You are in a terrible state. Your boyfriend left you, he destroyed everything you believed in and hoped for. If this person behaved meanly and cynically, insulted with his behavior, exposed him to ridicule, then it hurts doubly. And you decided to take revenge on the guy. Do you want him to endure at least a fraction of what you had to endure? Well, you can understand. The main thing is that in the heat of vengeance, you do not get carried away and do something stupid. It is important to stop in time, to say to yourself “Stop!”

In what cases is it not worth taking revenge?

Women who still love a man often decide to take this step. They cannot forgive him for ruining their plans for happiness and now sharing their lives with another. This is banal jealousy and resentment. Pay attention, maybe he still has hints that he also continues to miss you. If so, then it is better not to take revenge, but to try to improve the relationship, to push him to action that will allow him to return to the former harmony.

The second point is that there is no need to take revenge if he offended you unwillingly, involuntarily. This also happens, many of us become victims of circumstances. Perhaps he was set up or misled.

You yourself have become a victim of your own fantasies. Remember, did he offer you friendship, love? From the very beginning you did not give him any way, you followed him everywhere. And when you were starved out, he reluctantly began a relationship with you. The logical result was his departure, his infatuation with another girl. And this is normal, because he did not love you and did not promise anything. It turns out that you took revenge on yourself with the current situation. Who should I be offended by now? Only for yourself. And there is nothing to take revenge on this guy for, let him go and don’t pursue him anymore. Get your hands on yourself!

Before you take revenge, think a hundred times

Just recently everything was fine in your couple. It seemed that everyone around was admiring your sincere and tender relationship. And the moment came when you learned about his infidelity, dishonesty. In this case, revenge, of course, has grounds. But is it worth punishing the offender for what he did to you? It cannot be said that some marginal part of the female sex is burning with the desire to take revenge. Almost all girls and ladies who have been deceived and offended, picture in their thoughts the most sophisticated methods of returning pain. Yes, revenge is the return of betrayal, pain, humiliation. We want him to experience the same thing as us. To lie on his knees and beg for forgiveness.

The main thing to start with is to cool down. You cannot think about revenge in the heat of passion, at the moment of a surge of emotions, when your soul is painful and disgusting. Wait at least 1-2 weeks. It is best to leave and preferably on vacation. If possible, go to the sea, to a country boarding house and breathe fresh air, meet new people, and “dilute” your life. Fresh faces, interesting conversations, entertainment and relaxation will bring positive impressions and calm the heated passions in your soul.

And then think about whether he is worth wasting energy and nerves on his punishment. Will you get relief? Of course, all psychologists say that suppressing negative emotions absolutely not possible. It’s also not worth taking it out on your loved ones and relatives - they are not to blame for anything. The only person who deserves your attacks is he, the one who hurt and offended. But even here you need to think about how to take revenge.

How to avoid taking revenge

Before I write down for you the best and effective methods punishment of the offender, we suggest studying what you should never dare to do.

  1. Do not cause bodily harm.
  2. Don't punish your opponent.
  3. Don't think about suicide.
  4. Don't curse and don't run after money.
  5. Don't damage his property.
  6. Do not damage your opponent's property.

Revenge should be beautiful

So, we have already brushed aside all the bad methods that can destroy not only him, but also your life. Now let's move on to the list, which will reflect very elegant and effective ways punishments. At first glance they seem too soft, but this is only at first glance. After all, we decided to take revenge beautifully and wisely, which means we must be patient. Take action, and as in the Chinese proverb, wait for the “corpse” of your offender on the river bank. It should not be taken literally, “corpse” has a figurative meaning.

Don’t even think about calling him, and in general, change your mobile phone number. Men just pretend not to react to anything. In his heart, he hopes that you are still pining for him and will cut off his phone. Just imagine what disappointment awaits him when there is complete silence. Of course, at this time it will be very difficult for you, you will be “burning”, boredom will arise, longing for your loved one. Nothing - be patient. He is now in a more uncertain state.

Don't you dare sit at home. But don’t communicate with your ex in the same company. Better make new friends or he'll think you're trying to mess with him on purpose once again meet. But don't lose touch with your friends. Let them tell him that everything is fine with you, the rhythm of life has not changed, you are having a great time, you are not bored and are not crying into your pillow.

Ignore his presence. Even if you receive an invitation from a mutual friend for a birthday, go boldly and don’t be afraid of anything. Now I’ll tell you a very interesting situation that will help you take revenge on your offender beautifully and gracefully.

