One of the largest political and economic unions is the European Union. It was founded quite a long time ago; today it includes only 28 different countries.

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This is why it is quite difficult to obtain an EU visa; the list of participating countries is gradually growing.

What it is

The EU is an amalgamation of a number of different regions. On this moment, in 2020, this association includes 28 different states.

That is why you need to familiarize yourself in advance current list. Since this list is updated every year. The main goal is regional integration.

This union is consolidated, including at the documentary level. Current normative document is precisely the Maastricht Treaty - it was formulated and adopted by the majority in 1992.

As of 2020, the EU zone includes countries with a total population of about 500 million people. The total gross product of all countries that are members of the EU is 23%.

In monetary terms, this is approximately 21.6 trillion. dollars. This union develops general directives in the sphere of the political and judicial system.

There is also a general economic space, has its own defense policy. The main feature of the EU is that this association simultaneously has several features:

  • interstateism;
  • supranationality.

There are simultaneously several different bodies that interact with various states and regulate in this area.

At the moment, the main such bodies are the following:

  • Council of the European Union – the name Council of Ministers is also applied to this body;
  • EU Court of Justice;
  • Chamber of Accounts, Central Bank;
  • parliament.

Parliamentarians are elected every 5 years by EU residents. Initially, this union included only 6 states.

These are Belgium, West Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, France, and the Netherlands. Over time, the number of countries that are members of this union has increased significantly.

In addition to the regions that are directly included in this union, there are also those that have carried out the association.

It is important to note that the requirements for entering this union are quite serious. A special agreement is required. You will definitely need to pay quite significant contributions to the EU budget.

Joining the union is possible only if a particular country meets all Copenhagen criteria. These were adopted in 1993, at a meeting in the city of Copenhagen.

It was approved in 1995. The main criteria that such a state must meet:

  • all generally accepted principles are observed;
  • there is a competitive economy;
  • there is a commitment to the common values ​​of the EU - these are published in the relevant documents.

On the territory of these states there is one currency system - the euro is used. It is a payment unit that is used in all EU countries.

It is important to understand that its presence occurs in mandatory in a country that is part of the EU. Moreover, according to the legislation of the union, it is prohibited to have your own currency.

There are certain disadvantages of joining the EU, as well as advantages. Moreover, if possible, you need to carefully understand all of them yourself.

Initially, in the middle of the 20th century, a common economic space was formed for the sale of coal and steel between states.

But with time economic cooperation in all areas began to grow more and more. As a result, the need arose to carry out an integration procedure.

It should be noted that this process is associated with the achievement of certain agreements. They are formatted accordingly.

Greece joined the EU relatively recently. At the same time, Great Britain left. The reasons for this are economic, as well as many others.

It is important to note that the EU also has a common area in terms of the movement of all citizens. Countries that are surrounded on all sides by EU countries are in a special position.

In this case, they are provided with simple passage through the territory of other states. Citizens of, for example, Luxembourg can obtain a visa without any difficulties.

The list of EU countries includes a fairly wide range. Moreover, obtaining an EU visa is quite complicated and requires the preparation of a wide range of documents.

You will need to read them all carefully. This will avoid many difficulties and problems. Separately, it is worth noting the issue of collecting documents for obtaining a visa.

Today it is necessary to prepare a fairly wide list. The accession of other countries to the EU has certain subtleties.

Which states are included in the association?

The EU zone includes a fairly wide range of states. These are not only large ones (Germany, Italy), but also small ones - Croatia. The boundaries on the map are marked quite accurately.

But at the same time, there are a number of different zones that, for a number of reasons, are not part of the EU. But they border on it on all sides.

As of 2020, the European Union includes the following states:

Country name State capital EU accession date
Austria Vein 1995
Belgium Brussels 2007
Bulgaria Sofia 2007
Hungary Budapest 2004
Great Britain London 1973
Greece Athens 1981
Germany Berlin 1957
Denmark Copenhagen 1973
Italy Rome 1957
Ireland Dublin 1973
Spain Madrid 1986
Cyprus Nicosia 2004
Luxembourg Luxembourg 1957
Latvia Riga 2004
Lithuania Vilnius 2004
Malta Valletta 2004
Netherlands Amsterdam 1957
Portugal Lisbon 1986

In addition to those indicated above, this list also includes many other states. The years of entry vary significantly due to the gradual expansion of this zone.

