Sagittarius belongs to the signs of the Fire element. In the astronomical zodiac circle, he is often depicted as an archer, down on one knee, with a bow in his hands, or as a centaur pointing his sharp arrow into the distance. Let's find out whether Sagittarius men are really so purposeful, what kind of women they like, which signs the stars promise them compatibility with and which they do not.

What kind of women does a representative of this sign like?

When compiling the characteristics of a Sagittarius man, astrologers give a clear idea of ​​what kind of women he likes. If you want to win the heart of this sign, it will be useful for you to find out what guys born of Sagittarius pay attention to when choosing a beloved lady, what they are ready to close their eyes to, and what they will not put up with under any circumstances. Please read the following information and take note.

What kind of women attract Sagittarius in appearance?

Like most males, when meeting a Sagittarius girl pay attention to how she looks. Great importance Guys born from November to December pay attention to detail. In order for a representative of the element of fire to notice a girl and single her out from the crowd, it is enough for her to have one expressive feature: to have beautiful hands, long well-groomed hair, eyes of a rare turquoise color.

By focusing on a feature he likes, a guy may not notice the imperfections in a woman’s figure, possible mistakes in speech and even the presence excess weight. But if he has low self-esteem, on the contrary, he will look for a chosen one with a model appearance and parameters in order to establish himself in society due to her beauty and hide his self-doubt.

To please such a man, the ability to do your own makeup is welcome. Moreover, Sagittarius may not even notice its presence, but the absence of mascara on the eyelashes will immediately catch his eye. If you want to attract attention, Ignoring a manicure is a taboo. Be that as it may, your hands are always in sight. If they are not well-groomed, Sagittarius can even reprimand the girl, because he takes care of himself and always tries to have a neat appearance.

Regarding clothes– here preference is given to simplicity and those things that fit the figure. Shapeless, faceless hoodies are also undesirable, as are revealing tops in acidic colors with cartoon prints. You don't have to be a fashion guru; it's enough just to have your own style and dress with taste.

What kind of women do Sagittarius like in sex?

Men of this sign are true lovers of everything related to sex and eroticism. They are ready to do “this” in the most unusual places: on board an airplane, in a train compartment, in the locker room at the gym.

There seem to be no sexual boundaries for Sagittarians. A guy with similar preferences in sex would be ideally suited to a girl with similar tastes, who, during her lunch break at work, instead of the traditional trip to the buffet, would prefer to find a secluded place and satisfy her partner’s intimate needs.

The fact is that men who are representatives of this sign take everything too close to their hearts at work and in their personal lives. Thus, sex serves as an excellent emotional release for them And in an effective way distract attention from your own complexes and character imperfections.

To tell the truth, when meeting a girl, Sagittarians do not think at all about what kind of wife and housewife she will turn out to be. In the first stages of a relationship, it is enough for them to simply have a good time together. If everything goes well, after a certain amount of time the guy gets so used to his chosen one that he simply cannot imagine life without her. This serves as the main impetus for a sincere declaration of love and marriage proposal.

Having made his beloved girl his legal wife, Sagittarius is not as important about her homeliness and culinary abilities as the fact that his other half does not deny himself anything and is happy. For their part, such zodiac husbands do everything possible for this: they try to be attentive and courteous, they spare no expense on expensive gifts, often give in to their beloved and agree with her in many respects, just to make her feel good.

But Sagittarius can only be such a wonderful spouse for a girl who meets a number of their requirements. First of all, a woman must be smart. This is the quality without which a strong marriage union is unlikely to succeed. The wife should not heat up the situation and make a scene, it’s better once again remain silent, even if the husband is wrong. In a word, a girl must feel the line that cannot be crossed. Secondly, for a representative of the ninth sign of the zodiac circle, it is important that his beloved looks sexy, but not provocatively.

And thirdly, and not in last place when choosing a girl who will eventually become his wife, is a man determines whether the chosen one has hobbies and hobbies. This could be anything from beading pictures and crocheting table napkins to volunteering for those in need. The girl who spends all her time on social media and empty chatter with girlfriends may interest Sagittarius, but he will quickly get bored.

Sagittarius – good psychologists and skilled manipulators. They are accustomed to looking for benefits in everything and pursuing their own personal interests. This extends to friendship as well. A guy will not be able to be fully friends with a soft-spoken girl. At some point he will begin to take advantage of her openness. However, if at the very beginning of a friendship the girl makes it clear that capable of resisting such manipulations, the man will respect her and will not dare to use friendship for personal gain.

