Hello readers of the blog about a healthy and happy life.

Today you will learn very interesting fact about running and for many this will be a revelation. After all, everyone knows that running is good for health.

Since childhood, we have been told that jogging strengthens the cardiovascular system, increases endurance to exercise, strengthens muscles and bones, and improves mood. All this is true. Around the world, hundreds of thousands of fans of an active lifestyle are becoming devotees of running. However, in last years scientists claim that the harm of running to health is as real a fact as its benefits to the body. I will show situations where regular jogging contributes to a deterioration in overall health, the development of diseases and can reduce life expectancy.

Are you surprised? But in fact, it’s time for everyone to know that sport does not always give health and even cripples a person. Big sport in general only wears out the body, without giving anything good in return. And there are health systems, health-improving physical education, which have a beneficial effect on us.

And running can be classified as either the first or the second, depending on how you apply it. What you turn it into is up to you. He will give you health or cripple you.

Harm to the musculoskeletal system

Both long runs and short distance running can have Negative influence on the spine and joints of the lower extremities. Running is one of the most accessible sports that does not require financial investment. I wanted to, by a strong-willed decision I put a run in my diary and start healing the whole body, at the same time cheap and cheerful. Of course, this is a misconception that leads to pathology of the spinal column and joints. Particularly dangerous is a frivolous attitude towards physical activity in adulthood and old age, when musculoskeletal system undergoes natural age-related changes.

When running, the impact load on the musculoskeletal system increases 7 times compared to walking at an average pace. Improper running technique increases stress on knee joints and ankles, promotes lateral displacement of the vertebrae. This increases the risk of microtraumas of cartilage and intervertebral discs, which, in turn, leads to arthrosis and arthritis. Injuries (sprains, fractures, dislocations) if the correct technique is not followed contributes to the formation of residual effects, causing difficulties in movement and gait disturbance.

This begs a reasonable question: is running beneficial or harmful? Undoubtedly, physical activity is useful, but only if you follow the running technique. At the same time, equipment for training is important. A tracksuit should not restrict movement, and sneakers should be chosen with shock-absorbing soles, which reduces the impact load on the joints and spine. It is not recommended to run on hard surfaces: asphalt and concrete. The safest places to run are on the ground, sand, and rubberized surfaces of tracks in stadiums and treadmills.

Harm to the heart and blood vessels

The myocardium is the most trained muscle in the body. However, under excessive stress, the heart may not cope. It is necessary to increase physical activity gradually as your cardiovascular endurance increases. Otherwise, the myocardium does not have time to pump blood throughout the body, which causes tissue hypoxia, primarily the brain. The blood vessels and cavities of the heart dilate compensatoryly. This leads to rapid progression of heart failure.

In addition, in mature and old age with atherosclerotic vascular damage and an increased risk of thrombosis, jogging is contraindicated. During intense physical activity, an atherosclerotic plaque or thrombus can break off and lead to serious consequences: stroke, heart attack, thromboembolism of the branches of the pulmonary artery. This is why running without preliminary diagnosis and medical supervision is harmful.

Harm from obesity

Overweight and obesity, oddly enough, are not a reason to start active jogging. Latest Scientific research proved that heavy weight body during physical activity destroys joints, ligaments, bones, but does not effectively reduce body weight.

Let me give you a clear example. The average calorie content of milk chocolate is 500 kcal. Jogging burns approximately 350 kcal in an hour. This means that the effectiveness of such exercises for weight loss is highly questionable. It’s another matter if intense running is used (for example, covering 100 meters in the shortest possible period of time), but this technique is practically not used during training.

Harm of early and late classes

There is still debate among doctors about why running in the mornings and evenings is harmful. Some of them argue that it is necessary to study in the evening, others advocate morning classes. IN evening time The human body prepares for natural rest, and stress can worsen sleep and overall well-being. In the morning, the body just begins vigorous activity and tolerates stress as if it were a stressful situation.

