» Overcoming stress

© Anna Zhilina

What is stress and how to deal with it?

What is stress?

It is most logical to start with the very definition of this word. So, “stress”, translated from English, means tension, compression, pressure, depression.

Stress is a state of emotional and physical tension that occurs in certain situations that are characterized as difficult and beyond control.

Stress, scientifically speaking, is the body's physical, mental, emotional and chemical reaction to something that frightens, irritates or threatens a person.

I think that for many people there is no need to know the exact definition of this word, because... everything is clear here.

Many of us are aware and understand the harm stress causes to our body and soul, or rather, the fact that we do not take any action to eliminate negative feelings. Personally, I give advice to many that they need to take care of themselves, nerve cells do not recover, stress is destructive. I think that many people understand me, because... They themselves are the same advisers. And yet, I myself get irritated, angry, in a word, I eat myself.

In fact, it is not so difficult to rid yourself of unpleasant sensations; the main thing is desire. This is the main problem! You have to want it, and you have to want it for a reason, but at all levels of your Self. You have to want it so that this desire settles in both the consciousness and the subconscious, right down to the muscle level.

Human laziness and the habit of putting everything off “for later” do terrible things.

There is an excellent parable on this topic:

“We convince ourselves that our life will become better when we get married, when our first child is born, then our second. Afterwards, we get upset that the children are too young for one thing or another, and we think that everything will change when they grow up. Further, we are annoyed by their attitude when they become teenagers. We assure ourselves that everything will return to normal when they grow up. We hope that we will feel better when your spouse solves his problems, when we spend an unforgettable vacation when we do not have to work. But we don't live this life at the moment, enjoying it, So when will we do this? We always need difficulties of any kind. But it’s enough to take it for granted and decide for yourself to be happy, no matter what.

So, don't wait until you finish school, when you want to go back there, lose 5 kg, gain 5 kg, when the kids are born, wait until they leave home. Stop waiting until you start working, when you retire, when you get married, when you get divorced. Don't wait for Friday evening, Sunday morning, buying a new car, a new apartment. Don't wait for spring, summer, autumn, winter. Moments of happiness are precious, it is not the final destination of the journey, but the journey itself. Work - not just for money, love - not in anticipation of parting. Dance - not paying attention to the looks.

The effect of stress on the body.

The desire to relieve stress is natural, because stress is violence against the body. To understand this, it is enough to start working on yourself. To do this, you need to understand one very interesting fact.

Stress manifests itself on three levels: intellect, thoughts, emotions.

Moreover, first there is intellectual processing of information (conscious and subconscious), then an emotional feeling (strong or weak) and only then these processes are consolidated at the physical level.

Relieving muscle tension has been familiar to us since childhood: “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired.”

“Listen” to your body. You will definitely notice that some muscles are tense without any need. This could be clenched jaws or tense abs or back muscles. The famous German psychologist Kurt Reich called this phenomenon “muscle armor.” It is formed in people who do not know how to rest, i.e. relieve stress. Muscle tension reflects certain psychological problems of a person. Muscle tension is a residual phenomenon of tension that appears due to negative emotions and unfulfilled desires.

Neck. Osteochondrosis, characterized by pain in the neck and head, has become so widespread largely due to muscle tension. Due to the sharp increase in the number of people working on computers, the number of patients has increased significantly. The functioning of the entire body depends on how we hold our heads. The neck connects two main nerve centers: the brain and the spinal cord. In modern medicine, the following formula is accepted: “A person is considered alive as long as the brain cells are alive.” In this sense, folk wisdom, which recommends keeping your head high, takes on a new practical meaning.

Posture. Train yourself to monitor your posture. Correct posture is the correct relative position of all organs, the correct functioning of the spine. There is a very simple and effective exercise:

Get up! Imagine that there is a hook attached to the top of your head. A rope is attached to this hook, and someone is pulling this rope upward. And the back begins to straighten. Do this every time you start to slouch. This is a very effective exercise, I practice it every day.

An optimist sees opportunities in every difficulty, a pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity!

The stressfulness of a situation primarily depends on how we treat it. Thus, the more positive I am, the less stressed I am, and a negative attitude is the key to stress.

Every day we are faced with negative emotions. For example, the day begins with waking up from the hated sound of an alarm clock, then a trip on public transport (for me personally this is a disaster), a broken heel, bad weather, etc. And many of us reach a state of irritation, i.e. a stressful state is treated as a norm of life.

Symptoms of stress Many will experience: impaired concentration, aggressiveness, anxiety for no reason, insomnia, depression.

The human brain does not distinguish between a real threat and an apparent one, so whenever a situation seems dangerous, it reacts as if it were a real threat. The more often the environment seems hostile, the more time the body remains in a state of combat readiness. Chronic stress is the result of constantly being in an environment of complete danger, which is precisely our unstable business world.

Our body is strong and resilient, it has tremendous ability to recover, but only if the mind works clearly and correctly.

Everything that happens in our head, what we think, what we imagine, affects our state, and this happens automatically, in addition to our consciousness.

There is a technique called “positive visualization” that helps you get rid of negative emotions. When we remember a pleasant event, for example, a gift from a loved one, then with such memories our body remembers good emotions and this makes us feel better (sometimes people go and smile to themselves, this is exactly the case).

But most often we “chew” negative cases. For example, an unpleasant conversation with your boss, 2 hours have already passed, and we are all experiencing this situation, thereby our body experiences unpleasant sensations.

The images that arise in our minds can be strengthened and used to combat stress.

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale. Imagine a negative situation that you would like to change. Feel it again, remember everything you experienced then.

Now change this situation. Give it different colors. Change it in the direction you need. Make it positive. Achieve a positive result.

Again, take a deep breath and exhale. Eyes open. We smile.

Who can help you overcome stress??

It is very important to deal with your stress yourself and in a timely manner.

It is important to remember here that the stressor itself is only a reason for the onset of stress, and we ourselves make it the cause of the neuropsychic experience. For example, for me an overturned cup of tea or coffee or other liquid is a trifle, I can quickly clean it up, but for my husband it is a reason for divorce.

In other words, the stressor is the same, but the reaction to it is completely different.

Stressors can be divided into three categories.

