Nastasya Filippovna Zaretskaya

Specialist in village magic. Conspiracies, rituals, love spells.

Articles written

Does it seem to you that some kind of black streak has come in your life? Is everything you try to do wrong? Tired of tilting at windmills, suffering defeats and setbacks? Everyone has black stripes. But very often they become take-offs: the very ones that prepare you for something completely new: new acquaintances, new stories, new people, new surroundings, fresh impressions or bright trips to other countries... Often it helps many people to gather strength and attract Lady Luck folk magic. A timely spell for good luck, a performed rite or ritual will help you return what you have lost for some reason.

How to carry out a strong conspiracy for good luck?

There are some key tips to help you deal with difficult situation and return the obedience of luck. If you listen and follow them, the effect of the ritual can be many times better.

  1. Sincere faith in the words you are about to read. Therefore, do not think that your plot is self-indulgence!
  2. Waxing Crescent - required condition carrying out the ritual. As the celestial body grows, so will your luck. All that remains is to take advantage of the necessary moment at a clearly required (or planned) time.
  3. When reading a plot or performing a ritual, you must be without buttons, belts and other things that can “block” the flow of energy. Ideally, when performing a ritual or reading a plot, you should be without clothes.
  4. You need to read conspiracies for yourself (this is a feature of rituals for good luck). Sometimes it is allowed to read conspiracies in favor of family and friends, but this does not have much power.
  5. Attracting good luck is one of the most “instant” conspiracies that begins to take effect almost immediately. Therefore, it is important for you to be prepared for new unexpected turns. But there are situations when it takes a lot of time to activate a spell, and the magical properties begin to manifest themselves only after some time.

IMPORTANT! Luck is a difficult concept to measure. For some, finding a substantial amount of money will be a great success, and for others, meeting a loved one, treating a complex illness, or establishing relationships with relatives and friends. A conspiracy usually helps to realize your deepest and most vivid dream (even if you yourself do not fully understand, realize or accept it).

The magic of braided cord

A well-known talisman that is present in the hands of many people. It is created very simply. Take thick threads and start braiding them and continue reading the plot for good luck:

“I’m sitting, looking at myself. And luck comes to me, happiness brings money!”

Pay attention to the color of the threads you choose: red speaks of passion and love that is about to appear in your life; green becomes a “harbinger” of wealth and large quantity money; yellow speaks of health, physical strength, endurance; blue “works” to fulfill innermost desires and turn them into reality. You can use all 4 colors for the braid, or you can make it one color. All in your hands. When you connect the ends of the braid together, you will get a small amulet bracelet. For it to bring you happiness, attract success and good luck, just attach it to the ankle of your left leg. This discreet yet effective decoration promotes favorable trends and new changes in your life.

To make the ritual more powerful and effective, you can read a simple spell for good luck:

“As I say these words, I catch luck on the hook! This is the only way she comes!”

The charm of money magic

There is a crisis in the country, and everyone begins to complain about the lack of money, the need to save on necessary purchases and other “troubles.” A conspiracy for good luck with money will help you quickly and easily cope with temporary financial difficulties, get the result that is important to you in the most short time. To perform magic you need a gold piece. You need to pick up a new coin and place it between your palms. After this, bring your hands to your lips (as you do during prayer) and you need to read the hidden words that activate monetary luck:

“I blow away everything that interfered with happiness, and I attract money and luck to myself!”

After that, take another coin from your wallet and repeat the words. Then take another coin and say the spell. In total, you need to perform the ritual 3 times.

After this you will notice that financial well-being came to you: new sources of income appeared, existing income increased, money began to flow from the most unusual sources.