Galina and Sasha started dating about a week before he became interested in another girl. We've known each other for a long time, but it seems like our relationship has started to improve. Every day he came to visit, invited us for a walk, and gave flowers. Everything said that the guy was in love and wanted to develop the relationship. It cannot be said that Galya was burning with desire, but she still felt sympathy for him in her soul. So, there were kisses and caresses, fortunately it didn’t reach the bed.

And then, mutual friends are having a wedding. Naturally, our heroine was sure that Alexander would be her gentleman, and it seemed like they started dating. But no, as soon as a blonde from the groom’s side of the family appeared, he immediately forgot about Galina’s existence. It was unpleasant. In her thoughts, Galya thought it was good that we didn’t go far, otherwise she would have felt spat upon.

So, at the end of the wedding celebrations, Sasha and Blonde went together to the same hotel room. The second day of the wedding took place at a friends dacha. For a long time Galina thought about whether to go or not to go. And then she spat and decided that such a womanizer and nonentity like this Sashka was not worth it for her to give up rest and communication with friends.

Arriving at the place, she decided that she would not even look in the direction of the womanizer. Sasha appeared with the blonde, they gently whispered something in each other’s ear. Galina - zero attention. Moreover, when they clinked glasses, she smiled, along with everyone else she extended her hand, but did not look the offender in the eyes. About 2 hours after the start of the banquet, he could not stand it and started running after our heroine. Moreover, he knelt in front of her.

It would seem, what did she do? I ignored it - and this is the most swipe according to male pride. Of course, she didn't give him a second chance, but the poor blonde was abandoned too. Nine months later she gave birth to a boy. And Sasha married a simple and modest girl, but it didn’t work out and he became an alcoholic.

Become a happy and successful girl. Perhaps this is a real “uppercut” to the ex. It will be difficult for him to come to terms with the fact that after breaking up with you, you do not need anything, enjoy life, and can afford anything. And of course, he will be painfully hurt by the mere thought that you have fallen in love and the feeling is mutual. How to achieve all this? It's simple:

  1. Engage in your own self-development. Study, look for an interesting job, and grow your career. Work and study will help you take your mind off heavy thoughts and will very soon completely dissolve them.
  2. Take up some hobby. Sign up for courses, in the studio, dance, write poetry, bake cakes.
  3. The moment will come when your revenge will turn into a profitable activity, and then you will be completely indifferent to how your ex feels. Isn’t it cool to watch his facial expression when you, like a butterfly, flutter out of your own convertible.

Meet and talk with his new passion. Before doing this, make sure that this is a normal, adequate person, and not some kind of hysterical fool. Tell her in detail what kind of person your ex is. Perhaps in this way you will protect another victim of the womanizer from harm and pain. Also tell her about his secrets, which he carefully hides from his new girlfriends. Most likely, if she is an understanding person, the conversation will help make correct conclusions and scare away the girl.

You still have his messages on your phone, and e-mail tender letters. Send their text to their phone new lover. Regardless of how old they are, a serious scandal awaits. Any woman continues to be jealous of her man for his past. And if it is impossible to prove when the message was written, then a conflict will definitely break out.

Take advantage of the achievements of modern technology. Register on one of the social networks under a new name, find your ex and start a virtual relationship with him. Instead of an avatar, you need a photo of a stunning beauty (the main thing is not to frame another girl). Find a photo of a girl living almost in another corner of the planet. She must be the embodiment of his desires. Arrange an exciting correspondence and lure the guy into your “network”. Pull until the last minute, arouse his desire, force him to make an appointment. And when the hottest moment comes, you have several punishment options:

  1. Send it all to him new girl. Let her know what kind of womanizer she is dealing with.
  2. Make a date and disappoint with your appearance. This is truly a victory because he was on your leash for several months.
  3. Abruptly stop the correspondence, pointing out his shortcomings in communication. Humiliate his dignity.

If you have dirt on a guy, use it. As a rule, in long-term relationships, men stop being careful, they may spill the beans, hide their documents poorly, etc. And women are curious people, they will definitely sniff out something. An excellent option is saved video recordings of his incorrect behavior, bad attitude towards colleagues, etc. For a careerist or a person dependent on the boss, this is a bomb, the explosion of which will destroy all his plans.

A sophisticated but expensive way is to ruin your ex's vacation. Wealthy girls or ladies usually resort to it. You need to prepare properly and purchase tickets for two (for him and his new passion). Preferably to a resort somewhere exotic country. Well, you know his preferences and you can’t go wrong with your choice. And as soon as the couple reaches their destination, numerous and serious problems. This includes lack of seats, confusion with numbers, poor food, no plane tickets, or they simply have not been paid for.

