List of stars who have adopted adopted children.

Taking on someone else's child is a huge responsibility, which unfortunately not everyone is ready for. Previously, it was quite common for foreign, American stars to constantly adopt children. In our country this was a wild and unusual phenomenon. Only after the collapse Soviet Union many families began to adopt children from orphanages. In this article we will tell you which stars are raising adopted children.

Russian stars who raise adopted children

In fact, in order to obtain guardianship and adopt a child from an orphanage, you need to spend a lot of time and effort. Because several examinations are required to confirm the state of health, not only physical, but also mental. You also need a huge amount of documentation that proves that you are able to give your child everything he needs.

Despite the fact that many of the stars are quite famous and public figures, the board of trustees, as well as bureaucrats, do not make any concessions for these people. They, like everyone else, need to spend a lot of time and effort in order to become happy. and expand your family with the help of adopted children.

Celebrity parents of adopted children:

  • Margarita Sukhankina. This is one of the members of the Mirage group. She long time I visited orphanages and really wanted to adopt a child. Moreover, initially I wanted a girl, but I couldn’t find any suitable candidates. But 5 years ago, in one of the television programs, she saw a boy and a girl, a brother and a sister. She was so moved by the story that she immediately came to another city and filled out documents for the adoption of children. The kids have been living with her for 5 years now. Sukhankina says that for her it was a difficult, measured step. Before she started filling out the documents, she talked with her parents for a long time. Because she needed help, as well as the consent of loved ones and relatives.
  • Vladimir Naumov and Natalya Belokhvostikova. These famous personalities never thought about establishing one, because they already have children. At my advanced age, it was somehow incorrect to think about children. But the woman performed in one of the orphanages and saw the boy Kirill there. He seemed somewhat strange to her, and was significantly different from all the other children. The next time she came to the orphanage with her husband. They talked to the child and decided to adopt him. Now the boy goes to school and pleases his parents with good grades.

    With son Kirill

  • Sergey Zverev. At one time, the artist brushed off journalists for a long time and did not confirm the fact of the child’s adoption. But during one period, Zverev regularly appeared at social events with his son and showed it to the public. Over time, the child chose a non-public lifestyle, now he has left and lives separately.

  • Tatiana Ovsienko. Unfortunately, Tatyana and her husband do not have children, but while performing at one of the concerts in an orphanage, she drew attention to the child. She really liked him, but unfortunately the administration of the orphanage dissuaded the artist from adopting him because the child suffered from a heart defect. But Tatyana spent a huge amount of money, effort and nerves in order to put this child on her feet. After he had surgery, his parents filed for adoption, and now they have a son growing up in their family. Now the artist’s son is over 20 years old, he lives not in Moscow, but in America, but regularly visits his mother.

  • Andrey Kirilenko is a famous basketball player. At the time they decided to adopt a child, his family had two older sons growing up. But the couple wanted a third baby. Unfortunately, they were unable to have a child for a long time, and they decided to pursue adoption. After touring the orphanages, they saw a girl, Sashenka, with blond hair, and they really liked her. The couple decided to adopt her. The most interesting thing is that after some time another child appeared in the family - the youngest son. Now the family is raising four children.

  • Svetlana Sorokina. The artist had been harboring thoughts about adoption for a long time. She had long wanted a child, and initially planned to adopt a son. But after visiting the children's homes, seeing the little girl Tonya, who was stretching out her hands to her, she could not refuse. That's why I adopted this particular girl. The actress says that she never regretted this important step. She loves her daughter very much and raises her with love.

  • Mikhail Barshchevsky and his wife. The fact is that Mikhail already had a own daughter, who managed to give him grandchildren. When he hinted to his wife that he wanted to adopt a child, his wife just waved it off and did not give her consent. But about two years later she raised the issue again. The man agreed and they adopted a boy and a girl. The couple note that since then their lives have changed significantly, they have become closer to each other.

  • Alexey Serebryakov. The actor tried very carefully to hide his personal life, so when one publication published information about the adoption, he sued the editor. Later, the actor actually confirmed the information that the two sons are adopted. In addition, the family also has a daughter. This is a child from the actor’s first wife. Serebryakov, together with Irina Apeksimova, and several other colleagues on the set, founded a fund to help children who are in orphanages. They are looking for new families for these kids. At the same time, the actor never flaunted his charity. Until a certain time, until information about the adoption leaked to the press, no one knew about this fact. Serebryakov is a very secretive person and gives few interviews. He never brags about his charity in the press; he believes that people should help children unselfishly, and not publicize themselves with it.