To make friends with a fire sign, you need to be pleasant and easy to communicate with. The priority is the ability to listen, give useful advice and perhaps even comfort. When communicating with Sagittarius, it is better for a girl to say what she really thinks. Otherwise, he will feel insincerity on her part and will close in on himself. It will be difficult to return its location later.

Compatibility table for Sagittarius with other signs

Not all horoscope representatives are equally compatible with each other. In this section you can familiarize yourself with the astronomical table, which indicates the degrees of compatibility of Sagittarius with the rest of the zodiac signs.

Sagittarians are popular with women due to their fiery nature. Finding an approach to guys born under this zodiac sign can be extremely difficult. They are demanding of themselves and others. It is very important for them what others think about them. But if a girl is patient and wise enough, she will be able to attract the attention of Sagittarius with her restraint and mannerisms, interest him and, perhaps, even become the one that every man dreams of.

Sagittarius is not easy in love - spiritual closeness with a partner and constant adventures in relationships are important to him. This sign values ​​​​its freedom very much and is in an eternal search for its ideal.

general characteristics

This sign has a broad idea of ​​love. For them, the main thing in love is spiritual closeness and common interests, while it is completely normal for them to have relationships with several partners. They are not affectionate, quickly say goodbye to boring relationships and live for the future.

A person who is radically different not only from the others, but also from Sagittarius himself, can become a partner. This zodiac sign can sacrifice almost everything for the sake of fleeting love.

After a breakup, Sagittarians do not suffer for a long time - their thoughts are always positive, they believe in a bright future, and are also confident that the next relationship will be even brighter than the old one. However, they always have someone in mind to whom they can return.

This sign does not want and is not alone. They usually find a new partner easily. All representatives of this sign are charming and very romantic, but the main fear in love is obligations and lack of freedom. The role of a lover suits them most. Relationships with married people cannot take away their most precious thing - freedom, and do not require responsibility.

In relationships they like to be in charge, but are ready to make concessions. They are honest and prefer the bitter truth rather than hurting their partner. Selfish, immersed in their dreams, with their own plans for life, they rarely pay attention to the desires of their partner.

Sagittarius is a double sign; its representatives come in two types: the devoted idealist-romantic and the opposite, the eternal seeker of his ideal. The first type is distinguished by passion; excess sexual energy can be directed in a creative direction, and not in search of new love adventures. The second type are hero-lovers (mistresses) who live by feelings and sexual victories.

What kind of partner does Sagittarius need?

In relationships, such people are inconsistent. Signs of fire or air, independent and loving, can understand the temperament of Sagittarius and win their love. In such an alliance, relationships will develop easily, while bringing benefits to both partners.

Young Sagittarius are looking for a relationship where there is freedom and there are no claims to their independence. Fire signs - Sagittarius, Leo, Aries - will become perfect couple in this age. A good alliance can develop with Pisces or Taurus.

After 30 years of age they begin to get to know themselves, seducing them or returning them to past relationships is no longer so easy. Virgo and Gemini can understand and accept them as they are. Sagittarians love to communicate with intellectuals, they may enjoy conversations about magical space, politics, life after death, world history and all the little things.

After forty, Sagittarians know what they want, and often become domineering, aggressive, and value their independence. If the partner does not show understanding, separation is inevitable. Harmonious relationships at this age are possible with Libra or Taurus.

Signs of falling in love

If Sagittarius is cheerful, sociable, and looking for adventure, it means he is in love. In courtship, representatives of this sign try to show something special, talk about their worldview, and go on a journey together. Romanticism, unfortunately, is not characteristic of this sign - there will be no beautiful courtship and compliments.

A man in love will not behave unnaturally or play on a woman’s feelings. He will be as open as possible with his chosen one; his behavior is characterized by enthusiasm and inspiration. To achieve favor, a man will take the most active actions, but if the relationship stops developing, the man quickly loses interest and finds a new object.

In a Sagittarius woman, they strive to find a person who is close in spirit, with common views on life; she must support him in everything and be ready to go to the ends of the world for him. They love active and sociable girls. Relationships usually start with friendship. Sagittarius men hate selfishness in women.

The Sagittarius woman perceives love as a game; she does not see the meaning of her existence in it. Like men, she strives to find not only a lover, but also a congenial person with common interests and aspirations.

