Script for a concert dedicated to

International Youth Day

(official part)

1st presenter:

Good evening, dear Saratov residents!

2nd presenter:

Greetings, youth of Russia!

1st presenter:

Today is a significant day for our country!

2nd presenter:

Today is your day and your holiday - Youth Day!

1st presenter:

The idea of ​​​​adopting the event was proposed by participants in the World Conference of Ministers of Youth Affairs, held on August 8-12, 1998 in Lisbon. At the meeting, they discussed a set of educational activities to increase awareness among young people about the existing World Program of Action for Youth, adopted in 1995 by the UN General Assembly. First official celebration International Day youth took place in 2000.


2nd presenter:

What is youth? This is a constant readiness for something new, a lack of fear of the unknown, these are decisive actions, dizzying prospects, and dreams, dreams, dreams.

1st presenter:

If your heart is kind and there is fire in your eyes,

Then youth walks with a smile on its lips!

We have no doubt that you are the best

The youth of Russia always expects success!

Musical number(Song “Tell”, Kriushova Vera)

1st presenter:

In the history of all times and peoples, youth have always played a key role. And this is no coincidence, because it is young people who are characterized by such qualities as a thirst for justice, courage, honor

2nd presenter:

Youth is a time of daring, search, discovery and implementation of the most daring ideas. Some of you have already graduated from school, some are preparing to continue their studies, some are looking for a job, and some are looking for love!

1st presenter:

If you dream of entering a university, go for it,
If you want to find true love, look for it
And remember, you are young! You can do anything!

Musical number(waltz)

1st presenter:

Of course, it is in youth that talents manifest themselves, which then determine the rest of a person’s life. Already, our young talents are winning various competitions not only on a city, but also on a regional and all-Russian scale, and then, lo and behold, global success awaits them!

2nd presenter:

The youngest participants of our concert will perform for you. Meet!

Several musical numbersperformed by young talents (Polyakova Daria, Anatshev Fedor, Nesterenko Elizaveta)

1st presenter:

- Every person has three youths - mind, body, and heart. Treasure each of them. This is what determines our place in life and our destiny. Youth is a wonderful time when energy is overflowing, so there is a lot to do, to learn, to do.

2nd presenter:

A day of fun and warmth,
Don't sit, my friend, in the apartment,

put aside your business.
And go out into the fresh air,

have fun with us!
Remember as little as possible

about everyday life!
Since it’s a youth holiday,

once a year like New Year ,
Everyone should have fun

On this day, friends, go ahead!

Musical number

1st presenter:

It’s great that today’s youth are so energetic. Who doesn't know catchphrase: "Movement is life". Movement always and in everything, movement towards the shining heights of perfection...

2nd presenter:

Movement can replace any medicine, but no medicine can replace movement.

1st presenter:

And we invite you to take part in an incendiary flash mob!

Musical number(flash mob)

1st presenter:

Well, our young friends,

We congratulate you on a wonderful date!

Ours is rich Friendly family

Have a wonderful youth, guys!

2nd presenter:

We wish you many, many years

The whole world was drawn forward by force,

There is simply nothing more magnificent!

After all, the youth of Russia chooses her!

Final musical number, disco.

Scenario of an entertainment and game program for Youth Day

“Give us youth!”

Music sounds, two presenters appear on stage

Presenter: Hello, hello, friends! We are pleased to welcome you today to our wonderful holiday, a holiday of youth and vigor! By tradition, in our city, on the last weekend of the month, it is customary to celebrate Youth Day. And we hasten to congratulate you on this wonderful event! Happy Youth Day!


Smile, stranger passerby,
After all, today is Youth Day,
Are you gloomy for some reason?
I forgot that once upon a time you too,
Was cheerful - how are we as young people?
Smile and wave to us.

Well, friends, I think that today we will have a good rest and have fun. But for this you need to warm up well!

So, friends, get your hands ready! I invite to our improvised stage the winners of the Moscow and St. Petersburg championships, cheerful, nice guys with an active lifestyle, the GenerationCrew team! Meet!