But it should be noted that the process of joining the EU itself has certain subtleties and features. In addition to the above states, the zone includes the following countries as full members:

  • Poland;
  • Romania;
  • Slovenia and Slovakia;
  • France and Finland;
  • Croatia;
  • Czech Republic, Estonia and Sweden.

It should be noted that a common area with the EU in some cases is actually not beneficial to the country that joins.

For example, goods for sale and deliveries to other countries must meet fairly stringent requirements.

Not all countries correspond to these. This question needs to be carefully considered. Because this is the only way to prevent various difficulties and problematic issues. It is worth working out all the questions in advance.

In addition to the official members of this union, there are a number of states that are applicants or potential candidates for entry.

Add to list official candidates includes:

  • Albania;
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Kosovo;
  • Macedonia;
  • Serbia;
  • Türkiye;
  • Montenegro.

A fairly significant number of states have signed an association agreement with the EU, but this is only the first step in joining this zone.

You need to carefully familiarize yourself with all the nuances and subtleties of the entry procedure. To the list of those potential candidates includes the following:

  • Algeria;
  • Georgia and Egypt;
  • Israel and Jordan;
  • Canada, Lebanon;
  • Morocco;
  • Moldova;
  • Mexico;
  • Tunisia and Ukraine.

The process of preparing for entry has a number of features. Moreover, all such issues will need to be worked out in advance.

This is the only way to avoid many difficulties and problematic situations. Separately, it will be necessary to dwell on the issue of requirements, the fulfillment of which is mandatory for member countries.

In return, those who join the EU receive a number of benefits. For example, the absence of duties when transporting goods across borders between countries.

Requirements for candidates for entry

A special regulatory document establishes a special list of requirements for states that plan to join the EU.

At the moment, the main requirements include primarily the following:

If these requirements are met, then the state has the right to apply for accession to the EU.

This will be only the first step towards joining; it is designated as a consultation one. In this case, the state will be a candidate for accession to the EU.

Next comes the negotiation stage, which involves discussing the terms of entry. If all discussions are completed, there are no difficulties or difficulties - the process of admission to the EU is carried out.

Prospects for Adoption

The EU's development prospects are quite significant. At the moment, the main advantages of being a member of this supranational association are:

  • ease of movement of citizens between countries;
  • common, single currency, economic space;
  • absence of any difficulties associated with crossing the border by car;
  • Member countries can count on fairly large loans at relatively low rates.

In 2016, many people around the world learned the word Brexit. This was the name given to Britain's possible exit from the European Union, on which a referendum was held in the country on June 23 of the same year. But what now? Is Great Britain a member of the European Union, what is its relationship with the united Europe? Let's try to figure it out.

Composition of the state

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, an island state in northwestern Europe, is a rather unusual country in terms of its territorial structure. It is unitary, while its constituent parts, which are England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, enjoy very broad autonomy.


The largest and most famous part of the United Kingdom. Actually, when people talk about England, they often mean the whole of Great Britain. Most of the population of the United Kingdom lives here, its main attractions and industrial enterprises are located. It is in England that one of the oldest higher education institutions is located educational institutions planet - and the capital of Great Britain - London.


A mountainous country known for castles, whiskey, the Loch Ness Monster and colorful locals. A lesser known fact is that its territory includes about eight hundred islands, of which about three hundred are uninhabitable. In 2014, a referendum on independence was held in Scotland, where opponents of secession from the UK won by a small margin.


Perhaps the most little-known part of Great Britain. Meanwhile, it can boast of a large number of castles - there are about six hundred of them. There are two official languages ​​recognized in Wales - English and Welsh, the latter being one of the oldest on the planet.

Northern Ireland

Located in the northeast of the island of Ireland. The smallest part of the United Kingdom. It should not be confused with the Republic of Ireland, which is an independent state. The official languages ​​of this area, in addition to English, are Ulster-Scots and Irish. In addition to the Celtic flavor, its natural beauty is noteworthy.

