Vladimir Ivanovich Markin was born in 1956 in Chelyabinsk. In 1985, he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University (MSU), after which he returned to his hometown and became a correspondent for the newspaper "Evening Chelyabinsk". In 1986, Markin finally moved to Moscow and worked at the All-Union Radio, hosting the radio programs “Time, Events, People” and “Man and the Law.”

In 1991, Markin began working at the USSR Central Television, and later at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (VGTRK). He was the author and host of the talk show "Career", whose guests included the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak, director Eldar Ryazanov, famous actors and entrepreneurs.

Having temporarily left television, in 1997 Markin served as director of public relations for the international Reforma Foundation, which dealt with issues of economic and social reforms and privatization in Russia. Then he was appointed to the post of First Deputy Minister for Press and Information Affairs of the Moscow Region, in this post he opposed the merger of Moscow region television channels into a media holding based on the Moscovia channel (which was never created).

In 2001, Markin returned to television, was a producer of news broadcasts on the NTV channel and an executive producer of the Rossiya television channel.

In 2004, Markin became director of public relations of the Intelligent Technologies Foundation, which dealt with issues of cooperation between government authorities and scientific organizations, public institutions and industrial enterprises, as well as support for the development of the intelligent technology industry in Russia.

In September 2007, the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office was created Russian Federation(UKP RF), headed by Alexander Bastrykin. In the same month, Bastrykin appointed Markin to the post of head of the department for interaction with the media of the UPC of the Russian Federation. After his appointment, Markin stated that the RF SKP should become an “open structure” and work more closely with the media.

In September 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev announced the upcoming liquidation of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the creation of the Investigative Committee of Russia (IC RF) on its basis.

On June 20, 2011, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, Markin was appointed head of the department for interaction with the media of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Best of the day

During 2007-2015, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation, and then the Investigative Committee of Russia, consistently occupied leading positions in the rating of mentions in the media, and in terms of the positive index, they were the leaders among law enforcement Russia. Close and constructive interaction with the media was achieved, the content and objectivity of materials appearing in the press about the work of the investigative bodies of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation increased significantly, which largely contributes to the creation in society of the principle of the inevitability of punishment and the prevention of offenses.

Behind achievements achieved Vladimir Markin was repeatedly encouraged in his official activities. He has a Letter of Gratitude from the President of the Russian Federation, was awarded the Order of Friendship by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, was awarded the badge “Honorary Worker of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation”, the insignia “For participation in countering aggression in South Ossetia", medal of the Investigative Committee of the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation "For Distinction", medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "For Distinction", medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "For Fidelity to Duty", badge "Honorary Employee of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation", medal of the Federal Migration Service of the Russian Federation “For Merit”, medal of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation “For Assistance to the Federal Tax Service of Russia”.

Markin was recognized as newsmaker of the year according to the results of the Moscow journalist competition “MOSCOW MEDIA 2011”. Winner of the “Bright Past 2011” award, established by the government of the Chelyabinsk region and the Oleg Mityaev Foundation. In 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015 he was included in the media rating of Russian men prepared by the Medialogia company, and in 2016 he was included in the media rating of Russian men prepared by the Medialogia company by February 23.

Together with the Russian singer Stanislav Piekha, he recorded the composition “Motherland” to the music of Viktor Drobysh, which was first performed by them on Channel One in the program “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire”, and then entered various charts. On the air of the Russian News Service, in a solo performance he presented a song about love for Russia, “Storonka,” written by Viktor Drobysh. He acted as a journalist-historian and presenter in the project “Betrayed Russia” on the Zvezda TV channel, dedicated to countries and peoples in whose lives Russian politicians, statesmen, the army and navy played a fateful role.

former security officer Dzerzhinsky 07.10.2016 05:55:28

Well, this Murkin had nothing to do with his education. How did he become a general out of the blue? The title of general is worth anything in our country? Of course, I was surprised when the prosecutor of Crimea was awarded a general. For what years was Markin a major or captain?

– Head of the Department of Interaction with the Media.

Photo: http://izvestia.ru/news/548376

Biography of Vladimir Markin

Born in 1956 in Chelyabinsk.

In 1985, he graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, after which he returned to his hometown and became a correspondent for the newspaper "Evening Chelyabinsk".

