I like winter most of all among all the seasons of the year. It is magical time where you can find yourself in charming fairytale due to the snow on the trees and buildings.

Unfortunately winter in my region doesn’t indulge us with proper snow. Sometimes it looks like cold autumn or even early spring. But those days which are indeed winter ones winter shows all their beauty. Beautiful snowflakes fly in the air quietly laying down on the streets, people and nature. Kids have fun playing snowballs. Their cheeks are red on the frost but they cannot help running down the snowy hills and making snowmen. The joy and happiness are on their faces. Streets look like frozen picture from the Christmas postcard. Everything is white and sparkling.

Perhaps someone could disagree with me saying that winter brings severe frost. I think that the frost helps us to be more active as you should make some efforts in order to get warmed. Moreover winter time brings the most magical holiday for all people. It's New Year. May be that is why winter is associated with the miracle in our minds.

Every year I’m looking forward to winter coming as I like skiing and skating. A lot of my friends are keen of snowboard and they wait for this season to compete among themselves and master their skills in this kind of sports. Nothing can make me stop loving winter - neither cold weather nor a lot of clothes to put on. I adore this dream of nature.

[ translation ]

I like winter

Of all the seasons, I like winter the most. This is a magical time when you can find yourself in a fairy tale because of the snow on the trees and buildings.

Unfortunately, winter in my region does not spoil us with a lot of snow. Sometimes it looks like cold autumn or even early spring. But on those days that are truly “winter”, it reveals to us all its beauty. Beautiful snowflakes fly in the air, quietly falling on the streets, people and nature. Children have fun playing snowballs. Their cheeks are red in the cold, but they cannot resist sliding down the snowy hills and making snowmen. Joy and happiness on their faces. The streets look like a frozen picture from a Christmas card. Everything is white and shining.

Perhaps someone may disagree with me, saying that winter brings severe frost. I think the cold helps us to be more active, just like you have to put in some effort to stay warm. Besides, winter time brings the most magical holiday for all people. This New Year. Maybe this is why winter is associated with miracles in our minds.

Every year I look forward to the arrival of winter, as I enjoy skiing and skating. Many of my friends are snowboarding fans and they look forward to this time of year to compete with each other and hone their skills in this sport. Nothing can make me stop loving winter - not even cold weather, nor a lot of wearable clothes. I adore this dream of nature.

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Topic (essay) on English language on the theme “Winter”

Why do I love winter?

It's snowing! It's snowing outside! I`m sitting near the window and I`m very glad because winter has come.

I like winter very much. I like white snow and white trees and white houses. There is much snow in the wood and I can ski with my sister. We like to play snowballs. It`s great fun.My friends and I make big snowmen every winter.We toboggan and sometimes play hockey with our boys.

In winter there are a lot of holidays: my birthday and my mother`s birthday, New Year`s Day and Christmas, Father`s day in February. And so many presents! And so many merry games! And we have winter holidays too! And my grandma always cook a very tasty Christmas cake.

My mom and dad, my grandma and my sister and I are very happy. I think winter is the best season.


Snowing! It's snowing outside! I sit by the window and am glad that winter has come.

I really love winter. I like White snow, and white trees and white houses. There is a lot of snow in the forest and I can ski with my sister. We love to play in the snow. It's so fun. Every winter we make big snowmen with my friends. We go sledding and sometimes play hockey with our boys.

There are many holidays in winter: my birthday and my mother’s birthday, New Year and Christmas, Father’s Day in February. And so many gifts! And so much fun games! We are also on winter holidays. And my grandmother always makes a very delicious Christmas cake.

Mom and dad, grandma and sister and I are very happy. I believe that winter is best time of the year.

Toropova Lena

Why you love winter - 10 reasons to enjoy winter from the magazine "site"

It's cold outside, it gets dark early. Frost, blizzard and sleet. The dull landscape outside the window evokes melancholy. It would seem, why do you love winter? But even the cold season has its positive sides. We found (at least) 10 reasons to enjoy winter.