Which countries are part of the European Union

The idea of ​​a united Europe began to take hold of minds after the bloody Second World War. Nevertheless, the European nations had a long way to go before political unification. At the moment, the European Union is not a state, it is only a political and economic association that includes 28 member states:

  • Denmark;
  • France;
  • Hungary;
  • Belgium;
  • Austria;
  • Italy;
  • Greece;
  • Ireland;
  • Spain;
  • Germany;
  • Cyprus;
  • Latvia;
  • Poland;
  • Bulgaria;
  • Lithuania;
  • Malta;
  • Slovenia;
  • Slovakia;
  • Finland;
  • Luxembourg;
  • Estonia;
  • Romania;
  • Croatia;
  • Portugal;
  • Czech Republic;
  • Netherlands;
  • Sweden.

Each EU member delegates part of its powers to union bodies, while maintaining sovereignty. Within the framework of this organization, there are various agreements that may unite all participating countries, or may only unite some of them. An example of the latter is the Eurozone, which includes 19 states that have abandoned their national money in favor of the euro. The UK is not one of them; its currency is still the pound sterling.

UK and EU today

On January 1, 1973, when Great Britain joined the EU, or rather the European Economic Community, which preceded the current European Union, British politicians rejoiced at the long-awaited success. The fact is that the country ended up there only the third time. The first two applications were rejected due to a veto by French President de Gaulle.

Returning to the question of whether Great Britain is in the EU or not, in 2019 we can give a clear answer: the United Kingdom is a member of the European Union. Nevertheless, we can say with a high degree of confidence that she has been there for the last year. In 2016, a national referendum was held in which Her Majesty’s subjects decided the question of whether or not to be part of the association. Supporters of secession won by a minimal margin, motivating their position by the economic disadvantage of membership in the organization. The country's exit from the EU is scheduled for March 2019.

Is it included in Schengen

For those who want to visit the country of the Beatles and Sherlock Holmes, the question will be relevant: whether England is part of Schengen or not. In 2019, a UK visa will be required to enter the UK. The fact is that Great Britain is not part of the Schengen zone. The process of obtaining a visa begins with the preparation of an application, which must be filled out on the embassy website. You must print it out, certify it with your signature and paste the photo in the place provided for this. Next you will need:

  • a foreign passport, the validity of which must expire no earlier than six months from the end of the trip;
  • one more photo;
  • a certificate from work, which contains information about the position and monthly income (for a pensioner - a pension certificate).

The European Union is an association of 28 European states. They created a common economic and political space. The motto of the European Union is “Concord in diversity”, which implies common work for the common European good and prosperity. At the same time, a wide variety of cultural traditions and languages ​​have a positive effect on this process.

History of creation

The idea of ​​​​creating the “United States of Europe” in the post-war period was voiced by Winston Churchill. The first German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer, Luxembourg politician Joseph Bech, Italian Prime Minister Alcide De Gasperi and other famous European politicians are also considered the founding fathers of the European Union.

The year of creation of the prototype of the European Union is considered to be 1951, when, according to the plan of Schuman (French Foreign Minister), the “European Coal and Steel Community” was created. The agreement was signed by Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. The positive experience of joint regulation of the two industries led to the creation in 1957 of the “European economic union" Name " European Union" (abbreviated European Union or EU) appeared after the signing of the Maastricht Treaty in 1992 by 12 countries. Gradually, other states of Western and later Eastern Europe joined it.

What is the Eurozone? Who is included in it?

In 1999, the EU moved to the fourth stage of economic integration. After the free trade zone, the common market, customs union a monetary union began to operate. It included 19 EU countries, which formed a zone with a single euro currency.

The Vatican, Andorra, Monaco, and San Marino, which are not members of the EU, officially joined the Eurozone under the agreement. Without a treaty, Kosovo and Montenegro use the euro. At the same time, Great Britain and Denmark have so far abandoned the euro, and 7 EU countries (Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Croatia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Sweden) have promised to introduce a common currency in the future.

List of EU member countries for 2018

Today the EU includes the following countries:

  • Austria
  • Bulgaria
  • Belgium
  • British Kingdom
  • Germany
  • Hungary
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Spanish Kingdom
  • Denmark
  • Ireland
  • Lithuania
  • Latvia
  • Republic of Cyprus
  • Malta
  • Kingdom of the Netherlands
  • Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
  • Slovenia
  • Slovakia
  • Poland
  • Finland
  • French Republic
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Croatia
  • Sweden
  • Czech
  • Estonia

Seventeen EU countries received EC aid to support farmers due to drought

Seventeen of the 28 EU states have taken advantage of the European Commission's help, requesting the possibility of farmers receiving a series of advance payments from the EU budget to support them due to the severe drought this summer, the European Commissioner for agriculture Phil Hogan at a press conference after the EU Agriculture Ministerial Council.