Of course, it’s impossible without involving a travel agent in this process, but it’s still worth trying to contact them. At the same time, you shouldn’t let your ex know which company the voucher came from; let it be a fictitious company, and at the other end of the phone you will answer in a slightly changed voice. The main thing is that the unfortunate vacationers are not harmed physically.

Place advertisements of various types on the Internet. For example, pizza delivery, or car repair, urgent repairs computer equipment etc. And of course, include his phone number everywhere. The endless stream of calls will drive him crazy. A more sophisticated way is to leave his phone number on a dating site for gay people.

There are a million different groups on the Internet. Among them there are those who help take revenge on the girl’s offender. Let them call your ex and set him up in front of his new lover. The effect is guaranteed.

Change your status, but don't describe your situation. That is, such small and simple phrases, such as “I have an amazing manicure”, “The girl did a great perm”, “The cat scratched the sofa” will simply drive the former gentleman crazy. The described indicates that you have no intention of attracting his attention, and at the same time, you pay attention to all sorts of nonsense. This means that you are completely calm, carefree and do not suffer from loneliness.

Make him fall in love with you again, and then, of course, dump him. This revenge will take time. After betrayal, take a time out and don’t show your face to him for at least a month. During this time, you should completely transform, become more beautiful, slimmer. Seek advice from makeup artists. And then, as if by accident, run into him at a party with friends or in a cafe. Rest assured, he will be stunned by your beauty and will immediately regret breaking up with you. It would be nice if there were people hanging around you who wanted to get a date. To begin with, communicate with him, you can even flirt. Reassure the offender, let him dream. And at the most “interesting” moment, leave him, pointing out his mental and physical shortcomings. This is revenge, this is revenge!

Can proceed further. Agree to go on a date with him, let it take place in some hotel. When he takes a shower, throw his things out the window and calmly go home. Or worse, suggest role-playing games, tie the guy to the bed, naked of course. And go your way. Let the maid find him in this position. She will definitely invite her colleagues to admire the would-be womanizer and take a couple of pictures on her phone, although you already have them. Post it online and let everyone who wants to admire it.

Make him jealous. Have an easy romance, without obligations. You need to shift your attention to the other person. Let your ex know about it. If you think that he doesn’t care, you are mistaken. Men are possessive and in their dreams they hope that you shed tears for him and do not want to see anyone. No, you are needed, they look after you, they woo you. And it will hurt!

Fulfill old desires. Remember what you dreamed about together when you were still a couple. Maybe they wanted to go to some resort, or attend a concert of their favorite musician. Make this dream come true for yourself. If before you couldn’t save money or find time, now you allow yourself everything you want. Don’t forget to post pictures with your face glowing with pleasure in social media. This way he will understand that you didn’t love him that much if you didn’t try to please him before separation.

Write a letter full of coquetry and flirtation and, as if by accident, send it to his number. Naturally, he will answer, and you will make it clear that it was not intended for him. And be sure to apologize to him for this oversight. But do not repeat the action categorically, otherwise he will figure it out.

Hurt him. When you find out that he has exchanged you for someone else, make an appointment. And tell him, looking into his eyes, that you are glad that this happened, because you never loved him, but you just didn’t know how to tell him about it. And so, everything resolved itself. And wish him happiness, and, by the way, give him advice, let him make sure that this girl really loves him. The blow to pride will be the most accurate.

Does your ex love his car? There is nothing complicated here at all. Drip valerian once, the cats will not get off the hood and will scratch all the paint. Or sprinkle wheat, let the birds peck, and at the same time leave millions of holes on the surface of the car.

Don't break contact with his mother. If a woman treats you well, continue to communicate, because she is not to blame for anything. Also, through it he will learn that everything is fine with you, communication with his family does not cause additional pain. You feel great, you have new novel(even if this is not the case), interesting hobbies.

The ex’s mother will always tell you how her unlucky son is really doing. The same goes for other members of the guy's family. His sister and brother should not become your enemies. Keep calling them, of course, it’s better if the initiative comes from them.

Revenge with an intimate “scent”

Next, we will present on display methods of punishing an offender, which not every girl dares to do. But if he really humiliated and insulted you, and even made you a laughing stock, let him “be content” with what he deserved.

