There is no need to be afraid that you can gain weight from the drug (it tastes sweet), there are very few calories in it. Many experiments have been conducted using this drug, including long-term ones, which did not lead to an increase in the body weight of the experiment participants. Moreover, there is evidence that patients suffering from long-term use of the drug lose weight.
The drug suppresses pathogenic intestinal microflora, preventing the development of many diseases. Thus, long-term treatment with Duphalac can be considered completely safe.

Using the drug may cause unpleasant sensations such as vomiting, diarrhea, and bloating.
If you use Normaze for a long time, the drug can provoke a change in the salt balance in the body. In this regard, periodic testing is necessary.

Those people who have bowel movements less than once every two days should think about taking a laxative, because such a symptom indicates the presence of chronic.
One of the most commonly prescribed remedies for constipation today is Duphalac. This remedy is quite effective, it helps with constipation of any origin, the drug helps to improve intestinal function even for those patients who are very for a long time took “heavy” drugs that adversely affect the intestinal mucosa (for example, bisacodyl or senna).

Duphalac not only normalizes bowel movements, but also helps restore normal intestinal microflora. It promotes the proliferation of beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria. Thus, the drug helps to improve the health of the body as a whole.
The safety of this medicine has been proven by the fact that it is approved for use even during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
The medicine is used once a day. It is better to do this in the first half of the day, since the drug affects each organism with at different speeds. It depends on the speed of metabolic processes. In order to determine your reaction to it and not experience inconvenience, it is better to schedule an appointment in the morning.

To make the drug take effect faster, you can dilute it with juice or tea. But the manufacturer also provides for the use of the drug without prior dilution. Not too much severe cases It is enough to use the drug for four days to get the effect, after which you can reduce the amount. Dosages are selected either according to the instructions, or the drug also affects the microbial composition of the intestinal flora. It helps increase beneficial lactobacilli. As a result, acidity in the large intestine increases, and this activates peristalsis. At the same time, the amount of feces increases, and their structural composition also changes, to prepare the intestines before surgery on the colon or anus, to relieve the condition of the patient suffering.
Duphalac is strictly not prescribed for galactosemia, with individual intolerance to the components of the drug, as well as with intestinal obstruction.

If treatment with Duphalac does not give any result after two days, or if constipation appears again while taking the drug, you must definitely visit a therapist.
Also, as prescribed by the doctor, the amount of the drug can be reduced after two days of treatment.
If the medicine is prescribed to people whose bodies do not produce the required amount of lactase, the amount of sugar in the diet must be controlled during the course of treatment. It should be taken into account that fifteen milliliters of the drug contains one gram of lactose, as well as 1.7 grams of galactose.

In the case of hepatic encephalopathy in patients suffering from hepatic encephalopathy, the drug should be taken with great caution.
If the drug is prescribed for a period longer than six months, the patient must periodically undergo blood tests to measure the amount of electrolytes.
The use of Duphalac does not reduce the speed of information perception, so it can be safely used by people working with dangerous mechanisms and drivers. The drug is approved for use during pregnancy and lactation.

Half of women suffer from. In the last three months of pregnancy, the uterus, which has greatly increased in size, compresses the intestines, thereby reducing its motor capabilities. Processes occurring in nervous system Women during pregnancy reduce the rhythm of the intestines, which react less well to natural urges. Some hormones produced during pregnancy relax the intestinal muscles. Taking medications containing iron can also cause constipation in some women.

Among modern laxatives, Duphalac satisfies everyone the most in terms of effectiveness and safety. The active component of the drug is lactulose, the effect of which, as well as its harmlessness, is explained by its effect on metabolic processes in the intestines. The medicine is not processed by the woman’s body, but only by the microbes that inhabit the large intestine. There, Duphalac is processed to the level of beneficial fatty acids.

In addition to normalizing bowel movements, the drug has a positive effect on the microbiological composition of the intestines and on the level of harmful substances such as nitrogenous bases. This reduces the load on the liver.
This remedy can definitely be taken while pregnant. Foreign researchers tested the drug with fifty-four expectant mothers, thirty milliliters per day for two weeks. The drug helped eighty-nine percent of women, and forty-seven percent had no difficulty with bowel movements until the end of pregnancy.