Break dance team performance

Presenter: Friends, raise your hands, those who consider themselves young.

Look how many young people we have! It is gratifying to see so many raised hands and happy young faces! Well, today we will check how young and cheerful you are. But first, a little announcement for the girls!

Dear girls! Announcement for you! Only today you have a great opportunity to demonstrate both your agility and speed, and, of course, your beauty! Our marathon will begin very soon!

You may ask: what do you need to participate? We will answer you: the main condition: you must be a girl and be sure to wear heels. That's all!

Well, now, while you are gathering courage, we are starting the entertainment program!!!

Presenter: Dear friends! There are few people in our city and almost everyone knows each other. But it happens that you know a person, but you will never guess what kind of talents are hidden in him... Therefore, now we will reveal talents!

Anyone who distinguishes himself today will definitely receive a title! So, let's start the competition! For the first test I will need 5 people, five young people!

men enter the court


There are men, there are men,
Some are reliable, and some have no filling.
Some are strong, some are powerless,
Without knowing that there are no innocents...
There are handsome men, there are ugly men,
There are funny people and foreigners...
There are also men in Russian villages,
There are in cities, and also in settlements.
Some fly to distant distances,
We never saw the others at all.

Well, today we will see real men!

Friends, welcome the contenders for the title “Strongman of Pudozh”!

“Strongman of Pudozh” competition, medal presentation

Musical sketch

Presenter: Well, now, dear girls, we invite six participants here. All of you, of course, are smart, beautiful and the very best, but only one will receive the title today!

Girls go out onto the playground

Presenter: Friends, give your applause to the contenders for the title of “Miss Pudozhanochka”!

Competition for the most athletic girl, presentation of a medal

Musical sketch

Presenter: And now meet Ksenia Kudryashova!

Oriental dance – Ksenia Kudryashova

Men go to the site


And there is a dream man in our life!
The man is flint, and also Satan...
Man Lover, Man Love..
to which we return again.

Applause to the contenders for the title “Man of Pudozh’s Dreams”!

“Dream Man” competition, medal presentation

Musical sketch

Presenter: And now meet real men, men you can only dream of, who fascinate and take you into the world of dance... Generation Crew!

Presentation of a letter of gratitude to the breakdancing team


In a crowd of people, a lover is different:
He often smiles for no reason
The highway runs at a red light
And he won’t let go of the phone...
Is this happening to you again?
Well, congratulations! It's all love!

We invite four couples of lovers here. It doesn’t matter whether you are married or not yet, it also doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together. Well, if you don’t have a loved one, you can take your friend or girlfriend as a partner, this is not forbidden.

Couples go out onto the court

Presenter: Friends, meet the contenders for the title of “Pudozh’s Ideal Couple”!

Competition perfect couples, presentation of medals

Words for presentation: Presenter:

If a couple suits each other,
Then he finds his happiness in love.
You suit each other exactly
Be happy together forever!

And now Ksenia Kudryashova is dancing for you again!

East Dance

Presentation of a letter of gratitude to Ksyusha

Presenter: Well, now, girls, pay attention! We invite girls in heels here.

Girls come out onto the playground


A woman should be a mystery:
Small, cute, sweet.
Flirtat, make eyes,
Believe in all sorts of fairy tales.
Remain holy and sinful,
Be beautiful soul and externally.
Charming, cunning imp,
A gentle, soft fluffy kitten.
A cheerful, playful minx,
To love and always be loved.
Madly and passionately in love,
Affectionate, timid and domineering,
Be able to laugh through tears
And never give up.....

And also real woman must be able to walk in heels. Or rather, run on them! So, friends, greet the participants of today's Glamor Run marathon with applause!

Marathon “Glamour Runs”, awards ceremony

Speech by Angelika Bulat

Presenter: Well, friends, we hope you had a good rest today! We also hope that you will bear your new titles with honor and dignity!

