Astrology has clear answers to all questions. Choosing friends is no exception. Let's try to choose true friends based on the stars.

Aries. This sign gets along with Sagittarius and Leo. However, the friendship will last long if one of the signs is the follower and the other the leader. Aries will develop friendly relations with Gemini. They are united by a thirst for exploits and adventure. Friendly relationships can develop with Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. And Aries will not have friendly relations with Taurus, Virgo and Cancer, since these relationships will be destroyed by mutual claims and different interests.

Calf. The friends of this Zodiac Sign will be Capricorn, Virgo and another Taurus. They have a similar frequency of bioenergy, thanks to this they develop both strong friendships and lasting business relationship. Relationships with Cancer and Pisces can develop into true friendship over time. Adventure and courage await Taurus with Sagittarius, Gemini and Libra, but such relationships will not be strong and as a result there will be many reasons for serious quarrels. Taurus' plans will not be supported by Scorpios, Aquarius and Leos.

Twins.Leos, Libra, Aquarius, as well as other Geminis will be excellent friends for them. All these signs have a common quality - restlessness, so they will not be bored with each other. Warm but short-lived relationships will develop between Gemini and Sagittarius and Scorpio. Tired of each other, they will however disperse peacefully. Eternal showdowns and scandals await this sign with Pisces, Taurus, Cancer and Virgo.

Cancer. For him, Scorpios, Virgos, Pisces and Taurus will be his best friends. With their own kind, that is, Cancers, there will only be quarrels ending in reconciliation. A strong friendship can begin with Leo, but disagreements will arise out of jealousy towards a friend or friend of your significant other. Common interests can bring Cancer closer to Capricorn and Sagittarius. Libra, Gemini, Aquarius and Aries are not a match at all for Cancer.

A lion. Friendship awaits Leo with Libra, Aries, Sagittarius and Gemini. Friendly relationships with Capricorns and Pisces. In the name of a great goal, Leo can be friends with Scorpio, but Scorpio can become bored with friendship with Leo. Then he will bite the king of beasts, and Leo will not be able to forgive this. Leo's sworn enemies are Virgo, Taurus and Aquarius.

Virgo.It is easiest for this Zodiac Sign to build a friendship with Taurus, since they are on the same wavelength and will not conflict over trifles. Virgo will develop strong friendships with Scorpio and Capricorn. But this relationship will not stand the test of time and will fizzle out. Virgo has a soul kinship with Cancer and with another Virgo, however, for each other they will be more like psychotherapists than friends. Open struggle is possible for Virgo with Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Leo.

Scales. Libra's bosom friends are Sagittarius, Leo, Gemini and Aries. They have similar goals and worldviews, and this is the basis of a harmonious relationship that is unlikely to be destroyed by conflicts and minor troubles. Friendships can also arise with Libra, Aquarius and Cancer, but most often these are friendships in school or student years, which has a certain framework and atmosphere. Libra will have an even relationship with Capricorns. Libra will be suppressed and humiliated by Virgos, Pisces and Taurus, who do not like the independence and love of freedom of Libra.

Scorpion. Friendships with Capricorn, Virgo and Cancer will develop immediately, since these signs have similar temperaments and principles of thinking. A strong friendship, but not immediately, will arise between Scorpio and Pisces, who are ready to follow a leader who is confident and strong. Common hobbies and interests will lead to strong friendships between Scorpio and Aquarius, Libra and Gemini, but this friendship will soon end. Scorpio will never be able to make friends with Sagittarius, Taurus and Aries, because they will share power and openly quarrel with each other.

Sagittarius. A strong friendship will develop with Aries and Leo. Real adventures await Sagittarius with another Sagittarius. The Sagittarius and Aquarius couple are adventurers who fool everyone, benefiting from these actions. Good relationships, but without strong friendship, will develop with Libra and Cancer. Taurus, Capricorn and Pisces will tire Sagittarius, and Scorpios and Virgos will drive Sagittarius crazy.

Capricorn.Pisces, Virgo and Taurus will be good friends for this sign, since they are suitable for each other in almost everything. Such friendship can develop into family relationships. Skirmishes and quick reconciliations await Capricorn with Aquarius and Scorpio. Most likely, friendship will not work out with Aries, Gemini and Libra, because this is very different signs by it's nature. Friendship with Cancer and another Capricorn will turn into a routine. This will lead to a break. Capricorn should stay away from Leo and Sagittarius, as these signs will introduce vanity and chaos into a measured life.

Aquarius. Aquarius will develop strong friendships with Sagittarius, Libra and Gemini, as these signs remain faithful to each other. The friendship of Aquarius with Virgo, Cancer and Taurus will be dreary and dull. Capricorns and Sagittarius are also not attractive as friends. And being friends with Leo, Pisces and other Aquarius is simply prohibited.