Scientists have come to a consensus that exercise time depends on a person’s biological clock. “Larks” are comfortable studying in the mornings, and “night owls” in the evenings. But there is required condition, non-compliance with which may worsen your health. In the morning you can start training 4 hours after waking up, and in the evening 2 hours before bedtime. In case of bad general health Due to various reasons, classes are recommended to be postponed.

Harm to women

Regular jogging can cause deterioration in breast shape and cellulite. To securely fix the mammary glands during training, you need to wear special supportive underwear and the problem will be solved. As for cellulite, this statement is confusing. Many people run precisely to get rid of the “orange peel” on their thighs and buttocks.

Cellulite is a disease of subcutaneous fat as a result of metabolic disorders in tissues. The reason for the change in metabolism and the formation of fibrous bridges in the fat layer under the skin is the excessive accumulation of free radicals, in other words, under-oxidized metabolic products. During intense daily training free radicals They don’t have time to break down and cause cellulite.


Is running every day good or bad? This question worries every fan. healthy image life who decided to go jogging. How to get the best results from training and avoid negative consequences? Here are some recommendations:

  1. Before training, you need to familiarize yourself with the proper running technique.
  2. It is better to jog 2-3 times a week. On other days, walking and brisk walking are helpful.
  3. The average training time is about an hour. Longer runs are considered physical activity high intensity, and shorter ones are not effective enough and are used when the body is poorly trained.
  4. Running equipment should be selected in a professional store, primarily sneakers.
  5. Before starting classes, you must consult a doctor and undergo the examination prescribed by him. Some diseases, such as oncology, hypertension, infections, high myopia, pathology of the musculoskeletal system are contraindications to training.

IN last decade Information has emerged that intense physical activity, even in amateur sports, can lead to disability and shortened life expectancy. On this wave, fans of laziness have appeared who believe that it is good for health. Are they right? Read about this in my next one.

If you want to run, then train correctly. Only in this case can you get good results. Replace running with walking or even simple walks in the fresh air more often. There is a wonderful one.

The health effects of running have actually been exaggerated.

Of course, physical activity is needed. If you sit in the office all day and don’t stress your body, you will simply get sick. But excessive jogging in the form of daily morning workouts will also not give you health, and can even be harmful. There must be moderation in everything.

Remember, you cannot escape from a heart attack by running. If after running training you come to work and start to worry, i.e. experience diseases, including heart diseases, are guaranteed for you.

To avoid stress, and therefore become healthy, you don’t need running, but, for beginners, just...

By the way, there is also meditative running and meditative walking, which give amazing results in terms of improving health and increasing awareness. But that's a completely different story.

See you on the treadmills for better health, but not for athletic performance.

And at the end I give you a gift. Beautiful music.

The benefits of running: how to use this physical activity correctly

For those who love running, the benefits and harms of this type sports load not too important. They are ready to go to classes in summer and winter, in the morning and evening before bed, as many times a day as strength and time allow. Jogging gives them a feeling of joy and health, making them feel much younger at 40 or 50 years old. If you ask them whether running, for example, in the evenings after work, is beneficial, running fans will definitely mention how many men and women experience strong nervous tension, which worsens the functioning of the heart, exhausts the body so that a person at 40 years old often looks 60 years old, and to relieve this tension in the evening, before going to bed, you need to warm up by jogging on a treadmill or somewhere else, even if it happens in winter.

Another argument in favor of running is the health-promoting effect on the heart, confirmed by doctors, observed in both women and men. Leisurely jogging on a park treadmill or anywhere else is good for your health because each step causes your heart to pump vigorously, exercising your heart muscle. No dumbbells or other equipment can strengthen the muscles in this area. Such training is especially important for men and women after 50 years of age and especially after 60 years of age, when the risk increases serious illnesses hearts.

