Musical director: Novikova Tatyana Sergeevna

Summer has passed
Autumn has arrived.
In the fields and groves
Empty and sad.
The birds have flown away
The days have become shorter
The sun is not visible
Dark, dark nights.

A. Pleshcheev

Software tasks:

Expand and consolidate children's knowledge about the season - autumn.

Develop cognitive interest.

Develop the ability to understand the text and perform appropriate movements according to the model.

Continue to teach children to listen to and understand music and respond to it in a play situation.

Enrich children's vocabulary on the topic “Autumn”

To develop in younger preschoolers emotional responsiveness and interest in joint actions with an adult (teacher).

Create an emotional mood.

Equipment: balls, autumn leaves, scarf for games, baskets for treats


1. Exercise “What our legs can do” by G. Vikhareva

2. Drama exercise “Steam Locomotive”

3. “Dance with Balls” by A. Evdotyeva

4. Song “Golden Leaves” by G. Vikhareva

5. Song with leaves “Swing over me” by A. Fillipenko

6. “Dance with leaves” by A. Evdotyeva

7. Game “Mushrooms and cones”

8. “Who’s playing pranks behind the window” T.V. Bokach (Kolokolchik magazine No. 30/2003)

9. Song “Rain” by M. Partskhaladze

10. Game “Collect the leaves”

11. Song “Autumn Chants” (Kolokolchik magazine No. 30/2003)

12. Surprise moment “Magic Scarf Game”

13. Dance in couples “We quarreled and made up”

Progress of entertainment:

The hall is festively decorated, children follow the teacher into the hall to the music

Look guys! How beautiful it is in our hall! There are so many colorful leaves all around! What kind of holiday came to visit us? Well, of course, the Autumn holiday!

The leaves were filled with sunshine,

The leaves are soaked in the sun,

They filled up, became heavy and flew with the wind!

They rustled through the bushes, you can see them here and there...

The wind swirls gold,

Sounds like golden rain!

We went out into the yard for a walk,

Can we just walk /walk/
Ride a horse /gallop/
How soldiers walk /walk/
We can rock the doll /rock/
Legs can dance /spring/
They can just relax!

HOST : What can the children of the “Vesely Uley” group do?



1.What can our legs do?

We are walking along the path.

2. What can our legs do?

Let's run along the path.

3. What can our legs do?

We squat on the path.

4. What can our legs do?

Let them dance on the path.

5. What can our legs do?

We should rest a little.

HOST : There are a lot of worries in the yard - Autumn is calling us for a walk! Everyone get on the train - let's go to the forest!



Where are we? We have come with you to the autumn forest. There are few green leaves left on the trees, more and more red and yellow ones.
When you walk through the forest, dry autumn leaves rustle under your feet.
What is that under the tree? Let's come and take a look!

Children with a teacher approach the clearing where there is

basket with small balls


Guys, these are magic balls! Look how colorful they are!
We saw the balls for a reason; the children are calling the balls to dance!
Let's dance with them!


(1 AND 2 ML.GR.)

We took the balls in our hands,

They ran after each other.

All the boys have balls,

They also want to dance.

We won't show the balls

We won’t tell you where we’ll hide them.

And the boys have balls,

Everyone is sitting behind the back.

It's obvious that the little ball is tired,

Let him rest a little.

Sleep on the floor for a little while

Rest at our feet.

Let's get back on our feet,

And let's take it in our hands.

Together we will take you,

And we'll put it in the basket.

HOST :/ notices that one of the balls has rolled up/

Guys! Where is this little ball calling us? Let's go have a look!

/brings out a basket with 6 large multi-colored balls and a note/

Look how beautiful the big balls are, and the note... Let's read it?

“I give you balls.
You call all the balls one by one by color,
Play with every color!
Sing and dance to each little ball - and the children will receive gifts for everything! Autumn"

Oh guys! Yes, this is a letter from Autumn itself! She asks to name the colors of her magic balls and play with them! Can we handle it? (Yes.) Then let's take this ball. What colour is he? (Yellow.) That's right, yellow! What's yellow in autumn? / children's answers / Of course, leaves! Who knows poems about yellow leaves?


  1. Autumn holiday in the forest

And light and fun,
These are the decorations Autumn has hung for us!

  1. Every leaf is golden -

Little sun,
I’ll put it in a basket and put it on the bottom!

  1. The wind plays with the leaves,

Tears off leaves from branches,

Yellow leaves are flying

Right under the guys' feet!


(1 ML.GR.)

1.Golden leaves are spinning, flying,

The wind is spinning the leaves - this is falling leaves.

CHORUS: This, this, this is leaf fall (2 r.)

2. We run along the leaves, and they rustle,

This is also called leaf fall.



(1 ml. gr.)

1. Swing over me, my golden leaf,

2. We are sitting behind a leaf, looking from behind the leaf.

Oak leaves, maple leaves.

3. Suddenly a cheerful breeze wants to tear out our leaf,

Oak leaves, maple leaves.

4. We won’t give you a piece of paper; it will be useful to us ourselves.

Oak leaves, maple leaves.


1.You are a mischievous leaf, fly after me,

Fly, fly, catch up with our kids.

2. Our breeze blew, our leaf swayed,

Swing over me, my golden leaf.

3.. We lower the leaves, we swing the leaves up and down,

Legs will dance and dance with leaves

4.. Where are the guys’ leaves? They sleep quietly on their heads

A leaf sleeps, another one sleeps, and the mischievous wind also sleeps.

5.. We are sitting behind a leaf, looking from behind the leaves.

No, no kids, find them quickly.

(Where are the kids? - Here they are!)


How well we played with the yellow ball! And what color is this ball? (Green.) That's right! What do we have Green colour? (Grass.) That's right! And this ball? Orange! What does it look like? (Into the sun.) And this one, brown? What grows on the grass in the sun with a brown cap? (Mushrooms.) That's right, mushrooms! That's how many beautiful balls Autumn gave us: The colors of the Sun, the colors of grass and the colors of mushrooms and even the colors of pine cones! Guys, I suggest you play a game... A lot of mushrooms grew in the forest (scatters mushrooms) and a lot of cones fell from the trees (scatters cones). Now the guys will help me put everything into baskets. Boys will collect cones, and girls will collect mushrooms.



How well we played! Let's see what balls are still left in the basket? The last ball left in the basket... What color? That's right, blue! What could be blue? (Sky and rain) Of course, both sky and rain! Aren't you afraid of rain? No, we even know a song about him!