Large intestine is a very common disease, which in half of patients provokes intestinal congestion.

Typically, patients are prepared for surgery to eliminate this disease using mechanical cleaning and slag-free surgery. But the effectiveness of such preparation does not exceed thirty percent. It is very important for a successful operation proper preparation and bowel cleansing. Therefore, the attention of a group of Russian doctors was attracted by the drug Duphalac. Patients were prescribed from forty to sixty milliliters of the drug six hours before the scheduled intervention. Duphalac does feces softer, which makes it easier to remove them from the intestines and makes the enema procedure more effective, which is done six hours after consuming the drug before surgery. The amount of water in the enema should not exceed one liter. The medicine is taken on the day before the intervention, and the enema is performed on the day of the operation.

As an experiment, this method of preparation was used on seventeen patients. For two days, the patients ate slag-free food and drank as much as they wanted. Two days before the intervention, the patient drank thirty milliliters of Duphalac, and then on the evening before the procedure another one hundred and twenty milliliters with one liter of water. Not a single patient prepared in this way developed infection or suppuration. Patients also noticed the pleasant taste of the drug. Ninety percent of the patients were very well prepared for surgery.

Any medicine helps only if used correctly. Duphalac is no exception. This is a lactulose-based laxative. The medicine is characterized by a mild effect on the intestines, due to which it helps to normalize stool. In addition, it has a low price. Instructions on how to use Duphalac can be found below.

Composition of Duphalac

This drug belongs to the group of laxative prebiotics with an osmotic principle of action. It consists of retaining water in the intestinal lumen, due to which the fecal mass increases. This leads to an increase in osmotic pressure and natural bowel movements, which are gentle and without discomfort. As a result of using the drug, the functioning of the intestines as a whole is improved.

The composition of Duphalac includes only 2 main components. One of them is the active substance lactulose, which is contained in an amount of 66.7 g per 100 ml. The second component is purified water in a volume of up to 100 ml. The main form of release of the drug is a transparent viscous syrup from colorless to yellowish and even brownish. In this form, the medicine is convenient to give to infants. Powders are analogues of syrup. Duphalac is also available in this form. The only difference is the volume and price of the drug itself.

The drug Duphalac - indications for use

Before starting use, it is worth studying the indications for the use of Duphalac. The main one on the list is severe chronic constipation. The drug is also used to soften stool for medical purposes for hemorrhoids or before surgery on the colon or anus. In addition to these main indications, there are several other factors that require the use of Duphalac:

  • dysbacteriosis or enteritis in cases of salmonellosis;
  • putrefactive dyspepsia syndrome in acute food poisoning in a child;
  • preventive treatment for hepatic encephalopathy, coma or precoma;
  • pain syndrome resulting from the removal of hemorrhoidal cones;
  • colitis and colon polyps.

How does Duphalac work?

Due to lactulose, the effect of Duphalac is not only to soften stool. After use, the drug helps to enhance the growth of beneficial bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. This improves intestinal microflora. Under its influence, lactulose is broken down into organic compounds, resulting in a decrease in acidity and osmotic pressure. These effects help stimulate intestinal motility and soften stool. The result is that the normal physiological rhythm of bowel movements returns.

How to take Duphalac

Specific instructions on how to take Duphalac correctly depend on the form of the drug. Syrup, tablets and powder for preparing suspensions are taken orally, i.e. inside through the mouth. Suppositories are inserted rectally into the colon through the anus. The syrup is consumed in regular or diluted form. Moreover, the daily dose should be taken at one time or divided into 2 parts using a measuring cup. This should be done at one time of the day during meals, preferably at breakfast. It is recommended to drink or swallow the medicine immediately, without keeping it in your mouth.

Duphalac syrup

In syrup form, this drug has a sweet taste. For use, the medicine does not need to be diluted. The daily dose is determined individually depending on age and disease. To use it, use a measuring cup, which is included with the bottle of syrup. After a few days of treatment, the initial dose can be reduced to a maintenance dose, but only if there is a positive response to the drug. More often, Duphalac syrup shows its activity after 2-3 days. The size of the initial and maintenance dose is indicated in the table.

