Quite often online I come across forum discussions about tattoos. It is possible or impossible to get this or that tattoo, what consequences can result from applying runes or some other symbols of magic to the body, how the application of this or that design will affect a person’s life, etc. The topic is quite common, the questions and arguments of the parties are quite typical, repeated from time to time. Actually, after another such online conversation, I had a desire to speak on this matter in more detail and detail.

People often assume that ANY tattoo applied to the body can itself somehow influence its wearer. In fact, this is not entirely true. All tattoos from a point of view magical influence can be divided into three large groups: directly magical tattoos, decorative ones that have nothing to do with magic, and symbolic (semi-magical) tattoos.

Under magical tattoos mean those made by magicians and for magicians. They really have power and constantly influence the wearer.

Decorative tattoos play an exclusively aesthetic role and are applied in any tattoo parlor at will.

well and symbolic Tattoos are a specially selected design consisting of magical symbols or images, applied to the body in the usual way (in a tattoo parlor, for example). Typically, such a creation reflects the wearer’s sympathy for certain magical traditions, or his desire to change something in himself and his life.

Only the magical a tattoo, which not everyone has the opportunity and need to apply. The influence of symbolic and decorative tattoos is, to put it mildly, exaggerated.

Let me explain a little about what a magical tattoo is, how and why it is applied. Although I’ll make a reservation right away that I don’t promise any special details about this, simply because I don’t have enough detailed information on this matter, much less personal experience in applying it. So let's use general concepts. Magical tattoos are found in many living traditions around the world. They are used everywhere from Africa and South America to Asia, and various old northern schools, like the same runic ones, did not neglect this. Magical tattoos are made by magicians and for magicians. Usually their application occurs during some very specific ritual and has not so much an aesthetic as a magical meaning. Applying a tattoo can be part of a ritual of initiation, when some energies are “implanted” as deeply as possible, and become not only part of a person’s energy, but also part of his physical body, skin, bones, etc. Sometimes in this way a person is “introduced” to some powerful spirit and placed under its protection (this one is now his own, he must also be taken care of), in this case tattoos serve as part of a certain “identification mark” for the spirit, helping to separate who is his and who is a stranger. But in all these procedures, the drawing itself is only a small part of everything that happens. In addition to applying a tattoo, there is also contact with a spirit or some other external force, a transformation and change in the energy of the practitioner occurs, etc. As a result, some external force becomes part of a person, but an external manifestation of this force, a kind of “window” into material world becomes a tattoo. From the point of view of extrasensory energy perception, such a tattoo constantly emits a certain energy and affects its wearer. Even if you “interrupt” or “tear off” the original drawing, the influence of the energies will not change. Already invisible to the external eye, the tattoo will continue to work and influence its wearer. In this case, tattooing itself is not the main objective and not even a means, but simply part of the whole ritual. From the point of view of an outsider, such tattoos are not beautiful, they hurt like hell, and they wouldn’t give in to an ordinary person who does not belong to the corresponding magical tradition. This is general information regarding magical tattoos, which are applied for purely utilitarian magical purposes.

In any other conditions, printing all kinds of designs on the body (including various magical symbols) in itself does not have any effect. This is a purely aesthetic action, dictated by personal taste preferences and show-off. A decorative/symbolic tattoo can only have some impact on an ordinary person. They told him that the fehu rune/mysterious hieroglyph/fish on the heel would bring him luck and prosperity, he was hooked by attention - and attracted all this into his life. I decided that a new tattoo could bring drastic changes to my life, so I did it and got the desired changes. This works in exactly the same way as with all kinds of amulets made from trinkets, “treasure maps” and other methods of working in techniques such as transurfing. Instead of a picture or a positive slide, a tattoo appears, to which attention clings, directing intention in one direction or another.

Symbolic tattoos, in fact, are not far removed from decorative ones. They often depict correct characters any school or tradition/religion, but . In order for this influence to appear, they must be magically applied (see above) and their bearer must possess the powers of magic that they symbolize. But then these would already be magical tattoos. Symbolic tattoos work in the same way as decorative ones, with the only difference being that they, in principle, can acquire magical power with the help of a competent magician. For a symbol to work, it must be activate, connect with the energy it represents. After all, it’s energy that works, not an icon or an image; I’ve written about this more than once. Such tattoos do not have “independent” power and require periodic attention and activation from the master of the school to which they belong. Activated symbolic tattoos emit real magic for some time (from several days to several months). Add to this the power of the bearer’s personal intention - and it is already much more powerful and effective; it cannot be compared with “naked” personal intention. And “faded” symbols can always be reactivated if there is such a specialist.

I repeat that even when activated, symbolic tattoos cannot be compared with magical tattoos, in their true sense. Magical tattoos applied during initiation into runes in the old schools had “independent” power; their action and influence could not be stopped (well, perhaps with the death of the master). The person was constantly under the energies of the rune circle and had a denser and more powerful “contact” with the force than with modern initiation methods. True, such an initiation procedure in itself is quite complex and difficult; not everyone could withstand it in the old days, let alone modern people. Modern “city magicians,” even if they put some tattoos on their bodies, are not constantly under the influence of the corresponding energies, and are forced to periodically activate their symbols. It is not the symbols that influence and strengthen them, but they influence the symbols and trigger the necessary mechanisms, which means that these are rather symbolic tattoos, rather than magical ones.

So, here is the most important thing that I would like to convey to readers: Simply by applying any set of any magical symbols to your body, you will not receive ANY magical help - for this, symbols alone are not enough, no matter how “powerful” and “ancient” you consider them. The very fact of having some magical images on your body (even if they are related to real magicians) will not call ANY power into your life, it will only help you focus on the task at hand. Anyone who wants to receive magical help can do this by contacting a magician, or by undergoing appropriate training. There is NO third option with “magic” tattoos, it is a myth.

How can we summarize the entire review? For most people, tattoos have a purely decorative meaning and influence life solely within the framework of intention and subjective perception. Such things do not and cannot carry any REAL power. And all the numerous questions like “how will that hieroglyph affect me” are initially meaningless - no way, only you can influence yourself with the help of the power of your intention. And it doesn’t matter what this intention is caught on - a freshly typed hieroglyph or a pebble found on the road. As for trained and motivated practitioners of various traditions, I think they themselves will figure out what to write and where, or, in extreme cases, they will ask their mentor.


In ancient times, people covered their bodies with unusual symbols and designs, their meaning was basically always clear, people with tattoos highlighted their affiliation so that they could see whether they were a hunter, a leader, a shaman or someone else. From these drawings on the body it was clear who was in front of you.

Today tattoos have different meaning, they can carry some meaning or simply be a decoration.

Let's look at the most popular tattoos and their meanings:

Even in ancient times, there were many tribes who expressed their art through tattoos.

The angel tattoo design carries overt religious symbolism. Angels symbolize the winged form that is meant to convey the Word of God to humanity. They are messengers of God and personify the divine will.

The butterfly has fascinated people for centuries. It often becomes the subject of artistic inspiration, whether in music or drawing. It is also popular in tattoos.

Flower tattoos are very decorative and look great on the body. But they can also carry a very deep hidden meaning.

The peculiarity of this tattoo style lies in both its beauty and diversity.

Celtic patterns are distinguished not only by their special decorativeness, which conveys the unique outlines of folk ornaments that have evolved over many centuries.

Representatives of this breed of animals are characterized by independence, freedom of thought and action, and instant recovery. Worldwide, the cat family numbers more than 500 million individuals. The well-known ability of cats to land on their paws in any fall has given them the fame of living beings with nine lives.

Cross tattoos are quite popular these days. To be able to wear such a tattoo on your body, it is not at all necessary to be a devout follower of one of the religions.

Very often, it is the wings that are considered the main distinctive symbol of angels; at the same time, they personify divine innocence and beauty.

The lion is an ancient symbol of the mythologies and religions of many civilizations and cultures, including India, the Middle East, the Mediterranean and Africa.

A picture can contain thousands of words, but there are times when a well-chosen phrase or few words can express much more. Each of us remembers the exact place and time when someone, then very close to us, timidly and shyly said the words “I love you” for the first time.

In the West, a tattoo with a rose is the same as in the East a tattoo with a Lotus. This is a symbol of love, pure love. Of all the flower tattoos, the most sought after and popular is the rose tattoo.

The image of a scorpion in the form of a tattoo can be found quite often. This often means that the owner of this tattoo was born under this zodiac sign. The sign of Scorpio is able to combine several symbolisms.

