Often dead relatives come to people in dreams. In order to decipher the vision and understand what exactly to expect after it, you should find out why the late grandfather is dreaming. For more accurate interpretation dream, remember all its details.

Why do you dream about your deceased grandfather being alive?

If, according to the plot of the vision, there is a conversation in a raised voice with a relative, then, most likely, you can expect it afterwards with the people around you. Often such a dream tells us that we are too strict towards our friends and loved ones.

In the case when the conversation in a dream occurs calmly, nothing bad should be expected. This may be a vision that promises only a change in the weather. It can also be a symbol of protection. Especially if you dreamed about your grandfather at a time when troubles or illnesses began to pile up from all sides. In this case, you should expect a speedy resolution of the situation, and in the best possible way.

Why does the deceased grandfather dream about his granddaughter?

This is often a warning of impending changes. There is no need to worry, perhaps they will only be for the better. If the grandfather in the dream was not happy with the actions of his granddaughter, this may be an omen of an illness, which, by the way, will not be protracted or severe.

Also, such a vision may indicate future family relationships. It is believed that if a grandfather was affectionate with his granddaughter in a dream and gave her a gift, then in the future one should expect a conflict with a loved one, which, however, will end quite quickly and without unpleasant consequences.

Why do you dream of a deceased grandfather in a coffin?

But this plot suggests that we should expect troubles in the near future. They can be related to both financial situation, and with health. Such a dream warns of danger and speaks of the need to mobilize all forces to combat troubles. Such a dream is an omen that a difficult period will soon begin in life, which will not be easy to overcome.

Why do you dream about deceased grandparents?

This vision suggests that you should visit your deceased relatives. If possible, go to a cemetery or at least light candles in a church. Also, grandparents can pass on some information. For example, if they talk about the need to communicate with other relatives, it means that there, in another world, they are not happy that family ties have become less strong.

Close people who are no longer nearby in dreams sometimes appear in our dreams. So why do you dream about a deceased grandfather, and how does the dream book interpret such a dream?
Such a dream usually leaves mixed feelings upon awakening, especially if your grandfather behaved out of character with the character he had during his lifetime.

If you dreamed of a deceased grandfather, this may mean that you miss him or the dream simply wants to warn you about something.

How should we understand such a meeting? In order to correctly interpret the dream, you should remember the details:
What did he look like
What did you do
How I interacted with you
What mood were you in?
What did he say?

Why do you dream about a dead grandfather?

  • The deceased grandfather dreamed of being alive and well

Why can a deceased grandfather dream of being alive and well? If you dreamed of a deceased grandfather who was healthy in a dream, it’s definitely time for you to rest. Only by restoring your physical, mental and moral strength can you take on your business with enthusiasm. Take this as a kind of warning from a deceased relative.

  • Grandfather gives you a gift

Why do you dream about a dead grandfather? The meaning of sleep.

Why do you dream about a dead grandfather who is alive and gives a gift? When you receive money from your late grandfather in a dream, it means that you will need financial support in the near future. It may also be an indicator that someone has conspired to defraud for material or financial gain. Those running a business should pay attention to their business partners and employees. Most likely, they work for their own benefit, and not for the benefit of the common cause.

  • You dreamed of a cheerful grandfather

Why might a deceased grandfather dream of being alive and cheerful? Most dream books agree that such a dream foreshadows the receipt of good news.

If your grandfather smiles in a dream, then happiness and prosperity are destined for you; he rejoices at your success and achievements. For a girl, such a dream promises a cloudless married life and wonderful relationships with relatives.

  • Request for food

Why do you dream of a dead grandfather alive and asking you to eat or drink? Such a dream portends success in business; soon there will be an opportunity to let go of all worries. Be prepared to ride the wave of your luck and be open to positive changes.