Fish. Great friends for Pisces will be Capricorns, Scorpios, Cancers and Taurus. Friendly relationships will be very sincere, since these signs feel each other on an energetic level. In terms of friendly relations, Pisces may not succeed with Libra, Aries and Gemini. They are destined to be only good friends. True friendship It won’t work with Leo, Virgo, Aquarius, Sagittarius. This sign will not last long with other Pisces, with whom there will be no big scandals, but they both need not a pleasant interlocutor, but a leader.

Everyone knows that fire and water are completely incompatible things. Representatives of these two elements, Cancer and Sagittarius, also fall under this opinion. Astrologers unanimously say that compatibility in love relationships Cancer Sagittarius is simply impossible. But sometimes people make adjustments to the plans of the stars.

Many astrologers still try to find at least some similarity between them. Cancers are ruled by the Moon, and Sagittarius by Jupiter. Cancers belong to water element, and this manifests itself more and more often in the form of steam. The fire of Sagittarius is very fickle; it can flare up unexpectedly and also die out unexpectedly.

The character of Cancers is also influenced by the fact that they were born in the summer, and this indicates their emotionality and sudden mood swings. Sagittarians are born in late autumn and early winter; they often cannot decide on their desires, which complicates communication with them.

Sagittarians are very charming, which easily captivates Cancer, but Cancers are very mysterious, which lures curious Sagittarius. From this it becomes clear that their union is possible.

Girls of this sign are a little strange, mysterious and sincere. They know how to truly love deeply. The Cancer girl is very insightful. She not only sees through men, but can also predict events. This plays a positive role in her destiny. After all, she will be able to immediately split the gigolo or notice a man’s addiction to alcohol. A Cancer wife is every man's dream: she is a good cook, excellent in bed and adores children. Its only drawback will be. But if a man does not give her a reason, then he will not see his wife in anger.

The Sagittarius man can be quite frivolous, but it is never boring with him, and he is also a tireless romantic. Sagittarians are very freedom-loving men, therefore, if a woman wants to completely control him, then this relationship will be doomed. This man is able to make anyone laugh, and he doesn’t do it on purpose at all. Sagittarius is not deprived of female attention. He's used to it since young age he is surrounded by women who are trying with all their might to get his attention. Sagittarius becomes good husband and an exemplary family man, but only on one condition - his wife must trust him and give him complete freedom of action.


Sagittarius spends most of his time in companies and at parties, while Cancer prefers solitude in country house or a visit to a museum. Sagittarius is unlikely to meet a modest Cancer girl at one of the parties, and she certainly will not be able to notice him admiring a museum exhibit. It seems that their meeting cannot take place at all.

Cancer and Sagittarius have one common hobby - collecting. But, however, their views differ here too: Sagittarius simply buys things that he likes, without thinking about whether he needs them. The Cancer girl looks long and carefully at every detail of the item she likes and only then decides to buy.

It is likely that their fateful meeting will take place at an auction or in an antique shop. Sagittarius will most likely buy some expensive thing, without even understanding all its value, and with a sense of accomplishment, he will hasten to leave this place. But it will be the Cancer woman who will be able to detain him, who will be interested in purchasing him. Sagittarius will not be able to resist her charms and will immediately exchange his purchase for a phone number. The Cancer girl will not be able to refuse him. After all, Sagittarius is so charming and energetic, how can you resist such a man.

A Cancer woman can use one of two ways to conquer a Sagittarius man. The main thing for her is to understand what type he belongs to.

There are Sagittarians who love success very much, love to have fun and be busy. high rank. They are not very polite, they are often rude, but they are surprisingly generous. In this case, it is better for a woman to rely on her attractiveness, to amaze him with her appearance. This type of Sagittarius has a weakness for beautiful women, and Cancers can just safely call themselves true women. They are charming, very mysterious and gentle.

There is also a type of Sagittarius man when he is constantly in search of the truth. He adheres to ethical and philosophical principles. Such a man will want to constantly teach his Cancer lady something. Defenseless and gentle, she will always be under his supervision. The Sagittarius man will happily surround her with his attention.


Sagittarius can easily organize the most romantic and unforgettable date for a Cancer woman. He immediately realized that he had met an unusual woman, which meant that he would be preparing his first date with special zeal in order to surprise her. He will take care of all the little things: room decoration, flowers, treats, drinks. Regarding food, Sagittarius will not skimp. He will study the list of all the most exotic dishes and will definitely fill the table with them.

A Cancer woman does not necessarily need to know how much a man has done to meet her. This will save her from unnecessary worries. By the way, she will treat the preparation no less responsibly. The Cancer woman will take out all her savings and spend them in an instant. She will spend part of the money on a chic outfit, and leave the second part in a beauty salon. After all, her image must be unique. She must look her best in order to finally finish off the already defeated Sagittarius.