A spell for good luck while fishing

Candle-girlfriend. Or an effective way to attract money and luck

Fire is considered one of the most powerful energy products. It allows you to restore health, attract good luck to your home, improve relationships with your loved one, establish friendships, get new business connections, meet talented people and perform a number of other activities. To get the result, play with the shades of the candle:

  • A lit green candle attracts money into the house.
  • Yellow helps improve poor health and restore youth.
  • Blue is ideal for eliminating your enemies and making long-held dreams come true.
  • A purple candle is suitable just for those cases when it is necessary to make a leap in spiritual development.
  • The red one will give boring life new shades of passion and love.
  • White has colossal energy, giving you the strength to complete an important task when all your strength has long been running out.

We all want to be successful people. And everyone is interested how to attract good luck into your life. Many books and manuals have been written on this topic.

Psychologists, esotericists, magicians and mediums offer hundreds of recipes on how to become successful in everything. But how effective are they? I bring to your attention several interesting spells and rituals for good luck and luck. And it’s up to you to decide which one is the best.

Braided magic cord

To to become successful and achieve the fulfillment of your innermost desires, you can do it yourself good luck talisman- magic cord. Everything is very simple.

Take thick threads and braid them. When weaving, imagine the image of how lucky you are in necessary matters how you achieve success.

  • The red thread symbolizes
  • Yellow - physical strength and health
  • Green - material well-being and wealth
  • Blue - fulfillment of desires and achievement of goals

You can weave a monochromatic or multi-colored braid. It all depends on in what area of ​​life you want to succeed. Connect the ends of the braid together to create something like a bracelet. Should be worn on the ankle of the left leg.

Ritual to attract good luck and fortune

To attract fortune, carefully pour three tablespoons onto a small plate salt in the form of a slide, with three spoons on top Sahara and the same number of spoons rice grains.

Open the safety pin and carefully push it into the mound. Leave it overnight. And in the morning, take a pin in your hands and pin it to your clothes so that no one can see it. Go on errands. And you will be pleasantly surprised your luck!

Spell for good luck with money

One of the simplest and most effective spells for good luck, this is a conspiracy for coins. Take a new shiny coin in your hand, place it between your palms, folding them as if in prayer. Place your palms on your lips with your thumbs and whisper the words of the conspiracy:

“What prevented happiness I blow away,
I truly attract money and luck.”

The ritual must be repeated three times, each time using a different coin. Take the charmed coins to the nearest intersection and leave them there unnoticed. Success in money matters will be on your side :)

Candle ritual for good luck

If you lack luck in one area or another in your life, there is an interesting ritual with candles. Light a large candle:

  • Yellow or blue
  • Dark blue if you want to defeat your enemies
  • Green if you don't have enough money
  • Purple if spiritual development or new knowledge is required
  • Brown if you lack professional success
  • Red candle and passion
  • White, if you need to finish an important task, but your strength is running out

Take the candle with both palms, while your breathing should be slow and deep. Look at the flame and be clear about your deepest desires. Candle gets the energy of your dreams and gives you confidence that it will come true, and all your actions will be successful.

Chinese ritual for good luck

This ritual for luck A reader from China shared this with me. This conspiracy is carried out at least every day, but only in a good mood.

Light three candles of any color and a lavender scented stick on the table. Take the wand in your hands and walk around the room clockwise, repeating these words:

“I opened the doors and called good luck into the house,
I will now live with luck, happiness, money, fun.”

You can extinguish the candles, and leave the stick to burn out until the end. It will go out, and a streak of luck will begin in your life.

Spell for good luck and success in business matters

On the day of the transaction or solving important work issues, get up early at dawn, look at the rising sun, smile and say:

“Sun, you shine from the sky and give warmth to the earth.
Well, give me luck so that the matter succeeds.
Sun, you are the source of life, a stream of bright light.
Well, give me success so that I can become more successful than everyone else!”

Now you can safely go to any meeting. The outcome will be positive and favorable for you.

Talisman for good luck

Buy a beautiful agate crystal and rinse it well at home under running water. Take the future from the lit candle good luck talisman into your hands and whisper three times:

“Protect and help from evil,
Bring me good luck"

Put out the candle. A lucky agate always carry it with you. If mascot If it cracks or simply disappears, it means that he protected you from harm and gave away his strength. You need to purchase a new crystal and repeat the spell.

