Moreover, these are not poisonous fish that inject their toxins into the body of the victim, but mainly those that attack and infect living beings with physical force and a powerful bite. So what are the most dangerous fish in the world?


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The candiru penetrates a person and extends short spines on its gills to anchor itself inside the organs and suck in blood. This leads to inflammation, hemorrhage and even death of the victim. Fish is difficult to remove from the body even with surgery.

Tiger fish

Tiger fish is the most dangerous fish in Africa; it is a predator with large, sharp 5-centimeter teeth and dark vertical stripes on its body. They hunt large animals in packs and destroy their prey in a couple of seconds. The two largest species of this fish are the common tiger fish, which reaches a weight of up to 15 kg and lives in the rivers of Africa: Lualaba and Zambezi; Goliath tiger fish, which reaches up to 2 meters in length, weighs more than 50 kg and lives in Lake Tanganyika and the Congo River;

Goliath tiger fish - extremely fast in pursuit of prey, its speed is 100 km/h. She has good long-range vision and excellent hearing, which makes it easy to find prey from several kilometers away.

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The largest predatory fish in the world

The great white shark is the largest predatory fish in the world, which lives in cool coastal ocean waters. Adults grow to 4.5-6.4 m in length and weigh 700-1100 kg. They have massive jaws, gray bodies and a white underbelly (hence the name), powerful tails that help them reach speeds of over 40 km/h. White shark has an extremely accurate sense of smell and a special organ for detecting electromagnetic radiation from animals. They can even detect minimum quantities blood from a distance of up to 5 km.

The white shark has more than 300 sharp teeth, 8 cm long, which are aligned in several rows and combined into a scissor bite.

These ferocious carnivorous fish eat sea lions, seals, whales, and sea turtles. Unprovoked and often fatal attacks of the white shark on people are known, which explains its other names - “man-eating shark”, “ White death" Of the more than 100 shark attacks that occur each year, between one-third and one-half are attacks by great white sharks. The white shark inflicts one bite on its prey and then retreats.

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The electric eel is a long, predatory fish with a flattened head that lives in the Amazon, Orinoco and other freshwater rivers. South America. It grows up to 3 meters in length, weighs up to 22 kg, is gray-brown in color and yellow on the underside. The electric eel lives in murky, stagnant water, coming to the surface every few minutes to breathe through its mouth.

This fish is very dangerous because it produces an electrical current (hence the name of the fish) of up to 600 volts to protect against predators or stun food. This charge of electric current is sufficient to kill a person or other living creature (horse, crocodile, etc.).

Hunts invertebrates, fish and small mammals. Electric shock in humans causes temporary paralysis, respiratory or heart attack, which can lead to drowning.

The most dangerous fish in the world

Piranha is the most dangerous fish in South America and the whole world due to its strong, sharp triangular teeth, powerful jaws and group hunting. Piranha is found in the Amazon basin and is also common in the Orinoco and other South American freshwater rivers. There are more than 60 species of piranha, most of which grow up to 50 cm in length, weigh on average up to 1 kg and vary in color from silver with an orange underbelly to black.

Incredible facts

Dangers await us in the most unexpected places, in addition to the seas and oceans, we should also be afraid of less seemingly harmless accumulations of water, namely lakes, rivers and coastlines.

You won't want to go into the water again after seeing the 7-metre saw-throat ray, vampire characins, snakeheads and the dreaded red pacu.

The most dangerous fish

10. Paku

We all know horror stories and real stories, associated with shark attacks on people, however, there are more terrible and strange ways to be killed by a fish.

Pacu is a fish, about 1 meter long, weighing almost 25 kg with a terrifying “set” of teeth, very similar to human ones, and they do not use them for good purposes.

Pacu originally roamed the waters of the Amazon and are now found in North America and Asia after sport fishing was allowed.

In 1994, two fishermen from New Guinea died after being attacked by a mysterious creature in a lake that practically riddled their bodies. The men died from loss of blood.

As it turned out later, responsibility for this “crime” lay with the pack. The attack prompted world-famous extreme angler Jeremy Wade to travel to the lake to catch the "criminal." In fact, this is the creepiest looking fish.

