Store-bought sour cream does not always have the desired consistency. You can thicken this dairy product without much effort, without compromising its taste and beneficial qualities. Pre-thickening sour cream is necessary for cakes and pastries to get a lush, delicate cream.

The simplest, but time-consuming, is natural way. Line the bottom of a colander inserted into the pan with two layers of gauze and pour in the sour cream. Place in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. During this time, the whey should drain and become thick. Take the required amount of sour cream and add dried flour a little at a time. Stir the mixture constantly and monitor the thickening process. With this method, the sour cream should be room temperature. You can use corn or potato starch as flour.

The required viscosity can be achieved by dripping lemon juice. Before adding the next portion, you need to watch carefully and mix for a long time. Since freshly squeezed juice does not immediately thicken the sour cream. Pour gelatin with milk, cream and hold for about 10 minutes. Place the swollen gelatin on the fire, stir until completely dissolved. If there are any lumps left, pass through a strainer. Combine the cooled mass with sour cream, beat and put in the refrigerator.

Using a store-bought thickener for sour cream. It contains modified starch. Beat the sour cream with a mixer at low speed, then add the thickener and increase the speed to medium.

Having only low-fat sour cream on hand, you can create culinary miracles. Especially if it is made with your own hands.

How to make thick sour cream? Many recipes require thick sour cream, or there are times when you bought sour cream, but it is liquid. What to do? Anyone can thicken sour cream without heating, adding thickeners, starch and other harmful ingredients.

Recipe: How to make thick sour cream


Sour cream 400 g (any fat content and any brand)

sour cream
Step 1 Weighing out the sour cream

One of the simplest and most harmless ways to thicken sour cream is to get rid of excess moisture. For this:

Line the bottom of the cup with a cloth. A cotton towel or any not very dense fabric works well. I use synthetic fabric because synthetic washes better. Place all the sour cream on the cloth. Tie the corners with a knot and hang.

Step 2 Wait

Place a cup under the sour cream to catch the liquid. You will see how moisture will slowly seep through the fabric.

Step 3

In 2-3 hours, 15-20% of the volume of sour cream will drain from the sour cream. The longer the sour cream hangs, the thicker it will become. At the same time, keeping sour cream in a warm place makes it more sour.

After 2-3 hours, transfer the sour cream into a container and put it in the refrigerator. Our sour cream is ready. It can be used for cooking

Sour cream is a wonderful base for many culinary masterpieces. It is especially actively used in the art of confectionery. Quite popular is a cream based on sour cream, which has received the appropriate name - “sour cream”. It is considered a true classic for homemade baked goods. On confectionery production this impregnation is also widely used. Professional chefs produce a thicker sour cream, while housewives produce a thinner one. Similar ingredients are used good quality and the first freshness. A logical question arises: To do this, you need to take into account several culinary nuances, which will help thicken the filling to the required degree.

Composition of sour cream

This filling has gained its popularity due to its ease of preparation and availability of ingredients. It is especially popular for sponge cakes, eclairs, honey cake and sour cream. Sour cream can be mixed with cocoa or any syrup. It is worth considering that this is a fairly liquid confectionery mass, that is, a flowing substance that is well suited for making dry dough softer and more tender.

Standard sour cream is prepared from 3 required products:

  1. Fat sour cream.
  2. Powdered sugar.
  3. Vanillin.

How to thicken sour cream for a cake? Firstly, you need to use sour cream with maximum fat content, and cool the finished cream thoroughly in a cool place. These tricks will make the mass more viscous, but not thick enough. To significantly thicken the sour cream, you should use several techniques and additives.