  • Irina Alferova I never dreamed of a huge family, but circumstances decided everything for her. At the time she accepted two more children into the house, she had her own daughter, quite an adult. But Alferova’s husband’s first wife, with whom two children lived, died. So the couple took them in with them. She died after a while Native sister Alferova, who has a little son Sasha. Therefore, the couple decided to adopt a fourth child. Irina Alferova adores all her four children and is very proud of them. Now all the children are adults. Eldest daughter followed in her mother's footsteps and is a successful actress. Two children of Irina’s husband are now studying abroad and working successfully there. Younger son I recently graduated from law school and am learning the basics of the profession.

    Irina Alferova

As you can see, not only American, but also Russian stars raising adopted children. Perhaps such popularization of adoption will reach ordinary people who will want to give their love not only to their own, but also to other people’s children.

VIDEO: Adopted children of Russian stars

The first sign was a singer popular in the 11990s Tatiana Ovsienko. In 1998, she adopted a boy with a congenital heart defect and thereby seriously influenced the consciousness of people in our country. Tatyana did not hide the truth or invent incredible stories the birth of a baby in the family, and frankly told her story.

Tatyana Ovsienko with her son. Photo: From the personal archive of Tatyana Ovsienko

Our group had a rule: during tours, give charity concerts in orphanages. In Penza, during a performance at the Palace of Culture, I received a note from the head physician of the Orphanage with a request to bring green apples to the children. We filled the car with boxes and drove to the indicated address. That's where I saw Igor. A tiny boy sat in the corner, holding in his hands... an algebra textbook turned upside down. He was two and a half years old at that time. I was amazed and started asking about him: who? What? It turned out that his 17-year-old mother, having learned that her son had a heart defect, abandoned him. When there were Americans who wanted to adopt him, his grandfather prevented him and did not sign the necessary papers. “He’s dying,” the manager told me. “We need an operation, but it can only be done in Moscow, and we have no way to get permission for this.”

A day later, I was sitting at the Bakulevsky Cardiology Center with Igor’s medical records. And I knew that if the operation was successful, I would never part with the boy.” 32-year-old Tanya, who did not have children of her own, quickly learned everything a mother should know.

After the operation, she spent a couple of months with Igor in the hospital for rehabilitation, the boy became attached to her and called her mom.

The singer confronted her husband, producer Vladimir Dubovitsky, with a fait accompli. Whether he wanted to adopt the boy or not, Tanya did not care, the decision was made and was not subject to appeal.

Six months later, the adoption process began. Dubovitsky recognized the child and Igor, by court decision, received his last name. Tatyana was happy about this; she was afraid that if Igor became Ovsienko, his biological mother would quickly find him. But it all worked out, Igor grew up, got married, but his own mother never showed up.

Although it was no secret in the family that Igor was an adopted child, this topic was never raised. Only when Dubovitsky Jr. turned 18 years old and he flew to his mother in Moscow from America, where last years lives with his father, asked: “Mom, tell me who I am.”

“The day before, he talked to Vova about the same thing. In my opinion, it was wrong to discuss such a difficult issue in the absence of the mother. Still, Igoresha lived most of his life with me. But be that as it may, that evening we had a heart-to-heart talk, we both cried, and I offered to find his mother. But Igor said: “You are mom. I don’t need another one,” Tanya said in an interview with TN.

One of the most prominent TV presenters of the 90s Svetlana Sorokina became a mother at the age of 46, after divorcing her second husband. I didn’t think about the fact that the offensive “single mother” would attach itself to her. Fifteen years ago, Svetlana saw a one-year-old girl in a walker in a shelter, and realized that only Tone wanted to become a mother. Although, as the journalist admitted, before that she dreamed of adopting a boy.

Svetlana Sorokina with Tonya. Photo: Global Look Press

With the advent of Tony, Svetlana began to work less, although before that she suffered from workaholism and devoted a lot of time and effort to raising her child. The girl showed good musical abilities, and her mother sent her to a music school at the Gnessin School. It is interesting that Tonya Sorokina named her daughter in honor of her grandmother Antonina Ivanovna. The TV presenter rarely attends social events, and 16-year-old Antonina appears even more rarely. But when you manage to see them together, you can’t even dare to name this happy family incomplete!