In many Asian civilizations, the tiger is a very significant symbol. Many indigenous tattoos from India, Burma, Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia China, Japan and Malaysia contain images of tigers. The tiger was usually associated in images with power, strength, cruelty, great sensuality, beauty, fury, and speed.

Tribal - tribal tattoos make up about a third of the total number of tattoos that people put on their bodies.

In many world cultures, the most popular mythological and divine symbol is the wolf, since this particular predator is widespread in Europe, Asian countries and North America.

Japanese tattoos appeared with us a relatively long time ago. Despite this, for quite a long period of time they manage to maintain their leadership position and continue to remain the most popular and in demand in all countries of the world.

Most people have at least one animal to which they feel a sense of attachment. In ordinary cases, these are pets, sometimes fish, birds, and maybe even exotic animals. Today, there are many methods to express your affection using animal tattoos.

A snake tattoo is a symbol of natural and supernatural power, abundance, wisdom and rebirth. IN Western countries The snake is a symbol of temptation and female sexual power.

A star tattoo symbolizes more than one meaning, it all depends on the style and type of display. For example, a star can represent a symbol of a person achieving a goal for himself.

The art of magical tattooing

Tattooing is the artificial breaking of the skin and the introduction of a dye into the damaged areas in order to obtain clear images.
Traditionally, tattooing belongs to the field of Necromancy, since it is an operation to kill and restore the vital activity of groups of skin cells.
It is believed that the art of magical tattooing was lost a long time ago, precisely at the time when tattoos began to be applied without any intention, only for the purpose of somehow decorating oneself. It was at the moment when the uninitiated took up the needle, dipping it in paint, that the magical tradition ended. But that's not true. Magic tattooing still exists today as the only correct and reasonable branch of the ancient art of tattooing.
Currently, many magical organizations own this technology. Among other things, a tattoo in a magical environment is usually distinctive sign in the hierarchy of the organization and, at the same time, allows you to find allies among strangers, if they have a tattoo of the same organization.
There is now a lot of debate about the historical origins of tattoos. The generally accepted point of view is that initially tattooing was some kind of substitute for clothing, and then allegedly became a special direction of fine art.

The duality of the impact of tattoos on consciousness

When a person looks at a painting in a museum or studies a symbol, his consciousness changes. That is why the arts exist, their goal is to change the consciousness of the viewer or listener.
When creating a tattoo on one’s own body, a person constantly sees it and remembers the motives and purposes for which it was applied. He clearly understands what each line means, he remembers the moment when he made it. This is one of the most effective forms of self-programming.
At the same time, every day the consciousness receives a powerful push in the right direction, and cannot stray from the chosen path.
The path that a person wants to follow in life is chosen and a corresponding tattoo is made. Now the optimal path for a person to move through life, to which he is pushed by various events and situations, has been replaced by the chosen path. The two paths are usually different. Therefore, in order not to spoil this incarnation, the Magician very carefully calculates what a specific tattoo will lead to.
On the other hand, the tattoo is also seen by others, who form a corresponding idea about this person. Due to constant attunement of perception, all these people unconsciously influence the tattoo wearer, moving his perception and consciousness in the right direction.
In addition to self-gramming, a tattoo contributes to a special perception of a given person by others, unobtrusively recommending an appropriate attitude to them. The tattoo wearer receives a second powerful push in the right direction, but from the outside world.
All this applies to any tattoos. Now let's move on to magical tattoos.

Principles of creating a magical tattoo

In addition to the considered two aspects of the impact of a tattoo, a magical tattoo also has a third aspect, which overlaps the others in terms of impact. The main point of applying a magical tattoo is to acquire a talisman that will always be with you. When a tattoo is applied, a dye charged with a special abstract principle is introduced under the skin. The resulting wounds close themselves, forming a crust of blood and other secretions. When a crust forms, charging is also carried out according to the principle of talismans.
Charged paint is introduced inside, and the coagulating blood outside is also charged. Between these two talismans at each point of the tattoo there is damaged skin. Within about a week or two, the skin is completely restored, new cells multiply to replace damaged ones, and the infection is destroyed. Very complex biological processes take place there.
But all these processes take place under the influence of two talismans, located inside and outside. Gradually, the paint loses the properties with which it is charged, transforming into something else. The crust on the outside of the skin falls off, but the resulting talisman remains. All cells that have grown in the thickness of damaged skin carry the properties of a living talisman; they are all created with genetic abnormalities as a result of constant exposure during their growth. Their structure is different from the normal structure, they carry the principles inherent in the tattoo. Their matter itself is created in strict accordance with the program embedded in the tattoo.
A magical tattoo is always done with the aim of making permanent corrections in the functioning of the mind and body. Is such a correction necessary? This is a controversial question. As practice shows, most people are always missing something. Some lack determination, others lack generosity, and others lack money. And they are ready to make a talisman that will correct them in the right direction. But such a talisman can operate for more than 50 years; if the influence is no longer necessary, it still practically cannot be removed.
Another option for using a magical tattoo is healing. By applying a tattoo, you can slow down or, conversely, speed up the flow of energy along the Chinese meridians on the human body. This will cause a change in the operating modes of internal organs.

Methods of applying magical tattoos and equipment.

Traditionally, the tattoo is applied using a thin needle made from fish bone. This needle is held in the hand with three fingers (thumb, index and middle) and methodically, dipped in a dye composition, immersed into the patient’s body to a depth of about 3:4 mm. The thickness of the skin in different parts of the body can be either less than this depth or exceed it. It is important to achieve a result when the needle almost completely penetrates the patient’s skin. This can be judged by external sign- there should be almost no blood coming to the surface of the skin.
The needle is usually inserted not perpendicular to the plane of the skin, but with a slight inclination so that you can mentally draw a vertical plane through the needle and the line segment on the tattoo. Those. the needle should go under the already punctured line.
This technique requires long training.
It is somewhat easier to make a tattoo using a thin board with a needle at the end. This method is still used by African shamans. The board is held in the hand, dipping the needle into the paint, bringing it to the patient's skin and making precise and frequent strikes with a small hammer or other board. The process becomes less painful.

In modern conditions, they usually use a steel needle for hand sewing, on which several turns of thread are wound at a distance of about 4 mm from the end. The thread holds the paint and gradually wets the tip.
We looked at traditional tattooing techniques. Mastering these methods, although tempting, is quite difficult. In modern conditions, there is a way to apply a tattoo that does not require long training and practice.
Special machines for tattooing are now being produced. They operate on the principle of a sewing machine. The needle in them moves back and forth at high speed. For this purpose, either a motor or an electromagnet is used.
It’s not difficult to make such a machine yourself, although you can use a standard, purchased one. The figure shows the simplest option, which uses an electric motor, the axis of which is located horizontally and directed towards the viewer. A flywheel is mounted on the electric motor shaft, into a special hole of which a needle in the shape of the letter “L” is threaded. The flywheel has several such holes at different distances from its center to adjust the needle stroke.
The needle moves quite freely in the thick tube. But at the end of the tube there is a section of smaller diameter where the needle is precisely centered. The tube is usually made from a thick pen rod, at the end of which there is a piece of a needle from a syringe. Or from part of a plastic medical syringe.
A piece of needle from a syringe about 10 mm long is selected according to its diameter so that the needle moves freely in it, but without a large gap.
The needle here is made from a carefully straightened and very sharply sharpened metal guitar string No. 1. A piece of this string cut off with a reserve is straightened, one end about 5 mm long is bent at an angle of 90 degrees. This end is inserted into the flywheel and, by threading the needle into the tube, the excess length is cut off. The needle is removed and its end is sharpened very carefully.
Sometimes they provide for the supply of coloring liquid through a guide tube. In this case, cast bronze rings, made as talismans, are placed on the guide tube to automatically charge the incoming liquid.
The whole structure looks like a thick ballpoint pen with an electric motor mounted on top.
A simpler version of the device for applying a tattoo can be made from a regular mechanical razor. An example of such a device is shown in the photograph.
The device is held in the hand, plugged into an electrical outlet or a spring is wound up, the motor rotates, and the needle makes translational movements. This device is used to draw like a ballpoint hand, according to a pre-designated pattern on the skin.
Periodically, the engine is stopped and the liquid that appears on the skin and the liquid in the container where the needle is dipped are charged by hand.
The process of applying a tattoo using this method is almost painless. The needle must be sterilized before each use by boiling in water for forty minutes. The guide tube should also be sterilized, if possible by boiling.
But it would be more correct to sterilize everything together magically, simply by creating a clot from the energies of Death. If you do everything right, all living things will die there. If not, then there is good opportunity get infected with something.