From 2006 to 2009, Markin studied on an individual basis at the Moscow Institute of Economics and Culture (IEiK), graduating with a degree in jurisprudence.

In 1986, Markin moved to Moscow and worked at the All-Union Radio, hosting the radio programs "Time, Events, People" and "".

In 1991, Markin began working at the USSR Central Television, and later at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company (). He was the author and host of the talk show "Career", whose guests included the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak, director Eldar Ryazanov, famous actors and entrepreneurs.

In 1997, he left television and served as director of public relations for the international Reform Foundation, which dealt with issues of economic and social reform and privatization in Russia.

Then he was appointed to the post of First Deputy Minister for Press and Information Affairs of the Moscow Region.

In 2001, Markin returned to television, was a producer of news broadcasts on the NTV channel and an executive producer of the Rossiya television channel.

In 2004, Markin became director of public relations for the Intelligent Technologies Foundation.

In September 2007, the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation (SKP RF) was created, which was headed by. In the same month, Bastrykin appointed Markin to the post of head of the department for interaction with the media of the UPC of the Russian Federation.

He was recognized as newsmaker of the year according to the results of the Moscow journalist competition “MOSCOW MEDIA 2011”. Behind outstanding achievements in the field of socio-political activities, he was awarded the title of laureate of the people's prize “Bright Past 2011”, established by the government of the Chelyabinsk region and the foundation.

Interfax reported that Markin’s new place of work will be the RusHydro company, where he will oversee public relations and government agencies. An employee of the prosecutor's office confirmed this version to Vedomosti. A representative of RusHydro did not respond to Vedomosti’s request.

The official representative of the Investigative Committee of Russia (ICR), Major General of Justice Vladimir Markin, will soon leave the post of head of the department for interaction with the media investigative agency. Vedomosti was informed about this by an employee of the prosecutor's office and an employee of another law enforcement agency, according to whom new job Markin will not be involved in relations between law enforcement agencies and the public. A representative of the Investigative Committee declined to comment.

Markin worked as the head of the press service of the investigative agency since its separation from the Prosecutor General's Office in 2007. Before that, Markin, who graduated from the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University in 1985, worked as a producer in a number of media outlets, including NTV and the Rossiya TV channel. , and also served as Deputy Minister of Press and Information of the Moscow Region.

During his time as an official representative of the Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin became known to the public not only as a commentator on all high-profile cases of the Investigative Committee, but also as the author of columns in the Izvestia newspaper, where he expressed his opinion on a variety of current socio-political issues, and as the host of the program “The investigation will show” on Channel One. Markin also played several roles in TV series and films (including himself in the TV series “Investigative Committee”). In August 2016, the book “The Most Loud Crimes in Russia of the 21st Century” was published. Journalist " Novaya Gazeta» Nadezhda Prusenkova accused him of borrowing the text of her investigation into the murder of Anna Politkovskaya without reference. In response, Markin first spoke harshly to the journalist, but then apologized. Ultimately, the Eksmo publishing house took the blame for the fact that this part of the text was published without reference to Prusenkova.

Previously, Markin more than once entered into public controversy With high-ranking officials. At the end of 2012, he openly called disrespectful the statement of Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev regarding the ICR investigators who came to search the director documentary film“Deadline” for Pavel Kostomarov.

And in 2013, he criticized Deputy Prime Minister Vladislav Surkov (who resigned soon after), who criticized the Investigative Committee after investigative actions against employees of the Skolkovo Foundation. According to former employee law enforcement agencies, friction with Surkov arose between Markin earlier, when in 2011 Surkov, being the deputy head of the presidential administration, did not allow Markin to be nominated as a State Duma deputy from United Russia. At the same time, the Prosecutor General’s Office, which at that moment had strained relations with the Investigative Committee because of the case of patronage of the gambling business by Moscow region prosecutors, conducted an inspection of the Institute of Economics and Culture, where Markin received a law degree in absentia. Rosobrnadzor revoked the university's license and Markin's diploma, but in December 2011 both the license and diploma were restored.

According to an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, during his work, Markin undoubtedly became the most famous official representative of law enforcement agencies in Russia, which was facilitated by both his abilities and the fact that the Investigative Committee, by virtue of its powers, has the right to cover the most high-profile criminal cases.