At the beginning of the date, the Cancer woman will admire what Sagittarius has created before meeting her and will look at all the messy collections of the fiery man. To lighten the atmosphere a little, you should start setting the table. The Cancer woman will gladly take part in this. They will have a great time setting the table and sorting out all the food supplies that Sagittarius managed to make in just one day.


Their relationship is not developing very quickly. Love in a pair of Sagittarius and Cancer does not come immediately.

Sagittarius is a very passionate and ardent sign; he has impressed more than a dozen women with his skills in bed. In addition, the Sagittarius man is a great romantic, and such a dreamy and subtle nature as the Cancer woman certainly cannot resist him. But by nature, Sagittarians love freedom and variety. After a while, he will begin to get bored and leave the Cancer woman, going off in search of new adventures.

But, if his previous girlfriends simply put up with his love of freedom, then the Cancer woman will not tolerate this. She is incredibly jealous and certainly will not hide her emotions. Sagittarius does not expect such a turn of events at all. But a jealous water girl can surprise him. She is capable of a lot: breaking dishes, throwing objects, giving a couple of slaps to Sagittarius. And it’s good if at that moment he is not in the company of a stranger.


Sagittarius will try to convince his chosen one that he constantly needs to communicate with friends, that he needs to relax. On the one hand, he will be able to pacify her jealousy for a while, but on the other, he will let her understand that the Cancer woman already has a certain power over him. She will know that his excuses give him a certain freedom of action.

The Cancer girl will want to pacify her flighty partner and will definitely establish some set of rules for their relationship. Sagittarius, of course, will agree in order to avoid another scandal, but who said that he will follow these rules. He will break out of the house under any pretext: to help a friend, an accident at work, problems with his grandmother, etc. It would seem that what can unite these people. After all, they have practically no common interests, they only have harmony in bed, but relationships are not built on this. Astrologers, friends and relatives unanimously condemn this relationship to failure. But the water-fire couple fights to the end.

It is quite possible to maintain this relationship. The Cancer woman should free her fiery man from constant control, and he should sometimes take his beloved with him so that she can be convinced that there is nothing to worry about. Only in this way, having come to a compromise, will they be able to build strong and long-lasting relationships.


They did not believe that this marriage would take place until the registry office. No one could have thought that a Sagittarius man and a Cancer woman would still decide to go to the altar. Most likely, the Cancer woman will not invite beautiful friends to the wedding, and will wrap the not beautiful ones in a burqa. After all, her husband is so handsome that no woman can be trusted. The friends understand perfectly well the reason for this behavior of the bride and are not angry at all. Sagittarius will have real fun at his wedding. Not a single guest will be able to sit at the table. Everyone will be involved, without exception. The spouses will not rush to have children. After all, because of such a difference in character, they will have to get used to each other for a long time.

Cancer mom is very caring. She is completely immersed in the process of raising children and sometimes it reaches the point of fanaticism. But Sagittarius dad will free his children from the hands of a caring mother and come up with something interesting for them. After all, the fiery dad has so much energy that it is enough for an entire football team of children. He is constantly on the move and constantly comes up with new fun and entertainment.

Their marriage will not be easy. A Cancer woman will never be able to cope with her jealousy. Even experienced psychologists are powerless here. Moreover, a freedom-loving husband constantly adds fuel to the fire. Problems will arise constantly, but if the spouses really love each other, they will be able to cope. The main thing is that both want it.


As children, Cancer girls are very modest and calm; they avoid the company of boys like Sagittarius. After all, in childhood, Sagittarius is even more energetic than in adulthood. But the little shy girl will be surprised by the wonderful sense of humor of the mischievous boy.

A Cancer friend knows better than anyone else that Sagittarius loves to fantasize. Many consider this a lie, but sometimes even Sagittarius himself believes in his fantasies. In many ways, their friendship depends on how patient the water friend of fire is. After all, Sagittarius cannot imagine his life without movement, and this greatly irritates the Cancer girl.

Sagittarius will appreciate how much his girlfriend cares about him. He is always ready to help her out of any trouble. And she will be able to repay him by warning him against risky and adventurous actions. After all, her intuition never fails, and for Sagittarius, this friend’s skill comes in very handy.

By old age, these signs will not change much. Cancer will become a real society lady, and Sagittarius will continue to be on the move, inventing entertainment and looking for adventure. Such a couple will not go unnoticed. Everyone will wonder how such different people were able to carry their friendship through so many years.


The Cancer girl is too decent and honest for serious business. Her honesty does not allow her to hide almost anything from her competitors, so they always know about the plans of this businesswoman. Intuition always comes to her aid. She always sees which people can be trusted and with whom it is better to avoid communication.