The biggest and most terrible fish

9. Giant Saw-nosed Ray

When we think of an attack by a deadly killer fish, our imagination conjures up a picture of bites and then complete swallowing.

However, the giant saw-tailed ray is capable of dealing with you and turning the human body into mincemeat in a completely different way.

Measuring 7 meters in length, the giant saw-nosed stingray is armed with a 3-meter-long nose - a “weapon” studded with huge cutting blades.

The stingray does not intentionally hunt people, however, the combination of very poor eyesight and strong territorial defense is a deadly combination for humans.

The stingray reacts to “encroachers” in the same way as to prey: it immediately uses its saw. Moreover, sawfish can remain undetected until it is too late.

The largest species of fish, the sawfish, can often be found in rivers and lakes, which adds horror to an already unimaginable sight.

Unfortunately, human intervention has caused this marine dinosaur to become an endangered monster.

Dangerous fish of the world

8. Olive catfish

With 1.5 meters in length and 120 kg of live weight, the olive catfish is one of the largest fish North America. This formidable predator feeds on other fish, mammals and waterfowl.

Catfish lurk in the dark "cracks" of the Missouri River and other major waterways across the continent.

It moves with lightning speed towards its prey and immediately tears it into pieces. If one of these giant fish suddenly attacks a person and has a human leg in its mouth, it will be extremely difficult to convince it to let go of what it has caught.

The aggressive olive catfish may well be responsible for some of the unexplained deaths of swimmers and fishermen in North American waters.

Even more alarming is the fact that fish continue to grow throughout their lives, meaning there is a possibility that there are fish somewhere that are much larger than humans.

Fish dangerous to humans

7. Vampires – characins

There are creatures on Earth that stretch the boundaries of human imagination. About this fish we can say that it is none other than Count Dracula in fish form or a water saber-toothed tiger.

Growing up to one and a half meters long and weighing up to 14 kg, the little-known vampire - characin has fangs up to 16 cm long, which he immerses itself in its victim, precisely feeling the location of the internal organs.

People swimming in the Amazon could potentially be stabbed in the heart or have a collapsed lung. This fish is becoming a popular "sport" fish partly because of the danger it carries.

Because of her unimaginable fangs, she received the nickname “piranha cannibal.”

6. "Shark" catfish (Wallago Attu Catfish)

This catfish came straight out of a nightmare. Found in the inland waterways of South Asia, India and Afghanistan, this shark catfish grows up to 2.5 meters and has a huge mouth filled with massive, curved teeth.

Thanks to a very smooth body and powerful fins, the catfish moves very quietly along the banks of rivers and lakes, and suddenly attacks its prey, eating everyone who gets in his way.

Local residents became very afraid of this catfish, because it acquired a reputation as a fish that eats children who come close to the water.

It is because of its ferocious, predatory nature and speed of movement that it received its nickname “lake shark”.

5. Atlantic Goosefish

Possessing truly terrible appearance, the monstrous Atlantic loggerhead fish grows up to 2 meters in length and weighs more than 30 kg.

Disguising itself among the sea rocks, the big-headed fish, when it sees its prey, suddenly attacks it, gnawing with cavernous teeth lined up in a huge jaw that can easily swallow a soccer ball.

A swimmer will have serious difficulty escaping the predator because the real danger is that it might simply be swallowed whole. This fish has a stomach size almost equal to the size of its body.

More than once, the stomachs of these fish contained human prey, swallowed almost completely.

Scary fish

4. Atlantic giant grouper

While many of the fish on this list are simply weird in their own way, the giant grouper is terrifying simply because of its sheer size and voraciousness, as it has the ability to swallow almost anything it wants.

Weighing 450 kg, this fish has a mouth almost 5 meters long (!). This aggressive giant often loves to feast on people.

Along with the great white shark and giant catfish, the Atlantic grouper is the only specimen of its kind capable of eating a person in a few “gulps.”

3. Giant snakehead

The fish attracted worldwide attention after it appeared in temperate waters carrying the risk of spreading plague.

The fish is a ferocious predator, one and a half meters long and weighing about 23 kg. She is capable of destroying almost any medium-sized animal she encounters.