The first is stressors that are practically beyond our control. These are prices, taxes, government, weather, habits and characters of other people. Of course, we can be nervous and swear about a power outage or an inept driver creating a traffic jam, but other than increased blood pressure and adrenaline concentration in the blood, we will not achieve anything. It is much more effective at this time to use muscle relaxation techniques, various meditation techniques, breathing exercises or positive visualization techniques.

The second category is stressors that we can and should influence. These are our own unconstructive actions, the inability to set life goals and determine priorities, the inability to manage our time, as well as various difficulties in interpersonal interaction.

A very positive parable:

An African king had a close friend with whom he grew up. This friend, when considering any situation that ever happened in his life, be it positive or negative, had a habit of saying: “That's good!” One day the king was hunting. A friend used to prepare and load guns for the king. Apparently he did something wrong while preparing one of the guns. When the king took the gun from his friend and fired it, his thumb was torn off. Investigating the situation, the friend, as usual, said: “This is good!” To this the king replied: “No, this is not good!” and ordered his friend to be sent to prison. About a year passed, the king hunted in an area in which, in his opinion, he could be completely fearless. But the cannibals captured him and brought him to their village along with everyone else. They tied his hands, hauled a pile of wood, set up a post and tied the king to the post. As they came closer to light the fire, they noticed that the king was missing a thumb on his hand. Because of their superstition, they never ate anyone who had a defect in their body. Having untied the king, they released him. Returning, he remembered the incident when he lost his finger, and felt remorse for his treatment of his friend. He immediately went to the prison to talk to him.

“You were right,” he said, “it was good that I was left without a finger.”

And he told everything that had just happened to him.

I really regret putting you in jail, it was bad of me.

No, said his friend, this is good!

What are you saying? Is it good that I sent my friend to prison for a whole year?

If I weren't in prison, I would be there with you.

Are thoughts friends? Or are thoughts the enemy?

Throughout life, a person accumulates a huge number of “half-thought thoughts” that swarm in his head, overloading the brain and nervous system. A person carries a large number of unnecessary thoughts running around in circles. Due to overload of the nervous system, a decrease in the adaptive functions of the psyche occurs, which leads to stress.

Surely you have had to deal with an obsessive thought. If you were paying attention, you noticed that she is stronger than you. She doesn't leave, despite all her efforts. And it doesn’t go away precisely because you make an effort. Try to relax and ignore her. It's like you don't care if she exists or not. She will get tired of tormenting you, and she will fade away.

"Anti-stress" products

Science has become clear why children, and adults too, love ice cream: it is a great stress reliever. Milk and cream contain tryptophan - an effective natural tranquilizer that calms the nervous system, elevates mood, and helps cope with insomnia.

As for chocolate. For a long time it was believed that it acts on the brain like a drug. Californian pharmacologist Pianelli and his colleagues discovered substances in cocoa beans that are similar to some components of marijuana. However, at the end of last year, a group of American scientists “rehabilitated” chocolate and cocoa. It turned out that the concentration of unfortunate compounds in it is extremely low. In addition, most of them dissolve in the stomach, without reaching the brain.

For this reason, other researchers found a substance in chocolate related to the hormone adrenaline. It increases blood pressure, making the pulse faster, and is a natural stimulant like caffeine.

There are also products containing the “joy hormone”. The most common of them: buckwheat, oatmeal, bananas.

A little about anger

Anger can not only devastate and lead to stress, undermining your health, but also be a powerful impulse to action.

Parable on the topic:

Winter - forty degrees below zero. The carriage is coming. In the cart the driver is an old Chinese man and a woman with a child. The woman was so cold that her lips turned blue. She wrapped and warmed the child. Suddenly the Chinese stopped the cart and pushed the woman onto the road. And he and the child went further. The woman was furious that her child was being taken away. She started screaming and running after the cart. As she ran, blood began to circulate through her frozen body. The complexion appeared, the legs and arms warmed up. When she caught up with the cart, the Chinese stopped and said: “Sit down! Now you will live!”

Anger is dangerous; it is the source of many diseases. On the other hand, anger is a form of energy, skillfully directed, it promotes progress in business. This is a kind of impulse that gives us the opportunity to find a new job and a better life. Focus on solving the problem, and anger will become your ally!!!

Think about yourself, love yourself and then no stress will be scary for you!

© Anna Zhilina, 2007
© Published with the kind permission of the author

What is stress?

It is most logical to start with the very definition of this word. So, “stress”, translated from English, means tension, compression, pressure, depression.

Stress is a state of emotional and physical tension that occurs in certain situations that are characterized as difficult and beyond control.

Stress, scientifically speaking, is the body's physical, mental, emotional and chemical reaction to something that frightens, irritates or threatens a person.

I think that for many people there is no need to know the exact definition of this word, because... everything is clear here.

Many of us are aware and understand the harm stress causes to our body and soul, or rather, the fact that we do not take any action to eliminate negative feelings. Personally, I give advice to many that they need to take care of themselves, nerve cells do not recover, stress is destructive. I think that many people understand me, because... They themselves are the same advisers. And yet, I myself get irritated, angry, in a word, I eat myself.

In fact, it is not so difficult to rid yourself of unpleasant sensations; the main thing is desire. This is the main problem! You have to want it, and you have to want it for a reason, but at all levels of your Self. You have to want it so that this desire settles in both the consciousness and the subconscious, right down to the muscle level.

Human laziness and the habit of putting everything off “for later” do terrible things.

There is an excellent parable on this topic:

So, don't wait until you finish school, when you want to go back there, lose 5 kg, gain 5 kg, when the kids are born, wait until they leave home. Stop waiting until you start working, when you retire, when you get married, when you get divorced. Don't wait for Friday evening, Sunday morning, buying a new car, a new apartment. Don't wait for spring, summer, autumn, winter. Moments of happiness are precious, it is not the final destination of the journey, but the journey itself. Work - not just for money, love - not in anticipation of parting. Dance - not paying attention to the looks.

The effect of stress on the body.

The desire to relieve stress is natural, because stress is violence against the body. To understand this, it is enough to start working on yourself. To do this, you need to understand one very interesting fact.

Stress manifests itself on three levels: intellect, thoughts, emotions.

Moreover, first there is intellectual processing of information (conscious and subconscious), then an emotional feeling (strong or weak) and only then these processes are consolidated at the physical level.

Relieving muscle tension has been familiar to us since childhood: “We wrote, we wrote, our fingers were tired.”