Interpretation of this dream in various dream books

Let's see what the most popular dream books think about the symbol of a deceased father in a dream

Vanga's Dream Book

A dream in which you see your deceased grandfather may indicate that you need to remember the deceased: light a church candle, mention it in a conversation with your family. If he holds something in his hands, this indicates that he needs this item. It is worth purchasing and taking it to its resting place. A daughter dreams of such a dream when her conscience torments her due to some dialogues or situations from the past. The time has come for sincere repentance. If he is alive again in a dream, this warns of possible danger. Be careful when making any choices and meeting new people. If you hug your grandfather, good profits await you.

Freud's Dream Book

Such a dream reminds us of how important it is to remember people who have passed away. Go to church or perform another memorial ritual.

Miller's Dream Book

In order to solve a problem, you need the advice of someone who is already wise with experience. If the dream is about the death of your grandfather, it means difficulties in business. You should be more careful and persistent in achieving your goal. For a young girl, a dream about her deceased father is a harbinger of deception on the part of her loved one. You should be more careful in expressing feelings and emotions.

Maly Velesov dream book

According to this dream book, a dream about a grandfather foretells joy, happiness and smiles. If there was an argument with the father, a loss of strength is possible. Try not to succumb to depression and keep yourself in good shape. If the grandfather is sick, this foreshadows grief, which will result in a large inheritance. Seeing him dead portends trouble and family discord. We need to be more tolerant and not quarrel over trifles.

What does the dream tell you about in which your deceased grandfather came to you? What should you expect from such a dream?

Interpretation of the sorceress Medea

According to this dream book, a deceased grandfather seen in a dream symbolizes your need for a patron. You have no desire to take responsibility for making decisions and being responsible for something. If a dispute occurs, it means that your affairs are in a confusing state and you cannot come to the right decision.

If a deceased grandfather comes alive in a dream, you will discover a source of inspiration. New colors and new strength for achievements will appear in your life.

Dream book for the whole family

According to the dream book for the whole family, such a dream means that you for a long time depend on your superiors. Your superiors use your initiatives, but this is of no benefit to you in terms of career growth won't bring it. Communication with him portends a difficult life situation, in which you will need advice from a mentor.

Dream book of esotericist Tsvetkov

According to Tsvetkov, such dreams foreshadow unexpected profits or a whirlwind romance, which can later develop into a successful family. To radical changes in life. If a daughter sees her father in a dream, she is waiting for happy marriage and large offspring.

Wanderer's Dream Book

According to this dream book, a dream about a deceased father means that someone higher up is trying to take control over you. For women, such a dream means that they are subservient to a man and have a weak will. If the deceased was drunk or dressed in torn clothes, then this indicates threats in different areas life.

Loff's Dream Book

A deceased grandfather appearing in your dream means that you are looking among those around you for someone who will become an authority for you. You consider yourself higher than everyone else, apparently for justifiable reasons. It could also mean that you have little discipline in your life. You need a clear routine that will lead to your intended goal. If there is someone else in the dream, then you have warm feelings for them. If you dreamed about your grandfather being sick, it means it’s time to resolve the issues that you constantly put off until later.


In order for the interpretation of your dream to become even more complete, you should take into account what kind of relationship you had with your departed grandfather. Did you love him or do you keep some grievances deep down in your soul? How often did you see each other, was it easy for you to communicate with him. After all, in a dream, things can emerge from our subconscious that in ordinary life we ​​try not to remember or think about. Perhaps it's just time to sort yourself out?

Published: 2016-11-22, Modified: 2018-02-22,

If you dream of a deceased grandfather, this is a variant of a message from the subconscious, which should be treated with maximum attention. The deceased bears a warning to his granddaughter or grandson, taking into account which it will be possible to avoid annoying mistakes. If at the same time he remains in good mood- for a girl, a dream prophesies marriage. The image of a paternal grandfather in a dream is more significant for men.This may hint that the dreamer is not guided by logic in life.