Armed with razor-sharp teeth and incredible strong muscles, she attacks anyone who invades her territory. The fish becomes most aggressive when protecting its young.

Often, fishermen's attempts to catch fish end in failure, and often people are left severely bitten. It is known that several children died at the “hands” of this demonic creature.

Pisces are killers

2. Greenland shark

We usually imagine sharks living in tropical waters, so we allow ourselves to enjoy the feeling of relative safety while being in northern temperate waters.

However, even when diving in temperate northern waters, you have no guarantee that you will be able to avoid a shark attack.

The Greenland shark grows up to 6 meters in length and feeds like an apex predator. One day, a young fish was found in the stomach of this shark. polar bear, in another case it was a deer.

Despite the fact that in Lately no fatalities were recorded due to the remoteness of habitats and ice water, legends date back to a time when kayakers hunted ice predators directly from their kayaks, piercing them with their sharp arrows.

Although this is not a confirmed fact, it is said that in 1859 in Canada, a human leg was found in the stomach of one of the sharks.

However, as many believe, the mere existence of such creatures is enough to destroy to some extent the sense of security when being where there is water.

1. Fish is a surgeon

About 100 species of surgeonfish live in shallow coral reefs around the world, some of which are among the most beautiful tropical fish. However, divers are still better off staying away from these half-meter tropical beauties.

Their rear fin is nothing more than a knife, which they do not hesitate to use when intruders invade their territory.

A person who foolishly reaches for a beautiful fish may suddenly be struck by a sharp blow, which is most likely will lead to tendon or artery rupture, or worse, amputation.

Loss of blood can also be fatal, but it is much worse if the wounds attract an even more terrifying and deadly reef shark to the victim.

The most terrible fish

Here is a list of special fish, they are terrible, poisonous, ugly, unusual, in general - outstanding in some way. There are a huge number of species of living beings in the world's oceans and seas. How many species of living creatures are there in the world's oceans? Some scientists express the opinion that there are more than 5,000,000 species of living beings; about 15,000 species of fish are now known. The ocean has been little studied due to its inaccessibility to humans; 1 opens every day the new kind living in the world's oceans. Of course, there are more bizarre and dangerous creatures, but, nevertheless, the water creatures presented below deserve respect.

These are the most terrible deep-sea predators. They have a long body, like a snake, but with fins. Their head with huge teeth curved inward and protruding beyond the boundaries of the jaw inspires horror. These fish feed on other living creatures, including big fish, which they fearlessly attack. They have special phosphorescent areas on their backs; it is believed that they serve to distinguish between friend and foe.
They can stuff food into their stomach in reserve; the size and thickness of the fish increases by 2 times.
They live at depths of 2000 meters, but there is evidence of their occurrence at depths of up to 4000 meters.
The average length of the fish, depending on the subspecies, is about 50 cm, the weight of the fish is 5 kg.

Considered to be the most dangerous fish in the world, the wart is by far the most poisonous fish. Wart inhabits Coral reefs, primarily but can also be found sleeping in mud or sand in the Indo-Pacific and northern waters of Australia.

The fish feeds on shrimp and small fish. The wart has a row of thirteen poisonous spines along the line of its back, which protect it from attacks from sharks and rays. When pressure is applied to the spines, the gland releases poison, the victim is affected and even dies. After a few weeks, the glands regenerate new poison.

Warts are deadly to humans, but the thorns can pierce the skin of the foot, even the thin sole of a shoe! After a bite, excruciating pain and large swelling occurs, and the tissue around the bite begins to die. The depth of penetration determines the severity of the symptoms; if you do not consult a doctor, 100% death occurs.
Watch your step!

The skeleton of a basking shark is made of cartilage, unlike the bones that make up the skeleton of fish, tech. But, nevertheless, it is a fish.
Giant shark is a classic example of why you should never judge a book by its cover. The fierce look of this monster was the only thing that helped her get into the terrible fish. In fact, the basking shark poses no threat to humans at all if left alone. It is the second largest after the whale shark.
This shark feeds mainly on plankton and small living creatures floating in the water. She swims wide open mouth, everything that goes into the mouth is eaten.
The basking shark was once a staple of fisheries, people taking advantage of its non-aggressive nature and slow swimming speed. Now this fish species is on the verge of extinction and fishing for it is limited.

