Tattoos have existed since time immemorial and have been an integral part of the life of many peoples. The drawings could indicate an individual’s belonging to a certain social category, caste or nation. Tattoos were applied, wanting to highlight their special social status or protect body and soul from evil forces. Only over time did tattoos lose their sacred meaning, becoming a fashionable decoration.

The first professional tattoo parlor opened in the United States in 1840, after which similar establishments began to open all over the world. However, tattoo culture came to us only in modern times, And for a long time tattoos remained the prerogative of criminals and military personnel. Many returned from service with ugly homemade tattoos that were meant to serve as a reminder of their time in the army.

Now the attitude towards tattoos in Russia has changed a lot - not only men, but also women get them. Tattoo parlors have become promising business, which combines creative work with a painstaking technological process. This article is intended to help self-realization for those who feel the urge to create high-quality tattoos and want to know how to open a tattoo studio in Russia.

How to open your own tattoo parlor: first steps

Taken from the site:

This article will focus on a legal tattoo parlor, designed in accordance with all accepted standards. Therefore, you will have to register a business in accordance with current legislation. The easiest way is to register as an individual entrepreneur, although some choose an LLC. We will not explain all the intricacies of registering a company, as this is a topic for a separate article. It will also be necessary to obtain permission from the local administration, Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor.

It is noteworthy that in Russia there is no separate type of activity related to tattoos. Therefore, a tattoo parlor is equivalent to a treatment room. Accordingly, all employees must have health certificates. Tattoo parlors often become objects of close attention from sanitary and epidemiological stations.

After legal issues will be resolved, it’s time to start looking for premises. The location of the future salon is of great importance. It is best if it is located near large concentrations of young people (colleges, universities), as well as close to metro stations. The area does not matter - if you are a good master, then people will come to you even to the other end of the city.

Often tattoo parlors operate within various hairdressing salons, manicure and massage salons, fitness rooms, etc. As a rule, the area of ​​such premises is 15-30 square meters. meters. Basements can also be rented for tattoo parlors. In this case, about 12 are determined for one workplace square meters, respectively, 24 square meters - for two workplaces. In addition to workplaces, utility rooms will be needed to store hygiene materials and cleaning equipment. 4-6 square meters is enough for each room. Any tattoo parlor should have a display case with samples of paints, needles and other equipment.

It is important to take care of cleanliness and hygiene in the tattoo parlor. The room must have a toilet and sink. It is worth allocating at least 3 square meters for this. meters. About 14 “squares” will be spent on organizing the wardrobe and waiting area for clients. The premises must comply with all sanitary and fire safety: the hall must have high-quality ventilation, sources of artificial light must be present and all necessary communications must be provided. It will be good if you ozonize the air in the room.

Thus, to rent such a premises you will spend from 20 to 40 thousand rubles monthly. It is best if you can rent a former massage or dental office, as these premises are best suited for setting up a tattoo parlor.

What does it take to open a tattoo parlor? Equipment purchase

Before purchasing equipment, you need to decide what services will be provided in your tattoo parlor. Can you last with one tattoo or is it better to expand your client base by introducing new services? It is important to understand that by expanding the list of services, you will have to create conditions for working within the framework of the adopted legislation. Thus, piercing operations can only be performed by workers who have medical education. In general, the set of equipment for a standard tattoo parlor includes:

  • Tattoo machines. It's not worth saving here. It is better to take professional tattoo machines from famous brands in order to achieve high quality performance. As a rule, professional salons use three types of machines - for applying contour, for filling colors and for creating shadows. The cost of a good machine varies around $3000.
  • Tattoo needles and paints
  • Packages with sketches of tattoos
  • Various medications and Consumables : anesthetics, antiseptics, antiseptics, shoe covers, medical masks, disposable gloves, aprons and more.
  • Comfortable chair for the client similar to a dental one, with the ability to adjust the height, angle of inclination, rotate it, and so on.
  • Comfortable massage-type couch
  • LED lamp for creating artificial lighting. LED lamps, unlike other lighting devices, do not distort colors and help achieve better color rendition.
  • Irradiator for room disinfection.
  • Autoclaves for sterilizing instruments. You can also use dry-heat ovens, but because of them, the tools quickly become unusable.
  • Armchairs, sofas, tables, magazine racks and hangers for the customer waiting area
  • Office equipment(computers, printers, scanners, etc.)
  • Showcases and racks. You will need this furniture if you decide to sell components and materials for other tattoo artists.