“Listen” to your body. You will definitely notice that some muscles are tense without any need. This could be clenched jaws or tense abs or back muscles. The famous German psychologist Kurt Reich called this phenomenon “muscle armor.” It is formed in people who do not know how to rest, i.e. relieve stress. Muscle tension reflects certain psychological problems of a person. Muscle tension is a residual phenomenon of tension that appears due to negative emotions and unfulfilled desires.

Neck. Osteochondrosis, characterized by pain in the neck and head, has become so widespread largely due to muscle tension. Due to the sharp increase in the number of people working on computers, the number of patients has increased significantly. The functioning of the entire body depends on how we hold our heads. The neck connects two main nerve centers: the brain and the spinal cord. In modern medicine, the following formula is accepted: “A person is considered alive as long as the brain cells are alive.” In this sense, folk wisdom, which recommends keeping your head high, takes on a new practical meaning.

Posture. Train yourself to monitor your posture. Correct posture is the correct relative position of all organs, the correct functioning of the spine. There is a very simple and effective exercise:

Get up! Imagine that there is a hook attached to the top of your head. A rope is attached to this hook, and someone is pulling this rope upward. And the back begins to straighten. Do this every time you start to slouch. This is a very effective exercise, I practice it every day.

An optimist sees opportunities in every difficulty, a pessimist sees difficulties in every opportunity!

The stressfulness of a situation primarily depends on how we treat it. Thus, the more positive I am, the less stressed I am, and a negative attitude is the key to stress.

Every day we are faced with negative emotions. For example, the day begins with waking up from the hated sound of an alarm clock, then a trip on public transport (for me personally this is a disaster), a broken heel, bad weather, etc. And many of us reach a state of irritation, i.e. a stressful state is treated as a norm of life.

Many people will experience symptoms of stress: poor concentration, aggressiveness, anxiety for no reason, insomnia, depression.

The human brain does not distinguish between a real threat and an apparent one, so whenever a situation seems dangerous, it reacts as if it were a real threat. The more often the environment seems hostile, the more time the body remains in a state of combat readiness. Chronic stress is the result of constantly being in an environment of complete danger, which is precisely our unstable business world.

Our body is strong and resilient, it has tremendous ability to recover, but only if the mind works clearly and correctly.

Everything that happens in our head, what we think, what we imagine, affects our state, and this happens automatically, in addition to our consciousness.

There is a technique called “positive visualization” that helps you get rid of negative emotions. When we remember a pleasant event, for example, a gift from a loved one, then with such memories our body remembers good emotions and this makes us feel better (sometimes people go and smile to themselves, this is exactly the case).

But most often we “chew” negative cases. For example, an unpleasant conversation with your boss, 2 hours have already passed, and we are all experiencing this situation, thereby our body experiences unpleasant sensations.

The images that arise in our minds can be strengthened and used to combat stress.

Sit comfortably. Close your eyes, take a deep breath and exhale. Imagine a negative situation that you would like to change. Feel it again, remember everything you experienced then.

Now change this situation. Give it different colors. Change it in the direction you need. Make it positive. Achieve a positive result.

Again, take a deep breath and exhale. Eyes open. We smile.

Who will help you overcome stress?

It is very important to deal with your stress yourself and in a timely manner.

It is important to remember here that the stressor itself is only a reason for the onset of stress, and we ourselves make it the cause of the neuropsychic experience. For example, for me an overturned cup of tea or coffee or other liquid is a trifle, I can quickly clean it up, but for my husband it is a reason for divorce.

In other words, the stressor is the same, but the reaction to it is completely different.

Stressors can be divided into three categories.

The first is stressors that are practically beyond our control. These are prices, taxes, government, weather, habits and characters of other people. Of course, we can be nervous and swear about a power outage or an inept driver creating a traffic jam, but other than increased blood pressure and adrenaline concentration in the blood, we will not achieve anything. It is much more effective at this time to use muscle relaxation techniques, various meditation techniques, breathing exercises or positive visualization techniques.

The second category is stressors that we can and should influence. These are our own unconstructive actions, the inability to set life goals and determine priorities, the inability to manage our time, as well as various difficulties in interpersonal interaction.

A very positive parable:

An African king had a close friend with whom he grew up. This friend, when considering any situation that ever happened in his life, be it positive or negative, had a habit of saying: “That's good!” One day the king was hunting. A friend used to prepare and load guns for the king. Apparently he did something wrong while preparing one of the guns. When the king took the gun from his friend and fired it, his thumb was torn off. Investigating the situation, the friend, as usual, said: “This is good!” To this the king replied: “No, this is not good!” and ordered his friend to be sent to prison. About a year passed, the king hunted in an area in which, in his opinion, he could be completely fearless. But the cannibals captured him and brought him to their village along with everyone else. They tied his hands, hauled a pile of wood, set up a post and tied the king to the post. As they came closer to light the fire, they noticed that the king was missing a thumb on his hand. Because of their superstition, they never ate anyone who had a defect in their body. Having untied the king, they released him. Returning, he remembered the incident when he lost his finger, and felt remorse for his treatment of his friend. He immediately went to the prison to talk to him.

“You were right,” he said, “it was good that I was left without a finger.”

And he told everything that had just happened to him.

I really regret putting you in jail, it was bad of me.

No, said his friend, this is good!

What are you saying? Is it good that I sent my friend to prison for a whole year?

If I weren't in prison, I would be there with you.

Are thoughts friends? Or are thoughts the enemy?

Throughout life, a person accumulates a huge number of “half-thought thoughts” that swarm in his head, overloading the brain and nervous system. A person carries a large number of unnecessary thoughts running around in circles. Due to overload of the nervous system, a decrease in the adaptive functions of the psyche occurs, which leads to stress.

Surely you have had to deal with an obsessive thought. If you were paying attention, you noticed that she is stronger than you. She doesn't leave, despite all her efforts. And it doesn’t go away precisely because you make an effort. Try to relax and ignore her. It's like you don't care if she exists or not. She will get tired of tormenting you, and she will fade away.

"Anti-stress" products

Science has become clear why children, and adults too, love ice cream: it is a great stress reliever. Milk and cream contain tryptophan - an effective natural tranquilizer that calms the nervous system, elevates mood, and helps cope with insomnia.

