Any parent wants to surround their little child with love and care from birth. The first manifestation of parental feelings is, as a rule, the naming of a newborn - parents put all their emotions, all their joy, all their hopes into this name, and try to determine the fate of their baby with the name. It is believed that it is the name that largely influences the child’s life, both his character and the events that will happen to him.

When giving a name to a newborn boy, it is worth considering the meaning, its sound - the “hardness” or “melody” of the name can add a corresponding feature to the character - as well as compatibility with the surname and patronymic. If a child has a very simple surname, for example, Petrov or Ivanov, you should not give him an extraordinary name, because the combination can turn out to be quite curious. The same applies to the patronymic: one day your baby will become an adult and addressing him, for example, Plutarch Aristarkhovich, may be difficult.

What to name a boy according to month of birth

Astrologers believe that the month of birth has some influence on the fate of the child; accordingly, they advise linking the name and month of birth.

  • So, born in January The boy is best named Evgeniy, Maxim, Nikolai, Sergei, Anatoly or Arkady.
  • IN February boy name would be suitable Boris, Timofey, Kirill, Arseny or Pavel, Oleg.
  • Born in March can be called Artem, Nikita, Matvey, Yuri or Yaroslav.
  • April will give the boy the name Lev, Daniil, Nikolai, Zakhar, Ivan or Vladimir.
  • IN May you can name your son Konstantin, Sergei, Mikhail, Vitaly or Boris.
  • « June“Name the boys Vsevolod, Ivan, Ignat, Oleg or Dmitry.
  • A boy born in July, you can call Nazar, Georgy, Valentin, Stepan or Evgeny.
  • August– a month for Yuri, Roman, Rodion, Vladimir, Ivan and rare name- August.
  • IN September You can name the baby Lavrentiy, Evgeniy, Denis or David.
  • IN October take a closer look at the names Alexander, Pavel, Philip, George and Nikolai.
  • If the son was born in November, call him Vasily, Timofey, Ostap, Albert or Dmitry.
  • « December“Give the boy the name Eduard, Alexey, Nikolai, Artem or Apollo.

Religious and historical names

IN Lately It is becoming very fashionable to give boys Old Slavonic names. Sonorous and noble endings in “-slav”, “-volod” or “-mir” will emphasize masculinity and inner strength, especially in later life.

Parents can choose a rather familiar name option - Rostislav or Yaroslav, and go deeper into history, choosing the name Vsevolod, Berislav, Blagomir, Radislav, Radomir, Yaropolk, Damir, Istislav, Kiy, Mstislav, Zhdan, Vedomir, Vaclav, Zlatomir, Milan or Luchezar. However, when choosing an unusual and long-forgotten name, remember that the child may not always be comfortable with it. When the boy reaches a certain age, tell him what his name means - “glorifying the world”, or “owning everything”, so that the child is not embarrassed, but proud of the unusual Old Russian title.

Many parents also rely on Orthodox names, believing that it bestows divine protection on the baby. Churches include the following: Chariton, Nicephorus, Gabriel, Gleb, Demyan, Hilarion, Mark, Ermolai, Paphnutius, Antip, Prokhorus, Hippolytus, Luke, Peter, Seraphim, Theodosius and so on. Before choosing a name for a boy, be sure to consult the priest in your parish: he will tell you how best to name the baby and tell you on the day of which patron saint he was born.

The most popular and unusual names for boys in 2016

The most beautiful and, accordingly, popular names today are Alexander, Maxim, Artem, Ilya, Dmitry, Kirill, Vlad, Egor, Ivan and Sergey.

If parents don’t want their son to have at least 3-5 namesakes at school, you can choose a really unusual version of a male name. It is only important to weigh all the pros and cons, and choose the most neutral name possible, so that with age the boy does not become an object of ridicule from his comrades, can freely introduce himself to foreigners and has a convenient abbreviation option. The following names will be unusual and suitable for a child whose birth is expected in 2016: Askold, Florenty, Mikel, Erich, Heinrich, Nathan, Omar, Dionysus, Marcel, Bernard, Bazhen, Bartholomew and Rudolf.