This is a standard set for a tattoo parlor that will deal exclusively with tattooing. However, in big city just one direction is not enough. To survive among competitors, it is necessary to expand the list of available services. One of the most popular types of services is tattoo removal. Purchasing equipment for laser tattoo removal costs about $80,000.

If you want to do piercings for your clients, then you will need to purchase the appropriate kit. You can also expand the range of services with temporary tattoos, body art, permanent makeup, etc.

How to open a tattoo studio and choose the right staff?

Once you've set up the space, it's time to tackle the staff. After all, the success of the enterprise depends on the quality of the work of the craftsmen. It is worth noting that for tattoo parlors it is extremely difficult to find a reputable specialist. After all, he must not only be able to draw, but also have minimal knowledge of medicine and anatomy. A huge advantage will be that the master has at least a secondary medical education. If it is not there, then the future employee should at least take nursing courses and gain basic skills in handling anesthesia, antiseptics, etc.

Find good master extremely difficult. The fact is that large spread received the creation of a tattoo “at home”. It is easier for an artist to go to a client’s home and receive the entire specified amount for the work than to work for someone else and earn only a certain percentage. Therefore, you will have to work hard to find a competent employee. Tell the potential employee about the horrors of “at-home” tattoos - possible infection, unsterile instruments, possible sanctions from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, etc. But also promise benefits in the form of an increase in the client base and a decent percentage for the work. As a rule, this percentage varies between 30-50% of the total income of the enterprise.

How to open a tattoo parlor and make competent advertising?

You have premises, equipment and talented craftsmen ready to work. Now you need to get the word out about your salon as much as possible. more people. There is no need to skimp on advertising. You can order advertising in specialized media - it will cost about $200-600. You will definitely need a group in in social networks, or even better, a website that will help you reach a large audience.

A good method of attracting clients is to participate in various exhibitions. It could be thematic events, dedicated to tattoos; or events of a different theme, for example, an erotic party, a biker gathering or a rock festival. Renting space for such events is about $100 per sq. m. meter.

Business plan for a tattoo parlor with financial calculations

So that you can soberly assess your capabilities and potential risks, we present to you ready business plan to open a tattoo parlor.

  • Premises rental: 20,000–40,000 rubles every month
  • Registration of an enterprise and others organizational issues: from 50,000 rubles
  • Cosmetic repairs and purchase of necessary furniture: 150,000–200,000
  • Purchase of working equipment: 350,000–500,000
  • Advertising expenses: from 50,0000 rubles
  • Consumables: from 100,000 rubles
  • Payment utilities: from 10,000 rubles every month.

In general, the implementation of a business plan to open a tattoo parlor can cost you from 500,000 rubles and more. The exact amount will depend on what additional services you decide to implement in your business. However, in just 1.5 years you can recoup all investments and, if you have a decent client base, your salon will begin to bring in stable income. Now you know how much it costs to open a tattoo salon and only you can decide whether you want to bring this culture to the masses on your own, or whether you will remain as a regular client with other artists.

There are many artists in Russia who have the skills to make tattoos. Most of them are self-taught, people who are fluent in the art of drawing and know how to transfer their creation to the human body. The only disadvantage of such masters is complete absence sanitary standards and creative development.

In the West and in the USA, tattoo parlors are open everywhere. On the territory of Russia, such salons remain a rarity - the imprint was left by the strict rules of education of Soviet youth. With camber Soviet Union people have become more liberated, adopted a lot from fashion and culture Western countries, including a passion for tattoos.

For those who are familiar with the technique of tattooing firsthand or are an ardent supporter of it and are ready to decorate their body again and again, they can try their hand at opening their own tattoo parlor, especially since there is practically no competition in this business.