  1. The most important thing for a man is his sexual reputation. And in order to punish him, you need to immediately tell your girlfriends why you “left” him. He just has problems with his “manhood.” It's either too small, or the guy has simple impotence. You can even express your indignation in detail about how inconvenient it was for you when he bought Viagra before your next retreat. And don’t forget to return the bottle of this drug to him in front of his friends with the words, “Hey, I don’t need yours!” He won't get rid of such shame for a long time.
  2. You broke up because he is hiding his true sexual orientation. And you were just a cover, but everything got boring. With an offended and disappointed face, share how you were cheated on with men, begged for underwear, and instead of picking you up from work, had fun at your favorite gay club. But you need to tell it very convincingly. With the smallest details, descriptions of his excuses and confessions, with visualization of his inventions. That's the only way they'll believe it.

We have listed for you the most harmless and easy methods of punishing a person who has offended, betrayed, humiliated, or insulted you. We are in no way arguing that even easy methods of revenge should take place in the life of an offended girl. The main punishment is ahead of him. Believe me, causing offense and pain to a person who did nothing wrong to you, loved and believed, is a great sin. The laws of nature do not ignore such things. Like a boomerang, everything will come back, and at the most unexpected moment, in an unexpected way. And you need to go your own way and thank fate for getting rid of the deceiver and manipulator in time. It would be much worse if he became your husband and tormented you all your life with his adventures.

Bye everyone.
Best regards, Vyacheslav.

Every person has encountered in his life betrayal, dishonest fulfillment of promises, and other things to which we usually react with resentment. Sometimes we get offended even when the offender had good reasons to let us down. This does not seem significant: the main thing is that our interests are respected at any cost.

We can be offended in almost any situation, unexpectedly, even by the people closest to us:

  • at work - boss, colleagues;
  • in the family - husband/wife, child, mother-in-law;
  • in a store - a seller, another buyer;
  • in transport - a driver or a drunk passenger.

Experiencing strong resentment, a person begins to think about revenge. There is a widespread belief that revenge must necessarily follow any insult and humiliation. Supposedly this is how you can prove to the whole world that you are a worthy person. Is this belief true?

As a rule, after successful revenge a person does not feel any relief. Maybe the desire to take revenge is just a harmful reflex? Consider this example: a naval battle of sailing warships. There's a hole in the side of your ship, he is drowning. How to improve your position in this situation - should you fire back or close the gap? What if the gap was created not by an enemy ship, but by some cliff?

Films in which main character takes revenge on the villains. We are following the development of these stories with great interest.. But pay attention to how you feel after finishing these films. What remains but the joy of spectacular fight scenes and beautiful explosions?

You may notice that only sadness remains. It’s more interesting when the “villain” in a movie is better revealed, his motivation is shown so that we can see that we would probably be no different from him if we were in his place.

Spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle, speaking on this topic, recommended watching the film “Gran Torino,” characterizing it as “transformative.” Indeed, events there develop in a somewhat non-standard way, and as a result, the viewer can experience real catharsis.


An extreme form of revenge for an insult is vendettas, common on some islands. Mediterranean Sea until the beginning of the last century. They consisted in the fact that for the death of one’s family member, one of the killer’s family should certainly be killed. As a rule, each subsequent revenge became more and more cruel than the previous one, and often as a result they were exterminated before last person both warring clans. And pay attention: after all, both clans took revenge, and did not just mindlessly kill. Both had reasons to be offended.

There is nothing else, there is no one else... There is no one else except that raven - there is no one to shoot at him... (B. Okudzhava)

Blood feud is a barbaric custom that survives today only in the wildest regions. However, even in civilized societies, many still want to take revenge, albeit in less radical ways, for their grievances. People don't understand that being offended is an extremely infantile behavior. We learn it in infancy, when we understand that with the help of our grievances we can blackmail our parents and peers, receiving certain benefits: candy, ice cream and affection.

Children's grievances

Having been offended, you can demand more from a kind mother than she would like to give us herself. Perhaps she has a small salary and can’t afford a new toy or sweets right now, but when she sees her offended child, she won’t be able to resist and will be forced to spend more than she can afford family budget. The inability to plan for the future is another infantile trait. It is thanks to her that the child considers it possible to manipulate his parents, who have good reasons not to satisfy all his whims.

If such a child grows up without getting rid of infantile character traits, he tends to use black magic and conspiracies to take revenge on the enemy, to humiliate him, so that he suffers. He knows no other joy than to brutally take revenge on the enemy and ruin a person’s life. The problem is that this joy is not too great . The desire for revenge is one of those that is more pleasant to imagine than to implement, and inside after revenge there remains only emptiness, the realization that nothing has changed for the better.