All the colors of the world, all fantasies, dreams,
All paths in life are open to you,
Dare and search, find, don’t give up,
And if you fall, get up quickly!

Let the old people grumble about the youth again,
That everything is wrong now, and what will you take from her...
But if you ask them about the “exploits” of the past,
Their grandfathers and fathers also scolded them.

Presenter: We once again congratulate you all on a wonderful holiday: Happy Youth Day!

But the fun doesn’t end there: friends, our program continues with a festive disco! Have a good rest!

variety program dedicated to Youth Day.
Fanfare sounds. Leading exit.
Good evening to everyone present! I welcome everyone who considers themselves young, whose heart requires action and entertainment, whose soul is in eternal search, thirsting for new discoveries and adventures! Who doesn’t consider himself one of these, step under his mother’s wing and eat semolina porridge!... There are no such people? This means that our festive evening can be considered open! And I want to open this Youth Day 2011 with a song by the master of our stage, the favorite of the public at the evenings “for those over 40,” Joseph Kobzon... What is this “U-oo-oo”? I was joking. There is no reason for young people to include Kobzon. He will be replaced in his post by the forever young “Tatu”! Let's all greet the Tattoo group with friendly applause, who kindly agreed to take part in our celebration today!... What? Haven't arrived yet? Who? ... Dear friends, I was told that Tatushki had not arrived yet, but Oleg Gazmanov seemed to be already here. So, let’s meet Oleg Gazmanov!... How? Didn't make it in time either? Who's here? I understand everything... Sorry, there was a mistake again, Gazmanov got stuck in an airlock, but we greet the vocal ensemble “Improvt” with loud applause, hurray!!!
Song “I Say First” – Impromptu
Song “I’ll ask you” - Lilya

Who's having fun at our holiday, raise your hands! Applaud without putting your hands down! And now - wave-like movements of the hands - have you ever seen the sea? So, we play a children's game - “The sea is worried, once.” The rules of this game are simple: music plays, everyone dances. The music suddenly stops, and you quickly break into pairs and freeze in one of the figures. And the first figure is called “Why trample on my love?” Use your imagination, the music is already playing. The next figure - a moment of attention - “Her eyes are two three-carat diamonds.” How it is - three carats, you will have to invent yourself. And the last figure - as the unforgettable Yuri Antonov sings in his old song - “I am the roof of your house.” Regarding “I” - this is my interpretation, but as a presenter I can do whatever I want... Well done! Now, let's dance!
Song "Blizzard" - Lena
Song “We are together” - Impromptu
Song “Roma, Roma, Roman” - Lilya
All ages are submissive to love, just like music. Music and creativity know no time. If the music or song is beautiful, it will find its listener in 30 or 40 years, and it is very pleasant that today these songs are especially popular; each of us has collections of hits from past years at home, which we listen to and perform with pleasure.
Song “Khutoryanka” - Lena
Song “White Bird Cherry” - Impromptu

Yes, how many good songs have been written, how many of them have been performed by the best pop artists of our country, and now? What are they writing now? Just to get into the rhyme, but they don’t know what they’re singing about. Sometimes such diagnoses can be made. I invite you all to play the role of doctors and, using the lines from the songs I have named, and the characteristic medical signs, determine the diagnosis. Shall we try? Then let's begin!
Why are my thoughts so confused?
Why does the light dim so often? (Fainting)
I rush into the night to catch up with you,
But I understand that I am standing and cannot run. (Paralysis)
Unfortunately (but fortunately I'm not alone)
I fell into your insidious addiction (Drug addiction)
We walked with you, I cried, oh, I cried... (Hysteria)
I never spoke, but I have no more patience (Muteness)
If you don't hear me, it means winter has come (Otitis media)
Why are you looking sideways, my dear?
Bowing your head low (Cervical osteochondrosis)
My heart stopped, my heart froze (Acute heart failure)
I'm not an angel, I'm not a demon, I'm a tired wanderer.
I returned, I resurrected and knocked on your house (Clinical death)
There is no logic in your thoughts, how can I find the truth in them (Schizophrenia)
I see nothing, I hear nothing,
I won't tell anyone anything (deaf-blindness)
They coped with the task wonderfully, and Ekaterina Katkaleva was on stage. Let's meet!
Song “Viburnum Blossoms” - Katya
Song “I See You” - Lena

