If you look at butterflies in middle lane Russia, they rarely grow larger than Walnut. And everyone has long been accustomed to this type of winged decoration of fields and meadows.

However, there are species of butterflies that are larger in size than even the rather large birds familiar to Russians. Such fluttering creatures live only in the tropics. Which one is the best now? big butterfly in the world it is impossible to say for sure. Several species compete for the prestigious title. And all because butterfly wings can be assessed in different ways - by area or by maximum span. By the way, the largest butterflies in the world also claim to be the most beautiful butterflies on the planet.

Tizania agrippina

One of the largest butterflies in the world is Tizania agrippina. It is also called scoop agrippina. The wingspan of this person can be 30.8 centimeters. This particular specimen was caught and measured in 1934 in Africa. And this is by far the most big representative Tizania agrippina spp. However, this species is inferior in wingspan to the Atlas Peacock-Eye, which is also competing for the title of “the largest butterfly in the world.”

The largest butterfly in the world lives mainly in Mexico, South and Central America. They emigrated there from more southern regions. And the individual feeds on the leaves of cassia - this is a shrub that grows to a meter in height. Tizania agrippina is difficult to see during the day; it is exclusively nocturnal. Moreover, if such a record-breaking butterfly comes into a person’s field of vision, then it is better to admire it from afar. And not because it is poisonous or can cause any harm, the armyworm is on the verge of extinction.

Externally, Tizania is very similar to a huge one beautiful moth. Both pairs of butterfly wings are wavy at the edges. Top part the wings and body may be white with multiple wavy brown, gray and brown stripes. Different individuals of this species may have different colors. In some, the brown pattern is more pronounced than in others and dominates the overall white background. The lower part of the butterfly's body is usually dark brown with whitish spots, but can also be matte or have a metallic sheen.

Koscinoscere hercules

Another contender for the title of “The largest butterfly in the world” is Koscinoscere hercules. Also quite a large individual. Its size can reach up to 28 centimeters; these dimensions are achieved mainly by females, while males are not so impressive. You can distinguish a male from a female not only by its wingspan, but also by its appearance. The difference is simple: on males you can see very long “spurs”.

Incredibly large and beautiful Koscinoscere hercules butterflies can be found in Australia and New Guinea. Like previous record holders, these winged creatures are nocturnal, so it is better to go out after sunset to see the spectacles in search of unprecedented butterflies. By the way, not only the Koscinoscere themselves are impressive with their dimensions, but also their caterpillars. They have impressive sizes, growing up to 16-17 centimeters in length.

Peacock-eye Atlas

Another participant in the ranking of the largest butterflies in the world. And again with a rather original name. Peacock-eye Atlas can reach a size of 26 centimeters. The largest individual that was found and measured lived on the Indonesian island of Java. The size of the butterfly was 26.2 centimeters. Well, in general, this species flies throughout China, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Pakistan, Malaysia, the Philippines and New Guinea.

It is worth noting that female Atlas Peacock-eyes are much larger than males. Individuals feed on leaves of bushes and trees. And like previous record holders, they lead a nocturnal lifestyle. They are especially active during twilight, early morning and late evening, which is why they received the nickname “Prince of Darkness.” And the best way to observe the largest butterflies in the world is not in person, but in photographs. However, residents of Russia can see the beauty without leaving the country - Atlas Peacock-Eyed is bred in the Moscow Zoo.

By the way, the Atlas Peacock-eye species itself is quite interesting. During mating periods, a male can detect a female at a distance of up to several kilometers. And the mating itself lasts several hours without interruption. Immediately after emerging from the pupa, both the male and female are ready to reproduce. Peacock-eyes are unusually patient; females can wait for their male for several hours, while sitting motionless in one place, while the male will look for her at this time. And it is precisely this process, that is, reproduction, that is the meaning of life for the largest butterfly in the world. By the way, the life of a female is quite short. She dies immediately after laying offspring.

By the way, in Taiwan, Peacock Eyes without knowing it benefit people. People use caterpillar cocoons as wallets.

The largest butterfly in the world amazes with its beauty. The winged individual can be colored bright red, yellow, pink and brown shades. And on each wing of the butterfly there are large triangular transparent “windows”. The front wings have a rather bizarre curved edge, which in shape and color resembles a snake's head. This is what the Peacock Eye scares away insectivorous animals. By the way, in Hong Kong, for this unusual feature, Atlas was nicknamed “The Moth - the head of a snake.”

