Not selected MSU. Lomonosov API at the Institute of Geology and Permanent Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences Financial University (formerly GUMF) AGPS EMERCOM of Russia AGZ EMERCOM of Russia AMI RANEPA under the President of the Russian Federation (ANH under the Government of the Russian Federation, RAGS under the President of the Russian Federation) MIGUP (formerly APU) ATiSO AU AU Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation AFPS RF AFSB RF AHI im . V. S. Popova AEI AEiU ARBI VA Strategic Missile Forces named after. Peter the Great (formerly VA named after Dzerzhinsky) VIU MO RF VUNTS Air Force VVA named after. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin (formerly VVIA) VU MO RF (formerly VPA named after Lenin) VURKhBZ ISV (formerly VU) VAVT Financial University (formerly VGNA) VGIK VKSH MERT VTS S. Melkonyan Higher State Medical University VShPP VShP VShSO VTU named after. Shchepkina TI named after. Shchukin (formerly VTU named after Shchukin) VIU GASIS GASK GKA im. Maimonides State. IRYa them. Pushkin GMPI named after. Ippolitov-Ivanova RGSAI (formerly GSII) National Research University Higher School of Economics (SU-HSE) GAUGN (formerly GUGN) GUZ GUU GEI GEITI Humanitarian Institute GITR MSPI (now MGPU) YES MFA of the Russian Federation MOIUP Yurinfor IBP (until 2013) IBPM MOIU (formerly . IBPIT) IBPU RGIS (VSK) ISU MGIMO Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation IGA IGiMU GUU IGUMO IDK INESNEK IZHLT IITEM IIR IR IKiP ICSI AFSB RF IMBO IMPE named after. Griboyedov IMTP IMS IMPiPP IME IMEI (world economy and information) IPV IPO IPP IRESPiP ISB ISI ISBTiSU ISN ISSO INECBI IEiK IEP INEP IEKP RAMA IEP IEPiUR IYaK im. L. Tolstoy LI named after. Gorky MATI MVSh MIGMT MIM Link MIEP MNEPU MIEPP at MNEPU MSI named after. Derzhavin MUM MUI NOU MIT MAP (international) MGIIT named after. Yu.A. Senkevich (formerly MATGR) MAEP MGAVMiB im. K.I. Scriabin (former MBA) MGAVT MGUPI MITHT MGAFK (MossportAkademiya) Moscow State Academy of Arts Moscow State Conservatory named after. Tchaikovsky MSUTU named after. K.G. Razumovsky (formerly MGTA, VZIPP) University named after O. E. Kutafin (MSAL) First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov (formerly MMA named after Sechenov) Mirbis RGAU-MSHA named after. Timiryazev MFYuA MAI MARI MBI MVVKU (formerly MVI, MVOKU named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR) MVIREKV MGIYU MGPU MGPPU MADI MGAU named after. Goryachkin MGAHI named after. Surikov MGVMI RGGRU (MGRI) named after. Ordzhonikidze MGGU MGIU MGADA (MGIDA, MFA) MGIMO (U) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia MGIM im. Schnittke MSTU MIREA NUST MISiS MIEM NRU HSE MIET MSLU (formerly Maurice Thorez Moscow State Pedagogical Institute) MGMSU named after. A. I. Evdokimov Moscow State Humanitarian University (formerly MGOPU) named after. M. A. Sholokhov Moscow State University named after. Chernomyrdin MGSU National Research University (MGSU-MISI) TI MGUDT (formerly MSTU named after Kosygin) MSTUGA MSTU named after. N.E. Bauman University of Mechanical Engineering (MAMI) MSTU Stankin MIIGAiK MGUDT MGUIE (formerly MIHM) MGUKI MGUL MGUP im. I. Fedorov (formerly MPI) MGUPP MGUPB MGUP (environmental management) MGUPS (MIIT) RGUTiS (formerly MGUS) MESI MGHPA im. Stroganov MGEI MHI im. Dashkova NRNU MEPhI MIBD MIBUA MIIA MGACHIS (VZISI) MIMSR MIMB at VAVT MEDT RF MIP MIPP MIGKU MIU (administration) MU named