In the topic with pseudo rolls, I laughed at the possibility of using traditional products of Soviet Russia as ingredients, and then I depicted them this week. I'm a little afraid, but I'll post it.

I’ll say right away that there were doubts about the advisability of this uh.. food, but based on the enthusiasm after the pseudo-rolls, I got together and cooked it up.

potato. Right

fry the onion, actually we do it mashed potatoes as you like

oil goes to potatoes

the bow is catching up with them

lightly salted cucumber. two pieces

Puree the leaves. This time the leaves remained small, so for uniform coverage, I laid them in thicker layers. in vain. In particularly thick places they then got in the way.

stuffing there

to the moment last photo It was already one o'clock in the morning. I poked my finger into the resulting ones and realized that cutting a soft, warm sausage in a fairly dense casing would not be easy at all. Therefore, the baking sheet was stuck in the refrigerator until the morning. The stomach growling in protest was calmed by finishing the remaining third cucumber and the rest of the puree. (delicious!!).

I couldn’t get up in the morning, so I had to cut the first thing while at work. with a dull knife. Hence, and also due to the number of people trying - such large pieces

Then at home in the evening the second part was chopped up for personal use.

Mashed potatoes with lightly salted herring and cucumber are without a doubt a very tasty thing. Is it worth packing them into a sheet this way? - Just for fun appearance and portioned convenience for use as a snack. The taste won't be worse, it won't be better either.

And finally, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to my little assistant.

Cat - "What's-his-name"

By the way, I would like to take this opportunity to ask experienced livestock breeders for advice. Poor little animal, for some reason constantly eats hay. :(

Maybe he's missing something?

And another breed. Does anyone have the same one? I'm ready to listen to suggestions about introducing pussies.


"Sushi in Russian"quickly gained popularity, many masterpiece salad recipes based on the theme of sushi variations have already been invented.


  1. red fish - 300 g,
  2. rice -300 g,
  3. fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.,
  4. carrots - 2 pcs.,
  5. chicken egg - 4 pcs.,
  6. shallot (purple onion) - 1 head,
  7. wasabi (mustard green) - 2-3 tablespoons,
  8. onion and dill greens - a bunch each,
  9. mayonnaise - 4 tablespoons

Cooking method

First add wasabi powder hot water, stir, let cool and combine with mayonnaise.

Mustard works well instead of wasabi. We will need the sauce to coat the layers of the Sushi in Russian salad.

Wasabi, also known as “Japanese horseradish” or “mustard greens,” is usually served as a prepared paste or grated root.

It has a pungent, burning taste, like mustard, but it doesn’t burn the tongue, but it lingers in the nose and quickly evaporates without leaving a smell.

Then rinse the rice well until the water is clear. Fill with water at the rate of 1 part rice and one and a half parts water. Our recipe calls for 300 g of rice, so you need 450 ml of water. Experienced housewives I pour it by eye.

Cook the rice over medium heat; as soon as the water and rice boil, cover with a lid and reduce the heat to low, continue cooking for about 15 minutes.

For rice, prepare a mixture of:

  1. rice or apple cider vinegar - 3 tablespoons,
  2. sugar - 1 tablespoon and
  3. salt - 0.5 teaspoon

Stir until the sugar and salt dissolve.

When the water from the rice has boiled away, add the prepared mixture to the rice, mix well and continue cooking until done. Then remove from heat and let sit for 30 minutes.

Boil chicken eggs and carrots.

Meanwhile, cut the cucumbers into cubes or strips.

We use lightly salted fish, cut into small thin pieces, chop the shallots.

Grate the finished carrots and eggs on a coarse grater, chop the onion and dill.

Combine eggs, carrots and prepared wasabi-mayonnaise sauce; this mixture is used to lubricate layers of Russian Sushi salad.

Then form the salad, you can lay layers of half the prepared ingredients and then repeat the second layer, you can lay them all at once.

  • First place the rice on a serving plate and coat with the wasabi mixture.
  • Place the fish in a second layer, sprinkle with chopped dill and shallots.
  • Then add a layer of fresh cucumbers and coat with wasabi mixture.
  • Finish the salad with a layer of carrots and coat with wasabi mixture.

Let the salad brew "Sushi in Russian" in a cold place for 2-3 hours and you can serve. Before serving, you can decorate with herbs, sesame seeds and anything you wish.

Bon appetit!

Rolls and sushi have long been popular among Russians. Many people liked rice with fish and other seafood. Let's try to cook Russian rolls with smoked red fish, which looks somewhat similar to the usual ones, but takes more into account Russian culinary traditions.