Tattoo parlor business plan

List of tattoo salon services

To expand the list of services provided in the salon, in addition to painting bodies with unusual designs, you can also do permanent makeup for lips, eyebrows, and eyes. This procedure is becoming more and more popular. Piercing and basic earlobe piercing will be in considerable demand.

Tattoo parlor visitors

Most often, the target audience of a tattoo parlor is young people who adhere to some informal movements. But you can also meet quite a few representatives of both sexes and different age categories who want to decorate their bodies beautiful design. Women usually use permanent makeup services, but there are exceptions.

Selection of premises and equipment

The SES has standards that should be followed when opening a tattoo parlor:

  • The area of ​​the salon should not be less than 20 square meters. meters
  • The room must be separate or have its own entrance
  • For the work of one master there must be allocated workplace at least 12 sq. meters
  • The room must be equipped with walls, ceilings and floors that are easy to wet clean

Most often, such salons are opened in residential buildings, shops or government agencies. You can often find a salon opened right in an apartment on the ground floor or basement. Practice shows that the premises chosen for the salon do not affect its attendance - the main thing is good public transport access roads and proximity to car parking.

Each artist must have his own individual tattoo machine, as well as consumables for performing permanent procedures and piercings. Equipment for tattoo parlors is not produced in Russia, and it is also not available in Chinese markets. Such equipment and consumables are available in Europe and the USA. If the future owner of the salon is limited in funds, then you can consider purchasing used equipment.

The interior also needs to be equipped necessary things and furniture. Cabinets, tables, couches or folding chairs, cabinets for storing personal belongings of staff. It is also necessary to allocate a corner for maintaining documentation, equipping it with a computer and office equipment.

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Brief financial business plan for a tattoo parlor

With a modest investment, opening a tattoo salon can cost you no more than 10 thousand dollars. The main expenses include the following:

  • Cost of rental premises. It all depends on the distance from the center, the development of infrastructure, and the scale of the city. On average up to 3 thousand dollars per month.
  • Costs for repairs and design of the premises, giving it aesthetic appearance. If you don’t go too fancy, these expenses can be kept at $3,000.
  • Purchase of equipment and necessary materials – up to 3 thousand dollars.
  • Purchase of furniture – up to 1 thousand dollars.
  • Decor necessary documents and licensing. Workplaces of craftsmen must be certified. Average costs from $500, depending on the number of staff.
  • Advertising expenses.

Salon staff

If you don’t have a good tattoo artist in mind, then you don’t have to open a salon. A master who has already built up a clientele, who creates masterpieces and accurately fulfills all the client’s wishes - this is the key to the successful operation of a tattoo salon. In addition to the masters, it is necessary to have an accountant, an administrator and a cleaner, and if the future owner of the salon is limited in funds, then you can give the work of the administrator to the accountant, and, if he wishes, the work of cleaning the premises. It all depends on how interested the employee is financially.

Advertising steps

If you still manage to attract a master with his clientele to your salon, then this is already half the success. However, it will not be possible to stay afloat thanks to these developments. The following advertising strategies must be carried out:

  • Initially, you need to come up with a slogan so that it is heard. You can start with the radio.
  • Print out more leaflets and start distributing them in places large cluster people - near the metro, stopping points, at large hypermarkets.
  • Focus on clientele among informal youth. Distribute advertising brochures in clubs and at concerts.
  • Having agreed with beauty salons, you can leave booklets about permanent makeup and tattooing with them.
  • You can sow advertising in thematic forums on the Internet and social networks, and subsequently start promoting your own website.
  • Hang up big, flashy signs and billboards around the city.

Tattoo salon income

Profit in the salon will begin to appear when 5 people a day apply for services. Ideally 10. average cost 5x5 tattoos cost approximately $50, piercings from $20, lip tattoos cost from $80. If the salon can serve about ten people per day, then the monthly profit will be about 5 thousand dollars.

Tattoo business prospects

At your salon, you can organize courses to teach everyone the technique of tattooing. There will be a lot of people willing to study artistic painting bodies. A training course for such courses costs an average of $300.

With a correctly implemented advertising strategy and compliance with all the requirements and recommendations proposed in this article, you can safely count on net profit after just 6 months of intensive work of the tattoo salon. When opening a license for a future salon, problems may arise, since Russian legislation does not have the concept of operating a tattoo salon. To avoid these troubles, it is best to entrust the collection of documents to a competent agent.