Why else is healthy jogging on a treadmill important for men - it’s good for potency. Exercises to activate the heart, especially on the street or in another place in the fresh air, improve blood supply to all organs by 50%, including the prostate - the so-called second heart of men. After 50-60 years, and sometimes in men at 40 years of age, issues of potency arise very acutely; each of them is concerned with finding information about which therapy will be best for maintaining men's health and increasing potency. The doctors' recommendations in this case are quite simple: if there are no contraindications due to chronic diseases, then there is no better activity than jogging in any pleasant place - on a treadmill in a park or at a stadium, in winter or summer. It doesn't matter whether you jog in the evenings before bed or in the morning immediately after waking up. Every day or several times a week (50 minutes or more) - the work of the heart to improve blood supply to organs will improve potency in men better than any exercise with dumbbells or barbells, and this will be useful for women.

How to avoid the negative consequences of running

Why do so many people talk about possible harm running, when doctors often recommend that men and women use jogging - every day if possible - to prevent health problems associated with physical inactivity? Firstly, there are contraindications for running on a treadmill, which are better to ask your doctor about before you start jogging, and not after the dangers of running, for example in winter, have become obvious to you personally.

The second reason why health-improving running can become harmful is often the incorrect calculation of the running load, which has become unbearable for health. How much you can run personally - 40, 50 or 60 minutes, continuously or whether you need to take breaks, every day or not - you should find out from a specialist. In addition, jogging in the evenings before bed often becomes the reason for conversations about the dangers of running, because after such an exercise it takes a lot of effort to fall asleep. Sometimes weight loss fans, trying to maximize the fat-burning effect of jogging, run with dumbbells in their hands for weight, which is very harmful for the joints of the legs and for health in general.

The third reason for negative reviews about running can be called disappointment in expectations. Each type of running - for weight loss, for health, for potency - has its pros and cons that need to be taken into account before starting exercise. Women's main complaints about running usually concern the question of why exercise even every day does not improve their figure, forgetting that you can achieve what you want only simultaneously with a diet. For men, complaints mainly come down to questions about why running for weight loss or for potency does not give quick results, and how long it is better to run to get this result. Regarding weight loss, it all depends on the quality of running and the reality of your goals, and as for potency, it is better to maintain it by running all your life (not suddenly starting at 50 years old).

This conclusion can be drawn if you read the article by Andrei Antonov “Is running really useful”? (" Iron World"No. 1, 2014, pp. 150-158).
How does the author justify his position?

Firstly, a person is anatomically (in terms of the structure of muscles and skeleton) poorly suited for both long-term running over long distances and for fast, but fleeting ones. Evolutionarily, man is adapted for walking, which is proven by comparing his structure with the structure of the skeleton and muscles of animals, whose biological specialization is associated with either long running or sharp accelerations. A person is not able to either escape from a predator or catch up with any animal suitable for food. Thus, “we have to admit that running is not a physiological mode motor activity person."
The main advantage of long running has traditionally been considered its beneficial influence on the activity of the cardiovascular system and excess adipose tissue. “However, studies of aerobic exercise over the past 30 years have failed to show significant beneficial effects of aerobic exercise on the heart, blood vessels and fat tissue.”
Yes, long-term cyclic loads below the anaerobic threshold contribute to a significant increase in cardiac output and make the resting heart rate lower. But the fact is that even so, the capabilities of a person with a normal, non-sick heart fully provide him with a supply of oxygen to the muscles sufficient to show results at the level of a master of sports in running over the appropriate distances. In this case, the limiting factor is not the heart itself, but the inability of the muscles to absorb incoming oxygen due to insufficient development of mitochondria in the corresponding muscle fibers.
Yes, when running in an aerobic mode, working muscles from a certain moment use fatty acids, which leads to their consumption during running, but also improves the mechanisms for storing fat after running.
What makes long-term aerobic running really useful is that if you do it for many years (3-5 years), it has a beneficial effect on increased blood pressure with so-called “primary hypertension”. Possibly through neurohumoral mechanisms.
And, unfortunately, aerobic running cannot significantly protect against, for example, atherosclerosis. As they age, recreational runners die “from cardiovascular disease at the same rate as other people.” We must assume that these are people comparable to runners in the absence of other harmful factors for the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, such as excess weight and so on. Interval running in this regard (fighting excess weight and preventing atherosclerosis) is much better, but, unfortunately, it increases the “impact load” and is more harmful to the joints.