Cloud, cloud, wait, take away your rains!

We know a song about rain, and we’ll give it to you!


Who's playing pranks outside the window? - Knock-Knock,

Who's knocking on the glass? - Knock-Knock.

Maybe these are birds? - no no no,

Maybe kids? - no no no.

Maybe a drop of rain? - Yes Yes Yes.


1.. Drip, drip, knock, knock, knock - there was a knock on the glass,

It was the rain that woke up all the kids in the morning.

2.. Drip, drip, don, don, don - the drops began to ring.

If you go out for a walk, don't forget to take an umbrella.

3.. Drip, drip, drip, drip, the rain has a cheerful disposition,

Tomorrow morning we will go for a walk again in the rain.


We named all the balls colors,

We sang songs and danced for all the balls!

Someone is coming to visit us!

Autumn comes to the music


I was in a hurry to see you! Hello my friends!

HOST : Hello, autumn. We've been waiting for you. Poems were taught, songs were sung. Listen here.

1.Autumn, golden autumn

Walks along the paths

And draws for the guys

Yellow pictures.

  1. Dressed up all the trees

In painted dresses,

And they fly under our feet

Colored leaves!

AUTUMN: What great guys. Look how many colorful leaves I have in my basket. Let's play with them. Oh, the wind rustled, all the leaves flew away (tosses). Help me collect them.



(2 ML.GR.)

1.. Leaves are flying - this is leaf fall,

We'll collect them and take them to mom.

2.. It’s been raining again since the morning, but we’re going for a walk,

If we take umbrellas, we won’t get wet in the rain.

3.. One, two, three - look at how many leaves there are,

One, two, three, four, five, impossible to count.

AUTUMN: You guessed all my balls,

You sang and danced about them!

I walked to you from afar, sang along with you slightly...

I handed out multi-colored scarves to all the aspens

Bright, noticeable, noticeable from a distance!

While I was visiting you, this is the scarf I found!

Multi-colored, painted, unusual, challenging!

I suggest you, friends, to play with a handkerchief!

Want to? Then come out!


Fun, lively music sounds. Children move freely around the hall, performing familiar dance movements. Suddenly the music changes to a quieter, calmer sound. Children sit down and close their eyes. Autumn walks around the kids to light music and covers someone with a scarf.


Once! Two! Three! Who was hiding inside?

Don't yawn, don't yawn! Answer quickly!

Children say the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed right, the handkerchief is raised. The child, who was under the scarf, jumps to cheerful music, and everyone else claps for him.

Playing last time, Autumn covers a basket with gifts, quietly brought into the hall, with a scarf. Autumn speaks words again. Children call the name of the child who, in their opinion, is hidden under the scarf.


No, all the guys are here! Who was hiding under the handkerchief then?


We raise our handkerchief

Now we’ll find out what’s underneath it!

What is this? Basket!

Come on, close your eyes,

Quietly expect a miracle!

Let the balls turn yellow and red

The pies are fragrant, juicy and wonderful!

Pushes aside the balls that covered the pies in the basket


1,2,3,4,5, eyes can be opened!
Answer without hesitation - what do you see in the basket? (pies)
We will all go to the group and sort out the gifts.

And now let us dance for Autumn from our hearts.



Well, it's time to say goodbye, I have a lot to do!

I wish everyone to be healthy! Goodbye friends!

Well, next year I will come to visit you again!

Children say goodbye to Autumn.


Well, it’s time for us guys to go back to kindergarten. Get on the train!

Children behind the teacher

"leaving the hall"



The hall is festively decorated, children enter the hall to the music and take their seats.

VED: Look, guys! How beautiful it is in our hall! There are so many colorful leaves all around! What kind of holiday came to visit us? Well, of course, the Autumn holiday!
The leaves were filled with the sun, The leaves were soaked in the sun,

They filled up, became heavy and flew with the wind! They rustled through the bushes, you can see them here and there...

The golden wind swirls, the golden rain makes noise!

There are a lot of worries in the yard - Autumn is calling us for a walk! Everyone get on our autumn bus - let's go to the forest!

1. EXERCISE “Here we are sitting on the bus”

VED: Where are we? We have come with you to the autumn forest. left on the trees

few green leaves, more and more red and yellow.

Let us count how many leaves, droplets and puddles there are in the forest.

2. Autumn counting rhyme

`AUTUMN COUNTER` song-game

1. We went out for a walk in the garden, We are very happy about autumn.

2. We were taking a walk and the rain came out and ran across our roof.

3. We are walking along the path, We have boots on our feet,

4. Rain, rain, don’t knock, don’t knock on us, prankster.

RAIN: Stop counting, kids, I want to play with you!

One, two, three, four, five, I'm starting to catch up!

VED: Where is the golden autumn? Here is a riddle, here is a secret.

We're singing songs here, but she's still not there.

Let's call autumn together, Let's sing a song to her.

3. Song – multimedia “Come Beauty”(words of Gomonova):

1 to. A yellow leaf, a red leaf will fall on the path.

This means, this means, Autumn is coming to visit us!

CHORUS: Come, beauty, golden autumn. Children really like golden autumn.

2k. Here comes the rain from the cloud, the rain will fall on your palm.

This means, this means, Autumn is coming to visit us.

Autumn enters to the music with a basket containing apples and balls of balls on top

AUTUMN: I was in a hurry to see you! Hello my friends!
I walked to you from afar, sang along with you slightly...

I handed out multi-colored scarves to all the aspens
Bright, noticeable, noticeable from a distance!

I have a basket in my hands,(shows) it contains autumn gifts.

I brought everything I was rich in for the kids.

Here are the magic balls, colorful lumps,

Let's play with them and guess their colors.

(to the music, hand out balls of balls to the children)

3. Game with balls

Autumn: I give you balls. All the balls one by one

Name them by color, play with each color!
Sing and dance to each little ball - and the children will receive gifts for everything!

Ved: Can we handle it? (Yes.)
Then let's take this ball. What colour is he?
That's right, yellow! What's yellow in autumn?
/children's answers/
Of course, leaves! Who knows poems about yellow leaves?

(Alena knows! Alena with a yellow leaf will recite a poem)

(Poem about leaves)

VED: The leaves are all so beautiful on an autumn day!

Let's sing with the leaves!