To launch a small office, it is enough register. This will simplify taxation and accounting. The activities of tattooists are not placed in a separate area, but are equated to treatment rooms. Therefore, we choose the code OKVED 96.09.– “Provision of other personal services not included in other categories.” If you plan to sell themed accessories, register also code 52.1. – « Retail in non-specialized stores."

A common feature of how to open your own tattoo parlor in Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia is licensing, since permanent makeup and tattoos are medical services. In Russia, the studio needs the following documents:

  • Certificate from local administration permitting work in a specific premises, purchased or rented;
  • Permits from Rospozharnadzor and Rospotrebnadzor. The main requirements for the enterprise are the presence of a fire safety system, an evacuation plan, and compliance with SES standards. To properly organize the work and avoid problems with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station, familiarize yourself with MosMU in advance;
  • License for medical activities from Roszdravnadzor. Issued within one and a half months, subject to the availability of an equipped workplace. Another option is to hire a professional who already has a license.

Among mandatory conditions – health records for employees and regular medical examinations.

To open such a business in other countries, study the recommendations of state sanitary services, documents and laws on consumer protection, and consult with a lawyer.


If you are looking for a way to open a tattoo parlor without a license, the only option is at home. But this threatens non-compliance with sanitary conditions and large fines. In this case, we are not talking about large incomes.

Choosing a location

Fulfill the requirements public services easier if there is a specially equipped non-residential space. Good options– renting an office on the ground floor of a residential building (high-rise building in the “heart” of a residential area, any building in the city center), in a shopping center.

Before opening a tattoo parlor, for example in small town, find the most visited place(near a hypermarket, central square, etc.) and rent an office nearby. Such establishments are still treated as some kind of underground, so choosing a cheaper place on the outskirts and in basements is risky. They will be afraid to come to you.

A profitable tattoo parlor is located not only in places with good traffic, but also near concentrations of potential visitors. For example, in the same building or next to hairdressers, beauty salons, fitness clubs, gyms.

Create an eye-catching sign to attract attention., signs at the entrance with a list of services and work schedule work well. For the development of a corporate identity, production and installation of signs and other external structures, you will need from $300.

Premises requirements

According to the SES, one workplace requires from 12 sq. m area. To open an office for one master, you will need to rent a room with an area of ​​25-30 square meters. m. Mandatory requirements:

  1. Separate entrance;
  2. Washable floors and walls to maintain sterility;
  3. Ventilation, plumbing.

Ideally, the office should be divided into two parts - a reception area for visitors with a mini-shop (10 sq. m.) and a workshop (15 sq. m.). The rental cost is about $350 per month, you will have to invest at least $400.

Basic services and prices

How to open a tattoo parlor and set prices for services?

The most expensive and profitable service- not drawing, but combining drawings. We also need additional services related to piercing and retail sales of earrings, tattoo and piercing care products.

  • Tattoo – $40-50 for an area of ​​90×55 mm (the average size of a cigarette pack; this is a common way to estimate the size of a design). Artistic tattoo session (2-3 hours) – $70-100;
  • Correction of an old drawing – $80/session;
  • Tattooing (permanent makeup) – $75-200 depending on the type (tattooing eyebrows, lips, etc.);
  • Temporary henna design – from $10-12;
  • Piercing – $8-40. The cheapest service is earlobe piercing. Ear tunnels, cheek and eyebrow piercings cost around $30-40;
  • Laser removal of a pattern from the body – $10/square centimeter.

Equipment for tattoo parlor

How to open your own tattoo parlor, and what is needed for this? In a tattoo salon, in addition to specialized equipment, it is necessary to purchase office equipment, arrange a place for the artist to work on creating sketches and a waiting area for customers.