When a woman loves, she does not always realize what this relationship will lead to, and does not consider her partner to be the only one for life. She admits that this relationship will end and a new one will begin with another man who will give new emotions. In this case, the partner’s feelings are taken into account, but the girl in love receives real pleasure from the very process of developing the relationship.

If a Sagittarius woman truly loves, then she sees only merit in her chosen one. She behaves easily, naturally and does not create any illusions about relationships, which is how she conquers a man. She is frank with her partner and demands the same in return. In a relationship, she strives to achieve ideality, and her partner must help her in this.

Women of this zodiac sign usually do not possess the gentleness, delicacy, and wisdom inherent in ladies. It is possible to have a relationship solely for the sake of sex, then some of the partner’s shortcomings will be ignored. After breaking up, a woman maintains good relations with her former partners.

In love, representatives of this sign look for passion, emotions, and adventure. Falling in love gives them energy and gives them a feeling of happiness. They do not know how to hide their feelings; goodwill and generosity are combined with directness and frankness. Sagittarians cannot be set limits or limited in anything, otherwise they become hot-tempered and may leave forever.

Behavior in love and marriage

Sagittarians do not accept any worldview other than their own. In love and marriage, they are stubborn and do only what they consider best for their chosen one. As a representative of the fire element, he may not “feel” his partner, but if he speaks openly and directly about his desires, Sagittarius will take note and, if possible, fulfill it.

Compliments and humor are not theirs strong point, their jokes may offend their partner, but they always tell the truth, openly express their feelings, and expect the same from their chosen one. Sagittarius love is an adventure, a storm of emotions, scenes of jealousy. In marriage, this zodiac sign does not tolerate routine. Everyday life and the burden of responsibility can cause Sagittarius to feel a sense of loss of independence and resentment. The partner must make the relationship interesting and not boring, not limit freedom, and carefully guide the union in the right direction.

Compatibility with other signs

According to astrologers, good matches are made with fire signs. For example, Leos have the same temperament, the couple has mutual support and respect, and such a union often brings together creativity. Both signs are hospitable and sociable.

Aries have an explosive temperament, which is in perfect harmony with the adventurous and optimistic nature of Sagittarius. A love of a sports lifestyle and intellectual conversations will make the union happy.

Complete understanding also reigns in a pair of two Sagittarius. In such a tandem, separation is possible only due to the excessive independence of one of the partners.

Air signs (Libra, Gemini, Aquarius), according to astrologers, can create successful alliances with Sagittarius.

The complete opposite of Sagittarius is Gemini. In such a couple, relationships will be difficult, but poor compatibility does not prevent these signs from being happy together. Both signs love to communicate, learn new things, and there will be no room for boredom in these relationships. Stability will be the main issue in this couple, but true love will help you overcome all difficulties.

Sagittarius's temper can calm Libra's even-tempered nature. A couple can stay together on a common hobby. Libras enjoy a love of adventure, a positive outlook on life, and a versatile partner. However, Sagittarius women do not get along with Libra, because this sign is prone to constant fluctuations in decision making and may not keep promises. Just one offense is enough to make a Sagittarius woman disappointed, and it will not be easy to get her back. Sagittarius men, on the contrary, are suitable for any sign air element, and often a strong alliance is created with a Libra woman. The Libra woman's indecisiveness helps the Sagittarius man feel like a real hero and help his partner make the right choice.

The union with Aquarius is based not only on love, but also on friendship. For both signs it is important to have in life your soul mate, with the same worldview. Such a couple is based on spiritual kinship.

An alliance is also possible with representatives of the elements of water or earth, but due to different temperaments, relationships in such couples will not be easy. Harmony will have to be won.

Relationships with Cancers most often develop among Sagittarius men. She is a good housewife, a caring mother, an affectionate wife, and for strong man For Sagittarius, the role of the head of the family and breadwinner is pleasant. The Cancer man, on the contrary, will constantly compete for dominance in the family with the Sagittarius woman.

Scorpios are attracted by the openness and optimism of Sagittarius, and they, in turn, are seduced by the passionate and emotional nature of Scorpio. In such a union sexual compatibility appears in the foreground.

Hang in there, ladies, it won’t be easy if a Sagittarius man takes over your heart! How to understand that he is in love or at least has an interest in you? The question is by no means an idle one, because it is not easy to understand this gentleman. The thing is that the Sagittarius man is inventive and changeable in love. He tries to seem intriguing, to constantly hold the attention of the object of passion, but the ways of translating these “good wishes” from the outside look strange. Let's figure it all out to calm all the worries and understand this mysterious gentleman.

