Published 02.10.16 22:24

The only heiress of the great clairvoyant Vanga, the French girl Kaede Uber, voiced a terrible prediction for 2016.

The heiress of Vanga Kaede Uber shocked with her prediction for the coming months

French girl Kaedee Uber who talks to otherworldly forces and sees the future, a few years ago she was dubbed the only heiress of the great Vanga.

According to NTV, her birth was predicted by the Bulgarian soothsayer herself, declaring before her death that leaving would not go away and the second coming of the unique gift would definitely come.

In esoteric circles it is believed that Vanga’s soul has entered the body intkbbee this girl who will see as the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant saw.

“Diseases and wars know no boundaries,” said the girl.

According to Kaede, the problem in the form of a terrible disease for which there is no cure will begin to expand from Hong Kong, after which the southeast flu could declare war on the whole world.

To prevent the spread of the virus in Russia, it is not recommended at the beginning of 2017 to visit countries where this type of influenza is spreading.

Let us remember that according to Vanga’s own prophecy, in 4599 people will gain immortality, but before that they will go through the most terrible trials.

In 2088, a virus will appear that will kill instantly. This will significantly reduce the number of people on the planet. No medicine can save humanity. The "antidote" will be developed only three centuries later - in 3404.

Kaede Uber, predictions for 2016: a terrible terrorist attack with many casualties will occur in the USA

Among the many predictions of the young clairvoyant, who is in contact with the other world, the main one is the terrible events that will befall the United States. According to Uber, there will be a terrible terrorist attack with numerous casualties before the end of this year.

“People will be killed. There will be a lot of blood. There will be a lot of people and dead. The Arabs will bring death,” the girl predicted.

The mother of the young seer says that Lately Kaede became deathly afraid of emigrants from the Middle East.

The young seer also gave her characterization to US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. According to the girl, Clinton is under extreme stress and “there is always a doctor next to this woman who treats her.” According to the young French healer, Clinton collected a whole bunch of diseases. Despite this, according to Kaede, Clinton will still beat Trump in the fight for the US presidency.

Forecasts, portents and prophecies have always been and remain a part of human existence. Few people are not the least bit interested in his future. And to receive reliable information from the lips of great predictors who have gained worldwide fame is a real gift!

One of these unique people is a French girl with beautiful name Kaede Uber. Thanks to the ubiquitous Internet, we have a wonderful opportunity, without unnecessary hassle, by typing a simple combination of letters, to find out what fate has in store for us in the near future.

Kaede was born in 2003 in France, in big city Montpellier, in the southern part of the country. Unfortunately, even in the maternity hospital, the happiness of the parents was darkened scary words from the lips of doctors - their daughter was diagnosed with a serious disease that progresses at the genetic level and affects the organs that are responsible for overriding feelings: hearing and vision.

It is because of problems with her eyes that little Kaede will later be called the “heiress of the Bulgarian fortuneteller”, “the new Vanga”. According to rumors, this girl received the gift of the world famous clairvoyant Vanga. A blind Bulgarian seer herself predicted the birth of a baby with unique abilities to see things that are about to happen.

The search for the heiress of the great fortuneteller began at the dawn of the 2000s, but the girl was born only three years later, just during the terrible events predicted by Vanga, namely, during the fires that raged in Europe.

According to the parents of the miracle girl, when Kaede was only 5 years old, she made her first prophecy. The girl predicted her cousin's injury. The little girl assured her family that her cousin would break his leg. And so it happened.

Since then, Kaede has been informing relatives and friends about upcoming events. Only a few years later, the little fortuneteller started talking about much larger events that were about to happen in different parts of the world.

A French schoolgirl, whose predictions come true with amazing accuracy, can not only foresee the future, but also enter into communication with the other world. Kaede Uber has prophetic dreams. According to the teenager, some shadows, most likely the souls of the dead, tell her about what will happen soon. The more the girl’s well-being deteriorates, the more her gift is revealed.