after. S.Yu. Witte (formerly MIEMP) MIEPP MKVI branch of St. Petersburg State University of Culture and Technology MNUI MOSA (formerly MOSU) MPGU (formerly Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after Lenin) MPU MPSU (formerly MPSI) MRIVSEO MTUSI MIT (transport) MosU Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation MU Turo MIPT (SU) SPbGUP ( MF) SPbIVESEP in Moscow MFEI MGTA (formerly MELI) MEFI NOU MEI NRU MEI (MEI TU) MAKhU in memory of 1905 Leningrad State University named after. Pushkin in Moscow NIB IPPiP Continent<Евро-Азия> PMUI ITT (Moscow branch) RAA named after. Plevako RAZHVZ RAMiA RAM im. Gnessins RAP (justice) RAP (entrepreneurship) GITIS RGATiZ RGUFKSMiT (GTSOLIFK) RMAPO RMAT (MF) RPA Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation RTA REU im. G. V. Plekhanov RGAZU RGGU RGAIS (formerly RGIIS) RNIMU (formerly RGMU) named after. N.I. Pirogov ROAT MIIT (formerly RGOTUPS, VZIIT) RGTEU RGUITP RGUNG im. Gubkin ITLP MSUTU (formerly RosZITLP) RosNOU RPI St. John the Theologian RUDN University named after. Mendeleev RIU USMU (formerly RUI) SDI SGA SFGA (NOU SGI) UNIK MAO (UNN - Natalia Nesterova) URAO Financial University (FA) under the Government of the Russian Federation Moscow Art Theater School NOU UA MITRO RGSU MGOU (regional) MIFKiS MABiU MIR Moscow State University MFPU Synergy (formerly MFPA, MMIEIFP) MEPI MGGEI (formerly MGSGI) MIYU MVSHM Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR (until 1992) IMDT RAHI MHPI ITiG RUK (formerly MUPK) MGUU Moscow Government MGIM IEAU MSEI INES NI VShU MIMEMO (formerly MIMEO) MIL VSHK MoSPI at MPGU PSTGU MIT "VTU" (formerly VTU UNESCO) NIEV AEB Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (formerly ANP FSNP RF) RIPTIB (IMC) Institute of Business and Design (formerly InOBO) Collège Universitaire Français de Moscou BHSHD IMSGS NES NID MGLI SEI MINRO UML at the MGK CPSU NIM BBI OITiR IGTM (formerly IAYA) MIRTSHB MosAP under the Government of Moscow VIA named after. Kuibysheva IPK IIM MNI SIYU ISOSO RAO MI 21 MAMARMEN IMLI im. Gorky MAOK IMEMO RAS VA BTV GPI PIU AUMP MPI FSB RF (formerly MVI FPS RF) ASOU MVShB SSE Russia USIS IEF Synergy MIAPP (IAPP) MVShSEN IIS ABiP MIUS NMU MIP (psychoanalysis) IUII MEI (economic) MGUI RShChP IAMT MOV UKI UIIT VIPKRK PAST IFTI St. Foma IRT IPIU ISOM SFI VASHGD IGUPIT ITEF EEI SGEI ISPE MAGMU IRDPO FPI PI RAO PIYU PIP ISE MAB IFEP OZ MIKB (formerly MAKB) MSGI IKT MVSE FI SIP IEUP MEGU IPE IKM EUP VAGS RF Armed Forces OVA RF Armed Forces ( former VA named after. Frunze) INiSB MARTIT IUP IUEPI VGS named after. Dubnova (formerly EUM) NISD VEGI IE RAS IZISP under the Government of the Russian Federation IO RAS MIAN IGiP RAS MIU (Islamic) SIYA ION (formerly ANO) IE RAS SRI SP RF MIOO (formerly MIPCRO) MUI Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation ISK RAS GASIZhKK MOYUI at PCPI Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation (formerly IEPP) VKSR IPU RAS MTI (theological) ITIRSHB ISPT APK and PPRO GNII RNS Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation MIPC MSTU named after. Bauman IRI RAS IUV NMHC im. Pirogova VSHII MBSH IPB of Russia CEPL RAS GII RAS IS RAS ISS RAS RISK (RISC) IMET RAS EAOI ISPI RAS ZNUI IEP IDNT IEK IIC VSHDSI at RATI (GITIS) MSDS TAEKH VIESKH INEOS RAS ILA RAS GIUV MO RF IPU Askeri RIK RAS MIEE FIRO IPMech RAS VNIIVSGE IKH RAO ITTI IOF RAS VSTISP IIP IPD MFPA VVI (formerly. VVF at MBA named after. Scriabin) FIAN im. Lebedev