In my first article, I would first of all like to write about the view of the world around me. By studying psychology, a person begins to look at the world around him differently. Everything that previously seemed wrong or incomprehensible to him takes on completely different shapes. Many previously established stereotypes seem ridiculous and unfounded. And this is normal, since a person begins to acquire sober thinking. I will try to use language that is understandable to most people and to explain as briefly as possible the picture of the world in which we live.

First of all, I want to draw your attention to the upbringing of a person from his very birth. What is typical for most parents who have small children? This is education through prohibitions, this is not possible, that is not possible, and so on. The child develops restrictive thinking, which then haunts him throughout his life.

Further, these restrictions are imposed by all subsequent social institutions - kindergarten, school, college and others, right up to the place of work and one’s own family. Accordingly, such a person will subsequently drill the same thing into his children, and they will hammer into theirs ad infinitum. All this will continue until someone cuts off this endless chain of moral teachings that make no sense.

I’m telling you that there are no restrictions or prohibitions in this life. They exist only for those who accept them and nothing more. The word “impossible” is a relative statement that says that one is not allowed, but another is allowed. It’s impossible, it’s wrong, I can’t - these are all also limiters inserted into our heads by society so that we would be subordinate to this society. Throw these restrictions out of your head, and you will see a completely different picture of the world, one in which everything is possible.

In the new picture of the world, you will see yourself as an omnipotent person who can do everything, who never makes mistakes, and for whom nothing is impossible. You cannot do wrong, you can do it with benefit for you, or without it, and that’s all. All those who tell you that you are doing wrong, thereby indicate that you are doing wrong in relation to their understanding of correctness, and therefore - their benefit, but not yours. And all mistakes are nothing more than lessons that need to be learned.

There is such a thing as a “sucker”, this is a person who pursues and panders to the interests of others, and not his own. We were taught to care for our neighbors, morality, moral behavior, those qualities that make us weak. We have always been taught the concept that good triumphs over evil. However, this is not so, and the world in which we have to live today is a world of disguised evil. But I would not call this evil, everything is quite fair and corresponds to the laws of nature, which has nothing to do with our beliefs. Therefore, in order to take a worthy place in this world, you must have a strong psyche, not bound by any restrictions or prohibitions.

The most interesting thing is that in human society weaknesses are indulged. Unreasonable parents coddle their already mentally weak children, interfering in their personal lives. All this makes us weaker. And there is no one to protect the weak except himself. This whole illusion of security and stability, which is supposedly present in our supposedly civilized society, blinds us and does not allow us to see reality.

This is why people are sometimes surprised by obvious things and cannot understand why what happened happened when it seemed like it shouldn’t have happened. I'm telling you, there is no stability, no security, no civilization. There is a savage society teetering on the edge of madness. This society is manageable only when it experiences fear, but as soon as it feels permissiveness, it begins to destroy everything in its path.

This world is merciless to the weak, in order to survive in it you simply need to be strong, and psychology gives such strength. The right psychological attitude will make you invincible and indestructible. This is called fortitude, which is based on the internal mental state. Study psychology, it will open your eyes to reality, help you become stronger, help you become the captain of your ship called life.

The local militia almost completely fled. Mercenaries also run like cockroaches. The Russian military personnel and Cossacks, who are one-third GRU specialists, are fighting ours. Their task is not so much to fight as to destroy infrastructure. They enter into military clashes only if they have a serious numerical advantage over our battalions; if there is no serious advantage, then they retreat. This does not mean that our people there are like at a resort. They fight really well and beautifully.

There are chances that the main phase of the war will end in a few weeks, unless Putin pulls some trick. But guerrilla warfare can drag on for a long time. Perhaps 2-3 years. To stop the partisan movement in the Donbass, all locals who will support this evil will have to be evicted. The current Ukrainian elite is not capable of such measures, so in order to end the war in Donbass, they will have to change too.


One of the most important factors that led to the actual defeat of Luganda was the lack of smoking in cities occupied by rebels and Russian militants. Of course, they don’t like Ukraine there, but in order to give up smoking for the sake of a war with Ukraine, they are in no way ready for such feats. So if your plans include starting an uprising in some industrial zone, remember, in addition to weapons, you need a lot of smoke. Girkin did not seem to take this fact into account, for which he will be hanged.