The Sagittarius man is always ready for adventure. He cannot sit still and is constantly trying to help someone. He has a lot of plans and tries to bring them all to life, but quickly cools down. It is difficult for him to complete the work he has begun, since he is always ready for new beginnings, and old things bore him. Here the compatibility of Cancer and Sagittarius is almost perfect. After all, Sagittarius is full of brilliant ideas, the number of which is only increasing. The Cancer woman is able to listen to them patiently, and then bring the most interesting ones to life. Sagittarius will like this state of affairs, because Cancer’s intuition never fails, which means that Sagittarius’ brilliant ideas will begin to generate income.

Sagittarius does not know how to save money. All the money that falls into his hands immediately disappears without a trace. And again the Cancer woman will come to the rescue. She will teach Sagittarius to save and help save a decent amount. Working together will bring good profits to these guys. They will easily eliminate competitors and start earning good money.

The Cancer guy is very smart and has a fairly attractive appearance, in addition, he is also a great romantic. All his life he dreams of creating ideal relationship. This guy really loves order in everything; from childhood he demands that everything be according to his rules. With age, experience comes to him and he begins to understand that an ideal world with ideal women exists only in his imagination, but still continues to look for a woman who would suit him in all respects. A Cancer guy is never deprived of female attention, and they only surround him best women. He is in no hurry to propose to one of them, but only takes a closer look and chooses the best of the best, who will ultimately be honored with becoming his wife. Cancer is Ideal husband who can make his woman truly happy. His only drawback is jealousy.

Sagittarius Woman a real beauty and a coquette. She loves to be in a comfortable and cozy environment, surrounded by friends. She only pays attention to handsome men, everyone else may not even try. But the Sagittarius lady is very amorous and if some ugly man gets into her environment, he can defeat her with his intellect. In this case, his appearance will fade into the background. Like the Sagittarius man, she loves freedom. No man has the right to forbid her anything or tell her what she should do. Such behavior will only scare away this proud bird, and it will immediately fly off in search of another company. It will come out of her good wife. Sagittarius loves to receive guests, does well in the kitchen and is simply irresistible in bed.


Cancer does not like noisy companies. He would rather stay at home to take care of his backlog of household chores. Sagittarius quickly gets tired of everyday worries, and if no one invites her to relax, she herself goes in search of suitable company.

Such different interests of Cancer and Sagittarius make it difficult for them to meet. But, if this is fate, then the meeting of the Sagittarius girl and the Cancer guy will definitely take place. Moreover, it will come as a complete surprise to both. Cancer will immediately be interested in the fiery beauty. So calm, calm, strong and wise. She will also charm him with her beauty and energy. The Cancer man has never met such unique women. He will not want to miss the opportunity to get to know her better and will immediately invite her on a date, which the Sagittarius woman will not be able to refuse.

First date

Cancer will not want the date with this emotional woman to end. It is quite possible that he will try to drag out their evening for the whole night. The Sagittarius girl is too flighty and frivolous to refuse such an interesting offer, and even from such an amazing man. Cancer will try to make the date the most unforgettable day in the life of the Sagittarius woman.

Cancer will try to guess all the desires of Sagittarius and it will work out pretty well for him. He will immediately buy her a bunch of gifts, choosing the best ones. Right when she wakes up, the room will be strewn with different outfits and accessories. The Sagittarius woman will feel like a real princess, waking up surrounded by all this beauty. Cancer took care not only of the outfit, he strewn the room with flowers, toys and prepared breakfast in bed.

But in the kitchen, a real feast awaits the fiery woman. The table will be strewn with all kinds of delicacies. Cancer will be amazed by the beauty of his guest. Already now a strong attraction will flare up between them.


A Sagittarius woman cannot be unloved. She is simply charming and is also a consummate lover. Cancer will forget about everything in the world when this passionate lady is nearby. The Sagittarius woman will also be amazed by this man. He will captivate her heart with his intellect and care. Perhaps she will seriously think about living together with this water man.

For some time, this couple will not quarrel at all. The active Sagittarius girl will calm down a little and begin to spend more time next to her chosen one, Cancer. But this whole idyll will last until Cancer sees how many fans his beloved has.

He will not tolerate his beloved communicating with any other men. He will immediately eliminate all male representatives within a radius of one kilometer, and will take the dissatisfied Sagittarius girl home. A real scandal awaits her at home. Cancer will try to destroy all the things that can attract men, the cosmetics of his beloved, and will also scream at the indignant fiery woman for a long time. The freedom-loving nature will not like this behavior of Cancer, and she will instantly decide that this relationship has come to an end.


This couple needs time to build a relationship. The Sagittarius girl will cope with her emotions and forgive her jealous man, but in exchange for her forgiveness she will make a promise from Cancer that similar situation will not happen again. Cancer, of course, will promise to control himself, but he is unlikely to be able to promise that the request will be fully fulfilled. Cancer can hardly imagine how one can not be jealous of this sexy beauty, but the Sagittarius woman cannot imagine her life without sexy outfits and her favorite cosmetics. But Cancer, in a fit of anger, destroyed all this, and is not going to restore what was lost. He assures that this will make him calmer. The Sagittarius woman will definitely find control over him and will be able to curb this jealous man.