How to act more wisely?

If the offense inflicted on you is reversible - something of yours was damaged, a monetary debt was not returned, then you should simply start restoring the damage. Rest assured: karma will take care of the offender. Remember what happens to those leading a vendetta? A person who allows himself to treat others unfairly is digging a hole for himself into which he will one day have to fall. You don't even have to push it. So forgive him and forget him, you have more important things to do now: repair the damage done. You must react as if the damage was caused by natural disaster or bad weather. You're not offended by bad weather- just take an umbrella.

If you have been offended and you are seething strong feelings, such as anger, rage, indignation - you become an easy object for manipulation. You can easily become a victim of a scammer, for example, who will sell you a pseudo-magical “spell”. How to punish a person for meanness, he won’t tell you, but he will replenish the fake sorcerer’s wallet (and significantly lighten yours).

In any situation, you should take care of your well-being. Harming someone is not in your best interests. Moreover, this creates the risk that they will want to harm you in return, and this will last indefinitely. Don't you have something more interesting to do?

Plato, in his dialogue “The State,” cited Socrates’ reasoning about justice. It is difficult to imagine a reader who has read it and then wants to take revenge on someone. This dialogue very simply explains that a person who has committed a bad act is bad. And justice is doing good deeds. If you harm a bad person, it will make him even worse. Which means you will be unfair. Therefore, it would be just not to do evil even bad people so that they don’t get even worse from it.

Two frogs

You are so eager to judge the sins of others. Start with your own people, and you won’t reach others. (W. Shakespeare)

This quote says the same thing that Jesus says in the New Testament: you see the speck in someone else’s eye, but you don’t notice the log in your own. The point here is to focus on your development. In any situation, you should make efforts to become stronger yourself. Remember the parable about two frogs drowning in sour cream? One of them was offended by the whole world and drowned. The second one began to quickly move its paws, the sour cream turned into butter, and the frog was able to get free. If she had started making plans for revenge on the man who left the pot of sour cream open, nothing good would have come of it.

It's time to stop looking for someone to blame. It's time to become an adult. It's time for us all to grow up. It's time for us all to stop looking for someone to blame. This is the first sign of growing up - to stop looking for who is to blame. (I. Vyrypaev)

Transferring responsibility to another person is very easy, pleasant and convenient. But not everyone thinks about the consequences of this. The baby has no choice: he has no means of his own and is completely dependent on his parents; only they can buy him a toy or candy.

But as a person grows up, he must realize that more and more actions become available to him. Already, having discovered that there is no candy in your pocket, there is no need to angrily kick your mother’s shoe, as some children do. You can go to the store and buy yourself some candy with your salary.

When does a person, being already an adult, retains this childish mental mechanism that in case of trouble he must certainly be offended by someone, he may face a number of unpleasant consequences.

Hatred is the acquisitiveness of love. (E. Brodetsky)

According to this psychologist, even hatred is just our attempt to receive love. What can we say about resentment? Being offended, we try to demand some dividends from the offender.

A mother, reluctantly, can close her eyes to the whims of her child and still give him the desired treat. If, as an adult, he behaves this way at work, his boss may simply fire him. His colleagues won't understand him either.

If you're feeling left out, it's greener to simply speak up about how you feel. And if you were not heard, then quit and find a job with a more suitable psychological climate for you.

A lit candle will shine until it burns out and goes out. Our life is just as short, and it’s stupid to waste it on petty grievances. . You yourself will suffer from them first of all.. If you come up with a way to annoy someone who, in your opinion, is to blame, to frame him, the suffering will only become more, not less. Now, besides you, one more person will suffer. It makes more sense to think about how to make sure there is less suffering in the world.

Moreover, resentment can even lead to illness. But this is a topic for another article and on another topic.

Below are some practices that can benefit your mental state and spiritual well-being if you have been wronged:

  • prayer,
  • rune Evaz,
  • Forgiveness Sunday,
  • Ho'oponopono.


A good way to improve your life is prayer. If you spend at least an hour a day in prayer, gradually the grievances will begin to let go of you. “Thy will be done”, “Lord have mercy” - is it possible after such words to retain the selfish desire to harm someone, to hurt?

Runa Evaz

If you have found the courage to forgive your offenders and allow God to give them what they deserve, this rune will help you avoid unpleasant situations in the future. You can draw it somewhere in your home, carry its image with you, or even get a tattoo with it. The less selfishness and resentment you have and the more steadfastness you have in resisting anger and outbursts of anger, the more benefits the Rune of Forgiveness will bring you.