4. Song – exercise WITH LEAFERS

Oak leaves, maple leaves

1. Swing over me, My golden leaf. Oak leaves, maple leaves.

2. We are sitting behind a leaf, looking from behind the leaf. Oak leaves, maple leaves.

3. Suddenly a cheerful breeze wants to tear out my leaf. Oak leaves. Maple leaves.

4. We will give you a piece of paper, it will be useful to us ourselves. Oak leaves. Maple leaves.

VED: How well we played with the yellow ball!
And what color is this ball?(Brown)

(put a cap mask on Misha)

You know, guys, I have a familiar bear cub, he’s just brown - brown

colors. Now we will call him and play with him. Fine?

Teddy bear, come out and tell us a poem.

(Children greet Mishka, Mishka greets children)

Mishka's poem:

I'm furry, I'm big, I sleep in a den in winter,

In summer I chew berries, I take wild honey from bees,

I can roar menacingly, because I am a bear!

(Ved shows the children a basket of spoons)

Ved: Guys, our Teddy Bear heard such funny songs, and he himself wanted to perform, to play with you on musical spoons!

(to the music, the Host and Autumn hand out spoons to the children)

5. Song-orchestra “Look at the bear cubs”

(children put away tools)

Ved: Guys, look, Mishka fell asleep... We are performing here for him, playing on spoons, and he is sleeping... Let's wake up Teddy Bear with a fun game.

6. Game with Teddy Bear

Ved: Thank you guys! The clubfoot was amused. Goodbye, Teddy Bear, go to your den and prepare for hibernation...

(children say goodbye to Mishka-Toptyzhka, remove Misha’s cap mask)

Ved: Let's see what balls are still left in Autumn's basket?
What colour?(Red.) That's right, red!
And on which tree do clusters of red berries hang? Of course, at the mountain ash!

Teachers and Autumn tie red scarves for girls

Ved: The bright red rowan stands so beautiful in the forest!
She dressed up at dawn to celebrate the holiday with us!

And Zlata knows a poem about Rowan.

Zlata: I am a beautiful mountain ash, standing under your window.

And under the radiant sun I dance and sing.

7. Song-dance “Rowan Berries”: _

1 to. Rowan berries, red scarves, so we dressed up and bowed low.

Pr: Wow, wow, bowed low\2r.

3k. Rowan berries, red scarves, we had fun and danced around.

Pr: Wow, we had fun! Wow, wow, they started dancing.

5k. Rowan berries, red scarves, we tried together, we need to clap!

Pr: Wow, we need to clap!/2r.

VED: There is the last ball left in the basket... What color?(blue)
That's right, blue! What could be blue?(Sky and rain)
Of course, both the sky and the rain!
Aren't you afraid of rain? No, we even know a song about him!

And Sasha knows a poem about Rain.

Sasha: Cloud, cloud, wait, clear away your rains!
We know a song about rain, and we’ll give it to you!

(to the music, distribute noise instruments to the children: bells + droplets)

8. Noise orchestra “Drip-drip, knock-knock-knock”:

1 to. Drip-drip, knock-knock-knock There was a knock on the glass.

It was raining in the morning that woke up all the kids.

2k. Drip-drip, don-dong-dong The drops began to ring.

If you go out for a walk, don't forget to take an umbrella.

3k. Drip-drip, drip-drip-drip The rain has a cheerful disposition.

Tomorrow morning we will go for a walk again in the rain.

VED: Autumn, we named colors for all the balls,

We sang songs and danced for all the balls!
It's time for us to part. The guys still have work to do...

Autumn: While I was visiting you, this is the scarf I found!
Multi-colored, painted, unusual, challenging!
I suggest you, friends, to play with a handkerchief! Want to?


Fun, lively music sounds. Children clap their hands, perform familiar

dance movements. Autumn dances to the music with a scarf.

Suddenly the music changes to a quieter, calmer sound. Children

close their eyes. Autumn goes around the guys to light music and covers someone


AUTUMN: One! Two! Three! Who was hiding inside?

Don't yawn, don't yawn! Answer quickly!

Children say the name of the child hidden under the scarf. If you guessed right, then the scarf

lift. Children clap their hands and perform familiar dance movements.

Playing for the last time, Autumn covers the basket with gifts with a scarf, unnoticed

brought into the hall. Autumn speaks words again. Children call the name of the child who, according to

in their opinion, he hid under a scarf.

VED: No, all the guys are here! Who was hiding under the handkerchief then?

AUTUMN: We raise the handkerchief, What is underneath it now we find out!

What is this? Basket!Come on, close your eyes, quietly wait for a miracle!
Let the balls turn yellow and red
The apples are fragrant, juicy, beautiful!

Pushes aside the balls that covered the gifts.

AUTUMN: 1,2,3,4,5, eyes can be opened!
Answer without hesitation - what do you see in the basket?(Apples!)
How good! Help yourself, kids!

Cheerful music is playing.

Autumn treats the children with gifts.

AUTUMN: Well, it's time to say goodbye, I have a lot to do!
I wish everyone to be healthy! Goodbye friends!
Well, next year I will come to visit you again!

Children say goodbye to Autumn.

HOST: Well, it’s time for us, guys, to return to kindergarten. Thank you Autumn for the magical balls and delicious apples!

Children help themselves to apples.

Attributes: Basket with balls, fake puddles, fake autumn leaves, 2 pieces for each child, red scarves for girls, 1 maracas, bells for the number of children for a noise orchestra, wooden spoons for the number of children, a multi-colored scarf for playing, a basket


Adult characters: Presenter, Autumn


Rowan Berries, Teddy Bear, Rain


Additional material:

1. Autumn holiday in the forest, both light and fun,

These are the decorations Autumn has hung for us!

2. Each leaf is golden - a little sun,

I’ll put it in a basket and put it on the bottom!

1. I am my mother’s son - a little bear.

I look like my mother - like a brown bear.

2. I am a good little bear, very similar to my daddy.

I am fearless and smart and, like my grandfather, strong.

2. I am a beautiful mountain ash! In the summer I grow berries!

And when winter comes, I will treat all the birds!

3. The rowan tree grew red and juicy. Mom dressed her daughter up for the holiday:

Red scarf, Red boots, The girl looks like a mountain ash.


1. The wind plays with the leaves, tears leaves from the branches,
Yellow leaves are flying right under the children's feet!

2. Autumn, golden autumn walks along the paths,
And draws for the guysYellow pictures.

3. She dressed all the trees in painted dresses,
And they fly under our feet
Colored leaves!

Scenario – Magic Ball



The hall is decorated in autumn style. There are birch trees and fir trees in different corners. Children with a teacher enter the hall to the sound of cheerful music.

