The water element in a dream corresponds to the emotional and sensory perception of the world. Its purity reflects the true desires of the sleeper. What you dream about swimming in clean water, the dream book associates with events that are controlled by feelings. Although some signs serve as warnings, overall this is a favorable symbol.

Miller's explanation

Interpreting what dreams of swimming in clear water mean, Miller’s dream book draws attention to the dreamer’s feelings and the moods caused by them.

If you dreamed of comfortable conditions where nothing interferes with games and fun, an interesting acquaintance will take place in reality. When one of the companions you happened to see in a dream is near and dear to you real life, there will be a short separation from this person.

Diving a lot in a dream happens to those who are actually alarmed about something.

What Freud says

Sigmund Freud explains in no less detail why you dream of swimming in clear water. In men's dreams, this image reflects sex life. The interpretation of the dream promises a fateful meeting that will bring extraordinary discoveries and eliminate the need for promiscuous relationships. The dream book promises the lady dreamer a dizzying date.

Curious people have to see themselves in the depths. This character trait sometimes creates problems for both others and themselves.

Choosing a swimsuit

The dream book contains an explanation of why you dream of swimming naked. If while swimming you feel like a part of nature, the plot speaks of harmony with yourself. What you dreamed about is a very favorable sign, a harbinger of the fulfillment of desires.

Dreamers who are too dependent in reality on their circle and its influence have to feel embarrassment when swimming naked. If you dreamed that you were wearing casual clothes instead of a swimsuit, the image indicates a lack of a sense of security and secrecy.

Features of water areas

The cleanliness of a reservoir is only one of various characteristics. Dream books consider various details of the dream and their meanings.

  • Seeing yourself in a clear river happens on the eve of a profitable marriage;
  • If the water was clear but not comfortable, the symbol means a hostile environment;
  • If the river was clear and icy, the dream will come true a little later;
  • What you see in a dream marks the beginning of a halcyon period;
  • If you dreamed of swimming, do not get too carried away with alcohol;
  • The symbol promises a successful and profitable completion of the business started;
  • For voluptuous natures, swimming for pleasure means carnal pleasures.


If in a dream you were lucky enough to plunge into the sea, in reality you can safely begin to fulfill a long-standing intention. Right now, circumstances are on your side.

If there are waves at sea, the sleeper will have to face difficulties, overcoming which will strengthen him and give him valuable experience.

Diving into the sea indicates harmony with yourself and the world around you. The dream book promises that good luck will accompany you.

Ocean Conquerors

If you had a chance to swim in the ocean in a dream, the dream book suggests remembering how calm it was.

What you dream of about swimming in a serene ocean foreshadows a period of stability and prosperity for the sleeper himself and his immediate environment.

Dreams are often called the mirror of the soul, a reflection of our worries and experiences. In a dream, the subconscious sends us different signs, which sometimes are just a set of abstract symbols, and sometimes make us think about what awaits us in the near future.

What if you dream of swimming in water?

Dream interpretation has been practiced since ancient times. Special attention was given to dreams in which there were elements that could bring destruction (for example, hurricane wind destroying houses, or a flood washing away crops). Shamans made predictions about future harvests or diseases based on dreams. Water has always occupied an important place in people’s lives, so it is not surprising that there are a great many interpretations of dreams with water. As in other cases, you need to consider the dream of each individual person who saw water in his dream. After all, some are afraid of the water element, while others feel calm and free with it. Some people happily plunge into a river in a dream, while for others the mere sight of water fills them with horror.

Most people want to know why they dream of swimming in water in their dreams. Water, in most dream books, is a symbol of purity and renewal, which is why swimming in clean clear water means success in new endeavors, joy and carefreeness.

Muddy water is associated with troubles and illnesses. In Tsvetkov’s dream book, swimming in muddy water means disappointment in some business or person. The great seer Vanga believed that water washes away all sins and cleanses the human soul.

Therefore, swimming in water in a dream means striving for renewal, rebirth in reality. It is also worth paying attention to what body of water the person seeing water in a dream is bathing in. If he swims in the sea, then for a man this means quick success for his wife, and for a girl such a dream predicts successful marriage. Swimming in water poured into a pool means getting rid of ailments and anxiety that haunt a person in reality. Swimming in the river may mean that you will soon have a misunderstanding with your superiors. You just need to insist on your opinion and show yourself with the best side. Minor changes in life and personal relationships are foreshadowed by swimming in the lake. If a person takes a bath in a dream, then this promises minor troubles.