As for chocolate. For a long time it was believed that it acts on the brain like a drug. Californian pharmacologist Pianelli and his colleagues discovered substances in cocoa beans that are similar to some components of marijuana. However, at the end of last year, a group of American scientists “rehabilitated” chocolate and cocoa. It turned out that the concentration of unfortunate compounds in it is extremely low. In addition, most of them dissolve in the stomach, without reaching the brain.

For this reason, other researchers found a substance in chocolate related to the hormone adrenaline. It increases blood pressure, making the pulse faster, and is a natural stimulant like caffeine.

There are also products containing the “joy hormone”. The most common of them: buckwheat, oatmeal, bananas.

A little about anger

Anger can not only devastate and lead to stress, undermining your health, but also be a powerful impulse to action.

Parable on the topic:

Winter - forty degrees below zero. The carriage is coming. In the cart the driver is an old Chinese man and a woman with a child. The woman was so cold that her lips turned blue. She wrapped and warmed the child. Suddenly the Chinese stopped the cart and pushed the woman onto the road. And he and the child went further. The woman was furious that her child was being taken away. She started screaming and running after the cart. As she ran, blood began to circulate through her frozen body. The complexion appeared, the legs and arms warmed up. When she caught up with the cart, the Chinese stopped and said: “Sit down! Now you will live!”

Anger is dangerous; it is the source of many diseases. On the other hand, anger is a form of energy, skillfully directed, it promotes progress in business. This is a kind of impulse that gives us the opportunity to find a new job and a better life. Focus on solving the problem, and anger will become your ally!!!

Think about yourself, love yourself and then no stress will be scary for you!

The frantic pace of life in modern megacities, the huge flow of information that pours out on each of us every day, and the poor ecology constantly test the strength of our nervous system. We are expected to perform daily feats; we strive to be “faster, higher, stronger.” All this gradually leads to physical and emotional overload, fatigue and stress.

What is stress? Where does it come from, how to get rid of it and is it possible not to bring yourself to an extreme state - let's try to figure it out together.

What is stress

This is our body’s response to any overstrain. A person may experience both physical and emotional overload.

Physical stress can be caused by a severe or long-term illness, cold or overheating of the body, or a feeling of hunger. In order to get rid of it, you need to find and eliminate the cause.

The same applies to psychological (emotional) stress. It can be caused by troubles in your personal life, problems in the family or conflicts at work, financial difficulties, a huge amount of information, dissatisfaction with your professional abilities, disappointments and other reasons that cause great emotional distress and overload of the nervous system.

According to the degree of intensity of emotional overstrain and its duration, several periods are distinguished:

  • adaptive – when the body adapts to a new state and mobilizes its protective functions;
  • short-term - if minor troubles for a short time knocked you out of your usual rut;
  • long-term - if stress is not recognized in time and treated, it can drag on, which will ultimately lead to depression and major health problems.

Regardless of the type of stress, its intensity and duration, its nature is the same. Immediately after a nervous breakdown, adrenaline and cortisol levels increase in the blood.

Adrenaline increases blood pressure and increases heart rate and the need for high-calorie foods.

Cortisol, or the stress hormone, helps strengthen the body's protective functions and improves immunity.

How to recognize stress

The release of adrenaline and cortisol is the body's first protective reaction to increased stress. They are responsible for the physical symptoms of stress that you may feel. These include the following signals:

  • headache;
  • rapid breathing;
  • exacerbation of gastritis or development of peptic ulcer or other gastrointestinal disorders;
  • chest pain;
  • muscle tension;
  • feeling of discomfort, tension or pain in the spine;
  • fast fatiguability.

But not only physical, but also emotional changes accompany stress. Psychological symptoms of stress include:

  • depressed mood;
  • increased anxiety;
  • absent-mindedness - it is impossible to concentrate on doing something;
  • irritability;
  • sleep problems.

If you notice similar changes in yourself or someone close to you, you should definitely start treatment.

How to relieve stress at home

You can help yourself using simple methods, most of which are available to each of us. Let's figure out how to relieve stress and calm down after a nervous breakdown.

The main thing in the fight against stress is to relieve tension, try to distract yourself and relax. You can use these methods at home.

"The morning is wiser than the evening"

We remember the old worldly wisdom and put off solving the problem until the next day. It is important not to torment yourself with endless worries about what happened and how to live on, but to try to free your head from annoying thoughts.

The best way to do this is to do breathing exercises. A few simple exercises will relieve muscle tension and help you calm down. You can distract yourself by watching your favorite movie or talking with loved ones.

If obsessive thoughts just won’t leave your head, then don’t hide them, but entrust everything to paper. This will actually free your mind and maybe even look at the problem from a different perspective.


Go for a walk. Just take a walk, and not run headlong from work to home or to the store. Go to the park, just walk along the streets, look at houses, passers-by, listen to the sounds of nature, breathe deeply. A walk can be considered a meditation if you focus your attention on some details: look at the leaves on the trees, shop windows, clouds in the sky, etc.

In addition, during a walk, the flow of oxygen to the head increases - you can take your mind off your worries and find the right solution to your problem.

Listen to music

Music you love can lift your spirits. According to psychologists, it is best suited for relieving stress, but if you don’t like it, then just select any compositions that your heart responds to.

Get some exercise

When playing sports or performing any physical exercise, the body produces the hormone of happiness - endorphin. He is responsible for a good mood. The influx of endorphins can be achieved in different ways, but the most reliable effect can only be achieved through physical exercise. You can go for a run, go to the gym, dance to your favorite music, or just do simple exercises - even a few squats and simple stretching will help relieve stress and fill you with energy.


How else can you relieve fatigue at home and relax? The easiest way is to go to the bathroom. Water can cleanse not only the physical body. It washes away all our troubles and sorrows and copes well with emotional stress.

Take a contrast shower or a warm bath with aromatic oils or salt. If possible, go to the pool or... to the bathhouse. Hot steam will relax your muscles and increase the flow of endorphins. You will feel rested and renewed.

Folk remedies

Traditional recipes for herbal infusions are very helpful in relieving stress. A decoction of valerian root or motherwort herb is very soothing and helps to relax. These plants have a strong sedative effect and are often included in sedative preparations.

Warm tea with chamomile, mint or thyme and a small spoon of honey will cope with insomnia, relieve headaches.

Other folk plants are also good cures for stress: hawthorn berries, peony flowers, verbena. Only, as in the case of medications, you should use them carefully - in some cases, even taking herbal teas can cause negative reactions.