When naming your son, you can also refer to the names of your relatives. In a number European countries It is customary to name first-born boys in honor of the father's father, i.e. the child's grandfather, and the second born boy - in honor of the father of the boy's mother. This is a good tradition that helps strengthen family ties.

In any case, try to put all your love and affection into your baby’s name, then these bright feelings will accompany him throughout his life.

Modern medicine allows future parents to find out the gender of their child long before it is born. And, of course, dad and mom immediately think about a name for their baby. Our advice is dedicated to future parents of girls - we hope they will help you choose a name for your princess! We studied the trends and came to a conclusion about which names for girls will be the most fashionable in 2016.

How to choose a name for your daughter in 2016?

First, remember: when choosing a name, it is not enough to be guided only by fashion or popularity. You should also take into account the time of birth of the girl, the euphony of the name and its compatibility with the patronymic and surname, family traditions and religious beliefs. Everyone knows that a name affects a person’s fate - and we all want your daughter to have a happy and wonderful life.

A church name guarantees your daughter the patronage of the Saint of the same name!

For a long time there was no problem of choosing a name - the child was named in accordance with church calendar. On the one hand, this is a tribute to traditions and, as the church claims, the protection of a guardian angel for life. Perhaps this is true. If you choose this path, then there is nothing to worry about - your daughter’s name is written in the calendar!

By the way, there is an opinion that names with double letters (Anna, Inna, Ivanna) give their owners two guardian angels at once! At baptism, some parents give a name that is written in the calendar, and in worldly life They call the child differently - this is an ancient custom-amulet. The name of the saint protecting your daughter will be known only to close people, which means this will help protect her from the evil eye, damage and slander.

Fashionable names for girls in 2016

  • Anna– a Hebrew name meaning “grace, merciful.” It is considered a popular female name, and deservedly so: Anna is artistic and beautiful, she is a woman with a big heart, ready to warm everyone. She has a delicate taste and is reputed to be a needlewoman - she does any work “excellently”. All types of art are subject to Anna. She is always careful, attentive, selfless and trusting, has a subtle intuition and never regrets what she has done. Confident Anna will never fall under the influence of others, and always makes her own choices.
  • Olga– this Old Norse name will undoubtedly be very popular in 2016. It means “great, sacred.” Olga is serious, thoughtful, ambitious and feminine, an excellent housewife and wife, very emotional and a little touchy. She will never cause problems for her parents and teachers, because she is not arrogant or hooligan, but has a penchant for kind and beneficent deeds. Remember: Olga achieves everything she wants in life and will definitely have a happy family!
  • Faith- Slavic name with the same meaning: “faith, belief.” Vera is always reasonable and prudent; from childhood she has worldly wisdom and a logical way of thinking. As a rule, she does not upset her parents - a girl with this name is obedient, quiet and not capricious, but she is invariably affectionate and gentle. Having chosen the path, she confidently follows it and does not deviate from the intended goal. Has a beautiful appearance and kind hearted, always ready to help. And natural modesty makes Vera a real treasure. In addition, from Faith will grow caring mother and a faithful wife.
  • Hope– also a Slavic ancient name. Nadezhda is always restrained and purposeful, but not without adventurism, cheerful emotionality and noisiness. She will always follow the motto: “time for business, time for fun”; this allows her to achieve a lot in life and never be in need. Important for Nadezhda family values and the authority of the mother. Sociable and smart, she becomes a real support for friends and family.
  • Milena is a rare beautiful Slavic name that will definitely be popular in 2016. Milena is light, gentle, kind and soft girl who strives to learn new things. Milena needs protection, so family is of utmost importance to her. Faithful and virtuous, she is loved by her parents, husband and team.
  • Nina is an undeservedly forgotten Greek girl’s name, which will be very fashionable in 2016. Nina is always independent, self-sufficient, persistent in achieving goals and proud. Perhaps she is not always restrained, and can even get into a fight, but only on the side of justice. Nina is punctual, principled and responsible, which allows her to occupy leadership positions as an adult. Natural charm, femininity and gentleness attract the best of men to Nina. Usually Nina is happily married, has an excellent large family and an established career. Lives to a ripe old age, surrounded by grandchildren and great-grandchildren.