Liquids for applying magical tattoos

Magic tattoos can be visible or invisible, depending on the composition used when applying them.
Liquids produced by many companies specifically for tattooing are not suitable for applying a magical tattoo. These liquids, predominantly of inorganic origin, do not hold the energy charge introduced into them well.
The traditional composition of liquid for applying magical tattoos is as follows: soot, sugar, wormwood ash, water. In a porcelain mortar, carefully grind a little sugar and water until a syrup forms. The resulting liquid should be more viscous than water. Next, soot is added, which can be obtained, for example, by holding a metal spoon over the fire. All this is thoroughly ground in a mortar. Then add wormwood ash. The resulting slurry is again thoroughly ground, removing all lumps and mixing. Next, the mixture is diluted with a few drops of water until the consistency of drawing ink is formed.
The liquid should be bright black. If necessary, soot is added again. The mixture is filtered through a fine mesh, and the residue is again ground in a mortar and diluted with the filtered liquid. The procedure is repeated until the mixture contains lumps. Sometimes coal dust is also added to the mixture.
Add a few drops of medical alcohol to the prepared liquid and mix.
If the tattoo is made invisible, then soot and coal dust are not added. When the skin recovers after such a tattoo, almost no traces of the created talisman will be visible.
Another version of the liquid, less traditional, but easier to make, is to prepare Chinese ink. This ink is sold in art stores and has the form of small pressed briquettes, directly on the surface of which drawings in the Chinese style are drawn. A piece about a centimeter long is sawed off or broken off from the briquette and placed in three parts water (by volume). All this is stirred periodically. After a couple of days, the mascara is completely ready; if necessary, dilute it with water. Add a few drops of alcohol.
Both of these compounds work well for charging a talisman-type tattoo. When charged, they create conditions in the thickness of the skin for the growth of special cells. Cells that will become a reliable talisman for their owner.

Magic tattoo technique

At the very beginning, the main type of tattoo is thought out. It may contain occult symbols, or it may look completely harmless. The most important thing is how you charge it when you apply it. If the first two aspects of the impact of a tattoo on consciousness are important, and they should not be neglected, then the type of tattoo should correspond to the principle inherent in it.
Human interpretation of symbols is basically standard. Having selected the necessary composition, you should observe how it affects people and, possibly, adjust it.
Tracing paper is placed on the selected drawing, on which all the contours are outlined with a gel or regular pen. The tracing paper is removed.
The patient's skin is washed and rubbed with cotton wool and alcohol. Then lightly moisten and rub with a bar of soap; the layer of soap should be thin and without foam. The skin is lightly massaged in a circular motion. The tracing paper is placed with the pattern down on the slightly damp skin prepared in this way and pressed. After half an hour, the tracing paper is removed, and the pattern imprinted on the skin is drawn more clearly.
Charge the ink with the chosen abstract principle in a jar into which you dip a needle (as you did with talismans). A tattoo is made along the contours of the design, focusing on the place where the needle enters the skin. It is necessary to create a vivid image of how a needle pushes there an energy mixture of the desired composition, which pours out from your hand in which you hold the machine or needle. This image is desirable for initiating the process. Exhale through this hand an energy mixture of the desired composition, it will flow along the needle and charge the paint and blood appearing on the skin.
Stop from time to time and charge the lines you have made using both hands. You can visually superimpose several bright images on the tattoo in turn, corresponding to the abstract principle of the desired effect.
It is not at all necessary to make a colored tattoo using different compositions. For a magical tattoo, contour drawing is always enough.

Examples of magical tattoos

Tattoo of members of the Order of the Guardians of Death

The tattoo of this sign is done on the left shoulder or on the left side of the chest by those who decide to devote their lives to serving the Order. This is a very important step; you are taking a road that is very difficult to turn off.
The Help Desk constantly receives letters from students who want to get such a tattoo. They are usually advised to wait until the fourth year and think carefully about the consequences. By getting such a magical tattoo, you gain the support of the entire Order, and you can not pay attention to the attacks of your comrades in the magical workshop.
But at the same time, you can no longer go in the direction where the Order does not go. Your paths intertwine, becoming one path. Therefore, the choice to apply such a tattoo should be entirely yours, with awareness of all the consequences.
The magical tattoo of the Order is charged in a state of connection (contact) with the egregor of the Order. To obtain such contact, long-term meditation is used on the sign of the Order, which serves as the entrance to the egregor. You will feel the contact well. There will be a feeling of an intelligent being with an intellect that is many times greater than your own.
Next, examples will be given by which you can determine the occupation of people from occult circles. Or impose this occupation on them by applying a corresponding tattoo. Most decodings of magical tattoos are kept secret. Therefore, a very limited set is given here.

Tattoo of the Black Circle technologists

Apply on the left shoulder or back of the neck. Denotes a person entering this world organization and engaged in the collection and storage of magical technologies. The Black Circle is a union of magical Orders that believe that their main activity is black magic.

Sabbat priest tattoo

A tattoo means that the owner belongs to one of the existing occult groups that organize covens. These are mostly Satanists. On the left is the female version of the tattoo, on the right is the male version. The name written in the circle is the subject's witch name. This name is perfect for making volts. The tattoo is placed on the upper chest or on the forearm of the left hand.
Initially, it was not a tattoo, but a pendant worn at the Sabbath.

Free Inquisitors Tattoo

A skull with twisted horns and artificial inclusions of a clearly man-made nature. The Punishing Sword of Justice, quite long and symbolizing the implementation of high goals, is directed downwards. The drawing is surrounded by a black outline with ominous curves.

The tattoo is done only on the left shoulder. The color version is shown on the left, the outline version is on the right, both of them are found.
Free Inquisitors are Mages who have siddha ( magical ability) Inquisitor. These are people with high spiritual development, who have the ability to judge and condemn. No one can cancel their sentence; it occurs at the level of information processes of the Earth's egregor. The inquisitor can determine whether a given person is needed by the development of the Earth, is neutral towards it, or interferes with this process. Free Inquisitors are not an organization, they are simply a category of Death Mages endowed with power and enormous responsibility.
Sometimes a tattoo is consciously done by those who are ready to take this path. The tattoo is charged by the master in a state of realization of siddhi - condemnation towards a person, animal or plant. After applying the tattoo, the object of condemnation is immediately destroyed without the slightest emotion. At the same time, the effectiveness of a magical tattoo increases dramatically.

Some groups of magical images:


Causes feelings of passion, increases sexuality, enhances the ardor of character and vitality. The tenderness to which this sign calls you is transformed from the forces of anger, resentment and bitterness.

Promotes the perception of the surrounding reality with joy.


The subconscious stereotype that money is evil can be dispelled when you have something like this on your body. magic sign. Contributes to the development of entrepreneurial spirit and improves attitude towards the banknote system. Strengthens determination on the conscious and subconscious levels.


More competent and active cooperation is developing on mutually beneficial terms with partners. The ability to think sensibly, make plans, etc. increases.


Similar to business signs. Encourages partners to trust and understand each other. Improves teamwork.


The owner of these signs will actively develop his intellect, clarity and clarity of thoughts.

Helps to cope with complexes that are “settled” in the deep subconscious. Ignites the energy of rejuvenation, activity of spiritual and physical strength.

In addition to the above designations, zodiac signs are also used. Each of them is also responsible for certain energy flows in the human consciousness and activates certain abilities.

It is important to choose the right sign for you. It may help improve your life significantly, but the choice is always yours.

Hieroglyphs tattoo


Interesting information regarding many symbolic images is contained in the Dictionary of Symbols by H. E. Kerlot:
- star tattoo is a symbol of spirit. She is associated with light shining in the darkness. This sign has many meanings, but its main purpose is to support a person in the fight against the forces of evil. The most popular image is of a five-pointed star, which in ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs meant ascent to the beginning;
- knife tattoo associated with revenge, death and sacrifice. The short edge of the knife personifies the instinct of self-preservation of the owner of the tattoo, and the long edge speaks of the spiritual power of the tattooed person;
- Chinese tattoos or Japanese characters on the body are deciphered in different ways, but for the most part they mean either fire or strength;
- tattoo celtic ornaments and symbols with a certain meaning are preferred by serious people. However, nowadays such images are rarely accompanied by any interpretations or explanations and serve only as a spectacular decoration.