And they can help in many situations, not only when you need to attract luck or luck.

Installation for luck

And my personal good luck ritual very simple and accessible. This is not even a ritual, but an installation. Every morning I wake up with good mood, I stretch in bed and tell myself that today will be an amazing, wonderful, successful and positive day.

While washing my face in the bathroom in front of the mirror, I smile at my reflection and repeat that I am lucky and successful in everything: in work, in my personal life, financially, in my circle of friends, in my hobbies! I I approve, but I’m not guessing.

The main thing is to let go of all your fears like “can I?”, “will it work?” And just feel successful person . And then you yourself will not notice how you will become the standard of luck and success. Feel the taste of success and be happy!

Many construction companies, our competitors, lure potential customers by listing an unrealistically low price on their website. But upon further communication, it turns out that the cost of construction does not include the foundation, windows, and doors. The roof is temporary, made of roofing felt, and the insulation is only 50 mm. And some even indicate the cost of one frame.

As a result, the customer receives a completely different price, having wasted his time on unnecessary unnecessary communication.

In our company, all construction prices are real, without so-called “extras”.

Our houses are designed for permanent year-round living. The equipment is described in detail. Our additional options include installation of plumbing, heating, sewerage, and electricity.

We build quality homes at a fair price.

Turnkey frame houses - reliability, efficiency and modern design

When planning the construction of a new house, its future owner is inevitably faced with the inevitability of choosing a construction technology. At the same time, most of us are ready to give preference to inexpensive, durable and environmentally friendly materials. The timing of the work is also important, and you want to reduce it to the minimum. An interesting and inexpensive solution to the housing problem is the construction of frame houses.

The construction of houses using frame technology satisfies all of the above requirements. Assembling the frame of a house takes on average 3-4 times less time than erecting a building made of brick or gas silicate blocks. The wood used in this case and construction materials based on it are not afraid of temperature changes, so the construction of walls and ceilings on a ready-made foundation can be done at any time of the year without fear for the quality of installation.

Because the frame house It is assembled from relatively small elements; for their delivery and installation on site, it is not necessary to involve expensive motor transport and lifting equipment. A minimum of labor and financial resources are spent on the construction of such a structure.

Frame houses are highly economical. Capital expenditures their construction costs are 20-50% lower than those of brick or reinforced concrete buildings. Operating costs are also minimal, since a wooden house is warm in winter and not hot in summer. Savings on heating and air conditioning are noted by all residents of such buildings.

Stages of building a frame house

The construction company "Cozy House" has many years of experience in low-rise construction of frame houses in Moscow and the Moscow region. We are ready to offer you frame houses based on standard designs or with the development of individual working documentation that takes into account all the customer’s wishes. By contacting our construction company, you get the opportunity to quickly and inexpensively acquire environmentally friendly and comfortable housing, designed for long-term use. Prices for turnkey frame houses - from 10,000 rubles behind square meter. Construction takes place all year round.

Many people can boast of an achievement high altitudes V different areas own life. Someone builds a successful career, someone becomes the owner of expensive real estate, someone achieves recognition from the people around them. The question involuntarily arises: “Why and why is someone lucky in all endeavors, while others are destined for the most ordinary life, which does not always bring joy and pleasure?” Naturally, perseverance and faith in oneself own strength play an important role. However, certain magical influence can help you catch luck by the tail and change your life in better side. Spells for good luck and luck have been practiced by magicians for centuries. Quite often, magic becomes exactly the assistant that changes human life for the better. To achieve the desired result, you should choose a suitable ritual and follow all recommendations exactly. It is recommended to perform rituals on the new moon.
Sometimes it happens that no matter what you take on, nothing comes of it, and you are already sure that this streak of bad luck will not let you go. And with this feeling we attract even more troubles and misfortunes to ourselves. But how I want to get rid of the black streak of unhappiness on my own. A strong spell against bad luck will help you here. It must be done in two stages: the first on the full moon, and the second on the new moon.