For the treatment of hepatic precoma and coma, the drug is taken 30-45 ml 3 times a day. Then they switch to an individual maintenance dosage. The condition is the frequency of stool 2-3 times a day. In more severe cases, Duphalac is also used - the instructions for use say that the drug is used for enemas from the medicine itself and water in a ratio of 300 to 700 ml. For salmonellosis and shigellosis, the dosage of the drug is 15 ml three times a day for the first 10-12 days. Then they take a week's break. Next, use the same dosage of 15 ml, only 5 times a day.

Another form of release of Duphalac is powder. This type of drug is often prescribed to patients diabetes mellitus. The powder is enclosed in aluminum foil bags. Each of them is designed for the minimum daily dose for an adult, i.e. contains 15 ml of the drug. One package often contains 10 sachets, i.e. bags. They tear off a corner and take all the contents at once.

Duphalac in sachets - instructions for use indicate that the recommended doses remain the same as those indicated above for syrup. You just need to transfer everything to bags. Data for infants and children under 6 years of age is also indicated, but more often they are served syrup, because it is more convenient:

Duphalac instructions for children

The advantage of Duphalac is not only low price. The medicine can be used by children from birth. For kids on breastfeeding the drug is served in pure or diluted form, for example, with mother's milk. This must be done after sleep. Although morning feeding is also allowed. The daily dose should not exceed 5 ml, and treatment should not exceed 15-20 days. For a child from 1 year to 6 years old, the first value increases to 10 ml, and at the age of 7-14 years - to 15 ml. If the drug is used to prevent childhood dysbiosis, it is prescribed in a reduced dose - 1.5-3 ml per day.

It is recommended to combine the use of the drug in newborns with abdominal massage and gymnastics. This will make the treatment more effective. In any case, the instructions for use of Duphalac in children recommend using the drug under medical supervision. This laxative should be given to infants only in exceptional cases. If there is no positive effect, you should definitely consult a specialist. Otherwise, there is a high risk of taking the wrong dosage, which can cause flatulence and diarrhea.

How to take Duphalac for adults with constipation

Taking Duphalac is made easier due to its convenient release form in the form of syrup. If in its pure form it is too sweet, it is recommended to dilute it with water, tea or even juice. How to take Duphalac correctly for constipation? For the first 2-3 days, you should use an initial dosage of 15-45 ml, depending on the severity of the condition. Then, when improvements appear, it is worth reducing this value to 15-30 ml. For prophylaxis, the drug is taken for about 2-3 weeks.

Constipation is a very common occurrence during pregnancy. Women in this situation cannot take laxatives, because they force not only the rectum, but also the uterus to contract, which has a negative effect on the child. Duphalac is also allowed during pregnancy, but you should still take the medicine not just according to the instructions, but after consultation with a specialist.

The active ingredient of the drug does not harm the fetus and does not affect the development and physiology of an already born child. For this reason, Duphalac is taken not only during pregnancy, but also during lactation. Only a specialist can determine the dosage, but in most cases it does not differ from that recommended for adults. After 2-3 days of improvement, the amount of medication taken can be reduced and used for prevention for another 2-3 weeks.

How long does it take for Duphalac to work?

The manifestation of the therapeutic effect directly depends on the use of a certain dosage and the disease against which the therapy is carried out. In addition, Duphalac is characterized by a mild effect, so it cannot be called very fast. The desired result appears 4-12 hours after administration. When answering the question of how quickly Duphalac works, there are cases when you have to wait even about a day. In a child, metabolic processes proceed much faster, so the effect of Duphalac appears after a couple of hours.

How long can you take Duphalac?

Due to the fact that Duphalac is not addictive, you can take it as much as necessary, i.e. while constipation continues. The annotation states that in case of problems with bowel movements, the course of treatment cannot be less than 30 days. For longer-term use, this drug is not prohibited, because it does not cause addiction. The main thing is not to drink alcohol all this time, because its compatibility with Duphalac is negative. The same applies to antibiotics.

How much can you drink Duphalac during pregnancy? Here the period is also not limited, but you must take the medicine in consultation with your doctor. Newborns can be given Duphalac until normal bowel function is restored. Only during treatment is it necessary to consult a doctor who will monitor the process.

