The sea...a mysterious and attractive surface of water, filled with intrigue and mystery. The open spaces of the sea have always attracted artists and poets, so masters of body art also did not stand aside. Moreover, the first practitioners of the art of tattooing were sailors. They made numerous journeys, which were sometimes life-threatening. And tattoos served as a talisman for them and protected them from death. The most popular symbol of salvation is the anchor. It carries security, strength and reliable rear. The wind rose is also a talisman for good luck, especially before long journeys.

Groups of sea tattoos

All sea tattoos can be symbolically divided into several groups:

  • Tattoos Marine Corps. The main attribute of such tattoos is a sea predatory animal. It symbolizes fearlessness and masculinity;
  • Navy tattoos. With their help, soldiers emphasize their belonging to the service on the ship. To do this, they use drawings of ship paraphernalia in tattoos;
  • Tattoos with mermaids are common to the navy and infantry; they emphasize the love of sailors and their admiration for beautiful girls;
  • Prison meaning. In prisons, nautical tattoos have their own special meaning. For a man, the image of a ship sailing on the waves means a desire for freedom, and sometimes even an attempt to escape. For a woman, a painting depicting a girl escorting a ship into the distance is relevant. This tattoo speaks of a longing for freedom;
  • Sea sleeve. This is a modern trend in the world of tattoos. By stuffing such a sleeve, you can create a picture that includes a huge number of symbolic meanings. The ship is the desire for change; seagull - beauty and grace; dolphin - nobility; waves - a talisman against bad thoughts; fish – fertility and much more;
  • Pirate tattoos symbolize rebellion and disagreement with society, the desire to gain wealth and power the easy way. Pirate tattoos include ships with chests, Jolly Roger, a depiction of the pirates themselves and the shipwreck;
  • Modern “sea” in body art. Today there is no need to surf the oceans and seas to get a sea tattoo; you can simply love the sea. For example, gold fish symbol of wish fulfillment; octopus - centuries-old wisdom; som – longevity; ktulku – immortality and invulnerability.

Popular performance techniques.

The classic version of a naval tattoo is the old-school style, because the progenitors of this technique were seafarers. The main elements of this direction are anchors, mermaids and ships. A larger and more colorful execution of a marine tattoo will be achieved in the style of realism. Thanks to the paints and talent of the master, you can create unique storylines, revealing all the features of the internal state of the tattoo owner. The main feature of sea tattoos is their symbolism, so if you want to decorate your body with a seascape, be sure to know the meaning of all the details. Because someday you may come across an “expert” of marine tattoos and you will have to justify your body jewelry.

Tattoo Sea always evokes positive emotions and memories among others. Image tattoos water element usually chosen by romantics, people inclined to contemplation. Also, marine-themed tattoos are chosen by people whose occupation or hobby is related to the sea: sailors, surfers, rescuers. The sea symbolizes infinity and the creation of the world. Water is always associated with creation, creation.

Meaning of Sea Tattoo

Sea tattoo means infinity, time, eternity. The sea contains many mysteries and secrets; it can be quiet, or it can rage in a storm. An analogy is often made with human life, which can also be changeable.

A sea tattoo can mean struggle, internal battle of a person. The old proverb says that “water wears away stone”, through internal battles people can overcome their shortcomings.

A Sea tattoo can simply be a pleasant memory of time spent at the seaside. Such a tattoo will always evoke pleasant emotions in a person.

Sea - mother image, symbol of transformation and rebirth. It is also a sign of the infinity of knowledge, and in psychology - the subconscious.

Popular Subjects and Places for Sea Tattoos

Wave Tattoo

The wave symbolizes eternal movement, struggle, and the power of the elements. Waves can have both creative and destructive energy. It is worth noting that marine themes almost always have a dual interpretation.

Black and White Sea Tattoo

Black and white tattoos depicting the sea, as a rule, are small drawings of waves, although it is possible that you decide to get a large tattoo in the style of realism in black and white.

Tattoo Compass and Sea

Finding the right path, a clear course in life and loyalty to your principles. Since ancient times, the compass has helped people find the exact direction in the sea and thereby saved them from death.