Star of the famous Lenkom 56-year-old Victor Rakov- father of three children. From his first marriage, the actor has a 30-year-old son, Boris. From the second - 27-year-old daughter Anastasia and 11-year-old son Danila. Victor and his wife Lyudmila did not immediately tell the public that the youngest was an adopted child. They presented the boy to the press as their own son, late and desired, but then they declassified it. It turned out that the couple really wanted another child together, but... “we assume, but God disposes.” The long-awaited pregnancy did not occur. Then the idea arose to take the child from the orphanage. Moreover, Victor and Lyuda did not agree in advance what their baby should look like. When they saw 2-year-old Danya, both their hearts sank. They looked at the other children, but only Danya reigned in their thoughts. They returned to him, played and... went back to Moscow without voicing a decision. And the very next day they returned. Thanks to Rakov's popularity, the adoption process went faster than expected. The child came into the family on the eve of the new year, 2009. His sister Nastya happily accepted her brother, they even look alike!

Victor Rakov with his family. Photo: East News

When the Rakovs were filming for TN, it could not have occurred to me that Danya was not a child of his own blood. All four of them were so filled with tenderness and love for each other.

Few people know that the popular actress Maria Mironova has a brother. Her mother, actress Ekaterina Gradova, the famous radio operator Kat from “17 Moments of Spring,” took a one-year-old boy Alyosha from an orphanage. It is noteworthy that this was the same orphanage where her movie children were found. Ekaterina Georgievna is married to former nuclear physicist Igor Timofeev. Their Foster-son Alexey did not follow in the footsteps of his parents, he served in Marine Corps and is engaged in the restaurant business.

Ekaterina Gradova. Photo: East News

U Alexey Serebryakov no native children. More precisely, there are even three, but by blood they are strangers. When he married his beloved woman, Maria, he became a stepfather to her daughter Dasha. In a recent interview Yuri Dudu Alexey said that he and Masha dreamed of large family, but... it didn’t work out. Then the couple thought about adoption.

Alexey Serebryakov with children. Photo: East News

First Stepan appeared at the Serebryakovs, then he brother Danila. Both boys grew up in an orphanage. Surprisingly, the three children are similar to each other and to their parents!

Adoption is not always the lot of young couples. For example, Natalia Belokhvostikova and her husband Vladimir Naumov became parents to 3-year-old Kirill when Natalya Nikolaevna was 56 years old and Vladimir Naumovich was 80!

When Belokhvostikova and Naumov arrived in Orphanage, Kirill did not try to attract attention to himself. Other children were jumping around, grabbing hands and asking to be taken home. And Kiryusha waited until the fuss died down, came up and quietly asked: “Auntie, everyone has crosses, but I don’t. Give it to me, please." This modest request moved the actress to tears. They brought the boy pectoral cross and were soon adopted. 11 years have passed since then.

Their own daughter, Natalya Naumova, accepted Kiryusha as a brother. The boy is growing developed child, draws well, recites poetry, studies are easy for him, foreign languages. The couple admitted that they never regretted their decision.

Psychologist's opinion:

1. An adopted child is often a salvation for childless couples. The spouses have a feeling of a real full-fledged family, responsibility for each other and for the child.

2. The common argument: “It is unknown what kind of genes an adopted child has” is broken by the argument that our own children often present us with unpleasant surprises. Either the child looks like a drunkard grandfather, or like a slacker uncle.

3. If you decide to take a baby, be prepared for the fact that he will definitely go through a difficult period of denying the authority of his parents during puberty. Perhaps he will start looking for biological parents. An experienced psychologist will tell you how to act.

4. You should not hide the fact that the baby is adopted. Otherwise, you will have to live for years under the sword of Damocles, fearing accidental exposure. The world is not without “good” people. Even if you change your place of residence and pass off your baby as your own from birth, problems may arise over time. Your son or daughter will accidentally find documents, relatives will spill the beans, or you yourself will actually traumatize him.

Not every person is capable of taking someone else's child into his family and giving him his warmth and care. This requires a special generosity of soul, a desire to make not only yourself happy, and an understanding of all the possible difficulties that you will have to face. And the more respect deserves people who managed to take responsibility for someone else’s fate and give happiness to a little person.

Irina Alferova

The actress never dreamed of big family, however, fate decreed that she had to become a mother of four children. At the same time, she has only one daughter – Ksenia. Sergei Martynov, the actress’s husband, has two children from a previous marriage: Serey and Anastasia. After Martynov’s first wife died in London, they took the children with them.