Kaede's Predictions

In 2009, little Kaede foresaw the death of her own grandmother. Also, the little one, long before the incident, predicted the death of her stepfather. Kaede Uber spoke about the terrorist attacks in Belgium and Nice before the tragic events. The girl also predicted the global economic crisis, as well as the death of Libyan dictator Gaddafi.

Surprisingly, in hometown fortune tellers, no one knows about Kaede and her gift. The thing is that parents do their best to protect their daughter from unwanted attention. However, in Russia the successor became quite famous. They first started talking about Kaede in 2011 on one of the Russian TV channels. The program had the sonorous title “Vanga returns.” More than once on television the girl was remembered as the heir to the great gift of the Bulgarian clairvoyant.

Then on for a long time A little girl with unique abilities has disappeared from TV screens. Camera lenses and microphones of journalists turned to Kaede in 2016. It was then that Russian correspondents invited the girl to our country, where Kaede, without a shadow of a doubt, told the audience about the future that awaits both Russia and other countries.

What did Kaede predict for 2018?

During her visit to Russia, the little Frenchwoman made several important predictions. Kaede Uber happily shared her gift of foresight not only with journalists, but also with passers-by who recognized the girl on the street.

The young seer always prepares in advance for questions about the future. Often Kaede has enough words to describe a particular vision. In order to correctly and clearly interpret her prophecies, Vanga’s heiress uses pencils, paper and other materials.

Kaede Uber is almost never wrong in her predictions. Not long ago it foreshadowed terrorist attacks in France. Many people probably remember what happened in Nice when a terrorist drove a truck through a crowd of people. But now similar evil things will happen in the USA. Indeed, one terrorist attack has already occurred: a terrorist took hostages in one of the stores.

By the way, about the United States: when asked what Barack Obama will do after leaving the presidency, Kaede replied that she does not see his political future. In addition, according to the girl, absolutely all sanctions against Russia will be lifted.

But Ukraine will face new shocks next year. Kaede Uber clearly sees the upcoming coup d'état. How it will all end is not yet clear, but the fortuneteller spoke of a wave of protests that could eclipse the events of the 2014 Maidan in its cruelty.

Currently, the young clairvoyant, whose prophecies frighten not only people, but also herself, is dumbfoundedly afraid of dark people from the east. She probably saw them in a dream. According to the girl, she saw that in the future the threat would come from them.

Moreover, it is not yet known what kind of misfortune fate promises us. Either the outbreak of the Third World War with the use of terrible biological weapons, or nature itself will rebel against humanity, and the eastern nations will be the first to suffer from a serious disease.

Today, as before, the topic of clairvoyants remains popular. Many people want to somehow look into the future. Therefore, all humanity is interested in the consequences of the modern crisis, political conflicts and military actions, increasing every year.

Because of this, many scammers have appeared, ready to profit from gullible people at any moment. But there are still individuals who deserve attention, since millions of people around the planet believe in their gift.

These include the girl prophet Kaede Uber. She has already been nicknamed “the new Vanga.” However, everyone has the right to decide for themselves whether to believe or not to trust her predictions. To begin with, you can simply familiarize yourself with the prophecies for the coming year and see if they have come true.

Biography of Kaede Uber - heiress of Vanga

She was born in 2003 and lives in one of the provincial French towns - Montpellier. Just like the famous one Bulgarian fortune teller Vanga, the girl cannot see and speaks poorly because genetic disease. Her parents carefully hide their daughter from prying eyes. This can be explained by the fact that people living in the neighborhood did not know about the miracle child until the press started talking about her.

Already at the age of 5, Kaede spoke about her first predictions, which adults perceived as ordinary childhood fantasies. However, after what the girl said began to come true, her parents believed her.

It was the Russian television channel NTV that found Vanga’s heir only 15 years after her death. The Bulgarian clairvoyant even managed to suggest a place where to look for the girl. And since 2011, the TV show “Vanga Returns” appeared, in which Kaede was introduced to the Russian audience as a follower of the Bulgarian seer. Since then, she appears quite often on the NTV channel.