And now I invite 3 of the strongest, strongest and bravest men to the stage... You will play the role of a “locomotive”. Your task: after turning on the music, form a living “train”, moving around the area and continuing to recruit new participants into your “train”. The locomotive that dialed greatest number trailers, becomes the winner. Begin!…. Won …. And our next musical composition sounds for all participants.
Song “Hands” - Lilya

And we continue! Who would like to take part in our next competition? I invite 2 people to the stage. Each of you puts such a beautiful cap on your head, in your hands you have exactly the same cap only small size. You need to put a small cap on your opponent's big cap while dancing to dance music. So let's begin! ... Who else wants to participate? ... And for you a slow composition sounds. The rules of this composition will be as follows: everyone invites whoever they want to invite. Girls invite boys, boys invite girls. If someone is not satisfied with these two options, you can set your own rules.
Song “I Can’t Tell You” - Katya
Song “Angels Don’t Live Here Anymore” - Lena

“Ah, youth!” They say you are a flaw,
Which passes over the years, I see...
And yet, before all the dates have passed,
At the Molodost station I’ll slow down.
There is so much enthusiasm, fire and excitement here,
Hopes and dreams and bold ideas,
It’s easy here - they just figure out tomorrow,
Without any doubts and dark undertakings,
I believe in you, young Russia,
You will find happiness and multiply it a hundredfold,
In your heroic wise power...
I believe, Russia is young, Vivat!
Well... our program is coming to an end. Let's unanimously thank the program participants for the joy and charge of energy they gave us today.
We wish you good mood, have fun, have a nice holiday and may you be lucky in love!
Song "May you be lucky in love"

1 Presenter: Greetings, youth of Russia!

2 Presenter Good evening to everyone who came to our Youth Day celebration!

3 presenter: Good evening, dear friends! Today this evening is dedicated to Youth Day, and therefore, first of all, we want to congratulate those who are already 14 years old and those who are not yet 35, as well as everyone who is young at heart.

1 presenter: And our main task today, as presenters?

2 presenter: Attract the attention of the audience...

3 presenter: And especially the attention of girls...

2 presenter: And guys too...Not only to attract attention, but also to invite them to become participants in our holiday

3 presenter: So that everyone in the area would ask each other for another week: “No, did you see that?!” Did you see that?! Totally awesome!!!"
1 presenter: and therefore, today we are organizing a mass movement under the motto:

Together: “The younger generation chooses!”

2 Presenter: And what does our younger generation choose?

3 Presenter: But only our young and cheerful participants in the celebration can tell us what it chooses!

2 Presenter: Is everyone ready? go!:

The youth of Russia, our generation,

We would like to know your opinion personally!

3 presenter: There is something to strive for? (Pause), (Hall - Yes).

Do you have anything to dream about? (Pause), (Hall - Yes).

1 presenter: Is there anything to learn? (Pause), (Hall - Yes).

Anything to wish for? (Pause), (Hall - Yes).

2 presenter: If the craving for knowledge and learning, light,

What do you choose? Uni... (Pause), (Hall - Universities).

3 Presenter: If your heart is kind and there is fire in your eyes,

Then youth walks with a smile on its lips!

We have no doubt that you are the best

Are the youth of Russia always waiting? (Pause), (Hall - success).

1 Presenter: Chooses youth - Pepsi and popcorn.

Noisy discos, football stadium,

The sun shines brightly for you and the star burns,

Let's choose fun, shall we? Answer! (Pause), (Hall - Yes)

2 Presenter: So, our youth choose cheerful laughter, success in life, and a thirst for learning! All this guys, of course, will come with you!