Get up at 4 am and wait for the punishers

The main entertainment in the villages is to get up at 4 am, sit on a pile and wait for the punishers. The people are very intimidated. They are very surprised when punishers bring sausages instead of gallows. The army of Luganda, if God forbid it had reached Kyiv and Lvov, it would have erected gallows. And then there’s a break in the pattern of punishers with sausages. However, do not think that this somehow reduces the degree of hatred towards Ukraine. The old wisdom about the wolf, which is useless to feed, works here and will work flawlessly.

A question worse than Hamlet's

- Why are they bothering us?

This refers to Ukrainian troops. Almost everyone asks this question in one variation or another.
— We don’t want Ukraine!
- There is no need to free us!
- Leave us alone! We don't want to go to Ukraine!

Like little children, they do not understand why the Ukrainian army does not allow the activities of terrorist organizations in Donbass. They don’t understand because the minds of children are in their heads. And not just children, but mentally retarded children. It’s cruel, but you can’t erase the words from the song. The main problem of Donbass is the lack of basic worldly intelligence.

It is necessary for someone from the leadership of Ukraine to explain to these people that the Ukrainian army is coming to liberate not them, but Ukrainians and Ukrainian lands. They should also explain that they cannot build Novorossiya on the territory of Ukraine and run around with a Kalashnikov assault rifle and a Colorado ribbon on their ass. This behavior is dangerous to property and life. There is a beautiful city of Moscow, go there and build.

People's moods

I warn you right away that no one measured the numbers, so they are purely arbitrary, in my subjective opinion. Moreover, Donbass is still different.

About 30 percent are ethnic Russians who don’t give a damn about anything. They are ready to destroy the entire Donbass if only there would be no Ukraine there. It is very easy to identify ethnic Russians - they are the most aggressive, zombified, and the hatred against Ukraine there is simply wild.

Let me give you one example. I personally know one weakling who terribly hates Ukraine. The hatred is such that it frantically awaits a counterattack by the militants on Lutugino. And this despite the fact that her daughter and sister live in Lutugino. Imagine all the idiocy of this aunt, who doesn’t even give a damn about her own daughter and sister. And there are a lot of them there. If someone tells you that the people there have seen the light, don’t believe it. There is nothing even close to this.

They are driven only by hatred of Ukraine. Therefore, appealing to logic is useless. Ideally, they should be resettled from there to Russia, because they themselves do not live and will not give life to other people.

There is another contingent that can roughly be called deceived fools. These people have already realized that they were simply deceived and they don’t want to go to Luganda anymore.

In general, I will give advice to those who worry about who says or thinks something, or estimates the percentages for or against Ukraine. My advice to you is to forget about them. The winner of the war is Ukraine, and the winner sets the rules. As we say, so it will be. If you don't like it, go out with your things.

How to understand these people

It’s very simple - these are typical migrant workers. The main thing is sausage, and the Motherland is in tenth place. In 1991, they betrayed Russia because Ukraine had more sausage. In 2014, they also betrayed Ukraine, because in Russia the pension is higher. They will betray again and again. Nobody needs such citizens, not even Putin. And Ukraine will be a complete fool if it warms these vipers on its chest again.

Many Ukrainians are perplexed why not do something simple: If you don’t love the country, just leave it. Russia is big, there is a lot of space, there is also enough work.

But it's not that simple. For 20 years, anti-Ukrainian bastards have hammered into their heads the thesis that there is no Ukraine and Donbass is a purely Russian land, and they are the masters there, and the Ukrainians are nobody there at all.

And it must be said that Ukraine has been silent all these 20 years and has not refuted these allegations in any way. The authorities most often turned a blind eye to such rhetoric. What was regarded as consent there. And now here's an unexpected turn. For 20 years, evil spirits ruled there, and Ukraine turned a blind eye to it, and now troops have entered.

The local lumpen, who for the most part is not much different from the movie character Sharikov, sincerely believes that Donbass is Russia, not Ukraine. And it is almost impossible to convince them, and it is not necessary.

The reason for hatred of Ukraine

Ethnic Russians are sowing hatred of Ukraine in Donbass. But what kind of Russians are they? Katsapye bast shoes. Actually, they hate everyone, everywhere. Having annexed the Caucasus by force, they hate Caucasians and shout the slogan Russia - only for Russians. You really can’t understand them with your mind. Such a people have nothing but hatred in them. It so happened that they live in our house and they hate us Ukrainians, the rightful owners of this house.

It is wrong to try to negotiate with them or try to appease them in some way. They will never change again. They will continue to sow hatred towards Ukraine, wait for Putin, vote for anti-Ukrainian parties and do all possible nasty things for our country.