Guys, look how beautiful it is. Where have we ended up? (Children look at the hall together with the teacher). We have come with you to the autumn forest. It's autumn outside now. There are few green leaves left on the trees, more and more red and yellow ones. When you walk through the forest, dry autumn leaves rustle under your feet. What is that under the tree? Let's come and have a look?

Children with the Leader approach a birch tree, under which there is a basket with leaves.

Guys, these are autumn leaves. Take two of everything. (Hands out leaflets to children). Look how colorful they are. Let's dance with them.

Begins "Dance with colorful leaves."

Presenter Guys, look, there’s a ball in the basket and it’s calling us somewhere. Where is the ball calling us? Let's go have a look.(the ball rolls towards the Christmas tree)
Everyone approaches the Christmas tree.
Presenter (shrugs shoulders).
There is no one.
A hedgehog peeks out from under the Christmas tree

Presenter .
Hello, Hedgehog!
The hedgehog greets the guys.
Hedgehog, and we are walking through the autumn forest.
I also walk through the forest and stock up for the winter.

Hedgehog, you definitely need to make friends with the kids, and our kids know a song about the hedgehog.
I really love songs. Sing to me please.

Children sing "Song about a hedgehog" and perform the movements at the same time

What a good song, thank you. As a sign of our friendship, I allow you to pet me.
Hedgehog, how can we pet you? You're all prickly and you'll prick the kids.
And I removed all the thorns.

Children stroke the Hedgehog on the head and back.

Hedgehog, have you noticed that it has become cold outside, the leaves are falling from the trees and soon the trees will be left completely without leaves?
Yes, it's autumn. Have you noticed that the leaves have changed color? After all, they were green, but they became yellow, brown, red, orange. Today I walked through the forest and picked a whole basket of mushrooms. Look!

The hedgehog takes out a basket of mushrooms and gives them to the Leader, and she invites the children to dance with them. Gives one mushroom to each child. Children dancing "Dance with mushrooms"

Guys, I feel so good with you! You can sing and dance, but it’s time for me to go about my business. I store mushrooms, nuts, and various roots for the winter. Winter will come soon.

The hedgehog says goodbye to the guys and leaves the hall.

Presenter (picks up a ball).
Guys, I wonder where the ball will take us next? (Throws the ball in the opposite direction, towards another Christmas tree.) Who lives here?
Everyone sees the trembling Bunny.

Hello, Bunny. Why are you shaking so much?
Are you hunters?
No, we are not hunters, but guys. We came to admire the autumn forest, and the ball led us to you. What happened to you?
I feel so lonely in the autumn forest.
Okay, Bunny, we'll have some fun with you. Our kids know a funny dance. Now they will dance for you.
Children perform "Pair Dance"

How well you danced. Do you want to play? Then help me collect all the carrots.

A game Collect carrots in a basket.


Bunny, we won’t let anyone hurt you. Stay with us.

Bunny. I can’t, I have to run and stock up on carrots for the winter. Goodbye, guys! (says goodbye, runs away)
Presenter . Oh, guys, our little ball is rolling again. Who will come to visit us?

Music sounds, Autumn enters the hall.

Autumn: Here I am! Hello my friends.

I'm a little late

I worked hard and dressed up!

I came to your holiday to sing and have fun,
I want to become strong friends with everyone here.

Presenter : We are all together at the holiday
We'll have a great time.
To make it more fun,
Let's sing our song.

Song “Autumn, autumn has come to us”

Autumn : Thank you for such a wonderful song!

And now I’ll tell you a riddle, my friends:
Leaves fly off the branches,
Birds fly south
What time of year is it? – let’s ask
Will they answer this for us?...
Children: Autumn!
Autumn: The leaves are spinning in the air
They lie quietly on the grass
The garden sheds its leaves
It's simple ….
Children: leaf fall
Autumn : The wind will call the cloud
A cloud floats across the sky
And on top of gardens and groves
It's drizzling cold...
Children: Rain.
Autumn : Well done! All the riddles were solved.


It’s a good autumn day, we’ll go for a walk together.

Game "Sun and Rain"

Autumn: It's fun to play with you
Songs to sing and dance!
I thank you for everything
And I give apples to everyone!

Treats all children with apples.


It was a lot of fun here!

I loved all the guys.

But it's time for me to say goodbye.

What to do? Things are waiting!

I’m sorry to part with you, but winter’s turn is approaching,

I will come to you again, guys, you are waiting for Autumn in a year!


Scenario - Magic Balls

For children 1st junior group kindergarten


The hall is decorated in autumn style. There are birch trees and fir trees in different corners. Children with a teacher, accompanied by cheerful music, enter the hall where the Presenter is waiting for them.


Guys, look how beautiful it is. Where have we ended up? (Children look at the hall together with the teacher). We have come with you to the autumn forest. It's autumn outside now. There are few green leaves left on the trees, more and more red and yellow ones. When you walk through the forest, dry autumn leaves rustle under your feet. What is that under the tree? Let's come and have a look?

Children with the Leader approach a birch tree, under which there is a basket with balls.


Guys, these are magic balls. Take everything one at a time. (Hands out the balls to the children). Look how colorful they are. Let's dance with them.

"Dance with colorful balls" begins. Children sing a song and at the same time perform the movements indicated in brackets.


We took the balls in our hands,
They ran after Natasha.
(They run around the hall in a flock, with balls in their hands).
All the boys have balls,
They want to run through the forest.
We will all raise our balls,
And let's dance together with them.
(Children raise their arms with balls up and turn them from side to side.)
Squat, squat,
Don't lag behind the guys.
(The legs perform a “spring”).
We won't show the balls
We won’t tell you where we’ll hide them.
All the boys have balls
They sleep quietly behind their backs.
(Children hide the balls behind their backs and rock from leg to leg.)
It's obvious that the little ball is tired,
Let him rest a little.
You lie down and don't get up
Bye-bye, bye-bye.
(Children place the balls on the floor. Sit down next to the ball and shake their fingers at it.)
Let's get back on our feet
And let's take it in our hands.
We'll bring it to Natasha
And we'll return it to the basket.
(Children take the balls, bring them to the teacher and put them in the basket).

Presenter(notices that one of the balls has rolled under the Christmas tree).
Guys, where is this little ball calling us? Let's go have a look.
Everyone approaches the Christmas tree.
Presenter(shrugs shoulders).
There is no one.