Images of animals on tattoos are designed to help owners develop personal qualities, but we must not forget that much depends on the person’s lifestyle and behavior. The Dictionary of Symbols contains comparisons of images of some animals with concepts inherent in human life:
- crane tattoo personifies justice, a righteous and merciful soul, and is also an allegory of longevity;
- eagle tattoo is a symbol of pride, heights of spirit, heroic nobility, the personification of the elements of Air and Fire. He is considered the king of birds, just as the lion is the king of beasts, so in some cases, to emphasize this equality, the eagle is depicted on a tattoo with the head of a lion. As a rule, the warlike aspirations of the tattoo owner are associated with an eagle;
- owl tattoo among most peoples it symbolizes wisdom, but can mean such far from positive concepts as darkness and death. A person who has this bird tattooed on his body is most likely not a sage, but a pessimist, thinking about imminent death or the end of the world;
- wolf tattoo means valor. The image of this beast speaks of dexterity, courage and strength. A person with such a pattern on his body is probably a lone warrior. It should be noted that in Scandinavian mythology, unlike Roman and Egyptian, the wolf is considered the personification of the evil principle;
- leopard tattoo as a symbol of courage, valor and ferocity, it expresses the aggressiveness and power of the owner of the tattoo;
- horse tattoo is a symbolic image of an assistant to a deity, and in some mythological systems, the deity itself. The image of a horse on the body should help the owner of the tattoo to overcome difficulties in life.
As for a person who has any connection with horses, here it can contribute to their friendship;
- bear tattoo personifies strength, courage, endurance and at the same time cruelty. It often serves as a symbol of rage and laziness. In many mythological systems, this animal acts as a deity, the ancestor of traditions, a kind of totem, guardian spirit and healer;
- fish tattoo associated with abundance, fertility, sexual energy, wisdom, but at the same time with greed, indifference, stupidity. The image of a fish on a tattoo can serve as a symbol of faith, purity, baptism and communion. In particular, a salmon tattoo symbolizes knowledge, inspiration and abundance, a punishment tattoo symbolizes strength, courage and perseverance in achieving a goal, a dolphin (in symbolism is also classified as a fish) - freedom, nobility, pleasure, love, a shark tattoo - danger, evil, death. In Japanese mythology, the shark is a messenger of the deity, providing assistance to the people who worship it.

Images of plants on tattoos also carry a hidden meaning:

- lotus tattoo associated with purity, chastity, spirituality, fertility, incipient strength, health and the resulting longevity and immortality. This flower reflects the interaction of the masculine and feminine principles, and also symbolizes the creative principle;
- rose tattoo symbol of forgiveness. It is also necessary to consider each individual element of this flower. A rose leaves tattoo represents joy, a rose thorns tattoo represents sadness, and a rose flower tattoo represents glory. The red rose is associated with modesty, passion, desire, earthly delight; it is also a Christian symbol of motherhood and death. A white rose tattoo symbolizes purity, virginity, spirituality and silence. Red and white roses, depicted together, mean union, unity, the rose on the cross - the death of Christ. The image of a rose or its individual parts on the body can indicate both the high spirituality of a person and his carnal desires.

Sometimes the client asks tattoo artists get a tattoo of a flower or plant corresponding to his zodiac sign. In this case, the Dictionary of Symbols will also help, which says that Aries will benefit from having a violet tattoo on their body, Taurus – a daisy tattoo, Gemini – a hawthorn tattoo, Cancer – an oak leaf tattoo, Leo – a holly tattoo, Virgo – a hazel branch tattoo, Libra – a bindweed tattoo, Scorpios a hop flower tattoo, Sagittarius a chrysanthemum tattoo, Capricorns a holly tattoo, Aquarius a snowdrop tattoo, and Pisces a primrose tattoo.

Lucky and unlucky numbers, horseshoes, black cats with glowing eyes, women on a ship or with empty buckets, old women in black, sidelong glances, gypsy skirts - the set of superstitions of a suspicious person is large and varied. For those who are subject to mysticism and do not want to get rid of misfortunes in real ways, we can advise good luck tattoo. If you seriously approach the issue of all kinds of symbols, you should take into account a huge number of factors. When comparing your destiny with the signs of the zodiac, you should remember their projection onto the human aura. Each tattooed sign affects her more or less depending on what part of the body it is located on. If located in the right place, it will have a positive effect, but in other cases its effect is unpredictable.
For example, Aries sign tattoo protects the head and its coverings without the lower jaw, skull bones and face, without the areas of the nose, third eye and upper lip.
Taurus tattoo It will be a favorable sign if it is placed on the neck in the form of a tattoo. The favorite parts of the body of this sign, in addition, are the throat, cervical vertebrae, palate, larynx and esophagus, where a tattoo should not be done.
Gemini tattoo are responsible for the area of ​​the shoulders, shoulder blades and collarbones, forearms, hands, upper ribs to the level of the nipples, lungs, trachea, bronchi, larynx.
Cancer Tattoo has a beneficial effect on the chest and part of the ribs below the nipples, mammary glands, breast bone, filiform process, esophagus, stomach.
Sagittarius tattoo Compatible with hips, thigh bones, lower pelvis, tailbone, sacrum, buttocks, perineal area.
Capricorn tattoo considered the patron saint of the knees, the lower third of the thighs, and the upper third of the legs.
Lion tattoo can contribute to the good condition of organs such as the spinal column and upper back, sides, and muscles along the spine.
Virgo tattoo loves the abdominal cavity, belly, navel, lower part of the liver, spleen.
Libra tattoo reign in the liver, lower back, upper body, bladder, and are generally responsible for the genitourinary system.
Scorpio tattoo It best affects the area from the navel to the tailbone, lower body, genitals, rectum, perineum, nose, upper lip and third eye.
Aquarius tattoo patronizes circulatory system, as well as knees, calves, ankles and ankles.
And finally Pisces tattoo are responsible for the feet and soles of the feet.

Following the example of the ancients, some of our contemporaries decide to get tattoos on bones and internal organs. This happens, but extremely rarely, because most of the world's population, fortunately, is reasonable, and it is unlikely that tattoo parlors experience an influx of clients who want to be ripped open like a stunned fish and have a picture tattooed where no one will see it except tattoo artists. Not everyone will risk painting their face or any part of their head, although this type of extreme practice occurs quite often. All that remains is to get a tattoo where you can - the effect on the aura will be in any case, although not so strong.

There is an opinion that a tattoo depicting objects related to a particular game, for example, tires, promotes good luck in it. It is impossible to refute this, nor, indeed, to agree - there are no statistics on this matter. Meanwhile, such tattoos do exist, and those that depict map tattoo, even mandatory, of course, in specific circles. These tattoos most often feature three types of games: dice tattoo, card tattoo and billiards tattoo. When it comes to dice, experienced craftsmen recommend choosing designs with a lucky, or winning, combination of numbers. It is best to place them on the hand or forearm of the hand - right or left, which is usually involved in throwing the dice. For gamblers, we can also recommend a combination of cards that can ensure a win. It should be depicted on the hand with which a person usually throws cards on the table. Billiard players usually draw on their hand, the one with which they hold the cue, a black ball with a lucky number.

Template sketches of tattoos are enlivened by auxiliary figures: jokers, flames, skulls. Athletes are moderately superstitious people, so their tattoo designs are simple and clear. For example, basketball players get a tattoo of a ball in a basket, hockey players get a tattoo of a puck in the goal or a puck with the word goal. Some people add a personal number (number of luck) to the picture; it is believed that this is the only way the picture will bring good luck.

tagPlaceholder Tags:

In this article we will take a closer look at the meaning of amulets tattoos. It was not for nothing that our ancestors put a certain meaning into them.

Our ancestors decorated their bodies for a reason - the patterns told us about belonging to a particular tribe, class, and about important events in a person’s life. And, of course, they served as powerful amulets. Each such protective icon had a special meaning. Let's try to understand them.

Slavic tattoo amulets and their meanings

Slavic gods are a fairly popular amulet chosen in tattoo shops. Previously, it was believed that their images could protect a person from any troubles. But to do this, it’s worth thoroughly understanding the interpretation of such images:

Veles- was responsible for ensuring that the land was fertile. As for people, it was believed that it was Veles who would grant them knowledge from the field of agriculture and medicine. He is able to provide prosperity, material well-being.

IMPORTANT: If you look at this symbol in a broad sense, it can be interpreted as a person returning to his roots. In Slavic mythology, Veles was considered an extremely important deity, because he set the world in motion. Our ancestors thought that it was he who created day and night, seasons, grief and joy - in a word, all those phenomena that make up our life.

This symbol of the god Veles can be depicted as a tattoo amulet As a tattoo, you can also apply the seal of Veles, which looks like a bear's paw.

