baby receives almost no attention from adults. He does not know that people communicate through speech; no one gives him such information.
  4. The child does not speak or speaks poorly and little in a family where interpersonal relationships are regularly clarified through scandals and shouting. The baby’s psyche is subject to stress, and silence acts as a protest or defensive reaction. In such a situation, it is not far from complete muteness.
  5. It is a positive, but very difficult moment when parents in a family speak several languages. They speak to the child a little in each of them, overflowing with information on the one hand, and lack of completeness of language structures on the other.
  6. Often, in the room where the child is, a background sound is created in the form of a radio or TV, which prevents the baby from receiving full, clear speech information.

N.B. Agree, it is in our power to avoid the emergence and rooting of each of these reasons. There would be a desire. Analyze the situation in your family. Do you find that your baby's speech problems are due to social reasons? How will you proceed?

Physiology is a completely different matter. Here you and I cannot directly influence the process, but by paying due attention to the baby and supporting his attempts, we will soon be able to notice positive dynamics. Let's reveal what physiological problems may cause speech delay in the baby.

  1. Intrauterine infection or illness of the mother during pregnancy, which affected the formation of the fetal speech centers.
  2. Premature birth or its complex course, accompanied by birth injuries or lack of oxygen.
  3. Brain injuries associated with physical impact or damage to the central nervous system due to prematurity, low birth weight, or infection during childbirth.
  4. The baby may have impaired vision or hearing, then the perception of someone else's speech becomes much more difficult. It is very important for a child to see how sounds are born, and auditory perception should help this.
  5. Hereditary causes.
  6. Congenital malformations also cause the absence or impairment of speech. These may include Down syndrome or autism, cerebral palsy and other diseases.
  7. Underdevelopment of the articulatory apparatus, which includes the lips, tongue, and palate.

The need for medical intervention and the prescription of treatment are due to important prerequisites for the development of disorders of the child’s mental state and general malaise. Treatment is recommended until the child reaches 7 years of age.

Struggling with speech problems

Children 3-4 years old respond well to the influence of specialized specialists until their articulation organs have fully formed. It is important for parents to suspect a speech delay in their child in time in order to help the child cope with the disease more quickly.

At 3 years old, a neurologist, psychologist, and defectologist will work with the child. There is no need for the speech therapist to intervene in the process yet, because his field of activity includes establishing correct sound pronunciation. If necessary, you can contact this specialist after 4-5 years.

N.B. To help parents in preschool institutions and clinics there are special rooms where you can get advice on the issue of treatment at any time. And it doesn’t matter if you think you didn’t come according to your profile. They will definitely guide you and tell you whose specialization your question may relate to. Don't be afraid to ask for help when we're talking about about your child!

If you miss the time and visit a specialized office after 7 years, the likelihood that your little one will not be able to fully communicate with peers is quite high.

Excessive stress will be contraindicated for such a child; this can provoke nervous outbursts, aggression or hysteria.

And then the baby will be able to attend only specialized educational institution, designed for the need to rationally and carefully distribute the load. The educational process will include speech correction exercises and homework, the implementation of which will fall on the shoulders of parents.

In order for the correction of speech activities to produce results, parents should carefully look and listen to their child. Deviations can be noticed at an early age. If parents think they see a problem, you can always contact a specialist to dispel your suspicions.

If the problem is confirmed, you can immediately begin treatment, and no time will be lost, and the result will appear earlier. A defectologist or neurologist determines the cause of the disorder and parents receive an answer to the question What to do?

Treatment methods for each specific case are selected individually. In different cases, a specialist may prescribe drug treatment drugs that will improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain and stimulate speech centers.

In another case, drug treatment can be enhanced by the use of magnetic therapy or reflexology procedures. Specialized massage is an excellent addition to treatment, but can also be used as an initial method of correction.

To know that the treatment is being carried out correctly, parents are offered a lesson plan developed by a proofreader. Pedagogical support in all cases of correction is as necessary as taking medications as prescribed by a doctor.

Only by acting as a well-coordinated mechanism can adults help a child overcome the boundaries of helplessness and join the team of peers as a full-fledged member. Now we can make a brief conclusion and classify the methods used in the fight for the purity of children's speech:

  1. Medication method
  2. Reflexo and magnetic therapy
  3. Classes with a corrective teacher

All these methods are designed to help parents. In addition to the steps taken from the field of medicine and pedagogy, parents can also apply knowledge and experience at home in developments specially created to correct speech deficiencies and develop the skill as such.