Character traits

Each person has a certain set internal rules, which in fact perceives naturally and does not analyze. They are usually called character. They guide a person, that is, they determine her actions, and the Sagittarius Man is no exception here. How to understand that he is in love? It is necessary to find out based on the analysis of these particular qualities.

The character of people under the protection of the constellation Sagittarius is good-natured, respectful, but stubborn and sometimes obstinate. Men of this sign are very sensitive to their reputation and try not to fall into a humiliated, unequal position. In our analysis, this quality comes to the fore, because being in love makes a person overly susceptible to other people’s words and actions.

It should be noted that this man is patient, as a rule, calmly accepts the opinions of others, and tries not to get into unnecessary arguments. He puts his own hobbies first and is guided by his own views.

But everything changes when Cupid's arrow hits his heart. From the moment the awareness of this event reaches consciousness, the character of the Sagittarius man changes. He becomes a little withdrawn at first. This person needs to “suffer” his feelings.

What's going on in his head?

It should be understood that all people perceive vital changes that affect the foundations of their personality differently. Some panic, others rush towards new adventures, feelings, events. This is not our brave, imaginative Sagittarius man. How to understand that he is in love? It is impossible to even begin to understand it without briefly defining the processes determined by its nature.

This guy will hide and admire the girl from afar. She, of course, will not even understand that she has aroused his interest. You shouldn’t expect any activity from him at first. The Sagittarius man tries not to rush in love. This feeling must first “take root” in his own soul. He looks at it from one side and another, tries to throw it out of his heart, and when this does not work, he decides to wait a little longer.

His first thought: “Maybe it will pass.” There is no need to push this freedom-loving traveler. You will get the opposite effect. He always chooses what to do, what to do. The character of a Sagittarius man is complex, but predictable. He needs freedom of will, breadth of initiative, he does not accept restrictive frameworks. In the “paradise dungeon” he will die from lack of fresh air.

Continuation of the “ordeals”

Sooner or later, this stubborn person will understand that “it won’t work.” By this time, love will become an integral part of his personality. Then he will make attempts to capture the attention of the object of passion. By the way, for many women, such behavior of a “friend”, for whom there was nothing romantic previously, is striking. You know, according to his zodiac sign, this person attacks suddenly, in volume, just to be sure. The Sagittarius man doesn’t know any other way.

How to understand that he is in love? By the way, it’s too late to figure it out at this point. He won't leave you any time to think. He will surround you with attention, bewitch you with his indescribable antics, shower him with gifts, with which he is generous, and make you constantly dream about new meeting. This person is inventive, but is not always able to determine exactly what the lady of his heart likes. It is because of this small drawback that sometimes misunderstandings arise.

Sagittarius loves extreme travel, he is always on the move, if he is not running to the train or to the airport, then he is wandering around the Internet. He offers such entertainment to his beloved.

How to distinguish romantic feelings from friendly ones?

Here we come to a very important and unpleasant topic for a romantically inclined young lady. Sometimes a burning heart takes wishful thinking. Sagittarians love to communicate, they are gallant gentlemen, they always try to protect the weak. You should not take this behavior as a sign of falling in love. It is normal and natural for this man.

Sagittarius is a good, loyal and caring friend. He doesn't divide people by gender. His attitude is determined by the presence of mutual interests, nothing more. But when passion matures in the heart, his behavior changes a little. When wondering how a Sagittarius man in love behaves, analyze his actions from this angle. Has the behavior remained the same or has there been a shift towards increased resourcefulness?

Sagittarius tries to capture the attention of his beloved. For this he will move mountains, or his neck, if he is unlucky. If there is no extravagance in his actions, give up hopes for romance, there are no grounds for them.

How to interest this gentleman?

We have already mentioned that Sagittarius cannot tolerate restrictions; it is impossible to force him to do something against his will. But this does not mean there is no chance to influence his feelings. Sagittarius likes beautiful, neat, smart and inquisitive young ladies. Their company stimulates this man’s activity and makes him strive for success. Believe me, without having such qualities, you shouldn’t even wonder how to recognize that a Sagittarius man is in love.

He won’t even notice a gray mouse, unable to form his own opinion. At best, he will treat such a girl patronizingly, like a lost sheep. Sagittarius needs a partner of equal potential. It is with such a girl that he fully reveals his masculine qualities. Moreover we're talking about not about competition, but about equal, open, sincere partnerships.