In addition to its size, Peacock-Eyes has one more feature - its mouth is completely atrophied. Throughout its short life (only 1-2 weeks), the butterfly does not feed on anything, but processes all the fat reserves that it accumulated as a caterpillar.

By the way, the caterpillars of the giant butterfly are also huge - they grow up to 10 centimeters in length. AND appearance theirs is original - they are light green in color with large blue processes throughout the body, which are covered with a waxy white coating (similar to powder).

Peacock-eye Atlas is not only beautiful, but also useful butterfly. In India, it is bred on special farms where fagar silk is obtained. It differs from the silkworm product in its wooliness, strength and durability.
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Butterflies and their beauty in modern world gain quite a reputation. In many countries, their perfection is presented to a powerful deity capable of pulverizing nations. The historical era knew countless magnificent species of the most beautiful creatures. But, from a scientific point of view, this is just a subspecies of insects.

Features of the Lepidoptera species

Butterflies belong to the order Lepidoptera and have a number of specific features. Their main features are:

  • Chitinous cover of scales, resembling slightly dense stripes.
  • Development occurs with complete transformation.
  • Unique size of proboscis for feeding.

It is believed that the scientific name of butterflies, namely Lepidoptera, is similar to Ancient Greece as a result of combining two words - scales and wing. Cases with popular names are much more interesting. Scientists believe that the word “butterfly” has ancient Slavic roots, which meant “creature of the dead.” People believed that the souls of the dead were transferred into these cute creatures and lived a second life.

Modern science is unable to accurately determine total species of butterflies in the world, as from 50 to 1 thousand new species are discovered annually. The title of the largest butterfly in the world also causes a lot of controversy. Why?

There are many in the world various types Lepidoptera, which are approximately equal in size. There were times when one species was called the largest butterfly in the world, only to be replaced by another. Ten years later, the first contender was again able to take the leading position. Therefore, it is a little easier to list the largest butterflies in the world, rather than highlight a specific winner.

The largest representatives of lepidoptera on Earth

The first contender for the title of the largest butterfly in the world is Tizania Agrippina. This is an incredible insect, amazing in its size. The wingspan sometimes reached thirty centimeters. With such incredible dimensions, such a moth could special problems completely cover your TV in the kitchen. Such a miracle of nature lives in South America. Due to their incredible size, people often perceived them as potentially dangerous. However, there is no need to go and get a slipper or roll up a newspaper to kill it. This is an absolutely safe creature that is protected from extinction.

Queen Alexandra's Ornithoptera sometimes held the position of the largest lepidopteran insect in the world. Thanks to its beautiful wingspan of up to 28 centimeters, the insect feels comfortable among the islands of Indonesia. Has a beautiful color. If the first insect mentioned is more oriented towards a nocturnal lifestyle, then this species, on the contrary, loves the sun and warmth. For killing one such cute creature you will have to pay a significant fine.

If you suddenly return from work and see a large purple stain on the ceiling, then do not panic. This Peacock-eye "Atlas" I decided to drop by and visit you. A beautiful creature of amazing size will not cause significant harm. A butterfly with a wingspan of 26 centimeters will instantly hypnotize everyone with its luscious patterns. They will not be able to harm humans or other animals. In addition, they are well bred in the world. It is known that to create large quantity clothing requires material, thanks to the caterpillars of this sweet creature, there is no shortage of silk in Asia.

Another contender for the title of the largest butterfly in the world is Sailboat Antimakh. A rare creature that is listed in the Red Book. It has a wingspan of up to 26 centimeters. The main habitat of this beauty is Africa. However, you should not look too long at the patterns of this butterfly, because it can poison a person quite strongly. As a defense, the insect uses a powerful paralyzing poison. Sometimes small reptiles and other small animals became the prey of the Sailboat.

This list of large butterflies will not be complete without Saturnia Madagascar. Despite its exotic name, representatives of this species could be found not only on an island near the African continent. Despite the modest 18 centimeters of wingspan, the butterfly has every chance to compete for the title of the largest lepidopteran creature in the world. She benefits from her unique long body.

Saturnia Madagascar is listed in the Book of Records as the longest butterfly in the world. If the average body length of previous insects is 10–12 centimeters, then it has all 18. And it is also interesting due to its bright color. Yellow tones shimmer beautifully with orange colors. Most collectors have to pay thousands of dollars to have this rare piece in their collection. Due to this, many people raise butterflies on special farms.

This list can be continued for quite a long time. Among the contenders it is also worth noting the following representatives of the insect genus:

  • Peacock-eye "Hercules".
  • Birdwing "Goliath".
  • Trogonoptera Trojan and so on.