Treating stress with medications

All home remedies are good as preventatives or for relieving stress during the adaptation and short-term period.

If nervous tension does not leave you for a long time and no folk remedies help, you need to seek help from specialists.

Untreated stress can lead to major problems in both health and social life. Protracted depression is very difficult to treat. To treat stress, neuroses, depression, panic attacks and other nervous system disorders, various medications are used, which can be divided into the following groups:

  • Neuroleptics - these medications help inhibit nervous activity. They are usually prescribed for prolonged depression and complex mental disorders.
  • Antidepressants are medications that reduce anxiety and help relieve stress.
  • Tranquilizers are medications that reduce excitability, normalize sleep, and suppress emotions.
  • Nootropics – improve brain activity, memory, and increase concentration.
  • Sedatives are sedatives that promote relaxation, reduce anxiety, and relieve stress.
  • Normotimics are drugs that relieve depressed mood, restore emotional background, and are prescribed for increased irritability and nervousness.
  • Stimulant drugs - prescribed for increased mental and emotional stress, help to resist stress, and have a general strengthening effect on the body.

Any medications can only be prescribed by the attending physician. Depending on the degree and type of neurological disorder, the doctor will select drugs that relieve stress, reduce anxiety, sedatives or stimulants, and more often a combination of these to provide comprehensive treatment of the disease.

How not to relieve stress and fatigue

Many people believe that the best remedy for fatigue and stress relief is alcohol. It will help you relax and forget about your problems. However, in reality the effect is the opposite. Alcohol puts additional stress on the body, which is already physically and emotionally exhausted.

If you are very tired, you should not use stimulants or energy drinks. Coffee, strong tea, chocolate, energy drinks only have an invigorating effect for a while, after which the situation only gets worse. At the same time, they further overload the nervous system and reduce the body’s natural ability to deal with stress.

Why you need to treat stress

Any nervous breakdown is, first of all, energy that requires release. If this does not happen, it accumulates in the body and can lead to serious consequences: severe depressive conditions and diseases such as hypertension, heart disease, and neurological disorders.

In addition, this seriously complicates a person’s social life: a person experiencing constant nervous overload cannot normally concentrate on work or study, he is very unsure of himself, irritable and suspicious, and it is difficult to communicate with him. This leads to frequent conflicts with family, friends and colleagues.

How to get rid of chronic depression

Left unaddressed, stress develops into severe depression. It is almost impossible for a person to get rid of it on his own. In this case, the help of a specialist is required. Moreover, most often, therapy is complex. The doctor will prescribe medication and psychotherapeutic methods. Herbal medicine and physical therapy help.

However, no doctor or manual will give you an exact answer to the question of how to get out of depression, and will not help you get rid of a depressed state if you yourself do not make an effort to do so. In order to achieve success, you need to get out of your comfort zone, completely change your usual lifestyle, give up many habits and solve problems that have been put off for years: this could be a change of job and even profession, resolving family conflicts and other tasks that require which were scary to take on.

Prevention of a nervous breakdown

As we know, any disease is easier to prevent than to solve. The same applies to nervous breakdowns and depression. It’s easier not to push yourself to an extreme state than to then pull yourself out of the swamp by the hair. To resist stress, you need to follow rules that are simple to the point of banality and familiar to all of us from childhood.

  • Be aware. A nervous breakdown is our reaction to a situation. And only we decide how to react to it. Learn to be distracted and shift your attention from negative aspects, try to look for the good side in everything.
  • Rest. Not in front of the TV and scrolling through your social media feed. Do your favorite thing, read a book, listen to music, take a walk, go to the theater or cinema.
  • Relax. Meditation, yoga, warm bath, breathing exercises - any means that you enjoy are good for relieving stress, except alcohol and gluttony.
  • Move more. Any simple physical exercise will strengthen not only your body, but also strengthen your spirit.


We are all living people, so we are all subject to the influence of emotions, which are not always positive. However, it is up to us how we can resist them.

To cope with stress, which, unfortunately, is very common in our modern life, you need to fill every day with small joys. Take more care of yourself, give yourself small gifts every day, not necessarily material ones: find beauty in nature, in passers-by, always tune in to the good, find yourself a hobby and devote time to it, learn new things.

Every day, summing up, remember only the best of what happened to you, and then stress and nervous breakdowns will visit you less and less often.

In the modern world, stress has ceased to be something unknown and rare. The bustle of everyday life, the constant desire for a better life, the desire to have only trendy and popular technology in your arsenal, conflicts in the family and at work - all this and much more are the real sources of stress. It has entered our lives so firmly and confidently that the vast majority of the population are not even aware of it, believing that everything is normal. Meanwhile, stress, if not overcome in time, can cause numerous diseases at the physical level and lead to long-term pain. Today we will consider in detail this global and dangerous problem for humanity.

Causes of stress

Stress is a condition in which there is increased tension in the entire body, resulting from various unpleasant factors in the environment: hunger, mental and physical injuries, cold, etc. When stressed, the body stops functioning normally, disruptions occur in the overall system, which leads to various, often unpleasant, consequences.

There are a great many reasons for stress, and at the same time, what will cause a severe shock in one person will not cause a response in the soul of another. Things that lead to stress are called stress factors by experts. Moreover, these may include not only negative aspects of life, but also positive ones. For example, for women, the upcoming one can become a serious stress. The bride is worried and worried about the event, that something may go wrong, she is afraid that she may disappoint the guests and cannot choose a dress. Since preparations for a significant event take place several months in advance, the girl is under constant stress. Although in fact nothing bad is expected, on the contrary, triumph is coming.

The causes of stress can be external and internal. The first are life's troubles and problems that are under human control. The second ones originate in the mind of the individual and are often nothing more than a figment of the imagination. However, such a division is only conditional, and the nature of their origin is interconnected.

External stress factors include:

  • work;
  • problems of a material nature;
  • increased employment;
  • personal life;
  • significant, sudden and unexpected changes in a person’s usual life;
  • difficulties in interpersonal communication.

Internal stress factors include:

  • pessimistic outlook on life;
  • negative attitude and internal dialogue with oneself;
  • lack of persistence and diligence;
  • perfectionist syndrome (“excellent student”);
  • internal uncertainty.

Let's touch on the main stress factors.

Finance. One of the most popular causes of stress is the financial side of life and everything connected with it. It's not necessarily about money, but about what you can buy with it. For example, the inability to afford to satisfy your material needs: buying a car, an apartment, a trip to. This also includes problems with loans, debts, etc.