The Sagittarius woman will be able to convince Cancer that he is the best thing that happened in her life. She will be able to prove to him that he is the one and only and that the thought of betrayal never crept into her head. Cancer will trust his chosen one and will finally be able to calm down.

The Cancer man must be prepared for the fact that sometimes his emotional chosen one will take out her anger on him. Sensual and vulnerable, he will not immediately get used to such emotional outbursts, but he should understand that his Sagittarius woman simply needs it. Although Sagittarius is a fairly strong personality, she needs constant support, and a man like Cancer will be able to encourage her ideas and protect her from risky actions, if, of course, he learns to manage his emotions.

Cancer men, like women, are incredibly sensual. They especially love it when their actions are approved, when they are thanked and praised. The Sagittarius woman is sometimes busy with her own affairs and successes, but if she wants to keep her Cancer, she should not forget to praise him periodically. He tries his best to surround you with care and attention, and in return he expects only gratitude. Perhaps his worries are becoming too much, but Cancer cannot be told about this, otherwise he will stop doing it completely. Any conversation with Cancer should begin with the fact that their actions are very much appreciated and you are pleased with their concern, and after a while you can carefully move the conversation to the fact that excessive attention can have consequences.


Cancer will try to hide his beautiful wife even at a wedding. He will be happy if she wears a black suit and a big cowboy hat. The costume will hide her sexy figure and pretty face. The Sagittarius girl will agree to any of his conditions, just to get rid of unbearable jealousy, at least at the wedding. Cancer will not be able to respond adequately even to harmless bride kidnapping contests. He will be furious that someone dared to kidnap his beauty right on her wedding day. After the wedding, friends and acquaintances will come to their senses for a long time, and Cancer and Sagittarius will immediately begin to replenish the young family.

Cancer is a very caring dad. He cares incredibly deeply about his children and will try to warn them against everything possible dangers. Sagittarius mom becomes best friend for your children. She is always ready to listen and help with advice. Children try not to worry dad once again. He is capable of creating a whole disaster out of even the smallest problem. Overall, this is a very interesting union. The spouses never cease to surprise each other, which constantly feeds their feelings.


The Cancer guy attracts friends to him like a magnet. But, if the guys from the yard want to be friends with Cancer, then he will think more than once about whether it is worth making friends with this or that boy. The Sagittarius girl, on the contrary, is very sociable and is always happy to make new friends. She is never alone, but is always in company.

Cancer may interest her because he knows a million different stories. There is always something to talk about with him. The Sagittarius girl loves to visit the Cancer boy. He not only knows a lot of mysterious stories, but also keeps a bunch of mysterious things in his room. Cancer will be the most best friend for the fiery girl. He is a very loyal and reliable friend, although jealous. After all, the Sagittarius girl is very sociable and periodically changes groups of friends. Cancer absolutely does not like this. Cancer will be able to help her out of any trouble that she periodically gets into because of her frivolity, and she will be able to cheer him up and cure him of any depression.


Cancer is always ready to work. He can take on any task and successfully complete it. The main thing is that he is provided with complete peace. The Sagittarius girl really loves to work with him. Cancer will work for days to achieve results. The Sagittarius girl cannot boast of such perseverance, but she can provide Cancer with constant meals and monitor his sleep schedule. Cancer quickly and successfully deals with competitors. It is unknown what unknown force is helping him, but looking at the person, he understands what can be expected from him.

These partners will be able to earn as much money as no sign has ever dreamed of. There is something about this union.

As you can see, opposites do attract. The union of Cancer and Sagittarius cannot be called successful. Their couple will constantly have quarrels and disagreements. Calm Cancer will never come to terms with the fact that his Sagittarius partner disappears in noisy companies. And the sociable Sagittarius is not against taking his chosen one with him, but the homely Cancer will not agree.

Cancers often suffer from depression. They are staying at home more and more. Sagittarians are incredible active people and can't sit still. Cancers don’t like this, they begin to get nervous and jealous, and try to limit Sagittarius’ freedom. Freedom-loving Sagittarius will not even want to hear about it. He cannot imagine his life without communication and entertainment. It is on this basis that most of their quarrels occur.

Scientists, friends and relatives unanimously insist that these two are completely incompatible. But if people really love each other, then no forecast can separate them. These two will need to learn to control their emotions. To save the couple, they must find compromises and make concessions.