The presenter stands facing the children, but sideways to the Christmas tree. A Hedgehog (bi-ba-bo toy) peeks out from under the Christmas tree. The presenter pretends that she doesn’t see the Hedgehog. After the children point to him, the Presenter turns to face the Christmas tree, and the Hedgehog hides behind the Christmas tree. The presenter is surprised that she doesn’t see the Hedgehog; she looks again at the children. "Game with the Hedgehog" is repeated 2 times. Finally, the Hedgehog is not hiding from the Presenter, and she finds him.

Hello, Hedgehog!
The hedgehog greets the guys.
Hedgehog, it turns out that you really like to play.
Yes, I just love playing different games.
Then you definitely need to make friends with the kids, because they also love to play. And our kids know a song about a hedgehog.
I really love songs. Sing to me please.

Children sing “The Hedgehog Song” and at the same time perform the movements indicated in parentheses.

There lived a prickly hedgehog in the forest,
Yes Yes Yes Yes.
I was a ball and without legs,
Yes Yes Yes Yes.
He didn’t know how to clap - (Children clap their hands).
He didn’t know how to stomp - (Children perform “stomps”).
He didn’t know how to jump - (Children jump on two legs).
Just move your nose.

And the guys came to the forest,
Yes Yes Yes Yes.
A hedgehog was found in the forest
Yes Yes Yes Yes.
Taught to clap - Clap-clap-clap,
They taught us to stomp - Top-top-top.
Taught to jump - Jump-jump-jump,
Taught to run...
(Children repeat the movements of the chorus).

What a good song, thank you. As a sign of our friendship, I allow you to pet me.
Hedgehog, how can we pet you? You're all prickly and you'll prick the kids.
And I removed all the thorns.

Children stroke the Hedgehog on the head and back.


Hedgehog, have you noticed that it has become cold outside, the leaves are falling from the trees and soon the trees will be left completely without leaves?

Yes, it's autumn. Have you noticed that the leaves have changed color? After all, they were green, but they became yellow, brown, red, orange. Today I walked through the forest and picked a whole bouquet of autumn leaves. Look!

The hedgehog takes leaves (preferably maple) from under the tree and gives them to the Leader, and she invites the children to dance with them. Hands out one piece of paper to each child. Children dance "Dance with leaves".

These are good leaves
The kids go with them.
Walks well
They try from the heart.
(Children, together with the Leader, walk in a flock around the hall, holding leaves in front of them).
We will raise the leaves up
And wave them gently.
Wave left, right,
This is how kids dance.
(Children stop, wave the leaves in front of them in one direction, then in the other).
Suddenly a breeze came
He wants to take the leaf.
We won't give you leaves
They will be useful to us ourselves.
(Children hide the leaves behind their backs and perform a “spring”).
A leaf fell from a tree,
The wind swirled the leaf.
(Children show everyone their leaves and spin with them to the right).
He danced in the air,
And then he fell easily.
(Children squat down and put leaves on the floor).

The presenter collects the leaves into a bouquet and places them in a vase on the table.


Guys, I feel so good with you! You can sing and dance, but it’s time for me to go about my business. I store mushrooms, nuts, and various roots for the winter. Winter will come soon.

The hedgehog says goodbye to the guys and leaves the hall.

Presenter(picks up a ball).
Guys, I wonder where the ball will take us next? (Throws the ball in the opposite direction, towards another Christmas tree.) Who lives here?

Everyone sees the trembling Bunny.

Hello, Bunny. Why are you shaking so much?
Are you hunters?

No, we are not hunters, but guys. We came to admire the autumn forest, and the ball led us to you. What happened to you?
I feel so lonely in the autumn forest.

Okay, Bunny, we'll have some fun with you. Our guys know the game. Now they will play with you.

Song-game "The gray bunnies are sitting" with the participation of the Fox.

I see gray ears
I'm at the edge of the Christmas trees.
Run away, kids,
It's time for you all to run!

The game is played 2-3 times.

How well you played with me.
And now we’ll sing you a song about a bunny.

Children sing the song "Bunny".

Bunny, we won’t let anyone hurt you. Our kids know a lot of poems, now they will make you happy.

Children read A. Barto's poem "Toys".

Presenter(looks at his watch).

Oh, guys, it’s time for us to join the group, the toys are bored without us. Bunny, we had a good time with you. We promise that we will come to visit you again.
^ 3aychik.

A large carrot grew in my garden. I want to give it to you. It is not simple, but magical.
Why is it so magical that it looks ordinary?
And you open it!

The presenter opens the carrot, and there... gifts are given to the children. To the sound of cheerful music, children leave the hall for the group and take with them a magic carrot.


Scenario - Hello, golden autumn!

Holiday for children senior group(5-6 years)

fly agaric
Teddy Bear
Fly agarics

Children enter the hall to cheerful music.

The birds have flown away
The leaves have turned yellow
The days are shorter now
The nights have become longer.
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?
Children (in chorus).
In autumn!

That's right, guys! Look how beautiful and elegant it is in our hall today! There are so many colorful leaves all around! Autumn is very beautiful time of the year. Everything around is like gold!

Children read poems about autumn.

The trees are all on an autumn day
So beautiful!
Let's sing a song
About golden leaves!

The song “Falling Leaves” is performed, lyrics by M. Evensen, music by M. Krasev. Music sounds, Teddy Bear runs into the hall. In his hands is an envelope decorated autumn leaves. The little bear, waving an envelope, runs up to the guys.

Little bear.

Telegram! Telegram!
I'm running straight out of the forest.
On an urgent telegram
The address is very accurate!
"Kindergarten " ".

He gives the letter to the presenter and runs away.

Guys! The letter is really addressed to us! Who do you think it's from? That's right, from Autumn! Let's read what she writes to us about!
“Hello, my guys!
I will describe everything in order.
I was delayed on the way
I can't come to you.
I need to paint it brightly
All forests, gardens and parks,
We need to turn the grass yellow
See all the birds south!
But I haven’t forgotten about you!
So that you have fun,
I'll send a guest. Meet!
What to call the guest? Guess!
He's wearing a colored hat
Stands on one leg.
He has his own habits
He always plays hide and seek!
Under the pine tree by the path
He stands among the grass.
There is a leg, but no boots,
I have a hat, but no head!”
Who is this, guys? Right! It's a mushroom!

Music sounds and the Boletus mushroom runs into the hall.