Without a doubt, these are real giants among representatives of lepidoptera in the modern world, however, they cannot be called the largest butterflies in the history of the planet. Many archaeological excavations in Europe, Asia and South America have shown that thousands of years ago there were representatives of this species, many times larger than modern butterflies.

Over the past few decades, there has not been a single butterfly whose length exceeded 30 centimeters. And excavations have shown that for more than 20 thousand years there were species whose wingspan reached 50 centimeters.

Almost every nation respected insects, considering them messengers of God for the soul of a person. If a butterfly often appears near a person, it was believed that life path it will soon be interrupted.

In some tribes of South America, from many species of Lepidoptera, including the above, make wonderful dishes, which in taste can compete with the dishes of the best chefs in the world.

In Africa, the poison of the Antimachus swallowtail is often used V medicinal purposes, for hunting. They can coat arrowheads with it. The poison can paralyze an antelope for several hours.

Fluttering flowers - butterflies rightfully deserve this poetic name. Intricate patterns on the thinnest wings, pleasing to the eye combinations bright colors- nature in Once again showed extraordinary design skills by creating such marvelous creatures.

The butterfly is one of the most mysterious creatures of nature. Such a wonderful transformation cannot be invented on purpose. Emerging from an unsightly larva a real beauty with painted wings.

Today there are about 165,000 species of butterflies around the globe.

The curious world has prepared for you material about giant butterflies, the size of which amazes the imagination.

1. Tizania Agrippina

Moth. The largest butterfly in the world lives in Brazil and Peru. It is an endangered insect. Its wingspan is 30.8 centimeters. It is also called scoop agrippina.

2. Queen Alexandra's Ornithoptera or Queen Alexandra's Birdwing

Day butterfly. She received her name in honor of the wife of the British King Edward VII. The wingspan is up to 31 cm with a body length of about 8 cm. Such a creature can weigh up to 12 grams. The giant butterfly is found exclusively in the forests of the Oro province of Papua New Guinea. Unfortunately, the species is on the verge of extinction.

3. Peacock-eye "Hercules"

A moth from a monotypic genus ( Coscinocera) in the peacock eye family. One of the largest butterflies in the world, and the largest in Australia; The wingspan of females can reach 27 cm.

4. Peacock eye “Atlas”

The butterfly received the name “atlas” from the ancient Greek mythical hero Atlas, or Atlas. He held the vault of heaven on his shoulders. Only a very large butterfly could receive this name. The wingspan of the atlas is up to 26 centimeters. Cultivated in India. Its caterpillars produce excellent silk.

5. Sailboat "Antimachus"

This is the largest diurnal butterfly in Africa. Wingspan up to 24 cm. This butterfly lives in humid tropical forests from the west coast of Sierra Leone to Uganda. Despite its extensive habitat, this species is not numerous. The butterfly is considered rare because it flies exclusively in virgin rain forests, which are in danger of extinction due to massive deforestation. Unfortunately, it is very poisonous. Only three countries: Ghana, Ivory Coast and Zaire have taken measures to protect the antimach.

6. Birdwing “Goliath”

Large day butterfly of the Swallowtail family. The wingspan of males is up to 20 cm, females up to 22 cm. The color of males consists of 3 primary colors - green, yellow, black. The color of females is brown-brown, with light spots, the lower wings have a wide gray-yellow border.

It lives in the mountain tropical forests of the Moluccas archipelago, from Soram Island to Goodenow Island off the southeastern coast of New Guinea, at an altitude of up to 2300 m above sea level. There are currently 7 known subspecies of goliath.

7. Trogonoptera Trojan

A large daytime butterfly from the Swallowtail family. The specific name means “Trojan”, “originally from Troy”.

The wingspan is up to 19 cm. The female is slightly larger or the same size as the male. It lives only on the island of Palawan.

8. Ornithoptera cresus

Large day butterfly of the Swallowtail family. The species binomial name is given in honor of Croesus, the last king of Lydia in 560-546 BC. e. from the Mermnad family.

The wingspan is up to 19 cm. Males are characterized by an orange-yellow coloration of the wings, combined with black “inserts”. When illuminated from the side, the wings flash a greenish-yellow glow.

The discoverer of the butterfly, naturalist Alfred Wallace, recalled his first discovery of a male moose on the island of Bachai: “The beauty of this butterfly cannot be expressed in words and no one except a naturalist will understand the deep excitement that I experienced when I finally caught it. When I took her out of the net and spread her majestic wings, my heart began to beat, the blood rushed to my head, I was then closer to fainting than in those moments when I was in danger of death. All that day I had a headache: the excitement was so great...”