“Seventeen EU countries have taken advantage of this opportunity,” he said, adding that we're talking about on advance direct payments and funds for rural development.

The media named three EU countries in which Ukrainians most often sought asylum

According to the Statistical Institute of the European Union, in the first eight months of 2018, the authorities of Italy, Spain and Germany received the most new applications for asylum from Ukrainian citizens.

According to UNN, in Italy only in the first six months of this year, 1,515 new applications from Ukrainians were registered.

At the same time, Spain and Germany received 1,205 and 715 new applications from January to August 2018, respectively.

Ukrainians also submitted 180 applications to Poland in eight months.

In 2018, talk about the withdrawal of some countries from the European Union became more frequent, due to the political situation in the world. In this article we will look at which countries are members of the European Union in 2019.

Today the European Union includes 28 countries.
In addition to major powers, the list also includes a number of autonomous regions that are subordinate to larger states. Among the autonomous territories are the Åland Islands, the Azores and others.

Which countries are members of the European Union, list in 2019

Date of accession to the European Union A country Total number of members
March 25, 1957 Belgium, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, France. 6
January 1, 1973 Great Britain, Denmark, Ireland. 9
January 1, 1981 Greece 10
January 1, 1986 Spain, Portugal 12
January 1, 1995 Austria, Finland, Sweden 15
May 1, 2004 Hungary, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Estonia 25
January 1, 2007 Bulgaria, Romania 27
July 1, 2013 Croatia 28

Map of the European Union with countries and capitals, EU borders

IMPORTANT: EU countries are pursuing a customs union policy. There is a duty-free trade system within the Union, and the quantity of goods moving between countries does not matter, and therefore is not taxed. Those powers that were not lucky enough to join the Union trade at a single customs tariff.

It should be noted that each segment of the EU retains its own economy and has all the powers to independently conduct economic activity. BUT mandatory monetary influences in the treasury. The investments of 28 states make up the GDP of the entire Union.

Accession to the EU

All current members of the European Union have gone through certain stages that must be completed in order to join the Union. The so-called Copenhagen criteria.

What are the requirements for candidates for entry?

1. "Any European state may apply to become a member of the Union.”

REFERENCE: What “European state” means is not entirely clear. Despite the fact that the phrase is used as a term, its clear definition has not yet been given. In practice, “European” is interpreted as a state that belongs to Europe geographically, as well as culturally, historically and politically close to the values ​​of the Union.

2. A country applying for membership must respect the values , which underlie the European Union, share them and ensure the maintenance of these values ​​within their state.

IMPORTANT: Basic requirements: “respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities.”

The Treaty on European Union also includes secondary requirements for candidates for accession. They are named named in Art. 49 "compliance criteria"
The terms of the TEU are set by the heads of EU member states.

Candidates for accession to the European Union in 2019

Several countries have submitted their candidacies to join the European Union:

  • Republic of Albania.
  • Montenegro.
  • Republic of Macedonia.
  • Republic of Serbia.
  • Turkish Republic.

REFERENCE: Serbia and Montenegro even have a tentative entry date set for 2025.

There are also potential candidates:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Republic of Kosovo

They are not candidates yet. There is a fundamental difference between legal status candidate country and potential candidate country.

Which countries were the first to join the European Union?

The first echelon included only 6 countries (all Western European): Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, federal Republic Germany, France. This composition is relevant for the period of the 50s - 60s of the twentieth century.

Already in 1793 there was an increase in the number of allied countries. The so-called expansion, which ended with the annexation of Great Britain, Denmark and Ireland.

1981 was the date of signing the agreement also with Greece, and 1986 with Spain and Portugal.

REFERENCE: The Treaty on the European Union was signed only in 1992 (it came into force on November 1, 1993). Only from that moment on did the European Union emerge in the format in which it exists to this day. Since 1993, he has lived according to the rules of the DES and entry is carried out according to strictly established regulations.