How can running cause harm?
This is precisely its effect on the joints.
When running, especially in the absence of proper technique, there is always a so-called “shock load”, which has a harmful effect on the joints (especially the knees and spine), as well as the calf muscle. “It is the vertical impact load that makes running the most harmful of all types of cyclic aerobics.” Therefore: “At any age, walking followed by training in the gym is much healthier.”

What about running? long distances still good?
And because during it, endorphins and enkephalins are produced quite well, which lead to an improvement in mood and even euphoria. And since running does not require complex equipment: a bicycle, a boat, the presence of snow and skis, ice and skates, a pool and good swimming technique, finally, the desired effect of pleasure from it is most achievable when running.

So what to do if a person likes to run and wants to do it?
Firstly, establish the correct running technique and prepare your own (first of all, calf muscles) to its implementation by systematically increasing the load.
Secondly, run, but don’t forget about other types of training for your body.

How often do we, when we see a person jogging early in the morning, envy him and Once again We promise ourselves to definitely start running in the morning. But, as always, we don’t keep this promise and have difficulty getting out of bed even for work, not to mention getting up earlier. So what's the deal? Why can some people force themselves to go for a run in the morning, while others huddle in bed from the cold, not wanting to interrupt their morning bliss? The thing is that no one forces themselves. People who run really experience disproportionate pleasure from this. It is difficult to force yourself to do something against your will, especially on an ongoing basis.

And running, oddly enough, can be enjoyable. What could be better than a cool morning road with minimum quantity people and cars? What could be better than your favorite music on headphones? And the leisurely rustling of comfortable sports shoes on the asphalt or ground. And if this is combined with natural landscapes, or at least a park or stadium, then there can be no end to the pleasure. This is a real way to prepare and invigorate yourself before a long day of work. Today we'll talk about beneficial properties running – for men and women. In addition, we note reverse side medals are contraindications under which you should never run.

The benefits of running for the female body

Many people, when starting to play sports, most often pursue their goals - some need to lose weight, others want to gain weight. muscle mass, for some people health is important respiratory system. And running can solve these numerous problems. So, let's look at the benefits of running for women.

  1. Getting rid of excess weight. Well, of course! This is the most popular reason why women start running. Running is an excellent cardiological exercise that helps burn fat without building muscle. By running you can lose weight without gaining definition. You've probably seen sprinters and marathon runners who look different. If you want to be thin and slender, you need to run for a long time, at least an hour, but at a slow pace in order to withstand such a load. If you run 20 kilometers every day at a slow pace and at least watch your nutrition a little, after 3-4 days the scales will steadily go down.
  2. Relief. Skinny girls They also run, but not to lose weight, but to get muscle definition, to pump up their hips and buttocks. If you want to achieve exactly these forms, you need to change your running technique. In this case, you need to forget about marathon running and run intervals. That is, you run for 30 seconds at the limit of your capabilities, at maximum speed. After this, a minute of easy running to restore your breathing and take a break. And so 5-6 approaches. It is effective for building muscles.
  3. Health. Very often we start to get sick if we are forced to work 8-10 hours a day. sitting position in a stuffy room. Such a low level of activity leads to various diseases, deterioration in the quality and color of the skin, and an increase in fat on the sides and thighs. Running perfectly improves your health, helps you get sick less during colds, and makes it easier to endure bronchial diseases.
  4. Butt. As noted, running perfectly tidies up the buttocks, especially if they are flabby and loose. Just a month of regular training and your butt will become elastic, firm, “erect” and attractive. To do this, you need to run over rough terrain; running on a treadmill with changing the incline is very useful.
  5. Leather. As you know, the smoothness and elasticity of the skin largely depends on its oxygen saturation. While running, we speed up blood circulation, which allows us to produce a sufficient amount of collagen and elastin. In addition, running is very useful against cellulite - after just a month of regular training you can partially or completely get rid of it. orange peel on the hips.
  6. Mood. Anyone who has gone for a run at least once knows that after a workout one feels particularly satisfied, the mood lifts, and the person experiences happiness. This is due to the hormone endorphin, which is produced during physical activity. This allows women to survive difficult periods in life - premenstrual syndrome, emotional overstimulation, anxiety, insomnia, depression.