3 Presenter: But as far as I heard, familiar sounds sounded to everyone young man words: Pepsi and popcorn. It is unlikely that there will be at least one person present who was not sitting in the cinema hall with a similar food set.

1 presenter: And I propose to hold a competition for the most accurate, the fastest, the most dexterous young man in Russia.

2 Presenter: And at the same time find out what films our youth choose!

( Interested participants are invited to the stage, everyone introduces themselves and names the film they last saw in the cinema.)

2 presenter: These are our heroes! And brief information about yourself: name, age, hobby.

3 presenter: We place our bets, gentlemen, it's time for our test.

1 presenter: Anya, do you know why lemonade is better than a woman?

2 presenter: Well, why?

1 presenter: First of all, lemonade is never late,

3 presenter: and secondly, lemonade is not jealous of other lemonade

1 presenter: also, lemonade does not require equality...
2 presenter: Okay, do you know why lemonade is better than a man?

2nd and 3rd presenters: Well, why?

3 presenter: OK OK

1 presenter: This is the lemonade we offer our players to drink at speed. Whoever drinks first raises his hand.
(Each participant is poured a large glass with a straw of lemonade, with gas. And the guys drink at speed. The winner is given a certificate “The fastest drinker of lemonade.”) do not let the participants go.

3 presenter:Now let's move on to the next test. I ask you, dear players, to concentrate and choose one assistant or assistant from those present.
(choice of assistants)

1 presenter: And one more detail, or rather a question for you: how do you endure pain, for example, dental, mental or physical?

2 presenter: Then you should endure the inaccurate hits of your assistants!

3 presenter: Players, take your positions, prepare your glasses, hold them tightly with your teeth, and ask the assistants to hit the target with popcorn from a given distance while the music is playing.

1 presenter: Whoever has the most popcorn in his glass is the winner!

together: So, one, two, three, let's go!
(Based on the results, certificates are issued to “The most accurate popcorn thrower” and “The most dexterous popcorn catcher.”)

3 Presenter: Once again we congratulate the participants and sing for you....

2 Presenter: Well, shall we continue? The next competition is called “The Smartest”.

3 presenter: We ask a question, and you answer. Whoever answers correctly first will receive a sweet prize!

leading: Whoever has the most sweets will receive a reward! Go! First question: 1) homemade show? (TV)

2) What do a burglar and a vacuum cleaner have in common? (Both one and the other can clean the quartita well)

2 presenter: 3) pen for fish in the apartment? (aquarium)

4) a trench for a bear for the winter? (den)

3 presenter: 5) ruminant with milk? (cow)

1 presenter: 7) the house where the soap lives? (soap box)

8) who can be forgiven for constant fluctuations? (to the pendulum)

2 presenter: 9) why are mushrooms shaped like an umbrella? (because they grow in the rain)

3rd presenter: 10) dress with straps? (sundress)

11) broom on a handle? (broom)

2 Presenter: Great, now we’re announcing an AUCTION!

3 Presenter: We have different things in our black box. First, we will explain what this thing is for, and you, dear viewers, in turn, must set a price.

1 Presenter: whoever pays the most buys this thing.

And... let's go!

Lot No. 1. A universal item. Required in dark time days, especially for a girl. The man's assistant. (flashlight)

2 presenter: Lot No. 2. Often needed, but not at hand. Indispensable for students, especially hungry ones (pen)

3 presenter: Lot No. 3. Facilitates women's work. Indispensable in women's households. (sponge for washing dishes)

1 presenter: Lot No. 4. This thing will give you an unimaginable aroma of the freshness of a summer meadow, morning sun and evening dew. Indispensable at any time of the day. (soap)

2 presenter: lot No. 5. This thing will make you smarter, wiser. This best performance leisure (book)

3 presenter: Lot No. 6. A gift from the club of cheerful and resourceful people, it will leave you scratching your head. (puzzles)

1 presenter: Let's give our viewers the opportunity to take a breath and watch our musical number.