Loving people will never pay attention to prejudices and other people's predictions. No one but themselves can say how good or bad they are together. Cancer simply needs a surge of emotions, they need a person nearby who will not allow them to become depressed, who can support and cheer them up. And Sagittarius needs a person nearby who can warn against rash actions, who can calmly listen and give useful advice. So, perhaps it’s good that they are so different, because this way they can complement each other perfectly. It was not in vain that fate brought them together, and dear baby Cupid would not waste his arrows in vain. The main thing is to learn to understand and respect each other.

Sagittarius and Cancer are two very interesting and unique zodiac signs. They always have something to interest each other, to “ignite the flame” in the relationship. Cancer is strong and stubborn, he is a representative of the element water, and therefore also changeable.

Sagittarius is passionate and sociable, fire does not allow him to be at peace. He is always looking for something new and entertaining. Sagittarians love to travel and make new acquaintances.

Compatibility in love

Quiet and calm Cancer girls are very often attracted to persistent and charming men Sagittarius. However, it should be borne in mind that such representatives of the stronger sex are also very jealous. Sagittarians are possessive, they do not accept rivals, the girl should always be by his side. In retaliation, he will, of course, surround her with warmth, care and love.

But the power of the Cancer girl's water may not be able to withstand the scenes of jealousy of the Sagittarius man. As a result, a flurry of emotions will surge, which can bring dire consequences. Two opposing elements know how to love sincerely, but also vigorously defend their opinions.

In the union of a Cancer man and a Sagittarius girl, it is possible that the head of the couple will be the lady. Representatives of the fire element often take the first step towards quiet and calm Cancer men. They will complement each other and learn something new. But until the opposites of the elements come together.

Marriage and family

A Sagittarius man enters into marriage reluctantly. To bring him to the altar, a woman will have to make a lot of effort. He is amorous and sociable, women adore him. A Sagittarius man will be close to a Cancer woman if she can give him freedom. This is exactly what will happen the right decision. A fiery man will feel that he is trusted, and then the marriage can last long enough.

If the Cancer wife pesters her Sagittarius husband, there will be a scene of jealousy. And the spouse checks on friends in social networks and read messages on your phone, expect trouble. Such a couple cannot avoid scandals with breaking dishes and going to see their mother.

A Sagittarius woman enters into marriage consciously and deliberately. She is usually smart and friendly. The fiery lady loves the truth, she cannot be deceived. Even a hint of a lie can lead to bad consequences.

Such women are often attracted to Cancer men. They seem calm and reliable to Cancer women. Those with whom you can be behind a stone wall. However, the power of water of a Cancer man can radically change the opinion about him. Outbursts of such a spouse’s emotions will cause a storm of anger in the lady of fire.

If the man is Sagittarius and the woman is Cancer

“They collided, ice and fire” - this is about them. Two opposite signs fell in love with each other and created a social unit. What should you expect from such a marriage? A fire man will not sit still. He loves everything new, travel, friends and acquaintances. His communication with the opposite sex will often pester his wife. In revenge, the Sagittarius man will not find anything better than to arrange scenes of jealousy for his wife.

However, a water woman was created for this purpose: to calm down her temperamentally violent husband. If a Cancer lady values ​​her marriage, she will be the very haven for her Sagittarius husband where he will find peace and family comfort.

A fire man may not be too interested in his family; he is bored with small children. However, with a grown-up child, he will be happy to go fishing or hiking. They often get along very well with children. a good relationship. Both Sagittarius men, who are essentially like children themselves, and their children find good comrades in each other.

If the woman is Sagittarius and the man is Cancer

The Sagittarius lady values ​​her independence. She is honest and frank, often “cuts from the shoulder” and demands the same from others. A Cancer man likes this as long as there is comfort and harmony in the house. As soon as the fiery spouse goes to meet her friends or to night club Without it, a man's cancer flares up in earnest.

In such a couple, conflicts and contradictions often arise. Water and fire either fight or calm each other. This is the beauty of it, however, and all the problems of marriage also come from this.

The water man has a very soft heart. He is quick-tempered, but quick to resign. The Cancer man has his rich inner world, sometimes he often plunges into it, into “his shell.” However, the energetic and purposeful Sagittarius wife does not give him time for boredom and thought.

Such a marriage can be quite happy and harmonious if the spouses make concessions and forgive each other’s small weaknesses. Cancers, like Sagittarius, love their home very much. They often prefer it to a stuffy apartment.

Negative moments in the union

Outbursts of anger and scenes of jealousy are probably the biggest problems of opposing zodiac signs. Sagittarius and Cancer are both strong and emotional. They do not always know how to control their feelings.

Sagittarius loves freedom; Cancer cannot always understand this. Sometimes people of fire and water live together for several years, and then still separate, never having found a common language. And it also happens that such alliances are strong. The main task of the spouses is to find common ground. And also those places that you shouldn’t put pressure on.