I've finally arrived
I found the path!
There are so many people in the hall!
You were probably waiting for me?
I am Boletus mushroom!
I'm used to order.
But I also love to frolic,
Play and have fun!
Do you guys like to have fun? What about playing? What about picking berries? What berries do you know?

Children list the names of familiar berries. Cloudberries may be among them. If the children do not name it, the presenter will remind them of it.

Cloudberry? What kind of berry is this? I don't remember something!

And you, Borovichok, listen to our song and you’ll immediately find out everything about this berry!

The song “Cloudberry” is performed, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by A. Abramov.

Well, thanks guys! Now I will know about this berry!
(Shows the guys his basket).
Autumn gave me this basket!
I looked in the basket, and gee!
Look, guys, the leaves are colored...
The leaves are colorful, but not simple!
Autumn wrote riddles on them,
There are quite a few of these mysteries!
Come on, I'll sit on the chair,
I'll sit with you,
I'll tell you riddles.
Who's smart? I'll take a look.
(Takes leaves out of the basket. On each leaf there is a riddle.)
You warm the whole world
And you don’t know fatigue.
Smiling at the window
And everyone calls you... (Sun).

Above you, above me
A bag of water flew by
Ran into a distant forest,
He lost weight and disappeared. (Cloud).

The dust is blowing,
The trees are shaking
Howls, howls,
Tears leaves from trees,
Disperses the clouds
Raises waves. (Wind).

They are waiting for me - they won’t wait,
And when they see it, they will run away! (Rain).

That's it guys!
We solved all the riddles!
And now it's all over
Prick up your ears!
We'll sing about autumn
Funny ditties!

Guys come out performing ditties.

We are autumn ditties
Let's sing it for you now!
Clap your hands louder
Have fun! Wow!

How beautiful everything is all around
Golden autumn day:
Yellow leaves are flying,
They rustle underfoot! Wow!

Autumn is a damp time,
The rain is pouring down from above.
People are more likely to disclose
Multi-colored umbrellas! Wow!

Autumn is a wonderful time,
Kids love autumn!
We go to the forest with baskets,
We find a lot of mushrooms there! Wow!

No tastier than apples ripe,
The kids know this.
How can we see apples?
We all shout at once: “Hurray!” Wow!

We love beets and carrots
And there is cabbage too,
Because vitamins
Found in vegetables and fruits! Wow!

Autumn, golden autumn,
It's good that you came!
You and apples, you and honey,
You brought bread too! Wow!

We sang ditties for you,
Tell me from the heart
Our ditties are good,
And we are good too! Wow!

Well done, guys! Have fun singing ditties! And now I invite you all to dance. What's a holiday without dancing?
They shook hands with each other
Stand in pairs in a circle!

The dance is performed A true friend", music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky.

And now hurry up, guys,
Guess the riddle!
Near the forest, on the edge,
Decorating the dark forest,
He grew up motley, covered in polka dots,
Fly agaric!

Music sounds and Fly Agaric runs into the hall.

Fly agaric.
That's right, that's right! You guessed it! Where did you see me? Why are you here? Are you celebrating a holiday? And why didn’t they invite me, the handsome Fly Agaric, forgot about it, huh?
(Stands, admires himself in the mirror, straightening his hat and bow tie). Wow! I'll tell you!
(Threatens the guys and Borovik).
Everyone has known for a long time,
They love Fly Agaric very much!
Because I'm more important
And wavefish and milk mushrooms!
A lot of white dots
I have it on my hat.
And I will tell you, without hesitation,
I am the most beautiful of all the mushrooms! Here!
Wait, wait, Fly Agaric! Do not brag! You may be the most beautiful, but you are not the most useful!
Fly agaric.
How is this not the most useful? I'm the most beautiful! This time! (Bends fingers.) The most useful is two! And the most delicious is three! Really, guys?

You see, Fly Agaric, the guys don’t agree with you! They know many other mushrooms that are much tastier than you!
Fly agaric.
Can't be!
Check it out!
Fly agaric.
And what? And I'll check! Come on guys, tell me what kind of mushrooms these are!
Grow on the edge
Red-haired girlfriends.
What to call them? (Volnushki).

He is growing up in a red cap
Among the aspen roots!
You'll recognize him a mile away
It's called... (boletus).

Along the forest paths
Lots of white legs
In multi-colored hats,
Noticeable from afar.
Pack, don't hesitate! This is... (russula).

Well done! Indeed, you know a lot of mushrooms! But, probably, when you go into the forest with baskets to pick them up, you only collect toadstools?

The phone rings. Fly Agaric comes up to him, picks up the phone, and talks to someone.

Fly agaric.
You know, guys, all the toadstools wanted
Become healthy mushrooms
And they came to visit you themselves!
And they said: “As you wish,
Either fry it or cook it!
We hate doctors
We love chefs!
Let's not be harmful anymore
Let's forget evil and deceit.
Let's help people
We will sing songs and dance!”
Well, guys, should we let the fly agarics have fun with us?
Fly agaric.
Hey, fly agaric grandchildren,
Run out quickly!
Put on your hats
Yes, dance more fun!

The dance “Amanita and Fly Agarics” is performed.

And now, guys,
We'll leave you for a while,
Let's go into the forest with Fly Agaric!
To you, girls and boys,
We will bring gifts!

To the music, Borovik and Fly Agaric run away from the hall.

Well, our mushrooms have escaped. And so that we don’t get bored, let’s sing a funny song!

The round dance “Gather the Harvest” is performed, words by T. Volgina, music by A. Filippenko. Music sounds, Tararam, a cheerful little man, runs into the hall.

I'm a cheerful person
I came to visit you!
And my name, guys,
Very simple - Tararam!
Come in, Tararam!
We are very glad to have guests!
We'll play together
Songs to sing and dance!
Song after song, but first
It wouldn't hurt to play
See what kind of people
Lives in this kindergarten!

The game “The most dexterous” is played (with chairs).

It's immediately obvious that you guys
Love to play!
And now I propose
You should dance a little!

A dance of the teacher's choice is performed. Music is playing. Tararam thanks the guys for the dance, for interesting game, says goodbye and runs away.

Oh guys, listen...
It seems that someone else is coming towards us.
I hear someone's steps!

Music sounds, Antoshka runs into the hall. In his hands he has a large ladle and an accordion.