Perun- God thunder, lightning, military courage. The landowners did not particularly reverence him, but for the princes and warriors the worship of Perun was of great importance. Considering that Rus' experienced many bloodsheds, they often turned to this god. Currently, the image of Perun can give a person strength.

Tattoo-Perun, which awards its owner with powers

Svarog- a heavenly deity and, as our ancestors believed, the father of all living beings, gods. Svarog protects all living things, controls life. Acted as powerful amulet, hiding impressive strength, oh uniting the human, otherworldly and divine. Worth applying to those who want bring harmony into your life and minimize chaos.

This image of Svarog can be applied as a talisman tattoo.

Dazhdbog- was god of the sun, heat, fertility. He helped not only plowmen in growing good crops, but also princes in making the right decisions. It is not for nothing that he was considered one of the most revered patrons. Such a tattoo will contain exceptionally bright energy.

A rune that can be applied as a tattoo as a symbol of Dazhdbog

Yarilo- was the son of Veles, was in charge spring warmth, fertility. It is believed that the image of this deity can reward the owner vitality, helps to be reborn for something new.

IMPORTANT: The Slavs considered Yarilo the patron of the most reckless feelings. If you are familiar with feelings that defy reason, and you want to gain control over them, you should definitely pay attention to the image of Yarilo.

Image of the god Yarilo for tattoo

Makosh- it was believed that it was she who held in her hands the canvas of the world, into which destinies were woven. Takes care of the family hearth, embodies femininity and motherhood. The Slavs were confident that it contained earth energy.

Picture for a tattoo in the form of the amulet goddess Makosh

Stribog- also a fairly significant deity, to whom the wind obeyed. Stribog is warlike, he is always comes to the rescue in the battle against dark forces.

Picture for a tattoo with Stribog

Tattoo amulets for men

Kolyadnik- a very common amulet that men have worn since childhood. It was believed that it helps to be successful in battle, bestows wisdom. Wherein wisdom still comes first, after all, only a fool is always, as the ancestors reasoned, ready for a fight. God Kolyada tirelessly monitors the renewal of the world, changing it for the better.

IMPORTANT: Women did not wear such a talisman, but there were minor exceptions. So, a girl could put on a caroler in order to give herself courage and confidence. But even short-term wearing was not encouraged, so the caroler is rightfully considered a truly masculine sign.

Men's tattoo amulet Kolyadnik

Svarog Square- another purely male symbol. He patronizes those representatives of the stronger sex who engaged in physical labor, especially blacksmithing. It helps to be smart in your work and put all your strength into the process.

Men's tattoo square of Svarog

Valkyrie- a talisman belonging to the most ancient. Most often it was applied to armor, as it helped warriors maintain honor, nobility, wisdom, justice. Such qualities contributed to the fact that the warriors were able to protect their clan. Valkyrie is aggression, but aggression in the name of salvation.

IMPORTANT: The ancestors advised to apply such an image to the young man who got into a fight in all situations, not knowing how to control himself. Valkyrie relieved of unnecessary anger.

Men's tattoo in the form of a Valkyrie amulet

Solar cross, also called Celtic cross, often carved in one form or another on shields and swords. People were sure that this amulet would help in terrible moments battles. It even got to the point that the warriors thought that it was impossible to cut the shield decorated with the sign. The same applies to tattoos - the Celtic cross gives the owner courage, perseverance, faith in one’s work.

Men's tattoo amulet Solar cross

Tattoos for girls: amulets

Ladinets- has always been considered a talisman of love and happiness, a protector from various adversities. It was not for nothing that the woman called her husband “lado”, and he called her “ladushka”. Lada in Slavic mythology served as the patroness beauty and love. It is not for nothing that such an amulet was given to a girl from the age of three. From that age until marriage, he helped develop feminine character traits in her, become a real enviable bride.

IMPORTANT: The rays must certainly be broken to the right, but rotate in left side- our ancestors recognized this direction as truly feminine and emotional. It contributed to the fact that a woman could fully realize her potential.

Sketch for female tattoo- amulets Ladinets

Lada Star- primordial female symbolism, protecting not only the health of the woman, but also her child, facilitating pregnancy and childbirth. It was believed that a girl from a young age should wear such a talisman, because it promises longevity. Moreover, the image balances character, giving him kindness, calmness, prudence.

Image for women's tattoo Star of Lada

Bereginya- an image with powerful feminine energy. It promises prosperity, fertility. It was believed that if the owner of Beregini lives according to her conscience and honors her ancestors, her fate will turn out well, and there will always be prosperity in the house.

This image can be used for a female Bereginya tattoo

Svitovit- embodies harmonious universe, the victory of light over darkness. Especially suitable for creative people as an expression of the combination of the heavenly and the earthly. Loved to wear Svitovit and b pregnant women, who believed that it would protect the unborn child from the negative influence of external forces.

Image for women's tattoo-Svitovit

Ladybug- may well be considered a talisman for the fair sex, as it embodies motherhood, fertility. In addition, this insect evokes positive emotions in everyone, without exception, protecting its owner from negative ones. Residents of Scandinavia were convinced that such a talisman attracts true love.

IMPORTANT: There is a myth according to which the wife of the thunder god cheated on him and was turned into a ladybug. However, perhaps this is the only negative meaning of this symbol.

Tattoo amulets: amulets and talismans and their meaning

Star- one of the ancient universal amulets that was called upon make life more successful. It’s not for nothing that when a star falls, it was customary to make a wish, because it acted as a kind of magnet to attract good luck. It is especially worth giving such a tattoo to a person whose life contains a lot of negativity and hopeless situations.

Grasshopper- was respected in large quantities countries Real talisman for people of creative professions. However, he can also lead others good luck, longevity and wealth. The Japanese were especially convinced of this - they even often took the insect in a miniature cage with them.

Scarab - a symbol that the ancient Egyptians saw embodiment of the immortal soul. It is believed that such a tattoo helps a person understand his soul, bring it back to life after difficult experiences. We can safely say that the scarab contains wisdom of the world.

Bee- a powerful talisman that will provide longevity and hard work. Moreover, thanks to such hard work, a person will be able to acquire wisdom necessary in life. Previously it was believed that it was this insect that brought the blessings of the gods to people.

Spider- oddly enough, this tattoo will serve as a wonderful amulet that can protect its owner from negativity from the outside, diseases. It is especially worth paying attention to this picture creative individuals- it will give hard work and inspiration. The seven legs of a spider symbolize cyclicality of the universe, harmony.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to depict an insect with a web - it often acted as the embodiment of a guiding thread that helps a person. The people of India perceived the web as an image of order.

Elk- ideal choice for strong-willed men, for whom difficulties are not a problem. Purposefulness, however, also needs its own amulet - and it is the elk will allow you to achieve what you want with a minimum of troubles. As our ancestors believed, the image of this animal will allow improve health.

Pelican— an individual who dreams of changing the world for the better cannot do without such a talisman. Pelican will make your endeavors successful, help you develop, look for more and more new ways to improve yourself.

Tattoo amulets against the evil eye and damage

Black Sun- a fairly common amulet among the Slavs and Scandinavians. For quite a long time, wearing the symbol was the prerogative of the priests, but in times of troubles they allowed this and ordinary people. It was believed that the Black Sun enhances energy many times over thanks to connections with ancestors. It is believed that This amulet is very powerful, which means he is able to cope with any evil eye.

IMPORTANT: Despite the power of the image, it must be used with great caution, as it also carries great responsibility. A person who has applied such a tattoo is obliged to live according to his conscience, honor his ancestors, and be guided by reason when making decisions. Only then, as the priests believed, could the amulet be protected.

Evil eye tattoo Black sun

Fern flower- it was believed that this image embodies yourself the power of light, life energy, which is capable of defeating any evil eye, illness or damage. It is also called Perunov color, and he allows even the most incredible desires to come true. Our ancestors were convinced that this amulet could cleanse a person's soul, awaken the hidden forces within him.

Tattoo on wrist Perunov color

Cross- has always been considered a fairly effective amulet against damage and the evil eye. It is recommended to apply a similar image either on the back or on the chest area. The cross will be especially useful women of strong character, which may have many ill-wishers.

Buddha— the Thais considered the image of this deity to be a reliable talisman against the evil eye. The person became invulnerable to everything related to evil forces. He strives for light, and the light will protect from any damage.