Let's take a quick look at the compatibility horoscope. Our gentleman, as a rule, is not interested in such things. There are a lot of things in the world that, in his opinion, are worth spending energy on, why should he bother his head with nonsense? You shouldn’t criticize him for being illiterate in matters of horoscopes, such is Sagittarius’ zodiac sign. The man with whom you are interested in compatibility already has a huge amount of knowledge in other areas, forgive him for his small “sin”.

The stars say that Sagittarius gets along well with representatives of their sign, Aries, Leo, Capricorn and Scorpio. They do not always find common ground with Pisces and Virgos, although outwardly these girls are very attractive to our gentleman. The Taurus lady is too stubborn for Sagittarius, but if desired, they can make an excellent union.

Signs of a Sagittarius man in love

Let's summarize. So far we have considered only the first two phases of falling in love. This is a critical time for relationships. During these periods, Sagittarius is characterized by mysterious and extravagant behavior, excessive emotionality, and initiative. For example, if you saw that he was hurt by some of your words, rest assured: he is in love. Usually Sagittarians do not pay attention to such trifles. It's a different matter with your beloved. He listens to her every phrase, keeps all conversations in his memory as the highest value. This is another indirect sign of the presence of a wound in his heart. Although it is not recommended to even fool yourself with such subtleties. Why? Now everything will become clear to you.

Confession: to believe it or not?

Sagittarians have an absolutely amazing quality: sincere openness. They idealize their beloved a little, although they try to look at her critically. In the first romantic phase, these men go through a rather short but painful period examining the object of desire “under a microscope.” They can harass the young lady various questions, sometimes arranging a real exam. Then they will observe her behavior from the outside, replaying all her actions and words in her head many times. If the chosen one is ideal, in the man’s opinion, he will not delay further. He will communicate his intentions directly and firmly. The words will probably not be as romantic as we dreamed, but they will be as pure as gold. Don't miss this moment! Otherwise, the offended Sagittarius will go far away to seek other happiness.

How to understand that he is ready for a frank conversation?

It is clear that the young lady in love is impatient, she wants to quickly dot all the i’s. However, it is undesirable to push Sagittarius; he must mature on his own. It’s better to sit near the fireplace or candle and remember how his behavior changed in Lately. This man is not particularly secretive, even when trying to hide his secrets. His feelings are revealed by his eyes, which are relentlessly focused on the object of passion. Not a single detail escapes his attention.

Ask him what you talked about a week ago, he conveys the full meaning of the conversation. This sure sign rapid recognition, as well as increased frequency of gifts of various kinds. Sagittarius pampers his beloved not only with bouquets and sweets. He tries to introduce her to his hobbies, he will definitely invite her on a hike, and even takes her to the store to buy specialized equipment. Don't refuse, otherwise he will consider his advances hopeless.

Should you be jealous?

Some more tips on how to build a relationship with a Sagittarius. After all, you must be able to preserve the sincerity of feelings; they are not given forever.

A Sagittarius man in marriage is distinguished by patience, unpretentiousness in everyday life and fidelity. At the same time, he retains the usual desire for diverse communication for such people. Among his friends and comrades there are many women, especially beautiful ones. Don’t even try to create scenes of jealousy and scandals!

At first, a surprised Sagittarius will only ridicule your quirks, then he will consider that he has thrown in his lot with a stupid woman who does not understand him at all. And this is already an alarming sign, foreshadowing trouble. Sagittarians are sure that the basis of intimacy is trust. Without him, they do not build or maintain any relationships!

As the heavenly bodies say, Sagittarius is the eternal sign of a bachelor. However, despite the fact that men born under this constellation are less inclined than others to relationships, love and romance, they are very friendly, sociable, quickly make new acquaintances and are constant leaders in any company. In love, they are quite sincere and devoted, are rarely jealous and value their soulmate for good attitude to yourself. For Sagittarius men, an unhappy marriage is an absolute rarity.

What do those born under the sign of Sagittarius require from relationships?

Sagittarius men do a lot for relationships, so they demand the same from their companion. The future wife of such a man must first of all have patience. In this case, this is simply an irreplaceable quality that must be present in her. She must share all interests with him, provide him with freedom, never criticize his actions and not use foul language in his direction. He’s so demanding of relationships, that he’s in love, what he’s like in relationships, let’s try to figure it out further.

What is he like in love?

Don’t allow yourself to lie on a sofa full of seed peels, be unkempt and walk around with pasta stuck to your robe. The Sagittarius man cannot stand this.