Vladimir Markin – Russian statesman, until 2016 was the “voice” of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. Since 2011, he has covered the work of the federal department. Before the RF IC, he conducted journalistic activities and was a producer for the Russian television channels NTV and Rossiya.

After leaving the post of head of the media relations department, he was appointed first deputy General Director PJSC RusHydro.

Childhood and youth

Markin Vladimir Ivanovich was born on November 23, 1956 in Chelyabinsk in the family of a factory worker. He became the third child in the family - he has an older brother and sister. According to Markin himself, his birth can be marked as the birth of a “child of justice,” since his parents decided to give birth to him after they tried to put his father in prison for a crime he did not commit. Then Vladimir Ivanovich’s mother said that if her husband could be acquitted, she would give birth to a third child, which he became.

Childhood and school years Vladimir Markin were held in hometown. He successfully graduated from school, after which he wanted to become an actor. But fate decreed otherwise - first, the future head of the media relations department of the RF IC was drafted into the army, after which he decided to enter Moscow State University and become a journalist.

In 2009, Markin graduated from the capital’s Institute of Economics and Culture, receiving a law degree. In 2011, due to violations identified at this university, Rosobrnadzor canceled Markin’s diploma, but after an inspection, the Institute’s license was restored, and Vladimir Ivanovich’s diploma was recognized as valid.


After graduating from Moscow State University, Vladimir Markin returned to his native Chelyabinsk and got a job as a correspondent for a local newspaper. But after a couple of years he finally moved to the capital and became a radio presenter on All-Union Radio. He hosted the programs “Man and Law” and “Time, Events, People.”

In 1991, he was invited to work for the Central Television of the USSR, which after the collapse of the Union became known as the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, where he worked for the next 6 years and gained experience as a TV presenter. At the same time, Vladimir Markin appeared on television as the author and TV host of the talk show “Career”, in whose studio he hosted political, public, cultural and scientific figures of the country, including the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg and a film director.

In 1997, Vladimir Ivanovich temporarily left television and went to work for the Reform international foundation, where he received the position of director of public relations. In his post, Markin also oversaw issues related to socio-economic reforms and privatization in Russia. Having shown professionalism in the work of the Reforma Foundation, Vladimir Ivanovich was appointed Deputy Minister for Information and Press Affairs of the Moscow Region, after which in 2001 he returned to television and became a producer for the NTV and Rossiya television channels.

As a journalist, Vladimir Markin was included in the TOP 50 people of 2011 who contribute to the information benefit of the population, in which he took 9th place according to the Medialogy company, and in the same year he became newsmaker of the year among Russian journalists.

In 2007, the biography of Vladimir Markin took a political course, and the journalist’s career radically changed its direction. Vladimir Ivanovich became the main “supplier” of news for the Investigative Committee under the Russian Prosecutor’s Office, making the department an “open structure” that closely cooperates with the media. In September 2010, by order of the then-current President of Russia, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation was liquidated, and on its basis the Investigative Committee for Criminal Cases was created, in which Markin also became the head of the public relations department.

Vladimir Markin’s comments about investigations into high-profile criminal cases were actively discussed among the population and in the “corridors” of power. He successfully copes with his duties and is distinguished by particular professionalism in his position, showing remarkable calm and resistance to various provocations and criticism regarding the work of the investigative authorities.

The achievements of Vladimir Markin in his position were of considerable importance for the country. Thanks to him, the RF IC became the leader of Russian law enforcement agencies mentioned in the media according to the positive index. The work of the government agency began to be widely and objectively covered in the press, which made it possible to create a stable opinion in society about the principle of the inevitability of punishment and become a powerful means of crime prevention.

In his work, he showed uncompromisingness and was not afraid to discipline officials of the highest rank. At the same time, he realized that the lack of control on the Internet could be used by various forces to discredit both the country’s leadership and individual government departments.

Vladimir Ivanovich considered that presence and participation official representatives law enforcement agencies on the Internet is simply necessary. He created "Twitter", where he personally informed users on behalf of the Investigative Committee. Soon comments on sports-related topics began to appear on his microblog; he paid close attention to the successes and failures of the football team, the doping scandal, and the Olympics. Markin also spoke unflatteringly about the adventures of the football players in Monte Carlo.