And a year later, another son appeared in the family - Sasha, Irina Alferova’s nephew. The actress’s sister died and Alferova, of course, took the boy into her family. Today Ksenia is a successful actress, Sasha is an aspiring lawyer, Anastasia and Sergei, having received their education in London, remained to live in England.

Margarita Sukhankina

After experiencing an abortion, the singer was never able to bear her own child; all pregnancies ended in miscarriages. Desperate to give birth, Margarita firmly decided to adopt a child from an orphanage, definitely a girl. But when she saw a story about 4-year-old Seryozha and 3-year-old Lerochka in one of the programs, she immediately understood: her children.

They were in another city, but she was not afraid of the distance. She went to the orphanage to make sure that her premonitions did not deceive her. Almost five years ago she took the kids to Moscow. According to Margarita Sukhankina, she is sometimes too strict, but she tries very hard to be a good mother.

Alexey Serebryakov

The actor never advertised his personal life, so for a long time nothing was known about the presence of adopted children. When journalists learned about this fact and published information in one of the publications, Alexey Serebryakov filed a lawsuit.

Later he himself confirmed the fact of adoption. The actor and his wife Maria had already tried to have their own children, but after two failures the decision was made to adopt. First, 2-year-old Daniil appeared in the family, and a little later Stepan. In addition to two sons, Dasha, Maria’s daughter from her first marriage, is growing up in the family.

Natalya Belokhvostikova and Vladimir Naumov

The actress saw Kirill in an orphanage during her performance. He was very different from other children and asked her to bring him a cross. The next time Natalya Nikolaevna came to the orphanage with her husband, Vladimir Naumov. She was then 65 years old, her husband was 80, the decision was serious, but they could no longer leave this touching and completely lonely baby in the orphanage.

Now Kiryusha is already going to school and never ceases to please his parents with his successes. The actress admits that Kiryusha became a real gift for their family.

Mikhail Barshchevsky

Mikhail Barshchevsky and his wife have a daughter, but she grew up long ago and even gave her parents grandchildren. When her husband suggested adopting a child, Olga at first just waved it off, but two years later she supported her husband, but set the condition: two at once.

They looked for “their” children in different orphanages. In Maxim, the famous lawyer immediately saw his son, and Dashenka cautiously went into Olga’s arms. Since the arrival of the kids in the house, the couple have found a second youth and can no longer imagine how they lived without them before.

Sergey Zverev

The famous stylist hid the fact of adoption from the public for a long time. He made the decision to adopt almost spontaneously, after seeing his three-year-old son in an Irkutsk orphanage. The boy appeared everywhere with his father, but after Sergei Zverev Jr. found out that he adopted child, he is constantly in search of his biological parents.

The celebrity stylist tries not to show how unpleasant this situation is for him and hopes that soon everything will fall into place.

Svetlana Sorokina

The presenter made the decision to adopt a long time ago and even prepared all the documents in advance. She was also looking for “her” son. But unexpectedly I found my daughter. The 11-month-old baby, as soon as she saw her mother, immediately extended her arms to her. Svetlana admits that her life took on a completely different meaning with the advent of Antonina.

Tatiana Ovsienko

She first saw Igor at one of the charity events in the Penza Orphanage. It turned out that the baby, who was not even three years old, serious illness heart and he needs surgery. It so happened that at first the singer did everything to save the boy, and then she simply told her husband that they had a son.

She was a happy mother, and only when, in adolescence, her son had problems with his behavior, she decided to turn to her husband, from whom she was already divorced, for help. Now the 20-year-old son lives permanently in America, but visits his mother quite often.

Ekaterina Gradova

The actress met her son in an orphanage when he was only 2 years old and she was 47. She feared that her husband would be against adoption, but Igor Timofeev fully supported her decision and soon Alyosha found loving parents.

Andrey Kirilenko

The famous basketball player and his wife Maria already had two sons, but dreamed of another child. Pregnancy still did not occur, and family council a decision was made to adopt. As often happens, at the very first meeting with the newborn girl, it became clear that Sasha was her own daughter. And five years later the couple had a third son.

Victor Rakov

The daughter of Victor and Lyudmila Rakov was already 16 when they decided to adopt a child. When we saw Daniil in the orphanage, we immediately realized that he was ours. However, the boy also immediately realized that these were his parents, so he didn’t even look back when leaving the orphanage.