RZTI MIPC REU im. G. V. Plekhanov EPI IH named after. Vishnevsky RAMS SIUS VKIYA MERT IP RAS MUGU IOC RAS ​​MIPC RRiSKhP INP RAS CEMI RAS IEA RAS. N. N. Miklouho-Maclay Moscow Research Institute of Orthography named after. P. A. Herzen IIO RAO IPM im. M. V. Keldysh RAS IAP RAS AGPRF IBMP RAS IREI UCU IG RAS IPNG RAS ISJ IVI RAS IIST ITI im. P. M. Ershova IV RAS GETI (formerly ASER, Academy "Continent") MUITs SRI RAKh ICP RAS MIGIP IAM PGI "Co-action" INTUIT MGI IPI IBCh RAS MVU (Vienna) VTs RAS VNIIFK AIBEc ISIN VNSHT NIIOSP im. M. N. Gersevanova ISl RAS IP RAS EBS IPI RAS GOSNITI NOU ART INFO - Ruthenia GIA (GIA) IFES RAS IBG RAS IPEB MABT "Forex Club" INEUM im. I. S. Bruk AIS IPE RAS NISK ISV RAO (formerly Research Institute of OPV of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the USSR) MAN San Marino IMASH RAS named after. A. A. Blagonravova MPPI IPiKP ICSR SRI SPiPRL ICT AII VGKPI RBU ITPI IMM RAS MAFSI NIFHI IIAMS IATU APRIKT IKI RAS Kora Moscow IPKIR IPPK "Professional" TsNIITMASH INHS RAS PPDS NIKFI IESO ISP RAS MPDAiS IOGKh RAS IV P RAS ISMO RAO INM RAS IFR RAS IA RAS IPKON RAS RISI INION RAS ASMS RSC KI UMC ZhDT All-church graduate school named after. Cyril and Methodius Moscow School of Management Skolkovo MTS MIEEP IOGEN RAS INBI RAS VIAPI im. A. A. Nikonova State University IMEI RTI named after. A. L. Mints SOPS RAS MITP RAS VNIIGeosystem MASI IPTiK VINITI RAS RAPS (formerly IPK Ministry of Railways of Russia) IVF RAO IRE im. V.A. Kotelnikov RAS Scientific Research Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Roszdrav Scientific Research Institute of Advanced Production of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences TsNIIS IPKgovesluzhby IFBT VIGIS PAPO ISOUKIT VNIIDAD IPK DSZN ISP RAO GKNPTs im. M. V. Khrunicheva IT Academy IUPFAN Centro Gregorio Fernández ARMO IISU MGAAII S. Andriyaki IFHE RAS MISB MAA VNIINTPI ISO RAO IMAD Strelka IPG IIPPR IPPD RAO University of Working Correspondents named after. Ulyanova VNIIZhT ABiSP MKTA IEUSP BON IPK FMBA of Russia Samb ISA RAS VNIIMS SHAD TsNIIPSK im. Melnikov INO IRE RAS Research Institute of Virology RAMS IBCP RAS OTI EYUI SRI TSS GosNIigenetika IMB RAS IEGO IREA IGiSP IDM IESB MISAO NTsSSKh them. A. N. Bakuleva RAMS MIGTIK VNIIPVTI VDA IU (MskUniversity) RAKO APK YUI (MskUniversity) MOSGI MGIMT PU First of September Touro College - Lander Institute Moscow IUB AMIR NIIRPO IT (MskUniversity) IE (MskUniversity) IP (MskUniversity) MOYUI TsNIIchermet im. I.P. Bardin IPSU GEOKHI RAS 25 State Research Institute of Chemmotology RF Ministry of Defense VIEV MONIKI named after. M.F. Vladimirsky ITIP RAO ENTs Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation NAMI Academy GRU Research Institute of SP named after. Sklifosovsky IABiA MARSH INASAN GINFO IMEI (management, economics and innovation) MIKTIR MINEKBIK SLA IPPI RAS MBS TsNIIP urban planning RAASN ESMOD MOSCOU IMG RAS VFEU AVR (formerly. CI KGB) JIVT RAS MSECh Research Institute of Urology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation MNIIP CBS RPU VNIIGiM named after. A. N. Kostyakova INSTEP ICP CITO im. N. N. Priorova VNIIneft im. A.P. Krylova Higher School of Social Sciences Konstantin Raikin MMI "Reaviz" GNITSPM IGE RAS GNTsSSP im. V. P. Serbsky NIIOR im. V. A. Negovsky RAMS IAP RAS VKIYA MFA RF School-studio SHAR VNIIA Russian Agricultural Academy IVND RAS MIGp UCPiDPO RSL RNTSKH im. acad. B.V. Petrovsky RAMS ISEP RAS MBA School MEGI RNTsRR

