Aquaculture is the breeding and rearing of aquatic organisms(hydrobionts). Aquaculture is currently undergoing rapid development. Many experts consider it the industry of the future. Fish (more than 100 species), crayfish, shrimp, mollusks, seaweed.[ ...]

Aquaculture means breeding and growing various aquatic organisms - algae, invertebrates, fish in artificial reservoirs or in specially designed containers. There is a distinction between freshwater aquaculture, which mainly includes fish farming in fresh water bodies, and mariculture, which is engaged in the cultivation of various marine objects: algae, invertebrates (mussels, scallops) and some types of fish (flounder, salmon, etc.).[...]

Among higher organisms The greatest successes in breeding have been achieved in the field of aquaculture. The importance of industrial breeding of aquatic organisms is very important and has serious prospects. Currently, about 25% of all animal proteins come from aquatic environment. In the 1980s, the total global production of fish, aquatic vertebrates and algae exceeded 70 million tons, but this represents only 1% of food consumed by humans, and 99% comes from Agriculture. It should be noted that so far the main use has been simple exploitation of marine resources - fishing, harvesting of mollusks and crustaceans; the task becomes the active breeding of hydrobionts, i.e. aquaculture. In the mid-80s, this activity accounted for 10 million tons, i.e., about 12.5% ​​of the total production of marine products.[...]

MARKKU LTURA - artificial cultivation and breeding of marine commercial organisms (oysters, shellfish, algae, etc.), in particular in the seas, lagoons, estuaries, river estuaries, etc. (marine aquaculture). And in natural and artificial continental reservoirs - mainly fish farming. IN last years Overfishing of fish and other seafood in the world's oceans has greatly depleted biological resources, with many seafood sources in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans being driven almost to the point of complete depletion. In this regard, mariculture became widely developed, the crusts of which go back to ancient times: as early as 2000 BC. In Japan, oysters were grown on tidal areas of the coast. Currently, mariculture produces about 9 million tons of products or 1/7 of all seafood, with the main producers being China, Japan, India, etc. (Table 36).[...]

As for the pathogenic bacterial flora of wastewater, it survives in seawater for quite a long time. Phytoncides secreted by seaweed do not suppress the activity of pathogenic microbes (Congrès de Bordeaux, 1954) because they have (as noted by Buttiaux-Buttiaux, 1953) an insignificant lytic effect. As the same researcher points out, the concentration of bacteriophages in wastewater is 20 times higher than the concentration of the corresponding pathogenic microbes. Therefore, with significant dilution sea ​​water It is easiest to detect the presence of pathogenic microbes in wastewater by their bacteriophages.[...]

From the table 1.3 clearly shows that terrestrial ecosystems are the most productive. Although the land area is half the size of the oceans, its ecosystems have annual primary carbon production more than twice that of the World Ocean (52.8 billion tons and 24.8 billion tons, respectively), with the relative productivity of terrestrial ecosystems being 7 times the productivity of ocean ecosystems. From this, in particular, it follows that hopes that the complete development of the biological resources of the ocean will allow humanity to solve the food problem are not very justified. Apparently, the opportunities in this area are small - already now the level of exploitation of many populations of fish, cetaceans, pinnipeds is close to critical, for many commercial invertebrates - mollusks, crustaceans and others, due to a significant drop in their numbers in natural populations, it has become economically profitable breeding them on specialized marine farms, development of mariculture. The situation is approximately the same with edible algae, such as kelp (seaweed) and fucus, as well as algae used industrially to produce agar-agar and many other valuable substances.