_____________________ sings for you
3 presenter:- So, what else do the youth of Russia choose?

1 Presenter: Well, I know that now young people are overwhelmed by the wave of the Internet and various youth sites: Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Mail and many others. What is the most fashionable and constantly changing thing posted on the page?

2 Presenter: Well, of course the status. These short lines very clearly express the mood and also reflect the worldview modern youth.

3 Presenter: Then we have no choice but to announce a competition called “The Wittest Status.” We invite those who want to take part on stage!

2 presenter: Yours finest hour it has arrived! State your name. What challenge do you think lies ahead of you? (survey of participants, maybe not all)

1 presenter: And now, without any assumptions, we will explain the essence of the next test: You must briefly say about the main thing, come up with statuses.

(The winner is selected by applause and is awarded a diploma “The Youngest Sage of Russia.”)

2 presenter: Greet "Waltz" with applause

3 Presenter: It’s wonderful that today our youth are so active and energetic. But, as everyone knows, life is movement. And our guys can’t sit in one place for a long time!

1 Presenter: That's right! After all, what lies in one place for a long time becomes “stale.” “Stale youth” is already old age!

2 Presenter: And again interesting competition. We are waiting for those interested on stage (4-5 people).

3 presenter: Don’t be modest and introduce yourself: As they say: “You need to know your heroes by sight!” Your wishes to competitors.

2 presenter: Ilya, what would you do if you saw a flying saucer?

3 presenter: I would wait until the flying spoon and flying fork arrive...

1 presenter: What if a flying cow appeared on the horizon?
3 presenter: I thought: how good it is that they don’t fly after all...

2 presenter: Have you ever seen flying toothpaste?

3 presenter: I think I’ll see it now...

2 presenter: Because even our toothpaste flies today. So, the players’ task is: on command, make the farthest shot from a tube of toothpaste with their feet.

1 presenter: Attention, get ready, one, two, three, or!

(a contest “Volley of Toothpaste” is held)
3 presenter: Let's give our leader a standing ovation! (sweet prize and don’t let you leave the stage)

2 presenter: What exactly is Youth Day for you? Is it just a day off or is it still a holiday? (answers) Thank you, we continue

1 presenter: ____________________________ sings for you

1 presenter: In the history of all times and peoples, youth have always played a key role. And this is not accidental, because it is the young who are characterized by such qualities as a thirst for justice, courage, and honor.

2 presenter: Youth is a time of daring, searching, discoveries and implementation of the most daring ideas. Some of you have already graduated from school, some are preparing to continue their studies, some are looking for a job, and some are LOVE!

3 presenter: If you dream of going to university, go for it
If you want to find true love, look for it
And remember, you are young! You can do anything!

Presenter 1: Every person has three youths - mind, body, and heart. Treasure each of them. This is what determines our place in life and our destiny. Youth is a wonderful time when energy is overflowing, so there is a lot to be done, to learn, to do.

Music number

1 Presenter: - Thank you, our young friends!

We were very happy about this meeting,

Both our and friendly family,

Wishes your youth to last forever

2 presenter: We wish you many, many years

The whole world was drawn forward by force,

There is simply nothing more magnificent!

After all, the youth of Russia chooses her!

3rd presenter: So that you don't choose friends,

We respect all your decisions

You are our future, our everything!

Lead the whole country to new achievements!

All together: See you again!

There are many holidays in Russia: entertaining and memorable, corporate and national. But you can’t find anything more fun and reckless than Youth Day. On this day, people come up with the most creative scenarios and programs for entertainment, organize exciting events, attend fashionable concerts with songs and competitions dedicated to the date. Youth Day 2016 has a deep history, from February 7, 1958 to today it has changed more than once. But both before and today, the celebration carries not only an entertaining meaning, but also the ideology of the state.