In 2016, gentle and feminine names are in fashion - Olga, Milena, Nadezhda

Also among the popular ones in 2016 will be such beautiful female names, How Pelagia(ancient Greek, “sea”), Miroslava(Slavic, “peace and glory”), Agnia(Sanskrit, “fiery”), Nika(ancient Greek, “victory”), Marfa(Aramaic, also known as Martha, “lady, mistress”), Mayan(name of the ancient Greek goddess of the Universe), Ulyana(ancient Roman, also known as Juliana, “born in July”), Ustinia(Latin, it is also Justina, “fair”).

In addition, in the coming year the names Maria, Ekaterina, Elizaveta, Anastasia, Daria and Sophia will continue to be fashionable. If you want to choose a name for a girl in 2016, taking into account the time of her birth, then you should know the character traits that correspond to the seasons.

  • Winter. During the coldest and harshest time of the year, mostly girls are born who are purposeful and talented in many areas. They are energetic and even conflict-ridden, so soft and gentle names are recommended for “winter” babies that will help smooth out harsh character traits.
  • Spring. At this time, morally flexible and resilient girls are born who are able to adapt to any situation and win not by force, but by reason. “Spring” daughters do not have fighting qualities, so firm and assertive names suit them.
  • Summer. The summer period gives birth to purposeful and persistent girls with a proud disposition and an active life position. But they can be soft, gentle, and affectionate. Therefore, “summer” princesses can be given any name.
  • Autumn. In autumn, practical, sensible and serious girls come into the world who grasp everything on the fly, quickly learn new things and are able to learn from mistakes. Romantic and fantasy names are suitable for them, which will deprive them of excessive severity and rationality.

What names should you not use?

Names for girls can be anything, but parents should remember to combine the first name with the surname and patronymic. Probably, you shouldn’t name your daughter Cleopatra, Glorinda or Odette if her patronymic name is Nikitovna, Matveevna or Fedotovna. Last name should also be taken into account. Agree, “Bernardetta Frolovna Bobikova” or “Julietta Ivanovna Sivokobylenko” sounds funny.

Choose a name with an affectionate diminutive rather than a teaser.

Also completely unusual for our ears are female names ending in a consonant - Carmen, Lourdes, Michelle, Nicole, Claire. You shouldn't give your daughter this name, even if Nicole Kidman is your favorite actress. It sounds ugly, for example: “Claire Antonovna Zyunkina.” Be sure to think about the diminutive form of the name - it should be short, sweet and gentle: Lyudmila - Darling. Olesya - Lelya or Lyalya, Alevtina - Alya.

It’s bad when the short version of the name looks like a dog’s name: Cleopatra - Klyopa, Patricia - Patya. Try to find a name that, regardless of pronunciation, will be sonorous and bright. For example, if a baby is named Carolla, then in childhood she may be teased as a “cow,” and Thekla will definitely be called a “beetroot.”

The name leaves an imprint on the fate of a person. And it is not at all surprising that sometimes, when expecting a child, some families have fierce disputes over what to name him. In fact, you can call them according to the calendar, or simply by beautiful and simple names. In our article we will talk about which names are popular in 2016 in Russia and what exactly they mean.

What are the girls called?

A name for a young representative of the fair sex means a lot, because it will either be a source of pride for her, or a cause of complexes and self-doubt. The name should help her grow a real woman, but for this it must harmonize well with the surname and patronymic. Some parents prefer to name their daughters according to the time of year in which they were lucky enough to be born. Let's look at this in more detail.

“Summer” girls, as a rule, have a boyish disposition and a quarrelsome character, so the name should soften it slightly, make it more feminine and soft, namely:

  • June - Elena, Anna, Antonina, Nellie, Sofia, Valeria, Kira;
  • July - Irina, Inna, Olga, Alevtina, Zhanna, Margarita;
  • August - Svetlana, Anna, Maria, Valentina, Seraphima, Nonna.

“Autumn” girls have a calm and kind character, but at the same time they are not childishly wise and reasonable. Popular names for this time of year are:

  • September - Nadezhda, Vera, Lyubov, Lyudmila, Anna, Sofia;
  • October - Taisiya, Irina, Sofia, Veronica;
  • November - Nellie, Natalya, Elena, Anna, Anastasia, Maria.