Option 1 What is the difference between the concepts “ Natural resources" and "economic
a) Natural resources are smaller in reserves than economic ones.
b) Economic resources are more expensive and valuable than natural ones.
c) Economic resources are a collection various elements production,
which can be used in the process of creating material and spiritual benefits and
d) Natural resources are ubiquitous, but economic ones are not.
2.Choose the correct answers.
1. Mineral resources belong to the category of exhaustible but renewable.
2.These three countries are provided with almost all types of natural resources -
China, Russia, USA.
3. The USA has the largest oil and gas reserves in the world.
4. Desertification is common in arid regions of the world, especially North Africa and
South-West Asia.
5. About half of all cultivated land in the world is in the following countries: Russia,
USA, India, China, Canada, Brazil.
6.The share of fresh water in the world's water resources is less than 3%.
7. The countries of the northern coniferous forest belt include Mexico, China and India.
8. Aquaculture is the extraction of minerals from the bottom of seas and oceans.
9.Geothermal energy is already developing in Iceland, Italy and New Zealand.
10. Resource availability is the ratio between the amount of natural resources and
the size of their use.
3.Pick a pair: a country is its characteristic combination of natural resources.
1. Diamonds and gold a) South Africa
2.Bauxite and iron ore b) Cameroon
3.Iron ore and coal in) Peru
4. Gold and polymetallic ores d) Kuwait
5.Potash salts and iron ore d)Canada
6. Coal and oil e) Germany
7.Copper and iron ores g) China
8.Oil and natural gas h) Venezuela
9.Oil and copper ores i) Zambia
10. Phosphates, copper ores j) Zaire
4. In the structure of the world land fund, the most important for humanity are:
A) arable land B) pastures and meadows C) forests
5. The main part of the hydrosphere consists of water:
A) rivers b) groundwater c) The oceans
6. Most affluent forest resources countries:
A) USA, Egypt B) Russia, Brazil C) Canada, Finland
7.The most endowed with fresh water resources:
A) Canada, Brazil B) India, Australia C) Germany, South Africa
8. Countries with the highest hydropower potential:
A) China, Russia, USA B) Congo, Egypt, Mali C) Germany, Brazil, South Africa
9. The main way to solve the problem clean water:
A) transportation of icebergs b) transfer of rivers c) recycling water supply.
10. Approximately half of all harvested wood is used:
A) in the chemical industry b) in construction c) in the pulp and paper industry
ty d) is burned as fuel.
11. Artificial breeding and cultivation on marine plantations
organisms are

Growing mariculture

Mariculture (synonyms: aquaculture, marine aquaculture) usually refers to the intensive cultivation of aquatic organisms for the purpose of reproduction of individuals of commercial species (stock), as well as food organisms.

Mariculture includes: cultivation of aquatic organisms - plants or animals (animals, in turn, are divided into invertebrates and fish) - in fresh, brackish or sea water, including their artificial reproduction and commercial cultivation; industrial cultivation of aquatic organisms according to a specific technological scheme, with full control over all parts of the process; management of reservoirs in order to increase their productivity; cultivation of food organisms - rotifers, copepods, mysids, artemia.

In a broad sense, mariculture is an active intervention in the management of biological processes in the marine environment: various forms biological reclamation (improving the living conditions of organisms), acclimatization (adaptation of migrating organisms and their offspring to new environmental conditions), transplantation (relocation) of commercial and food organisms, creation of new hybrid forms, reducing the number of harmful animals using technical and biological methods, etc. .

Methods currently used include habitat improvement (including the construction of artificial reefs), the creation of special feeds and artificial feeding systems, the movement of populations to more productive areas, and the construction of incubation facilities that produce juveniles, which are then transferred to the sea.

Thus, the peculiarities of the biology of invertebrates in relation to commercial mariculture allow us to speak not only about an increase in the number of animals, but also in the degree of development of certain organs.

There are three main types of aquatic systems used for mariculture: open, closed and semi-closed. IN open systems products are obtained in a natural reservoir, human intervention mainly follows the path of increasing productivity. In semi-closed systems, water from a natural reservoir enters the system after preliminary treatment (or without it) and, after passing through the system, is returned to the reservoir. In a closed system, water is supplied once and then not replaced or replaced at significant intervals.

Increasing the productivity level of invertebrates can be done in three ways:

1. breeding,

2. improvement of the living environment,

3. transplantation (relocation).