Job. An unfair tyrant boss, squabbles with colleagues, low wages, fines and deprivation of bonuses, constant employment - all these are direct sources of stress.

Health. Problems arising in terms of health also cannot make a person calm down, which causes even more harm to the current condition.

Family. There are probably no such families where everyone lives “harmoniously.” From time to time, things happen that lead to quarrels and squabbles, just for some more often than for others. The higher the regularity of events, the stronger and longer the stress.

Everyday life. Troubles in communicating with your significant other, friends and just passers-by can be expressed in severe tension, which provokes stress.

Problems in your personal life. What person wouldn't want to have complete control over their life? But this is not possible. There are always factors that arise unexpectedly and spoil or significantly change the entire way of life.

Death. Undeniable stress for everyone. It doesn’t matter who exactly suffered this fate: a loved one, a relative or a beloved animal - every loss is taken to heart.

Lack of self-expression. Every person has a talent that is bursting out. Not everyone has the opportunity to express this “volcano”. There is suppression, which every year affects the psyche more and more, and not for the better.

Impact of stress

Stress is dangerous because its influence extends to all areas of a person’s life. Both for health and appearance.

A stressful state loses a person’s ability to concentrate, memory weakens, and attention is lost. In severe manifestations, stress can result in a loss of interest in life. Desires that were so attractive just recently no longer evoke the same passion in a person. The inner turmoil that often accompanies stress provokes an individual to commit sudden and thoughtless actions. This leads to problems that make an already dire situation worse.

In addition to external manifestations, stress contributes to changes in the body, and health problems appear, mainly of a psychosomatic nature. It starts first. Due to this, a person cannot get a good night's sleep. In combination with general overstrain, this affects the cardiovascular system. A migraine that does not go away occurs, apathy and indifference to oneself sets in, the person becomes aggressive and irritated. In men, this condition can result in problems in the sexual sphere, including impotence.

Feeling doomed, the patient may begin to abuse alcohol, smoke and become addicted to drugs. Then it will be almost impossible to remove a person from such a state; the intervention of a specialist will be required.

Types of stress

Stress is not always harmful, sometimes it can be very beneficial for the body, like a shake-up. This species is called "Eustress". It is provoked by positive emotions and mobilizes a person. Suddenly, positive news can instantly lift your spirits and make your heart beat faster. Its effect on the body is so great that there are cases where elderly people simply died from it, their hearts stopped from an overabundance of positive emotions. Such stress provokes a person to achieve his goals; it stimulates interest and excitement.

But unfortunately, it is mostly bad stress such as “distress”. It has a destructive effect on the entire body. In turn, it is divided into:

  • nervous;
  • chronic;
  • short;
  • psychological;
  • physical.

Let's look a little at each type.

  • Physiological distress. Occurs when exposed to various external factors: cold, exhausting heat, strict diet, thirst. With prolonged action of the mentioned factors on the human body, stress arises in the latter.
  • Emotional or psychological distress. Caused by situations in which a person experiences strong emotions, which can be either clearly or ostensibly negative (as in the wedding example).
  • Short-term distress. Caused by a natural reaction, the instinct of self-preservation. For example, a mad dog ran after a man, from which he somehow managed to escape. He was subjected to short-term but severe stress. As a rule, this type is not dangerous if the situation does not subsequently develop into a phobia.
  • Chronic distress. The most dangerous variety, since over time a person simply does not understand that his condition is far from normal and does not take measures to eliminate it. Meanwhile, the body withers away. Often caused by a protracted “black” streak in life.
  • Nervous distress. Called after severe stressful situations. This painful condition can lead to suicide, nervous breakdown and depression.

The development of any stress occurs in three stages:

  1. Anxiety. A typical state of anxiety and tension arises as a reaction to an unpleasant situation.
  2. Resistance. The person himself, like his body, begins to resist the condition and situation.
  3. Exit. If there is enough psychological strength to cope with the emerging state, then the person wins; if not, prolonged depression sets in.

Stress and depression

Stress and depression are two very close “comrades” in assessing the general condition of a person. But there are many “buts”.

Having understood the types of stress, it is clear that it can “look” and manifest itself in different ways, and not always on the negative side. Depression is a uniquely negative condition in which a person loses interest in life and cannot think clearly.

However, doctors are inclined to believe that stress can act as a “push” to depression. On the other hand, under stress, an individual’s increased excitability is often observed, while depression is expressed by a tendency to lethargy. In general, it is difficult to distinguish prolonged, that is, chronic stress from depression and only a specialist can do this.

In any case, both conditions require immediate treatment to prevent them from developing into physical health problems.

Stressful situations: how to cope with them

Many years of experience working with stress have helped psychologists identify some components that help to persevere through problems.

  1. Use self-hypnosis. This is not about complete immersion in a trance, but about concentration on your thoughts. Find something that truly inspires you, something that makes you grow wings behind your back. Devote at least 15 minutes a day to the pleasant process of meditation, and more if possible. At this time, no one should disturb you; you should be alone with your thoughts. This will give you strength and lift your spirits.
  2. Don't hold a grudge. Very often, the provocateurs of stress are the people with whom you come into contact during the day. An unpleasant situation gives rise to resentment, anger or malice, which ignites an internal fire. Of course, it is difficult to fight such a condition and may not work out right away, but it must be done. Try to sincerely forgive the person for his actions/behavior/words. Assess the situation from a third person, think about what could have prompted the “irritant” to take his actions. The resulting awareness will help you understand and forgive him.
  3. If your work or simply your life involves frequent stress, develop the habit of exercising. It is useful in itself, since during training the body releases hormones of happiness. And strength training is a great way to relieve stress, especially if, at the moment of punching a punching bag, for example, you imagine a situation that caused unpleasant sensations.
  4. Review your diet. Stress can be triggered by banal and microelements. Take a course of multivitamins. This is especially true during the off-season.
  5. Organize yourself a hobby. Hobbies help you forget and enjoy the process itself.
  6. Get regular rest. Its deficiency causes stress even when outwardly everything is going well. As they say, you can’t make all the money and you can’t do all the things – be guided by this. Moreover, after quality rest, productivity increases significantly.