Tattoo Sea and Lighthouse

If the sea means vastness, eternal search and struggle, then the lighthouse is a symbol of guiding light. If you want to show in your tattoo that you will never go astray, you will always see a way out and salvation in any situation, then the image of a lighthouse and the sea is very suitable for such a tattoo.

Tattoo Inscription about the Sea

As a rule, girls choose an inscription with a marine theme. Most often this is a short, succinct expression that means love and commitment to the sea.

Small Sea Tattoos

Minimalistic sea symbols are very popular in a nautical theme. For example, you can get a small schematic wave tattoo on your wrist. Small tattoos are less about aesthetics and attracting attention, but have an equal meaning with a large image.

Tattoo Sea Sleeve

Sleeves with the sea are an image of a raging sea or a bright underwater world. The sea holds many secrets and riches. Undersea world the sea is full bright colors, beautiful inhabitants, unusual reliefs. Sleeve in the style of realism on nautical theme will not leave anyone indifferent to your tattoo.

Tattoo Sea in a Circle

Sea tattoos are often performed in geometric shapes. Tattoos in a circle are especially popular, since the circle is close in meaning to the sea. The circle is a symbol of infinity and perpetual motion. The combination of sea and round shape enhances the meaning of the tattoo.

Sea Tattoo for Two

A tattoo for a couple, a symbol of love and fidelity, can be dedicated to the sea. This can carry different messages, for example, you admit to a person that your feelings for him are as endless as the sea. Or you met by the sea, and then such tattoos will have a special meaning for your couple.

Men's Sea Tattoos - Sea Tattoo Sketches for Men

Women's Sea Tattoos - Sea Tattoo Sketches for Girls

Water is life, no one will argue with this opinion. After all, it is very difficult to live without her, and simply impossible. It not only covers a quarter of the land mass, but is also a component of the human body. Tattoo artists also couldn’t ignore the theme of water. People who imprint it on their bodies interpret its meaning differently. Some show their attitude to the water element. They work as scuba divers, surf the sea, love fishing, and others put a special meaning into this tattoo.

Deciphering the symbolism of water, you notice a certain mystery. On the one hand, it gives people life, and on the other, it can take it away. It can put out a fire, but create a tsunami. Water can take any form, whatever container you pour it into, that’s the shape you’ll get. So here are the tattoos, the meaning of some you can immediately guess, and some will make you scratch your head.

Tattoos where water plays a major role are very old, but at the same time they do not lose their relevance. The water dragon protects streams and rivers. In Asia, water and waves are used as tattoos.
Water symbolizes the flow of life, change and purity, it is the essence of life. Almost all legends once again show that the origin of our world is also connected with water. The cleansing value of water is proven by the fact that it is a symbol of baptism, cleanses people from sins, and encourages a person to new achievements.

The fact that water can bypass any obstacles symbolizes it as wisdom, intelligence, the ability to find a way out of any situation, contemplation.

Particular importance is attached to a tattoo made in the form of the element of water: rain, dew, wave, droplet. All this was sent from above. The image of rain is the descent from the sky of blessing and purification, wisdom, life, health.

Much can be learned about a person who wears the image of dew on his body. This drawing is a symbol of a new day, enlightenment. Dew gives purity and enlightenment. Its image on the human body shows that the owner of this tattoo succeeds in all matters; he prefers to separate peacefully rather than start a showdown.

But at the same time, a drawing in the form of a dew drop shows that the person has suffered a loss, is sad and suffers about this.

If we talk about a tattoo in the form of a wave, then it is a talisman. She protects her owner from evil thoughts, attacks, and envy. The wave is a natural amulet that will preserve, save and help. If the body shows not one wave, but three, then protection comes from three worlds.

As you can see, tattoos of water and its components in the form of a tattoo carry only the most positive aspects. So decide for yourself which of the water elements you want to see on your body. The choice is large, so you can easily choose the drawing that will show your inner state and your desire. But one more piece of advice, before you put a tattoo on your body, think about whether you need it and what size of the design you want. Only after much thought, go to the tattoo parlor.

Delicate and sophisticated wave tattoos are rapidly gaining popularity. In addition to its original and beautiful view, the wave also has interesting symbolism. Let's take a closer look at the meaning of the wave tattoo.