The instructions for use of Duphalac say that breastfeeding women can take this drug indefinitely. The active substance of the medicine, i.e. lactulose, not able to enter breast milk, because it is not absorbed from the cavity of the digestive tube. The main thing is to follow the dosages, because the female body after childbirth becomes more susceptible compared to the usual state.

Duphalac - contraindications and side effects

Even with its low price and other advantages, Duphalac still has several contraindications. The main factor prohibiting the use of this medication is intolerance to lactulose, fructose or galactose. Hypersensitivity and allergies to these components are also contraindications for Duphalac. In addition to these reasons, there are several other factors when you should not take this drug:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • galactosemia;
  • with caution in diabetes mellitus.

Sometimes, if the dosage is incorrectly selected or simply in the first days of use, side effects of Duphalac appear - they are indicated in the instructions for use. This may result in flatulence, abdominal pain and diarrhea. Judging by the reviews, the first sign disappears after a couple of days. Pain and diarrhea may indicate an incorrect dosage, so it must be reduced immediately. It is also necessary to reduce the amount of Duphalac if you feel nausea or even vomiting. With increased dosage, water-electrolyte imbalance is often observed.

Duphalac price

The drug is available in the form of syrup in bottles of different sizes or in packs of 10 powders. The price for them is different. In any form, the drug can be bought at an online pharmacy or go to a regular one. How much does Duphalac cost? The price depends on the volume of the medicine purchased. 100 ml syrup costs about 600-700 rubles. The price of a 500 ml bottle is slightly less - 350-450 rubles. Syrup in 200 ml is even cheaper. The price of such a bottle is 250-300 rubles. If you order or buy Duphalac in powders, then a package of 10 pieces will have a price of 200-250 rubles.

Video: laxative for pregnant women Duphalac

Constipation is a common problem associated with a sedentary lifestyle, excess weight or poor diet. This condition must be combated, since long-term presence of feces in the rectal cavity leads to intoxication of the body with decay products.

Duphalac is recognized as one of the safest laxatives - a drug that liquefies the remains of digested food. It acts directly in the human intestine. When using it, it is important to consider how long it takes for Duphalac to work and what its mechanism of operation is.

"Duphalac" is a syrup with a laxative effect that is taken orally. Experts value it for its gentle and gentle action. Unlike irritating drugs, such as the well-known glycerin suppositories, Duphalac does not affect the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract. In other words, the syrup does not irritate the receptors on the walls of the colon in order to increase peristalsis and cause bowel movements.

Duphalac syrup is part of the group of hyperosmotic laxatives. It works due to the content of lactulose, a chemically synthesized disaccharide.

When taken orally, this substance is not absorbed in the stomach, but enters the intestines unchanged. Lactulose is able to attract water molecules present in the body. Due to this, hardened feces are significantly liquefied, which makes defecation easier and eliminates rectal blockage.

In addition, Duphalac partially affects the intensity of peristalsis. This action is associated with an increase in the volume of digested food residues. Irritation of the mucous membranes occurs due to the feces themselves.

A pronounced laxative effect is not the only thing valuable quality lactulose-based medications. This sugar affects the qualitative composition of microflora in the gastrointestinal tract. Bacteria that normally inhabit the intestines include lactulose in their metabolism. As a result of a series of chemical transformations general level The reaction of the environment shifts to the acidic side, which makes conditions unsuitable for the existence of pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, at this pH level, decay processes, accompanied by the release of toxins, proceed extremely slowly. These qualities make lactulose-based products indispensable assistants in the fight against dysbiosis.

How long does it take for Duphalac to work?

The time period after which the laxative will begin to work is different for each type of drug. Experts note that the effect appears most quickly after using irritating medications. They are usually available in the form of rectal suppositories. The most famous are Dulcolax, Bisacodyl, as well as suppositories with glycerin.

However, such laxatives have a significant drawback. All of them, when taken for a long time, are addictive, which in the future threatens “lazy bowel” syndrome. This condition is accompanied by a deterioration in natural peristalsis, which leads to bloating, a feeling of heaviness and chronic constipation. To avoid unpleasant symptoms, it is better to replace popular irritating laxatives with milder drugs such as Duphalac. It is worth considering that the effect does not occur immediately and depends on various factors, such as:

  • age;
  • nature of constipation (atonic or spastic);
  • duration;
  • other features.