There is only one solution to this problem - to evict this brat from Ukraine. It's not difficult to do this. At their core, they are all earners. If there is no work, they will leave. There is work in Russia - that’s where they will go.

Ukraine should deprive this entire population of citizenship, and stateless persons should not be given the right to work. Without work, they will go to their Russia and everything will be fine. Both for us and for them.

Of course, there will be a lot of screaming and snot about human rights violations. But after what Russia did in Donbass, I am sure that the entire civilized world will be happy if it is possible to separate the two warring parties into different apartments.

I am confident that this idea will be supported by the majority of Ukrainians. All that remains is to get the authorities to implement this plan.

In the front top pocket of my backpack I have a small case for a small camera. At one time, it was bought just for the fire. And in it:

A piece of flint... I must say that flint is extremely rare in nature in our area. They say you can find it on the mounds near the railroad. Or in heaps of rubble... I have never found one, however. In other words, it is better to carry flint with you prepared in advance. So, flint. There was a forged chair for him. You can break the file, of course. But a forged chair is more aesthetically pleasing). Tinder in an airtight jar. I have tinder fungus prepared using technology) And a little jute cord in a zip bag. And a ferocerium rod from our narrow-eyed brothers fit into the heap.

Well, as a strategic reserve in case it’s damp or the grass is wet, I make a nest out of toilet paper. Then I inflate it.

The supply of tinder is hidden in the cupboard. When I prepared it I made extra. Enough for many fires. If necessary, the supply in the backpack is replenished from the cupboard.
And the case itself wanders through the pockets of the backpack, leaving it only for use or replenishment. It is used in practice all this for the sake of showing people. Show off in one word.

Point two: fire from the sun.

The essence of making fire from the sun is to focus the sun's ray on the tinder. For example, melting a lens from ice, or fastening two bottle bottoms with resin and filling them with water, or polishing the bottom of a beer can, or breaking off the reflector of a flashlight... We also obtained a reflector from a car headlight. Three reflectors were stolen from us) hidden in the forest))
Or you can buy a magnifying glass. It costs mere pennies. Or a solar lighter on Ali. It's even cheaper! Well, throw it in your backpack. What if...

Point three: what if everything is screwed up. There is no sun at all. All that remains is to make fire by friction. Everything here is simple and complicated at the same time!

Every year we perform a ritual of fire renewal. It is by friction that we produce living fire. And therefore I have an appropriate set for such a case.
In natural conditions, you just need to take two boards, make a drill, a beam, a stop under your hand and saw) Simply...
In fact, whether a coal falls out or not depends on many conditions. Tested in practice. The first time, for example, I spent a month trying to make a fire on the balcony. I made a pine drill. I tried almost every day for a month until I realized that when heated, resin was released! and this resin prevents the coal from working. I had to try it outside in the snow. The ember did not fall out. Apparently because of the humidity... Well, and all sorts of nuances.
Moreover, the lining under the arm gets hot and burns. Excess smoke in the eyes and discomfort)
Therefore, another cheat to make life easier)

The bearing is integrated into the lining. There is virtually no friction and it is much more comfortable to hold.
You can, however, use a lace as a string or make a rope out of clothes. But it’s more practical to put a roll of paracord in your backpack just in case. Paracord does not stretch and wear out less.

Point four. For dessert)
Chemical method of making fire)
Well, I couldn’t play with stray things for fire and not get fire) That’s why I dug up manganese in my wife’s medicine cabinet.

We assume that in our forest conditions it is in our first aid kit. We take sticks to make fire by friction... Or we simply cut a notch in any wood. Place some manganese in the recess. It is important that everything is dry!!!

Add a little sugar. We have sugar in our meal kit! The ratio is approximately 8 parts manganese to one part sugar.

We put in what we need to catch fire. I have the notorious jute.

Using a “drill” or a sharpened stick, forcefully rub the manganese with sugar. We hear a click and see how fire appears.

As a result of the chemical reaction, quite a lot of heat is released. This is enough to light cotton wool or jute wool. But the reaction happens very quickly! Therefore, the ignition must be started immediately!

And, to summarize all of the above, it should be noted that setting yourself difficult tasks. Making fire not in the most traditional ways, for example. very interesting! Fascinating and useful! But it’s more correct and smart to be prepared or prepare in advance!

PS: out of all this, I personally most often use a lighter) Sometimes matches. And I also have a supply of them)

Well, and knives too)

In the forest, Vicks moves into your pocket, Bars into your belt, and Machetina rides on your backpack)