The temperature of the water in which a person bathes in a dream also matters when interpreting dreams.

What does it portend?

Cold water- a harbinger of violent emotions. However, they will be short-lived. Also, some dream books interpret swimming in ice water, as a symbol of imminent victory over enemies and ill-wishers. Swimming in water that has a pleasant temperature means a calm life and a warm relationship with your lover.

For girls dreaming of a child, swimming in water in a dream is very good sign. Soon all your dreams will begin to come true. For sick people, such dreams promise hope for a speedy recovery. The main thing is that the water is clean and does not cause fear. The attitude with which a person enters the water is very important. The calmer a person gets into the water, the more comfortable he feels. Such dreams mean that in real life this person is pleasant to talk to, he is loved and appreciated by friends and colleagues.

If in a dream a person is ready to swim in the water for a long time without going ashore, this means that he is very tired and thus his brain sends him signals that it is time to stop and just give himself a break.

Perhaps it's time to take a vacation and swim in the real sea. If bathing gives a person unpleasant sensations, it means that he needs to part with his unloved activity in reality, free himself from depressing work that does not bring pleasure.

It turns out that in almost all dream interpreters, swimming in water in a dream means changes in the real life of the person who dreamed about it. this dream. What these changes will be depends largely on the person’s mood, on his desire to change his life.

Water represents the energy of life, the passage of time, spiritual cleansing. Images associated with being in it, moving through it or using it quite often appear in dreams.

There are many interpretations of what dreams of swimming mean. Deciphering what you see depends on the water space and the properties of the water: color, smell, transparency. Swimming in a dream is most often considered a positive symbol, as many dream books indicate. In general terms, dreaming about swimming in water means completing things, making money and getting satisfaction from life.

Transparent water reflects the creative world of a person who had a dream with clean water. Swimming in clear water promises health, longevity and successful life. Being in dirty water means the dreamer will become an object of envy, and gossip from the outside is possible. Swimming in dirty water means obstacles will arise in the fate of the sleeper. According to another meaning, swimming in dirty water means poor health.

According to Bolshoi universal dream book, swimming in a dream means anxiety or danger in money matters or benefit. Swimming across the body of water and successfully completing the swim anticipates the fulfillment of a desire. Not finishing your journey and turning back halfway - in real life, predicts a repeat of the situation with unfinished business.

Swimming in a pool in a dream means that the person who is dreaming will have to make a choice between two people, and it will be quite difficult to choose. In some cases, such an image may indicate a new relationship, which will ultimately lead to quarrels and breakup. Swimming on your back means receiving useful information.

2. By modern dream book, swimming in clear water is a sign of good luck, and swimming in muddy water is a sign of trouble and discord.

3. Interpretation of a dream according to Tsvetkov’s dream book: swimming in a dream means a successful time is coming. Lovers swimming together - to passions and new erotic experiences.

4. The meaning of sleep according to Meneghetti’s Dream Book:

  • Swimming is a positive action, meaning free development and eroticism. Swimming
  • V water element symbolizes sexuality.
  • Feeling like an excellent swimmer means believing in your own image as attractive for sexual relations.
  • Swimming towards an object reflects the intention to achieve a goal in life or enter into sexual relations with this person.
  • Floating away from an object is a desire to avoid discomfort, inconvenience, or to hide from reality.

When trying to clarify the images encrypted in a dream, rely primarily on your own feelings. Feelings will not allow themselves to be deceived. If the dreams you saw were pleasant, then your life prospects will be joyful, if not entirely, you will need to overcome some difficulties along the way.

Sailing on some kind of vessel on a river or lake - the dream foretells that you will experience annoyance and shame for the stinginess of your admirer; sailing on the sea - you will soon achieve an outstanding position in society and will endow others with benefits.

If you are sailing on a small boat on calm, clear water, this is a promise of a bright, unclouded feeling that will leave a mark on your soul for the rest of your life.

A dream in which your voyage is interrupted by an approaching storm is a harbinger of a thunderstorm thickening in the family atmosphere and ready to shed a rain of tears at any moment.

Sailing on a large ocean liner, making a pleasant trip, foretells troubles that may arise due to your thoughtless and careless statements about your colleagues. If in a dream you went to circumnavigation- this means that in reality you will be completely satisfied with the results of your work and the progress of affairs in general.

To see people swimming and sunbathing on the beach in a dream - in reality you will be deceived in your expectations happy love, for you will be abandoned by a friend who will betray you, flattered by another, more attractive person.

