Sexopathologists claim that all men are divided into four main sexual types.


If in the evening lovers are very sweet and passionate and seem to spread their tenderness over your body, causing mutual trepidation, then in the morning they are already “on a diet”. And not even a single kiss leaves their lips. Such men are capable of breaking more than one heart. And if you decide to break up love relationship, then even a gun pressed to your temple won’t help. They are very selfish, it should be noted that they are calm about sex and therefore they need to satisfy themselves, and not their partner. Such men inflict psychological trauma to your partner. When it comes to sex, they are generally weak and sometimes squeamish; they are mostly born in March. They are very indecisive and try to meet a professional partner who sets them up for sexual foreplay and in this way tries to be satisfied by having sex only for himself, he does not care about his partner. He tries to ensure that a one-time meeting could completely satisfy him. He doesn't like to have sex for a long time. He likes a calm partner who is not very experienced in sex. At this level, he looks like an experienced partner and captivates his partner. The July ones are mostly indecisive, squeamish, as well as the March ones. Their sex life is uninteresting, they live their whole lives for themselves, they do not have an increased desire to engage in emotional sex.


Self-esteem for such men depends primarily on the “quality” of the sexual act. They only feel good when they are sure that they are irreplaceable as lovers. They prefer to make love in a hammock, in a car, on a tree, in a forest clearing, on the floor, but not in bed. They consider themselves supermen and do not notice their rivals. But they very quickly lose interest in their mistress if she wants to tie the knot with him. These are very strong and very confident men, it is very important that the partner is and lives like him. Basically, they are functionally strong, but it is also very important that the partner is beautiful so that his breasts can light him up. And definitely affectionate. Sex is very important for such a man; if he is not satisfied, he does not worry very much. They are born in August and December. They take sex very seriously and try to satisfy their partner as well. They do not like strong and resilient partners; they try to be leaders in sex, but they do not always succeed, especially March ones.


They love to present flowers, give gifts, take them to theaters and restaurants, if, of course, funds allow. They love to have long, intimate conversations about the subject of their passion, and dream about a future together. Sex is almost in last place for them. They often like to repeat that you need to love with your soul, and not... Only a deep feeling can make them hug a naked woman. A woman and achieve ecstasy...

They first try to discover the erogenous zones of their partner. Then they engage in sexual foreplay. They try first to bring their partner to orgasm and he enjoys it. They do not like a partner who behaves very calmly and indifferently in bed. Men who try to satisfy their partner in everything and only then he asks his partner to satisfy him. While relaxing, he enjoys listening to music and stroking her breasts. He does not like to impose his positions and, moreover, coordinates them with his partner, and then he is pleased that his partner herself offers him. They are usually born in September, July, April. They strong men and they treat their partner kindly in bed and are always happy, no matter what happens.


These men are constantly horny for sex. All it takes is an insignificant little thing that hurts their pride, and before their eyes they turn into a ferocious tiger. They are impatient, vindictive and terribly jealous. In anger they are capable of doing anything to their mistress. It is this type of men that is classified as sexual deviants. They are because not every woman can satisfy them, so he is very restless in sex. Such men love mostly blondes, as well as very sexy partners. During orgasm, they like their partner to moan and make a sound; such men have an increased desire to have sex. Some people can have sex for hours and do not get tired; their desire to be satisfied in these minutes is controllable, especially when they drink a little. They start having sex in bed from the first minute until they reach orgasm. They are born in May and January, they are jealous and do not like their partner to impose their positions during sex. They watch some erotic films, where they learn a new pose. They are basically never satisfied when they have sex.

Incredible facts

Our name has a special energy. When we say our name, many people subconsciously draw conclusions about the characteristics of our personality.

A woman’s name can also tell a lot about her nature, emotionality, temperament and other qualities.

Psychologists believe that the combination of sounds in a name evokes certain emotions in people around him, which is reflected in the person who has this name.