Forgiveness Sunday

IN Christian tradition a special day is set aside when forgiveness is given Special attention- Forgiveness Sunday. It usually falls in February exact date different every year. On this day, Christians not only forgive those with whom they were offended, but also ask for forgiveness from everyone around them. Everyone who has been offended, wittingly or unwittingly. When you ask for forgiveness, you understand that you yourself have offended someone, and this gives you a feeling of harmony in the world. You no longer feel undeservedly offended by someone, it becomes easier to forgive your offenders.


Famous esotericist Joe Vitale talks about the Hawaiian method of changing life for the better, which is called “H'oponopono.” According to him, a person who practiced it cured an entire psychiatric clinic simply by repeating a few words. Namely:

  • "I'm sorry",
  • "I love you",
  • "thank you".

Repeating these words, filling them with sincere repentance and love and addressing them to the patients, doctors and even the walls of the building, Hew Len ensured that the clinic was closed: there was no one to treat, everyone began to recover. Also, with the help of this technique, you can improve your health, and it can be performed completely unnoticed by others, repeating these words to yourself. Distance is not a hindrance for her either.


Touchiness is a harmful and infantile character trait that must be removed from your arsenal in order, no less, to survive in this difficult world. You can be as angry as you want with your boss, but even if the reason for your anger is unfair dismissal, the best option- forgive. This same path is the best if the woman you love does not live up to your expectations.

The expressions “smile/travel - it annoys everyone” are absolutely fair. This is exactly the best revenge - just focusing on making your life beautiful and amazing. In the movie "Merlin" with the inimitable Sean Connery, there was an evil witch that nothing could penetrate, except for one thing. She was defeated when everyone forgot about her and stopped paying attention to her. . We wish you to punish your offenders in the same way..

Attention, TODAY only!

Since time immemorial, the most basic way of harming a person has been damage or the evil eye. This is a rather complicated procedure and should be done independently, but it is advisable. In general, before taking such a serious step, you need to think about how all this will affect you in the future.

Methods of damage

  • It is necessary to obtain the water that was used to wash the deceased body. This water must be poured on the enemy’s door, and also sprinkled on his back. When using this method, people will avoid and treat the person who has been damaged coldly;
  • You can make a doll from paraffin. It should be as close as possible to the person who needs to be harmed. Dress in a dress style like the enemy's. Must have hair or nails from this person. The resulting figurine must be baptized with the name of the enemy. Now you can cut it with a knife, poke it with needles, etc. all manipulations that are performed with the doll will be reflected on the opponent;
  • On Friday you need to get the hair of the person you want to harm. For 9 days you need to tie one knot in your hair. On the ninth day, wrap this hair in Blank sheet paper and strike. The enemy will receive all the pain;
  • If it is not possible to get a piece of the enemy’s flesh, then you can use his trace. Once you have found the mark, you need to drive 4 nails into it in the shape of a cross. When hammering nails you need to think about wishes for the enemy;
  • To make your enemy suddenly fall ill, you need to take an unused needle and drip wax onto it. In this case, it is necessary to pronounce the conspiracy.

As sharp as a needle,

Spirit of evil, guide with your hand.

Like this iron, so my spirits of evil stick

The arrow is so sharp

My flaxen wax sticks like

Words and deeds to my needle.

The needle must be placed on the clothing of the person to be harmed.

Danger in causing damage

If we discard the moral side of such behavior, then there remains a danger for the magician when inflicting damage. There is always the possibility of getting back the negativity that the sorcerer caused.

A kickback can occur for two reasons:

  • The first is that people delve into magic on their own, and when casting damage they do not provide absolutely any protection (I mean both for the work itself and for protection from a backlash). Then the person also goes to the master, and if the attempt to remove the damage is successful, the “household magicians” begin to reap the benefits of their savings from working independently;
  • The second reason is that the victim has strong protection and accordingly, any negativity simply bounces off and comes back. And such a person doesn’t even need to take off anything. This again happens when working independently. An experienced master first breaks through the defense in different ways, and only then creates damage!
Thoughts of revenge usually appear in a person after someone seriously offends him. At first, he thinks that thinking about such a response is low, and he should just forget the offender as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, this solution cannot always be implemented. Days pass, and perhaps years, after which the realization comes that you are unable to either forget or forgive the offense, and you see the only peace in revenge. Before taking such a step, think carefully about whether it is worth doing. Perhaps we need to wait a little longer and the ghosts of the past will disappear on their own. If you are a conscientious and kind person, then later you will be tormented by thoughts of the evil that you have caused. However, if the resentment was really strong, and dreams of revenge became an obsession, then it makes sense to try to realize it.