A dream in which you are swimming in a pool foretells that your soul will rush between two loved ones, not knowing which of them to give your heart to.

If you dream that you are swimming naked, unable to go ashore because of the men who appeared there, in reality you will find yourself in difficult situation, when you have to make a clear choice between your aspirations and duty towards loved ones.

Seeing men swimming naked portends annoying disappointments, which, in essence, should not be paid serious attention to. If in a dream you are scuba diving, then in reality you will lose hope of realizing your plan when the goal is already very close and achievable.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

Dream Interpretation - Swim, swim

“Swimming like a fish in water” is good at navigating the situation.

"Swim" (pleasure).

“Swim against the tide” - enter into conflict with others, internal disagreements.

“It just floats into your hands” is an easy success.

“Swimming shallow” is the inability to accomplish something significant.

“Going with the flow” means agreement with others or lack of will, laziness.

Interpretation of dreams from

How nice it is to swim in water that is clean and transparent. Very often during sleep we perform such procedures. The more pleasure you get from this, the more success you can expect in reality. But if the water scared you or you experienced some discomfort, then in real life, most likely, some events can greatly upset you.

It happens that such a dream reflects only your strong feelings accumulated during the previous day. In any case, remember everything you saw and appreciate how you felt. This significantly affects correct decoding what he saw.

Why do you dream

Usually water reflects our inner state. It is peace of mind or anxiety that is embodied in such dreams. Usually dream books not only give an interpretation of a dream. But they also suggest how to live further and what is worth taking control of, based on what the dreamer saw

  1. As a rule, a dream with water carries positive elements, and even more so when a person is in it and bathes. Ahead of you lies the enjoyment of your future life, success in many endeavors, fun entertainment and the arrival of unexpected financial assistance. Moreover, they will arrive in such quantities that there will be enough for everything.
  2. Fish swimming in the water will bring unexpected success into your life. Moreover, this will happen in the most unexpected areas of your life, which you may not even suspect. Work will go well, you will suddenly be visited by brilliant ideas, and you will be able to stand out among your colleagues, and your superiors will notice this. In your personal life, quarrels and troubles will be resolved, and single people will finally meet their fateful man. Usually such dreams favor women more. Water is a feminine element, therefore dreams are more favorable for women.
  3. And here according to Miller's dream book swimming in water can have different interpretations. Moments when you yourself are splashing in the water and at the same time experiencing great pleasure and joy speaks of a practical approach to many things, work colleagues will be able to see in you a good employee, and maybe a leader, and relationships in the family will become simpler and more tender.
  4. But swim with relatives or friends entails a short-term separation, and diving to depth can be explained by an increase in nervous conditions.

Features of what was seen

  1. The most unpleasant thing is swimming underwater when a person experiences mortal horror from lack of oxygen. Such a vision also predicts disturbing events in reality, concern about a serious matter.
  2. And here ordinary swimming can be interpreted as a desire to better understand oneself, one’s nature and reconsider one’s understanding of the world around us.
  3. Cloudy or dark water carries with it a background of suspicion that arose as a result of distrust of friends or colleagues. Perhaps you yourself did not act entirely honestly, and your conscience is tormenting you. In your heart you are very worried about what you have done, because in the future it will affect your plans and become an obstacle.
  4. Fall down and splash around in a dirty puddle or pond reflects your inner worldview. Perhaps you have risen too high above those around you and feel out of this world. In this situation, you should treat others more simply and not set the bar of your demands so high for them.
  5. Swim to escape from someone gives you the opportunity to realize what you have planned for a long time, finally your dream will come true.
  6. Clean and transparent source has always been a symbol of pure thoughts and ideas. And swimming in such a body of water means finally getting rid of everything negative. A wide and kind road, material success and prosperity awaits you ahead. Your thoughts are clear and you are finally on the right track. life path. Often a pure source reflects self-confidence and narcissism.
  7. Seeing yourself floating in the depths and experiencing hopelessness and fear suggests that not everything in life is so smooth and difficulties may arise ahead. But if you overcome the depth perfectly and swim to the place, reality will delight you with overcoming obstacles and success in upcoming events.

Water temperature

  • ice water calls on the night swimmer to gather his strength and mobilize all his life’s achievements so that his plans come true in your favor. It is possible that you will face a serious choice on which the fate of the people around you depends.
  • warm water is significant when the black stripe changes to white, you can finally calm down and relax a little. Things are all settled, and life goes on as usual. Alternatively, you can take a vacation and relax in all comfort.