1. Winter is the coziest time of the year

The smell of vanilla, cinnamon and tangerines. Aromas of baked apples, homemade pies and hot chocolate. Warm mittens, cute little hats, soft socks - they warm both body and soul. Winter is so cozy... Elegant shop windows, festively decorated streets, playful snowflakes, New Year's melodies - in winter there are so many little joys that can make us happier.

2. Relationships in the winter months are the warmest and most romantic.

Winter is the time for unforgettable dates. Skating on a frosty winter evening or walking through a snow-covered park is much more romantic than having a picnic by a lake overflowing with swarms of wasps. It’s much more pleasant to feel the crunch of freshly fallen snow under your feet than to wander through puddles in a cold downpour. And in winter there are no mosquitoes, in winter you can fall without fear of appearing strange to passers-by, you can blush with embarrassment, blaming the frost for everything. Each season has its own charms.

3. Winter is simply meant for self-improvement.

In winter, you can replenish your cultural baggage: watch films that you have long wanted to see, go to an exhibition, to the theater, to a classical music concert - there are a lot of options for cultural leisure. How about taking a course? foreign language, sign up for vocal lessons, learn to dance samba, merengue or cha-cha-cha? It's never too late to learn something new.

4. Winter weather invigorates and tones

Summer heat makes us lethargic and lazy, while winter coolness, on the contrary, tones and invigorates us. The body is constantly in good shape, and this is felt both physically and psychologically. Walking in the fresh, frosty air, saturated with negatively charged ions, is much more pleasant and beneficial (for both health and figure) than being outside in the summer heat.

5. Winter is an opportunity to show your individuality

The layered outfits we have to wear in cold weather can sometimes make us feel like a bear. But there are many beautiful, fashionable, interesting things in the winter wardrobe, with the help of which you can see in the mirror every day, albeit a “bear”, but stylish. Warm UGG boots, colorful hats, cute scarves, fur headphones - in winter there are also many ways to look fashionable and stylish.

6. Winter is a reason to remember childhood

In winter, at least sometimes you can allow yourself to remember your childhood: throw snowballs, build a snowman, sled down a hill, roll in the snowdrifts. Who said that all this fun is for kids? Children's games can give adults a lot of positive emotions as well. Watching children play carefree, we become kinder. In winter you can ski, skate, and snowboard. Don't you know how? It's time to learn.

7. In winter, you can spend more time with loved ones and see friends more often

Winter is the best time for warm meetings with friends, parents, trips to grandparents. You can bake a pie with a friend, help your mom with dinner, or cook something delicious for your parents yourself. In winter, you can sit in a cafe with a close friend, watch a romantic film with your significant other, spend time with the closest people - your parents (remember when in last time did you go on vacation together?).

8. In winter, you can devote the whole day to yourself

On your long-awaited day off, when you don’t want to go outside at all, you can arrange a “beauty day” for yourself: take a bath with essential oils, make a hair mask, watch a comedy, do breathing exercises– do something that you usually don’t have time for. Or just sit by the window and watch how the snowflakes dance outside the window, covering the trees with openwork lace, how the frost draws its magical patterns on the glass. All this will help you feel good and look great.

9. In winter there is no time to be bored

It's time (if it suddenly seems like there's nothing to do) to learn how to knit, embroider, play the musical instrument, read interesting book, make holiday cards for loved ones - such gifts are much more valuable than store-bought ones. In winter there are so many reasons for pleasant idleness: you need to decorate the Christmas tree, buy gifts, choose a festive outfit for yourself.

10. Spring always comes after winter

When it's cloudy and muddy outside, let the thought that spring is ahead warm you up. If it weren't for the winter cold, we wouldn't appreciate the warmth of spring so much, we wouldn't be able to enjoy sunny weather. Just waiting for the arrival of spring fills my soul with a joyful feeling. But winter is also very beautiful time year, you just need to learn to notice this beauty - in every tree, in every ray of sun, in every snowflake.

Winter is the most magical time of the year. We ask for the most secret things in New Year's Eve, we are telling fortunes for our betrothed on Christmas evening, we are preparing holiday dishes, we meet our dear guests, give each other gifts, and wish each other happiness in the new year. We, like children, rejoice at the first snow and believe in good fairy tale. Let the feeling of the holiday settle in your hearts, let an atmosphere of family warmth reign in the house. Happy winter to you!