Ways to make thick sour cream

How to make sour cream for a cake thick? Confectioners use several fairly effective options. Possible remedies:

  1. Remove excess moisture from sour cream. For a high-quality cream, it is better to choose the maximum fat content dairy product- thirty %. To enhance the effect, you can place the sour cream in cheesecloth and hang it over a bowl for several hours. Thus, excess liquid will drain, and the finished impregnation will come out thicker.
  2. Reducing whipping time. Contact with granulated sugar makes any sour cream more liquid. To avoid this, you need to beat the cream until maximum speed mixer non-positive time. In addition, before whipping, you should cool all products and equipment.
  3. Use of starch. Any starch can make the impregnation slightly thicker and does not affect the taste in any way.
  4. Addition of gelatin. This is a universal thickener that can slightly change the taste of a dessert. It will take time to cool down after adding.
  5. A combination of sour cream and butter. Sour cream with the addition of butter turns out to have a slightly different taste, it is heavier and denser. In fact, this is a different product, but this option is very common. It is especially often used for filling eclairs.
  6. Using a special cream thickener. This method is the easiest to use. There are thickeners with different names, but in application they are all similar.

These simple tricks help thicken the sour cream during cooking. You can add thickness to the finished cream only by whipping it again with the addition of any suitable additive.

Recipes for thick sour cream impregnation

To prepare a medium-sized cake you will need approximately 500 g of sour cream, 100 g powdered sugar, a pinch of vanillin. Additional components are taken in accordance with the recipes provided below.

and gelatin

How to make sour cream thicker? You can use gelatin. It requires 15 g and 100 ml of water. To swell, gelatin is kept in cold water 20-30 minutes, then dissolves in a water bath, avoiding boiling. While the gelatin mass cools, the base of the cream is whipped - sour cream and sugar. After 10 minutes of intensive beating, vanillin and cold gelatin are added. After which the cream is whipped for a couple more minutes. The finished mass should be placed in a cool place for 5-6 hours. During this period, the gelatin will set and you will get a really thick and delicate cream.

Sour cream with added starch

How to make sour cream thick using starch? The volume of ingredients indicated above will require only two teaspoons of powder. The cooled sour cream is whipped with a chilled mixer for 10 minutes, then sugar is added and after another 5 minutes of beating, starch is added and whipped again. In order for the cream to set and thicken, it is put in a cool place for half an hour.

Impregnation with added oil

Another 500 gr. sour cream, about 70 g of butter. It should be slightly warmed up. Grind 50 g of powdered sugar with butter in a large container. When the mass turns white, sour cream, the remaining powder and vanillin are added to it. Beat this mixture with a chilled mixer for 10 minutes. The result is a soft and dense confectionery mass with a uniform consistency. It is better to use it chilled.

Sour cream with condensed milk

How to make sour cream thick? You can use condensed milk. You can completely eliminate the use of sugar in this recipe. affects the volume, because of it more impregnation comes out. To the standard ingredients add a regular can of condensed milk and 50 grams of butter. The oil should be at room temperature. The cooled sour cream is whipped for 10 minutes, after which the whipped mixture of condensed milk and butter is added to it. This mass needs to be beaten for another 10-15 minutes until a fluffy, homogeneous mass is formed. This cream can be served as an independent dessert, decorated with dried fruits or nuts.

Sour cream using a thickener

How to make sour cream thick? Dry concentrated is perfect for this purpose. The instructions usually indicate the exact proportions (they vary among different manufacturers). Most often, 500 gr. sour cream requires one package of thickener. For 10 minutes, cold sour cream is whipped with sugar, then vanillin and thickener are added. The resulting mass must be whisked vigorously for another 5 minutes. Afterwards the cream is placed in a cool place for half an hour. If the resulting consistency is runny, add more thickener and beat the sweet mass again.

As you can see from these recipes, various culinary additives are used when preparing thick sour cream. In any case, it is important to use fresh, high quality products. Sour cream should be high in fat. Both the sour cream and the equipment must first be cooled.

Home sponge cake with homemade cream - an incomparable, unsurpassed delicacy. However experienced chefs They know: properly whipping low-fat sour cream and turning it into a fluffy and dense white cloud is a difficult task. If you are unable to find suitable raw materials, do not despair - there are different ways thicken the sour cream. They will help you prepare the signature dish perfectly. holiday dish.