9. Saturnia Madagascar or Madagascar comet

This butterfly is also called the Moon moth - a luxurious night butterfly of the family peacock eye. It is one of the world record holders for wing size.

This nocturnal beauty can only be seen in Madagascar. This species is endangered, so in Madagascar these magnificent butterflies are successfully bred on special farms.

By giving the butterfly such a bright appearance, Mother Nature saved on life support systems: peacock butterflies do not have oral apparatus and digestive tract, so the Madagascar comet lives only 2-3 days from reserves nutrients, accumulated by the caterpillar.

The wingspan is up to 18 cm. The wings are decorated with unusually long tails, sometimes reaching 20 cm. The tails often fall off after several flights.

The wings are bright yellow. On each wing there is one large brown “eye”, with black dot in the center. The tips of the wings have a brown-black spot.

10. Golden Birdwing or Troides

One of the largest diurnal butterflies in South Asia. Its wingspan is about 16 cm. Thanks to its size and flight style, it got its name - Birdwing. Indeed, the flight of Troides is more like the flight of a bird than the fluttering of a butterfly. Its golden-yellow, translucent and pearlescent hind wings shine like the Sun and fill the atmosphere with the energy of light and joy. And this energy is really noticeable when you hold this beautiful butterfly on your hand, because it is not for nothing that among Asian peoples the Golden Birdwing is considered a symbol of financial well-being!

The Troides butterfly is a rather rare species and has long been listed in the Red Book. IN wildlife, in the homeland of the Troides butterfly (Philippines, Malaysia, Indonesia) it is very difficult to see this golden-winged flyer, because Troides mainly live in the depths tropical forests.

11. Peacock-eye Pear

This butterfly is also called the large night peacock eye, or Saturnia pear - a butterfly from the Peacock-eye family. The largest moth in terms of wingspan in Europe and Russia.

The wingspan is up to 15 cm. Females are larger than males. On the upper side of both pairs of wings there is one large eye with a black center and a brown rim around it. There is also a white border and a reddish ring around the eye. There is a light stripe along the edge of the wings, followed by a black stripe, closer to the base of the wing, interrupted only at the top of the front wings.

It is found in Southern and Central Europe, to the southwestern part of Russia, in the Caucasus, Asia Minor and in Iran, Crimea.

Landscapes with a large number of shrubs and trees, forest edges, parks, gardens, fruit plantations.

12. Ornithoptera Chimera

The wingspan is up to 15 cm. This butterfly flies very well, making extraordinary turns in the air, gliding and diving in search of nectar. Pollinates hibiscus.

The ornithopter chimera is widespread on the islands of New Guinea and Java in tropical rainforests at an altitude of 1200-1800 m above sea level.

13. Maak's sailboat or Mak's tail carrier

A significant part of the black forewing of the male shimmers with a green dotted coating, which, closer to the edge, thickens into a sparse emerald-blue border. The area free from green coating shines with magical black silk: it is covered with the finest and most delicate fragrant black hairs - androconia. The hind wings with a wavy edge and long tails shine with an iridescent blue-green pattern.

The wingspan of the female reaches 13.5 cm.

The green dotted coating evenly covers the entire dark brown forewing of the female. The pattern of its hind wings is the same as that of the male, but its shine is muted, and in the marginal wavy border, along with green-blue, red-violet shades also appear. Females are much more variable than males. Among them it is difficult to find two identical butterflies.

This largest daytime butterfly in Russia surpasses many of its tropical relatives in its beauty. It’s hard to believe that the distribution area of ​​this wonderful sailboat extends to 54° north latitude, where Tynda and northern Sakhalin are located. The Maaka tail-bearer lives in the Middle Amur region, Primorye, North Korea, Manchuria, on the Kuril Islands. In these places, butterflies are often found in broad-leaved and mixed forests, less often - in spruce-fir. They also fly into taiga villages. During the period when subalpine plants bloom, butterflies rise into the mountains up to 2000 m above sea level: looking for food, they fly around treeless peaks in a circle.

14. Urania Madagascar

The wingspan is 10.5 cm. This species of butterfly is characteristic only of Madagascar. Flies during the day and feeds on flower nectar. Butterflies can be seen all year round, their numbers especially increase from May to July. Her wings, despite the apparent lack of color at the tips, play different colors rainbows.