Constant stress: how to cope

It is impossible to cope with stress 100%; only a robot can do this, which you cannot become. They will happen, but the methods described above will help reduce their consequences to a minimum. It is not possible to change the environment and most situations, but for your part you can change your attitude towards what is happening.

By nature, there are no situations that are good or bad, i.e. the person himself gives a negative or positive color to this or that incident. This can be easily verified with an example. Let's say there is a modern, ultra-fashionable and sophisticated sewing machine - an ordinary object, in itself neutral. If you give it to a person who is crazy about sewing, he will be incredibly happy and immensely grateful. But if you present the same thing to a nuclear physicist, he will not react to it at all. There is one thing, but two reactions.

The reaction to situations works on the same principle - try to reconsider your reaction and it will become much easier.

Stress at work: what to do

Few people work for pleasure. And all because he is afraid to do what he really likes. If you hate work, and, as a rule, nerves and stress appear only with this type of activity, then the only help here can be changing jobs. But not an alternative one, but one that evokes positive emotions, one that you would be happy to do for free. Otherwise, read how to deal with stress and take courses. Remember, until the source is eradicated, the problem cannot be solved.

Chronic stress

Chronic stress is the consequences of untreated ordinary stress in a mild form.

It is no longer possible to fight it on your own - the intervention of a specialist is required, as well as medications, since traditional medicine is unlikely to be an assistant here.

Chronic stress is very dangerous for both your psycho-emotional state and physical health. If you do not catch it in time, the disease will begin to progress, and it will be more difficult to cure it. Therefore, do not put off treatment for too long and consult a doctor at the first opportunity!

How to relieve stress

Stress can be relieved through ritual or through medications. The latter act much faster, but only a doctor should prescribe them. To relieve relatively mild stress, such simple and familiar things as walking in the fresh air, going out into nature to be alone with yourself, taking a hot bath with the addition of aromatic oils, etc. are suitable.

In general, aromatherapy is very popular in the field of calming. Orange, lemon, lavender, ylang-ylang, rose, tea tree, violet, jasmine, geranium - all these essentials help restore strength, improve sleep and calm down. Buy a special one, add a couple of drops of oil there and always carry it with you. If you feel like another wave is rolling in, smell it for a few minutes and you will notice a miraculous effect.

Treatment of stress

Mild stress caused by overwork can be dealt with through quality rest. Go on vacation, bask in the sun, without thinking about anything.

Severe and prolonged stress, especially that which borders on depression, should be treated exclusively under the supervision of an experienced specialist - a psychotherapist. Do not minimize the danger of this condition - it can lead to disastrous consequences!

Stress pills

To treat stress, and especially chronic stress, the strongest psychotropic drugs are used, which are available exclusively with a doctor’s prescription. Under no circumstances should you engage in self-appointment in such a state. If you want to self-medicate, it is better to start taking traditional medicine, which act much more gently, albeit longer.

Medicines that can be prescribed by specialists are divided into groups:

  • Neuroleptics. These medications forcibly inhibit the functioning of the nervous system and take over it. In addition to influencing “unhealthy” areas of the brain, elements of such drugs also affect healthy ones, which can lead to very serious consequences. It can get to the point where, from being normal, a person will turn into an insensitive and thoughtless creature.
  • Antidepressants. The most popular group of pills prescribed by doctors to help cope with anxiety. They help lift the mood, improve the general condition of the patient and prevent the risk of suicide.
  • Tranquilizers. It powerfully suppresses a person’s emotions, making the patient very calm. His reaction is inhibited and there is complete indifference to everything that happens in the world. Drowsiness occurs, anxiety goes away, and performance decreases sharply. The mood becomes neutral.
  • Nootropics. Translated from Greek, "noos" means mind, and "tropos" means aspiration. The medications included in this group, at the time of administration, begin to affect the memory area, the areas that are responsible for thinking and mental activity. Unlike conventional psychostimulants, this category does not have such strong side effects as addiction, increased excitability of speech, etc.
  • Normotimic drugs. Helps stabilize mood. They are used as a gentle therapy, using small doses.
  • Sedatives. Anxiety is significantly reduced, stress is suppressed, and sleep is normalized. Unlike the above groups, sedatives are not addictive.

Each drug, in turn, is divided into two more groups: herbal or synthetic tablets. The former have a mild effect on the nervous system, but the effect, as a rule, comes after some time. The second ones “treat” immediately, but in most cases they are addictive, can result in strong side effects and do not have the best effect on health.

The most popular “pills” for stress can be called: Afobazole, Quattrex and Tenoten. These are the few drugs that are available without a prescription.

Tenoten is good for severe stress, neurotic and psychosomatic diseases. The dosage must be determined by a specialist. Available in the form of absorbable tablets.

Quatrex. A broad-spectrum drug. Popular among women during menopause, children who suffer from nervous tics, stuttering, and enuresis. In addition to stress, Quattrex helps fight insomnia and anxiety.

Afobazole belongs to the category of tranquilizers and is taken for anxiety, against which a stressful state occurs. Helps fight unreasonable fears and panic.

Drugs by groups:

Neuroleptics: Aminazine, Flupentixol, Levomepromazine.

Nootropics: Quattrex, Tenoten.

Antidepressants: Lerivon, Esquitalopram.

Tranquilizers: Alprazolam, Phenazepam, Lorazepam, Afobazol.

Folk sedatives

The pills must be prescribed by a doctor, but, unfortunately, not everyone has the opportunity to see a specialist. In order not to spoil your own health, you can resort to more gentle preparations from traditional medicine. Mother Nature did not ignore the psychological aspect of humanity and prepared many herbs and products for this. Let's look at recipes that can be used at home.