Meeting deceased relatives in a dream often foreshadows the usual change in weather. If there was a funeral recently, the question of why the deceased grandfather is dreaming disappears by itself: this is longing for a loved one. It’s a completely different case if you dream about him often, despite the fact that he passed away quite a long time ago. This is how a deceased relative warns the sleeping person about changes for the worse.

A deceased grandfather symbolizes loneliness if the dreamer was close to him during his lifetime. One of the interpretations of the dream is a flash of nostalgia for childhood, time spent with grandfather. Bright visions are a sign of darkened joy; sadness for the past is possible. The same meaning applies if the deceased communicates with small children.

If a grandfather, who is no longer alive, dreams of being alive and healthy, the sleeping person’s body needs rest. If the deceased grandfather was in his home, the dreamer needs to take care of his health.

Sometimes a grandfather appears in a dream not alone, but with his wife:

  • If the grandfather walked arm in arm with the late grandmother, a happy event will occur in the personal life of the sleeping person.
  • The dreamer was sitting at the table with them - a good omen, a dream of happiness and longevity, receiving an inheritance.
  • A grandson or granddaughter saw in a dream how they were counting money - a call to be more attentive in the professional sphere.
  • The dreamer said goodbye to his grandparents - parting with loved ones in reality.
  • The relatives looked gray-haired - the dream promises an unexpected way out of a difficult situation.

If the sleeper experienced the death of his grandfather again in a dream, he will face burdensome worries and shocks in the future. This is also an indication of the passivity of the sleeper, the need to change the strategy of action. There may be difficulty due to an unfinished project; unexpected revelation of a secret. Interpreters agree that if the weather at the funeral was sunny, everything is going great in the life of the sleeping person; if it was raining, in reality some events will bring him to tears.

A negative dream is a plot in which the grandfather calls the sleeping person to follow him. If in a dream you happened to follow the deceased, hold his hand, the dreamer’s health is in danger. Severe illness, even death, is possible.

It’s not hard to guess why a dead grandfather dreams about him if he was recently buried. You are lacking loved one, his warmth, participation. But if a relative left this world a long time ago, but often appears in a dream, it means he warns of changes in life. And these changes will not always be for the better.

Miller's interpretation

If you saw your grandfather in tears, then Miller portends bad news. You need to think about your behavior. Otherwise, by committing an unworthy act, you will ruin your reputation.

Why do you dream of receiving a kiss from him? Joyful events await you.

Miller's dream book believes that an ancestor, appearing to his grandchildren, seeks to prevent them from making mistakes. Therefore, it is recommended to remember as accurately as possible what the deceased said. The dream contains extremely important information and a hint for further action.

Brief explanations

  • Grandfather is alive, but looks sick in a dream - portends a rapid deterioration in health.
  • See him dressed in military uniform- you will perform a selfless and noble act.
  • If an ancestor asks for a drink while sitting on the bed, the dream book recommends remembering the relative.
  • Reliving the death of your grandfather means that you will have difficult worries and onerous obligations that cannot be avoided.
  • Sitting at the table with him in a dream means longevity.
  • A gift from an ancestor is interpreted as receiving an inheritance.
  • For what ? This plot foreshadows sadness and sadness.
  • Does a guest from the other world smile tenderly? You will do right choice. But if he cries, you will greatly regret your actions.

The past comes back

Veles's dream book interprets the appearance of his grandfather as follows. Coming events will radically change fate. If he is joyful, the changes will be extremely positive. The losing streak will finally end.

Why do you dream about the late grandfather? In night visions you often see relatives who have long passed away. Do not rush to immediately draw negative conclusions from such a dream. A deceased grandfather who appeared in a dream may carry different information for you.

Your ancestor, who is no longer among the living, in night vision is the fruit of the work of your subconscious. If you saw your grandfather as cheerful and in a cheerful state, this is a good sign. Often he comes to warn you about something important. There may be other explanations for your ancestor's appearance. This will depend on the circumstances under which you saw him in your dream. To find a complete answer to this, you need to read the dream book.