Sexual compatibility between Cancer and Sagittarius

Sagittarius and Cancer can be called excellent sex partners. They give themselves to platonic relationships with all passion. They often make wonderful lovers. Sagittarius will always “ignite” relationships. This is very attractive to calmer cancers. Temperamental lovers will be touched by their relationship. As long as everything is fine in bed for this couple, there will be order in their union.

A representative of the water element often requires confirmation of his partner’s feelings for him. Not finding full return, cancer can get angry and explode over trifles. This will irritate the freedom-loving Sagittarius. In turn, Cancer will be offended by the flighty partner.

Friendship between Cancer and Sagittarius

The similarity of these zodiac signs gives good results for developing friendship between them. The camaraderie between Sagittarius and Cancer can be quite diverse. This could be a profitable business alliance.

Often such friendly relationships bring mutual benefit. A far-sighted Sagittarius is not at all against making a Cancer friend if he helps him in some business that is beneficial to him. The friendship between a man and a woman of these zodiac signs is developing very well. The main thing in such relationships is not to cross the line.

Business relationships

Cancer and Sagittarius are one of the most unfortunate tandems for conducting serious business. These signs have completely different views on doing business. Cancer prefers to work alone, so he is at ease, where he is calm and comfortable. Sagittarius welcomes live communication, frequent meetings and the cycle of events.

In some areas of activity, these two signs can still find common interest. These are professions such as teacher, psychologist, sociologist.

Compatibility percentage

Fire and water have always been considered opposite elements. However, this is not about Sagittarius and Cancer. These two are equal and strong sign, whose union can please others. Despite all the contradictions that will arise between them, representatives of water and fire are quite capable of creating a strong family.

Compatibility in love for a Cancer man and a Sagittarius lady is 65%, in marriage – 40%, in friendship – 75%.

The love union of a Cancer woman and a Sagittarius man reaches 95%, but marriage is only 80%, and friendship is 80%.

Compatibility between Cancer and Sagittarius in friendship is good, but both will have to be patient to maintain it. Sagittarius is too straightforward, which offends the sensual Cancer. Although, over time, they will learn to accept each other with all the nuances. This will have a beneficial effect on their friendship, and will also help them become interesting interlocutors.

Cancer Man and Sagittarius Woman

There can be no friendship between a Cancer guy and a Sagittarius girl. They can attract each other only as representatives of different sexes, and even then, not for long. As a rule, when they get to know each other more closely, these people repel each other. Sagittarius is uncomfortable with the secrecy and possessive nature of Cancer, and the latter is accustomed to greater softness and compliance on the part of women. In general, there is no question of friendship between a man and a woman, the main thing is that they do not become enemies. This can happen if communication between Cancer and Sagittarius is forced.

Sagittarius will not open up and trust Cancer from the very first minute. He harnesses slowly, but rushes at full speed. Their friendship, like aged wine, must brew and become stronger. To do this, Cancer and Sagittarius need to be together more often, travel and share everything in the world.

It is not often that you find Sagittarius and Cancer as bosom friends, especially if they are representatives of opposite sexes. In most cases, the relationship between them can be characterized as friendly, partly business. For example, Cancer may turn to Sagittarius for some information, ask for patronage, and Sagittarius will be happy to discuss with him any economic or socio-political issue - both are very willing to do this. But otherwise, these signs are too dissimilar to become true friends.

Relationships between Cancer and Sagittarius are strained in all areas of life, with the exception of work. Together, this couple can achieve great success because both initially see mutual benefit in cooperation. Even if these people are faithful business partners, apart from mutual respect, they will not be bound by other warm feelings. They are too different for close communication, but this does not mean that such couples do not exist. Cancer and Sagittarius can even start a family, but each of them will continue to live their own life, which is completely closed to the other half.


A Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman will not become a harmonious couple. There is not only mutual trust between them, but also no desire to understand each other. Both strive for a leading role in this relationship; on both sides there are outbreaks of aggression, outbursts of irritation, a tendency to conflict behavior. Only mutual benefit can keep these people together for a long time, but this will not bring them closer. Sooner or later, Cancer and Sagittarius will stop all communication.

♋ + ♐: In love

UNDESIRABLE UNION— The Sagittarius girl sees the Cancer guy as a reliable and calm person, but this is only an external impression. She is relaxed and sociable, and is not inclined to sacrifice her interests. Cancer guy is jealous. A large number of He won't like the girl he knows. In fact, he does not impose his reclusive lifestyle on his chosen one; he is much more offended by the demonstrativeness of her behavior. If she knew how to remain silent in time and, at least for the sake of appearance, sometimes agree with him, he would be calm, because he would feel like the master of the situation. His beloved herself provokes the guy to jealousy with her behavior, despite the fact that she does not give obvious reasons for suspicion of infidelity. If she is going to a meeting with friends, and for some reason Cancer cannot accompany her and is noticeably nervous, out of principle she will not give up on her plans, even if they are not so important to her. In this way, the Sagittarius girl tries to re-educate the jealous man, but for the guy this is the greatest humiliation. The confrontation between Cancer and Sagittarius can end very badly. At best, the couple will break up. At worst, cancer will harbor a grudge and then take revenge. An angry young man is capable of very unexpected and illogical behavior; hurting his pride is truly dangerous. For a Sagittarius girl, this union is undesirable from all sides.