How to take cruel revenge on an enemy

Revenge with black magic

As a rule, people have a twofold attitude towards magic - some see in it their salvation and panacea, while for others, any mention of witches, black and white magicians causes only a skeptical smile. If you belong to the first category, then all kinds of rituals can bring you a feeling of satisfaction. Destroy with a curse If you have not previously practiced magic, then you are unlikely to have the strength to destroy someone’s life with a curse. Meanwhile, there are many advertisements on the Internet from various clairvoyants and witches who, for a fee, promise to inflict an irreparable moral or physical blow on your enemy. Having decided on this kind of service, remember that stories of people who decided to take revenge on the offender in this way often appear on the Internet. The enemy was truly defeated, found himself at the very bottom of his life, experienced terrible misfortunes and the like. It is not known whether the witches were responsible for this, or whether karma overtook the person, but the fact remains that the “Avengers” felt very bad after this, believing that they had committed a huge sin on their souls. Conspiracy for the enemy to fail If you want to harm a person with the help of conspiracies, so as not to repent later, you should not choose too terrible rituals that promise a fatal outcome for the offender. It’s better to pay attention to conspiracies that promise to cause problems with money or in love for some time - for example, until the person regrets that he acted dishonestly with you. Be that as it may, do not forget that many believe that any magic can then harm the one who decides to use it.

Punish a person by knowing his phone number

Knowing a person's phone number and knowing that it will be very difficult for them to change it, you can use this to your advantage. Over the years, people have acquired a huge number of contacts, and it is not easy for them to notify everyone about a change of number - especially if we're talking about about business and sociable people. In this case, the easiest way to piss off your enemy is by making an announcement on his behalf. For example, if we are talking about a guy or ex-husband who left you for another, then you can add variety to their relationship by advertising that this man is supposedly looking for a girl “for secret meetings.” If revenge is intended for a former boss, then you can place his data in the section of a dating site for people with gay orientation. Intending to take revenge on your traitorous ex-friend, you can leave her phone number in the section for women providing intimate services. Of course, few people want to take revenge openly. Firstly, this may drag on with long-term “military” actions, and secondly, you probably don’t want to show the offender that you are disadvantaged and his actions do not give you peace. Of course, the best option is to pretend that you have erased any memories of this person from your life, even this is not true. In other matters, we may even be talking about a minor dirty trick towards a person who is present in your life even now. For example, he once seriously offended you, but you continued the relationship (perhaps we are talking about a relative, and this was inevitable). However, the grievances of the past still torment you to this day, and you cannot calm down until you commit some dirty trick to feel revenge. So, what tricks can you resort to?

How to ruin a laptop or phone for an enemy

Telephone. Place the device in the microwave for a few seconds. The main thing is not to overdo it! 5-7 seconds is enough - otherwise some parts may melt, and it will not be possible to unnoticed to spoil the item. It is very important to remove the battery from the device before performing such an operation! At least effective method freezer! The principle is the same, because perhaps everyone knows how phones suffer from sudden temperature changes. So, take out the battery (so that it doesn't swell and expose itself to outside interference), and put the phone in the freezer for two to three hours. Of course, after this it may turn on, but it will not work for long - especially if you repeat the “operation”. Laptop. In this case, it is more difficult if you are not technically savvy. The most common way is to fill the keyboard with some liquid (it is better to choose sweet carbonated drinks).

How to ruin your enemy's clothes

Of course, in order to ruin clothes without being noticed, you need to have access to them. For example, you can use a nail to make several holes in the offender's coat. If you do this with scissors, then he will definitely be sure that someone did it on purpose, but holes of unknown origin (for example, along the hem) will cause him bewilderment. Perhaps you only have scissors with you - in this case, do not make an incision, but rather rip the fabric a little - as if the person himself caught on something and did not notice it.

Many also know that almost any dress or shirt can be ruined by wine. You can easily splash a glass of drink on your enemy’s clothes, but, of course, you should do this in such a way that he doesn’t think about you - that is, if you live in the same house, this option is excluded.