Lunnitsa- this talisman against the evil eye was worn exclusively representatives of the fair sex. Young women were believed to be most susceptible to the evil eye, so it was especially recommended for them to wear a moonlight. Damage to infertility- there was no need to fear this, just like bewitching an unpleasant man.

Eye in the pyramid- one of the most common amulets of this type. Its roots originate from Ancient Egypt. It was believed that such an all-seeing eye brings its owner light, wisdom, strength. It was implied that this eye belonged to a god who looked after man.

Tattoo against the evil eye Eye in the pyramid

Tattoo amulets: eye of horus

Eye of Horus- a fairly common tattoo motif, which is the embodiment of the ancient Egyptian god Ra. It was believed that this sign bestows upon its owner vigilance, vigilance, protects from everything negative. In addition, the person receives the ability to notice what is going on in the souls of others, which, in turn, also helps to avoid troubles.

The convenience of such a tattoo is that it can be applied to people of any gender, age and occupation. Even character in this case does not matter.

IMPORTANT: As for the color scheme, it is preferable to use green and blue shades. Of course, you can also get a regular black and white tattoo.

Preferred places to decorate- this is the back, lower back, wrists and ankle.

It was believed that right eye- a symbol of masculinity, the sun. The left eye associated with the Moon, that is, with passive energy and the feminine principle.

Eye of Horus tattoo.

Buddhist tattoos-amulets

Ohm- a popular amulet, as it helps to gain calmness, prudence. Om, according to beliefs, is the sound with which the creation of the world began, which means that it can save you from troubles. It is believed that even in hopeless situations, the image is capable of give a person strength, help him find a way out.

IMPORTANT: Please note that a tattoo with a similar symbol should be applied exclusively to top part torso.

Buddhist amulet tattoo in the form of the sound Om

Mandala- it is believed that it has the structure of the universe. Capable protect, strengthen spiritual integrity, protect from earthly vanity. Altars, temples, and cities were even built according to the mandala principle.

Tattoo-amulet Mandala

Bodhisattva- a being who strives to comprehend the ideas of Buddhism in order to save the world. Naturally, such an image can often be found as a talisman.

Bodhisattva amulet tattoo

Lotus- helps a person remove obstacles to self-knowledge, self-improvement, on the path to high goals. It is believed that the lotus awakens wisdom, helps to harmoniously combine the light and dark sides. This image contributes with preservation of purity and spirituality in a person.

Indian tattoos-amulets

dream Catcher- one of the most famous and revered Indian symbols to this day. The Indians were convinced that the ingenious weaving of threads stops all evil spirits who want to penetrate the consciousness of a sleeping person. Negative thoughts and the evil eye should also become entangled in the amulet.

IMPORTANT: It is advisable to apply the tattoo to the shoulder, neck or back - to the places closest to the head.

Kokopelli- one of the main deities revered by Indian tribes. It was believed that Kokopelli travels in human form with a flute when one season gives way to another. This creature is extremely positive, it brings people financial wealth, protects them during childbirth. Especially favors people prone to adventurism.

Tattoo-amulet in the form of Kokopelli

Indian face- initially applied by the representatives of these tribes themselves, mainly the leaders. There is still debate about what exactly such an image used to mean. Most researchers are inclined to think that this is amulet in matters of the heart and prosperity.

Totem animals acted as a fairly common motif that told others about personal qualities person. So, wolf symbolizes loyalty, good intuition and perseverance. Coyote- the embodiment of cunning, bull- willingness to take risks, bear- courage and strength, eagle- the power and ability to notice everything.

Feather- the Indians perceived the feather as sign of rebirth, eternal life . Only the most important people, since the feather helps to establish contact with the gods. Eagle feathers help to adopt the bird’s courage, strength and lightning speed.

Rune tattoos: influence on life

Rune tattoos are quite popular, but this category of images should be treated with particular care. Some runes have powerful energy that can literally change your life. And these changes will not necessarily mean wealth falling from the sky or unearthly love.

IMPORTANT: It is believed that some runes can influence the subconscious so strongly that the effect may be completely unexpected. The energy of a person with such a tattoo is quite capable of changing, so before going to the salon you need to thoroughly familiarize yourself with the meaning of the chosen design.

Our ancestors had no doubt that by activating some energy processes, a person owes the universe something to return in return. Moreover, this does not necessarily happen right away - even after several years, the influence of the image does not weaken.

However, you shouldn’t be afraid to put runes on yourself at all—you just have to understand the intricacies. So, each rune consists of three interconnected parts- directly the rune itself, the sign-shape and sound. Separately, they will not give any effect. Also You shouldn’t make words from runes— each icon in itself carries meaning and special energy.

Slavic tattoos: amulets-runes

World- is the first of the rune series. It serves as a designation unification of man and god, that is, it says that man is the creator. Such a tattoo can give a person the impulse of creativity, the desire for knowledge, will help to fully reveal your “I”. At the same time, the image organizes the inner world.

Tattoo in the form of a talisman rune Peace

Overcome-grass- the Slavs did not know the best amulet against diseases. According to their beliefs, all illnesses were sent to humans by the forces of evil. What better way to deal with them than a double fire sign? Body, dishes, armor, weapons - quite often one could find Overpowering Grass here.

Slavic tattoo amulet Overcome-grass

Rainbow- symbolizes the road along which, man tries to reconcile the forces of order and chaos. At the same time, the road does not just mean moving somewhere, but a special state of searching for the “golden mean”. Rune helps, if desired, to stabilize any situation, to get help while traveling.

IMPORTANT: Rainbow helps well those people who live according to the motto “Do what you want - and be what happens.”

Rainbow rune tattoo

Steal- embodies fire, creative impulse. Fire refers to creative fire - a divine spark that helps to realize your plans. But any implementation implies disclosure, which Krada contributes to. She cleanses a person’s thoughts of everything unnecessary and superficial.

This Krada rune can be applied as a tattoo

Wind- rune inspiration, will, ascension, creative impulse. A person with such an image gets the opportunity explore yourself as best you can. He finds the truth and follows it.

This image of the Wind rune can be applied as a tattoo

Lelya- the embodiment of the energy of water that flows vibrantly in springs and streams. The Slavs were sure that this rune awakens intuition in a person. Lelya also embodies blossoming, spring, joy.

IMPORTANT: If a person wants to apply a love amulet, then best option, than Lelya, you cannot find. Moreover, by love we mean spiritual and emotional rather than physical affection.

An example of a tattoo with Slavic amulets runes. Top three runes - Lelya

Scandinavian rune tattoos

Kenrune of health, can bring healing, protect from any harm. Moreover, she can bring stability in friendship and love. Counts a great talisman for artists, as it helps to release creative potential.

This Scandinavian rune Ken can be applied as a tattoo

Maine— Helps the owner of the image to the fullest extent realize your potential. The rune also comes to the aid of those who do not yet know what they want from life, which path to choose. Moreover, the amulet even contributes to the fact that people around you become more friendly- perhaps because the owner of the tattoo learns to live in harmony with the world.

Tattoo amulet in the form of the Scandinavian rune Maine

Gera- promotes wish fulfillment. The icon itself symbolizes the harvest, that is, the favorable completion of any business. Rune is capable give good mood, give strength.

IMPORTANT: However, it is recommended to remember that there will be no manna from heaven - it is important to personally make efforts for a favorable outcome. The rune tells us about a complete cycle, in which harvesting is only the result. And tilling the land and sowing is also an important part of the cycle.

The Scandinavian rune Jer can be applied as a tattoo

Horn (Thurisaz)- Not only attracts success in business and love, but also protects from the evil eye. It will be especially useful for those who have made an impressive number of enemies - the rune weakens their impact. Turisaz seems pushes a person to be in the right place at the right time.

This Thurisaz rune can be depicted as a tattoo

Ur (Uruz)attracts pleasant changes into the life of the owner, promotes health. The rune is interesting because allows a person to find something where only ashes remain. It unites, as the Scandinavians believed, the subtle and physical worlds, and is a fusion of the masculine and feminine principles.

Tattoo amulet in the form of the Scandinavian rune Ur

Technological progress and changes in beliefs have led to the fact that we have forgotten about many of the meanings of images. Meanwhile, it was not for nothing that people from ancient times created entire sets of rules regarding where to place signs, when and to whom. Therefore, it is extremely important, before enlisting the help of a particular amulet, to carefully study its interpretation and the nuances of its application.

The phenomenon of the influence of tattoos on a person’s destiny has been proven by modern scientists and psychologists. Body art is not easy fashion decoration, but a special symbol that accompanies a person all his life. Even the most ardent skeptics sometimes encountered mystical phenomena that are difficult to explain scientifically.