IN Soviet time It was very difficult to adopt a child, and it was not even necessary to talk about giving the baby to a lonely man. All the more amazing is the story of someone who managed to go through many trials, taking in the upbringing of a child whom he himself adopted during childbirth.

For some, adoption is the last chance to become a mom and dad, for others it is an act of goodwill. In any case, this is a benefit for the child. Today, throughout the world, the adoption of children left without parental care for one reason or another is becoming an increasingly common phenomenon. Well, public people are just in plain sight.

Tatyana Ovsienko and son Igor

The famous director Vladimir Naumov and his wife Natalya Belokhvostikova have an adult daughter, Natasha, and a little adopted son, Kirill.

Angelina Jolie

The most “promoted” mother of many children in Hollywood is Angelina Jolie: together with Brad Pitt they are raising six children - three boys and three girls.

Svetlana Sorokina and daughter Tonya

Actor Alexey Serebryakov is raising three children - stepdaughter Dasha and adopted sons Stepan and Danila

Ekaterina Georgievna Gradova with her daughter Masha, son Alexey and grandson Andrey (left)

Sharon Stone

After three unsuccessful attempts to have a child with her husband Phil Bronstein, the couple decided to adopt the baby. So, in 2000, Roan Joseph Bronstein appeared in the family. While divorced, Stone adopted two more boys, Laird Vaughn Stone and Quinn Kelly Stone.

Actress Irina Alferova, in addition to her daughter Ksenia, has an adopted son and two daughters whom she adopted after the death of her friend

Actor Viktor Rakov and son Daniil

Statesman Pavel Borodin, son Vanya and daughter Natasha.


The pop diva became a foster mother for two children from a poor African country- Malawi. David and Mercy are not orphans, but the families in which they grew up were so poor that they were forced to send them to an orphanage (children from the same orphanage).

Lawyer Mikhail Barshchevsky, daughter Dasha and son Maxim

Spouses Nikolai Karachentsov and Lyudmila Porgina, in addition to their own son Andrei, also have an adopted son, Mikhail

Nicole Kidman

Married to her first husband Tom Cruise, the actress adopted two children - daughter Isabella Jane and son Connor Anthony. After the divorce, the children remained with Nicole. In his second marriage to Australian singer Keith Urban, a daughter, Faith Margaret, was born; she was carried by a surrogate mother.

Sandra Bullock

Sandra Bullock adopted a charming boy, Louis Bardot, whom she named after her favorite singer Louis Armstrong. Now the 49-year-old actress is planning to adopt a girl; Sandra does not want Louis Bardot to grow up alone.

Michelle Pfeiffer

In 1993, Michelle adopted a girl, named Claudia Rosa at baptism.

Meg Ryan

In 2006, Meg Ryan adopted a little girl, Daisy, who was born in China.

Charlize Theron

In mid-March 2012, it became known that Oscar-winning Hollywood actress Charlize Theron had adopted a child. Little Jackson was born in the USA, he is African American.

Tatyana Ovsienko In 1999, the popular singer took a boy named Igor from an orphanage. She saw him during a charity event in Penza. And when I found out that the boy had a heart defect, I decided to help him and pay for the operation. A little later she became his mother. For many years, Tatyana hid from Igor the fact that she was not his own mother. The truth was revealed by the adoptive father, ex-husband singers, producer Vladimir Dubovitsky. The guy was shocked. But then, after talking with my mother, I was able to cope with my emotions. Recently, Igor, who now lives in the States, became a father himself - and thus made Tatyana Ovsienko a grandmother. - A wonderful event, now there is another little bundle of love in my heart. The fact that now I’m a grandmother doesn’t frighten me at all,” the singer admitted.

Svetlana Sorokina In 2003, the famous TV presenter adopted an 11-month-old girl. “I found my daughter, one might say, by accident,” Svetlana said in an interview. - A friend brought a child to the house, where she had taken a girl a little earlier. She brought it with the words: “And you will find your happiness here.” And so it happened. I saw Tonka and realized: I don’t want to look for anyone else...” Sorokina did not hide the fact that the girl was adopted - with her profession this is unrealistic. But at the same time she changed everything - both her date of birth and her first and patronymic name. She named her daughter Antonina in honor of her grandmother.