How to behave

If you are determined to build a relationship with a Sagittarius man, then you must remember that such a man will never pay attention to a woman who is drowning in one-day worldly worries and lives according to a certain daily schedule.

Those born under this sign love adventure, surprise, and the desire for something new and unknown. Therefore, his companion should be exactly the same. Determination and love of risk are what the Sagittarius man loves in a woman. How to understand that he is in love? Yes, very simple. Such men usually leave after a night of love, but if he has expressed a desire to meet you again, and then again, believe me, he considers you as his future chosen one.

Ideal woman for Sagittarius

Smile, temperament, humor, erudition, rich inner world, naivety are the qualities that a Sagittarius man needs from a woman. You should never forbid him to do what he wants, otherwise it will lead to a quarrel, and you still won’t achieve your goal. Become your man's lover, friend and mother at the same time, and he, in turn, will prove that you are behind him, like behind a stone wall.

Don't try to change anything in his life, accept him as he is. Be patient and reasonable, always listen and comment on his actions (of course, within reasonable limits). Pretend that you are interested in the fact that instead of fish today he caught his friend by the pants. Or what the neighbor’s cat said to him the day before: “Meow!”

If all the above tips are followed, then the question of how to fall in love with a Sagittarius man will disappear on its own.

What to give him

Before asking the question “what to give a Sagittarius man,” first find out about his type of activity. Knowing this, you can easily please your chosen one.

We hope that the question of what to give a Sagittarius man has been fully answered; most importantly, do not forget to praise your lover before giving the gift. Better yet, read him an ode poem.

As can be seen from what was written above, the Sagittarius man is a very complex and wayward person. And in order to make him fall in love with you, you should work hard on yourself. But, as you know, there are no boundaries in love, so go for it!

Love is something that can both give happiness and take it away. To ensure that your feelings bring only positive emotions, you need to know everything about your man’s preferences. This is especially true if you are in love with a man born under the Zodiac Sign of Sagittarius.

Sagittarians are impulsive, extremely hot-tempered and restless. This is a very action-inspiring Zodiac Sign. Next to a Sagittarius, you will definitely feel strong and desired, but you should also not be too calm, since you cannot relax next to such a man.

Secret one: Sagittarius always knows what he wants. If he needs advice, he will definitely ask you to help him. What these men value most in women is their non-annoyance and ability to go into the shadows when necessary. This does not mean that your loved one does not need you, it’s just that Sagittarius has moments when they need to be in the spotlight in order to stroke their pride. Take this for granted, because Sagittarius is difficult to change.

The second secret: for those women who are in love with Sagittarius, astrologers have good news- these men are much more mature than representatives of other Zodiac Signs. In almost one hundred percent of cases, they mature much faster than their friends, which speaks of their individuality. Often they are too serious, but this is just a mask. To summarize the second secret, I would like to note that for a harmonious relationship, your man will need to see that you remind him of yourself. Try to match him.

The third secret: These men are very persistent, very strong in spirit. They will be able to protect you from harm and from problems, but it is also necessary to support this character trait of Sagittarius. This man can get out of the most difficult situation, but only on the condition that his abilities will not be criticized - otherwise you risk losing him.

The fourth secret: There are no words that Sagittarius cannot say to their face. If he doesn't tell you about your shortcomings, then you shouldn't worry. But be prepared for the fact that your lover will always tell the truth, without covering up unpleasant moments with flattery. This can also be assessed with positive side, because this speaks of honesty. The main advantage of a Sagittarius man is that he is honest with people close to him. He also strives to fulfill his promise one hundred percent of the time. But remember - he will demand the same from you.

Secret five: such a man will try to hide his nervousness and depression, which are extremely rare for Sagittarius, but do happen. If you notice that your man is sad or depressed, upset, or taciturn, the best way out is to maintain a delicate balance between the desire to help and an even attitude. They don't like to be pitied. Just be close to him in such moments, and Sagittarius will never forget it.

Do not forget that the secrets described above are not always relevant for men born under the Sign of Sagittarius. This information is suitable for special situations that will be similar to those described. In any case, men love it when people believe in them - regardless of their affiliation with one or another Zodiac Sign. We wish you success in love, be happy and don’t forget to press the buttons and

11.01.2016 00:40

Each person is unique in terms of character, however, having information about your man's Zodiac Sign, you...

It can be difficult to achieve harmony with any Zodiac Sign. family life. But if your man...