This poor fish looks like it's just been shown a mirror! Such creatures exist outside of cartoons.
She feeds by sitting and waiting for someone to swim by.
The body of the fish is a gelatinous mass, slightly denser more water– by swimming, she can for a long time survives without sufficient oxygen. Off the coast of Australia, it was caught from depths of 2000 meters.

Snakehead fish have the unique ability to survive and remain out of water for long periods of time!
Snakeheads will eat everything from plankton and insects to carp and shellfish.
If there is not enough food in the water, they jump out of the water and eat frogs, mice, rats and small birds along the way!
Most snakeheads grow to 2 - 3 m and weigh more than 7 kg. Without natural predators in their new environment, these invaders can wreak havoc on ecosystems. The fact is that they spread their habitat.
Even scarier is the reproduction rate of snakehead fish. Once sexually mature, each female can lay up to 15,000 eggs at once and can mate up to five times a year!
In just two years of spawning, a female can lay up to 150,000 eggs.

Grenadier fish usually live just above the ocean floor. With a huge head, large eyes, and a long tapering tail. Grenadiers swim slowly, exploring the seabed in search of prey. Some individuals can reach a length of up to 2 meters, although their average length is 110 centimeters, the weight of some of the largest individuals can be about 20 kg, the standard weight of most is 10 kg. Deep-sea fish can live at depths of up to 2000 meters. Interesting fact- the grenadier does not smell like fish. The grenadier begins to give birth only at the age of 5, but also lives for more than 20 years, depending on its habitat.

This fish lives mainly in Africa, in all rivers and lakes. This is a predatory fish, a relative of the piranha, but much larger in size. It feeds on everything that falls into its mouth from the living world.
The average length of the fish is about 1 meter and weighs up to 30 kg. It was recorded that this fish was caught in 1962, weighing 34 kg. Since this type of fish has not been studied throughout the African continent, there is very conflicting data on the size and weight of the fish. Dangerous to humans - it can bite or even bite off parts of the skin.

The goblin shark differs from its fellows in its long nose, has a pinkish color and lives mainly on great depths. This species of shark, which lives near Japan, has been studied most of all. It is dangerous to humans, like all predatory sharks, but due to the fact that it lives at depths inaccessible to sun rays and there is no chance for a simple vacationer to meet her.
It feeds on squid, crabs and deep-sea fish. Individual sharks reach a length of up to 13 meters and a weight of up to 660 kg.
This species of shark, like many deep sea fish, very poorly studied.

To European anglers, this fish is named after its method of obtaining food. It has not one, but three whiskers hanging over its mouth, which attracts the attention of small fish, as soon as they swim closer to the mouth, they should open their mouths and eat.
Moreover, the mustache gives the command to open the jaw and capture the fish; this occurs with the suction of water.
The teeth are bent inside the mouth, so the prey fish freely enters the mouth, but can no longer escape from it.
The peculiarity of the fish is that the jaws move apart very widely; the fish can swallow another fish 2 times its size.
Habitat - almost throughout the world's oceans.
The size of the fish can reach 3 meters and weight up to 110 kg.

For many of us, the most terrible fish is the shark, but in addition to sharks, other no less live in the seas, oceans, rivers and lakes dangerous fish. This post will introduce us to the most dangerous slaves, a meeting with whom may not end in the best way.

Saw-nosed rays

These huge creatures can reach a length of 7 meters and weigh more than 2500 kg! In ancient times, people used the image of this huge stingray as a monster for legends. In fact, sawtooth rays are quite safe because they are very shy. But you should stay away from them, since their sharp nose can really cut a person in half.

Brown pacu

Brown pacu are found in the fresh waters of South America. Externally, the fish is very similar to a piranha, and for good reason, since it is its distant relative. However, unlike piranhas, brown pacu can reach a height of about a meter and weigh about 40 kilograms. A special feature of this species is its teeth, which are surprisingly similar to human ones. Thanks to their powerful jaws, pacu can kill almost any creature caught in the water. But it is worth noting that they rarely attack a person without a reason.