“Winter” girls are usually called with long and melodious names. Like that:

  • December - Ekaterina, Ulyana;
  • January - Polina, Tatyana, Yana;
  • February - Maria, Agnia, Anna, Veronica.

And finally, girls born in spring can be somewhat soft and indecisive, so you need to choose a name for them that can strengthen their character. Eg:

  • March - Nina, Galina, Christina, Anastasia;
  • April - Larisa, Svetlana, Alexandra, Eva;
  • May - Elizabeth, Alexandra, Ekaterina.

As for what names for girls were popular in 2016, then, according to surveys and studies, daughters in Russian families most often called:

  • Varvara;
  • Vasilisa;
  • Veronica;
  • Daria;
  • Diana;
  • Inna;
  • Irina;
  • Marina;
  • Natalia;
  • Olesya;
  • Svetlana;
  • Julia;

There were also names with foreign overtones, namely Gabriela, Bozena, Dominica, Carmen, Mirra, Radmila, Regina, Inessa and Yesenia.

For those who decided to name their newborn daughter according to the calendar, the most popular names will be:

  • January - Eva, Aglaya;
  • February - Agnia;
  • March - Christina, Kira;
  • April - Daria, Maria;
  • May - Alexandra, Veronica;
  • June - Valeria, Ulyana;
  • July - Marina, Inna, Olga;
  • August - Nonna, Nellie;
  • September - Faith, Love, Hope, Sofia;
  • October - Agnia, Ariadne;
  • November - Maria, Alexandra, Anastasia;
  • December - Anna, Varvara, Kira.

Double or even triple names are often used. It also happens that during state registration a daughter is given one name, but at baptism - a completely different one. Parents choose.

What are boys called?

As mentioned above, the name predetermines the character of a person. This is especially important for boys, whom all parents dream of raising to be real men. It is believed that the name even directly influences fate. Those names that have a hard ending endow their owner with a bold and decisive character, and, conversely, names that sound soft add calmness and self-control.

As in the case of girls, the boy's name should go well with the surname and patronymic. And it will also be very good to build on the time of year and month in which the baby was born. The most popular names are present in all calendar months, so young parents will have plenty to choose from.

So, “summer” children, who are usually brave but kind, are called this:

  • June - Ivan, Vsevolod, Oleg, Dmitry;
  • July - Evgeny, Georgy, Valentin, Nazar;
  • August - Ivan, Roman, Vladimir, Yuri, Rodion.

Boys born in autumn are usually very active and have varied interests. But there are several names that are just perfect for those born at this time of year:

  • September - Evgeniy, Denis, David;
  • October - Alexander, Nikolay, Pavel, Georgy;
  • November - Vasily, Dmitry, Timofey.

“Winter” children have a strong and strong-willed character, they rarely make concessions and have their own opinion about everything. The following names are suitable for them:

  • December - Eduard, Alexey, Artem;
  • January - Anatoly, Maxim, Nikolay, Sergey;
  • February - Pavel, Arseny, Kirill, Timofey.

“Spring” children are undoubtedly the most talented. They tend to be good learners and have phenomenal memories. That is why the following names suit them well:

  • March - Nikita, Yaroslav, Yuri;
  • April - Vladimir, Zakhar, Leo;
  • May - Sergey, Vitaly, Mikhail.

Recently it has become quite popular to name children Old Slavonic names. They sound unusual for our time and have a certain meaning. Therefore, you need to think several times before deciding to give your son such a name. In addition, it would not be superfluous to familiarize yourself in detail with its meaning. The popular names of boys who were decided to be named in the Old Church Slavonic manner in 2016 in Russia were the following - Lyubomir, Rostislav, Dobromir, Svyatoslav.

As for Orthodox names, they are usually given at the sacrament of baptism, and they are the second, spiritual name. The most popular of them are Adam, Elisha, Demyan, Mark, Luke, etc. When choosing a name, it is advisable to talk with a clergyman and look at the church calendar.

We looked at the most popular names of 2016, but fashion is constantly changing. Remember that the name for a newborn baby must be chosen so that it goes well with the patronymic and surname, is pleasant to the ear and preferably easy to pronounce. The grown-up child will be very grateful to you for this.