History of the Youth Day holiday

Every progressive country relies on young people. It is for them to develop the state, build houses, roads and factories, make discoveries and reveal the secrets of science. The same opinion was held by Soviet Union, when back in 1958 he approved the “Day of Soviet Youth” on the very last Sunday of every June. On this holiday, mass events were organized sporting events, numerous rallies, gala concerts with awards for distinguished young people.

Over time, changes have occurred in the history of the Youth Day holiday. When in the 90s, due to a missing ideology, young people lost all sorts of guidelines, the solemn day was fixed on a specific date - June 27. Although many still celebrate it in the old style. Unlike other long-ago events that served as the reason for the creation of the celebration, the history of the Day holiday continues from year to year. After all, young people have always been, are and will be. Without such an active and purposeful layer of society, full-fledged humanity is impossible.

Youth Day 2016 in Russia

The Youth Day 2016 holiday in Russia, as before, will be noisily and cheerfully celebrated in all corners of the country. People who do not fall into the category from 14 to 30 also take part in the celebration. Some people support their young children, some don’t want to grow old, some have already surpassed the category of youth, so they strive to be closer to the young and active. It happens that completely respectable and self-sufficient people find themselves in the very epicenter of events in order to remember their youth and evoke a feeling of nostalgia. So it turns out that the Youth Day holiday is not specialized, but universal, both in 2016 and in all previous ones.

Program and script for Youth Day 2016

The program and script for Youth Day 2016 will be the most vibrant and eventful. On this day, all kinds of concerts, performances by local authorities, and awards for the most talented and particularly distinguished young people from 15 to 35 years old are organized at the government level. Music, competitions, dances, as integral attributes of the holiday, are visible and heard everywhere. Shopping and entertainment centers offer massive promotions and sweepstakes; evening dance clubs open in parks, smoothly flowing into nightclubs. The spotlight falls not only on activists of popular movements, but also on young families whose responsible lives are just beginning. For one day, all of Russia turns into a country of active, optimistic, enterprising young people.

Events and competitions for Youth Day 2016

All kinds of events and competitions are dedicated to Youth Day 2016. Vocal festivals, dance competitions, sports relay races and much more highlight this bright and active celebration. Popular film shows and entertainment lotteries are organized for young people in the shopping areas of large centers. Fun show programs and evenings of relaxation with big names(“Dance while you’re young”, “We are young!”, “Youth are walking the planet!”) all over the country they will invite the young, the young and the established to their sold-out shows. And city parks and alleys will be filled with modern attractions, shopping stalls and cheerful crowds.

Cool congratulations on International Youth Day 2016 in verse and short SMS

Congratulations on International Youth Day 2016 are an integral part of the celebration. On this day, cheerful wishes are heard everywhere: from TV screens, from radio speakers, from microphones at concerts, from the lips of friends, colleagues, relatives and loved ones. Choose beautiful congratulations For international holiday It is better to celebrate Youth Day in advance so as not to get lost in a rush at the last moment.

You are a youth representative
This means you must know for sure:
Study and work later,
Today we will rest!
I want to achieve everything
To see various miracles,
To truly fall in love
And never lose heart!

Eh, there is no permanence in the world!
And you can’t beat the time:
Yesterday's children have already become
Today it is already young people;
They don’t want to sit in a cage -
They need to take off quickly...
Hey, happy holiday, big kids!
And don't rush to grow up...

I wish you to be frisky
And reach the bliss of paradise,
Fireworks entertainment,
Miracle, laughter, adventure!
To be the ringleader in the company,
Succeed in kissing too!
Happy Youth Day,
I wish you to be forever young!

Young people today are progressive
And I wish young people
Don't pass by troubles passively,
Helping older people.

Let the smile on your face sparkle,
And I also wish with all my heart -
Let him fill his pocket with money
Golden angel of luck!

Youth Day 2016 is a holiday celebrated 24 times at the state level. On this day, magnificent programs based on new scenarios, the best events, concerts and competitions gather all young people in one circle. An old holiday with a deep history continues to develop from year to year, acquiring new international traditions.