Excursion into history

Body painting goes back to those distant times when people did not yet know how to read and write. The tattoo helped convey information to others. It was she who served as a kind of “passport” of a person, by which it was possible to determine social status, marital status, merits and achievements, as well as character. The drawings were made publicly in front of all members of the community. The process was accompanied by special rituals and ceremonies, the celebrations of which sometimes lasted for months.

In many tribes, a tattoo served as an amulet that protected against evil spirits. For example, the Indians of North America painted their faces with a demon mask in order to deceive him and avoid death. Often there were images of totem animals and symbolic ornaments that protected the owner from enemies, troubles and troubles, and provided a positive influence on fate. Occultism was also common among pagans. The tattoo helped to establish a connection with the other world, deceased relatives and leaders. By piercing their bodies with sharpened stones or sticks, people fell into a trance and communicated with the world of the dead.

In medieval times, tattoos were banned for religious reasons. In the mid-twentieth century, body painting was revived as a fashionable youth trend, but people stopped attaching importance to the meaning of the images. Only at the beginning of this century did scientists become interested in the question of the influence of tattoos on a person’s fate and came to interesting conclusions.

Any image or painting is a portal to your world. Here it is also worth remembering, for example, those symbols (stars, domes, etc.) that thieves in law tattoo on themselves (usually on their shoulders, knees). These are outright magical seals of the egregor, many of which have pronounced portal characteristics (and where the portal leads is known only to the master, and even then not always).

It’s not for nothing that thieves have their own subculture with its own symbols, language and traditional rituals, coronations, etc. In fact, these are the same initiations/involtations that are used in Freemasonry or the army, and each initiation is an unconscious (or not entirely clear to the bearer) permission to connect a controlling entity, an egregor, the infernal world. For example, Yakuza tattoos are a direct infusion of spirits. But whether they are protective or not depends on the behavior of the adept.

The same applies to orders, for example. They are also a kind of portals, connecting to the egregor of the army (war), power and state: Are the inverted pentagrams in the center and on the right visible to everyone?

Where do we usually wear orders? That's right, on the chest, or rather on the heart. Attach the order to your heart and pump yourself up the Anahata energy as much as you like. Yes, and add the necessary settings there, I don’t want to block it. How many petals does anahata have? It is generally accepted that there are 12 (in fact, there are immeasurably many of them; the more multidimensional the chakra, the more petals there are). That is, if you now hang a portal with 5-6 rays there, then anahata will lose its power, become grounded, and blocked.

Let’s not forget about the stars that every Soviet schoolchild had to wear (and for bad behavior he could lose the star, and with it the respect of others, i.e. the state’s egregor kicked the adherent out of the door): Where is our grandfather to this day? Lenin? In the ziggurat. Where's the ziggurat? On the main square of the country. And he doesn’t lead to the most bright worlds. The energy of hundreds of millions of anahatas was directed towards one of the main symbols of the state. By the way, this is another point that is worth paying attention to when cleaning.

Magic symbols are found everywhere and you should not be afraid of them. If a person is aware, he can remove the influence or it simply does not affect him. However, if there is not sufficient awareness/luminosity, the egregor turns on with all that it implies.

Any artist is a portal operator; through his work, a connection is made into his worlds. Tattooists are not just portal workers, but magicians who have had extensive experience as guides in the past, otherwise they would not have the skills to do this now (there is no “previously” acquired experience). any creation is a portal, and a tattoo is even more so since it is tied to blood. Magicians are usually not very “light”.

Again, let’s not put everyone under the same brush; there are those who understand perfectly well what they are drawing. For example, a man went to Thailand, decided to get a tattoo there, came to the master, and he did it. the man returned home, he began to have problems in life. goes to the sensation, and he says to him: “the master didn’t just fill you with a picture, but planted a curse/spirit on you, like revenge on an annoying tourist or just transferring something.” go back, demand that you interrupt now"

Many healers and healers, especially those working according to old traditions in villages, refuse to work with tattooed people, because... They believe that a person deliberately gave himself (part or all of his soul) to the service of one force or another.

Many tattoos cover energy centers - chakras. if a tattoo is made on the heart, for example, an eagle or a scorpion, this living creature really comes to life on the thin one, because it is recharged. The block can work quite strongly, sometimes controlling the personality. Of course, any living creature can be reprogrammed, but who even thinks about such possibilities?

Of course, tattoos were originally also used as amulets, but nowadays everything is turned upside down and few people really understand them magical properties. If you can reflash an individual egregor and even individual words, then reflash a picture or a master (adept of the egregor) is as easy as shelling pears.

In any case, a tattoo is not just a distinctive symbol, but a figurative and very powerful magic. In theory, a “good” tattoo should enhance the strengths of one’s character and dull the weak ones. The only question is, who decides which side is which, the bearer, the master or the egregor? Everything is individual and the less a person understands the meaning, the more the meaning takes over the person (since we don’t build our own reality, someone does it for us, yeah).

As with all other aspects of life, the thoughtless use of someone else’s, especially fashionable and promoted symbols, is fraught, because within the framework of energy exchange, new symbols are equivalent to new energy in your field, which can include or exclude certain aspects from your life. After applying a tattoo, it is possible to lose or gain character qualities, emotional states, dating, areas of activity, material possessions, etc. Others goes with words direct reprogramming of the subconscious, subtle bodies, DNA and events.

How do tattoos influence fate? As a result of the research, it turned out that body designs can be constructive and destructive. The same image can have opposite meanings different people. The answer lies in the subconscious of the person himself, in the goals and reasons why he chose this or that image.

A person imparts mystical properties to a tattoo, sometimes without even knowing it. Any body drawing is done for a reason. The owner puts a special meaning into it, nurtures the idea of ​​the sketch for a long time and, as a result, realizes his plans. This whole long process is accompanied by certain emotions and experiences that influence the human subconscious. He focuses his attention on the tattoo so much that he himself “charges” it, and this affects his future life and destiny.

Take, for example, the image of an eagle or a tiger. If the owner of such a tattoo has a strong-willed character, then the tattoo will only emphasize his dignity and strengthen his faith in own strength and will serve as an incentive for further self-improvement. A soft, modest, indecisive person with such a pattern will only aggravate the internal conflict. Trying to live up to an unattainable image, he becomes even more disappointed in himself. All this has a negative impact on the psyche. This is one of the clearest examples of how the same tattoo can have destructive or creative properties.

Choose a tattoo that will match your image and highlight your individuality. Don't try to appear to be someone you are not. By doing this you will violate inner harmony, and such an experiment will have a negative impact on the psyche, the body, and subsequently on fate. A correctly chosen tattoo will help a person in the fight against shortcomings and development of advantages.

Avoid unfamiliar symbols (such as hieroglyphs or writing in a language you don't know). You can misinterpret the image and thereby distort your destiny. Be especially careful with images of witches, bones, skulls, goat heads and foreign symbols, as you can activate destructive energy and demons.

There is another aspect to tattoos. It has two meanings, good and bad. Very often, if a tattoo is made by a good artist who understands the meaning of the image he puts on the skin, then the tattoo “glows” on a subtle level like a beacon.

Using this beacon it is very easy to track a person’s location and what he is doing in this moment. It is possible to influence such a tattoo and what the tattoo reflects on the subtle plane, that is, the tattoo wearer himself, through some energy plane. This is one of the unpleasant aspects for the tattoo wearer.

From positive aspects this is that a tattoo can be a personal protective totem or determine the wearer’s affiliation with any clan (egregor), that is, it can warn that a given tattoo bearer is under the protection of some kind of ancestral forces.

But, by and large, identifying yourself with a tattoo on the body, both socially and energetically, is not a very good thing. In any case, you are positioning yourself, that is, attracting attention to yourself. Declare yourself as an object that is available for influence. Moreover, for influence of any nature, including magical.

I don't think most magical practitioners actively seek "explicit prominence" at the energetic levels of reality. In some cases, a magical formula or a magical totem applied to the skin in the form of a tattoo blocks the further development of the practicing magician. Broken skin, anywhere in the physical body, disrupts the movement of energy through the subtle energy channels that permeate our entire body. And if the tattoo is applied to the area where the channels of any chakra exit, then the effect of such an impact is rarely positive and benefits the bearer of the tattoo.

In principle, any magical sign applied to the body through a tattoo changes the normal flow of energy in the human energy system and, most often, in the direction of “voluntary blocking the flow of energies.” Tattoo on physical body- it is always a “sacrifice” (since broken skin is always bleeding. Blood magic is a serious thing) in the name of something, someone for some purpose. Voluntarily sacrificing yourself, your energy structure, as a sacrifice to something is a denial of your “freedom of choice.” And this is precisely what the Creator “rewarded” man.