Dadzdraperma. I mean, LOG LIVE THE FIRST OF MAY. Or, here Lachekamora- from the abbreviation of the phrase “CAMP CHELUSKINTS in the KARA SEA. How do you like this name for your daughter? Is it impressive? 🙂 Well, that certainly makes you shudder, doesn’t it?

Choosing a name for a child is a matter of special, “family” importance. Often all family members take part in this event, and often it can even lead to a scandal. 🙂 For example, a grandmother categorically disagrees with her granddaughter being called an unusual name that is foreign to her (grandmother’s) hearing. Threatens to disinherit. 🙂 And as a result, the child receives not the glamorous name Jane, but the more familiar Zhanna.

But still... If you take a less radical and extraordinary path, then how to choose a name for your beloved child? The child will live with him for many, many years!

But you want to choose a name for your child that is both sonorous, beautiful, and “not hackneyed,” right? Well, not like half the class. 🙂 Fortunately, children's names give the widest scope for imagination to any creative person.

I want to tell you today about one of these ways to come up with a beautiful, but at the same time original name for your child. Actually, everything here is actually quite simple, and I won’t reveal anything new to you. But there will be more than enough specifics! 🙂

So, a secret that is not a secret at all:

Look at the statistics: which names are most popular today and which ones are less popular. And do the opposite! :)

I mean, choose names that are at the bottom of the popularity list today. Where can I get such statistics? Yes, in the registry office, of course! Well, on “Children” too. 🙂 I will now present you with all the most important excerpts literally “on a platter”

However, the statistics from civil registry offices, nevertheless, do not seem so unusual. Over the past 5-6 years, there have been no major changes among parents when choosing a name for their child. If you believe the data of the relevant authorities, then mothers and fathers most often call their sons and daughters by the names indicated in this table.

Top 10 most popular male and female names for newborns

The most popular names for boys last year

  1. Alexander
  2. Dmitriy
  3. Maksim
  4. Kirill
  5. Artyom
  6. Andrey
  7. Michael
  8. Daniel

For girls

  1. Sofia
  2. Alice
  3. Maria
  4. Alexandra
  5. Victoria
  6. Daria
  7. Anastasia
  8. Elizabeth
  9. Pauline

Here are the statistics... Although... In addition to the above, other names are also very popular. Yes, from men's we can highlight: Boris, Igor, Oleg, Vasily, Svyatoslav, Vadim.

Women's names are also represented by Natalya, Nadezhda, Marina, Lyubov, Irina, Elena, Varvara. Names not included in the top 10 are given to no more than three hundred Moscow newborns per year.

By the way. In 2016, 145,018 newborns were born in the capital, which is 3,000 more than in 2015. In general, over the previous 5 years, the birth rate in Moscow increased by 13.8%.

As statistics from registry offices show, the most popular male name Alexander was named by approximately 17,000 boys. At the same time, 18,500 girls were christened with the name Sofia.

The most unusual names of last year according to statistics from Moscow registry offices

Yes Yes. How could I do without the exotic? 🙂 Muscovites don’t forget about unusual names.

And oddly enough, this process is directly influenced by the political situation in the world.

So, one newborn was named Syria(at that time her father was in this Middle Eastern country for work). Other exotic names over the past three years have been:

  1. Sevastopol;
  2. Olympics;
  3. Byzantium;
  4. Moon;
  5. Alena-Flower;
  6. Radostina;
  7. Dolphin;
  8. Ocean;
  9. Mercury;
  10. Lutobor;
  11. Zaryanitsa;
  12. India;
  13. Rosiyana.

By the way... Insanity will not pass!

Such “inhuman” names for children, independently invented by parents, led to the fact that in November last year a special bill concerning names was proposed.

He must at the legislative level prohibit use in names people any symbols, numbers, punctuation marks.

Surprisingly, the authorities have realized the level of abuse on the part of parents when choosing a name for a child.

You may not believe me, but one boy was named by his parents BOCh rVF 260602

This means - B iological ABOUT object H person R Oh yeah IN Oronin- F rolovykh, born June 26, 2002 of the year.