On a full moon at 12 at night, you must go outside taking a handful of coins with you (gather them in advance and do not regret it - the handful should be full). Standing in front of the moon, say the following words while holding the coins in your hands:
“As the Mother Moon declines, so may all the bad luck and misfortunes of my servants of God (Name) decline. And accept my low bow (bow), Mother Moon, and accept my gifts, not rich but sincere. And Mother Moon give incredible power to my words and turn them into profitable deeds. And forever and ever Amen!”
Next, kneel down, place a handful of coins on the ground and go home to sleep, without speaking to anyone and without stopping anywhere.
The second stage, when the new moon comes, go out again at 12 at night, taking a handful of coins with you and read the following plot:
“All troubles burned to the ground today, Mother Moon you helped me, take a bow (bow and put a handful of coins on the ground) may your deeds be blessed with good luck, success and wealth and the way my prosperity grows like your growing month, and the cup of my life will be filled with deeds successful. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen! Amen! Amen!"
Go home to bed.
This powerful spell usually starts working immediately after the first stage, you should see a glimmer in your bad luck, and after the second stage things should improve noticeably.

Spell failures into good luck

There is another way to get rid of failures. This is quite simple, but the power of such a conspiracy lies in the fact that you cover each of your failures with strong conspiracy words, and thus you get rid of your failures, as if exchanging failures for good luck. The pattern of this powerful conspiracy is such that the fewer failures there are, the more success increases.
Every time after an unsuccessful task, say these secret words:
“Now failure is behind me and bypasses me. And let this failure turn around tomorrow double luck! The word is the law and it will be so forever and ever. Amen!"
Spell on things to attract good luck
And of course, you can’t get by with a strong spell on a thing, because a charmed thing always acts like an amulet and attracts only all the good things. You need to cast a spell on exactly the thing that is always with you, for example, jewelry like a chain or ring is very suitable for such a spell.
Go outside at night when there is a starry sky, take the thing, put it on your palms and read the plot:
“Just as a squirrel couldn’t bear to wear a fur coat, so you (the name of the thing) would bring me luck and happiness. May it be so forever and ever Amen!”

What is luck and how to catch it by its unknown tail? Knowledgeable people they say it’s enough to cast a spell for good luck in life and perform several rituals... Since ancient times, luck has been given a large niche in the pantheons of pagan deities, for example, the well-known ancient Roman goddess Fortuna, who spins, thereby bringing and taking away luck from a person, and its ancient Greek analogy is Tyche. How can you make Fortune turn to face you and look into your beautiful eyes? Not as difficult as it seems at first glance! Do you want to attract good luck to yourself? Read a powerful plot for good luck in life, and all problems will be solved! But first, let's define what luck means to you: a successful career, adding an expensive item to your property, high social status, fame or recognition of a young man (girl), that you were passed over before? Of course, in each of these areas, perseverance and self-confidence are important, but a certain magical effect will turn the wheel of Fortune in your direction and you no longer need to put in so much effort to achieve what you want. Therefore, let's choose a ritual that is suitable for you and, completely following the instructions, will put the wheel into action. All conspiracies of this type must be performed during the new moon, which symbolizes the ascent to the top.

Rite for a successful life

This plot is used for the general improvement of all areas of life. Most often, it is used as preliminary measures for the performance of the main specialized ritual. This ritual will help strengthen all areas of your life and bring success and material satisfaction into your life. Fulfill this conspiracy required every Wednesday morning for four weeks. You will see the result within a week after performing the ritual, so be responsible in following all recommendations before the end of the month. Before washing, read the plot once every Wednesday:
"Oh, beautiful Wednesday, you guide my words
Into clean, holy water, and then
My Guardian Angel will take away all sorrows and sorrows from me
And the Heavenly Powers sent me success and happiness.
Save from hostile people, Angel My keeper,
From bilious tongues and non-humans with bestial souls,
From the potions of grumpy witches, from violence and earthly judgment.
Lord God, increase my life on earth and may my family be healthy. Amen!"