♋ + ♐: Married

UNDESIRABLE UNION- If a Cancer man and a Sagittarius woman entered into a marriage of convenience, then there is every chance that this union will last. Family business will be strong and profitable, the husband will take responsibility for his financial part, and the wife will cope well with negotiations, contracts, and other transactions where her communication skills will be very useful. The spouses will not have spiritual closeness, but common affairs will strengthen their union and enhance mutual respect.

A love marriage is unlikely to be successful. The wife’s free behavior will provoke her husband to jealousy, but she absolutely does not know how and does not want to get around sharp corners, so conflicts cannot be avoided. To get along with a cancer man, you need to have patience and respect his opinion, in which there is still some truth. The Sagittarius woman is often insolent in response to her husband, even where it is completely inappropriate. As a result, all of Cancer’s most negative qualities will awaken, such as rancor, aggression, and vindictiveness. The wife will not want to tolerate a tyrant next to her, in whose creation she took a direct part. Most often, such marriages break up in the shortest possible time.

♋ + ♐: In friendship

UNDESIRABLE UNION— There can be no friendship between a Cancer guy and a Sagittarius girl. They can attract each other only as representatives of different sexes, and even then, not for long. As a rule, when they get to know each other more closely, these people repel each other. Sagittarius is uncomfortable with the secrecy and possessive nature of Cancer, and the latter is accustomed to greater softness and compliance on the part of women. In general, there is no question of that, the main thing is that they do not become enemies. This can happen if communication between Cancer and Sagittarius is forced.


A Cancer woman and a Sagittarius man are attractive to each other at the initial stage of a relationship, but as soon as they get to know each other better, mutual interest often fades away. They can get along and form a strong alliance, especially if there is mutual benefit. They are rarely together of their own free will, and what is noteworthy is that their relationship almost never moves from one phase to another. This means that if they cooperate, they will not become friends; if they communicate as buddies, they will not become lovers. The main advantage of the alliance between Cancer and Sagittarius is the predictability of both sides.

♐ + ♋: In a love relationship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— The love affair between a Cancer girl and a Sagittarius guy cannot be called easy and enjoyable. There are a lot of contradictions, there are also prerequisites for sorting out the relationship, but much depends on the behavior of the lovers themselves and their desire to be together.

Even at the initial stage of a relationship, the young man does not strive to pay more attention to the girl. For him, friends will always come first. Seeing that his beloved is offended by this, he will invite her to accompany him, but the Cancer girl wanted to be alone, and not with a crowd of his friends. This type of vacation is unattractive for her, especially since she is simply bored with her loved one’s friends.

To love affair did not break up at the very beginning and had a continuation, the girl will have to decide whether she is ready to accept her beloved for who he is. The Sagittarius guy will never belong to her alone anyway, communication with friends and leisure are an integral part of his life. To maintain peace, she will have to not only accept this, but also not reproach her beloved for the properties of his nature. The Sagittarius guy will be grateful for your understanding, and most likely will choose this girl. The lovers themselves chose each other, so the other will have to take into account the right of each of them to individuality.

♐ + ♋: Married

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— The marriage of a Cancer woman and a Sagittarius man is stronger if it is concluded by calculation, or if the spouse has enough mature age. Families created on the basis of passionate love, as a rule, fall apart very quickly.

Intimate life will be interesting to both only for the first time; here the law of attraction of opposites will work. Over time, it will become clear that the sexual needs of the partners do not coincide, and even desire diversifying sex on both sides is unlikely to bring the expected result.

The difference in temperament will affect other areas of life. The wife is focused on the home and does not need frequent communication. My husband has many friends, to whom he devotes almost everything free time. A Cancer woman wants quiet family evenings, but her husband constantly tries to force her to communicate with his friends. If there is a desire on both sides to re-educate the other half, the spouses will face a series of conflicts, and then, quite likely, divorce. It will be better if they accept each other as they fell in love.

♐ + ♋: In friendship

AVERAGE COMPATIBILITY— Between a Cancer girl and a Sagittarius guy, only short-term communication is possible, due to necessity. If they are childhood friends, neighbors or relatives, friendly relationships are possible, but without revelations and emotional intimacy. Strong in this case hardly has a chance to exist. Cancer and Sagittarius are responsive, each of them can turn to the other for help in difficult moments. In this case, they will value and respect each other, but it is unlikely that this will make them closer.

Video: CANCER ♋ Zodiac sign

Video: SAGITTARIUS ♐ Zodiac sign