Anastasia Denisova The star of the series “Deffchonki” Anastasia Denisova adopted her brother. She decided to adopt him after a terrible tragedy occurred in the family: due to a serious illness, first the boy’s father and then the boy’s mother left this world. It so happened that the actress’s father left the family when Denisova was 14 years old. He married again and had a son. For a long time Anastasia did not see her father, but when it became known that he was seriously ill, the family began to communicate again. “That day, my father, as always calm and reasonable, said: “I will soon be gone. It is unknown how long my wife will live; she is very sick. Promise me that if Andryusha is left alone, you will take care of him,” Anastasia recalls dad’s words. Before social services took the orphan to an orphanage, the actress tried to adopt Andrei as soon as possible. Now the star of the series “Deffchonki” is raising a boy with her own child Yura.

Mikhail Barshchevsky A famous lawyer and his wife Olga adopted twins Dasha and Maxim in 2007.

Andrei Kirilenko The famous basketball player and his wife Maria were the parents of two boys when they decided to adopt a girl, Alexandra. This happened in 2009. Now there are four children in the family - in 2015, another boy was born. “I think that adoption is the best thing in my life,” the athlete’s wife said in an interview. - Your own children are, of course, very valuable, but adopted children can give you something else. You see, this is a more serious event for parents. You grow emotionally and spiritually. According to Maria, they are not going to hide the fact that she was adopted from Sasha. Now he spends most of his time in the States, and there such stories are par for the course. - Collection process necessary documents it took nine months, we can say that we carried our child,” said the basketball player. - There were doubts whether we could treat all our children equally. Recently my wife and I discussed this and came to the conclusion that we make no difference between them. I'm very happy about this.

Margarita Sukhankina In 2013, the singer became a mother twice - she adopted a boy and a girl. Now Lera and Serezha go to school and study music. “We live happily,” Margarita said in an interview. - They are well-fed, dressed, shod. Everything is fine with us. We go to the cinema, theaters, museums, zoos, circuses... They have an absolutely normal, full-fledged children's life. Sometimes people say to me: “You’re a heroine!” I took two children.” But I don’t understand what heroism is? Moreover, I don’t even know who saved whom—me, the children, or they, me. Living without them, I was just quietly going crazy. The normal state of every woman, when she lives with her family, gives birth to children. Things didn’t work out for me; my birth ended in tragedy. And I realized that I was already hanging myself. I don’t need all the money I earn, all this wealth alone. Who needs all this money? For what? They told me: “Live for yourself! What are you doing? It's so cool!". But for me, this is the highest selfishness - to live for oneself. I am a very active person, I need to give and share all the time. And who to take care of if not the children? Now I am incredibly happy that I have both a boy and a girl, absolutely two different worlds. Two planets. A niche in my soul that had been empty was filled.

Natalya Belokhvostikova and Vladimir Naumov In 2007, the 56-year-old actress and her 80-year-old director husband decided to become the parents of a 3-year-old boy named Kirill. Their only daughter Natasha had already grown up and lived separately. The actress said that the meeting with Kirill happened by chance. Together with her husband, she performed in an orphanage near Moscow. After the concert, a little boy approached them and asked them to give him a cross. And of course, they could not refuse him - they had to come to him again. Since then, the couple began to regularly visit Kirill, and then decided to adopt. - We went to Kiryusha for a whole year, he was waiting for us! The adoption issue was resolved for more than a year. It's so hard to do all this! Now we have a family. The boy is with us,” Naumov said. “I remember when they took Kiryusha home, he said: “Every night I asked God for mom and dad to find me as soon as possible,” admitted Belokhvostikova. - I will do everything so that my son lives happily and has a real childhood. Now he will never be alone.

Alexey Serebryakov Alexey Serebryakov does not like to talk about his personal life, much less share the details of his good deeds. The fact that Alexei has adopted children became known thanks to journalists who, without the actor’s consent, published this information in one publication. The case even went to court. Alexey and his wife, a former choreographer at the Vakhtangov Theater, Maria, first took one boy, Daniil, from the orphanage. Then the couple found out that Dani had a younger brother, Stepan, left in the orphanage. Without hesitation, Alexey and Maria adopted a second boy, despite the cramped life circumstances at that time. Alexey also could not remain indifferent to the rest of the children deprived of parental love: together with Irina Apeksimova and Andrei Smolyakov, he founded the “Time to Live” foundation, whose work is focused on helping orphans. Now Alexey and his family live in Toronto, Canada, but the actor continues to build his career in Russia.