The wave represents the sea, but it is the sea in motion, aspiration and development. Passing one into another, the waves create sea ​​life, marine character and current. As a symbol, the wave combines the meaning of water, sea and movement.

The meaning of a wave tattoo is desire and movement, the path to development. It reminds us that in this life everything continuously flows and changes, and a person should never stop moving forward. The wave also symbolizes karma. After all, as the waves move, they create more and more new waves. This is reminiscent of how a person's actions create his future. Also, such a tattoo will remind you of the need to remain calm in any situation. After all known fact: The sea is calming. By observing the flow of waves, you can easily enter a harmonious state and get rid of any stress.

Another meaning of a wave tattoo is the changeability of its owner’s character. The sea element is sensitive and unpredictable. That’s why this pattern is more often chosen by girls who have the same qualities. In addition, the wave can be depicted on the skin in a small, delicate tattoo, which is also preferred by girls.

A wave is a symbol of the sea, a symbol of water - one of the main elements, and therefore such a body design is chosen by those who consider water to be their element. For example, representatives of the water signs of the zodiac: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

There are several of the most common variations of wave tattoos. The simplest option is a small linear tattoo. The option of a schematic, small and simple image is often chosen by girls who want to make a small, but meaningful tattoo. A more voluminous, rounded wave is made with finer detail and can be either black and white or color. It symbolizes a stormy sea and even a storm. This pattern will be chosen by those with a decisive, emotional, sharp character. But cheerful and cheerful people will choose a wave from which drops playfully scatter.

Wave tattoos are often depicted in Japanese style. In this case, it can be combined with other symbols characteristic of the Japanese style. For example, with carp, samurai or geisha. If you like the last option, you can check out our catalog

A tattoo depicting water means mystery, life and death, change, purity, baptism, the ability to adapt to circumstances, attitude towards maritime professions, peace, tranquility, enlightenment, spiritual loss, protection from envy and bad thoughts, a desire for self-development, faith in fate , variability of character.

Meaning of water tattoo

Water is an indispensable symbol of life. None Living being on earth is not able to live without it. Most of the planet is occupied by bodies of water, and even human body consists mainly of water. This is why this phenomenon is so common in the art of tattooing.

There is a certain mystery in water: while giving life to a person, it can drag him into the abyss. Water rules over the element of fire, but like a tsunami it can cause destruction. Such contradictions constitute the meaning of water. In addition, its ability to take any shape depending on the container in which it is located is very symbolic.

In some cases, tattoos depicting water are quite unambiguous, but sometimes, on the contrary, they look quite mysterious, so it is impossible to immediately understand their entire deep meaning.

Applying various water symbols to your body is dictated by different purposes. Some people want to emphasize their water hobbies or professions, while others choose such tattoos for a special expression of their own self. The image of water as a whole represents silence, peace and enlightenment.

Tattoos in which water is the center of the plot have been applied to the body since ancient times, however, they do not lose popularity today. Thus, the water dragon protects streams and rivers. In Asia, waves are often depicted on the body.

Water by its nature embodies the movement of life, the change of events and purity. Most cultures in their legends claim that the origin of the world is directly related to water. The cleansing properties of water led to the fact that it began to be identified with the rite of baptism, delivering people from sins, and motivating them to new achievements.

The fact that water is able to overcome any obstacles in its path, in the world of tattoos gives it the meaning of wisdom, intelligence, the ability to get out of any difficult situation, contemplation.

Drawings made in the form of such water elements as rain, dew, waves have a special meaning. These phenomena were sent to earth from heaven.

Thus, rain represents blessing, purification, intelligence and health descending from above.

A tattoo with an image of dew also says a lot about a person. Morning droplets on the grass are a sign of a new day and enlightenment. Dew embodies unprecedented purity. Its image on the human body speaks of success in all endeavors of its owner. Such a person will prefer a peaceful outcome of events to any showdown. However, dew can also indicate losses and mental trauma in a person’s destiny.

As for the image of waves, this is a talisman that protects its owner from stupid thoughts, aggression, envy, and is a symbol of self-development, faith in fate, changeability of character.