Equipment for the master, appliances, furniture

  1. Laser device for drawing together – $2500-5000. Well-known manufacturers - Lasertech, ND YAG LAZER;
  2. Armchair with height adjustment, tilt, armrests - $250-300. Inexpensive models used in beauty salons are offered by Wendermann, Relax, SP Lux, COMFORT, Queen;
  3. Tattoo machine(2 pcs.) – $370-400. Verge, Vlad Blad, WTE, Storm;
  4. Pedal for a typewriter – $40;
  5. Tattoo machine(permanent makeup machine) – $500-1000. Bella, Perfect Contour, Biomaser;
  6. Autoclave for storing tools - $250-350. Black Cat, DMETEC, Tau Steril, Kasimovsky Instrument Plant;
  7. Irradiator for room disinfection - $50-60. Armed, Azov;
  8. LED lamp– up to 15 $;
  9. Table for tools – $50-70. Hairway, “Image Master”, Lemi;
  10. Computer— 450 $. HP, Lenovo, Asus;
  11. Laser color printer-300$. Canon, Pixma, HP;
  12. Sofa for clients, a desk and two chairs – $200. “Smart sofas”, Rival, Laguna, VISI.


Before opening a tattoo salon, you should purchase consumables for a month or two in advance:

  • Set of needles for tattooing (50 pcs.) – $15. Verge, Round Liner, Magnum;
  • Tattoo needles(50 pcs.) – $25. Easy Click, Biomaser, Bella, Dragon, Goochie;
  • Dye– minimum 10 colors. One tube of 20 ml costs $2.5. To begin with, we buy 5 tubes of each color, only $125. Brands - Tattoo Ink, Intenze, Millennium Mom's, Tony Polito;
  • Mehendi paint for temporary drawings (20 tubes) – $40-45. Irisk, Satrang, Shelly;
  • Piercing needles, clips, needle earrings – $15-20;
  • Other little things, such as shoe covers, disposable gloves, disinfectants – $60.

To start such a business from scratch, you will need approximately $7 thousand for equipment and consumables.


A good master prefers to organize his own enterprise, but not everyone has the means to do so. Therefore, you can interest a valuable artist with a high percentage of the order (from 50%) and a constant large volume of work.

Costs and profits

How to correctly calculate costs and future profits? opening of the studio capital expenditures We include registration procedures, renting premises for six months, its repair and design, purchasing equipment, furniture and consumables, making signs, website development and advertising. Total approximately 17-18 thousand dollars. Monthly expenses – 700-800 $.

Monthly revenue of a start-up company– around 5-6 thousand dollars (including the accessories store), net profit after payments to the master – $2000-2500.

These are instructions on how you can open your own tattoo salon and pay for it in less than a year. Create a whole brand and corporate identity from your studio. Tattoos are in fashion, which means the studio should also be fashionable and popular, then the income will grow every month.

  • Marketing plan
  • Financial plan
  • How to choose equipment for a tattoo parlor
  • What documents are needed to open
  • Do I need a business permit?
  • Business technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening a tattoo parlor in rented premises in a city with a population of 350 thousand inhabitants.

How much money do you need to start a business?

According to our calculations, opening a tattoo salon for one workplace will require about 800 - 850 thousand rubles:

  • Cosmetic repairs - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment for tattooing (tattoo machine, tattoo needles, paint, antiseptics, protective equipment, image translation tools) - 250 thousand rubles.
  • Machine for tattoo removal (laser) - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Furniture for the master and visitors - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Creation of a business card website and its promotion - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 50 thousand rubles.

Description of services provided

Prices for services in our salon will be set at average market levels. So, a tattoo measuring 3x4 cm will cost from 1000 rubles. On average, an hour of work will cost the client 3,000 rubles, interruption old tattoo- from 2500 rubles. In addition, the salon plans to provide a number of other services: permanent makeup, piercing (including extreme and intimate piercing), body modification (scarring, implantation), training in the art of tattooing.

Download business plan for a tattoo parlor

How to start a tattoo parlor business

To open a tattoo salon, it is planned to rent a small room with an area of ​​20 square meters, located in the basement of an apartment building. This space will be enough for one master to work and receive one visitor. Passability of the place also does not matter of great importance, since most clients will go to the salon purposefully. Therefore, on such an item as rent, you can save significantly. The monthly payment will be only 14 thousand rubles. The sanitary requirements for tattoo parlors will be met in full:

  • The area of ​​the room will be at least 20 square meters. m.;
  • A separate entrance to the premises will be installed;
  • At least 12 sq. m. will be allocated per workplace. m.;
  • The ceilings, floors and walls will be painted with non-toxic paint, with the possibility of regular washing.