The method includes the artificial production of juveniles, as well as their release into the sea or an artificial environment for feeding and natural increase in numbers. To indicate the process of feeding young fish, in natural environment V foreign literature The term “ranching” is usually used (from the English ranch - farming, cattle breeding). In our country, this term usually refers to the cultivation of fish in freshwater bodies. Ranching can be carried out in several options, differing in the scale of distribution of animals and human impact on the environment.

Accordingly, increasing the productivity of raising animals can be achieved both by relocating them to areas richer in food, and by transferring them to artificial feeding. Many invertebrates can be reared from eggs to maturity, but although some areas can be adapted for the rearing of young, it is unlikely that it will be profitable to raise them to adulthood in the coming years.


The procedure requires less significant investment and at the present stage successfully replaces cultivation. Transplantation of sea urchins and slaves is a viable alternative to the more expensive technique of incubating juveniles during culture. Areas of the sea with a poorly developed food supply often do not allow invertebrates to reach market sizes.

Sanitary mariculture

There is another promising direction for the cultivation of marine organisms - sanitary mariculture. It is based on the ability of filter-feeding animals to pass through themselves huge amounts of sea ​​water, retaining the ingredients necessary for nutrition, and along with them various pollutants (toxicants, pollutants), toxic metals (TM), radioisotopes from the HM series and chemical compounds. These groups of pollutants are also absorbed (assimilated) by seaweeds, which also receive food directly from marine environment. It is no coincidence that brown algae are used as markers of environmental pollution with heavy metals. With sufficient density of settlements, achieved with the help of artificial reefs in polluted areas, these organisms can take on the lion's share of the work in cleaning water areas from artificial pollution.

Several years ago, a group of specialists from the Murmansk Marine Biological Institute of the KSC RAS ​​under the leadership of G.M. Voskoboinikov showed that fucus algae are able to survive in an area of ​​increased concentration of petroleum hydrocarbons up to the state of the so-called “chocolate mousse”. Fucus effectively absorbs these compounds (and their content in algae increases 30 times) and includes them in metabolic processes. Now researchers are developing optimal designs for artificial reefs, which, when planted with fucus algae and installed in places where oil films may form, will become reliable protective structures for the coastal environment.

State and prospects of domestic mariculture

In the 90s of the last century, research on mariculture was almost completely stopped in Russia. Existing and already operating farms were destroyed or repurposed, scientific teams disintegrated. Therefore, when the understanding of the situation with the erosion of national resources came, in order to restore the industry, almost everything had to be started all over again. By 1995, reports of successful stock recovery experiments were again being conducted. sea ​​urchin and seaweed. The reality of using a fairly simple technology for growing urchins has been confirmed, based on the ranching techniques described above with additional improvement of the food supply by either restoring lost stocks of seaweed along the urchin’s migration routes, or by bringing it to places of natural or man-made accumulations.

The most profitable areas in our country are now considered to be the bottom cultivation of seaweed, as well as the collection of spat (settled larvae) of invertebrates in collectors, followed by their rearing in cages and the commercial cultivation of resistant individuals of sea scallops, mussels, oysters, sea cucumbers on bottom plantations . sea ​​inhabitants.

The list of promising objects for cultivation includes gracilaria and undaria algae23, mussels, oysters, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and crabs. Moreover, the last two species can be preserved in the waters of Primorye and Sakhalin only through the use of artificial reproduction. For Kamchatka, the first problematic species today is king crab. All this requires significant capital investments amounting to hundreds of millions of dollars. For comparison, we give only one figure: in 2000 capital investments enterprises actively engaged in organizing mariculture farms in Primorye, according to Primorrybvod, amounted to about $5 million, while a decent plant for the reproduction of juvenile crabs costs about $100 million.