For chronic constipation, it is best to consult a physician or gastroenterologist. The specialist will select the optimal laxative and also help calculate the dosage individually for each patient.

In adults

Patients suffering from constipation are interested in how quickly Duphalac works. As a rule, any osmotic agents work directly where feces have accumulated, that is, in the rectum. When taken orally, the active substance first enters the stomach and spends there with food for several hours. Next, lactulose enters the intestine unchanged and passes through all its sections before reaching its final goal. This explains the rather slow action of Duphalac syrup.

The usual dose for an adult patient ranges from 15 to 40 ml once. If you take Duphalac strictly in the indicated volume, the effect occurs within 12-24 hours. The higher the single dose, the more water will enter the feces, which will speed up bowel movements.

In older people

"Duphalac" is considered to be a mild and safe laxative, which allows it to be prescribed even in old age, without the need to change the recommended dosage. If you take about 30 ml of syrup, the first urge to defecate will begin in about a day. Doctors believe that the absence of stool on the first day after drinking syrup should not be a cause for concern. The older a person is, the slower metabolic processes occur. Accordingly, the medicine does not work as quickly as in young people.

Elderly people using laxatives should be careful not to exceed a single dose.

With regular use, side effects such as diarrhea may occur. Loose stools also pose a health risk. During diarrhea, minerals are washed out of the body, which leads to electrolyte imbalance. The person complains of constant fatigue and weakness. To compensate for the lack of salts, you need to additionally take special solutions - “Regidron”, “Hydrovit” or their analogues.

In children

Children, regardless of age, are susceptible to problems with the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The main cause of constipation is poor diet. Difficulties with defecation are often observed in infants during the period of introducing complementary foods.

The drug usually begins to work on the second day after administration. It is important to note that the laxative effect will be achieved only if the dosage of the syrup is observed.

  1. For newborn children, the one-time volume is minimal. Usually it is only 1-5 ml.
  2. As the child grows and develops, the dose can be increased. So, one year old baby for constipation, they offer 5 ml of syrup, and for a six-year-old - 10 ml.
  3. In the period from 7 to 14 years, when the gastrointestinal tract is fully formed, it is allowed to give 15 ml once.
  4. Teenagers over 14 years of age take Duphalac on the same basis as adults. A slight dose reduction may be required only for low body weight.

When treating constipation in a child, parents should be careful, since all children are different. Not a single pediatrician can answer exactly how long it takes for Duphalac to work.

The work of the drug is determined not only by the volume taken, but also individual characteristics.

As a rule, the higher the metabolic rate, the faster lactulose will enter into metabolic processes and cause bowel movements.

In pregnant women

The period of bearing a child is almost always accompanied by various digestive disorders. Constipation occurs due to the pressure that the rapidly growing uterus puts on the rectum. Lactulose-based preparations are the best choice expectant mother. They will help solve the problem without causing harm to the body.

Women ask how much syrup should be taken to cleanse the intestines of stagnant feces? Doctors believe that pregnant women should not greatly reduce the dosage. The optimal volume is about 30 ml. Emptying can occur either after 12 or 24 hours.

Pregnant women should choose laxatives especially carefully. This is due to the fact that any medicine that contains lactulose initiates fermentation processes in the intestines, which can lead to the development of unpleasant symptoms:

  • bloating;
  • pain;
  • heaviness;
  • flatulence;
  • gas formation.

If the described clinical picture is observed during the treatment of constipation, Duphalac is discontinued completely or the dose is reduced.

How long does the effect last?

In order for the drug "Duphalac" to help cope with constipation, you need to follow the doctor's recommendations. If the patient complains of difficulty with defecation for the first time, then a single dose of syrup in an age-appropriate dosage is sufficient.

Another treatment tactic is followed for chronic, prolonged constipation. To restore normal bowel function, you need to complete a full course of therapy. Its duration is usually 3 weeks. In this case, after 2-4 days the standard volume is reduced by 2-3 times. During the specified time period, lactulose will help maintain optimal environmental conditions in intestinal tract, which will restore beneficial microflora.

After full course treatment with Duphalac syrup, constipation will disappear and will not bother you if you follow a diet that excludes fatty, fried and spicy foods.