In the summer of 2011, Vladimir Ivanovich Markin decided to participate in the primaries. He applied for inclusion in the list of the United Russia party from the Volgograd region as a representative of the All-Russian Popular Front.

As Nezavisimaya Gazeta reported, Markin wanted to become a deputy in order to lobby the interests of the Investigative Committee in the Duma, as opposed to , who was known as a lobbyist General Prosecutor's Office. Khinshtein regularly criticized the work of the head of the Investigative Committee.

One way or another, the Prosecutor General’s Office soon found violations in Markin’s actions. Allegedly, by law, he does not have the right to participate in public associations and organizations, since he is an active employee of the RF IC.

As a result, in May 2013, a representative of United Russia stated that Markin was not included in the party list, as he decided to continue working in the Investigative Committee.

On October 12, 2016, Major General of Justice Vladimir Markin took office as First Deputy General Director of RusHydro, the largest energy company in Russia. Markin’s responsibilities included managing the administrative and economic complex of the company, as well as interaction with the media and authorities.

In the same month, Vladimir Markin was elected chairman of the Russian Football Union (RFU) committee on safety and work with fans.

Personal life

The personal life of Vladimir Markin, due to his duty of service, is carefully hidden from the public in order to ensure the safety of his family members. It is known that Vladimir Ivanovich is married, he has a daughter who has already given her father a granddaughter.

According to Markin, he lives in the “woman's kingdom,” which gives him great pleasure. Vladimir Markin characterizes his wife and daughter as modest women whom he likes to obey and carry out all tasks related to the household.

Also in an interview with a Russian TV channel, Vladimir Ivanovich said that his main priorities both in the family and at work are love and devotion, for which he does not demand reciprocity.

Vladimir Markin vividly expressed his attitude towards Russia in 2015 in the song “Motherland,” which he performed together with the popular singer. Markin and Piekha’s video for the patriotic composition “Motherland” literally blew up the Internet and made the performers stars of the Golden Gramophone hit parade, in the rating of which they managed to overtake show business “sharks” such as, and.

Vladimir Markin and Stas Piekha - "Motherland"

And this is not his only experience in the musical field. Soon he presented a solo composition about love for Russia, “Storonka,” which he wrote to him.

Vladimir Ivanovich is no less successful in literature. In 2016, he published the book “The Most Loud Crimes of the 21st Century in Russia.” It includes five documentary stories about criminal cases that once shocked the country. This is the case of the Taganrog maniac, the death of the Bulgaria passengers, the Kushchevskaya gang, a journalist and the theft of funds from the budget of the Moscow region.

And the following year his second book, “Murders, Terrorist Attacks, Disasters,” was published. In the wake of bloody crimes."

The last anti-corruption declaration as the head of the Investigative Committee was published in 2015. Vladimir Markin's income amounted to 2,624,963 rubles, although in 2014 he declared 6,847,875 rubles. His wife has no official income, as she is solely concerned with the family and home.

According to official data, the Markin spouses own land plot with an area of ​​2 thousand square meters. m and two apartments in Russia with an area of ​​37.6 square meters. m and 64.5 sq. m. Vladimir Ivanovich has a garage, but does not own any vehicle.

Vladimir Markin now

Today, Vladimir Ivanovich Markin continues to work at RusHydro; in February 2017 he became a member of the company’s board.

In the same 2017, he was awarded two medals of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation “For purity of thoughts and nobility of deeds” and “Valor and courage”.

Since he is the chairman of the RFU committee, he had plenty of work on the eve of the 2018 World Cup. British fans reported that they are ready to organize the Third world war, but Markin hastened to dissuade them. He reported that he English fans They won’t be able to create riots during the championship, they won’t even be able to fight. Everything will be nipped in the bud.

As a result, the championship took place without major incidents or glitches. The security of the World Cup was at the highest level, facilitated by advanced technology and interaction with law enforcement agencies of other countries.


  • 2009 – Insignia of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation under the Prosecutor’s Office “For participation in countering aggression in South Ossetia”
  • 2010 – Medal of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia “For assistance to drug control authorities”
  • 2012 – Medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation “For Fidelity to Duty”
  • 2012 – Order of Friendship
  • 2013 – Memorial sign for the 30th anniversary of the formation of press services and public relations units of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia
  • 2014 – Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation “For the return of Crimea”
  • 2015 – Medal of the Federal Tax Service “For Assistance to the Federal Tax Service of Russia”
  • 2017 – Medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation “For purity of thoughts and nobility of deeds”
  • 2017 – Medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation “Valor and Courage”
State Counselor of Justice 3rd class. Major General of Justice.