And one more important point: is it worth seriously engaging in mariculture if we use only a third of the raw materials that we still have? Let's take crab for example. Its meat is a source of valuable, easily digestible protein, so necessary for children and the elderly. The shell, especially on the limbs, is an excellent raw material for obtaining the best quality chitin and chitosan, which are increasingly used in medicine, for example, for the treatment of patients with cancer and osteochondrosis. Products made from sea urchin and sea cucumber can protect us from heart attacks and strokes, and improve the quality of life during the aging process.

- In today's lesson we will continue to get acquainted with the various natural resources of the world.

1. Classification of the resources of the World Ocean.

The Great Unknown – this is what oceanographers still call the World Ocean. After all, despite the fact that humanity has been exploring space for half a century, ocean depths remain largely unexplored. What do these depths hide? Let's at least try to reveal this secret today in class.

As you already understood, the topic of the lesson is “Resources of the World Ocean.”(Slide 1) Write it down in your notebook.

In the first lesson on the section “World Natural Resources,” we remembered that all natural resources are divided into two groups. Which?

Right. (Slide 2) Explain to which group - exhaustible or inexhaustible - do the resources of the World Ocean belong?

Thus, we can conclude that the resources of the World Ocean have acquired a certain independence, and they must be considered from the point of view of both exhaustibility and inexhaustibility. Therefore, let's supplement the diagram that we started in the last lesson.

The classification of the resources of the World Ocean can be presented in the form of a diagram. (Slide 4)

Types of resources of the World Ocean: biological, mineral (sea water and mineral resources of the ocean floor), energy and recreational.

Write down this diagram in your notebooks, and as my story progresses, you will need to supplement it during the lesson.

2. The main resource of the World Ocean is sea water.

- (Slide 5) The main resource of the World Ocean is sea water, the reserves of which on Earth are about 1370 million km 3, 96.5%. It contains about 80 chemical elements Mendeleev's periodic system, including such important ones as uranium, potassium, bromine, magnesium, calcium, copper, sodium. “And although the main product of seawater is still table salt, currently the extraction of magnesium, bromine, copper and silver is increasing more and more, the reserves of which are steadily depleted on land, while in ocean waters they contain up to half a billion tons.”

- “In addition to isolating chemical elements, seawater can be used to obtain necessary for a person fresh water. Many industrial desalination methods are now available: chemical reactions are used to remove impurities from water; salt water passed through special filters; finally, the usual boiling is carried out.”

The largest producers of fresh water are Kuwait, USA, Japan.

3. Mineral resources of the ocean floor.

(Slide 6) In addition to seawater itself, the mineral resources of the World Ocean are also represented by the minerals of its bottom.

On the continental shelf there are coastal placer deposits - gold, platinum; meet and gems- rubies, diamonds, sapphires, emeralds.

Look at the map “Resources of the World Ocean” in the atlas, in which part of it are the phosphorite deposits located?

“Phosphorites can be used as fertilizers, and the reserves will last for the next few hundred years.

The same interesting view mineral raw materials of the World Ocean are the famous ferromanganese nodules, which cover vast underwater plains. Nodules are a kind of “cocktail” of metals: they include copper, cobalt, nickel, titanium, vanadium, but, of course, most of all iron and manganese, but the results of the industrial development of ferromanganese nodules are still very modest.

But full swing exploration and production of oil and gas is underway on the coastal shelf, the share of offshore production is approaching 1/3 of the world production of these energy resources.”

- (Slide 7) Fields are being developed on an especially large scale in the Persian, Venezuelan, Gulf of Mexico, and the North Sea; oil platforms stretch off the coast of California, Indonesia, in the Mediterranean and Caspian Seas.

Open the contour maps and mark on it the main oil fields located on the Ocean shelf.

4. Energy resources of the World Ocean.

- (Slide 8) The problem of providing electrical energy to many sectors of the world economy, the constantly growing needs of more than six billion people on Earth is now becoming more and more urgent.

The basis of modern world energy is thermal and hydroelectric power plants. Since the mid-20th century, the study of ocean energy resources began. They are of great value as they are renewable and practically inexhaustible.