Conspiracy to the “white streak” of life

Conspiracy on white stripe one of the most strong conspiracies for good luck in life
While the main strong magic words for good luck attract material satisfaction of people's needs, the following conspiracy is more focused on restoring life balance to those who have had a bad streak in life for a long time, and will allow you to saddle the horse of Fortune and gallop along the white path of fate. This ritual must be performed during the ascending month in order for the power of the ritual to be effective. For the conspiracy you need: a piece of pie, a glass of fresh milk and a small amount of coins. Execute this ritual necessary during the day, since for this ritual you need to go to the cemetery, where you need to find an unmarked grave. Place a piece of pie, saying:
“I give you the food of the fleeting world!”, then put a glass of fresh milk there, saying:
“I will give you a drink from the steam room,” and as you probably guessed, we scatter the coins there: “I will give you my gold.”
Having completed this part of the ritual, bow three times and with feeling say the words of the conspiracy three times, then, without looking back at all, (remember the myth of Orpheus and Eurydice) leave the cemetery:
“I gave you what I have, I remembered you, dead man, and showed you respect,
Now take away from me all the bad things, all my bad luck, now and forever! Amen"
You will feel the magic as soon as you complete the ritual, and the first results will be visible in a couple of weeks.

Pin spell for good luck

Like any other ritual, this spell-ritual on a pin must be performed with faith in its effectiveness, otherwise there may be no result. This ritual is very powerful and is aimed at attracting wealth and success in business and work in general. For the ritual you will need: a pin or scarf. You will achieve the best result if you read the plot during the new moon. Take a handkerchief or pin, if desired, and say the following words over it three times:
“I will speak to you, my dear assistant in life (the subject of the conspiracy)
I ask you to do not only what is intended by the creator, but also what will be spelled out.
Help me - bring color to my life, bring happiness and success.
May the magic of my words bring me success in my endeavors! Amen"
Upon completion, you should always carry the plot item with you and within a month you will be able to see the first results.

Conspiracies for good luck in life are among the most popular in my practice. And this is not surprising, because every person wants to achieve certain heights in all areas of his life: to easily conquer the heights of his career, to swim in wealth, to earn universal respect and recognition - in general, to catch luck by the tail.

The most effective ritual for good luck in life will be if you perform it on new moon until sunset. However, if for some reason it was not possible to take advantage of this time, the period of the growing night star is also good. The key to the success of the ritual and its correct operation is also faith in its power and effectiveness. Magic only helps those who believe in it. I do not recommend using conspiracies that attract good luck in life if you are skeptical about them, out of curiosity, or a desire to test their effect - at best, the magic simply will not work, at worst, it will work, but in exactly the opposite way.

Luck is something intangible and inexplicable, but many people would like to attract it into their lives. Students shout out the window before an exam, some before important event they put 5 kopecks under the left heel, and someone puts on clothes of a certain color. There are many other rituals that allow you to “catch” luck by the tail.

The main rule when performing rituals for good luck is faith in their effectiveness. Without this “foundation” it is useless to even begin the ritual. But luck is so possible! So why not try your luck?

Good luck rituals from the distant past

Not only modern people there is a desire to attract luck into your life. And our ancestors had rites and rituals that helped us gain wealth, happiness and the fulfillment of our cherished desires.

Often people turned to natural forces - water, wind, sun, forest and other phenomena and objects. One of the most popular rituals to attract good luck was carried out with the “attraction” of the sun and water. The ritual is performed quite simply. A person needs to get up at dawn, wash his face three times cold water and ask the “water” owner to wash away all sins, unfinished business and give new energy and strength. Then you need to turn to the morning sun:

“Sun, bless me to bloom like a flower, become clear and rejoice. And may my conspiracy be strong, strong and ardent. So it will be.”