Far from it full list what a simple and banal run can give us. Its main advantage is that running does not require special sports equipment, you can run anywhere, anytime. But running is useful not only for women; men also run actively in the morning and evening.

Running is included in the training complex of almost every athlete, regardless of the sport. And that's why.

  1. Endurance. Long-distance running is great for developing endurance. Many men notice that during the first training they were given much shorter distances, but as the muscles and respiratory system strengthen, the athlete is able to cover more and more kilometers. Moreover, over time, a man begins to increase his running speed, which develops muscle strength. In general, running is the only physical activity that uses almost all the muscles of the body.
  2. Fat burning. Men, like women, also need to lose weight, especially if they want to dry out their body and make it more sculpted. Running is an excellent opportunity to get rid of excess weight when an athlete does not pass the weight category and needs to lower the scales in a few days. If you run regularly, at least 2-3 times a week, metabolic processes in the body accelerate, the man stops gaining weight, even with sedentary work.
  3. Heart and respiratory system. While running, the heart and lungs work at their maximum capacity. This allows you to train these organs, make them stronger and stronger. If a man runs regularly, he will get rid of shortness of breath and it will be easier to endure respiratory diseases.
  4. Joints. Many men engage in strength exercises - lifting barbells and heavy dumbbells. This is very dangerous for joints and ligaments, especially if the athlete is not prepared for such types of stress. Running will help prepare joints and ligaments - it gently strengthens them, makes them more elastic, and reduces the risk of injury.
  5. Sugar and cholesterol levels are reduced. During running, the level of glycogen, sugar, and carbohydrates in the blood decreases. Cholesterol is a type of carbohydrate that is also oxidized. If you exercise regularly, your sugar and cholesterol levels decrease, as does the risk of many serious diseases.
  6. Potency. Doctors say that a sedentary lifestyle and stagnant processes in the genital area lead to premature loss of potency. Running increases testosterone levels, circulates blood throughout the body, and makes a man more resilient during sex.

In addition to the benefits for physical condition, running teaches a man to be disciplined, collected, carry out plans, and achieve goals. And this is very important for the stronger sex.

Any, even the most effective medicine has its contraindications, let alone such physical activity as running. Not everyone can run. The most common mistake is that obese people begin to run, in the fight for slim figure. This puts serious stress on the spine and knees - people over 130 kg should not run. In this case, you can start by walking slowly and observing proper nutrition. When the weight reaches the acceptable limit, you can increase the load and start running.

In addition, women should not run during pregnancy, especially if the embryo is implanted in the lower part of the uterus. Running is contraindicated throughout pregnancy, but the ban is especially strict during pregnancy. late dates this period. You can run during lactation, but you need to properly secure your breasts so that they do not cause discomfort during active movements. Elderly people over 60 years of age also need to be careful about running. Perhaps in old age you will like other types of exercise - swimming, Pilates, yoga, nordic walking etc.

If you want to lose weight, you need to run slowly, but for a long time, and cover long distances. To build muscle, you need to do interval running. But running on inclined or rough terrain will allow you to pump up your buttocks and calf muscles. In case of exacerbation of chronic diseases and colds, it is better to postpone training until better times. If you have joint or heart disease, you should first consult with your doctor about possible physical activity.