It is planned to employ 3 experienced tattoo artists. Requirements for applicants: presence of a portfolio successful work, ability to communicate competently with clients, stress resistance. Payment for labor will be piecework - 30% of paid work.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering this business?

As organizational form Individual entrepreneurship (IP) will be registered. OKVED code - 93.02 “Provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons.”

Which taxation system to choose for opening a tattoo parlor

UTII (“imputation”) will be used as a taxation system - this is the most profitable special regime, in which the payment will be no more than 10 thousand rubles per month. With UTII, it is not necessary to install and register a cash register, and regular sales receipts can be used to pay the buyer. Tattooing activities are not subject to licensing.

Marketing plan

There are only two tattoo parlors in our city today. Of these, only one can seriously compete with our salon, as it has a sufficient staff of experienced craftsmen, modern equipment and an extensive client base. However, this salon operates in a completely different area of ​​the city, so geographically it will not have a serious impact on the promotion of our services. The salon plans to advertise its services different ways: distribution of leaflets, advertising booklets, outdoor advertising. But the most effective, in our opinion, will be the promotion of services on the Internet. For this purpose, a business card website will be created with detailed description organization services, prices and benefits of the salon. In addition, a decent portion of the funds will be directed to contextual advertising Yandex-Direct.

Financial plan

Fixed monthly expenses

  • Rent of premises - 14 thousand rubles.
  • Utility costs - 10 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Outsourcing (accounting and cleaning) - 12 thousand rubles.
  • Consumables - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Tax (UTII) - 8 thousand rubles.

Total - 84 thousand rubles.

Monthly income

  • The average bill for the service is RUB 3,000.
  • Number of clients per day - 4 people.
  • Working days in a month - 22
  • Revenue per month - 264,000 rubles.
  • Payment for craftsmen (30%) - 79,200 rubles.
  • Income per month - 184,800 rubles.

How much can you earn from this business?

Net profit: 184,800 - 84,000 ( fixed costs) = 100,800 rubles per month. Business profitability is 38%. However, it is impossible to achieve such indicators from the first days of work. You still need to develop a client base and win the trust of visitors. According to our calculations, the salon will reach its revenue targets within 10 to 12 months after opening. That is, you can count on a return on investment only after 15–20 months of work.

We recommend download tattoo parlor business plan, from our partners, with a quality guarantee. This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. Contents of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

In today's article I want to talk about how to open a tattoo parlor. How much does it cost and what is the profitability of this area of ​​business.

History of tattoo

The art of painting images on the body has been popular since ancient times. There is an opinion that the ancient Egyptians knew how to paint the body with patterns between the 26th and 28th centuries BC. That is, as soon as a person began to walk upright and learned to create basic tools, he mastered the art of applying images to the body. But in ancient times, painting on the body had a completely different meaning than a modern tattoo. In the days of our ancestors, tattoos denoted belonging to a certain tribe, social group, type of activity.

Ancient people believed that a tattoo on the body would protect them from illnesses and evil eyes, bring good luck, and help them find love. Drawings on the body were popular exclusively among pagans; Christians had a negative attitude towards such paintings; they believed that the body should remain the way the Lord created it.

Times change and with them people develop new hobbies and passions, fashion and society dictate their own rules and impose certain standards. But modern people increasingly dream of standing out from the crowd, can help them with this original tattoo on the body. Not so long ago, people associated tattoos with a prison stigma. But today, a tattoo and a tattoo have nothing in common. A colorful drawing or inscription on the body only emphasizes a person’s individuality. Therefore, the demand for tattoos, and therefore for the services of salons, is quite high.

A tattoo parlor is an establishment that provides body painting, tattoo removal, and more. As a rule, tattoo parlors offer visitors not only standard services, but also, for example, piercings, temporary henna tattoos and other cosmetic services.