List of recipes in the article:

How to make sour cream thick?

Culinary tricks: how to make thick sour cream without additives

Before you start preparing sweet biscuit cream, you must place an unopened bag or seal it closed jar with fresh sour cream in the refrigerator. When the fermented milk product is properly cooled, but not frozen, immediately place it in a mixer container.

In order not to encounter problems when preparing the cream, it is best to immediately buy natural thick sour cream with a fat content of at least 33%. If you decide to whip a rustic product, do not overdo it - it may turn into oil

Add granulated sugar to cold sour cream to taste and beat the cream with a broom for 5 minutes: first at low speed, then at high speed. Total time preparing lush, delicious sour cream grounds - 10 minutes.

If sour cream stubbornly refuses to thicken, use it to make delicious dessert. Add diluted gelatin (20 g per 600 ml of boiling water), 6 tablespoons of sugar and a pinch of vanillin to 400 g of product. The dessert will thicken in the cold in 1 hour.

If you are unable to thicken the sour cream this way, try removing excess moisture from it. To do this, place a sieve or colander on a pan of suitable diameter and line its bottom with 2-3 layers of clean, well-ironed gauze. Pour sour cream over it and place the dish in the refrigerator overnight. After this, you can start preparing the sour cream. The described manipulations usually make it possible to achieve fairly good thickening of a natural fermented milk product, even with a fat content of 15%.

When buying sour cream, study its composition. A high-quality product should not contain milk powder, cottage cheese, vegetable fats and nothing else except sourdough and cream. The shelf life of natural sour cream is no more than a week

They are often used in cooking to make cakes. sour cream. All his recipes are quite simple and understandable and the taste suits most housewives. Confectionery factories They also produce many products based on such impregnation. The difference between a factory-made cream and a homemade product is that it turns out much thicker. Therefore, women often have difficulty thickening it themselves. As they say, everything impossible is possible, you just have to want it.

Sour cream recipe

For such a confectionery filling you will need a small set of ingredients. It is widely used for cakes and pastries; it can be combined with cocoa, syrups and all kinds of preserves and jams.

  • sour cream;
  • sugar or powder;
  • vanilla sugar, cocoa, jam as desired.

Making thick cream

It should be noted that sour cream itself is an impregnation for cakes, since the mass is quite liquid. Therefore, in order for it to acquire a stable form, it is sometimes necessary to resort to some culinary tricks, which will be discussed further.

Helpful Tips:
  1. You must initially understand that to obtain a satisfactory result, the quality of sour cream must be good. Ideally, the products will be homemade. Store-bought products (even those with good fat content) contain a large number of serum.
  2. During the preparation of the cream, if any sour cream comes into contact with sugar, the mixture will certainly become thinner. Interestingly, the longer the ingredients are whipped, the less cream you will get. Therefore, it is recommended to use a mixer, quickly and efficiently.
  3. There is a misconception that the temperature of ingredients does not affect consistency. This is wrong. Before use, it is best to cool the products and only then proceed with the procedure.

In order to prepare a thick sour cream cream at home, it is recommended to use auxiliary products that can be found in the kitchen of any housewife.

  1. Potato starch is an excellent thickener that will not affect taste qualities cream. After adding it, it is best to put the finished mixture in the refrigerator for a short time. Some housewives manage to replace starch with ordinary flour.
  2. Gelatin will help out in any situation, even when preparing thick cream. It is important to consider that such a product can leave its mark on the taste of the cream. It also requires refrigeration.
  3. Qualitative butter. Thanks to this ingredient, sour cream can become not only thick, but also nutritious, rich and taste excellent.
  4. Store-bought cream thickener. To prepare, just follow the directions on the package.

With such simple improvised means you can bring any sour cream cream at home to the desired consistency. And then, for sure, the cake or other delicacy will turn out simply amazing. Bon appetit!