International TOEFL Diploma (ETS) (2006). Moscow Institute of Statistics, Economics and Informatics, economic fact, specialty - economics (2012). Pedagogical experience – 1 year (teacher in Swedish, Gubkin University of Oil and Gas). Teaches - from 2012 to 2013, Swedish teacher at the language center.

  • Marina

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Work experience – since 2012a. CILS B2 Diploma (Siena, 2011). Work experience – since 2010a. I am a 2nd year student at the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at Moscow State Pedagogical University, specializing in Oriental Studies, and majoring in Japanese.

  • Daria

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Work experience – 6 years (since 2006). Language practice in Germany, Jena University. Friedrich Schiller, Faculty of German Studies (6 months, 2009). Moscow State Linguistic University, Faculty of Translation, specialty - translation and translation studies with the qualification "linguist, translator" with knowledge of two foreign languages ​​(Swedish, Spanish) (honorable diploma, 2009).

  • Alla

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Member of the Cambridge English Teacher Association of Swedish Language Teachers. Teaching experience - since 1995 (universities, Swedish language courses). Work experience – 2 years. Summer school in England. Language practice in the USA. Diploma of the laureate of the district student conference “My 21st Century” (2013).

  • Anna

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Moscow State Pedagogical University, Department of Swedish, 2nd year master's degree. Work experience – since 2011a. Graduate of the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, specialty - psychology, qualification - teacher in psychology, 2010.

  • Olga

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Tutor since 2007 Teaching experience – 2 years (2010-2011). Work experience - since 1997. Moscow State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Slavic and Western European Philology, specialty - Russian as a foreign language.

  • Eva

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Work experience – since 2006a. Work experience – since 2010a. She graduated from the linguistic lyceum at Moscow State Linguistic University with in-depth study of the Swedish language. In 2015, she graduated with a bachelor's degree from Moscow State Linguistic University, Faculty of Humanities and Applied Sciences, branch - theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures.

  • Iryna

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Freiburg University, Advanced English Summer Course and Economic Crisis Crush Course, Diploma (2012); Tutoring activity since 2006a. She taught at the Confucius Institute for 3 months (2012). Work experience – since 2010a.

  • Svetlana

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Tutoring activity since 2014a. Moscow City Psychological and Pedagogical University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, specialty - linguistics, bachelor's degree (2017).

  • Elena

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Diploma practice at Universitetet i Tromso (Norway, 2014). Graduate of the Moscow Pedagogical State University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, specialty “teacher in Swedish and Russian languages” (2017); I am studying for a master's degree in the specialty "translation and intercultural communications", 1 year of study.

  • Tamara

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Tutor since 2007 She worked as a translator at Novartis. Diploma from the Khabarovsk School of Translators (3rd year of study, 2010). Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky, Faculty of Foreign Languages, specialty - Swedish (1981).

  • Alena

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Internship at the Faculty of Philology of the University of Geneva (Switzerland, 5 months, 2011-2012). In 2012, she graduated from Pedagogical College No. 4, specializing in teaching in primary classes with the study of the Swedish language. Moscow State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, Industry – Teacher Education, profile – Swedish, 3rd year.

  • Olga

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Studied in the USA under the FLEX program (11 months). Tutoring – since 2007

  • Nensi

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Work experience – since 2010a. Graduated from the Moscow City Pedagogical University, qualification - teacher of Russian language and literature (1999). Balti State university named after Alecu Russo (Republic of Moldova), Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and Literatures, Specialty – Swedish Language and Literature and French (Bachelor, 2011); Slavic University of Moldova, Chisinau, specialty - Russian language and literature, Swedish language, incomplete higher education (2000-2002).

  • Galina

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Tutoring – more than 4 years. Shandong University Of Technology (China), Faculty of Swedish, specialty “Swedish language” (2016). Teacher of Swedish language and mathematics in schools in Cameroon, experience – 2 years. Participant in the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in Swedish (2009). In 2005, she graduated with honors from the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​from Mogilev State University. A.A. Kuleshova (Belarus), specialty - French and Swedish, qualification - teacher.