The most attractive to men are considered female names, which sound melodious and soft.

But even if your name sounds firm and assertive, like Alexandra, it can always be softened with the diminutive Sashenka.

Also, names with sounds that give the word a certain roundness are especially attractive.

If your name contains the following sounds, then you have a special charm and sexuality:

L - gives the name softness and speaks of restrained but violent emotions.

M - speaks of deep feelings and experiences

Ch, C, Z - indicate the gambling nature of the owner of the name

KS, X - reflects spontaneous nature and quick reaction

Sha, Sho, Shu - speaks of the mystery of a woman

F, J, NN, LL, MM, BB - indicate a woman’s passion

AI, EO, IA and other combinations of two vowels are characteristic of artistic natures

Here are 15 female names considered the sexiest for men:

The most beautiful female names

© StefanDahl

The owner of the name Alla, as a rule, is distinguished by a bright, memorable appearance, sexuality, energy, but some impulsiveness.

This woman will be faithful only as long as the man answers her in kind. Although she cannot be called very romantic, she knows how to attract men. She is confident in herself, even if she is not very beautiful.

She will never go unnoticed, she will use expensive perfume or dress flashy.

Alla is passionate by nature and therefore is looking for a partner who is equally sexy, strong and experienced.

© halfpoint collection

Angela has a special attractiveness, sensuality and beautiful figure. For her, love is inseparable from passion, and physical intimacy is the highest manifestation of love.

Such a woman is very popular among men, and she usually has many admirers. It is difficult for a man caught in her network to leave, and he becomes dependent on her charms. Angela knows where to be sensitive and where to show her passionate nature.

Her emotions are natural, she is capable of broad gestures and nobility. All this allows her to easily win the hearts of men, although it can be very difficult for her to find her ideal due to conflicting desires.

© Ksenia Perminova

Elena is incredibly attractive and charming. She is quite emotionally balanced, and she does not tend to rush to extremes.

Such a woman always strives for perfection and everything beautiful. She is quite restrained, caring and at the same time tries to look at everything with optimism.

This is a sincere nature that men find very attractive. Many fans are ready to go to great lengths to fulfill all her wishes.

Elena's love is calm, and she is not familiar with strong passions, but with her cheerfulness she manages to conquer many representatives of the stronger sex.

© nd3000 / Getty Images Pro

Zhanna is a woman with a strong temperament, sensual and impulsive. When she loves, she is ready to do anything and do any reckless things.

However, she has a changeable mood and can be either calm and balanced or authoritative and straightforward.

IN intimate relationships she can take a dominant position, but she knows how not to show her strength to her partner.

Zhanna's energy sometimes seems inexhaustible, which turns on many men, but not many are able to withstand her assertiveness.

© Latino Life

Ksenia is sociable and attractive. She is very susceptible and can react violently to certain events or take the comments of others too seriously.

Once she has set a goal, she can be very persistent and patient. In her person you will find a wonderful and devoted friend.

She loves to experiment, is spontaneous, and has no complexes. Men are captivated by her charm, which she skillfully uses when necessary.

Ksenia quite often falls in love and sometimes has her head in the clouds, so she needs a strong and experienced partner who will give her the necessary protection.

© Nejron

Lily has a capricious, amorous and flirtatious disposition. She is a person of mood, sensitive and inquisitive.

She always has a lot of admirers, but she herself is quite picky in choosing a partner.

She skillfully uses her feminine charm, sometimes showing weakness where necessary, or using a smile or tears.

Men see in her a real woman, which needs a strong shoulder, which they try to lend to her at every opportunity.

Lily needs affection and love and is looking for an attentive partner.

© NinaMalyna

Lolita has a very impressive appearance and personality. At the same time, by nature she can be very restrained and delicate.

Great strength lurks inside her, she is not afraid of difficulties and tries to remain reasonable.

She can be quite ambitious, independent and self-confident. Lolita always craves new experiences, strives for luxury and attention.