The most beautiful and one of the most mysterious insects are butterflies. Scientists still do not fully know the mechanism of their transformation from caterpillars into flying creatures. And even more so - in such large ones.

The world's largest butterfly can be confused with a bird - the wingspan of the South American tropical moth can reach 31 centimeters. This is a nocturnal butterfly; nature has endowed it with colossal size, but not beauty - its color is quite pale.

The South American tropical moth, or Thysania agrippina, is a large nocturnal moth from the moth family. It is the largest butterfly in the world - in 1934, the largest individual with a wingspan of 30.8 cm was caught in Brazil. A similar specimen was caught in 1997 by entomologist Mario Callegari in northern Peru. Distributed in Mexico, Central and South America. Considered a migrant with southern regions in the state of Texas.

Second place in the top of the largest butterflies is occupied by an insect with beautiful name Hercules peacock eye (Coscinocera hercules) from the peacock eye family (Saturniidae). The name speaks for itself - the wing area is huge - 263 square centimeters. The wingspan of females reaches 28 cm. And the coloring really looks like peacock feathers.

The Hercules peacock-eye lives in Australia and on several islands of New Guinea.

But in third place in size is Attacus atlas. This butterfly is also called the prince of darkness for its poisonous color and activity during twilight hours. Although the butterfly turned out to be completely harmless. Another name is Atlas - for its impressive size. This butterfly is considered one of the largest and most beautiful in the world. The wings are colored brown, red, yellow, cream and pink.

In this species, females are also larger than males. The maximum wingspan is 26 cm. It is found in the tropical forests of Southern China and some countries South-East Asia(from Thailand to Indonesia, Java and Borneo).

This is probably the only species of large butterfly that people have learned to use to their advantage. The silk thread secreted by the satin caterpillar is used to create silk fabrics, and in Taiwan markets you can see original wallets made from large 10-centimeter cocoons.

Among largest butterflies scientists also identify Queen Alexandra's Birdwing or Queen Alexandra's Ornithopter (Ornithoptera alexandrae). This is a day butterfly that belongs to the family of swallowtails (Papilionidae) - named after the wife of King Edward the Seventh of Great Britain - the Princess of Denmark. Apparently, the monarch's wife was just as beautiful.

The male Queen Alexandra Birdwing can be called the king of butterflies. Its huge wings with a span of 170-200 mm shine green and blue flowers. The wings are narrower than those of other birdwings and resemble the leaves of a tropical plant.

The female is different from the male. It is much larger: the span of its huge wings reaches 280 mm - this is more than that of any other day butterfly. But in brightness and beauty she is inferior to the male: on her wide dark brown wings there is a light ornament of cream and yellowish “strokes” of various shapes. The peculiar pattern of the underside of the wings with contrasting wide darkening along the veins allows one to immediately distinguish the female Queen Alexandra birdwing from other birdwing species.

This is very rare view butterflies and lives exclusively in the Popondetta Mountains, Papua New Guinea.

If in England butterflies were named after princesses, then in Russia the most major representative these insects are named after the Russian naturalist and are called the Maak's tail-bearer (Papilio maackii) belongs to the family of Swallowtails or Cavaliers (Papilionidae); lives in the Middle Amur region, Primorye, North Korea, Manchuria, and the Kuril Islands.

In these places, butterflies are often found in broad-leaved and mixed forests, less often in spruce-fir forests. During the period when subalpine plants bloom, butterflies rise into the mountains up to 2000 m above sea level: looking for food, they fly around treeless peaks in a circle. It’s hard to believe that the distribution area of ​​this wonderful sailboat extends to 54° north latitude, where Tynda and northern Sakhalin are located. Every year, two generations of Maak's tailbearers appear: spring butterflies are medium-sized, light and bright, while summer butterflies are twice as large and darker. The female is larger than the male, her wingspan reaches 135 mm, while that of the male is 125 mm.

A large butterfly (Papilio antimachus) with a wingspan of 25 cm. In this species, on the contrary, males are larger than females. The color of the wings varies from ocher to orange and red-yellow.

Distributed in wet forests Africa (Cameroon, Liberia, Angola, Congo, Zaire, Uganda, Nigeria, etc.). Females prefer to stay in the treetops and very rarely go down. Males tend to stay on flowering plants.

Argema mittrei - Madagascar comet aka Moon moth. The most beautiful moth in the world. She holds the record for wing size 140-160 mm.

The butterfly lives only in the tropical rainforests of the African island of Madagascar