To do this, take one French loaf or baguette, cut it lengthwise into two equal halves, carefully, using your hands, remove half the pulp from the two halves, so that there is approximately 1 - 1.5 centimeters of crumb left to the crust.

It is not necessary to use a fresh loaf. You can take a little one that has been sitting for a while. In this case, it will be even more convenient to remove the crumb.

You will get two kind of bread boats, which we will fill with filling. These will be Russian rolls, a recipe with a photo of which we are currently making.

First, we will take 200 grams of butter and leave it to sit for room temperature so that it becomes soft. This will make it easier to work with him.

The crumb that we took out of the loaf needs to be crumbled into a bowl with your hands so that the pieces are as small as possible, almost to the point of crumbs.

Then into the container in which we have the softened butter, we will add the crumbs in parts and thoroughly knead them with a fork until a relatively homogeneous mass. At the end of mixing, add washed, dried and finely chopped greens; with it, Russian sushi will not only be tastier, but also more elegant.

Take the loaf halves and spread them evenly with the oil-dill mixture, covering both the indentations and the smooth edges of the cuts. There is no need to skimp, spread generously, it will taste better.

Now, depending on the size of the loaf, take 300 - 500 grams of salted or smoked red fish fillet. I found one in my refrigerator, the recipe for which we made not so long ago. For a small baguette you will need 300 grams, and for a larger loaf – 500. Cut the fillet into small pieces and place them in loaf boats on top of a layer of butter, crumbs and herbs so that the fish lies flush with the sides of our boats.

Now it’s time to connect both halves of the loaf, press them tightly together, wrap cling film and put in the refrigerator for at least 2 - 3 hours. You can put a small weight on future sushi, just like in the recipe, so that they do not fall apart when cutting. Before serving, beautifully cut the loaf into pieces 1.5 - 2 centimeters wide and our Russian rolls with photos are ready!

IN last years It has become fashionable for us to eat various dishes that for some reason are considered exotic. Despite the fact that in the homeland of these dishes they are rightly considered to be far from refined, everyday and boring food, in Russia they charge a lot of money for them and turn eating these dishes into a kind of iconic ritual. Of course, such dishes primarily include pizza and sushi.

Pizza is a product so simple and uncomplicated that we won’t even talk about it here. Let’s just remember about pies and filled pancakes and marvel at the popularity of the overseas analogue. And the rituals that accompany pizza are uninteresting.

Sushi is a different matter. The food of poor Japanese fishermen and peasants has become truly iconic among us. People spend a lot of money in sushi bars, order all this cooking at home, learn how to cook it, memorizing incomprehensible Japanese words - the names of bamboo mats, dried seaweed, and so on. People are even ready to start eating with chopsticks - but for what? After all, what is the main ingredient of sushi and rolls? Plain cooked rice. In second place are dried seaweed or an omelet that replaces it. And, of course, fish and seafood, and in our conditions we have to eat boiled, salted or otherwise processed in order to avoid poisoning.

And then one day, having decided to make some rolls at home (just don’t ask why!) with salmon and other delights, we thought deeply about the above questions. And we remembered that we live in a country once called Soviet Union. And we remembered that the culinary traditions of the peoples who inhabited this country are not only rich, but also much closer to us than Japanese and other Far Eastern “delicacies”. And we formulated the following principles:

1. Soviet people do not need fillers like rice for food. If there is not enough food, a Soviet person will eat it with bread or porridge, but will not wrap the food in porridge.

2. Soviet people do not need dried seaweed to wrap their food. Food can be wrapped in other food, and inappropriate things should not be used to wrap it.

3. Soviet people are not obliged to consume harmful, over-salted soy sauce and pointless spicy horseradish wasabi. You can and should make delicious and nutritious sauces from traditional products.

4. Soviet people should not eat with chopsticks. Eating with chopsticks is inconvenient. Forks, spoons and just hands leave chopsticks no chance.

5. Soviet people are kind, hospitable and loving. Soviet sushi should be tasty, filling, varied and beautiful.

Based on the above, we compiled a list of ingredients, developed original recipes and prepared (and then happily consumed) the following:

Let's start with the sauces.

For the first one, we took simple Russian vodka and ordinary grated horseradish (not wasabi!). Then we simply mixed them in a 1/1 ratio, adding a little table salt. If you adhere to a salt-free diet, then you do not need to add salt. This is the main sauce for Soviet sushi. By dipping sushi in it, you drink and snack at the same time.