Interestingly, he still cannot get documents in his name. And all because the registry office itself took up the task of protecting the interests of the child. The head of the department, Victoria Pashkova, is confident that parents should take choosing a name very seriously.

Not funny? Not funny. Scary! After all, a person will have to live with such a name, if not all his life, then for quite a long time. Being in a certain society, getting used to the opinions of strangers regarding your name.

Of course, the state cannot tell a person what to name his son or daughter. But the person himself needs to understand that there are certain limits of decency beyond which it is not recommended. At least for the sake of the future of their children. And if Lyutobor or Radostina don’t sound so ugly, then BOC rVF 260602...

It’s difficult to even comment on this. And you say or Dadzdraperma Vitalievna... It turns out that our grandparents had no imagination. 🙂

We present to you the rating of male names for 2016, compiled by us specifically for orientation in the process of choosing a name in the new year that has already come. In general, the past year was so colorful in terms of the name forms used that it would be simply careless not to mark it with a rating of the most popular names in Russian-speaking countries...

We collected information about the names for boys used by Russian-speaking parents and compiled a rating of the most popular male name forms.

The most popular male names of 2016

Saveliy was included in the rating a long time ago and ranks first in it. According to one version, it is interpreted as “asked from God,” and comes from a word meaning “ hard work" It was especially often used in the process of naming boys born during the reign of such zodiac signs as Libra, Scorpio, and Sagittarius.

Ilya - Hebrew origin has made it popular for many decades, which is surprising, and due to which, apparently, this name was included in the ranking of male names in 2016. Interpreted as “the power of God.” Data indicate that it will continue to be in demand in 2017. Ideal zodiac Capricorn is considered for him...

Ivan - the Hebrew interpretation, which sounds like “the mercy of God” and the unique significance of this name, continue to make it the most rated for decades. True, next year, according to astrologers, he will no longer appear in the ranking.

Sergey is a boy’s name, being a product of Latin culture (meaning “venerable”), it appeared in the ranking, and in particular, it turned out to be in demand exclusively in Russia. Slightly less common throughout the entire twelve months in Belarus. In Ukraine they decided to ignore him.

Dmitry has been included in the ranking of the most popular names for several years in a row. Its ancient Greek meaning, which sounds like “belonging to Demeter,” is ignored by many parents, and as practice has shown, the demand for it is generated exclusively by the beautiful-sounding shortened form - Dima.

Timur – after a year-long absence from the ratings, it has appeared again. Its appearance was especially dramatic in Belarus and Ukraine. Unfortunately, even modern researchers do not have accurate information about its origin. But it has excellent compatibility with many female names - apparently this was the reason for the sharp increase in demand for it.

David - despite its Hebrew origin and obvious affiliation with the faith, this year it was in demand throughout the entire post-Soviet space, both in countries with a Russian-speaking population and in Muslim states. In translation, its interpretation sounds like “beloved” or “favorite.”

Artemy - surprisingly, this time this name form is ahead of even a related one, which sounds like Artem. According to legend, it comes from “artemes” and connects the wearer with the goddess Artemis. Interesting fact– in its homeland it is practically not found, but here. Having been brought with Byzantium, it became famous for many decades.

Rostislav - ranked ninth in the Rating of the most popular names of 2016. Its shortened form, sounding like “Rostik”, apparently, starting in January, will be encountered many times more often than before. The meaning is “growth” and “glory.” It has purely ancient Slavic roots. Not found outside the territory of the former USSR.

German - entered the rating for the first time and became one of the most popular male names of 2016. Based on new data, it occurs more often in our country than in our homeland, where Latin culture once ruled. Its interpretation sounds like “native” or “real”.

Let's sum it up...

Summing up, it would be worth noting that the ratings were mainly those that did not belong to the animal that symbolized last year’s season - the Monkey. In theory, the most commonly used male names in 2016 in Russian Federation and neighboring countries there should have been such variations as Hippolytus, Mark, Anatoly, Nicholas, Alexander, and Leonidas. However, Artem and Sergey are also on the list of adored Fire Monkeys who are retiring.

Well, next year will belong to the Fiery Red Rooster, and we will talk about what names newborn boys should be called at the time of his reign in our next article.