When and what can you eat after taking a laxative?

Duphalac will work more effectively if you follow certain rules when getting rid of constipation. Most of them relate to food intake.

  1. In parallel with taking the medicine, you need to drink enough liquid. Daily norm drinking water for constipation it is close to two liters.
  2. It is optimal to drink Duphalac syrup every day at the same time. Most patients prefer to do this over breakfast.
  3. An empty stomach is not a necessary requirement, allowing you to take the syrup with meals.
  4. The product can be drunk in concentrated form. It is also allowed to dilute it with drinks - milk, juice, water. This recommendation is especially relevant when treating children.
  5. During treatment it is better to avoid consumption large quantity protein food. It is difficult for the gastrointestinal tract to digest it, due to which peristalsis may slow down, therefore, the effect of the laxative will be lower.

"Duphalac" is a laxative that allows you to remove feces from the body as carefully as possible, which is important in childhood or pregnancy. Many patients prefer this method of dealing with constipation. However, in emergency situations with acute intoxication with decay products, when you need to act quickly, doctors tend to use irritating rectal suppositories or a cleansing enema.

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The active component of the drug is lactulose, which increases acidity in the intestines and fluid migration, making the intestinal contents softer. This remedy slightly stimulates peristalsis, resulting in the restoration of physiological rhythm. digestive system.

In addition, lactulose helps eliminate ammonium from the body, which is a toxic product of protein metabolism, and also prevents the growth of pathogenic microflora and stimulates the growth of beneficial lactobacilli. In this case, only a small amount of the drug is absorbed into the blood. Duphalac is available in the form of syrup or powder for preparing a suspension.

Duphalac (lactulose) is often confused with lactose, which has virtually no laxative effect.

When does Duphalac start to work?

When choosing a laxative drug, patients are interested in how long it will take for it to produce the desired result. According to numerous reviews, Duphalac has the disadvantage that the effect develops a day after taking the drug. However, delayed action is more of an advantage than a disadvantage.

After using Duphalac, the patient does not experience diarrhea, which contributes to the development of dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. With regular use of the drug, natural bowel movement is established, which is much more pleasant than a quickly achieved effect.

However, if the problem is temporary, you can use lightning-fast remedies that, with a single use, will not cause significant harm to the body.

Due to its effectiveness, high safety and good tolerability, Duphalac is prescribed even to small children.

How does Duphalac work?

Duphalac is a hyperosmotic laxative drug. Lactulose enters unchanged into the large intestine, where it is broken down by bacteria, forming organic acids. In this case, there is an increase in osmotic pressure and a decrease in pH, which leads to the formation of ammonium ions, as well as an increase in the volume of feces and increased contraction of the intestinal walls, which promotes the movement of its contents to the outlet. As a result, stool becomes softer, and the physiological rhythm of colon emptying is normalized.

An important feature of a laxative is its prebiotic effect. It stimulates the growth of normal intestinal microflora and promotes the death of pathogenic microorganisms. Thus, Duphalac cleanses the intestinal flora and restores microbiocenosis.

When can you take Duphalac?

The use is appropriate for constipation, portosystemic encephalopathy, enteritis caused by salmonella, salmonellosis in children, putrefactive intestinal dyspepsia, to soften the intestinal contents during exacerbation of hemorrhoids, after surgical interventions on the colon, etc.

How to take Duphalac - general information

The drug is intended for oral use. It is prescribed to be taken once a day, preferably at the same time (for example, in the morning after breakfast). It is possible to divide the daily dose into two doses.

The dosage of Duphalac is selected individually, in accordance with the patient’s age, the characteristics of his body and the form of the disease. When treating constipation, adults are prescribed an initial daily dose of 15-45 ml; after improvement of the condition, it is recommended to reduce the dose to 15-30 ml. The volume of the maintenance dose is selected depending on the body's response to this drug. The expected effect from taking the drug occurs after 2-3 days, after which the dosage should be reduced.

If there is no desired effect, the dosage should be increased or the frequency of administration changed.

When treating portosystemic encephalopathy in adults, it is advisable to prescribe syrup in a dosage of 30-45 ml, after 2-3 days they switch to a maintenance dose, which is selected in such a way as to ensure bowel movements 2 times a day.