I don't like digging potatoes
I have an accordion in my hands,
I eat with a huge spoon!
And my name is Antoshka!
Hello guys!
What kind of holiday are you celebrating here?
Autumn Festival! Harvest Festival!
Oh-oh-oh! But I don’t like harvesting! Here! In general, I don’t like to do things that we didn’t go through and things that we weren’t asked to do! I even have a song about it!
And we know this song too!
That's great! So let's sing it!

The song “Antoshka” is performed, music by V. Shainsky.

I'll tell you a secret,
Nothing is more difficult
How to dig potatoes
Yes, collect it in a bucket!
What are you doing, Antoshka! On the contrary, nothing is simpler! Look how quickly and cheerfully the guys cope with this!

The game “Plant and Harvest Potatoes” is played.

Well done, guys! As soon as the potatoes were collected, there weren’t any left! I want to learn this too. I'll run and train faster! Goodbye!

Music sounds, Antoshka runs away.

So Antoshka ran away. But Borovichka and Fly Agaric are still missing. Where are they?

To the music, Borovik and Fly Agaric enter the hall. The two of them are dragging a large basket full of pine cones.

Here we are! Here we are!
Fly agaric.
Look what wonderful cones we brought you as a gift! (Shows the guys the contents of the basket). The largest, most selective! Wow, delicious!
Wait, wait, expensive mushrooms! After all, we don’t have squirrels here, we have boys and girls here. (Points to the guys). We don't eat pine cones!
What do you eat? What do you like?
Well... pears, apples! Really, guys?
Fly agaric.

Oh, Borovichok, what should we do now? You and I don't have any apples. Only cones! There are so many of them, a whole basket! What to do? What to do?
Apparently, you can’t do this without magic!
Fly agaric.
Oh, and who will be the wizard?

Yes, it looks like I’ll have to! And you guys will help me! Do you agree? Well then, everyone, close your eyes... And you, Fly Agaric, make sure that no one peeps, otherwise the magic won’t work!

Mysterious music sounds. Children sitting with eyes closed. And adults quickly exchange the basket with pine cones for the same basket with apples. At this time, Borovik pronounces magic words.

Transform yourself, bumps,
Spruce, pine,
The apples are fragrant,
Juicy, honey!
Well, everything is ready!
You can open your eyes!
Fly agaric.
Oh yes Borovik! Ay, well done!
Well, Fly Agaric, let's hand out gifts to the guys!

Cheerful music is playing, adults are handing out apples to the children.

Fly agaric.
We had a lot of fun
Let's play and have fun!
And now it's time
Break up, kids!
Congratulations again! And we wish you to never have to deal with illnesses and to always be cheerful!

Borovik and Fly Agaric, holding hands, run away.