How good winter is. I love her because she delights with her beauty, surprises with her inconstancy, delights with holidays and entertains with snowy fun.

Winter is undoubtedly beautiful. Snowfalls cover the earth like a white, clean and fluffy blanket. On a clear day, snow crystals shimmer unusually brightly and beautifully in the sun. The snowflakes themselves are very elegant and have bizarre shapes - columns, needles, hexagonal plates and stars. Frost does not form often, but it looks amazing on completely bare tree branches. They immediately look like white Christmas trees.

It's amazing how fickle she is. Periodically, frost gives way to thaw, gusty winds to calm, a cloudy day to sunny, heavy snow to little cover, and snowfall to no precipitation.

Or maybe it's the other way around.

How much joy and happiness children and adults have from the winter holidays! New Year and Christmas bring long-awaited rest, festive fun, pleasant surprises, a variety of entertainment and vivid impressions. The children are no less happy about the winter holidays. During this time, you will see more children on the street than usual. Despite the cold, they build fortress walls out of snow and play snow balls, sculpt various snow figures, build ice slides and ride down them on ice skates and sleds, flood the skating rink and go ice skating, play hockey and ski.

This is how it is - winter-winter! Sweet and good to everyone!

2-3 grades Essay “Why I love winter”

Option 1. I love winter, especially when it snows. Clouds hang over the city, the sun is not visible. Snowflakes quietly fall to the ground, sometimes in the form of stars, sometimes in the form of cereals. But the most beautiful thing is when the snow falls in flakes. It seems that it is not snow that is flying, but flakes of cotton wool. Snow covers the roofs of houses, cars, trees, streets.

Beautiful as in a fairy tale!

I always look forward to winter, not only because of the holidays. For me, there are many reasons to love this time of year.

When I say that I love winter, many of my friends immediately groan that it’s cold in winter. But frosts and snowstorms don’t scare me, because I really like winter clothes. I love bright knitted hats, scarves, and mittens. It's very elegant. Even in winter, many girls look so beautiful that they look like the Snow Maiden from a fairy tale.

Everything around is also fabulous, especially when the earth is already covered with a white blanket and it is snowing. City streets, shop windows, houses are decorated with garlands, parks have skating rinks, snow sculptures are displayed - all this looks simply magical, especially with music and evening lighting.

Winter for me means New Year, Christmas, Epiphany, Valentine's Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, Maslenitsa.

I love these holidays, I like giving and receiving gifts.

For some reason, many people go to celebrate the New Year in warm countries. I don’t understand this, if I’m going to leave, it’ll also be somewhere in the winter. We are not in Australia to celebrate this holiday in the summer. And I want to go somewhere to ride dog sled, and get to Veliky Ustyug.

In winter there is a lot of entertainment: ice skating, skiing, sledding, downhill skiing, snowball fights, you can even just roll around in the snow.

I love coming to the dacha in winter. We decorate the room, decorate the Christmas tree, light the fireplace. We have purchased toys, but every year my parents and I make something with our own hands. I also help my mother bake New Year's cookies, which can be eaten and hung on the Christmas tree.

I like making snowmen. At the dacha, my dad and I always give the snowman a carrot nose, coal eyes, a bucket or some old hat on his head, tie a scarf, and give him a broom in his hands. We get such a big funny snowman.

At home, we have a bird feeder hanging on the balcony, and even titmice and bullfinches fly there. Mom and I make sure that there is always food in it, because birds die in winter not from cold, but from hunger.

I also like that in winter the days begin to increase. At the end of December the longest night of the year occurs, and this phenomenon is called winter solstice. At first, the day lengthens little by little, and after the January holidays it becomes noticeably longer.

In addition, winter is extremely important for plants because they need rest, just like sleep is for humans. The trees go to hibernation to gain strength before the next harvest.

I associate winter with holidays, joy and fun; I always look forward to and love this noisy, bright and fabulous time of year!