Vladimir Markin was born on November 23, 1956 in the city of Chelyabinsk. The boy grew up in the family of an ordinary factory worker. Was the third youngest child in family. Vladimir spent his childhood and school years in his hometown. He successfully graduated from school, after which he wanted to become an actor. But fate decreed otherwise: first he was drafted into the army, after which he decided to enter the Moscow State University and become a journalist. After graduating, he later received a law degree from the capital’s Institute of Economics and Culture.

After graduating from Moscow State University, Markin returned to his native Chelyabinsk and began working as a correspondent for a local newspaper. But a few years later he finally moved to the capital and became a radio presenter. Hosted the programs “Man and Law” and “Time, Events, People.”

In 1991, he was invited to work at Central Television, which after the collapse of the Union became known as the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, where he worked for the next six years and gained extensive experience as a TV presenter.

At the same time, Vladimir Markin appeared on television screens as the author and host of the talk show “Career”, in whose studio he hosted famous political, public, cultural and scientific figures of the country, including the ex-mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak and the famous film director Eldar Ryazanov.

In 1997, Vladimir Ivanovich temporarily left television and went to work in international foundation"Reform", in which he received the position of director of public relations. In his post, Markin also oversaw issues related to socio-economic reforms and privatization in Russia. Having demonstrated his professionalism at work at the Reform Foundation, he was appointed Deputy Minister for Information and Press Affairs of the Moscow Region, after which in 2001 he returned to television and became a producer for the NTV and Rossiya television channels.

Six years later, the journalist’s career radically changed its direction. Vladimir Ivanovich became the main “supplier” of news from the Investigative Committee under the Russian Prosecutor’s Office, making the department an “open structure” that closely cooperates with the media. In September 2010, by order of the then current Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation was liquidated and on its basis the Investigative Committee for Criminal Cases was created, in which Markin also became the head of the public relations department.

Vladimir Markin’s comments about the investigation of various types of high-profile criminal cases are actively discussed not only among the population, but also in the “corridors” of power. The manager copes with his duties flawlessly and is distinguished by special professionalism in his position, showing remarkable calm and resistance to various provocations and criticism regarding the work of investigative authorities.

Markin's achievements in his position are of great importance for the country. Thanks to him, the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation became the leader of Russian law enforcement agencies mentioned in the media according to the positive index. The activities of the government department began to be widely and objectively covered in the press, which made it possible to create a stable opinion in society about the principle of the inevitability of punishment and become a powerful means of crime prevention.

In the period from June 20, 2011 to October 6, 2016, he was the head of the Department of Interaction with the Media of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation. A year earlier, he worked as the host of the program “The Investigation Will Show” on Channel One.

In mid-October 2016, Vladimir Ivanovich Markin took the position of First Deputy General Director of PJSC RusHydro. Supervises issues of interaction with the media, authorities and management of the administrative and economic complex. From February 15, 2017, he becomes a Member of the Management Board, First Deputy General Director of PJSC RusHydro.

Also, Vladimir Markin is the Chairman of the Russian Football Union Committee on Safety and Work with Fans and a member of the Public Council under the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Markin Awards

Order of Friendship

Gratitude of the President of the Russian Federation

Medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation at the Prosecutor's Office "For Distinction"

Badge "Honorary Worker of the Investigative Committee under the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation"

Insignia of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation under the Prosecutor's Office "For participation in countering aggression in South Ossetia"

Medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "For Distinction"

Badge "Honorary Officer of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation"

Medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "For Merit"

Insignia of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation “Excellence in Investigative Bodies”

Medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "For Fidelity to Duty"

Medal of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation "Valor and Courage"

Medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "For the return of Crimea"

Medal of the Federal Migration Service "For Merit"

Medal of the Federal Tax Service "For Assistance to the Federal Tax Service of Russia"

Medal of the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia "For assistance to drug control authorities"

In 2016, he was awarded the highest legal prize “Themis”