A conversation with your grandfather, who passed away a long time ago, tells you additional troubles and things to do. Not all of them will be pleasant for you.

Russian dream book

  • Such visions warn you of serious changes in your life.
  • If the deceased grandfather invites you to his place, it is a harbinger of illness, grief.
  • The dream will be extremely dangerous if you take him by the hand and walk with him. This announces imminent death.

Children's dream book

The child dreamed of his deceased grandfather. Try to remember what he says. These could be prophetic words.

People's dream book

The appearance of the deceased grandfather heralds a sharp change in the weather. This means a storm or drought. In ancient times, this helped peasants save their harvest by changing the timing of field work.

Esoteric dream book

  • Your deceased ancestor in a night dream may signal that his soul has not found peace in the next world. The reason for this could be unresolved conflicts during life, undeserved statements about him after death. A visit to his grave and a trip to church to ask for forgiveness will help correct this.
  • The dream may be a reminder that the last request of the deceased was not fulfilled. This will need to be corrected and such dreams will disappear.

Dream Interpretation of Veles

The appearance of a grandfather in your house in a dream predicts illness for someone close to you.

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

  • Sitting with him at the same table - to long years of life.
  • He made a gift to you - probably receiving an inheritance.

Dream book of psychologist Z. Freud

  • For males - fear of becoming impotent.
  • Women - the desire to find a caring lover.

Eastern dream book

  • Talking to him is bad luck.
  • He dreamed and was silent in a dream - to security.

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

In the dream he was in in a great mood– to financial and family well-being.

Vanga's Dream Book

Seeing your grandfather lying down promises troubles and problems.

Dream book of the Magikum community

A vision of your grandfather hugging you symbolizes his approval of your family life. By doing this he expresses his support for you.

Positive signs

  • Grandfather, looking at you on the sidelines, feeds you with positive vibes. It’s as if he’s watching you from heaven, preventing you from getting into trouble. All problems will pass you by. Such a dream predicts a calm life and prosperity in the family.
  • He gives you something. Positive sign. To good changes in your life, financial well-being.
  • If you gave him a gift, you will support someone in reality, take part in a charity event.
  • Your family is sitting at the table in a cheerful atmosphere with your late grandfather - predicts success at work, strengthening family ties, and a speedy recovery of a family member.
  • A smiling grandfather is good. He supports and encourages you.
  • He hugs you. This is a sign that we do not forget him and often remember him.

Negative signs

  • You are waiting for him to visit. We got ready for the meeting. This suggests that you will have to pay for your unseemly actions in the past. You will need to restore justice, maybe ask someone for forgiveness.
  • A conversation with your grandfather confirms that you have problems. Talks about your anxious state. It may also indicate an illness.
  • If the conversation was emotional in nature, listen to the advice of relatives. They will help solve your everyday difficulties.
  • A dream in which a deceased grandfather rises from the coffin promises you the onset of a difficult stage in life. Quarrels with relatives, conflict with a loved one are possible.
  • Very bad sign– to see him calling for you. You can't take him by the hand and follow him. It's broadcasting serious illness, grief
  • Arguing with him is a hint to you that you need to change your goals and outlook on life.
  • He is thirsty and asks you for water. IN real life someone speaks negatively about him. Perhaps he was slandered after his death. Grandfather is trying to restore justice.
  • He hugs you close, calls you with him, or simply doesn’t want to let you go. This spells trouble.

Interpretations from other sources

  1. Gives you money or gives you a gift. Negative sign, especially before significant event in your life. Some dream books recommend looking at the type of gift and its condition. A new thing or some junk. The scale of the upcoming trouble may depend on it.
  2. A crying grandfather in a dream promises trouble. What prompted him to do this will still matter.
  3. Bitter crying means your mistake in life, which will negatively affect not only you, but also your family.
  4. The grandfather's smile is visible through the tears. There is no reason to worry.