  • Mint tea with valerian roots, oregano stems, rose hips and hawthorn flowers can be a wonderful natural sedative. Take the mentioned products in equal proportions and pour one and a half liters of boiling water. Cover with a lid and let it brew. After this, strain the infusion and take about twenty minutes before meals.
  • Tansy, oregano and calendula have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of seagulls. Take each plant in equal proportions and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Strain the cooled mixture and take the drink 0.5 cup three times a day.
  • As a simple but effective remedy, you can use ordinary hawthorn. Brew a tablespoon of the product with a glass of boiling water and cover with a lid. After two to three hours, strain the mixture and take a couple of small spoons three times a day. In addition to the nervous system, this drink is good for coping with blood pressure problems, lack of air and dizziness.
  • Baths with herbs have a positive effect on stress. Suitable for these purposes: rosemary, linden, wormwood. Brew a kilogram of herbs, collected in equal proportions, with four liters of boiling water and place on the stove. As soon as the composition boils, wait about five minutes, then let the broth brew for about fifteen minutes. The finished broth should be poured into the prepared bath with already filled water. Take such baths for 20 minutes for ten days. Then take a short break and you can repeat the session.
  • Regular beetroot juice with a spoonful of honey is also a wonderful sedative. Divide the intake into three times: morning, lunch and evening. Treatment time: 10 days.
  • You can undergo treatment with valerian infusion. It is prepared as follows: place a tablespoon of dry herbs in a thermos and pour a glass of boiling water. Let the mixture sit overnight, then start taking the infusion three times a day. The duration of the course should not exceed two months.
  • Combine herbs in equal proportions: chamomile, valerian, cumin, fennel. Pour boiling water in the proportion: 15 g of herbs - a glass of water. Let it brew for 20 minutes and strain the drink through a sieve. Take 0.5 cups twice a day, in the mornings and evenings.
  • Brew a tablespoon of hop cones with a glass of boiling water. Leave to infuse for half an hour. Strain the finished infusion and take a tablespoon after meals, three times. Hops have not only a calming, but also an analgesic property. It is a good helper for problems with blood pressure, intestinal pain, liver and gall diseases.

It would be useful to mention the importance of preventing an allergic reaction. Start taking a small amount of the drug. If the body reacts well, you can continue to drink in the specified amount; if there are problems, stop consuming it and try another recipe.

When stressed, psychologically based personal or psychosomatic changes occur that go away on their own without medical intervention. A conversation with a loved one, a change of environment, a mug of hot tea in a friendly company, a relaxing bath or having sex with a loved one will help relieve “stress.” You can consult with a specialist psychologist using the link in our group In contact with.

“Severe” stress can contribute to excessive strain on the body’s protective (adaptive) capabilities and, in the presence of aggravating factors, have a detrimental effect on the body. In the modern world, the impact of stressors does not occur individually; most often, one type of impact is replaced by another, alternating, i.e. stress is imposed and therefore frequent overexertion is especially destructive.

There is no medicine that would relieve the effects of stress and post-stress disorders 100%. alleviates some of the traumatic symptoms, but is not effective for psychological symptoms. Pharmacotherapy facilitates the introduction of patients into the psychotherapeutic process - individual or group psychotherapy.

In this article you will find 17 effective ways to relieve stress. Thanks to these simple tips, you will learn to manage stress and also get rid of other health problems. You can also read about how to become a more stress-resistant person in

1. Hobby

One of the effective methods of getting rid of this condition, which helps to distract from sad thoughts, is learning a new hobby. While you are learning a new activity, negative thoughts will leave you for the duration of the training.

It has been proven that manual creative work promotes relaxation and overcoming stress.

2. Combing your hair

Another good proven method is combing your hair for 10-15 minutes. This procedure relaxes the muscles and “accelerates” the blood. It is especially suitable for those who are constantly at the computer.

3. Dancing

You need to dance often to relieve tension. Be sure to dance, even at home, or you can visit a nightclub to completely relax to rhythmic music! Dance movements are a great stress reliever. Moreover, dancing is easier than exhausting workouts in a fitness club.

4. Work with animals

According to numerous studies, exercise with pets is also good for relieving anxiety and overcoming stress. Moreover, it has been proven that those who have pets endure this psychological trauma more easily and recover faster from stress. Even aquarium fish have a therapeutic effect.

5. Eat something sweet

Ice cream or other sweet dish can serve as an anti-stress dope. These foods act like antidepressants. If you are not a fan of sweets, eat fish that is rich in omega-3 amino acids. This product also relieves stress.

6. Aromatherapy

A strong, pleasant smell will help you overcome stress, because aromas are strongly associated with emotional memory. Keep with you perfumes whose smell you associate with happy moments and which you are delighted with. Wear your favorite perfume and get positive emotions.

7. Acupressure

Massaging the points under the nose, between the eyebrows, on the chin and in the center of the palm will restore strength and help maintain energy. Massage these areas for at least 30 seconds.

8. Get your thoughts in order

To put your thoughts in order, you need to stay alone for a while and just indulge in reflection. While enjoying a delicious treat while listening to your favorite tune, just relax and think about what you would like most. You can even write your wishes on paper.

Having outlined a rough plan, you can outline your further actions.

9. Cleaning

Cleaning your apartment and simply putting things in their places has a beneficial effect on the brain and helps organize your thoughts. By doing these simple manipulations, you will be able to concentrate. And putting things in order in closets and shelves will have a psychological effect - unconsciously this order will be transferred to your thoughts.

10. Hiking

Walking, although it provides some exercise, also clears the mind, freeing the head from heavy thoughts. Thanks to walks, the level of the hormone of happiness - endorphin - rises in the body.

Walking will fill you with positive energy, which is so lacking in a stressful state. And while walking, something will definitely make you smile.

11. Rubbing your palms

To relieve nervous tension, simply rub your palms together or your ears. Rub them until they become hot. This will keep you focused and invigorated.

12. Wave your arms

Treatments such as swimming and massage are very useful. Since stress manifests itself as tightening of muscles, they lose elasticity and you may experience back pain and headaches. Simple relaxation exercises can be done at home or in the workplace. Just rotate your arms and legs, bend your hands in different directions.

13. Wash away stress in the shower

Take a shower for 15 minutes and you will feel a surge of strength and get a boost of energy. Negative thoughts will leave you under the influence of warm water jets and a head and shoulder massage, and after a while relief will come.

14. Hibiscus tea

An hour with hibiscus helps to dilute radicals that provoke feelings of stress and anxiety. Therefore, this drink is very useful to drink when

15. Coloring pictures

Another effective way to combat stress is coloring pictures. According to psychologists, by doing this type of creativity for at least five minutes, stress goes away faster, and in addition, you will receive aesthetic pleasure.

16. Walking on stairs

Running up the stairs for 30 seconds is enough to overcome stress. Jogging up and down will oxygenate the parts of the brain that deal with emotional stress.

17. Moving objects

According to Eastern practices, just by moving any 27 objects in the apartment, you will relax, disconnect from problems and find a way to eliminate a stressful situation. Thanks to these manipulations, space for energy is freed up, and you can switch from your problems to something else and just emotionally relax.