Funny revenge - a lot of salt, pepper or carry-over in food

Of course, the carryover substance will cause much more damage to the enemy than salt and pepper. However, the second option can be used if you have not stocked up on a more serious arsenal and just want to at least ruin the dish for the person you hate. This may be a momentary disappointment for your offender, because most often it is possible to replace the spoiled food. It's another matter if you're on a hike and the amount of food is limited - although in this case, other travelers will most likely share with the upset eater. In general, this method is suitable only when you want to slightly spoil someone’s mood. Another thing is a laxative. If you know that a person has to go to an important meeting or make some kind of statement, then such a “trick” can significantly ruin his day, career or personal life. All you have to do is quietly add a carry-over substance to your ill-wisher’s dish and wait for news about his embarrassment. However, this option can also be an almost harmless prank if you know for sure that the person does not need to go anywhere on this day, and will fight his body at home.

Make your ex-other half feel bad

In such cases it is said that The best way hurt ex-boyfriend or the girl who contributed to the breakup of your relationship - live happy life. Surely, your ex-other half is convinced that after breaking up with her, your life will lose its former colors, and you yourself will be at a loss. However, if you never call or write to your ex and demonstrate in every possible way that everything is great with you (on social networks, in conversations with mutual friends), then, for sure, this can hurt him (her). Although, Of course, there are other ways that can cause damage to a person not over time, but instantly. For example, you can damage his car - scratch it with a nail, pour paint on it. It is important to make sure that there are no surveillance cameras in the area so that you remain above suspicion.

Do a dirty trick on a traitor friend who humiliated you

In this case, some incriminating evidence on your ill-wisher, which you have probably managed to collect over the years of friendship, can help you. It’s up to you how to use this information – convey it to colleagues, superiors, relatives or the other half of the offender.

Harm a colleague for meanness

You can ruin his reputation. This method should only be used if the person really treated you very disgustingly, because this could destroy his family or personal life. So, go to his page on social networks and look for several users with whom not only he, but also his half, communicates well. Create a page with a photo of a certain stranger (a nice young woman). It is better to find the photo on the page of a user from another country and modify it slightly (for example, make it black and white) so that it cannot be found through various search engines. Now write to these people that Valery (any colleague’s name can be here) has stopped answering your messages or calls, you are very worried, and want to know if everything is okay with him. When they start asking you who you are related to “Valery”, you intriguingly answer that it doesn’t matter. Be careful not to be identified. Soon after this, delete the page, do not create it using your real data, do not access it from your work or home computer, so as not to be identified through your IP address. A female colleague can do the same by creating a male profile.

Annoy the neighbors

If your neighbors are behaving dishonestly, and you understand that the situation can only get worse, you have a great opportunity to redirect their attention in a completely different direction. Post notices in your area that rooms are available for rent. Invite applicants to come directly to the apartment without providing a phone number. Of course, the price for the room should be indicated as low as possible, but so that it looks believable. Surely, many citizens will be interested in such an offer, making your neighbors nervous and less likely to leave the apartment. You can also place an advertisement on the appropriate website according to which your neighbors are looking for a married couple “to meet.” However, the couple can be replaced with a young active man. Of course, it is important to indicate the telephone number of your neighbor.

Small dirty tricks on enemies at a distance

    It is more difficult to take revenge on someone at a distance than in close proximity, but it is possible. If you have a phone number of an enemy, the method described above with an advertisement may work. Any version can be used - renting an apartment, a dating site, and the like. When it comes to a man, you can post his profile with a phone number on a site for people with gay orientation, and if you want to take revenge on a woman, send her profile to a site where girls provide their intimate services. You can create a fake page without photos and information about yourself, and write to your enemy everything you think about him. If you know each other superficially or you are sure that the offender forgot about you a long time ago, then you are unlikely to be under suspicion. Don’t forget to immediately delete the page after expressing your emotions - otherwise you may be found out. If you have an enemy’s phone number and you really want to hurt him, then you can call him anonymously and try to intimidate him. If he knows your voice, then it is better to entrust the matter to another person. You will have to spend a lot of time on this dirty trick, and there is no exact guarantee that the goal will be achieved. However, you can try. So, to begin with, you must be convinced that you have a subtle knowledge of psychology and know your enemy very well. Create a fake page, fill out a profile, select a photo of a person who will definitely attract the enemy. Add more “friends” (just strangers), you will have to maintain the page for a while. As you can see, it is better to start such revenge at least a month in advance, for plausibility. Now you can flirt with the offender from this page or start from afar - contact him on some business issue, thus starting a conversation. Subsequently, when the interlocutor gets used to your conversations and even falls in love with the image you created, simply delete the page so that he does not even understand that it was a fake. Before this, you can write that you have lost interest in him, or not explain anything at all.