When preparing for intestinal examinations, 100-150 ml of the drug is used; the dosage can be changed depending on the type of examination. As a rule, other methods of bowel cleansing (for example, enemas) are used in parallel.

For children 1-5 years old, the daily dose of the drug is 5-10 ml, 6-14 years old - 10-15 ml. It is possible to prescribe the drug in a different dosage in accordance with the severity of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the child’s body.

Duphalac for babies - application

If breast-fed infants develop functional constipation, the feeding mother's diet should be adjusted (introduce into the diet foods that promote effective bowel movement). If there is no desired effect from the correction, it is necessary to combine it with drug therapy - the drug Duphalac.

Duphalac is the only laxative drug approved for use even by newborns. It is practically not absorbed from the digestive tract; once in the intestines, it is broken down under the influence of local microflora. It is not addictive, does not interfere with the absorption of nutrients, helps restore favorable microflora in the intestines and suppresses the growth of pathogens.

And for infants, the daily dose of the drug is 5 ml. For the treatment of dysbiosis, it is possible to prescribe Duphalac 1.5-3 mm per day.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

Due to low absorption, the active substance of the drug does not have a negative effect on the developing fetus or infant. Therefore, it can be prescribed to pregnant women and breastfeeding women.

Side effects and overdose

The first few days after starting to take Duphalac you may be concerned about increased gas formation, but this phenomenon is temporary and is not considered an indication for discontinuation of the drug. Abdominal pain, nausea, and vomiting are also possible. However, reviews of the side effects of Duphalac are rare, so it is difficult to judge the frequency of their development.

Duphalac - contraindications

Duphalac is contraindicated in the following conditions:

  • Individual intolerance to individual components of the drug (lactulose, galactose, fructose)
  • Colon obstruction
  • Galactosemia
  • Rectal bleeding
  • Ileostomy
  • Colostomy

Should be taken with caution. In this case, you should strictly follow your doctor's recommendations regarding the dosage of the drug.

Duphalac - reviews

  1. Ekaterina, 27 years old: Like many young mothers, in the first weeks of my baby’s life I encountered a problem such as constipation. Initially I tried to solve this problem using a gas outlet tube. It helped, but it is known to be not safe. The doctor recommended Duphalac. It helped us immediately, the effect could be noticed 4 hours after taking it (sometimes after 2 hours and very rarely the next day). The syrup is sweet, the child drinks it with pleasure. The drug lasts for a long time (a large bottle is 500 ml), and the shelf life is also quite long. I really like the fact that the active substance is not absorbed, and therefore does not have a general effect on the body. Now our stool is fine, and we don’t need the drug yet.
  2. Olga, 21 years old: My baby started having problems with bowel movements from birth. What I didn’t do: I introduced yoghurts, various bran into my diet, drank kefir, but there was no effect. On the advice of my grandmother, I tried several times to induce stool using a gas tube, but this also did not help. In a word, we suffered until our pediatrician recommended Duphalac. After the first dose of the drug, we began to experience severe gas formation, but then everything returned to normal, stool became regular, as it should be for small children. Now we always have Duphalac in our emergency kit, and it is suitable for the whole family.
  3. Nikita, 39 years old: It’s a good medicine, my grandfather takes it. Old people are like children: something constantly hurts, and problems have appeared with their stool. The syrup is ideal for constipation: it acts gently and quickly, side effects none. In addition, it is very sweet, grandfather drinks it with pleasure. However, Duphalac is not very cheap, so I always buy a 200 ml bottle, although microenemas are more expensive, and their use is often not recommended.
  4. Svetlana, 20 years old: I bought this laxative when I was pregnant, but, fortunately, I didn’t have to use it. But I soon needed it when my daughter was born. She has suffered from constipation since birth and now that she is 2 years old we use it periodically. Means plant origin, which means that it is not as harmful as many other laxatives.

Since Duphalac is used for constipation, you need to find out more detailed information about this illness.

It has a pleasant taste, is not addictive, acts almost immediately, and not only treats, but also normalizes the intestinal microflora, suppresses the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. Naturally, before using the drug you should consult a doctor, since it is still a medicine.