Although Lolita is very popular among members of the opposite sex, her demanding nature can scare off many men. Often sophisticated and sensitive men are drawn to her, while she needs a partner with a strong character.

© Ikostudio

Marianna is a charming and emotional woman who easily achieves the love of those around her.

Thanks to her sociability and cheerful character, she often gets married quite early. She always takes care of her appearance and loves to pamper herself with shopping and fashionable things.

She has a wayward disposition, and she has a hot temperament, and sometimes loves to argue.

Marianne tries to restrain her emotions, although a volcano of passion boils inside her.

She will find her happiness with a balanced and experienced man.

Energy of female names

© LuckyImages

Marina is distinguished by her ambition and high opinion of herself.

This woman has amazing charm and attractiveness that men cannot resist.

This is a brave, intelligent nature that does not tolerate restrictions and loves attention.

Since her youth, fans have always crowded around her, ready to fight for her affection.

She herself falls in love with handsome and prominent men, but she will find happiness with a calm partner who will provide for her.

Sometimes Marina is prone to loneliness, and can be very worried and suffer due to some vicissitudes of fate.

© Lifestock

Maria is a reliable, gentle, but vulnerable nature.

Outwardly, this woman may seem a little distant, but in fact, she is responsive, caring and a little impulsive.

She is able to stand up for herself, is hardworking and enterprising. She also values ​​freedom and does not like to be tied down by anything.

Maria knows how to keep the man she likes, but the man himself quickly becomes dependent on her.

Her feelings and the physical side of relationships are closely intertwined, and the stronger her feelings, the more passionate she will be.

© Catalin

Natalya has a proud and stubborn character. She can be too straightforward, does not like criticism, but at the same time she is cheerful and friendly by nature.

This woman is charming and cheerful, and at the same time knows when to use these qualities.

Natalya takes a long time to choose a man, she is ready to open up only to someone she trusts, she can test his strength and check how sincere he is.

Natalya can take the initiative into her own hands, is responsive to her partner’s wishes and knows how to build harmonious relationships.

© Dean Drobot

Olga is an emotional person who is capable of experiencing strong feelings.

Along with this, she is very sexy and sensitive, has high intelligence and a strong will.

This woman pays attention to her appearance, knows how to dress beautifully and stylishly.

She experiences relationships deeply, so she can suffer greatly in the event of separation.

Even though she always has admirers, she may constantly compare them to her first love, making it difficult for them to pursue her feelings in return.

© Viktor Gladkov

Svetlana is attractive, and many men are able to discern a zest in her that she herself may not be aware of.

This woman is quite energetic, kind, persistent and diplomatic.

She can be cautious in relationships, but is quite selfless and unobtrusive when she finds the right person.

Svetlana does not look for external beauty in a man, but values ​​experienced and passionate partners. Despite some mistrust, she likes male attention, without which she languishes.

© Syda Productions

Ulyana is a fair, strong and open person. She is not characterized by selfishness or high conceit.

Such a woman remains soft and tender, but is sometimes indecisive. It is unthinkable for her to offend another person, and her femininity attracts many men.

She has many creative talents and a well-developed imagination.

As a rule, these are the owners of a beautiful and slightly mysterious appearance. Behind her outward restraint she often hides a vulnerable and sensitive nature.

© Pio3

Julia is a fickle, energetic and purposeful woman.

She is capable of experiencing the whole gamut of emotions and is quite loving.

Julia is trusting, tries to see the good in others, and does not like to conflict.

This woman is popular with the opposite sex, but she is not ready to enter into a relationship with everyone.

Her kindness attracts many suitors to her, but Julia can be fickle in her feelings, and can break up with a man without looking back.

The name has a certain melody, a sound that characterizes a person no less than his voice, gait, and appearance. That is why parents try to carefully think through what they will name their child. Especially my daughter.