Business plan for a tattoo parlor

Compilation detailed business a tattoo salon plan will help you correctly calculate the costs of implementing a business idea. In addition, it will allow you to determine the approximate payback period of the project and the amount of expected profit.

Advantages and disadvantages of opening a tattoo parlor business

  • Great demand for the service. The popularity of tattoos is only increasing every year. Therefore, there is no reason to believe that opening a tattoo parlor will be a profitable way to make money.
  • High price. Get a quality tattoo in good salon It's not cheap. But, despite this, people are increasingly thinking about the hygiene of the procedure and the sterility of instruments during tattooing. Therefore, most clients give preference to trusted professionals and reputable salons that provide certain guarantees of the quality of the applied pattern and the sterility of the procedure.
  • Additional services. You can earn money not only by applying tattoos to your body, but also by other additional services which we mentioned above (piercing, tattooing). If funds allow, you can open your own beauty salon.
  • Competition. The main disadvantage of opening a tattoo parlor as a business is the high competition in this field of activity. Therefore, it will be quite difficult for a beginner to open a tattoo salon from scratch at the initial stage. You'll need some serious money. But if you are a tattoo artist, then it is quite possible to open your own business at home. Over time, having earned money and gained authority, you can open a full-fledged tattoo salon.

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Business registration

In order to legally engage in business, you must register your type of activity. You must select an LLC or individual entrepreneur as the material and legal form.

The activities of a tattoo parlor are subject to mandatory licensing. To apply tattoos you need to have a medical degree. But the procedure can be carried out only after examination by a dermatologist or cosmetologist. Such specialists must be on the staff of your establishment, otherwise you will be denied a license.

Permits to operate the premises from the sanitary-epidemiological and fire services. Without permits, you will not be able to work, so make sure to comply with all rules and requirements.

When choosing OKVED codes, do not forget that in the future you may want to expand your type of activity and engage not only in tattooing, but also in the sale of related products.

Necessary documents for opening a tattoo parlor

  1. Documents confirming the registration of a legal entity;
  2. Permits to operate from Rospotrebnadzor;
  3. Premises rental agreement. Permits for its operation from the fire and sanitary services;
  4. Production control plan;
  5. Medical license.
  6. Place to open a tattoo parlor

The location of the establishment has important. As a rule, tattoo parlors open near beauty salons, in large shopping centers, near the metro station, near the market. In general, in places with high foot traffic.

There are no special requirements for the premises itself. It is important to maintain sterility and cleanliness in the establishment, because tattooing is equivalent to medical manipulation. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out wet daily cleaning of the salon premises. Walls, floors and even ceilings should be washable.

For comfortable work, an area of ​​20 square meters is enough. m. The rental price will vary depending on the location of the premises, its condition and area.

Equipment for tattoo parlor

Buying equipment for a tattoo parlor will cost you a pretty penny. But under no circumstances is it worth saving on it.

Necessary equipment for a tattoo parlor: paints, tattoo needles, a device for laser tattooing, special chairs for the artist and the visitor. You will also need a computer on which to store the catalog of sketches. Thus, each client will be able to choose the appropriate tattoo option for himself.

Hired employees

First of all, you need to find professional tattoo artists. It is quite difficult to find a good craftsman who will agree to work for a small salary. Therefore, you will either have to pay the professional a significant percentage of the salon’s income (about 30%), or train beginners in tattoo skills.

In addition to the master, you also need to hire a cleaner, because sterility in the salon premises plays an important role. You will also need a secretary who will receive visitors. For security, you can also hire a security guard.

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Advertising campaign

Attracting visitors is important point, which should be treated very responsibly. There are many advertising methods, but one of the most effective options is word of mouth. Good feedback visitors about the quality of your salon - this is the most best advertising, so take care of your authority.

Bright sign. People's attention is always attracted by an aesthetically designed, bright sign. Therefore, be sure to make sure that information about the services provided by the salon is visible passing people. Advertising around the city and on social networks wouldn’t hurt either.

How much does it cost to open a tattoo parlor?

It is quite difficult to calculate all costs and profits. It all depends on your financial capabilities, place of residence and other no less important nuances. As for payback, as practice shows, a tattoo salon is a profitable business area that pays for itself in 1–2 years.