The first countries to join the EU according to all official procedures and established stages were Austria, Finland and Sweden.

Only in the twenty-first century did further expansion of the union (to the East) begin.
On 1 May 2004, the EU admitted Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia and the islands of Cyprus and Malta.

In 2005, an agreement was signed, and in 2007, Eastern European Bulgaria and Romania became EU members.

Which country was the last to join the EU?

Croatia recently joined the European Union. At the moment, it is the last country to move from candidate status to EU member status.

The Croats applied for membership back in 2003, and for ten years they went through the procedure of joining the union. In 2004, the European Commission approved the initiative and allowed Croatia to become a candidate.

The process was delayed due to the intervention of Slovenia, whose officials made it clear that they had a number of objections to Croatia's accession to the EU.
In 2009, the situation was resolved with the help of international representatives.

The signing of related agreements took place in 2012, and in 2013 they entered into force, making Croatia a full member of the European Union.

European countries outside the EU

  • Liechtenstein
  • Monaco
  • Switzerland
  • Russia
  • Belarus
  • Moldova
  • Ukraine
  • Norway
  • Andorra
  • Vatican
  • San Marino
  • Albania and Macedonia (cannot become candidates for accession, as they are in a state of territorial disputes)
  • Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan (partially located on European territory)
  • Kosovo (cannot join the Union, since not all countries recognize it as an independent state)
  • Transnistria (the issue of secession from Moldova has not been fully resolved)

REFERENCE: Andorra, Monaco, San Marino and the Vatican are partners of the EU, actively cooperate with the countries of the Union, and the official currency of these states is the euro.

  • Czech Republic;
  • Sweden.
  • The European Union has existed for almost 90 years, during which time only one country has left it (Greenland), which in 1985 expressed outrage over the reduction of fishing quotas.

    The history of the formation of the European Union began in 1951 with the formation of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), which included six countries (Belgium, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, France and Germany). Within countries, all tariff and quantitative restrictions on trade in these goods were lifted.

    March 25, 1957 The Treaty of Rome was signed to create European Economic Community(EEC) on the basis of the ECSC and the European Atomic Energy Community.

    In 1967, three European communities (the European Coal and Steel Community, the European Economic Community and the European Atomic Energy Community) merged to form the European Community.

    On June 14, 1985, the Schengen Agreement on the free movement of goods, capital and citizens was signed - an agreement providing for the abolition of customs barriers within the European Union while simultaneously tightening controls at the external borders of the EU (came into force on March 26, 1995).

    On February 7, 1992, the Treaty establishing the European Union was signed in Maastricht (Netherlands) (came into force on November 1, 1993). The agreement completed the work of previous years to regulate the monetary and political systems of European countries.

    In order to achieve the highest form of economic integration between EU states, the euro was created - the single EU monetary unit. The euro was introduced in non-cash form on the territory of EU member states on January 1, 1999, and cash banknotes on January 1, 2002. The euro replaced the ECU, the conventional unit of account of the European Community, which was a basket of currencies of all EU member states.

    The EU is responsible for issues relating to, inter alia, the common market, the customs union, the single currency (with some members maintaining their own currency), the common agricultural policy and the common fisheries policy.

    The organization includes 27 European countries: Germany, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Great Britain, Denmark, Ireland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Hungary, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Czech Republic, Estonia. On January 1, 2007, Bulgaria and Romania officially joined the European Union.

    European Union institutions:

    Supreme political body the European Union is European Council. Like a meeting of heads of state at top level The Council actually determines the tasks of the Union and its relations with member states. Sessions are presided over by the President or Prime Minister of the country presiding over the governing bodies EU alternately for six months.

    The highest executive body of the European Union is European Commission (CEC, Commission of the European Communities). The European Commission consists of 27 members, one from each member state. The commission plays main role in supporting the day-to-day activities of the EU. Each commissioner, like a minister of the national government, is responsible for a specific area of ​​work.

    European Parliament is an assembly of 786 deputies directly elected by citizens of EU member states for a term of five years. Deputies unite in accordance with their political orientation.

    The EU's highest judicial body is European Court(official name - Court of Justice of the European Communities). The court consists of 27 judges (one from each member state) and nine advocates general. The Court regulates disagreements between member states, between member states and the European Union itself, between EU institutions, and issues opinions on international agreements.