Family Club

The family is always worried when doctors make prescriptions for the child. But the role of parents is to help their baby better than doctors. Who can, with such care and joy, contort with him in front of the mirror or persuade him to drink bitter medicine, except his mother? So let’s try to figure out how we can help a child cope with the problem of speech development.

N.B. To be honest, I prefer not to use the word “problem” at all, in any context. I suggest instead saying “question”, “problem”, “nuance”. Agree, “problem” sounds like a sentence and something insoluble and global. But call it a nuance, and it will be easier to deal with, because a nuance is such a small, insignificant something with which the conversation is short.

Exercises to eliminate speech deficiencies and develop them are very simple and accessible to every mother. Even without knowing it, you can conduct such classes yourself. You play with your baby every day, right? And the game develops children in the best possible way. You just need to include some special training moments in the games, and the baby will not notice that he is learning and developing.

Finger Theater. An indispensable technique for the development of any child. You can put on a show, or you can simply rub your fingers together or massage each phalanx with pads. To maintain interest, add some poems or sayings.

By developing fine motor skills, we stimulate the intellect and speech, don’t forget! Therefore, stock up on puzzles, mosaics, plasticine and clay, come up with games with construction sets, cubes or paper (origami).

Outdoor games. The feeling of freedom and flight has a beneficial effect, in general, on your mental and physical state. If shouting loudly at home is not always appropriate (concern for family, neighbors), then on the street you can throw out everything negative energy, and at the same time train the ligaments and articulatory apparatus.

Playing with a ball is useful; its chaotic movements develop spatial orientation and attention, while running and jumping saturate the body's cells with oxygen. Introduce your baby to active games using repeated syllables or sounds. Use “Swan Geese”, “A King Walked Through the Forest”, “Traffic Light”.

Massage. The appointment of a professional massage is justified in case of violations of the baby’s psychomotor development; it should be done by a specially trained person, a children’s massage therapist. General strengthening gymnastics and simple stroking can be done by one of the parents.
Typically, a massage from a specialist is prescribed as a course, usually 10 days.

During this time, the child’s body becomes so accustomed to pleasant procedures that positive dynamics appear after several sessions. Then it is important for parents to maintain this cheerful state, which helps to perk up all the cells in each organ.

Development of the cognitive sphere. At home, we can develop our child’s memory and attention at every step. After all, the space around us is simply crammed with all sorts of tasks for logic and attentiveness.

In any room of your house or apartment there are rectangular windows, tables or cabinets, round plates, floor lamps or paintings. Look for games and exercises in environmental objects to compare objects by color, size, eliminate unnecessary ones according to any principle.

Games with musical instruments. Nothing can replace the sound of music for comprehensive development personality, this is especially important in childhood.

The extraordinary advantage of musical exercises is that the baby can sing sounds that are difficult to pronounce, this greatly simplifies the task. And for children who stutter, music is their salvation! By pronouncing words into a chant, the speech apparatus learns concentration against a background of relaxation, and speech evens out over time.

Each of the sections aimed at developing speech and eliminating delays contributes to general theme our conversation today. But I ask you to remember that in every issue the “golden mean” is important, by finding which you will no doubt cope with any troubles.

Act without fanaticism, excessive passion for all kinds of techniques can negatively affect the formation of the personality of your child, who is forced to study from morning to night foreign languages and rehearsing endless scales.

A child of 3 years old, who by this time has formed a small inner “I”, who is going through a crisis of 3 years, is capable of many actions, sometimes contrary to our expectations. Let's help our beloved baby overcome this barrier in the form of delayed speech development and reach a new age stage with full confidence in his uniqueness and the unconditional love of his parents.

Support anywhere life situation– an important educational and developmental springboard for strengthening one’s own self and realizing one’s importance, especially for the family. We can provide this to our own children, which means we must do it.

We would like to hope that our kids will grow up happy and loved. I wish everyone to avoid nuances in development, and for those who are faced with them, I wish the situation to be resolved in a positive way as soon as possible.

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I hope that our next meeting will bring new discussions with you, and we will be able to find the information we need for each of us. All the best!