Predictions of Vanga's heiress, Kaede, for 2018 and those that did not come true

According to the statements of Kaede's parents, the girl predicted many world events, but still sometimes she is wrong. This concerns the end of the military conflict in the Middle East and the beginning nuclear war. Kaede also predicted US President Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump.

This year, the girl prophet speaks of an increase in terrorist threats, but it is the United States that should be feared. And the most dangerous to society oriental people with dark skin. It is from there that a hitherto unknown type of influenza will come. As a result, war could break out in almost every country across the Earth.

The French “Vanga” also mentioned the Muslim religion; she explained that due to the aggressive attitude of Muslims, typhoons could wake up and sweep away all living things. Therefore, it is better for them to redirect their negativity into something good and useful. and also look at the world “in a kinder way.”

Russia Kaede predicted for 2018 good news– removal of absolutely all sanctions. Vladimir Putin, in accordance with Kaede’s words, may voluntarily give up the presidency. Ukraine, on the contrary, faces a possible coup d’etat, which could become much larger than the Maidan.

Probably everyone knows about the famous fortuneteller Vanga. But almost no one knows that she has an heir named. And although the girl is only twelve years old, she can already predict the future and communicate with otherworldly forces. And most recently, she told what people can expect in 2016.

I told you about this girl myself clairvoyant Vanga. She also said that after her death the gift will pass to another person.

Some esotericists think that this is not a unique girl, but Vanga’s soul moved into her, and she acquired such a gift.

On October 2, 2016, Kaede made a new prediction that horrified everyone. There will be a lot of war and disease on earth.

The disease will first appear in Hong Kong and then move from one city to another. Doctors will not be able to find medicines to cure diseases. And a little later, the same flu will declare war on the whole world.

But in order not to become infected with this disease, you simply do not need to visit countries where it will spread.

Probably everyone has heard Vanga herself’s prediction that in 4599 people will not die at all, because they will become immortal. But before they achieve this, they must endure a huge number of trials that are destined for them.

And already in 2088 it will appear new virus, which will kill the population and no one will be able to save a single person. Therefore, there will be very few people on the planet. All the drugs that appear in production will not help. But the antidote to this disease will appear only in 2404.

In addition, the girl predicted that in 2016 there would be a terrorist attack in the United States of America and there would be a lot of victims. There will be a lot of blood on the ground. People will die all the time. But most of all you need to be afraid of the Arabs, who are gradually moving to this country.

But the girl’s mother said that the girl is afraid of emigrants who arrive here from different countries.

Another girl told everyone that US presidential candidate Clinton is in constant stress and a doctor is constantly on duty next to her. He is her personal physician. The girl also said that Clinton has a huge number of diseases that are gradually making themselves felt.

Published 05/20/18 12:23

A young Frenchwoman predicted war for humanity, natural disasters and a deadly virus.

12-year-old French girl Kaede Uber, known as “Vanga’s heiress,” predicted an unlucky year for Russia.

The girl began making her predictions at the age of five. This year, according to young Kaede, who is losing her hearing and sight, will be difficult and unhappy for Russia, but there is a positive aspect - all sanctions will be lifted.

In addition, an unknown flu coming from the East will spread throughout the world. In its predictions, Uber mentioned both the European Union and the United States, which will be subject to terrorist attacks.

"Vanga's heiress" emphasized that the great threat intkbbee for humanity they represent people from the East, because of whom the war will begin. According to her, if they do not direct their energy in a peaceful direction, then the higher powers themselves will take care of it - there will be terrible typhoons and hurricanes in the East. Which will literally destroy everything in their path.

Also, as Kaede Uber predicted, in 2088 people will be instantly killed by some kind of virus, for which there will be no vaccine for several centuries.

It is also worth adding that the seer recently came to the talk-shock studio “Let Them Talk,” where she also told what awaits Russia and other countries in the future. In particular, the girl said that there would be no war between Russia and the United States, but noted that hostilities would begin “in one weak country.” At the same time, she said, Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un will “do bad things” together. 2

The clairvoyant also warned tourists against traveling to Asian countries and Hong Kong.