Olive catfish

Well, who is afraid of catfish? This fish is often caught by people in order to decorate our table. However, olive catfish are a fairly large representative. They reach a length of 160 cm and weigh up to 60 kilograms. These catfish are actually caught for food, however, due to their large size, such fish become a deadly enemy to humans. There are cases when people became dinner for her.

Mackerel hydrolics

Another name for this fish is payar. This species also lives in South America, in particular in the fresh waters of Venezuela. Their distinguishing feature- huge fangs and insatiable gluttony. Mackerel-like hydrolics easily destroy and eat piranhas and animals that fall into the water. The fish is aggressive, but rarely attacks people. However, there are people who paid with their lives for the sake of their interest in fish.

Catfish wallago attu

These catfish live in the waters of Asia, India and Afghanistan. They are larger in size than even olive catfish, and from time to time they like to attack bathing people. That is why it is not recommended to relax near untested sources of water, and especially to swim in them.

European anglerfish

Another name for this fish is monkfish. Very often caught for sale and personal consumption. This sluggish fish is a master of camouflage and feeds mainly on other fish. However, to come into view monkfish we don't recommend it. Few people will be able to escape unharmed from the terrible jaws.

Atlantic giant groupers

From time to time we see reports about groupers in programs about environment And underwater world. This representative of waterfowl is really very interesting. Essentially, a grouper is a huge ocean-dwelling bass that can weigh up to 200 kilograms. Many divers love to be photographed next to a huge grouper, however, the fish themselves rarely like it, so many risk-takers have a powerful reminder of their fateful underwater encounter on their bodies. And some people could not survive after meeting with ocean perch.

Surgeon fish

This one is beautiful tropical fish reaches a length of up to one meter. They do not have terrible teeth or poisonous spines. However, their tails are razor sharp. It is strongly recommended not to swim in the water where these wonderful creatures live, as recovery will be long and painful.

Tiger fish Goliath

This fish is no safer than a shark, and its character is as unbearable as that of piranhas. This is one of the most dangerous freshwater fish in the world, which has huge, sharp teeth. The most major representatives Goliaths are found in the Congo River.

The most dangerous fish that pose a threat to humans are not found in nature very often, but they exist, and you need to know the enemy by sight. Fish are considered one of the most beautiful creations of nature, especially if we think of colorful tropical fish that delight the eye of the beholder. Even men often affectionately call their lovers “my fish.” But we must not forget that there are some species that pose a mortal danger to all living beings on earth. Compared to these dangerous species The fish shark will seem like a “little child.”

What terrible aquatic inhabitants exist, and what is the threat posed by them?

The most dangerous fish for people review

Electric eel

This creature can actively defend itself if it is attacked, or if it thinks it is being attacked. This situation could result in an electric shock of 600 volts, which would be enough to kill a person or any other creature. Found in South America and the Amazon.

Tiger fish

The tiger fish, or goliath fish, is a ferocious predator. Razor-sharp teeth help her hunt. The monster's weight can reach fifty kilograms. This is one of the most bloodthirsty and dangerous freshwater fish. It can eat animals that accidentally find themselves in the water, and even attack humans. It is mainly distributed in Africa, especially in Lake Tanganyika and the Congo River.

Dangerous Goonch fish

Goonch Fish or Catfish Bagariy is found in the Kali River (another name is Gandak), which flows between Nepal and India. What makes this species of catfish especially dangerous is that it loves the taste of human flesh. This fish is the main culprit in the disappearance of people in the Kali River area. Individual individuals can weigh up to 140 kilograms. It can attack a person even in a crowd of people. It is believed that fish developed a cannibalistic craving for human flesh because of human customs. The Kali River has long been used by the local population to dispose of the bodies of the deceased. The partially burnt corpses of the dead are dumped into the river after Hindu funeral rites.