If you are running for the first time, you need to start gradually, with low speed and short distances. Choose comfortable shoes and soft sportswear. It is better to run not every day, but every other day, so that the body has time to recover and there is no physical exhaustion. Otherwise, you simply won’t be able to force yourself to go for a run one day. You can run at any time of the day – when you have time for it. But remember morning jogging should be carried out after a thorough warm-up so that the heart has time to warm up. Rain and snow should not be an obstacle to jogging. When it's cold, you need to breathe through your nose to avoid getting sick. These simple rules will help you make your running high-quality, useful, safe and enjoyable. Run, because movement is life!

Video: 9 reasons to start running

Running is a popular sport among amateurs because running is very easy. To run, you don't need anything other than desire. You can run in the city, forest, park or stadium, wearing the simplest clothes that do not restrict your movements.

Running gained widespread recognition in the United States after Frank Shorter won the marathon at the 1972 Olympics in Munich. Following him in 1977, American running ideologist James Fix released the best-selling book Complete Book of Running. The two have inspired tens of millions of people in the US and Europe to run regularly.

Jogging, also called jogging, has become part of the lifestyle of a successful person.

At this time in the USSR, jogging was not so widespread and was more associated with adherents of a healthy lifestyle and athletes, of whom there were also many in the Union.

Running is promoted by sportswear manufacturers, athletes themselves and famous people, for various reasons, caught up in the cycle of a healthy lifestyle. For some, running has become a reason to get rid of bad habits.

Sobering came when Olympic long-distance runners began to die from heart attacks. James Fix died unusually early, at 52, while jogging. Conflicting data about the benefits and harms of running are reflected in modern folklore.

Thanks to health running people get heart attacks in much more better condition health than before.

Aphorism by an unknown author

The reaction also appeared in journalism. German physician Peter Axt in his book “The Lazy Live Longer” openly calls for a less active lifestyle and saving energy. His longevity program is based on walking and stretching exercises.

Still, running is healthier than not running. The results of the study were published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology Leisure-Time Running Reduces All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality Risk., which lasted 15 years. Scientists observed the lives of 55 thousand people from 18 to 100 years. In the study group, joggers recorded 45% fewer deaths from cardiovascular diseases and 30% - from any reasons. On average, joggers lived three years longer.

The study found that the risk of dying from a heart attack was reduced even among those who ran short distances once or twice a week.

It is important to understand that death during or after running should not be blamed on running, but on the body not being ready for such stress. James Fix suffered a heart attack due to a blocked coronary artery - a consequence of poor nutrition.

Experienced athletes, and especially professional athletes, suffer from occupational diseases and syndromes. The heart, enlarged from constant stress, coped well with its work while the body needed such a volume, but with the onset of old age, physical activity decreases and the heart begins to become decrepit: heart failure occurs. And hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, or thickening of the ventricular wall, as a consequence of “sports” enlargement of the heart, is the cause of 36% of the deaths of young athletes.

How to start running without hurting yourself

1. The main thing is not to overdo it with loads. Moderate jogging “for pleasure” is the optimal choice for people who are far from sports and use physical activity for the purpose of health improvement or weight loss. A poorly trained body should not be fully loaded, or even better, with the help of a doctor, make sure that running is not a contraindication.

2. Start training three times a week, using running mixed with walking in a ratio of 1 to 2 or even 1 to 3: 2/4 minutes or 30/90 seconds. In the second week and beyond, increase your running time. The total duration of one workout is 25–30 minutes. Detailed Guide for beginners on Lifehacker.

3. Train yourself to correct technique. Keep your head level, look forward, not down, bend your elbows 90 degrees and form your palms into fists, but do not clench them, land in the middle of your foot, but push off with your toes, take small steps. And don't slouch.

4. Start each workout with a warm-up and end with an equally thorough cool-down. Warming up ensures a more active flow of blood and oxygen to the muscles, and the final stretching will allow the muscles to recover faster.

Perhaps it would be worth ending the material with advice to go out for your first run right now, but it is better not to make hasty decisions and think about your equipment. You can run in sneakers, but running shoes do a better job of preserving the musculoskeletal system under conditions of increased stress. Take a closer look, but remember that technique and the right training regimen are more important.