The ocean is a giant battery and transformer of solar energy, converted into the energy of currents, heat and winds. Tidal energy is the result of the tidal forces of the Moon and the Sun.

There are tidal power stations in France at the mouth of the Rance River, in Russia - Kislogubskaya TPP on the Kola Peninsula, in the Bay of Fundy (Canada), on the Kimberley coast in Australia, etc.

Projects are being developed and partially implemented to use the energy of winds, waves, currents, and heat generated in the depths of the ocean floor.

The waters of the World Ocean have huge reserves of deuterium - fuel for future thermonuclear power plants.

5. Biological resources World ocean.

- (Slide 9) The main wealth of the World Ocean is its biological resources. Biological resources refer to animals and plants living in its waters. The biomass of the World Ocean includes about 180 thousand species of animals and about 20 thousand species of plants, and its total volume is estimated at 40 billion tons.

The biological resources of the World Ocean are diverse. In terms of the scale of use and significance, the leading place among them is occupied by nekton, that is, animals actively swimming in the water column (fish, mollusks, cetaceans, etc.). Mainly fish is harvested, which accounts for 85% of the marine biomass used by humans.

Benthos, that is, bottom plants and animals, is not yet used enough: mainly bivalves (scallops, oysters, mussels, etc.), echinoderms (sea urchins), crustaceans (crabs, lobsters, lobsters). Algae are finding increasing use. Millions of people eat them. Medicines, starch, glue are obtained from algae, paper and fabrics are made. Algae is an excellent feed for livestock and a good fertilizer.

Every year 85-90 million tons of fish, shellfish, algae and other products are caught. This provides about 20% of humanity's need for animal protein.

- (Slide 10) Mariculture - artificial breeding and cultivation of marine organisms (molluscs, crustaceans, algae) on marine plantations - and aquaculture - breeding of aquatic organisms in fresh water are becoming increasingly widespread.

- (Slide 11) There are more or less productive water areas in the World Ocean. Among the most productive are the Norwegian, Northern, Barents, Okhotsk and Japanese sea. At the same time, 63% of the world catch comes from Pacific Ocean The Atlantic and Arctic oceans provide about 28% of the world's catch, the Indian Ocean provides only about 9%.

Mark on contour map the most productive waters of the World Ocean.

6. Recreational resources of the World Ocean.

- (Slide 12) The world ocean has enormous recreational resources. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans highly valued sea bathing and swimming. Just being by the sea and on the sea has a beneficial effect on a person’s health and mood.

The most visited are the Mediterranean, Caribbean and Red Seas.

Mark them on the outline map.

The ocean, being a storehouse of various riches, is also a free and convenient road that connects continents and islands distant from each other. Maritime transport accounts for almost 80% of transport between countries, serving the growing global production and exchange.

7. Problems of the World Ocean.

The world's oceans can serve as a waste recycler. Thanks to the chemical and physical effects of its waters and the biological influence of living organisms, it disperses and purifies the bulk of the waste entering it, maintaining the relative balance of the Earth's ecosystems. However, man has not been able to preserve the virginity of the World Ocean.

- (Slide 13) With the intensive use of the Ocean's resources, its pollution occurs as a result of the discharge of industrial, agricultural, household and other waste, shipping, and mining into rivers and seas.

A particular threat is posed by oil pollution and the burial of toxic substances and radioactive waste in the deep ocean.

If you look at the map “Environmental Problems of the World”, you can see how badly the Ocean is polluted.

Give examples of the most polluted areas of the World Ocean.

- (Slide 14) The problems of the World Ocean require concerted international measures to coordinate the use of its resources and prevent further pollution, because the day is approaching when the inexorably growing world population, having spent its last resources on land, will turn its hopeful gaze to the sea. The sea will provide food, provide our industry with mineral raw materials, supply us with inexhaustible sources of energy, and become our place of recreation. You just need to save it until that day!