The most dangerous fish is stone

The stone fish, or wartfish, is one of the most dangerous and strange species of fish. This fish is considered the most poisonous in the world. As a rule, the wart lives among coral reefs, imitating a stone. Its resemblance to stone allows it to remain invisible until you step on it, but this step can be fatal. The stone fish is known for its highly potent venom and its bite can be fatal. The effect of the defeat lasts for many hours, the person dies in terrible agony, and there is no antidote to the poison of the stone fish. There is a dangerous werewolf in the shallow waters of the Pacific and Indian Oceans, as well as in the waters of the Red Sea, off the coast of Australia, Indonesia, the Philippines, the Marshall Islands, Fiji and Samoa. Russians have a real chance of encountering dangerous fish on the beaches of Sharm el-Sheikh, Hurghada or Dahab.


Snakehead fish, or snakehead, was first discovered in Russia, China and Korea. This predator is found in rivers Far East, including in the Primorsky Territory. But today this fish can be found in the ecosystems of other countries. Typically, snakeheads live in small, well-warmed bodies of water overgrown with vegetation.

The snakehead eats every living thing in the water. It reaches one meter in length and weighs up to ten kilograms, but the largest fish caught weighed thirty kg.

The snakehead is interesting because it can survive without water for up to five days. In dry reservoirs, it burrows deep into the silt and waits there for the next rainy season. It can crawl a considerable distance on land to a nearby body of water. It feeds not only on fish, but also on amphibians.


Vandellia (Vandellia cirrhosa) or candiru. Candiru is a freshwater fish that lives in the waters of the Amazon. This fish is one of the most terrible monsters on the planet, despite its small size. Its body measures only 2.5 cm in length and 3.5 mm in thickness. The trouble for humans is that this fish, like a magnet, is attracted to blood and urine. For her, these are sources of nutrition.

Vandellia easily penetrates the anus, vagina or penis of a person and begins to feed on human organs from the inside, causing excruciating pain to the victim. What's really scary is that, in most cases, the only way to get rid of this predator is amputation.

However, it should be noted that cases of human damage are extremely rare. Typically, the Vandellia catfish swims into the gills of other freshwater fish and feeds on the blood of the blood vessels of the fish gills. Because of its bloodthirstiness, the small freshwater catfish is called the “Brazilian vampire.”


Piranhas – small fish South America and Brazil are extremely dangerous due to their gluttony. South American Indians call this fish, which reaches only 30 cm in length, the “toothed devil.” The sharp triangular teeth of a piranha pose a danger to any living creature caught in the water. They attack prey in large flocks, leaving behind a short time only bones from his victim.

hedgehog fish

The hedgehog fish is known for its deadly poison. The liver, ovaries, intestines and skin of this fish are storage containers for tetrodotoxin, a substance that affects the brain, causing paralysis or death. Therefore, eating this fish is highly undesirable.

The hedgehog fish is one of the most common inhabitants of the oceans and tropical seas. In case of danger, the hedgehog takes the shape of a ball, absorbing water and increasing in size.

Box jellyfish

The box jellyfish or sea wasp (scientific name Chironex fleckeri) is considered one of the most dangerous creatures in the world. This poisonous inhabitant seas can kill an adult in three minutes. To be even more precise, the poison of one jellyfish is enough to kill 60 people.

It cannot be said that from the poison of this dangerous inhabitant depths of the sea many people died. According to reports, over the past hundred years, the jellyfish wasp has caused the death of one hundred people.

Since the jellyfish has a pale blue transparent color, it poses a real danger to swimmers, because it is difficult to notice against the background of sea water.

Found in tropical areas Pacific Ocean, in the coastal waters of Australia. It is worth clarifying that For humans, they usually live in warm tropical waters, although there are exceptions. There is an effective antidote to the poison of the deadly jellyfish; stung swimmers do not have time to get help, since the heart stops after three to four minutes, and the person does not even have time to get to the boat, much less to the shore.


The Payara, or mackerel-shaped hydrafish, is known as the vampire fish. It is also called dog fish. This fish is so bloodthirsty predator what is considered more dangerous than piranha. The body of this terrible fish can reach a little more than a meter in length. Payara lives in fresh water in the rivers of South America, especially in the rivers of Venezuela.

Devours everything. Interestingly, they pose a real threat not only to humans. For example, the vampire fish is the only fish capable of handling, that is, eating, the dangerous piranha.