  • Marina

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Tutoring – more than 5 years. Completed the course “Swedish for bank employees” (2008). Tutoring activity – since 2014a. Russian-speaking native speaker of Swedish (Bolivia).

  • Cristina

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Taught Swedish for 3 months at a secondary school in Ghana (4 classes of students, 2009). NSC Diploma, level 6. Moscow State University, Faculty of Philology, Romano-Germanic department, direction - Swedish language and American studies (2010).

  • Alsu

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Work experience – since 1991. Tutor since 2010 Diplomas: TKT 3 modules (2009), CAE (2009), CPE (2010). Graduated from the Moscow Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication, specializing in translation and translation studies (2017).

  • Anna

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Tutoring activity – since 2005 Participation in the international exchange program Work and Travel USA, Swedish practice in the USA (2007-2008). Russian state Social University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, specialist - linguist-translator, 4th year.

  • Olga

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Worked as a translator at international theater festivals and conferences. VUMO RF, Faculty of Philology, qualification – philologist, linguist-translator with knowledge of French and Swedish, 2nd year.

  • Svietlana

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Tutoring activity - since 2000. Practice in Iran (1 month, 2009). Montana State University (USA), specialty - graphic design, master's degree (2015).

  • Margaret

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Since 2015, teacher at the language learning center. Tutoring activity - since 2008a. Tutoring experience - since 2003. Has been teaching privately since 2014. Graduated in 2010 from the Faculty of Linguistics and Translation of Moscow State Linguistic University with a degree in “Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages ​​and Cultures”, qualification – linguist, teacher in (Swedish and German languages).

  • Zhanna

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Teaching experience – Swedish teacher in secondary school(2016). She has been teaching as a tutor since 2013. DELE B2 diploma (2017). Russian-speaking native speaker of Swedish (France).

  • Nina

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Diplomas JLPT 4 (2015), JLPT 3 (2016). Tutor since 2016

  • Yulia

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Tutoring experience - since 2010 Tutoring experience – since 2012 Moscow State Linguistic University, Faculty of Swedish, branch - theory and methods of teaching foreign languages ​​and cultures, 3rd year student.

  • Anzhelika

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Teaching experience: Three-time winner of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren in the Russian language. Teaching experience - from 2012 to 2013, teaching in groups at the Swedish language courses "Unium". Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, philological department, specialty - modern Western European languages ​​and literature, Swedish and German languages ​​(2016).

  • Yaly

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Tutoring activity - since 2007 IELTS diploma – 8.0 (2009). MPGU, fact primary classes, primary school and Swedish teacher (2011); Faculty of professional retraining, Swedish language teacher (2014).

  • Niki

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    TOEFL, GMAT diplomas (2007). Master's degree at Universitat Wien (in Swedish). MPGU named after. IN AND. Lenin, professional retraining, specialist - teacher of the Swedish language (2014).

  • Veta

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Completed Swedish language courses at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation (2001). Teacher at MSLU since September 2009, Moscow Pedagogical State. University, Institute of Philology and Foreign Languages, profile – teacher of Swedish and French languages, 5th year.

  • Valentina

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    TEFL Diploma (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) (2012). In 2013, he received a bachelor’s degree in “chemistry, physics, mechanics of materials” at the Faculty of Materials Sciences, Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. In 2015, he graduated with honors from the Master's program in Materials Science at Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov, majoring in chemistry. Work experience – since 2015a.

  • Alina

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Tutoring experience since 2014. In 2017, she completed her master's degree at Moscow State Pedagogical University, majoring in the theory and practice of teaching foreign languages. In 2005, she graduated from Moscow State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Primary Schools, qualification – primary school teacher, Swedish language teacher.

  • Victoria

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    2016-2017 – Center for Foreign Languages. Work experience – since 2011a. DELF C2 diplomas (2012), Proficiency Michigan, level C2 (2008). Moscow City Pedagogical University, Faculty of Oriental Studies, specialist - linguist-teacher in (Chinese, Swedish languages) (honors degree, 2015).

  • Madam

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Tutoring activity - since 2011a. Internship at the University of Wurzburg (Germany) in the specialty “German Studies” (6 months, 2015). Graduated from Ryazan State University. university named after S.A. Yesenina, Faculty of Foreign Languages, specialist – teacher of Swedish and Chinese (2011).