Carrying out a ritual on the new moon also comes from the past. The new moon was perceived as the beginning of something new. So why not start a new lucky period in life? The ritual is performed at midnight, on the new moon. It is necessary to take old clothes and linen and throw them away with the words “let the old go and the new come.” After this, new opportunities, people and achievements will appear in life.

Coins were also used for good luck in business. To carry out the ritual, you need to sew a bag of green fabric (by yourself), put in 1 pinch of basil and salt, 5 pinches of mint, 3 copper and one silver coin (now you can take 10 kopecks and 1 ruble). The following words are read on this bag:

“Business is behind, business is ahead, profit is in the middle.”

The bag must be placed where it is carried out work time(for example, in a desk drawer). Every Monday you need to re-say the cherished words and knead the bag.

Such simple rituals will make a person much luckier.

Simple ways to become luckier

Some people are hesitant to perform any ritual because of the complexity and time involved. In fact, there are many simple rituals that do not require much effort.

"Piece of Fortune"

There is an opinion that luck can be “contagious”. For this reason, unmarried friends happily catch the bride’s bouquet and are sure that they will be the next to get married. You can borrow a pencil or pen from a more successful colleague.

Good luck talisman

It is necessary to take multi-colored threads that will symbolize good luck in certain areas of life (green - wealth, blue - fulfillment of desires, yellow - health, red - love). Weave a simple bracelet from the desired color of thread and wear it without taking it off.


You need to take 3 tablespoons of salt and rice and pour them in a heap on a saucer. Then take a safety pin and stick it into the slide. The ritual must be done in the evening, and in the morning the pin is removed and pinned to the clothes.

"Sweet Ritual"

A product such as honey will help you attract good luck. You need to eat honey more often, because... Honey is believed to attract not only bees and bears, but also good luck. Each time you take this product, you should say “may luck stick to me like bees to honey.”

Ritual with red thread

You need to take the red one wool thread(about 20 centimeters) and a candle. The thread is set on fire over the candle. While it is burning, you must say the following words:

“As this thread burns, so will all troubles and misfortunes burn” (pronounced 9 times).

Then you need to throw the remaining thread out the window, saying:

“fly, fly, don’t come back.”

This ritual must be performed 3 times before bedtime.

"Orange Candle"

One of the simplest and effective rituals for good luck. You need to take an orange candle, light it and place it in the center of the altar, saying:

“In the name of Fortune, I conjure, I call on luck and joy to myself.”

The words are pronounced 3 times. The candle can be left to burn out.

Giving alms

It is believed that luck smiles on generous and selfless people. When passing by someone in need or asking, you should give him a small alms. At the same time, it is necessary to say “let the hand of the giver not fail.” Such a simple ritual will help you not only get rich, but also become a happy, successful person.

Modern rituals to attract good luck

Some people consider rituals and ceremonies a relic of the past, but new rituals are appearing that keep up with the times. When carrying them out, they are used modern items and devices.

For example, one simple ritual that a person can perform daily is a traffic light ritual. When crossing the road or driving through a green traffic light, you need to think to yourself: “ May I always and everywhere have green light ».

Considered effective and effective ritual attracting good luck using a marker or felt-tip pen. It is necessary to purchase a marker that writes in silver or gold, and every day, before leaving the house, write your last name, first name and patronymic. While writing, you should think about the approach of success and good luck in business. This ritual is a kind of self-hypnosis, and the color helps to tune in to wealth.

Unusual rituals for good luck

Some rituals that help you find success in business may surprise you with their extravagance. For example, a ritual with a bunch of bananas.

  1. Must be purchased Palm oil, red thread, paper and pen with red ink.
  2. The ritual takes place on Friday.
  3. The desire to “become lucky” is written down on paper.
  4. The sheet is folded in three.
  5. Then the bananas are greased with oil, and a note with a wish is placed between them.
  6. The bundle is rewound with red thread so that the note is not visible.
  7. The bananas are then hung outside the door.

As soon as the ligament turns black, the wish will certainly come true.