So, a little about blood magic. I want to warn and “scare a little.” But first, a small digression.

How an icon is prepared for painting, what an icon painter does before starting work. Oak boards (blanks) are dried in a dark and dry room, where there is natural air circulation. Next, the boards are glued together with natural glue, which is specially prepared. This, of course, was the case before; today glue is bought in stores, but one way or another, the glue must consist of natural ingredients.

Next, gesso is prepared; a chicken egg, namely the yolk, is used in this mixture. The resulting mixture is a bioenergetic mass (mixture), which is applied to the prepared base - oak boards. All together, this forms the basis for a magical “living” artifact, on which a “magic drawing” will be superimposed - the face of some saint. But, before this, before starting work, the icon painter himself must undergo the necessary processing (preparation). Firstly, fasting (from three days to a week), secondly, cleansing, thirdly, sanctification of your intention (the goal of your subsequent work). That's about it, if you don't go into a lot of specific details. This is how a magical artifact was prepared - the Icon.

Now let's go back to our tattoo parlor, where we wanted to get some kind of tattoo. Let's skip some details of the process and think about a few important things.

So, the master himself. How experienced is he? Does it evoke a feeling of purity of “soul and body”? Is he friendly towards you? Is he calm in mind and emotions when he sees you? Maybe the “master” is generally hungover or after another quarrel with a girlfriend or wife. And does he think about you while he is working? And if he thinks, then how?

Well, let’s say we are satisfied with everything and the interior of the salon and the master himself satisfy us according to some of our criteria. What else you need to remember and be sure to know. The meaning of your drawing, your tattoo is important - it has great importance. And, of course, the most important thing is blood magic, some aspects of its action. One way or another, this will be present in the further process of applying a tattoo to the body (on the skin).

When applying a tattoo, the skin breaks through and droplets of blood flow out from the small capillaries punctured by the needle. These “holes” make up the tattoo design. The tattoo design itself is saturated with blood - that is, the tattoo is sanctified and activated (the tattoo design already becomes magical and has an energetic effect on your energy structure).

Let's say you have chosen, consciously and wisely, the tattoo design you need (that is, you have prepared). But what does the artist himself think when he puts a tattoo on your skin? What are his thoughts at this moment? Where is the guarantee that the master at this moment is thinking positively, and not remembering any of his life problem. One way or another, the tattoo artist puts the energetic imprint of his thoughts on his work (on your tattoo).

So, three processes are interconnected - blood, the drawing (tattoo), the energy message (thoughts) of the tattoo artist in the process of applying the tattoo (the very meaning of the drawing, your tattoo, is of additional and great importance). How positive are the energies (emotions, thoughts) of the master? What he puts on your artifact (skin+blood+drawing) at the moment, voluntarily or involuntarily, consciously or subconsciously.

What energy matrix is ​​applied to your artifact? (the thoughts of a tattoo artist are like a slander to a runic stave. Only a thought form is much stronger than a verbal spell - words spoken out loud. Since blood consumes a lot of energy and is itself an active bioenergetic substance at the moment it appears on your skin).

I don’t think that most tattoo artists undergo a similar cleansing ritual before their work, like a master icon painter. It’s unlikely, although in “good salons” where they work with you individually, it is quite possible that tattoo artists undergo similar training. But, it is expensive, like any individual work with a client. These are roughly the thoughts that should enter your head if you decide to get a tattoo.

So is it worth getting or removing tattoos?

It all depends on you, gentlemen, free will is paramount. It is highly recommended not to apply other people's drawings, especially those with incomprehensible symbols. It is better to invest your own soul and choose a pure master. If you already have a tattoo, you can change it: see its compatibility, talk to it in meditation, reprogram it if necessary, pacify it.

In any case, we remember that some people believe that by putting a certain symbol on their body (or hanging an icon on a dashboard in their home/office), they will become happy, rich, protected and successful. This is wrong. Everyone has different genetics, energy systems and levels of natural/ancestral protections that are (not) compatible with many symbols and archetypes. Don't forget about this. While in one culture a sign may have the meaning of protection, in another it is completely contraindicated or has the opposite meaning.

A tattoo has a deep psychoenergetic meaning; it introduces new vibrations into your body, changing the flow of energies, the matrix of the soul, often through working with archetypes. Hypothetically, a tattoo can reveal your potential and there are people who testify to this, but again, each case is individual. If you are unsure of your compatibility, meaning or are afraid of it, it is better not to apply anything. You can try a temporary tattoo and see the effect.

The higher your luminosity and awareness, the less influence you have. However, if the energy of the tattoo is in dissonance with yours, it can have a significant impact. For example, it is better not to apply symbols of thieves in law just like that, especially to peaceful and law-abiding citizens. Trust in the master is very important; it emphasizes your energy connection and compatibility with someone who, one way or another, will change your energy cast. The issue of trust is generally very important in all areas of life. If there is no trust, it is better not to go to this or that specialist.

A rose tattooed in a prominent place is a sign that you are happy in love. Traditionally this rose is red or pink. A black rose means the loss of a loved one, and a rose with an abundance of thorns means unhappy love.

2. Butterfly

The most wonderful transformation in nature occurs with butterflies: from a caterpillar to a beautiful fluttering creature. A butterfly tattoo indicates that a person is ready for serious work on himself and changes that will lead him to his dream.


3. Sakura

A tattoo in the form of a sakura flower in Japan is interpreted unambiguously: you are free and open to new relationships. Sakura is a symbol of sexuality and emancipation, inner strength and fortitude.

4. Ladybug

Worldwide ladybug symbolizes good luck. Such tattoo would be fine for those who hope for the best and... want to get rich: from a symbolic point of view, the ladybug attracts money.

5. Angel Wings

This tattoo is an amulet: it is believed that in this way you attract the attention of a guardian angel, who will now always be with you.

6. Lotus

A sacred flower means that you are under the protection of higher powers and have direct contact with the Universe. An excellent choice for fans of Buddhism and supporters of the theory of reincarnation.

7. Hummingbird

A rare tattoo option that symbolizes perseverance, incredible vitality and the ability to endure any blows of fate.

8. Hearts

Contrary to the seemingly obvious meaning, a heart tattoo means youth, naivety, spiritual purity, innocence and sincerity.

9. Stars

Five-pointed stars mean inner harmony, unity with nature and its elements; in particular, many experts in symbolism make a tattoo of four five-pointed stars as a sign of the four elements: water, fire, air and earth.

10. Sun and moon

The sun is a symbol of a man, the moon is a symbol of a woman. A double tattoo symbolizes unity, complementation, harmony, which its owner strives for.

11. Dandelion

A dandelion with flying “umbrellas” is a symbol of the transience of life; such a tattoo indicates that a person appreciates every moment of his life.

12. Arrows and arrows

Only forward! A tattoo in the form of an arrow or arrow speaks of determination and ambition.

13. Anchor

Constancy, stability, reliability: the anchor symbolizes a confident person who knows exactly what he wants.

14. Giraffe

An exotic option that symbolizes the desire of the owner of such a tattoo to reach all imaginable heights.

15. Snowflake

Just as there are no two identical snowflakes in the world, the owner of such a tattoo emphasizes her individuality and uniqueness.

16. Key

Curiosity and spontaneity are the secret meaning of a key tattoo. All doors will open for such a person!

17. Dragonfly

Grace, fragility and elusiveness: the dragonfly will reveal your subtle nature.

18. Diamond

Perseverance, versatility and high self-esteem: for such girls, a diamond is the ideal choice.

19. Swallow

This bird was of particular significance for sailors: if you see a swallow, it’s not far from land. The symbolism of this tattoo is similar to the original one: the swallow means hope, affection for loved ones and a kind soul.

20. Crown

Born leaders! However, in addition to ambition, the crown symbolizes self-control and a high degree of responsibility.

21. Frog

Frogs live both in water and on land, and in Eastern symbolism they mean high adaptability and good luck.

22. Cherry

A single berry is considered a symbol of purity and purity, while a double berry is considered a symbol of strong attachment to a partner.

23. Compass

In the sea of ​​life's currents, this person will choose the most correct path to the goal. Courage, passion for adventure and self-confidence - this is what a compass tattoo means.

24. Clover

Almost never found in nature, the four-leaf clover is a symbol of faith in miracles, the supernatural and magic.