  • Eli

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Conducting private lessons since 2015a. Tutoring activity since 2014a. Tutoring activity - since 1996. Teaching experience – 2 years: Prize-winner of the final stage of the All-Russian Olympiad among schoolchildren in the French language (2010), regional stage (2008-2010). Candidate of Philology.

  • Lyudmila

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Tutoring experience - since 2010 professional retraining “Methods of teaching a foreign language”, Central Institute for Advanced Studies and Professional Retraining, 1 year of study; State State Examination and Unified State Exam expert (2011). The specialty “linguist, Swedish language” was obtained at the Faculty of Linguistics and Intercultural Communication of Moscow State Pedagogical University in 2004.

  • Ansia

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Tutoring activity - since 2013a. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Philology, specialty “Russian language”, 3rd year. I started tutoring in 2010. I am a 3rd year student at the Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences of Moscow State Linguistic University, specializing in sociology-translation (Swedish/French).

  • Gaiina

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Winner of the Swedish language Olympiad Striving for Excellence (2012). From 2002 to the present – ​​teacher of language courses. Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Geography, Department of Oceanology (2012).

  • Lila

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Teacher's activity: 2003-2006. - RSU named after. S.A. Yesenina, Department of Foreign Languages; Internship at ABBYY as part of a crowdsourcing project (2014). Teacher at school since 2011 Smolensk State Pedagogical University, Faculty of Foreign Languages, specialist - Swedish language teacher (2004).

  • Kira

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Tutoring experience – 2 years. Tutor since 2000 Moscow Pedagogical State. University, Institute of Philology and Foreign Languages, pedagogical education, training profiles - Swedish, French languages, 4th year.

  • Halina

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    Has been involved in tutoring since 2013. He is studying in the direction of “theory and methodology of foreign languages ​​and cultures” at the Swedish language department of the Moscow State Linguistic University, 2nd year. University of Trento (Italy), Bachelor of Philosophy (2016); National Research University Higher School of Economics, profile - management in the field of science, technology and innovation, 1st year master's degree. Russian-speaking native Swedish speaker (Ecuador).

  • Diana

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    CNAVT Diploma (Dutch) (2011). MSLU, Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences, direction - public relations (Swedish and Spanish, 2015).

  • Evgeniia

    Swedish tutor via Skype and at home near the Ⓜ Tereshkovo metro station in Moscow.
    International (Cambridge) diplomas: FCE, TKT (2010). Moscow State Linguistic University named after. M.V. Lomonosov, Faculty of Philology, Bachelor's degree in theoretical and applied linguistics, 2016.

    • "Higher Score": fast and high-quality search for a Swedish language tutor in Moscow How to learn Swedish quickly and easily?

      Swedish belongs to the Scandinavian language group. Swedish is spoken in Sweden, Finland and the Åland Islands. Scandinavian languages ​​are quite complex, Swedish is no exception. Therefore, if you want to learn the language quickly and easily, you need a Swedish tutor.

      If you go to Sweden, it will seem like everyone around you is singing. The fact is that the language has dynamic and tonic stress, so the speaker’s tone constantly falls and rises. Pronunciation plays a very important role here, so find a good tutor. Take a couple of Swedish lessons and you will see for yourself how unique it is.

      The Swedes are very sensitive to their language. If you pronounce words incorrectly, it can alienate your interlocutor. Therefore, when learning Swedish Special attention pay attention to your speech. Find a tutor who can help you deliver your speech. Learn to read and write correctly. If you learn to speak correctly, it will be easier for you to get a job or enter a university.

      Don't forget that learning Swedish from scratch is quite difficult. Refrain from attending courses or tutorials. Hire a professional to help you master the basics of the language. This rule applies to all foreign languages, no matter how easy they may seem. Do you want to learn English? Hire a tutor by English language. Are you interested in Kazakh? Use the services of a Kazakh language tutor.

      How to find a Swedish language tutor in Moscow?

      Need a Swedish language tutor? Do you live in Moscow? Then contact our tutor selection service. Leave a request on the website or call us. Our employees will analyze your request and select the best teacher for you. The “Higher Score” service is completely free, you only pay for the tutor’s services.

      Check out the list of available items. Perhaps you have long wanted to find a Russian language teacher or learn the basics of programming in C++. Now you have the opportunity to make all this a reality. Do you want to find a Swedish language tutor yourself? Then fill out the search form and you will see a list of teachers in your city.