The second sauce, less spicy, for ulcer sufferers and teetotalers, is made from kefir with the addition of Russian table mustard (about a tablespoon per 200 ml). We also suggest adding salt to taste; you can also add finely chopped herbs. Instead of pickled ginger, of course, we used sauerkraut flavored with vegetable oil.

Soviet sushi can be eaten with black and white bread, washed down with various alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and brought to the mouth in any convenient way. Soviet people do not need strict rules of the feast!

Let's start making sushi. As the first number, let's take some simple recipe with a minimum of ingredients. Combine a slice of boiled potato with a slice of fried chicken cutlet, wrap it in a thin longitudinal petal of pickled cucumber and secure it with a ring onions. We called this recipe "Holiday House". Taste it, dipped in the main sauce, and close your eyes... doesn't it begin to seem like you are sitting in the dining room of a simple Soviet holiday home in middle lane Russia?

The following recipe is very similar, it would seem, but at the same time completely different in taste sensations. With the right ingredients you can achieve amazing results. It is simply called: “With vodka.” So, take boiled potatoes (by the way, in all recipes we recommend using jacket potatoes) and thoroughly peeled herring, wrap in peeled fresh cucumber and also secure with an onion ring. Garnish with dill and spring onions.

Next, of course, are two recipes, without which (in a slightly different form) not a single Soviet feast is complete. Of course, these are “Olivier” and “Herring under a Fur Coat”. It seems that everyone knows the recipes for these dishes very well, and therefore everyone can easily prepare this sushi to their taste (for example, we did not add fresh apple, and many consider this unthinkable). Note that these two recipes use mayonnaise, although we're not too fond of this French sauce.

And here is the recipe " School years”, is also extremely uncomplicated. To sheet fresh salad wrap three pasta (thick, gray, real Soviet!) and a third of boiled sausage. Secure with a tomato ring. We supplemented the dish with an egg and mayonnaise, but you don’t have to do this.

However, not only Russian cuisine can serve as a source of inspiration. Here, for example, is the Baltic sushi: sprats, cheese, green onions. There is no need to secure them with anything, since the cheese greased with sprat oil holds perfectly on its own. We decorated them with fresh dill.

Agree, in Soviet time Poland (and most of the countries of the socialist camp) were perceived by us almost as family. In memory of this - Polish sushi: on a leaf of fresh lettuce, in a tomato ring, a piece of salted lard, an yolk and a piece of Krakow sausage inserted into it. And there is no need to remember about “rotten horse meat”: Krakow sausage is an excellent tasty product.

“Caucasian” sushi is dedicated to the richest Caucasian cuisine, the most difficult to prepare. Fry the eggplant rings in vegetable oil with salt and spices to taste. In a neatly cut strip Armenian lavash wrap it up fried eggplant, carefully place boiled red beans and a chopped clove of pickled garlic on top. Add a piece of salted wild garlic, a couple of cilantro leaves and wrap, then tie with a sprig of fresh parsley of suitable length. We assure you, all this fuss is completely justified! The taste is fantastic. Serve with cilantro and tkemali sauce.

We couldn’t ignore another national cuisine - Jewish - and created “Promised Land” sushi. Boiled carrots are cut into portions, then their core is cut out. A piece of prune is placed in the resulting hole, and two onion rings are placed on top of the carrots. Sushi is served on matzo and always with fresh honey. These sushi do not need to be dipped in the first two sauces, but should be dipped in honey and eaten with matzo. Delicious!

And finally, a somewhat unique recipe: sushi “To go with beer.” Place a piece of processed Druzhba cheese on half of a flattened yellow minke whale carcass (we insist on this variety!), two croutons to taste on the cheese, and on the sides of the croutons place two slices of ring-dried squid. All this must (!) be sprinkled with tobacco from Belomor cigarettes. This sushi can be dipped in the ninth Baltika and washed down with it. Therefore, for aesthetic natures this recipe doesn't fit.

In conclusion, we would like to give a couple of tips general.

Although you can prepare Soviet sushi and eat it right away, we still advise you to let it sit for a few hours at room temperature to allow it to dry out a little and bring out all its unique flavor.

We recommend serving Soviet sushi on old Soviet dishes, optimally with the inscription “Catering”, but you can also use Czech or Polish dishes from the same times. The glasses are strictly cut. If these rules are followed, the immersion in the era will be more complete and the taste will be richer.

You can invent any recipes - we hope you get the general idea. So get creative, invent and try!

Good luck, imagination and bon appetit!