Municipal budgetary educational institution
Bystrogorsk secondary school
Talalaeva. N.L.
senior counselor
2013-2014 academic year year
Competition program for students in grades 7–8
"Waltz of Leaf Fall"
Date: 11/01/2013
Venue: assembly hall
Participants of the event: students in grades 7-8
The assembly hall is decorated with posters, balloons, autumn leaves. Before the start of the holiday, a selection of songs about autumn is played.
Vedas 1: The golden leaves are falling!
The leaves flutter in the dance of autumn.
Our sad, thoughtful garden
He falls asleep to the sounds of rain.
Vedas 2: There is a wet forest in gilding -
It freezes in the icy wind,
Autumn gives us so many miracles -
This only happens in the fall!
Ved 1: Good evening!
Vedas 2: Good evening, dear friends!
Ved 1: You probably already guessed that the theme of our evening today is autumn. And all of us, dear friends, are invited to the Autumn Ball.
Ved 2: Let me clarify that the ball in the 21st century is not particularly popular, and therefore we propose to call our holiday program"Waltz of Leaf Fall" I think you agree with me, friends? That's great.
Vedas 1: So, we invite you to take part in our competitive program"Waltz of Leaf Fall" And let the music fun competitions will help you have a good rest, chat with friends and get a charge of vigor and good mood!
Vedas 2: And for this we invite everyone to take an oath.
Vedas 1: Have fun from the heart! Do we swear?
All. We swear!
Vedas 2: Dance until you drop! Do we swear?
All. We swear!
Vedas 1: Laugh and joke! Do we swear?
All. We swear!
Ved 2: Participate and win in all competitions. Do we swear?
All. We swear!
Ved 1: Share the joy of victory and the prizes received with friends. Do we swear?
All. We swear! We swear! We swear!
Ved 2: Well, now we are moving on to the competition program, so we ask you to support each other with applause, smiles on your faces and a good mood.
Vedas 1: The first competition is called “Weather Forecast”, I will say the beginning of the sign, and you must continue it. For this competition I invite three people, one person from each class.
Competition "Weather Forecast"
The task is to finish the phrase:
Smoke is spreading - there may be... (bad weather).
Pillar of smoke - to... (frost).
Indian summer is stormy - autumn... (dry).
Mosquitoes in November - to be... (mild winter).
Vedas 2: Everyone knows perfectly well that autumn is a good time for picking mushrooms. So you and I will go into the forest to pick mushrooms. Our next competition is called “Called yourself a milk mushroom - get into the box!” Couples are invited to the stage: a boy and a girl from each class (3 couples). One participant takes a riddle from the basket and reads it, then they guess together (3 riddles each). The one who gives the most correct answers wins a prize.
Competition “Called yourself a milk mushroom - get into the box”
For the competition you will need: a basket, nine different mushrooms on which riddles will be glued.
Ved 1: And the next competition will be of interest to those who like to communicate on the phone. Are there any of these in our hall? (raise hands). That is great! Then we hold a “Telephone Operators” competition. For the competition we will need two teams of six people. (Teams are formed). Each team is assigned a captain, he approaches the leader, receives a text with a tongue twister, learns phrases and returns to his team. At the leader’s signal (clap), the first players (captains) pass the tongue twister into the ears of their neighbors, and they then pass on to each other along the row. The last ones in each row must voice the tongue twister given to them. The winner is the team that completes the transmission first and does not distort the text.
Competition "Telephonists"
Participants receive printed tongue twisters:
-My grandmother bought Marusya beads.
- Brother beavers, please.
- There were jackdaws visiting the wolf cubs.
- The frame turns pink early, the frame is happy - the sun is warming.
Vedas 2: Today we are talking about the beauty of autumn, but she is not with us, but I think this can be fixed. We just need to call her, and we will call her with loud applause.
(autumn emerges to applause)
Autumn: Hello, my friends! I'm glad to see you all! I dressed everything up and gave away bright colors. The trees shine with gold, cobwebs fly into the distance. The harvest has been harvested in the field, expect winter soon. I congratulate you on bright colors autumn, with the harvest, I wish have a nice rest and I want to give you a song.
Autumn sings a song.
Ved 1: Our entertainment program continues. And I invite classes to show their homework. We invite students of grade 8 "A" first to the stage. Students of grade 8 "B". 7th grade students perform.
Amateur performances from students 8 “A”, 8 “B”, 7 classes
Vedas 2: Friends, I think that each of you once put on the most wonderful autumn shoes... guess what? Of course, galoshes. And now we are announcing a competition for everyone who wants to try on these autumn shoes again. For this competition I need 7 people. (Participants leave). The competition is called “Musical Galosh”. (Galoshes made of cardboard are placed in a circle, the number for 6 participants. Participants dance to rhythmic music to the music. As soon as the music stops, everyone must stand on one galosh. Whoever does not get it is eliminated from the game. After one galosh is removed, the game continues further and so on until there is only one player left.
Competition "Musical Galosh"
Ved 1: And now we ask our class teachers to join us.
Ved 2: Please take your seats. We will conduct a short exam. We would like to get to know you better.
Ved 1: Each of you will be asked a comic question, which you will have to answer.
They say you are crossing the street when the light is red. This is true?
Are you hiding your ill-gotten earnings from your family?
Is it true that classroom management is your hobby?
They say you check notebooks for a living. This is true?
They say that you cannot live a day without a deuce. This is true?
Legends are made about your beauty and your kindness. What do you think about it?
you are very clever man, well, just a genius. Do you agree with this?
They say you collect car tires. This is true?
They say you are allergic to banknotes. This is true?
Is it true that you like to eat red caviar for breakfast?
They say you are planning to move to Italy? This is true?
Is it true when they say that you have a lot of humor?
Ved 2: Thanks to our class teachers, we release them. And we continue our program. Many of you have probably heard about a very fashionable hobby of some people - this is the so-called shopping. Often, “shopping” means not just the purchase of goods, but the whole complex, which also includes related entertainment.
Ved 1: So we invite you to have a little fun. Imagine that you come to a store to do some shopping. We'd love to hear what you do with your purchases. There are two boxes in front of you. In one card with nouns, i.e. with your purchases, and in the other verbs, i.e. what you will do with your purchases. Two couples are invited for the competition. Whichever pair has the most matches wins this competition. So, we are announcing the “Fun Shopping” competition.
Fun Shopping Competition
Ved 2: And now we should have a “Black Box”.
(Music sounds and Leshy enters, holding a black box in his hands).
Leshy: Hello, my friends! I decided to drop by and see you. I want to hold a competition for you called “Black Box”. Your task is to guess what is in the black box and get your prize.
Black Box Competition
The task is to guess what is in the black box:
In the old days, this vegetable was called “love apple”, “ Golden Apple" And now he has two names. What vegetable is in the black box? (Tomato, tomato)
His homeland is South America. The Indians called him “dad,” and our ancestors called him “the devil’s apple.” What vegetable? we're talking about? (Potato)
(Participants take turns guessing what is in the black box)
Ved 1: In my opinion, our program lacks humor, funny and comic stories or situations. It's time for our classes to show the second homework"Humorous triathlon". From each class there will be one person who will read jokes. At the beginning, everyone reads 3 jokes, after which the jury selects one participant who is eliminated from the game. Then the remaining two players read 2 jokes each. The jury chooses who is eliminated, the remaining participant brings victory to his team.
Homework “Humorous triathlon”
Ved 2: And we are announcing our next competition “Gifts of Autumn”, which will help us identify real connoisseurs of fruits and vegetables. I invite three participants. You will only need to provide answers to the questions.
1) What is it called gem dark red in color and a southern tree with round, grainy, dark red fruit? (Pomegranate)
2) In the name of the Vistula River, rearrange the letters so that it becomes the name of a fruit with a large seed. (Plum)
3) What fruit is called “paradise”? (Apple)
4) What vegetable is in a small twig basket? (Onions in a basket)
5) With the stress on the first syllable - is it cutlery with sharp teeth, with the stress on the second syllable - is it a head of cabbage? (Forks)
6) What three prepositions can be squeezed out of the fruits of plants? (JUICE)
Questions about miscellaneous things:
1) Where do butterflies disappear in the fall? (Hide in cracks, under the bark of trees)
2) What bird secrets does leaf fall reveal? (Nests)
3) Do birds collect supplies for the winter? (Yes, owls and jays)
4) How do ants prepare for winter? (Close the entrances and exits of the anthill)
5) Where do frogs go for the winter? (Hide deep under stones or in silt)
6) When do the last ducks fly away from us? (When the rivers freeze)
7) Which trees shed green leaves? (Alder and willow)
8) What garden flowers bloom before the first snow? (Asters)
9) Which trees' leaves turn red in autumn? (Aspen, rowan, maple)
10) Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog)
11) Which forest dweller dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel)12) Which animal gives birth to babies in autumn when the leaves fall? (At the hare) Vedas 2: So many interesting things can be made from autumn gifts. For example, boil a pumpkin delicious porridge, make jam from apples, and how many dishes can you prepare from potatoes...
Ved 1: And I want to say that they also make various beautiful crafts from fruits and vegetables, collect still lifes and much more. I know that our guys prepared crafts from vegetables and fruits. Next homework is “Autumn Fantasy”. One participant from each class demonstrates their autumn masterpiece. The jury evaluates.
Homework “Autumn Fantasy”
Ved 2: Now I want to announce the last competition of our program. I suggest we all go to the musical TV show “Guess the Melody.” All of us will become spectators for a while, and our players will be the most musical girls and boys in your classes. So, I invite the participants to take their places. Each player is given a bell; if he guesses the melody, he rings the bell. Whoever guesses the most melodies wins the competition
Competition "Guess the melody"
Vedas 1: They say that autumn means sadness, continuous rains, cloudy weather... Don’t believe it, friends! Autumn is beautiful and attractive in its own way. It brings generosity to the soul, warmth from human communication to the heart, and brings unique beauty into our lives!
Vedas 2: Autumn has fully come into its own today, and we will celebrate its arrival. We thank this autumn for bringing us all together for the autumn ball. Winter, spring, summer are ahead... And then autumn again. How many more of them there will be in our lives! We hope that the golden lights of the Autumn Ball will be lit for all of us at our school more than once.
Together: Let there be “Three months of autumn and eternal spring” in your soul! See you again!