Her quick mind is able to understand all the intricacies of a man’s psychology. She is very active sex life and does not miss the opportunity to get pleasure with another man. In this regard, she has an absolutely masculine mentality, she is insightful and evaluates people objectively. She falls in love quite quickly, but can just as quickly fall out of love - having parted with a person, she never regrets it. Winter Julia is very erotic, but she often behaves coldly with men. For the autumn woman, one romance follows another, passion after hobby, but this does not bring her satisfaction, but certain suffering. Summer woman she is extremely patient and tolerant, and her figure can be the envy of any fashion model.

Every man is what a woman made him - first of all, his mother, who gave him a name when he was born. Psychologists say that a person’s name directly affects his character and sexuality. So what names make men irresistible?

“Call him a pot, just don’t put him in the oven” - if you believe this saying, a person should be indifferent to who calls him and by what name. Actually this is not true. Try, for example, calling a person the word "Dundos". In itself, it does not make any sense, and therefore, it would seem, should not carry anything offensive, however, this nickname evokes a whole storm of emotions in the soul.

This happens because any words are perceived by us not only logically, the very sound of the word already has a powerful impact on the psycho-emotional sphere. The euphony of the word, the associations associated with it, and much more play a role here. You can verify this by looking at the word “sexy” itself, which sounds attractive not only because of its literally. After all, the word “sexual” means almost the same thing, but due to its sound it is completely devoid of beauty and romance.

A similar thing happens with names: some of them are capable of rewarding a person with a whole bunch of complexes (like, for example, Akaki), while others are irresistible in the eyes of others, and, first of all, their own.

Such a close connection between sounds and the psyche was noticed by scientists more than a hundred years ago, but only now the science of psychophonetics (from the Greek “psycho” - soul and “phone” - sound) is becoming truly applied. According to it, each sound has its own strictly defined emotion, which means that any name can literally be broken down into pieces, having learned everything about its strengths and weaknesses.

Modern Casanovas

What male names sound inviting to the female ear? The answer to this question lies in what character qualities the weaker sex wants to see in the stronger. The image of a strong, self-confident man with the makings of a leader, decisive, with a bit of adventurism, but at the same time sensual, will always be incredibly sexy for most women. This is exactly what should, ideally, be reflected in a man’s name, which, first of all, should sound quite firm.

Vladimir, Alexander, Dmitry, Vladislav - it is easy to see that these names, like many others, have confidence and firmness. But it’s even better when, in addition to energetic sounds and sound combinations, the name contains emotionally intense sounds M, L, Z, Z, which complement the courageous image with sensuality, making it charming and irresistible.

This is especially noticeable in the example of a name that has become a symbol of male sexuality: Giacomo Casanova. Its energy exactly corresponds to the character of the famous lover and adventurer, because translated from the language of sounds and emotions it literally means the following: “JA” - stable internal arousal, “KO” - emphasized attentiveness, “MO” - emphasized sensuality. In the word Casanova, “KA” speaks of observation, “ZA” – gambling, “BUT” – self-control, “VA” – the activity and energy of the owner of the name. All these qualities taken together create an inimitable image of a self-confident, sensual, gallant gentleman who knows how to treat women.

How to make your name sexy

The main secret of the sexuality of a man's name is his hardness. This means that you can give yourself additional charm by experimenting with your name and choosing its most masculine form.

So, for Philip, whose full name sounds too intense, stylish Phil will become sexier. The name Maxim, already quite favorable, acquires even greater charm in its abbreviated form Max. For Vladimirov the best diminutive name It will not be Volodya or Vova, but the short and decisive Vlad. But Ivan, Vasily and Daniel, on the contrary, are much more suitable full form their name.
However, even if experiments with the name do not lead to the desired result, as in the case of the name Innocent, for which it is very difficult to choose a masculine form, do not despair. For example, you can introduce yourself by your last name (especially if your last name is Smoktunovsky) or simply come up with a spectacular sexy pseudonym for yourself.